void BookmarksMenu::postPopulated() { if (isEmpty()) return; QModelIndex parent = rootIndex(); bool hasBookmarks = false; for (int i = 0; i < parent.model()->rowCount(parent); ++i) { QModelIndex child = parent.model()->index(i, 0, parent); if (child.data(BookmarksModel::TypeRole) == BookmarkNode::Bookmark) { hasBookmarks = true; break; } } if (!hasBookmarks) return; addSeparator(); QAction *action = addAction(tr("Open in Tabs")); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openAll())); }
void HistoryPanel::contextMenuGroup(const QPoint &pos) { KMenu menu; KAction* action; action = new KAction(KIcon("tab-new"), i18n("Open Folder in Tabs"), this); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openAll())); menu.addAction(action); menu.exec(panelTreeView()->mapToGlobal(pos)); }
//====================================== fitPrePost() { gStyle->SetStatW(0.22); gStyle->SetStatH(0.22); // f=new TFile("iter4-pp/sect05/sum-sect5.hist.root"); TH1F *h1=new TH1F("mpv","MPV MIP gated; MPV of ADC-ped",35,-5,65); TH1F *h2=new TH1F("mpvE","relative error of MPV , MIP gated; err(MPV)/MPV ",50,0,0.5); TH1F *h3=new TH1F("mpvS","relative width of L-peak, MIP gated; sigma/MPV",25,0.,1.); TH2F *h4=new TH2F("mpv2","MPV from ; gated w/ MIP ; inclusive spectrum;",25,0,50,25,0,25); //===sww===Set layer to analyze in next line char cT='R'; openAll(cT); const float feta[]= {1.95,1.855,1.765,1.675,1.59,1.51,1.435,1.365,1.3,1.235,1.17,1.115}; int sec=5; char core[100]; int eta; char sub='C'; //===sww===Set eta range and sector range in next two "for" statements for(eta=1; eta<=12; eta++) { int nErr=0, nOK=0; float mpvL=999, mpvH=0; h1->Reset(); h2->Reset(); h3->Reset(); h4->Reset(); fprintf(wfd," <tr> <th> %d <td> \n",eta); gStyle->SetOptStat(1001111); for(sec=1; sec<=12; sec++) { TFile *f=fdA[sec-1]; for(sub='A'; sub<='E'; sub++) { sprintf(core,"%02d%c%c%02d",sec,cT,sub,eta); TString coreT=core; ha=(TH1F*)f->Get("a"+coreT); hd=(TH1F*)f->Get("d"+coreT); c=new TCanvas("aa","aa",400,400); plotOne(ha,hd); //return; c->Print(coreT+".ps"); TString errS=QaOne(ha,hd,cT); printf("errS=%s=%d\n",errS.Data(),errS.Sizeof()); bool isBad=errS.Sizeof()>1; if(isBad) { // report error channel fprintf(wfd," %s ,\n",(coreT+"-"+errS).Data()); nErr++; // continue; } if(errS.Contains("mask")) continue; nOK++; // return; // // c->Print(coreT+".gif"); float mpv=par[4]; float mpvEr=epar[4]; if(mpvL>mpv) mpvL=mpv; if(mpvH<mpv) mpvH=mpv; int ieta=eta-1; float fac=TMath::TanH(feta[ieta])/0.0009; // assumed 0.9 MeV per plastic float err=sqrt(mpvEr*mpvEr+1); float gain=mpv*fac; float sig=err*fac; fprintf(gfd,"%s %.0f %.0f %.1f %.1f \n",core,gain,sig,mpv,mpvEr); h1->Fill(mpv); if(mpv>0) { h2->Fill(mpvEr/mpv); h3->Fill(par[5]/mpv); } // h4->Fill(mpv,mpvInc); } // end of eta bin }// end of sector loop fprintf(wfd," <td> %d <td> %d\n",nOK,nErr); char txt[100],sumN[100], pdfN[100]; sprintf(pdfN,"%cfitEta%02d.pdf",cT,eta); sprintf(txt,"cat *%02d.ps | ps2pdf - %s",eta,pdfN); printf("%s\n",txt); system(txt); sprintf(txt,"mv %s /star/u/wissink/cal2006/tmp/",pdfN); printf("%s\n",txt); system(txt); fprintf(wfd," <td> <a href=\"%s\"> PDF </a>\n",pdfN); fprintf(wfd," <td> %.1f to %.1f \n",mpvL,mpvH); gStyle->SetOptStat(1111111); sprintf(sumN,"mpv%c-eta%02d",cT,eta); c=new TCanvas(sumN,sumN,600,600); c->Divide(1,3); c->cd(1); h1->Draw(); c->cd(2); h2->Draw(); c->cd(3); h3->Draw(); // c->cd(4); h4->Draw("box"); c->Print(); sprintf(txt,"ps2pdf %s.ps %s.pdf",sumN,sumN); printf("%s\n",txt); system(txt); sprintf(txt,"mv %s.pdf /star/u/wissink/cal2006/tmp/",sumN); printf("%s\n",txt); system(txt); fprintf(wfd," <td> <a href=\"%s.pdf\"> PDF </a>\n",sumN); }// end of loop over eta bins if(wfd!=stdout)fclose(wfd); fclose(gfd); }
//====================================== fitTower() { gStyle->SetStatW(0.22); gStyle->SetStatH(0.22); // f=new TFile("/star/data05/scratch/balewski/2005-eemcCal/day49-hist/iter2-out/sum-sect5.hist.root"); TH1F *h1=new TH1F("mpv","MPV gated w/ MIP ; MPV of ADC-ped",40,-5,35); TH1F *h2=new TH1F("mpvE","relative error of MPV , MIP gated; err(MPV)/MPV ",50,0,0.3); // stupid root tricks: hDum=new TH1F("aa","bb",10,1,9); hDum->Fill(5); char cT='T'; openAll(cT); int sec=5; char core[100]; int eta; char sub='C'; for(eta=1;eta<=12;eta++) { int nErr=0, nOK=0; float mpvL=999, mpvH=0; h1->Reset(); h2->Reset(); fprintf(wfd," <tr> <th> %d <td> \n",eta); gStyle->SetOptStat(1001111); for(sec=1; sec<=12;sec++) { TFile *f=fdA[sec-1]; for(sub='A';sub<='E';sub++) { sprintf(core,"%02d%c%c%02d",sec,cT,sub,eta); TString coreT=core; ha=(TH1F*)f->Get("a"+coreT); hd=(TH1F*)f->Get("d"+coreT); // special case of stuck low bits - sww - modified to include 06TA07 if( (eta==7 && sub=='B' && (sec==4 || sec==8)) || (eta==7 && sub=='A' && sec==6)) { ha->Rebin(4); hd->Rebin(4); printf("tower=%s rebinned\n",core); } c=new TCanvas("aa","aa",400,400); c->Divide(1,2); c->cd(1); hDum->Draw(); gPad->SetLogy(); float mpv, mpvEr; TString errS=plotOne(ha,hd, mpv, mpvEr); printf("errS=%s=\n",errS.Data()); bool isBad=errS.Sizeof()>1; if(isBad) { // report error channel fprintf(wfd," %s ,\n",(coreT+"-"+errS).Data()); nErr++; } if(errS.Contains("mask")) continue; nOK++; //return; if(mpvL>mpv) mpvL=mpv; if(mpvH<mpv) mpvH=mpv; h1->Fill(mpv); if(mpv>0) { h2->Fill(mpvEr/mpv); } } // end of eta bin }// end of sector loop fprintf(wfd," <td> %d <td> %d\n",nOK,nErr); char txt[100],sumN[100], pdfN[100]; sprintf(pdfN,"%cfitEta%02d.pdf",cT,eta); sprintf(txt,"cat *%02d.ps | ps2pdf - %s",eta,pdfN); printf("%s\n",txt); system(txt); sprintf(txt,"mv %s /star/u/wissink/cal2006/tmp/",pdfN); printf("%s\n",txt); system(txt); fprintf(wfd," <td> <a href=\"%s\"> PDF </a>\n",pdfN); fprintf(wfd," <td> %.1f to %.1f \n",mpvL,mpvH); gStyle->SetOptStat(1111111); sprintf(sumN,"mpv%c-eta%02d",cT,eta); c=new TCanvas(sumN,sumN,600,600); c->Divide(1,3); c->cd(1); h1->Draw(); c->cd(2); h2->Draw(); c->Print(); sprintf(txt,"ps2pdf %s.ps %s.pdf",sumN,sumN); printf("%s\n",txt); system(txt); sprintf(txt,"mv %s.pdf /star/u/wissink/cal2006/tmp/",sumN); printf("%s\n",txt); system(txt); fprintf(wfd," <td> <a href=\"%s.pdf\"> PDF </a>\n",sumN); fflush(wfd); }// end of loop over eta bins if(wfd!=stdout)fclose(wfd); fclose(gfd); return; }
int zppZipArchive::openAll(char *_path) { return openAll(std::string(_path)); }