예제 #1
파일: group.c 프로젝트: Ansa89/toxcore
static int decode_audio_packet(Group_AV *group_av, Group_Peer_AV *peer_av, int groupnumber, int friendgroupnumber)
    if (!group_av || !peer_av)
        return -1;

    int success;
    Group_Audio_Packet *pk = dequeue(peer_av->buffer, &success);

    if (success == 0)
        return -1;

    int16_t *out_audio = NULL;
    int out_audio_samples = 0;

    unsigned int sample_rate = 48000;

    if (success == 1) {
        int channels = opus_packet_get_nb_channels(pk->data);

        if (channels == OPUS_INVALID_PACKET) {
            return -1;

        if (channels != 1 && channels != 2) {
            return -1;

        if (channels != peer_av->decoder_channels) {
            if (peer_av->audio_decoder) {
                peer_av->audio_decoder = NULL;

            int rc;
            peer_av->audio_decoder = opus_decoder_create(sample_rate, channels, &rc);

            if (rc != OPUS_OK) {
                LOGGER_ERROR("Error while starting audio decoder: %s", opus_strerror(rc));
                return -1;

            peer_av->decoder_channels = channels;

        int num_samples = opus_decoder_get_nb_samples(peer_av->audio_decoder, pk->data, pk->length);

        out_audio = malloc(num_samples * peer_av->decoder_channels * sizeof(int16_t));

        if (!out_audio) {
            return -1;

        out_audio_samples = opus_decode(peer_av->audio_decoder, pk->data, pk->length, out_audio, num_samples, 0);

        if (out_audio_samples <= 0)
            return -1;

        peer_av->last_packet_samples = out_audio_samples;
    } else {
        if (!peer_av->audio_decoder)
            return -1;

        if (!peer_av->last_packet_samples)
            return -1;

        out_audio = malloc(peer_av->last_packet_samples * peer_av->decoder_channels * sizeof(int16_t));

        if (!out_audio) {
            return -1;

        out_audio_samples = opus_decode(peer_av->audio_decoder, NULL, 0, out_audio, peer_av->last_packet_samples, 1);

        if (out_audio_samples <= 0)
            return -1;


    if (out_audio) {

        if (group_av->audio_data)
            group_av->audio_data(group_av->g_c->m, groupnumber, friendgroupnumber, out_audio, out_audio_samples,
                                 peer_av->decoder_channels, sample_rate, group_av->userdata);

        return 0;

    return -1;
예제 #2
static GstFlowReturn
opus_dec_chain_parse_data (GstOpusDec * dec, GstBuffer * buf,
    GstClockTime timestamp, GstClockTime duration)
  GstFlowReturn res = GST_FLOW_OK;
  gint size;
  guint8 *data;
  GstBuffer *outbuf;
  gint16 *out_data;
  int n;

  if (timestamp != -1) {
    dec->segment.last_stop = timestamp;
    dec->granulepos = -1;

  if (dec->state == NULL) {
    GstCaps *caps;

    dec->state = opus_decoder_create (dec->sample_rate, dec->n_channels);

    /* set caps */
    caps = gst_caps_new_simple ("audio/x-raw-int",
        "rate", G_TYPE_INT, dec->sample_rate,
        "channels", G_TYPE_INT, dec->n_channels,
        "signed", G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, TRUE,
        "endianness", G_TYPE_INT, G_BYTE_ORDER,
        "width", G_TYPE_INT, 16, "depth", G_TYPE_INT, 16, NULL);

    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (dec, "rate=%d channels=%d frame-size=%d",
        dec->sample_rate, dec->n_channels, dec->frame_size);

    if (!gst_pad_set_caps (dec->srcpad, caps))
      GST_ERROR ("nego failure");

    gst_caps_unref (caps);

  if (buf) {
    data = GST_BUFFER_DATA (buf);
    size = GST_BUFFER_SIZE (buf);

    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (dec, "received buffer of size %u", size);

    /* copy timestamp */
  } else {
    /* concealment data, pass NULL as the bits parameters */
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (dec, "creating concealment data");
    data = NULL;
    size = 0;

  GST_DEBUG ("bandwidth %d", opus_packet_get_bandwidth (data));
  GST_DEBUG ("samples_per_frame %d", opus_packet_get_samples_per_frame (data,
  GST_DEBUG ("channels %d", opus_packet_get_nb_channels (data));

  res = gst_pad_alloc_buffer_and_set_caps (dec->srcpad,
      GST_BUFFER_OFFSET_NONE, dec->frame_samples * dec->n_channels * 2,
      GST_PAD_CAPS (dec->srcpad), &outbuf);

  if (res != GST_FLOW_OK) {
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (dec, "buf alloc flow: %s", gst_flow_get_name (res));
    return res;

  out_data = (gint16 *) GST_BUFFER_DATA (outbuf);

  GST_LOG_OBJECT (dec, "decoding frame");

  n = opus_decode (dec->state, data, size, out_data, dec->frame_samples, TRUE);
  if (n < 0) {
    GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (dec, STREAM, DECODE, ("Decoding error: %d", n), (NULL));
    return GST_FLOW_ERROR;

  if (!GST_CLOCK_TIME_IS_VALID (timestamp)) {
    timestamp = gst_util_uint64_scale_int (dec->granulepos - dec->frame_size,
        GST_SECOND, dec->sample_rate);

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (dec, "timestamp=%" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
      GST_TIME_ARGS (timestamp));

  if (dec->discont) {
    dec->discont = 0;

  dec->segment.last_stop += dec->frame_duration;

  GST_LOG_OBJECT (dec, "pushing buffer with ts=%" GST_TIME_FORMAT ", dur=%"
      GST_TIME_ARGS (dec->frame_duration));

  res = gst_pad_push (dec->srcpad, outbuf);

  if (res != GST_FLOW_OK)
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (dec, "flow: %s", gst_flow_get_name (res));

  return res;
예제 #3
파일: audio.c 프로젝트: piling/toxcore
void ac_iterate(ACSession *ac)
    if (!ac) {

    /* TODO(mannol): fix this and jitter buffering */

    /* Enough space for the maximum frame size (120 ms 48 KHz stereo audio) */
    int16_t tmp[5760 * 2];

    struct RTPMessage *msg;
    int rc = 0;


    while ((msg = jbuf_read((struct JitterBuffer *)ac->j_buf, &rc)) || rc == 2) {

        if (rc == 2) {
            LOGGER_DEBUG(ac->log, "OPUS correction");
            int fs = (ac->lp_sampling_rate * ac->lp_frame_duration) / 1000;
            rc = opus_decode(ac->decoder, NULL, 0, tmp, fs, 1);
        } else {
            /* Get values from packet and decode. */
            /* NOTE: This didn't work very well */
#if 0
            rc = convert_bw_to_sampling_rate(opus_packet_get_bandwidth(msg->data));

            if (rc != -1) {
                cs->last_packet_sampling_rate = rc;
            } else {
                LOGGER_WARNING(ac->log, "Failed to load packet values!");


            /* Pick up sampling rate from packet */
            memcpy(&ac->lp_sampling_rate, msg->data, 4);
            ac->lp_sampling_rate = ntohl(ac->lp_sampling_rate);

            ac->lp_channel_count = opus_packet_get_nb_channels(msg->data + 4);

            /** NOTE: even though OPUS supports decoding mono frames with stereo decoder and vice versa,
              * it didn't work quite well.
            if (!reconfigure_audio_decoder(ac, ac->lp_sampling_rate, ac->lp_channel_count)) {
                LOGGER_WARNING(ac->log, "Failed to reconfigure decoder!");

            rc = opus_decode(ac->decoder, msg->data + 4, msg->len - 4, tmp, 5760, 0);

        if (rc < 0) {
            LOGGER_WARNING(ac->log, "Decoding error: %s", opus_strerror(rc));
        } else if (ac->acb.first) {
            ac->lp_frame_duration = (rc * 1000) / ac->lp_sampling_rate;

            ac->acb.first(ac->av, ac->friend_number, tmp, rc, ac->lp_channel_count,
                          ac->lp_sampling_rate, ac->acb.second);


예제 #4
int opus_decode_native(OpusDecoder *st, const unsigned char *data,
      opus_int32 len, opus_val16 *pcm, int frame_size, int decode_fec,
      int self_delimited, opus_int32 *packet_offset, int soft_clip)
   int i, nb_samples;
   int count, offset;
   unsigned char toc;
   int packet_frame_size, packet_bandwidth, packet_mode, packet_stream_channels;
   /* 48 x 2.5 ms = 120 ms */
   opus_int16 size[48];
   if (decode_fec<0 || decode_fec>1)
      return OPUS_BAD_ARG;
   /* For FEC/PLC, frame_size has to be to have a multiple of 2.5 ms */
   if ((decode_fec || len==0 || data==NULL) && frame_size%(st->Fs/400)!=0)
      return OPUS_BAD_ARG;
   if (len==0 || data==NULL)
      int pcm_count=0;
      do {
         int ret;
         ret = opus_decode_frame(st, NULL, 0, pcm+pcm_count*st->channels, frame_size-pcm_count, 0);
         if (ret<0)
            return ret;
         pcm_count += ret;
      } while (pcm_count < frame_size);
      celt_assert(pcm_count == frame_size);
      if (OPUS_CHECK_ARRAY(pcm, pcm_count*st->channels))
      st->last_packet_duration = pcm_count;
      return pcm_count;
   } else if (len<0)
      return OPUS_BAD_ARG;

   packet_mode = opus_packet_get_mode(data);
   packet_bandwidth = opus_packet_get_bandwidth(data);
   packet_frame_size = opus_packet_get_samples_per_frame(data, st->Fs);
   packet_stream_channels = opus_packet_get_nb_channels(data);

   count = opus_packet_parse_impl(data, len, self_delimited, &toc, NULL,
                                  size, &offset, packet_offset);
   if (count<0)
      return count;

   data += offset;

   if (decode_fec)
      int duration_copy;
      int ret;
      /* If no FEC can be present, run the PLC (recursive call) */
      if (frame_size < packet_frame_size || packet_mode == MODE_CELT_ONLY || st->mode == MODE_CELT_ONLY)
         return opus_decode_native(st, NULL, 0, pcm, frame_size, 0, 0, NULL, soft_clip);
      /* Otherwise, run the PLC on everything except the size for which we might have FEC */
      duration_copy = st->last_packet_duration;
      if (frame_size-packet_frame_size!=0)
         ret = opus_decode_native(st, NULL, 0, pcm, frame_size-packet_frame_size, 0, 0, NULL, soft_clip);
         if (ret<0)
            st->last_packet_duration = duration_copy;
            return ret;
      /* Complete with FEC */
      st->mode = packet_mode;
      st->bandwidth = packet_bandwidth;
      st->frame_size = packet_frame_size;
      st->stream_channels = packet_stream_channels;
      ret = opus_decode_frame(st, data, size[0], pcm+st->channels*(frame_size-packet_frame_size),
            packet_frame_size, 1);
      if (ret<0)
         return ret;
      else {
         if (OPUS_CHECK_ARRAY(pcm, frame_size*st->channels))
         st->last_packet_duration = frame_size;
         return frame_size;

   if (count*packet_frame_size > frame_size)

   /* Update the state as the last step to avoid updating it on an invalid packet */
   st->mode = packet_mode;
   st->bandwidth = packet_bandwidth;
   st->frame_size = packet_frame_size;
   st->stream_channels = packet_stream_channels;

   for (i=0;i<count;i++)
      int ret;
      ret = opus_decode_frame(st, data, size[i], pcm+nb_samples*st->channels, frame_size-nb_samples, 0);
      if (ret<0)
         return ret;
      data += size[i];
      nb_samples += ret;
   st->last_packet_duration = nb_samples;
   if (OPUS_CHECK_ARRAY(pcm, nb_samples*st->channels))
   if (soft_clip)
      opus_pcm_soft_clip(pcm, nb_samples, st->channels, st->softclip_mem);
   return nb_samples;
예제 #5
int opus_decode_native(OpusDecoder *st, const unsigned char *data,
      opus_int32 len, opus_val16 *pcm, int frame_size, int decode_fec,
      int self_delimited, int *packet_offset)
   int i, nb_samples;
   int count, offset;
   unsigned char toc;
   int tot_offset;
   int packet_frame_size, packet_bandwidth, packet_mode, packet_stream_channels;
   /* 48 x 2.5 ms = 120 ms */
   short size[48];
   if (decode_fec<0 || decode_fec>1)
      return OPUS_BAD_ARG;
   /* For FEC/PLC, frame_size has to be to have a multiple of 2.5 ms */
   if ((decode_fec || len==0 || data==NULL) && frame_size%(st->Fs/400)!=0)
      return OPUS_BAD_ARG;
   if (len==0 || data==NULL)
      int pcm_count=0;
      do {
         int ret;
         ret = opus_decode_frame(st, NULL, 0, pcm, frame_size-pcm_count, 0);
         if (ret<0)
            return ret;
         pcm += st->channels*ret;
         pcm_count += ret;
      } while (pcm_count < frame_size);
      st->last_packet_duration = pcm_count;
      return pcm_count;
   } else if (len<0)
      return OPUS_BAD_ARG;

   packet_mode = opus_packet_get_mode(data);
   packet_bandwidth = opus_packet_get_bandwidth(data);
   packet_frame_size = opus_packet_get_samples_per_frame(data, st->Fs);
   packet_stream_channels = opus_packet_get_nb_channels(data);

   count = opus_packet_parse_impl(data, len, self_delimited, &toc, NULL, size, &offset);

   data += offset;

   if (decode_fec)
      int duration_copy;
      int ret;
      /* If no FEC can be present, run the PLC (recursive call) */
      if (frame_size <= packet_frame_size || packet_mode == MODE_CELT_ONLY || st->mode == MODE_CELT_ONLY)
         return opus_decode_native(st, NULL, 0, pcm, frame_size, 0, 0, NULL);
      /* Otherwise, run the PLC on everything except the size for which we might have FEC */
      duration_copy = st->last_packet_duration;
      ret = opus_decode_native(st, NULL, 0, pcm, frame_size-packet_frame_size, 0, 0, NULL);
      if (ret<0)
         st->last_packet_duration = duration_copy;
         return ret;
      /* Complete with FEC */
      st->mode = packet_mode;
      st->bandwidth = packet_bandwidth;
      st->frame_size = packet_frame_size;
      st->stream_channels = packet_stream_channels;
      ret = opus_decode_frame(st, data, size[0], pcm+st->channels*(frame_size-packet_frame_size),
            packet_frame_size, 1);
      if (ret<0)
         return ret;
      st->last_packet_duration = frame_size;
      return frame_size;
   tot_offset = 0;
   if (count < 0)
      return count;

   tot_offset += offset;

   if (count*packet_frame_size > frame_size)

   /* Update the state as the last step to avoid updating it on an invalid packet */
   st->mode = packet_mode;
   st->bandwidth = packet_bandwidth;
   st->frame_size = packet_frame_size;
   st->stream_channels = packet_stream_channels;

   for (i=0;i<count;i++)
      int ret;
      ret = opus_decode_frame(st, data, size[i], pcm, frame_size-nb_samples, decode_fec);
      if (ret<0)
         return ret;
      data += size[i];
      tot_offset += size[i];
      pcm += ret*st->channels;
      nb_samples += ret;
   if (packet_offset != NULL)
      *packet_offset = tot_offset;
   st->last_packet_duration = nb_samples;
   return nb_samples;