static void plustot_env_evalfile(t_plustot_env *x, t_symbol *fname) { char buf1[MAXPDSTRING], buf2[MAXPDSTRING], *nameptr, *dir; int fd; dir = canvas_getdir(x->x_glist)->s_name; if ((fd = open_via_path(dir, fname->s_name, "", buf1, &nameptr, MAXPDSTRING, 0)) < 0) { loud_error((t_pd *)x, "file '%s' not found", fname->s_name); } else { Tcl_Interp *interp = plustin_getinterp(x->x_tin); FILE *fp; close(fd); strcpy(buf2, buf1); strcat(buf2, "/"); strcat(buf2, nameptr); sys_bashfilename(buf2, buf2); Tcl_Preserve(interp); if (Tcl_EvalFile(interp, buf2) != TCL_OK) { strcpy(buf1, "evaluation failed ("); strncat(buf1, buf2, MAXPDSTRING - strlen(buf1) - 2); strcat(buf1, ")"); plusloud_tclerror((t_pd *)x, interp, buf1); } Tcl_Release(interp); } }
FILE *fileread_open(char *filename, t_canvas *cv, int textmode) { int fd; char path[MAXPDSTRING+2], *nameptr; t_symbol *dirsym = (cv ? canvas_getdir(cv) : 0); /* path arg is returned unbashed (system-independent) */ if ((fd = open_via_path((dirsym ? dirsym->s_name : ""), filename, "", path, &nameptr, MAXPDSTRING, 1)) < 0) return (0); /* Closing/reopening dance. This is unnecessary under linux, and we could have tried to convert fd to fp, but under windows open_via_path() returns what seems to be an invalid fd. LATER try to understand what is going on here... */ close(fd); if (path != nameptr) { char *slashpos = path + strlen(path); *slashpos++ = '/'; /* try not to be dependent on current open_via_path() implementation */ if (nameptr != slashpos) strcpy(slashpos, nameptr); } sys_bashfilename(path, path); return (fopen(path, (textmode ? "r" : "rb"))); }
static const char* imagebang_get_filename(t_imagebang *x,char *file) { static char fname[MAXPDSTRING]; char *bufptr; int fd; fd=open_via_path(canvas_getdir(glist_getcanvas(x->glist))->s_name, file, "",fname, &bufptr, MAXPDSTRING, 1); if(fd>0){ fname[strlen(fname)]='/'; DEBUG(post("image file: %s",fname);)
static void blackboard_image(t_blackboard *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { int fd; char path[MAXPDSTRING]; char name[MAXPDSTRING]; char *nameptr; if(x->f_ninstructions >= _blackboard::maxcmd) { pd_error(x, "%s too many drawing commands.", eobj_getclassname(x)->s_name); return; } if(argc > 2 && argv) { if(atom_gettype(argv) == A_FLOAT && atom_gettype(argv+1) == A_FLOAT && atom_gettype(argv+2) == A_SYMBOL) { sprintf(path, "%s",atom_getsymbol(argv+2)->s_name); if(access(path, O_RDONLY) != -1) { sprintf(x->f_instructions[x->f_ninstructions], "create image %d %d -anchor nw -image [image create photo -file %s]", (int)atom_getfloat(argv), (int)atom_getfloat(argv+1), path); x->f_ninstructions++; ebox_redraw((t_ebox *)x); return; } sprintf(path, "%s/%s", canvas_getdir(x->j_box.b_obj.o_canvas)->s_name, atom_getsymbol(argv+2)->s_name); if(access(path, O_RDONLY) != -1) { sprintf(x->f_instructions[x->f_ninstructions], "create image %d %d -anchor nw -image [image create photo -file %s]", (int)atom_getfloat(argv), (int)atom_getfloat(argv+1), path); x->f_ninstructions++; ebox_redraw((t_ebox *)x); return; } sprintf(name, "%s", atom_getsymbol(argv+2)->s_name); if(!strncmp(name+strlen(name)-4, ".gif", 4)) { strncpy(name+strlen(name)-4, "\0", 4); } fd = open_via_path(canvas_getdir(x->j_box.b_obj.o_canvas)->s_name, name, ".gif", path, &nameptr, MAXPDSTRING, 0); if(fd >= 0) { sprintf(x->f_instructions[x->f_ninstructions], "create image %d %d -anchor nw -image [image create photo -file %s/%s.gif]", (int)atom_getfloat(argv), (int)atom_getfloat(argv+1), path, name); x->f_ninstructions++; ebox_redraw((t_ebox *)x); return; } } } }
static void openit(const char *dirname, const char *filename) { char dirbuf[MAXPDSTRING], *nameptr; int fd = open_via_path(dirname, filename, "", dirbuf, &nameptr, MAXPDSTRING, 0); if (fd >= 0) { close (fd); glob_evalfile(0, gensym(nameptr), gensym(dirbuf)); } else error("%s: can't open", filename); }
/* this routine is called when a new "object" is requested whose class Pd doesn't know. Pd tries to load it as an extern, then as an abstraction. */ void new_anything(void *dummy, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_pd *current; t_symbol *dir = canvas_getcurrentdir(); int fd; char dirbuf[MAXPDSTRING], *nameptr; if (tryingalready) return; newest = 0; class_loadsym = s; if (sys_load_lib(dir->s_name, s->s_name)) { tryingalready = 1; typedmess(dummy, s, argc, argv); tryingalready = 0; return; } class_loadsym = 0; current = s__X.s_thing; if ((fd = open_via_path(dir->s_name, s->s_name, ".pd", dirbuf, &nameptr, MAXPDSTRING, 0)) >= 0 || (fd = open_via_path(dir->s_name, s->s_name, ".pat", dirbuf, &nameptr, MAXPDSTRING, 0)) >= 0) { close (fd); if (!pd_setloadingabstraction(s)) { canvas_setargs(argc, argv); /* bug fix by Krzysztof Czaja */ binbuf_evalfile(gensym(nameptr), gensym(dirbuf)); if (s__X.s_thing != current) canvas_popabstraction((t_canvas *)(s__X.s_thing)); canvas_setargs(0, 0); } else error("%s: can't load abstraction within itself\n", s->s_name); } else newest = 0; }
const char *image_get_filename(t_image *x,char *file) { static char fname[MAXPDSTRING]; char *bufptr; int fd; fd=open_via_path(canvas_getdir(glist_getcanvas(x->x_glist))->s_name, file, "",fname, &bufptr, MAXPDSTRING, 1); if(fd>0) { fname[strlen(fname)]='/'; close(fd); return fname; } else return 0; }
static void openit(const char *dirname, const char *filename) { char dirbuf[FILENAME_MAX], *nameptr; int fd = open_via_path(dirname, filename, "", dirbuf, &nameptr, FILENAME_MAX, 0); if (fd >= 0) { close (fd); glob_evalfile(0, gensym(nameptr), gensym(dirbuf)); sys_vgui("pdtk_set_current_dir %s\n", filename); //sys_vgui("::pd_menus::update_recentfiles_menu .mbar.file 0\n"); sys_vgui("::pd_guiprefs::update_recentfiles %s 1\n", filename); } else error("%s: can't open", filename); }
static void freadln_open (t_freadln *x, t_symbol *s, t_symbol*type) { char filenamebuf[MAXPDSTRING], *filenamebufptr; char*dirname=canvas_getdir(x->x_canvas)->s_name; int fd, len; freadln_close(x); /* if(type!=gensym("cr")) { pd_error(x, "currently only 'cr' type files are implemented!"); return; } */ if (type==gensym("cr")) strcpy(x->linebreak_chr,"\n"); else strcpy(x->linebreak_chr,";\n"); /* directory, filename, extension, dirresult, nameresult, unsigned int size, int bin */ if ((fd=open_via_path(dirname, s->s_name,"", filenamebuf, &filenamebufptr, MAXPDSTRING,0)) < 0 ) { pd_error(x, "%s: failed to open %s", s->s_name, filenamebuf); return; } close(fd); len=strlen(filenamebuf); if (!(x->x_filename=(char*)getbytes(sizeof(char)*(len+strlen(s->s_name)+2)))) { pd_error(x, "out of memory"); freadln_close(x); return; } strcpy(x->x_filename,filenamebuf); strcpy(x->x_filename+len,"/"); strcpy(x->x_filename+len+1,s->s_name); if (!(x->x_file=fopen(x->x_filename, "r"))) { pd_error(x, "freadln: failed to open %128s",filenamebuf); return; } if (!(x->x_textbuf = (char *) getbytes (MIN_FREADLN_LENGTH * sizeof(char)))) { pd_error(x, "out of memory"); freadln_close(x); return; } x->x_textbuf_length=MIN_FREADLN_LENGTH; }
void jsusfx_compile(t_jsusfx *x, t_symbol *newFile) { x->bypass = true; std::ifstream *is; if ( newFile != NULL ) { char result[1024], *bufptr; int fd = open_via_path(x->canvasdir, newFile->s_name, "", result, &bufptr, 1024, 1); if ( fd == 0 || result[0] == 0 ) { error("jsusfx~: unable to find script %s", newFile->s_name); return; } strncat(result, "/", 1024); strncat(result, newFile->s_name, 1024); is = new std::ifstream(result); if ( ! is->is_open() ) { error("jsusfx~: error opening file %s", result); delete is; return; } strncpy(x->scriptpath, result, 1024); } else { if ( x->scriptpath[0] == 0 ) return; is = new std::ifstream(x->scriptpath); if ( ! is->is_open() ) { error("jsusfx~: error opening file %s", x->scriptpath); delete is; return; } } x->fx->dspLock.Enter(); if ( x->fx->compile(*is) ) { if ( x->fx->srate != 0 ) x->fx->prepare(*(x->fx->srate), *(x->fx->blockPerSample)); } else { x->bypass = true; } x->fx->dspLock.Leave(); delete is; if ( ! x->bypass ) jsusfx_describe(x); }
void dummies_setup(void) { t_dummy_slot *sl; int i, mapsize; char **mapping = import_getmapping(&mapsize); int ndoomed = 0; dummy_nclasses = sizeof(dummy_slots)/sizeof(*dummy_slots); /* never freed: */ dummy_classes = getbytes(dummy_nclasses * sizeof(*dummy_classes)); for (i = 0, sl = dummy_slots; i < dummy_nclasses; i++, sl++) { int fd; char dirbuf[MAXPDSTRING], *nameptr; char *name = port_usemapping(sl->s_name, mapsize, mapping); if (name) ndoomed++; else if (ndoomed && i < dummy_nclasses - 1) { loudbug_bug("dummies_setup"); loudbug_post ("(\"%s\": clashing or doomed dummy not registered for import)", sl->s_name); } if ((fd = open_via_path("", sl->s_name, ".pd", dirbuf, &nameptr, MAXPDSTRING, 0)) >= 0) { close(fd); dummy_nreps++; } else { dummy_classes[i] = class_new((name ? gensym(name) : gensym(sl->s_name)), sl->s_method ? sl->s_method : (t_newmethod)dummy_new, 0, sizeof(t_object), (sl->s_nins ? 0 : CLASS_NOINLET), A_GIMME, 0); } } dummy_nclasses--; /* use "_dummy" as a sentinel */ ccdummies_class = class_new(gensym("_cc.dummies"), 0, 0, sizeof(t_pd), CLASS_PD | CLASS_NOINLET, 0); class_addbang(ccdummies_class, ccdummies_bang); pd_bind(pd_new(ccdummies_class), gensym("_cc.dummies")); /* never freed */ }
static void sdiflists_types(t_sdiflists *x, t_symbol *types) { if(x->markers[0].filepos != -1 ) { t_colout *u; int j; SdifFClose(x->file); for(j=0; j < x->nframes; j++) x->markers[j].timetag = x->markers[j].filepos = 0; x->markers[0].timetag = -1; for ( j=0, u = x->data; j < x->n_outs; u++, j++) freebytes( u->outvec, x->max_vec * sizeof(t_atom)); #if DEBUG post("sdiflists::types: closed previous file"); #endif x->nframes = IFRAMES; } //prepend the full path onto the filename char fullfilename[MAXPDSTRING], namebuf[MAXPDSTRING]; char buf[MAXPDSTRING], *bufptr, *dirname; int fd = 0; dirname=canvas_getdir(x->canvas)->s_name; t_binbuf *bbuf = binbuf_new(); fd = open_via_path(dirname, types->s_name,"", buf, &bufptr, MAXPDSTRING, 0); if(fd > 0) { namebuf[0] = 0; if (*buf) strcat(namebuf, buf), strcat(namebuf, "/"); strcat(namebuf, bufptr); sys_bashfilename(namebuf, fullfilename); SdifGenKill (); // have to close it to read a new .STYP SdifGenInitCond (types->s_name); post("sdiflists: types-declaration file: %s", types->s_name); } else post ("sdiflists: types file %s could not be opened", types->s_name); }
static int libdir_loader_legacy(t_canvas *canvas, char *classname) { int fd = -1; char fullclassname[FILENAME_MAX], dirbuf[FILENAME_MAX]; char *nameptr; /* look for meta file (classname)/(classname)-meta.pd */ libdir_get_fullname(fullclassname, FILENAME_MAX, classname); /* if this is being called from a canvas, then add the library path to the * canvas-local path */ if(canvas) /* setting the canvas to NULL causes it to ignore any canvas-local path */ fd = canvas_open(NULL, fullclassname, ".pd", dirbuf, &nameptr, FILENAME_MAX, 0); else fd = open_via_path(".", fullclassname, ".pd", dirbuf, &nameptr, FILENAME_MAX, 0); if(fd < 0) { return (0); } sys_close(fd); #if 0 if(!canvas) { char helppathname[FILENAME_MAX]; strncpy(helppathname, sys_libdir->s_name, FILENAME_MAX-30); helppathname[FILENAME_MAX-30] = 0; strcat(helppathname, "/doc/5.reference/"); strcat(helppathname, classname); sys_helppath = namelist_append(sys_helppath, helppathname, 0); } #endif if(libdir_add_to_path(dirbuf, canvas)) logpost(NULL, 3, "libdir_loader: added '%s' to the %s objectclass path", classname, canvas?"canvas-local":"global"); /* post("libdir_loader loaded fullclassname: '%s'\n", fullclassname); */ logpost(NULL, 14, "Loaded libdir '%s' from '%s'", classname, dirbuf); return (1); }
std::string CPPExtern::findFile(const std::string f, const std::string e) const { char buf[MAXPDSTRING], buf2[MAXPDSTRING]; char*bufptr=0; std::string result=""; int fd=-1; t_canvas*canvas=const_cast<t_canvas*>(getCanvas()); char*filename=const_cast<char*>(f.c_str()); char*ext=const_cast<char*>(e.c_str()); if ((fd=open_via_path(canvas_getdir(canvas)->s_name, filename, ext, buf2, &bufptr, MAXPDSTRING, 1))>=0) { sys_close(fd); result=buf2; result+="/"; result+=bufptr; } else { canvas_makefilename(canvas, filename, buf, MAXPDSTRING); result=buf; } return result; }
static t_symbol *iem_image_calc_size(t_iem_image *x) { char dirbuf[MAXPDSTRING], *namebufptr; char namebuf[MAXPDSTRING]; unsigned char buf[222]; unsigned int i; char *c; int fd; FILE *fh; size_t items; if(!x->x_gifsym || !x->x_gifsym->s_name) { post("iem_image-ERROR: no gifname"); x->x_gifsym = (t_symbol *)0; return((t_symbol *)0); } fd = open_via_path(canvas_getdir(glist_getcanvas(x->x_gui.x_glist))->s_name, x->x_gifsym->s_name, "", dirbuf, &namebufptr, MAXPDSTRING, 1); if (fd < 0) { post("iem_image-ERROR: cannot open %s first time", x->x_gifsym->s_name); x->x_gifsym = (t_symbol *)0; return((t_symbol *)0); } else { if(fd >= 0) close(fd); strcpy(namebuf, dirbuf); strcat(namebuf, "/"); strcat(namebuf, namebufptr); fh = fopen(namebuf, "r"); if(fh == NULL) { post("iem_image-ERROR: cannot open %s second time", namebuf); x->x_gifsym = (t_symbol *)0; return((t_symbol *)0); } else { items=fread(buf, 22, sizeof(unsigned char), fh); if((items < 1)||(strlen((char*)buf)<7)) { post("iem_image-ERROR: can not read header in %s, only %d items read: %s.", namebuf, strlen((char*)buf), (char*) buf); x->x_gifsym = (t_symbol *)0; return((t_symbol *)0); }; fclose(fh); c = (char *)buf; if((c[0] != 'G')||(c[1] != 'I')||(c[2] != 'F')) { post("iem_image-ERROR: %s is not a GIF-file", namebuf); x->x_gifsym = (t_symbol *)0; return((t_symbol *)0); } i = 256*(unsigned int)buf[7]; i += (unsigned int)buf[6]; x->x_gui.x_w = (int)i; i = 256*(unsigned int)buf[9]; i += (unsigned int)buf[8]; x->x_gui.x_h = (int)i; SETFLOAT(x->x_at_out, (t_float)x->x_gui.x_w); SETFLOAT(x->x_at_out+1, (t_float)x->x_gui.x_h); outlet_list(x->x_gui.x_obj.ob_outlet, &s_list, 2, x->x_at_out); if(x->x_gui.x_fsf.x_snd_able && x->x_gui.x_snd->s_thing) pd_list(x->x_gui.x_snd->s_thing, &s_list, 2, x->x_at_out); return(gensym(namebuf)); } } }
static bool getmodulesub(const char *mod,char *dir,int len,const char *ext) { #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD char *name; int fd = open_via_path("",mod,ext,dir,&name,len,0); if(fd >= 0) { fileclose(fd); FLEXT_ASSERT(name && *name); } else { // look for mod/ std::string tmp(mod); int l = tmp.size(); tmp += "/__init__"; fd = open_via_path("",tmp.c_str(),ext,dir,&name,len,0); if(fd >= 0) { fileclose(fd); FLEXT_ASSERT(name && *name); // we must remove the module name from dir char *t = dir+strlen(dir)-l; FLEXT_ASSERT(!strcmp(mod,t) && t[-1] == '/'); t[-1] = 0; } else name = NULL; } // if dir is current working directory... name points to dir if(dir == name) strcpy(dir,"."); return name != NULL; #elif FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX short path; long type; char smod[1024]; strcpy(smod,mod); strcat(smod,ext); bool ok = !locatefile_extended(smod,&path,&type,&type,0); if(ok) // convert pathname to unix style path_topathname(path,NULL,smod); else { // do path/file.ext combinations work at all under Max? strcpy(smod,mod); short path; type = 'fold'; ok = !locatefile_extended(smod,&path,&type,&type,1); if(ok) { // convert pathname to unix style (including trailing slash) path_topathname(path,NULL,smod); char *end = smod+strlen(smod); strcpy(end,mod); strcat(end,"/__init__"); strcat(end,ext); // check if file is really existing: try to open it FILE *f = fopen(smod,"r"); if(f) { *end = 0; // clear module part ... we only need base path fclose(f); } else ok = false; } } if(ok) { // convert path into slash style needed for Python #if 0 // Max API function uses Volume:/Path notation path_nameconform(smod,dir,PATH_STYLE_SLASH,PATH_TYPE_ABSOLUTE); #else #if FLEXT_OS == FLEXT_OS_WIN char *colon = NULL; #else char *colon = strchr(smod,':'); #endif if(colon) { *colon = 0; strcpy(dir,"/Volumes/"); strcat(dir,smod); strcat(dir,colon+1); } else strcpy(dir,smod); #endif return true; } else // not found return false; #else #pragma message("Not implemented"); return false; #endif }
/*-------------------open files, STYP first if given, then SDIF-----------------*/ static void sdiflists_open(t_sdiflists *x, t_symbol *s, int argcount, t_atom *argvec) { int i,j; unsigned int StreamSpecified = 0; for (i = 0; i < argcount; i++) { if (argvec[i].a_type == A_FLOAT) {//TODO: check if this was given after file, cuz that would be useless x->streamid = (int) argvec[i].a_w.w_float; StreamSpecified = 1; post("stream specified:#%d", x->streamid); } if (argvec[i].a_type == A_SYMBOL) { char *sym = argvec[i].a_w.w_symbol->s_name; if(!strcmp( sym + strlen(sym)-5 , ".sdif" ) || !strcmp( sym + strlen(sym)-5 , ".SDIF" )) { t_colout *u; if(x->markers[0].timetag != -1) { post("closing file... "); SdifFClose(x->file); for(j=0; j < x->nframes; j++) x->markers[j].timetag = x->markers[j].filepos = 0; for(j=0, u = x->data; j < x->n_outs; u++, j++) freebytes( u->outvec, x->max_vec * sizeof(t_atom)); x->markers[0].timetag = -1; x->index = -1; x->nframes = IFRAMES; #if DEBUG post("sdiflists::open: closed previous file"); #endif }// end if x->file exists unsigned int rows = 0; unsigned int cols = 0; t_int eof, m, updatepos; t_int firstframe = 1; t_int timepos = 0; size_t bytesread = 0; SdiffPosT currpos; float currtime = 0; /*method for opening file in canvas directory. Based on zexy's [msgfile], which is based on Pd's [textfile]*/ char filnam[MAXPDSTRING], namebuf[MAXPDSTRING]; char buf[MAXPDSTRING], *bufptr, *readbuf; int fd; // used to check if file exists char *dirname; dirname = canvas_getdir(x->canvas)->s_name; t_binbuf *bbuf = binbuf_new(); fd = open_via_path(dirname, sym,"", buf, &bufptr, MAXPDSTRING, 0); if(fd < 0) { error("sdiflists-open: %s cannot be found", sym); return; } namebuf[0] = 0; if (*buf) strcat(namebuf, buf), strcat(namebuf, "/"); strcat(namebuf, bufptr); // open and get length sys_bashfilename(namebuf, filnam); //this is hopefully a readable file #if DEBUG post("(open_via_path) dirname: %s, filename->s_name: %s, buf: %s, bufptr: %s", dirname, sym, buf, bufptr); post("AFTER bashfilename: namebuf: %s, filnam: %s ", namebuf, filnam); #endif x->filename = gensym( namebuf ); /* Check if the file is a good SDIF file, skip function if not */ if (SdifCheckFileFormat (x->filename->s_name)) { post("sdiflists: reading %s", x->filename->s_name); x->file = SdifFOpen ( x->filename->s_name, eReadFile); bytesread += SdifFReadGeneralHeader (x->file); bytesread += SdifFReadAllASCIIChunks (x->file); eof = SdifFCurrSignature(x->file) == eEmptySignature; int err; while (!eof) //frame loop { /*The frame positions must be indexed before the frameheader is read, then check if it is a selected frame. If not, skip the frame and overwrite the marker.*/ err = SdifFGetPos(x->file, &currpos); if(err==-1) error("error SdifFGetPos"); /* Read frame header. Current signature has already been read by SdifFReadAllASCIIChunks or the last loop.) */ bytesread += SdifFReadFrameHeader (x->file); if(!StreamSpecified) { x->streamid = SdifSelectGetFirstInt(x->file->Selection->stream, SdifFCurrID (x->file)); StreamSpecified = 1; post("first stream used: #%d", x->streamid); } //PROBLEM: (maybe not...check)the last frame in the file is always acceptable... fix by using sel spec while (!SdifFCurrFrameIsSelected (x->file) || SdifFCurrID (x->file) != x->streamid ) { // post("frame skipped"); SdifFSkipFrameData (x->file); if ((eof = SdifFGetSignature(x->file, &bytesread) == eEof)) break; SdifFGetPos(x->file, &currpos); bytesread += SdifFReadFrameHeader(x->file); } if(eof) //have to check again...since it might have skipped to the end break; //check if this is a new time so successive frames don't overwrite filepos currtime = SdifFCurrTime (x->file); if( !timepos || x->markers[timepos-1].timetag != currtime ) { x->markers[timepos].filepos = currpos; x->markers[timepos].timetag = currtime; timepos++; if( timepos >= x->nframes ) { x->markers = (t_pos *)resizebytes( x->markers, x->nframes * sizeof(t_pos), (x->nframes + IFRAMES) * sizeof(t_pos) ); x->nframes = x->nframes + IFRAMES; } } /*matrices loop */ for ( m = 0; (unsigned int)m < SdifFCurrNbMatrix (x->file); m++) { bytesread += SdifFReadMatrixHeader (x->file); if( SdifFCurrNbRow (x->file) > rows) { rows = SdifFCurrNbRow (x->file); //get matrix stats cols = SdifFCurrNbCol (x->file);//should stay the same } //skip the actual matrices bytesread += SdifFSkipMatrixData (x->file); }// end for matrices eof = SdifFGetSignature (x->file, &bytesread) == eEof; }// end while no eof x->seconds = currtime; x->nframes= timepos; //last timepos was the eof #if DEBUG post(" rows: %d , cols: %d , frames: %d , seconds: %f", rows, cols, x->nframes, x->seconds); post("sdiflists: %s opened. ", x->filename->s_name); #endif x->max_vec = rows; //needed to free memory //the following lines are a bug work-around... if the eof is reached, you cannot seek //until the fle is closed, opened, and re-initialized... i posted about this on the sdif list. SdifFClose (x->file); x->file = SdifFOpen ( x->filename->s_name, eReadFile); SdifFReadGeneralHeader (x->file); SdifFReadAllASCIIChunks (x->file); eof = SdifFCurrSignature(x->file) == eEmptySignature; //make room for the row lists for ( i=0, u = x->data; i < x->n_outs; u++, i++) u->outvec = (t_atom *)getbytes( x->max_vec * sizeof(t_atom)); } /* end if filetype check */ } } //end if Symbol }//end for arguments }