int tun_open_or_die(char *name, int type) { int fd, ret; short flags; struct ifreq ifr; if (!name) panic("No name provided for tundev!\n"); fd = open_or_die("/dev/net/tun", O_RDWR); memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr)); ifr.ifr_flags = type; strlcpy(ifr.ifr_name, name, IFNAMSIZ); ret = ioctl(fd, TUNSETIFF, &ifr); if (ret < 0) panic("ioctl screwed up! %s.\n", strerror(errno)); ret = fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(fd, F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK); if (ret < 0) panic("fctnl screwed up! %s.\n", strerror(errno)); flags = device_get_flags(name); flags |= IFF_UP | IFF_RUNNING; device_set_flags(name, flags); return fd; }
static int get_tun_device(char tapif[IFNAMSIZ]) { struct ifreq ifr; int netfd; /* Start with this zeroed. Messy but sure. */ memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr)); /* * We open the /dev/net/tun device and tell it we want a tap device. A * tap device is like a tun device, only somehow different. To tell * the truth, I completely blundered my way through this code, but it * works now! */ netfd = open_or_die("/dev/net/tun", O_RDWR); ifr.ifr_flags = IFF_TAP | IFF_NO_PI | IFF_VNET_HDR; strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, "tap%d"); if (ioctl(netfd, TUNSETIFF, &ifr) != 0) err(1, "configuring /dev/net/tun"); if (ioctl(netfd, TUNSETOFFLOAD, TUN_F_CSUM|TUN_F_TSO4|TUN_F_TSO6|TUN_F_TSO_ECN) != 0) err(1, "Could not set features for tun device"); /* * We don't need checksums calculated for packets coming in this * device: trust us! */ ioctl(netfd, TUNSETNOCSUM, 1); memcpy(tapif, ifr.ifr_name, IFNAMSIZ); return netfd; }
int username_msg(char *username, size_t len, char *dst, size_t dlen) { int fd; ssize_t ret; uint32_t salt; unsigned char h[crypto_hash_sha512_BYTES]; struct username_struct *us = (struct username_struct *) dst; char *uname; size_t uname_len; if (dlen < sizeof(struct username_struct)) return -ENOMEM; uname_len = 512; uname = xzmalloc(uname_len); fd = open_or_die("/dev/random", O_RDONLY); ret = read_exact(fd, &salt, sizeof(salt), 0); if (ret != sizeof(salt)) panic("Cannot read from /dev/random!\n"); close(fd); slprintf(uname, uname_len, "%s%u", username, salt); crypto_hash_sha512(h, (unsigned char *) uname, strlen(uname)); us->salt = htonl(salt); memcpy(us->hash, h, sizeof(us->hash)); xfree(uname); return 0; }
/*L:180 * An "initial ram disk" is a disk image loaded into memory along with the * kernel which the kernel can use to boot from without needing any drivers. * Most distributions now use this as standard: the initrd contains the code to * load the appropriate driver modules for the current machine. * * Importantly, James Morris works for RedHat, and Fedora uses initrds for its * kernels. He sent me this (and tells me when I break it). */ static unsigned long load_initrd(const char *name, unsigned long mem) { int ifd; struct stat st; unsigned long len; ifd = open_or_die(name, O_RDONLY); /* fstat() is needed to get the file size. */ if (fstat(ifd, &st) < 0) err(1, "fstat() on initrd '%s'", name); /* * We map the initrd at the top of memory, but mmap wants it to be * page-aligned, so we round the size up for that. */ len = page_align(st.st_size); map_at(ifd, from_guest_phys(mem - len), 0, st.st_size); /* * Once a file is mapped, you can close the file descriptor. It's a * little odd, but quite useful. */ close(ifd); verbose("mapped initrd %s size=%lu @ %p\n", name, len, (void*)mem-len); /* We return the initrd size. */ return len; }
/* map_zeroed_pages() takes a number of pages. */ static void *map_zeroed_pages(unsigned int num) { int fd = open_or_die("/dev/zero", O_RDONLY); void *addr; /* * We use a private mapping (ie. if we write to the page, it will be * copied). We allocate an extra two pages PROT_NONE to act as guard * pages against read/write attempts that exceed allocated space. */ addr = mmap(NULL, getpagesize() * (num+2), PROT_NONE, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0); if (addr == MAP_FAILED) err(1, "Mmapping %u pages of /dev/zero", num); if (mprotect(addr + getpagesize(), getpagesize() * num, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE) == -1) err(1, "mprotect rw %u pages failed", num); /* * One neat mmap feature is that you can close the fd, and it * stays mapped. */ close(fd); /* Return address after PROT_NONE page */ return addr + getpagesize(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *mmdb_file = NULL; char *ip_address = NULL; int verbose = 0; int iterations = 0; int lookup_path_length = 0; const char **lookup_path = get_options(argc, argv, &mmdb_file, &ip_address, &verbose, &iterations, &lookup_path_length); MMDB_s mmdb = open_or_die(mmdb_file); if (verbose) { dump_meta(&mmdb); } if (0 == iterations) { exit(lookup_and_print(&mmdb, ip_address, lookup_path, lookup_path_length)); } else { exit(benchmark(&mmdb, iterations)); } }
void parse_userfile_and_generate_user_store_or_die(char *homedir) { FILE *fp; char path[PATH_MAX], buff[512]; int line = 1, ret, fd; memset(path, 0, sizeof(path)); slprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", homedir, FILE_CLIENTS); rwlock_init(&store_lock); rwlock_wr_lock(&store_lock); fp = fopen(path, "r"); if (!fp) panic("Cannot open client file!\n"); memset(buff, 0, sizeof(buff)); while (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fp) != NULL) { buff[sizeof(buff) - 1] = 0; /* A comment. Skip this line */ if (buff[0] == '#' || buff[0] == '\n') { memset(buff, 0, sizeof(buff)); line++; continue; } ret = parse_line(buff, homedir); if (ret < 0) panic("Cannot parse line %d from clients!\n", line); line++; memset(buff, 0, sizeof(buff)); } fclose(fp); if (store == NULL) panic("No registered clients found!\n"); rwlock_unlock(&store_lock); init_sock_mapper(); init_sockaddr_mapper(); /* * Pubkey is also used as a hmac of the initial packet to check * the integrity of the packet, so that we know if it's just random * garbage or a 'valid' packet. Again, just for the integrity! */ memset(path, 0, sizeof(path)); slprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", homedir, FILE_PUBKEY); fd = open_or_die(path, O_RDONLY); ret = read(fd, token, sizeof(token)); if (ret != crypto_auth_hmacsha512256_KEYBYTES) panic("Cannot read public key!\n"); close(fd); }
static int main_export(char *home) { int fd, i; ssize_t ret; char path[PATH_MAX], tmp[64]; check_config_exists_or_die(home); check_config_keypair_or_die(home); printf("Your exported public information:\n\n"); memset(path, 0, sizeof(path)); slprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", home, FILE_USERNAM); fd = open_or_die(path, O_RDONLY); while ((ret = read(fd, tmp, sizeof(tmp))) > 0) { ret = write(STDOUT_FILENO, tmp, ret); } close(fd); printf(";"); memset(path, 0, sizeof(path)); slprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", home, FILE_PUBKEY); fd = open_or_die(path, O_RDONLY); ret = read(fd, tmp, sizeof(tmp)); if (ret != crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_PUBLICKEYBYTES) panic("Cannot read public key!\n"); for (i = 0; i < ret; ++i) if (i == ret - 1) printf("%02x\n\n", (unsigned char) tmp[i]); else printf("%02x:", (unsigned char) tmp[i]); close(fd); fflush(stdout); return 0; }
static void tell_kernel(unsigned long start) { unsigned long args[] = { LHREQ_INITIALIZE, (unsigned long)guest_base, guest_limit / getpagesize(), start }; verbose("Guest: %p - %p (%#lx)\n", guest_base, guest_base + guest_limit, guest_limit); lguest_fd = open_or_die("/dev/lguest", O_RDWR); if (write(lguest_fd, args, sizeof(args)) < 0) err(1, "Writing to /dev/lguest"); }
int curve25519_proto_init(struct curve25519_proto *p, unsigned char *pubkey_remote, size_t len, char *home, int server) { int fd; ssize_t ret; char path[PATH_MAX]; unsigned char secretkey_own[crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_SECRETKEYBYTES] = { 0 }; unsigned char publickey_own[crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_PUBLICKEYBYTES] = { 0 }; if (!pubkey_remote || len != crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_PUBLICKEYBYTES) return -EINVAL; memset(path, 0, sizeof(path)); slprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", home, FILE_PRIVKEY); fd = open_or_die(path, O_RDONLY); ret = read(fd, secretkey_own, sizeof(secretkey_own)); if (ret != sizeof(secretkey_own)) { xmemset(secretkey_own, 0, sizeof(secretkey_own)); panic("Cannot read private key!\n"); } close(fd); crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_base(publickey_own, secretkey_own); if (!crypto_verify_32(publickey_own, pubkey_remote)) { xmemset(secretkey_own, 0, sizeof(secretkey_own)); xmemset(publickey_own, 0, sizeof(publickey_own)); panic("PANIC: remote end has same public key as you have!!!\n"); } crypto_box_beforenm(p->key, pubkey_remote, secretkey_own); xmemset(p->enonce, 0, sizeof(p->enonce)); xmemset(p->dnonce, 0, sizeof(p->dnonce)); xmemset(secretkey_own, 0, sizeof(secretkey_own)); xmemset(publickey_own, 0, sizeof(publickey_own)); return 0; }
static unsigned long load_initrd(const char *name, unsigned long mem) { int ifd; struct stat st; unsigned long len; ifd = open_or_die(name, O_RDONLY); if (fstat(ifd, &st) < 0) err(1, "fstat() on initrd '%s'", name); len = page_align(st.st_size); map_at(ifd, from_guest_phys(mem - len), 0, st.st_size); close(ifd); verbose("mapped initrd %s size=%lu @ %p\n", name, len, (void*)mem-len); return len; }
static void *map_zeroed_pages(unsigned int num) { int fd = open_or_die("/dev/zero", O_RDONLY); void *addr; addr = mmap(NULL, getpagesize() * (num+2), PROT_NONE, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0); if (addr == MAP_FAILED) err(1, "Mmapping %u pages of /dev/zero", num); if (mprotect(addr + getpagesize(), getpagesize() * num, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE) == -1) err(1, "mprotect rw %u pages failed", num); close(fd); return addr + getpagesize(); }
static int get_tun_device(char tapif[IFNAMSIZ]) { struct ifreq ifr; int netfd; memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr)); netfd = open_or_die("/dev/net/tun", O_RDWR); ifr.ifr_flags = IFF_TAP | IFF_NO_PI | IFF_VNET_HDR; strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, "tap%d"); if (ioctl(netfd, TUNSETIFF, &ifr) != 0) err(1, "configuring /dev/net/tun"); if (ioctl(netfd, TUNSETOFFLOAD, TUN_F_CSUM|TUN_F_TSO4|TUN_F_TSO6|TUN_F_TSO_ECN) != 0) err(1, "Could not set features for tun device"); ioctl(netfd, TUNSETNOCSUM, 1); memcpy(tapif, ifr.ifr_name, IFNAMSIZ); return netfd; }
static void pcap_to_xmit(struct ctx *ctx) { __label__ out; uint8_t *out = NULL; int irq, ifindex, fd = 0, ret; unsigned int size, it = 0; unsigned long trunced = 0; struct ring tx_ring; struct frame_map *hdr; struct sock_fprog bpf_ops; struct timeval start, end, diff; pcap_pkthdr_t phdr; if (!device_up_and_running(ctx->device_out) && !ctx->rfraw) panic("Device not up and running!\n"); bug_on(!__pcap_io); tx_sock = pf_socket(); if (!strncmp("-", ctx->device_in, strlen("-"))) { fd = dup_or_die(fileno(stdin)); close(fileno(stdin)); if (ctx->pcap == PCAP_OPS_MM) ctx->pcap = PCAP_OPS_SG; } else { fd = open_or_die(ctx->device_in, O_RDONLY | O_LARGEFILE | O_NOATIME); } if (__pcap_io->init_once_pcap) __pcap_io->init_once_pcap(); ret = __pcap_io->pull_fhdr_pcap(fd, &ctx->magic, &ctx->link_type); if (ret) panic("Error reading pcap header!\n"); if (__pcap_io->prepare_access_pcap) { ret = __pcap_io->prepare_access_pcap(fd, PCAP_MODE_RD, ctx->jumbo); if (ret) panic("Error prepare reading pcap!\n"); } fmemset(&tx_ring, 0, sizeof(tx_ring)); fmemset(&bpf_ops, 0, sizeof(bpf_ops)); if (ctx->rfraw) { ctx->device_trans = xstrdup(ctx->device_out); xfree(ctx->device_out); enter_rfmon_mac80211(ctx->device_trans, &ctx->device_out); if (ctx->link_type != LINKTYPE_IEEE802_11) panic("Wrong linktype of pcap!\n"); } ifindex = device_ifindex(ctx->device_out); size = ring_size(ctx->device_out, ctx->reserve_size); bpf_parse_rules(ctx->filter, &bpf_ops, ctx->link_type); if (ctx->dump_bpf) bpf_dump_all(&bpf_ops); set_packet_loss_discard(tx_sock); setup_tx_ring_layout(tx_sock, &tx_ring, size, ctx->jumbo); create_tx_ring(tx_sock, &tx_ring, ctx->verbose); mmap_tx_ring(tx_sock, &tx_ring); alloc_tx_ring_frames(tx_sock, &tx_ring); bind_tx_ring(tx_sock, &tx_ring, ifindex); dissector_init_all(ctx->print_mode); if (ctx->cpu >= 0 && ifindex > 0) { irq = device_irq_number(ctx->device_out); device_set_irq_affinity(irq, ctx->cpu); if (ctx->verbose) printf("IRQ: %s:%d > CPU%d\n", ctx->device_out, irq, ctx->cpu); } if (ctx->kpull) interval = ctx->kpull; set_itimer_interval_value(&itimer, 0, interval); setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itimer, NULL); drop_privileges(ctx->enforce, ctx->uid, ctx->gid); printf("Running! Hang up with ^C!\n\n"); fflush(stdout); bug_on(gettimeofday(&start, NULL)); while (likely(sigint == 0)) { while (user_may_pull_from_tx(tx_ring.frames[it].iov_base)) { hdr = tx_ring.frames[it].iov_base; out = ((uint8_t *) hdr) + TPACKET2_HDRLEN - sizeof(struct sockaddr_ll); do { ret = __pcap_io->read_pcap(fd, &phdr, ctx->magic, out, ring_frame_size(&tx_ring)); if (unlikely(ret <= 0)) goto out; if (ring_frame_size(&tx_ring) < pcap_get_length(&phdr, ctx->magic)) { pcap_set_length(&phdr, ctx->magic, ring_frame_size(&tx_ring)); trunced++; } } while (ctx->filter && !bpf_run_filter(&bpf_ops, out, pcap_get_length(&phdr, ctx->magic))); pcap_pkthdr_to_tpacket_hdr(&phdr, ctx->magic, &hdr->tp_h, &hdr->s_ll); ctx->tx_bytes += hdr->tp_h.tp_len;; ctx->tx_packets++; show_frame_hdr(hdr, ctx->print_mode); dissector_entry_point(out, hdr->tp_h.tp_snaplen, ctx->link_type, ctx->print_mode); kernel_may_pull_from_tx(&hdr->tp_h); it++; if (it >= tx_ring.layout.tp_frame_nr) it = 0; if (unlikely(sigint == 1)) break; if (frame_count_max != 0) { if (ctx->tx_packets >= frame_count_max) { sigint = 1; break; } } } } out: bug_on(gettimeofday(&end, NULL)); timersub(&end, &start, &diff); timer_purge(); bpf_release(&bpf_ops); dissector_cleanup_all(); destroy_tx_ring(tx_sock, &tx_ring); if (ctx->rfraw) leave_rfmon_mac80211(ctx->device_trans, ctx->device_out); if (__pcap_io->prepare_close_pcap) __pcap_io->prepare_close_pcap(fd, PCAP_MODE_RD); if (!strncmp("-", ctx->device_in, strlen("-"))) dup2(fd, fileno(stdin)); close(fd); close(tx_sock); fflush(stdout); printf("\n"); printf("\r%12lu packets outgoing\n", ctx->tx_packets); printf("\r%12lu packets truncated in file\n", trunced); printf("\r%12lu bytes outgoing\n", ctx->tx_bytes); printf("\r%12lu sec, %lu usec in total\n", diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_usec); }
static void enter_mode_pcap_to_tx(struct mode *mode) { int irq, ifindex, fd = 0, ret; unsigned int size, it = 0; struct ring tx_ring; struct frame_map *hdr; struct sock_fprog bpf_ops; struct tx_stats stats; uint8_t *out = NULL; unsigned long trunced = 0; struct timeval start, end, diff; if (!device_up_and_running(mode->device_out)) panic("Device not up and running!\n"); tx_sock = pf_socket(); if (!pcap_ops[mode->pcap]) panic("pcap group not supported!\n"); fd = open_or_die(mode->device_in, O_RDONLY | O_LARGEFILE | O_NOATIME); ret = pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->pull_file_header(fd, &mode->link_type); if (ret) panic("error reading pcap header!\n"); if (pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->prepare_reading_pcap) { ret = pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->prepare_reading_pcap(fd); if (ret) panic("error prepare reading pcap!\n"); } fmemset(&tx_ring, 0, sizeof(tx_ring)); fmemset(&bpf_ops, 0, sizeof(bpf_ops)); fmemset(&stats, 0, sizeof(stats)); if (mode->rfraw) { mode->device_trans = xstrdup(mode->device_out); xfree(mode->device_out); enter_rfmon_mac80211(mode->device_trans, &mode->device_out); if (mode->link_type != LINKTYPE_IEEE802_11) panic("Wrong linktype of pcap!\n"); } ifindex = device_ifindex(mode->device_out); size = ring_size(mode->device_out, mode->reserve_size); bpf_parse_rules(mode->filter, &bpf_ops); set_packet_loss_discard(tx_sock); set_sockopt_hwtimestamp(tx_sock, mode->device_out); setup_tx_ring_layout(tx_sock, &tx_ring, size, mode->jumbo_support); create_tx_ring(tx_sock, &tx_ring); mmap_tx_ring(tx_sock, &tx_ring); alloc_tx_ring_frames(&tx_ring); bind_tx_ring(tx_sock, &tx_ring, ifindex); dissector_init_all(mode->print_mode); if (mode->cpu >= 0 && ifindex > 0) { irq = device_irq_number(mode->device_out); device_bind_irq_to_cpu(mode->cpu, irq); printf("IRQ: %s:%d > CPU%d\n", mode->device_out, irq, mode->cpu); } if (mode->kpull) interval = mode->kpull; itimer.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; itimer.it_interval.tv_usec = interval; itimer.it_value.tv_sec = 0; itimer.it_value.tv_usec = interval; setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itimer, NULL); printf("BPF:\n"); bpf_dump_all(&bpf_ops); printf("MD: TX %luus %s ", interval, pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->name); if (mode->rfraw) printf("802.11 raw via %s ", mode->device_out); #ifdef _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE printf("lf64 "); #endif ioprio_print(); printf("\n"); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); while (likely(sigint == 0)) { while (user_may_pull_from_tx(tx_ring.frames[it].iov_base)) { struct pcap_pkthdr phdr; hdr = tx_ring.frames[it].iov_base; /* Kernel assumes: data = ph.raw + po->tp_hdrlen - * sizeof(struct sockaddr_ll); */ out = ((uint8_t *) hdr) + TPACKET_HDRLEN - sizeof(struct sockaddr_ll); do { memset(&phdr, 0, sizeof(phdr)); ret = pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->read_pcap_pkt(fd, &phdr, out, ring_frame_size(&tx_ring)); if (unlikely(ret <= 0)) goto out; if (ring_frame_size(&tx_ring) < phdr.len) { phdr.len = ring_frame_size(&tx_ring); trunced++; } } while (mode->filter && !bpf_run_filter(&bpf_ops, out, phdr.len)); pcap_pkthdr_to_tpacket_hdr(&phdr, &hdr->tp_h); stats.tx_bytes += hdr->tp_h.tp_len;; stats.tx_packets++; show_frame_hdr(hdr, mode->print_mode, RING_MODE_EGRESS); dissector_entry_point(out, hdr->tp_h.tp_snaplen, mode->link_type, mode->print_mode); kernel_may_pull_from_tx(&hdr->tp_h); next_slot_prewr(&it, &tx_ring); if (unlikely(sigint == 1)) break; if (frame_cnt_max != 0 && stats.tx_packets >= frame_cnt_max) { sigint = 1; break; } } } out: gettimeofday(&end, NULL); diff = tv_subtract(end, start); fflush(stdout); printf("\n"); printf("\r%12lu frames outgoing\n", stats.tx_packets); printf("\r%12lu frames truncated (larger than frame)\n", trunced); printf("\r%12lu bytes outgoing\n", stats.tx_bytes); printf("\r%12lu sec, %lu usec in total\n", diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_usec); bpf_release(&bpf_ops); dissector_cleanup_all(); destroy_tx_ring(tx_sock, &tx_ring); if (mode->rfraw) leave_rfmon_mac80211(mode->device_trans, mode->device_out); close(tx_sock); if (pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->prepare_close_pcap) pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->prepare_close_pcap(fd, PCAP_MODE_READ); close(fd); }
static void enter_mode_read_pcap(struct mode *mode) { int ret, fd, fdo = 0; struct pcap_pkthdr phdr; struct sock_fprog bpf_ops; struct tx_stats stats; struct frame_map fm; uint8_t *out; size_t out_len; unsigned long trunced = 0; struct timeval start, end, diff; if (!pcap_ops[mode->pcap]) panic("pcap group not supported!\n"); fd = open_or_die(mode->device_in, O_RDONLY | O_LARGEFILE | O_NOATIME); ret = pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->pull_file_header(fd, &mode->link_type); if (ret) panic("error reading pcap header!\n"); if (pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->prepare_reading_pcap) { ret = pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->prepare_reading_pcap(fd); if (ret) panic("error prepare reading pcap!\n"); } fmemset(&fm, 0, sizeof(fm)); fmemset(&bpf_ops, 0, sizeof(bpf_ops)); fmemset(&stats, 0, sizeof(stats)); bpf_parse_rules(mode->filter, &bpf_ops); dissector_init_all(mode->print_mode); out_len = 64 * 1024; out = xmalloc_aligned(out_len, CO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); printf("BPF:\n"); bpf_dump_all(&bpf_ops); printf("MD: RD %s ", pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->name); #ifdef _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE printf("lf64 "); #endif ioprio_print(); printf("\n"); if (mode->device_out) { fdo = open_or_die_m(mode->device_out, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_LARGEFILE, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); } gettimeofday(&start, NULL); while (likely(sigint == 0)) { do { memset(&phdr, 0, sizeof(phdr)); ret = pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->read_pcap_pkt(fd, &phdr, out, out_len); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) goto out; if (unlikely(phdr.len == 0)) { trunced++; continue; } if (unlikely(phdr.len > out_len)) { phdr.len = out_len; trunced++; } } while (mode->filter && !bpf_run_filter(&bpf_ops, out, phdr.len)); pcap_pkthdr_to_tpacket_hdr(&phdr, &fm.tp_h); stats.tx_bytes += fm.tp_h.tp_len; stats.tx_packets++; show_frame_hdr(&fm, mode->print_mode, RING_MODE_EGRESS); dissector_entry_point(out, fm.tp_h.tp_snaplen, mode->link_type, mode->print_mode); if (mode->device_out) { int i = 0; char bout[80]; slprintf(bout, sizeof(bout), "{\n "); write_or_die(fdo, bout, strlen(bout)); while (i < fm.tp_h.tp_snaplen) { slprintf(bout, sizeof(bout), "0x%02x, ", out[i]); write_or_die(fdo, bout, strlen(bout)); i++; if (i % 10 == 0) { slprintf(bout, sizeof(bout), "\n", out[i]); write_or_die(fdo, bout, strlen(bout)); if (i < fm.tp_h.tp_snaplen) { slprintf(bout, sizeof(bout), " ", out[i]); write_or_die(fdo, bout, strlen(bout)); } } } if (i % 10 != 0) { slprintf(bout, sizeof(bout), "\n"); write_or_die(fdo, bout, strlen(bout)); } slprintf(bout, sizeof(bout), "}\n\n"); write_or_die(fdo, bout, strlen(bout)); } if (frame_cnt_max != 0 && stats.tx_packets >= frame_cnt_max) { sigint = 1; break; } } out: gettimeofday(&end, NULL); diff = tv_subtract(end, start); fflush(stdout); printf("\n"); printf("\r%12lu frames outgoing\n", stats.tx_packets); printf("\r%12lu frames truncated (larger than mtu)\n", trunced); printf("\r%12lu bytes outgoing\n", stats.tx_bytes); printf("\r%12lu sec, %lu usec in total\n", diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_usec); xfree(out); bpf_release(&bpf_ops); dissector_cleanup_all(); if (pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->prepare_close_pcap) pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->prepare_close_pcap(fd, PCAP_MODE_READ); close(fd); if (mode->device_out) close(fdo); }
static void create_keypair(char *home) { int fd, err = 0; ssize_t ret; unsigned char publickey[crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_PUBLICKEYBYTES] = { 0 }; unsigned char secretkey[crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_SECRETKEYBYTES] = { 0 }; char path[PATH_MAX]; const char * errstr = NULL; printf("Reading from %s (this may take a while) ...\n", CURVETUN_ENTROPY_SOURCE); fd = open_or_die(CURVETUN_ENTROPY_SOURCE, O_RDONLY); ret = read_exact(fd, secretkey, sizeof(secretkey), 0); if (ret != sizeof(secretkey)) { err = EIO; errstr = "Cannot read from "CURVETUN_ENTROPY_SOURCE"!\n"; goto out; } close(fd); crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_base(publickey, secretkey); memset(path, 0, sizeof(path)); slprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", home, FILE_PUBKEY); fd = open(path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (fd < 0) { err = EIO; errstr = "Cannot open pubkey file!\n"; goto out; } ret = write(fd, publickey, sizeof(publickey)); if (ret != sizeof(publickey)) { err = EIO; errstr = "Cannot write public key!\n"; goto out; } close(fd); printf("Public key written to %s!\n", path); memset(path, 0, sizeof(path)); slprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", home, FILE_PRIVKEY); fd = open(path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (fd < 0) { err = EIO; errstr = "Cannot open privkey file!\n"; goto out; } ret = write(fd, secretkey, sizeof(secretkey)); if (ret != sizeof(secretkey)) { err = EIO; errstr = "Cannot write private key!\n"; goto out; } out: close(fd); xmemset(publickey, 0, sizeof(publickey)); xmemset(secretkey, 0, sizeof(secretkey)); if (err) panic("%s: %s", errstr, strerror(errno)); else printf("Private key written to %s!\n", path); }
static void notify_init(int fd, int udp, struct curve25519_proto *p, struct curve25519_struct *c, char *home) { int fd2, i; ssize_t err, clen; size_t us_len, msg_len, pad; struct ct_proto hdr; char username[256], path[PATH_MAX], *us, *cbuff, *msg; unsigned char auth[crypto_auth_hmacsha512256_BYTES], *token; mt_init_by_random_device(); memset(&hdr, 0, sizeof(hdr)); hdr.flags |= PROTO_FLAG_INIT; memset(path, 0, sizeof(path)); slprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", home, FILE_USERNAM); fd2 = open_or_die(path, O_RDONLY); memset(username, 0, sizeof(username)); err = read(fd2, username, sizeof(username)); username[sizeof(username) - 1] = 0; close(fd2); token = get_serv_store_entry_auth_token(); if (!token) syslog_panic("Cannot find auth token for server!\n"); us_len = sizeof(struct username_struct) + crypto_box_zerobytes; us = xzmalloc(us_len); err = username_msg(username, strlen(username) + 1, us + crypto_box_zerobytes, us_len - crypto_box_zerobytes); if (unlikely(err)) syslog_panic("Cannot create init message!\n"); clen = curve25519_encode(c, p, (unsigned char *) us, us_len, (unsigned char **) &cbuff); if (unlikely(clen <= 0)) syslog_panic("Init encrypt error!\n"); err = crypto_auth_hmacsha512256(auth, (unsigned char *) cbuff, clen, token); if (unlikely(err)) syslog_panic("Cannot create init hmac message!\n"); pad = mt_rand_int32() % 200; msg_len = clen + sizeof(auth) + pad; msg = xzmalloc(msg_len); memcpy(msg, auth, sizeof(auth)); memcpy(msg + sizeof(auth), cbuff, clen); for (i = sizeof(auth) + clen; i < msg_len; ++i) msg[i] = (uint8_t) mt_rand_int32(); hdr.payload = htons((uint16_t) msg_len); set_sock_cork(fd, udp); write_exact(fd, &hdr, sizeof(struct ct_proto), 0); write_exact(fd, msg, msg_len, 0); set_sock_uncork(fd, udp); xfree(msg); xfree(us); }
static void read_pcap(struct ctx *ctx) { __label__ out; uint8_t *out; int ret, fd, fdo = 0; unsigned long trunced = 0; size_t out_len; pcap_pkthdr_t phdr; struct sock_fprog bpf_ops; struct frame_map fm; struct timeval start, end, diff; struct sockaddr_ll sll; bug_on(!__pcap_io); if (!strncmp("-", ctx->device_in, strlen("-"))) { fd = dup_or_die(fileno(stdin)); close(fileno(stdin)); if (ctx->pcap == PCAP_OPS_MM) ctx->pcap = PCAP_OPS_SG; } else { fd = open_or_die(ctx->device_in, O_RDONLY | O_LARGEFILE | O_NOATIME); } if (__pcap_io->init_once_pcap) __pcap_io->init_once_pcap(); ret = __pcap_io->pull_fhdr_pcap(fd, &ctx->magic, &ctx->link_type); if (ret) panic("Error reading pcap header!\n"); if (__pcap_io->prepare_access_pcap) { ret = __pcap_io->prepare_access_pcap(fd, PCAP_MODE_RD, ctx->jumbo); if (ret) panic("Error prepare reading pcap!\n"); } fmemset(&fm, 0, sizeof(fm)); fmemset(&bpf_ops, 0, sizeof(bpf_ops)); bpf_parse_rules(ctx->filter, &bpf_ops, ctx->link_type); if (ctx->dump_bpf) bpf_dump_all(&bpf_ops); dissector_init_all(ctx->print_mode); out_len = round_up(1024 * 1024, PAGE_SIZE); out = xmalloc_aligned(out_len, CO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); if (ctx->device_out) { if (!strncmp("-", ctx->device_out, strlen("-"))) { fdo = dup_or_die(fileno(stdout)); close(fileno(stdout)); } else { fdo = open_or_die_m(ctx->device_out, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_LARGEFILE, DEFFILEMODE); } } drop_privileges(ctx->enforce, ctx->uid, ctx->gid); printf("Running! Hang up with ^C!\n\n"); fflush(stdout); bug_on(gettimeofday(&start, NULL)); while (likely(sigint == 0)) { do { ret = __pcap_io->read_pcap(fd, &phdr, ctx->magic, out, out_len); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) goto out; if (unlikely(pcap_get_length(&phdr, ctx->magic) == 0)) { trunced++; continue; } if (unlikely(pcap_get_length(&phdr, ctx->magic) > out_len)) { pcap_set_length(&phdr, ctx->magic, out_len); trunced++; } } while (ctx->filter && !bpf_run_filter(&bpf_ops, out, pcap_get_length(&phdr, ctx->magic))); pcap_pkthdr_to_tpacket_hdr(&phdr, ctx->magic, &fm.tp_h, &sll); ctx->tx_bytes += fm.tp_h.tp_len; ctx->tx_packets++; show_frame_hdr(&fm, ctx->print_mode); dissector_entry_point(out, fm.tp_h.tp_snaplen, ctx->link_type, ctx->print_mode); if (ctx->device_out) translate_pcap_to_txf(fdo, out, fm.tp_h.tp_snaplen); if (frame_count_max != 0) { if (ctx->tx_packets >= frame_count_max) { sigint = 1; break; } } } out: bug_on(gettimeofday(&end, NULL)); timersub(&end, &start, &diff); bpf_release(&bpf_ops); dissector_cleanup_all(); if (__pcap_io->prepare_close_pcap) __pcap_io->prepare_close_pcap(fd, PCAP_MODE_RD); xfree(out); fflush(stdout); printf("\n"); printf("\r%12lu packets outgoing\n", ctx->tx_packets); printf("\r%12lu packets truncated in file\n", trunced); printf("\r%12lu bytes outgoing\n", ctx->tx_bytes); printf("\r%12lu sec, %lu usec in total\n", diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_usec); if (!strncmp("-", ctx->device_in, strlen("-"))) dup2(fd, fileno(stdin)); close(fd); if (ctx->device_out) { if (!strncmp("-", ctx->device_out, strlen("-"))) dup2(fdo, fileno(stdout)); close(fdo); } }
static void read_pcap(struct ctx *ctx) { uint8_t *out; int ret, fd, fdo = 0; unsigned long trunced = 0; size_t out_len; pcap_pkthdr_t phdr; struct sock_fprog bpf_ops; struct frame_map fm; struct timeval start, end, diff; bool is_out_pcap = ctx->device_out && strstr(ctx->device_out, ".pcap"); const struct pcap_file_ops *pcap_out_ops = pcap_ops[PCAP_OPS_RW]; bug_on(!__pcap_io); if (!strncmp("-", ctx->device_in, strlen("-"))) { fd = dup_or_die(fileno(stdin)); close(fileno(stdin)); if (ctx->pcap == PCAP_OPS_MM) ctx->pcap = PCAP_OPS_SG; } else { /* O_NOATIME requires privileges, in case we don't have * them, retry without them at a minor cost of updating * atime in case the fs has been mounted as such. */ fd = open(ctx->device_in, O_RDONLY | O_LARGEFILE | O_NOATIME); if (fd < 0 && errno == EPERM) fd = open_or_die(ctx->device_in, O_RDONLY | O_LARGEFILE); if (fd < 0) panic("Cannot open file %s! %s.\n", ctx->device_in, strerror(errno)); } if (__pcap_io->init_once_pcap) __pcap_io->init_once_pcap(false); ret = __pcap_io->pull_fhdr_pcap(fd, &ctx->magic, &ctx->link_type); if (ret) panic("Error reading pcap header!\n"); if (__pcap_io->prepare_access_pcap) { ret = __pcap_io->prepare_access_pcap(fd, PCAP_MODE_RD, ctx->jumbo); if (ret) panic("Error prepare reading pcap!\n"); } fmemset(&fm, 0, sizeof(fm)); bpf_parse_rules(ctx->filter, &bpf_ops, ctx->link_type); if (ctx->dump_bpf) bpf_dump_all(&bpf_ops); dissector_init_all(ctx->print_mode); out_len = round_up(1024 * 1024, RUNTIME_PAGE_SIZE); out = xmalloc_aligned(out_len, CO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); if (ctx->device_out) { if (!strncmp("-", ctx->device_out, strlen("-"))) { fdo = dup_or_die(fileno(stdout)); close(fileno(stdout)); } else { fdo = open_or_die_m(ctx->device_out, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_LARGEFILE, DEFFILEMODE); } } if (is_out_pcap) { ret = pcap_out_ops->push_fhdr_pcap(fdo, ctx->magic, ctx->link_type); if (ret) panic("Error writing pcap header!\n"); } drop_privileges(ctx->enforce, ctx->uid, ctx->gid); printf("Running! Hang up with ^C!\n\n"); fflush(stdout); bug_on(gettimeofday(&start, NULL)); while (likely(sigint == 0)) { do { ret = __pcap_io->read_pcap(fd, &phdr, ctx->magic, out, out_len); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) goto out; if (unlikely(pcap_get_length(&phdr, ctx->magic) == 0)) { trunced++; continue; } if (unlikely(pcap_get_length(&phdr, ctx->magic) > out_len)) { pcap_set_length(&phdr, ctx->magic, out_len); trunced++; } } while (ctx->filter && !bpf_run_filter(&bpf_ops, out, pcap_get_length(&phdr, ctx->magic))); pcap_pkthdr_to_tpacket_hdr(&phdr, ctx->magic, &fm.tp_h, &fm.s_ll); ctx->tx_bytes += fm.tp_h.tp_len; ctx->tx_packets++; show_frame_hdr(out, fm.tp_h.tp_snaplen, ctx->link_type, &fm, ctx->print_mode, ctx->tx_packets); dissector_entry_point(out, fm.tp_h.tp_snaplen, ctx->link_type, ctx->print_mode, &fm.s_ll); if (is_out_pcap) { size_t pcap_len = pcap_get_length(&phdr, ctx->magic); int wlen = pcap_out_ops->write_pcap(fdo, &phdr, ctx->magic, out, pcap_len); if (unlikely(wlen != (int)pcap_get_total_length(&phdr, ctx->magic))) panic("Error writing to pcap!\n"); } else if (ctx->device_out) { translate_pcap_to_txf(fdo, out, fm.tp_h.tp_snaplen); } if (frame_count_max != 0) { if (ctx->tx_packets >= frame_count_max) { sigint = 1; break; } } } out: bug_on(gettimeofday(&end, NULL)); timersub(&end, &start, &diff); bpf_release(&bpf_ops); dissector_cleanup_all(); if (__pcap_io->prepare_close_pcap) __pcap_io->prepare_close_pcap(fd, PCAP_MODE_RD); xfree(out); fflush(stdout); printf("\n"); printf("\r%12lu packets outgoing\n", ctx->tx_packets); printf("\r%12lu packets truncated in file\n", trunced); printf("\r%12lu bytes outgoing\n", ctx->tx_bytes); printf("\r%12lu sec, %lu usec in total\n", diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_usec); if (!strncmp("-", ctx->device_in, strlen("-"))) dup2(fd, fileno(stdin)); close(fd); if (ctx->device_out) { if (!strncmp("-", ctx->device_out, strlen("-"))) dup2(fdo, fileno(stdout)); close(fdo); } }
static void enter_mode_pcap_to_tx(struct mode *mode) { int irq, ifindex, fd = 0, ret; unsigned int size, it = 0; struct ring tx_ring; struct frame_map *hdr; struct sock_fprog bpf_ops; struct tx_stats stats; uint8_t *out = NULL; if (!device_up_and_running(mode->device_out)) panic("Device not up and running!\n"); set_memcpy(); tx_sock = pf_socket(); if (!pcap_ops[mode->pcap]) panic("pcap group not supported!\n"); fd = open_or_die(mode->device_in, O_RDONLY | O_LARGEFILE | O_NOATIME); ret = pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->pull_file_header(fd); if (ret) panic("error reading pcap header!\n"); if (pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->prepare_reading_pcap) { ret = pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->prepare_reading_pcap(fd); if (ret) panic("error prepare reading pcap!\n"); } memset(&tx_ring, 0, sizeof(tx_ring)); memset(&bpf_ops, 0, sizeof(bpf_ops)); memset(&stats, 0, sizeof(stats)); ifindex = device_ifindex(mode->device_out); size = ring_size(mode->device_out, mode->reserve_size); bpf_parse_rules(mode->filter, &bpf_ops); set_packet_loss_discard(tx_sock); setup_tx_ring_layout(tx_sock, &tx_ring, size, mode->jumbo_support); create_tx_ring(tx_sock, &tx_ring); mmap_tx_ring(tx_sock, &tx_ring); alloc_tx_ring_frames(&tx_ring); bind_tx_ring(tx_sock, &tx_ring, ifindex); dissector_init_all(mode->print_mode); if (mode->cpu >= 0 && ifindex > 0) { irq = device_irq_number(mode->device_out); device_bind_irq_to_cpu(mode->cpu, irq); printf("IRQ: %s:%d > CPU%d\n", mode->device_out, irq, mode->cpu); } if (mode->kpull) interval = mode->kpull; itimer.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; itimer.it_interval.tv_usec = interval; itimer.it_value.tv_sec = 0; itimer.it_value.tv_usec = interval; setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itimer, NULL); printf("BPF:\n"); bpf_dump_all(&bpf_ops); printf("MD: TX %luus %s\n\n", interval, pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->name); while (likely(sigint == 0)) { while (user_may_pull_from_tx(tx_ring.frames[it].iov_base)) { struct pcap_pkthdr phdr; hdr = tx_ring.frames[it].iov_base; /* Kernel assumes: data = ph.raw + po->tp_hdrlen - * sizeof(struct sockaddr_ll); */ out = ((uint8_t *) hdr) + TPACKET_HDRLEN - sizeof(struct sockaddr_ll); do { ret = pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->read_pcap_pkt(fd, &phdr, out, ring_frame_size(&tx_ring)); if (unlikely(ret <= 0)) goto out; } while (mode->filter && !bpf_run_filter(&bpf_ops, out, phdr.len)); pcap_pkthdr_to_tpacket_hdr(&phdr, &hdr->tp_h); stats.tx_bytes += hdr->tp_h.tp_len;; stats.tx_packets++; show_frame_hdr(hdr, mode->print_mode, RING_MODE_EGRESS); dissector_entry_point(out, hdr->tp_h.tp_snaplen, mode->link_type); kernel_may_pull_from_tx(&hdr->tp_h); next_slot(&it, &tx_ring); if (unlikely(sigint == 1)) break; if (frame_cnt_max != 0 && stats.tx_packets >= frame_cnt_max) { sigint = 1; break; } } } out: fflush(stdout); printf("\n"); printf("\r%12lu frames outgoing\n", stats.tx_packets); printf("\r%12lu bytes outgoing\n", stats.tx_bytes); dissector_cleanup_all(); destroy_tx_ring(tx_sock, &tx_ring); close(tx_sock); if (pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->prepare_close_pcap) pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->prepare_close_pcap(fd, PCAP_MODE_READ); close(fd); }
static void enter_mode_read_pcap(struct mode *mode) { int ret, fd; struct pcap_pkthdr phdr; struct sock_fprog bpf_ops; struct tx_stats stats; struct frame_map fm; uint8_t *out; size_t out_len; if (!pcap_ops[mode->pcap]) panic("pcap group not supported!\n"); fd = open_or_die(mode->device_in, O_RDONLY | O_LARGEFILE | O_NOATIME); ret = pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->pull_file_header(fd); if (ret) panic("error reading pcap header!\n"); if (pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->prepare_reading_pcap) { ret = pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->prepare_reading_pcap(fd); if (ret) panic("error prepare reading pcap!\n"); } memset(&fm, 0, sizeof(fm)); memset(&bpf_ops, 0, sizeof(bpf_ops)); memset(&stats, 0, sizeof(stats)); bpf_parse_rules(mode->filter, &bpf_ops); dissector_init_all(mode->print_mode); out_len = device_mtu("lo"); out = xmalloc_aligned(out_len, 64); printf("BPF:\n"); bpf_dump_all(&bpf_ops); printf("MD: RD %s\n\n", pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->name); while (likely(sigint == 0)) { do { ret = pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->read_pcap_pkt(fd, &phdr, out, out_len); if (unlikely(ret <= 0)) goto out; } while (mode->filter && !bpf_run_filter(&bpf_ops, out, phdr.len)); pcap_pkthdr_to_tpacket_hdr(&phdr, &fm.tp_h); stats.tx_bytes += fm.tp_h.tp_len;; stats.tx_packets++; show_frame_hdr(&fm, mode->print_mode, RING_MODE_EGRESS); dissector_entry_point(out, fm.tp_h.tp_snaplen, mode->link_type); if (frame_cnt_max != 0 && stats.tx_packets >= frame_cnt_max) { sigint = 1; break; } } out: fflush(stdout); printf("\n"); printf("\r%12lu frames outgoing\n", stats.tx_packets); printf("\r%12lu bytes outgoing\n", stats.tx_bytes); xfree(out); dissector_cleanup_all(); if (pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->prepare_close_pcap) pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->prepare_close_pcap(fd, PCAP_MODE_READ); close(fd); }
static void enter_mode_pcap_to_tx(struct mode *mode) { int irq, ifindex, fd = 0, ret; unsigned int size, it = 0; struct ring tx_ring; struct frame_map *hdr; struct sock_fprog bpf_ops; struct tx_stats stats; uint8_t *out = NULL; unsigned long trunced = 0; struct timeval start, end, diff; int filen = 0; struct pcap_timeval *pcap_time; /* if (!device_up_and_running(mode->device_out)) panic("Device not up and running!\n"); */ if (!pcap_ops[mode->pcap]) panic("pcap group not supported!\n"); //Moved here /* ifindex = device_ifindex(mode->device_out); //Make n devices out of it. From here size = ring_size(mode->device_out, mode->reserve_size); bpf_parse_rules(mode->filter, &bpf_ops); set_packet_loss_discard(tx_sock); set_sockopt_hwtimestamp(tx_sock, mode->device_out); setup_tx_ring_layout(tx_sock, &tx_ring, size, mode->jumbo_support); create_tx_ring(tx_sock, &tx_ring); mmap_tx_ring(tx_sock, &tx_ring); alloc_tx_ring_frames(&tx_ring); bind_tx_ring(tx_sock, &tx_ring, ifindex); dissector_init_all(mode->print_mode); if (mode->cpu >= 0 && ifindex > 0) { irq = device_irq_number(mode->device_out); device_bind_irq_to_cpu(mode->cpu, irq); printf("IRQ: %s:%d > CPU%d\n", mode->device_out, irq, mode->cpu); } //Till here. Make n TXRings. One for each NIC. */ //Moved to here end int x = 0; for (filen = 0; filen < num_of_pcaps; filen++) { tx_sock = pf_socket(); mode->device_in = pcaplist[filen]; printf("\n \n File selected is: %s \n", mode->device_in); fd = open_or_die(mode->device_in, O_RDONLY | O_LARGEFILE | O_NOATIME); //Need to do for each file ret = pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->pull_file_header(fd, &mode->link_type); if (ret) { panic("error reading pcap header!\n"); continue; } if (pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->prepare_reading_pcap) { ret = pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->prepare_reading_pcap(fd); if (ret) { panic("error prepare reading pcap!\n"); continue; } } fmemset(&tx_ring, 0, sizeof(tx_ring)); fmemset(&bpf_ops, 0, sizeof(bpf_ops)); fmemset(&stats, 0, sizeof(stats)); if (mode->rfraw) { mode->device_trans = xstrdup(mode->device_out); xfree(mode->device_out); enter_rfmon_mac80211(mode->device_trans, &mode->device_out); if (mode->link_type != LINKTYPE_IEEE802_11) panic("Wrong linktype of pcap!\n"); continue; } ifindex = device_ifindex(mode->device_out); //Make n devices out of it. From here size = ring_size(mode->device_out, mode->reserve_size); bpf_parse_rules(mode->filter, &bpf_ops); set_packet_loss_discard(tx_sock); set_sockopt_hwtimestamp(tx_sock, mode->device_out); setup_tx_ring_layout(tx_sock, &tx_ring, size, mode->jumbo_support); create_tx_ring(tx_sock, &tx_ring); mmap_tx_ring(tx_sock, &tx_ring); alloc_tx_ring_frames(&tx_ring); bind_tx_ring(tx_sock, &tx_ring, ifindex); //Till here. Make n TXRings. One for each NIC. dissector_init_all(mode->print_mode); if (mode->cpu >= 0 && ifindex > 0) { irq = device_irq_number(mode->device_out); device_bind_irq_to_cpu(mode->cpu, irq); printf("IRQ: %s:%d > CPU%d\n", mode->device_out, irq, mode->cpu); } if (mode->kpull) interval = mode->kpull; itimer.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; itimer.it_interval.tv_usec = interval; itimer.it_value.tv_sec = 0; itimer.it_value.tv_usec = interval; //for fixed delay need to SET this setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itimer, NULL); printf("BPF:\n"); bpf_dump_all(&bpf_ops); printf("MD: TX %luus %s ", interval, pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->name); if (mode->rfraw) printf("802.11 raw via %s ", mode->device_out); #ifdef _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE printf("lf64 "); #endif ioprio_print(); printf("\n"); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); sigint = 0; while (likely(sigint == 0)) { while (user_may_pull_from_tx (tx_ring.frames[it].iov_base)) { struct pcap_pkthdr phdr; hdr = tx_ring.frames[it].iov_base; /* Kernel assumes: data = ph.raw + po->tp_hdrlen - * sizeof(struct sockaddr_ll); */ out = ((uint8_t *) hdr) + TPACKET_HDRLEN - sizeof(struct sockaddr_ll); do { memset(&phdr, 0, sizeof(phdr)); ret = pcap_ops[mode->pcap]-> read_pcap_pkt(fd, &phdr, out, ring_frame_size (&tx_ring)); if (unlikely(ret <= 0)) goto out; if (ring_frame_size(&tx_ring) < phdr.len) { phdr.len = ring_frame_size(&tx_ring); trunced++; } } while (mode->filter && !bpf_run_filter(&bpf_ops, out, phdr.len)); pcap_pkthdr_to_tpacket_hdr(&phdr, &hdr->tp_h); if (stats.tx_packets == 0) { pcap_time = &phdr.ts; beginning_tv_sec = pcap_time->tv_sec; beginning_tv_usec = pcap_time->tv_usec; } /* * START OF BLOCK The below routines are only if Speed or PPS is set else they won't execute * */ if (gbit_s > 0) { /* computing max rate */ pps = ((gbit_s * 1000000000) / 8 /*byte */ ) / (8 /*Preamble */ + avg_send_len + 4 /*CRC*/ + 12 /*IFG*/); td = (double)(hz / pps); tick_delta = (ticks) td; //printf("Number of %d-byte Packet Per Second at %.2f Gbit/s: %.2f\n", (avg_send_len + 4 /*CRC*/), gbit_s, pps); } else if (pps > 0) { td = (double)(hz / pps); tick_delta = (ticks) td; } //END OF BLOCK /* show_frame_hdr(hdr, mode->print_mode, RING_MODE_EGRESS); dissector_entry_point(out, hdr->tp_h.tp_snaplen, mode->link_type, mode->print_mode); */ //x++; kernel_may_pull_from_tx(&hdr->tp_h); next_slot_prewr(&it, &tx_ring); stats.tx_bytes += hdr->tp_h.tp_len;; stats.tx_packets++; send_len += hdr->tp_h.tp_len; avg_send_len = send_len / stats.tx_packets; if (unlikely(sigint == 1)) break; if (frame_cnt_max != 0 && stats.tx_packets >= frame_cnt_max) { //sigint = 1; break; } //START OF BLOCK if (gbit_s != 0 || pps > 0) tick_start = getticks(); if (gbit_s > 0 || pps > 0) { /* rate set */ while ((getticks() - tick_start) < (num_pkt_good_sent * tick_delta)) ; } else if (gbit_s < 0) { /* real pcap rate --FULL SYNC MODE */ pcap_time = &phdr.ts; ticks ticks_from_beginning = (((pcap_time->tv_sec - beginning_tv_sec) * 1000000) + (pcap_time->tv_usec - beginning_tv_usec)) * hz / 1000000; //delta time of this pkt from beginning of pcap /* h-> is this packet header and beginning is 1st packet's header */ if (ticks_from_beginning == 0) tick_start = getticks(); /* first packet, resetting time */ while ((getticks() - tick_start) < ticks_from_beginning) ; } //pps routine end //END OF BLOCK } } out: gettimeofday(&end, NULL); diff = tv_subtract(end, start); fflush(stdout); printf("\n"); printf("\r%12lu frames outgoing\n", stats.tx_packets); printf("\r%12lu frames truncated (larger than frame)\n", trunced); printf("\r%12lu bytes outgoing\n", stats.tx_bytes); printf("\r%12lu sec, %lu usec in total\n", diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_usec); bpf_release(&bpf_ops); dissector_cleanup_all(); destroy_tx_ring(tx_sock, &tx_ring); if (mode->rfraw) leave_rfmon_mac80211(mode->device_trans, mode->device_out); close(tx_sock); if (pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->prepare_close_pcap) pcap_ops[mode->pcap]->prepare_close_pcap(fd, PCAP_MODE_READ); close(fd); } }