예제 #1
TEST_F(SoundSourceProxyTest, open) {
    // This test piggy-backs off of the cover-test files.
    for (const auto& filePath: getFilePaths()) {

        Mixxx::AudioSourcePointer pAudioSource(openAudioSource(filePath));
        EXPECT_LT(0, pAudioSource->getChannelCount());
        EXPECT_LT(0, pAudioSource->getSamplingRate());
        EXPECT_LT(0, pAudioSource->getFrameCount());
예제 #2
TEST_F(SoundSourceProxyTest, open) {
    // This test piggy-backs off of the cover-test files.
    for (const auto& filePath: getFilePaths()) {

        Mixxx::AudioSourcePointer pAudioSource(openAudioSource(filePath));
        // Obtaining an AudioSource may fail for unsupported file formats,
        // even if the corresponding file extension is supported, e.g.
        // AAC vs. ALAC in .m4a files
        if (pAudioSource.isNull()) {
            // skip test file
        EXPECT_LT(0, pAudioSource->getChannelCount());
        EXPECT_LT(0, pAudioSource->getSamplingRate());
        EXPECT_LT(0, pAudioSource->getFrameCount());
예제 #3
TEST_F(SoundSourceProxyTest, seekForward) {
    const SINT kReadFrameCount = 10000;

    // According to API documentation of op_pcm_seek():
    // "...decoding after seeking may not return exactly the same
    // values as would be obtained by decoding the stream straight
    // through. However, such differences are expected to be smaller
    // than the loss introduced by Opus's lossy compression."
    // NOTE(uklotzde): The current version 0.6 of opusfile doesn't
    // seem to support sample accurate seeking. The differences
    // between the samples decoded with continuous reading and
    // those samples decoded after seeking are quite noticeable!
    const CSAMPLE kOpusSeekDecodingError = 0.2f;

    for (const auto& filePath: getFilePaths()) {

        qDebug() << "Seek forward test:" << filePath;

        Mixxx::AudioSourcePointer pContReadSource(openAudioSource(filePath));
        const SINT readSampleCount = pContReadSource->frames2samples(kReadFrameCount);
        SampleBuffer contReadData(readSampleCount);
        SampleBuffer seekReadData(readSampleCount);

#ifdef __FFMPEGFILE__
        if (dynamic_cast<Mixxx::SoundSourceFFmpeg*>(pContReadSource.data())) {
            if (filePath.endsWith(".mp3")) {
                qDebug() << "Skip test since it will fail using SoundSourceFFmpeg";

        for (SINT contFrameIndex = 0;
                contFrameIndex += kReadFrameCount) {

            // Read next chunk of frames for Cont source without seek
            const SINT contReadFrameCount =
                    pContReadSource->readSampleFrames(kReadFrameCount, &contReadData[0]);

            Mixxx::AudioSourcePointer pSeekReadSource(openAudioSource(filePath));
            ASSERT_EQ(pContReadSource->getChannelCount(), pSeekReadSource->getChannelCount());
            ASSERT_EQ(pContReadSource->getFrameCount(), pSeekReadSource->getFrameCount());

            // Seek source to next chunk and read it
            const SINT seekFrameIndex =
            ASSERT_EQ(contFrameIndex, seekFrameIndex);
            const SINT seekReadFrameCount =
                    pSeekReadSource->readSampleFrames(kReadFrameCount, &seekReadData[0]);

            // content of both buffers should be equal
            ASSERT_EQ(contReadFrameCount, seekReadFrameCount);
            const SINT readSampleCount =
            for (SINT readSampleOffset = 0;
                    readSampleOffset < readSampleCount;
                    ++readSampleOffset) {
                if (filePath.endsWith(".opus")) {
                    EXPECT_NEAR(contReadData[readSampleOffset], seekReadData[readSampleOffset], kOpusSeekDecodingError)
                            << "Mismatch in " << filePath.toStdString()
                            << " at seek frame index " << seekFrameIndex
                            << "/" << pContReadSource->getMaxFrameIndex()
                            << " for read sample offset " << readSampleOffset;
                } else {
                    // NOTE(uklotzde): The comparison EXPECT_EQ might be
                    // replaced with EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ to guarantee almost
                    // accurate seeking. Currently EXPECT_EQ works for all
                    // tested file formats except Opus.
                    EXPECT_EQ(contReadData[readSampleOffset], seekReadData[readSampleOffset])
                            << "Mismatch in " << filePath.toStdString()
                            << " at seek frame index " << seekFrameIndex
                            << "/" << pContReadSource->getMaxFrameIndex()
                            << " for read sample offset " << readSampleOffset;