예제 #1
void tea_leaf_cheby_first_step(double *ch_alphas, double *ch_betas, int *fields,
    double *error, double *theta, double cn, int max_cheby_iters, int *est_itc, double solve_time, double rx, double ry) {

  double bb = 0;
  // calculate 2 norm of u0
  tea_leaf_calc_2norm(0, &bb);

  // initialise 'p' array

  // if (profiler_on) halo_time = timer()
  // if (profiler_on) solve_time = solve_time + (timer()-halo_time)

  tea_leaf_cheby_iterate(u,u0,vector_p,vector_r,vector_Mi,vector_w,vector_z,vector_Kx,vector_Ky,tri_cp,tri_bfp,ch_alphas, ch_betas, rx,ry,1,tl_preconditioner_type);

  tea_leaf_calc_2norm(1, error);

  double it_alpha = eps/2.0*sqrt(bb/(*error));//eps*bb/(4.0*(*error));
  double gamm = (sqrt(cn) - 1.0)/(sqrt(cn) + 1.0);
  *est_itc = round(log(it_alpha)/(log(gamm)));

  ops_fprintf(g_out,"    est itc\n%11d\n",*est_itc);
  ops_printf("    est itc\n%11d\n",*est_itc);

예제 #2
void timestep() {
	double dtlp;
	double kernel_time, c, t;

	if(profiler_on) ops_timers_core(&c,&kernel_time);

    dt = dtinit;

  // if(profiler_on) profiler%timestep=profiler%timestep+(timer()-kernel_time)

    ops_fprintf(g_out, " Step %8d time  %.7lf timestep %-10.2E\n", step, currtime, dt);
    ops_printf(" Step %8d time  %.7lf timestep %-10.2E\n", step, currtime, dt);

예제 #3
void field_summary()
  double qa_diff;

  //initialize sizes using global values
  int x_min = field.x_min;
  int x_max = field.x_max;
  int y_min = field.y_min;
  int y_max = field.y_max;

  int rangexy_inner[] = {x_min,x_max,y_min,y_max}; // inner range without border

  double vol= 0.0 , mass = 0.0, ie = 0.0, temp = 0.0;

  ops_par_loop(field_summary_kernel, "field_summary_kernel", tea_grid, 2, rangexy_inner,
      ops_arg_dat(volume, 1, S2D_00, "double", OPS_READ),
      ops_arg_dat(density, 1, S2D_00, "double", OPS_READ),
      ops_arg_dat(energy1, 1, S2D_00, "double", OPS_READ),
      ops_arg_dat(u, 1, S2D_00, "double", OPS_READ),
      ops_arg_reduce(red_vol, 1, "double", OPS_INC),
      ops_arg_reduce(red_mass, 1, "double", OPS_INC),
      ops_arg_reduce(red_ie, 1, "double", OPS_INC),
      ops_arg_reduce(red_temp, 1, "double", OPS_INC));

  //printf("mass = %lf\n",mass);

  ops_fprintf(g_out,"\n Time %lf\n",clover_time);
  ops_fprintf(g_out,"              %-10s  %-10s  %-15s  %-10s  %-s\n",
  " Volume"," Mass"," Density"," Internal Energy","Temperature");
  ops_fprintf(g_out," step:   %3d   %-10.3E  %-10.3E  %-15.3E  %-10.3E  %-.3E",
          step, vol, mass, mass/vol, ie, temp);

  if(complete == 1) {
    if(test_problem>0) {
      if (test_problem == 1)
        qa_diff = fabs((100.0 * (temp / 157.55084183279294)) - 100.0);
      if (test_problem == 2) // tea_bm_short.in
        qa_diff = fabs((100.0 * (temp / 106.27221178646569)) - 100.0);
      if (test_problem == 3)
        qa_diff = fabs((100.0 * (temp / 99.955877498324000)) - 100.0);
      if (test_problem == 4)
        qa_diff = fabs((100.0 * (temp / 97.277332050749976)) - 100.0);
      if (test_problem == 5)
        qa_diff = fabs((100.0 * (temp / 95.462351583362249)) - 100.0);
      ops_printf("Test problem %3d is within   %-10.7E%% of the expected solution\n",test_problem, qa_diff);
      ops_fprintf(g_out,"\nTest problem %3d is within   %10.7E%% of the expected solution\n",test_problem, qa_diff);
      if(qa_diff < 0.001) {
        ops_printf(" This test is considered PASSED\n");
        ops_fprintf(g_out," This test is considered PASSED\n");
        ops_printf(" This test is considered FAILED\n");
        ops_fprintf(g_out," This test is considered FAILED\n");

  //ops_exit();//exit for now

예제 #4
void read_input()
  //some defailt values before read input

  test_problem = 0;
  state_max = 0;
  number_of_states = 0;

  //grid = (grid_type ) xmalloc(sizeof(grid_type_core));
  grid.xmin = 0;
  grid.ymin = 0;
  grid.zmin = 0;
  grid.xmax = 100;
  grid.ymax = 100;
  grid.zmax = 100;

  grid.x_cells = 10;
  grid.y_cells = 10;
  grid.z_cells = 10;

  end_time = 10.0;
  end_step = g_ibig;
  complete = FALSE;


  dtinit = 0.1;
  dtmax = 1.0;
  dtmin = 0.0000001;
  dtrise = 1.05;
  dtc_safe = 0.75;
  dtu_safe = 0.5;
  dtv_safe = 0.5;
  dtw_safe = 0.5;
  dtdiv_safe = 0.5;

  use_vector_loops = TRUE;

  //need to read in the following through I/O .. hard coded below

  ops_fprintf(g_out," Reading input file\n");

  #define LINESZ 1024
  char buff[LINESZ];
  FILE *fin = fopen ("clover.in", "r");
  if (fin != NULL) {
      while (fgets (buff, LINESZ, fin)) {
          char* token = strtok(buff, " =");
          while (token) {
            if(strcmp(token,"*clover\n") != 0 && strcmp(token,"*endclover\n") != 0 ) {
              //printf("token: %s ", token);
              if(strcmp(token,"initial_timestep") == 0) {
                token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                dtinit = atof(token);
                ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %e\n", "initial_timestep",dtinit);
              else if(strcmp(token,"max_timestep") == 0) {
                token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                dtmax = atof(token);
                ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %e\n", "max_timestep",dtmax);
              else if(strcmp(token,"timestep_rise") == 0) {
                token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                dtrise = atof(token);
                ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %e\n", "timestep_rise",dtrise);
              else if(strcmp(token,"end_time") == 0) {
                token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                end_time = atof(token);
                ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %e\n", "end_time",end_time);
              else if(strcmp(token,"end_step") == 0) {
                token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                end_step = atof(token);
                ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %e\n", "end_step",end_step);
              else if(strcmp(token,"xmin") == 0) {
                token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                grid.xmin = atof(token);
                ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %e\n", "xmin",grid.xmin);
              else if(strcmp(token,"xmax") == 0) {
                token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                grid.xmax = atof(token);
                ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %e\n", "xmax",grid.xmax);
              else if(strcmp(token,"ymin") == 0) {
                token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                grid.ymin = atof(token);
                ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %e\n", "ymin",grid.ymin);
              else if(strcmp(token,"ymax") == 0) {
                token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                grid.ymax = atof(token);
                ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %e\n", "ymax",grid.ymax);
              else if(strcmp(token,"zmin") == 0) {
                token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                grid.zmin = atof(token);
                ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %e\n", "zmin",grid.zmin);
              else if(strcmp(token,"zmax") == 0) {
                token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                grid.zmax = atof(token);
                ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %e\n", "zmax",grid.zmax);
              else if(strcmp(token,"x_cells") == 0) {
                token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                grid.x_cells = atof(token);
                ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %d\n", "x_cells",grid.x_cells);
              else if(strcmp(token,"y_cells") == 0) {
                token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                grid.y_cells = atof(token);
                ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %d\n", "y_cells",grid.y_cells);
              else if(strcmp(token,"z_cells") == 0) {
                token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                grid.z_cells = atof(token);
                ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %d\n", "z_cells",grid.z_cells);
              else if(strcmp(token,"visit_frequency") == 0) {
                token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                visit_frequency = atoi(token);
                ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %d\n", "visit_frequency",visit_frequency);
              else if(strcmp(token,"summary_frequency") == 0) {
                token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                summary_frequency = atoi(token);
                ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %d\n", "summary_frequency",summary_frequency);
              else if(strcmp(token,"test_problem") == 0) {
                token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                test_problem = atoi(token);
                ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %d\n", "test_problem",test_problem);
              else if(strcmp(token,"profiler_on") == 0) {
                token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                profiler_on = atoi(token);
                ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %d\n", "profiler_on",profiler_on);
              else if(strcmp(token,"state") == 0) {

                ops_fprintf(g_out," Reading specification for state %d\n",number_of_states+1);

                token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                states =  (state_type *) xrealloc(states, sizeof(state_type) * (number_of_states+1));
                states[number_of_states].xvel = 0.0;
                states[number_of_states].yvel = 0.0;
                states[number_of_states].zvel = 0.0;

                token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                while(token) {
                  if(strcmp(token,"xvel") == 0) {
                    token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                    states[number_of_states].xvel = atof(token);
                    ops_fprintf(g_out,"xvel: %e\n", states[number_of_states].xvel);
                  if(strcmp(token,"yvel") == 0) {
                    token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                    states[number_of_states].yvel = atof(token);
                    ops_fprintf(g_out,"yvel: %e\n", states[number_of_states].yvel);
                  if(strcmp(token,"zvel") == 0) {
                    token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                    states[number_of_states].zvel = atof(token);
                    ops_fprintf(g_out,"zvel: %e\n", states[number_of_states].zvel);

                  if(strcmp(token,"xmin") == 0) {
                    token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                    states[number_of_states].xmin = atof(token);
                    ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %e\n","state xmin",states[number_of_states].xmin);
                  if(strcmp(token,"xmax") == 0) {
                    token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                    states[number_of_states].xmax = atof(token);
                    ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %e\n","state xmax",states[number_of_states].xmax);
                  if(strcmp(token,"ymin") == 0) {
                    token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                    states[number_of_states].ymin = atof(token);
                    ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %e\n","state ymin",states[number_of_states].ymin);
                  if(strcmp(token,"ymax") == 0) {
                    token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                    states[number_of_states].ymax = atof(token);
                    ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %e\n","state ymax",states[number_of_states].ymax);
                  if(strcmp(token,"zmin") == 0) {
                    token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                    states[number_of_states].zmin = atof(token);
                    ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %e\n","state zmin",states[number_of_states].zmin);
                  if(strcmp(token,"zmax") == 0) {
                    token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                    states[number_of_states].zmax = atof(token);
                    ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %e\n","state zmax",states[number_of_states].zmax);
                  if(strcmp(token,"density") == 0) {
                    token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                    states[number_of_states].density = atof(token);
                    ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %e\n", "state density",states[number_of_states].density);
                  if(strcmp(token,"energy") == 0) {
                    token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                    states[number_of_states].energy = atof(token);
                    ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %e\n", "state energy",states[number_of_states].energy);
                  if(strcmp(token,"geometry") == 0) {
                    token = strtok(NULL, " =");
                    if(strcmp(token,"cuboid") == 0) {
                      states[number_of_states].geometry = g_cube;
                      ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %s\n","state geometry","cuboid");
                    else if(strcmp(token,"sphere") == 0) {
                      states[number_of_states].geometry = g_sphe;
                      ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %s\n","state geometry","sphere");
                    else if(strcmp(token,"point") == 0) {
                      states[number_of_states].geometry = g_point;
                      ops_fprintf(g_out," %20s: %s\n","state geometry","point");

                  token = strtok(NULL, " =");


            token = strtok(NULL, " =");

      fclose (fin);

  if(number_of_states == 0) {
    ops_printf("read_input, No states defined.\n");

  ops_fprintf(g_out," Input read finished\n");

  //field = (field_type ) xmalloc(sizeof(field_type_core));
  field.x_min = 0 +2; //+2 to account for the boundary
  field.y_min = 0 +2; //+2 to account for the boundary
  field.z_min = 0 +2; //+2 to account for the boundary
  field.x_max = grid.x_cells +2; //+2 to account for the boundary
  field.y_max = grid.y_cells +2; //+2 to account for the boundary
  field.z_max = grid.z_cells +2; //+2 to account for the boundary
  field.left = 0;
  field.bottom = 0;
  field.back = 0;

  float dx= (grid.xmax-grid.xmin)/(float)(grid.x_cells);
  float dy= (grid.ymax-grid.ymin)/(float)(grid.y_cells);
  float dz= (grid.zmax-grid.zmin)/(float)(grid.z_cells);

  for(int i = 0; i < number_of_states; i++)
    states[i].xmin = states[i].xmin + (dx/100.00);
    states[i].ymin = states[i].ymin + (dy/100.00);
    states[i].zmin = states[i].zmin + (dz/100.00);
    states[i].xmax = states[i].xmax - (dx/100.00);
    states[i].ymax = states[i].ymax - (dy/100.00);
    states[i].zmax = states[i].zmax - (dz/100.00);
예제 #5
void field_summary() {
  double qa_diff;

  int x_min = field.x_min;
  int x_max = field.x_max;
  int y_min = field.y_min;
  int y_max = field.y_max;
  int z_min = field.z_min;
  int z_max = field.z_max;

  int rangexyz_inner[] = {x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max};


  double vol = 0.0, mass = 0.0, ie = 0.0, ke = 0.0, press = 0.0;

      "field_summary_kernel", clover_grid, 3, rangexyz_inner,
      ops_arg_dat(volume, 1, S3D_000, "double", OPS_READ),
      ops_arg_dat(density0, 1, S3D_000, "double", OPS_READ),
      ops_arg_dat(energy0, 1, S3D_000, "double", OPS_READ),
      ops_arg_dat(pressure, 1, S3D_000, "double", OPS_READ),
      ops_arg_dat(xvel0, 1, S3D_000_fP1P1P1, "double", OPS_READ),
      ops_arg_dat(yvel0, 1, S3D_000_fP1P1P1, "double", OPS_READ),
      ops_arg_dat(zvel0, 1, S3D_000_fP1P1P1, "double", OPS_READ),
      ops_arg_reduce(red_vol, 1, "double", OPS_INC),
      ops_arg_reduce(red_mass, 1, "double", OPS_INC),
      ops_arg_reduce(red_ie, 1, "double", OPS_INC),
      ops_arg_reduce(red_ke, 1, "double", OPS_INC),
      ops_arg_reduce(red_press, 1, "double", OPS_INC));

  ops_reduction_result(red_vol, &vol);
  ops_reduction_result(red_mass, &mass);
  ops_reduction_result(red_ie, &ie);
  ops_reduction_result(red_ke, &ke);
  ops_reduction_result(red_press, &press);

  ops_fprintf(g_out, "\n");
  ops_fprintf(g_out, "\n Time %lf\n", clover_time);
              "              %-10s  %-10s  %-10s  %-10s  %-15s  %-15s  %-s\n",
              " Volume", " Mass", " Density", " Pressure", " Internal Energy",
              "Kinetic Energy", "Total Energy");
  ops_fprintf(g_out, " step:   %3d   %-10.3E  %-10.3E  %-10.3E  %-10.3E  "
                     "%-15.3E  %-15.3E  %-.3E",
              step, vol, mass, mass / vol, press / vol, ie, ke, ie + ke);

  if (complete == TRUE && test_problem) {
    qa_diff = DBL_MAX;
    if (test_problem == 1)
      qa_diff = fabs((100.0 * (ke / 3.64560737191257)) - 100.0);
    if (test_problem == 2)
      qa_diff = fabs((100.0 * (ke / 20.0546870878964)) - 100.0);
    if (test_problem == 3)
      qa_diff = fabs((100.0 * (ke / 0.37517221925665)) - 100.0);
    if (test_problem == 4)
      qa_diff = fabs((100.0 * (ke / 17.9845165368889)) - 100.0);
    if (test_problem == 5)
      qa_diff = fabs((100.0 * (ke / 2.05018938455107)) - 100.0);

        "\n\nTest problem %d is within %3.15E %% of the expected solution\n",
        test_problem, qa_diff);
        "\n\nTest problem %d is within %3.15E %% of the expected solution\n",
        test_problem, qa_diff);

    if (qa_diff < 0.001) {
      ops_printf("This test is considered PASSED\n");
      ops_fprintf(g_out, "This test is considered PASSED\n");
    } else {
      ops_printf("This test is considered FAILED\n");
      ops_fprintf(g_out, "This test is considered FAILED\n");