예제 #1
bool reservoirHandler::nodeTrainSD()
    sCurrentNode = "nodeTrainSD";
    sCurrentGrammarFile = nameGrammarNodeTrainSD;
    ostringstream osError;			// Error message
    osError << "Error in reservoirHandler | "<< sCurrentNode << " :: ";
    cout << endl << "In " << sCurrentNode << endl << endl;

    Bottle bOutput;

    bool fGetaReply = false;
    Bottle bSpeechRecognized, //recceived FROM speech recog with transfer information (1/0 (bAnswer) ACK/NACK)
            bMessenger, //to be send TO speech recog
            bAnswer, //response from speech recog without transfer information, including raw sentence
            bSemantic, // semantic information of the content of the recognition
            bSendReasoning,	// send the information of recall to the abmReasoning
            bSpeak,	// bottle for tts


    //to be replace by Say

    while (!fGetaReply)

        cout << "Reply from Speech Recog : " << bSpeechRecognized.toString() << endl;

        if (bSpeechRecognized.toString() == "NACK" || bSpeechRecognized.size() != 3)
            osError << "Check " << sCurrentGrammarFile;
            cout << osError.str() << endl;
            return false;

        if (bSpeechRecognized.get(0).toString() == "0")
            osError << "Grammar not recognized";
            cout << osError.str() << endl;
            return false;

        bAnswer = *bSpeechRecognized.get(1).asList();

        if (bAnswer.toString() != "" && !bAnswer.isNull())
            fGetaReply = true;

    bSemantic = *bAnswer.get(1).asList()->get(1).asList();
    string sQuestionKind = bAnswer.get(1).asList()->get(0).toString();

    if(sCurrentType == "train")
            // Do you know any ...
            if (sQuestionKind == "sentence")
                cout << "Human :  'Let me see, I have finished...'" << endl;
                cout << "iCub says : 'What is the corresponding sentence      '" << bAnswer.get(0).asString() << "    " << bAnswer.toString() << endl ;
                 * bAnswer.get(0).asString() => the circle is to the left of of the cross
                 * bAnswer.toString() =>
                 * "the circle is to the left of of the cross" (sentence (sentence1 ((object "the circle") (relative_complete ((spatial_relative ((relative to) (spatial "the left"))) (object "the cross"))))))
                cout << "iCub says : 'I have recognized      '" << bAnswer.get(0).asString() << endl ;
                cout << "iCub says : 'Is it ok ? ... 'continue or exit" << endl;
                string sSentence = bAnswer.get(0).asString();

              else if (sQuestionKind == "follow")
                  string continueExit = bSemantic.check("mode", Value("none")).asString();

                  if (continueExit == "continue the interaction")
                    cout << "lMeaningsSentences " <<  endl;
                    lMeaningsSentences.push_back(sSentence+ sSentence_type);

                  else if (continueExit == "exit")


    else if (sCurrentType == "test")
        iCub->say("Ok, Set your initial situation, and show me your object of focus !", false);

        while (!nodeYesNo())

        std::list<Entity*> PresentObjects = iCub->opc->EntitiesCache();
        std::vector<RTObject> PresentRtoBefore;

        for(std::list<Entity*>::iterator itE = PresentObjects.begin() ; itE != PresentObjects.end(); itE++)
         if ((*itE)->isType(EFAA_OPC_ENTITY_RTOBJECT))
          RTObject rto;
          if (rto.m_present)PresentRtoBefore.push_back(rto) ;

        if (PresentObjects.size() < 2 && PresentObjects.size() > 3)
         iCub->say("Dude, I was expecting 2 or 3 objects... Star again !",false);
         return nodeTrainSD();

        //get the focus object

        double maxSalience = 0;
        string sObjectFocus = "none";
        for (std::vector<RTObject>::iterator itRTO = PresentRtoBefore.begin() ; itRTO != PresentRtoBefore.end() ; itRTO++)
            if (itRTO->m_saliency > maxSalience)
                maxSalience = itRTO->m_saliency;
                sObjectFocus = itRTO->name();

        if (maxSalience == 0.)
            iCub->say("I think I didn't get your focus object dude...",false);
            return nodeTrainSD();

        string sSentence = "Ok, so you decided to focus on " + sObjectFocus;

        if (PresentRtoBefore.size()==2)

            double deltaX = 0.0;
            double deltaY = 0.0;
            int iFactor;
            (PresentRtoBefore[0].name() == sObjectFocus) ? iFactor = 1 : iFactor = -1;
            deltaX = iFactor*(PresentRtoBefore[1].m_ego_position[0] - PresentRtoBefore[0].m_ego_position[0]);
            deltaY = iFactor*(PresentRtoBefore[1].m_ego_position[1] - PresentRtoBefore[0].m_ego_position[1]);

            string sLocation;
            (deltaY>0)? sLocation = "right" : sLocation = "left";
            string sRelative;
            (iFactor==1)? sRelative = (PresentRtoBefore[1].name()) : sRelative =(PresentRtoBefore[0].name());

            cout << "I understood :" << endl << sObjectFocus << "\t" << sLocation << "\t" << sRelative << endl ;

            //TODO send to xavier get response
        else    // case of 3 objects
            RTObject rtFocus,
            bool bFirstRelative = true;
            for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
                if (PresentRtoBefore[i].name() != sObjectFocus )
                    bFirstRelative? rtRelative1 = PresentRtoBefore[i] : rtRelative2 =PresentRtoBefore[i];
                    bFirstRelative = false;
                    rtFocus = PresentRtoBefore[i];

            iCub->say("Thinking of the situation",false);
            double deltaX1 ; // difference btw focus and relative1
            double deltaX2 ; // difference btw focus and relative2

            deltaX1 = rtRelative1.m_ego_position[1] - rtFocus.m_ego_position[1];
            deltaX2 = rtRelative2.m_ego_position[1] - rtFocus.m_ego_position[1];

            string sLocation1;
            string sLocation2;

            string sRelative1 = rtRelative1.name();
            string sRelative2 = rtRelative2.name();

            (deltaX1>0)? sLocation1 = "right" : sLocation1 = "left";
            (deltaX2>0)? sLocation2 = "right" : sLocation2 = "left";

            cout << "I understood : " << sLocation1 << "\t" << sObjectFocus << "\t" << sRelative1 << endl;
            cout << "and          : " << sLocation2 << "\t" << sObjectFocus << "\t" << sRelative2 << endl;
            if (sSentence_type.size()==0)
              sSentence_type = " :C";
            sdataTestSD = sLocation1 + " " + sObjectFocus + " " + sRelative1 + ", " + sLocation2 + " " + sObjectFocus + " " + sRelative2 + sSentence_type;

            // TO SEND TO XAVIER
            copyPastFile(fileXavierTrain.c_str(), fileSRinputM.c_str());
            cout << fileXavierTrain << endl;
            cout << fileSRinputM << endl;
            createTestwithTrainData(fileSRinputM.c_str(), sdataTestSD);

            callReservoir(pythonPath + fileSD);
            string result = openResult(fileSRoutputS.c_str());
            cout << "iCub says : 'I have understood  '" << result << endl ;

        return nodeType();

    if (bAnswer.get(0).asString() == "return the interaction")

    return true;
예제 #2
bool LRH::spatialRelation(string sObjectFocus)
    std::list<Entity*> PresentObjects = iCub->opc->EntitiesCache();
    std::vector<Object> PresentRtoBefore;

    yDebug() << "before loop into present object";
    for (std::list<Entity*>::iterator itE = PresentObjects.begin(); itE != PresentObjects.end(); itE++)
        if ((*itE)->isType(EFAA_OPC_ENTITY_OBJECT))
            Object rto;
            if (rto.m_present)PresentRtoBefore.push_back(rto);

    yDebug() << "check if at least 2 obj present";
    if (PresentObjects.size() < 2)
        iCub->say("Dude, I was expecting more than 3 objects... ");
        return false;

    //get the focus object
    //string sObjectFocus = "circle";
    //double maxSalience = 0.0;
    //string sObjectFocus = "none";
    if (sobjectFocusChanged.empty())
        double maxSalience = 0.4;
        yDebug() << "obj focus is empty";
        for (std::vector<Object>::iterator itRTO = PresentRtoBefore.begin(); itRTO != PresentRtoBefore.end(); itRTO++)
            yDebug() << "loop in present RTO";
            if (itRTO->m_saliency > maxSalience)
                yDebug() << "new max sliency";
                maxSalience = itRTO->m_saliency;
                sObjectFocus = itRTO->name();

        if (maxSalience == 0.)
            return false;
        sObjectFocus = sobjectFocusChanged;

    cout << "In spatialRelation" << endl;

    if (PresentRtoBefore.size() == 2)

        yDebug() << "== than 2 obj present";
        double deltaX = 0.0;
        double deltaY = 0.0;
        int iFactor;
        (PresentRtoBefore[0].name() == sObjectFocus) ? iFactor = 1 : iFactor = -1;
        yDebug() << "weird if done";
        deltaX = iFactor*(PresentRtoBefore[1].m_ego_position[0] - PresentRtoBefore[0].m_ego_position[0]);
        deltaY = iFactor*(PresentRtoBefore[1].m_ego_position[1] - PresentRtoBefore[0].m_ego_position[1]);

        string sLocation;
        (deltaY > 0) ? sLocation = "right" : sLocation = "left";
        yDebug() << "second weird if done";
        string sRelative;
        (iFactor == 1) ? sRelative = (PresentRtoBefore[1].name()) : sRelative = (PresentRtoBefore[0].name());
        cout << "I understood :" << endl << sObjectFocus << "\t" << sLocation << "\t" << sRelative << endl;
        sdataTestSD = sLocation + " " + sObjectFocus + " " + sRelative;


    else    // case of 3 objects
        Object rtFocus,
        bool bFirstRelative = true;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            yDebug() << "in loop because  more than 3 obj";
            if (PresentRtoBefore[i].name() != sObjectFocus)
                yDebug() << "if 1";
                bFirstRelative ? rtRelative1 = PresentRtoBefore[i] : rtRelative2 = PresentRtoBefore[i];
                bFirstRelative = false;
                yDebug() << "else 1";
                rtFocus = PresentRtoBefore[i];

        double deltaX1; // difference btw focus and relative1
        double deltaX2; // difference btw focus and relative2

        deltaX1 = rtRelative1.m_ego_position[1] - rtFocus.m_ego_position[1];
        deltaX2 = rtRelative2.m_ego_position[1] - rtFocus.m_ego_position[1];

        string sLocation1;
        string sLocation2;

        string sRelative1 = rtRelative1.name();
        string sRelative2 = rtRelative2.name();

        (deltaX1 > 0) ? sLocation1 = "right" : sLocation1 = "left";
        (deltaX2 > 0) ? sLocation2 = "right" : sLocation2 = "left";

        cout << "I understood : " << sLocation1 << "\t" << sObjectFocus << "\t" << sRelative1 << endl;
        cout << "and          : " << sLocation2 << "\t" << sObjectFocus << "\t" << sRelative2 << endl;

        string sfocusHierarchy = "<o> [A-P-O-_-_-_-_-_-_][A-_-_-P-O-_-_-_-_] <o>";
        sdataTestSD = sLocation1 + " " + sObjectFocus + " " + sRelative1 + "," + sLocation2 + " " + sObjectFocus + " " + sRelative2 + " " + sfocusHierarchy;

        // spatial location
        cout << "sdataTestSD : " << sdataTestSD << endl;
        string result = openResult(sfileResult.c_str());
        iCub->say("I have discoverd a new object " + sObjectFocus);
        iCub->say("And now I can say you that");

        // distance
        //the objectFocus is closer/further the object1 than the object2
        string sproximity;
        (deltaX1 > deltaX2) ? sproximity = "closer" : sproximity = "further";
        sfocusHierarchy = "<o> [A-P-O-R-_-_-_-_-_][_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_] <o>";
        sdataTestSD = sproximity + " " + sObjectFocus + " " + sRelative1 + " " + sRelative2 + " " + sfocusHierarchy;
        cout << "sdataTestSD : " << sdataTestSD << endl;
        result = openResult(sfileResult.c_str());
        iCub->say("I learned also that");
    return true;
예제 #3
bool reservoirHandler::nodeTestAP()
    sCurrentNode = "nodeTestAP";
    sCurrentGrammarFile = nameGrammarNodeTestAP;
    ostringstream osError;			// Error message
    osError << "Error in reservoirHandler | "<< sCurrentNode << " :: ";

    Bottle bOutput;

    bool fGetaReply = false;
    Bottle bSpeechRecognized, //recceived FROM speech recog with transfer information (1/0 (bAnswer) ACK/NACK)
            bMessenger, //to be send TO speech recog
            bAnswer, //response from speech recog without transfer information, including raw sentence
            bSemantic, // semantic information of the content of the recognition
            bSendReasoning,	// send the information of recall to the abmReasoning
            bSpeak,	// bottle for tts


    //to be replace by Say

    while (!fGetaReply)

        cout << "Reply from Speech Recog : " << bSpeechRecognized.toString() << endl;

        if (bSpeechRecognized.toString() == "NACK" || bSpeechRecognized.size() != 3)
            osError << "Check " << sCurrentGrammarFile;
            cout << osError.str() << endl;
            return false;

        if (bSpeechRecognized.get(0).toString() == "0")
            osError << "Grammar not recognized";
            cout << osError.str() << endl;
            return false;

        bAnswer = *bSpeechRecognized.get(1).asList();

        if (bAnswer.toString() != "" && !bAnswer.isNull())
            fGetaReply = true;

    if (bAnswer.get(0).asString() == "stop the interaction")
        iCurrentInstance = -1;
        osError << " | STOP called";
        cout << osError.str() << endl;
        return false;

    bSemantic = *bAnswer.get(1).asList()->get(1).asList();
    string sQuestionKind = bAnswer.get(1).asList()->get(0).toString();
    cout << "I'm here ...................." << endl;
    iCub->say("Say a sentence",false);
    // Do you know any ...
    if (sQuestionKind == "sentence")
         * bAnswer.get(0).asString() => the circle is to the left of of the cross
         * bAnswer.toString() =>
         * "the circle is to the left of of the cross" (sentence (sentence1 ((object "the circle") (relative_complete ((spatial_relative ((relative to) (spatial "the left"))) (object "the cross"))))))

        cout << "iCub says : 'I have understood      '" << bAnswer.get(0).asString() << endl ;
        iCub->say("I have understood ....", false);
        sentence += bAnswer.get(0).asString() + " ";
        iCub->say(bAnswer.get(0).asString(), false);
        iCub->say("Is it ok ?", false);
        cout << "iCub says : 'Is it ok ? ... 'No or Yes" << endl;
        return nodeTestAP();

    else if (sQuestionKind == "yesno")
      string yesNo = bSemantic.check("agree", Value("none")).asString();

      if (yesNo == "yes")
          copyPastFile(fileXavierTrainAP.c_str(), fileAPimputS.c_str());
          cout << fileXavierTrainAP << endl;
          cout << fileAPimputS << endl;
          createTestwithTrainData(fileAPimputS.c_str(), sentence);

          string result = openResult(fileAPoutputM.c_str());
          cout << result << endl;

          int id = result.find(",");
          int idf = result.size()-id;

          cout << id << endl;
          if (id != 0)
              cout << result.substr(0, id) << endl;
              cout << result.substr(id +1,idf) << endl;
              string firstCommand = result.substr(0, id);
              string secondCommand = result.substr(id +1,idf);
              iCub->say("I will do the actions", false);
              return nodeTestAP();
              iCub->say("I will do the actions", false);
              sentence = " ";
              return nodeTestAP();

          cout <<  "iCub do the action..." << endl;


      else if(yesNo == "no")
          sentence = " ";


      else if (sQuestionKind == "follow")
          string continueExit = bSemantic.check("mode", Value("none")).asString();

          if (continueExit == "continue the interaction")
            cout << "Humain say a command ...." << endl;
            sentence = " ";
            return nodeTestAP();

          else if (continueExit == "exit")
            return nodeType();

    return true;