/* recv for collective messages sent from a daemon's local procs */
static void daemon_local_recv(int status, orte_process_name_t* sender,
                              opal_buffer_t* buffer, orte_rml_tag_t tag,
                              void* cbdata)
    int32_t rc, n;
    orte_grpcomm_collective_t *coll;
    orte_grpcomm_coll_id_t id;

    OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((5, orte_grpcomm_base_framework.framework_output,
                         "%s COLLECTIVE RECVD FROM %s",
    /* unpack the collective id */
    n = 1;
    if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(buffer, &id, &n, ORTE_GRPCOMM_COLL_ID_T))) {

    OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((5, orte_grpcomm_base_framework.framework_output,
                         "%s WORKING COLLECTIVE %d",
                         ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME), id));

    /* setup the collective for this id - if it's already present,
     * then this will just return the existing structure
    coll = orte_grpcomm_base_setup_collective(id);

    /* record this proc's participation and its data */
    opal_dss.copy_payload(&coll->local_bucket, buffer);

    OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((5, orte_grpcomm_base_framework.framework_output,
                         "%s PROGRESSING COLLECTIVE %d",
                         ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME), id));
static void daemon_coll_recv(int status, orte_process_name_t* sender,
                             opal_buffer_t* data, orte_rml_tag_t tag,
                             void* cbdata)
    orte_job_t *jdata;
    orte_std_cntr_t n;
    opal_list_item_t *item;
    orte_vpid_t np;
    int rc;
    orte_grpcomm_collective_t *coll;
    orte_namelist_t *nm;
    orte_grpcomm_coll_id_t id;
    bool do_progress;
    opal_buffer_t *relay;
    orte_jobid_t jobid;

    OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((5, orte_grpcomm_base_framework.framework_output,
                         "%s grpcomm:base:daemon_coll: daemon collective recvd from %s",
    /* get the collective id */
    n = 1;
    if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(data, &id, &n, ORTE_GRPCOMM_COLL_ID_T))) {

    OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((5, orte_grpcomm_base_framework.framework_output,
                         "%s grpcomm:base:daemon_coll: WORKING COLLECTIVE %d",
                         ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME), id));

    /* setup the collective for this id - if it's already present,
     * then this will just return the existing structure
    coll = orte_grpcomm_base_setup_collective(id);

    /* record that we received a bucket */

    /* unpack the jobid */
    n = 1;
    if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(data, &jobid, &n, ORTE_JOBID))) {

    /*  find this job */
    do_progress = true;
    if (NULL == (jdata = orte_get_job_data_object(jobid))) {
        /* if we can't find it, then we haven't processed the
         * launch msg for this job yet - can't happen with
         * our own local procs, but this could involve a proc
         * running remotely that we don't know about yet
        do_progress = false;
    if (do_progress && 0 == jdata->num_local_procs) {
        coll->locally_complete = true;

    /* unpack the number of contributors involved in the incoming data */
    n = 1;
    if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_dss.unpack(data, &np, &n, ORTE_VPID))) {
    OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((5, orte_grpcomm_base_framework.framework_output,
                         "%s grpcomm:base:daemon_coll: NUM CONTRIBS: %s",
    /* add it to the number of global recvd */
    coll->num_global_recvd += np;

    /* transfer the data */
    opal_dss.copy_payload(&coll->buffer, data);

    /* are we done? */
    if (!do_progress || !coll->locally_complete) {
        /* can't continue - missing at least one launch msg
         * or not locally complete
        OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((5, orte_grpcomm_base_framework.framework_output,
                             "%s grpcomm:base:daemon_coll: CANNOT PROGRESS",

    /* determine how many buckets we should receive from others
     * involved in this collective - need to know the number
     * of total contributors from all buckets being relayed
     * thru us
    orte_routed.get_routing_list(ORTE_GRPCOMM_COLL_PEERS, coll);
    np = 1;  /* account for our own bucket */
    while (NULL != (item = opal_list_remove_first(&coll->targets))) {
        nm = (orte_namelist_t*)item;
        if (ORTE_VPID_WILDCARD == nm->name.vpid) {
            /* wait for input from all daemons */
            np = orte_process_info.num_procs;
        } else {
    /* clear the list for reuse */
    while (NULL != (nm = (orte_namelist_t*)opal_list_remove_first(&coll->targets))) {

    /* relay the data, if required */
    if (np == coll->num_peer_buckets) {
        orte_routed.get_routing_list(ORTE_GRPCOMM_COLL_RELAY, coll);

        while (NULL != (nm = (orte_namelist_t*)opal_list_remove_first(&coll->targets))) {
            OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((5, orte_grpcomm_base_framework.framework_output,
                                 "%s grpcomm:base:daemon_coll: RELAYING COLLECTIVE TO %s",
            relay = OBJ_NEW(opal_buffer_t);
            orte_grpcomm_base_pack_collective(relay, jobid,
                                              coll, ORTE_GRPCOMM_INTERNAL_STG_GLOBAL);
            if (ORTE_VPID_WILDCARD == nm->name.vpid) {
                /* this is going to everyone in this job, so use xcast */
                orte_grpcomm.xcast(nm->name.jobid, relay, ORTE_RML_TAG_DAEMON_COLL);
            /* otherwise, send to each member, but don't send it back to the
             * sender as that can create an infinite loop
            if (nm->name.vpid == sender->vpid) {
            } else {
                if (0 > orte_rml.send_buffer_nb(&nm->name, relay, ORTE_RML_TAG_DAEMON_COLL, 0,
                                                orte_rml_send_callback, NULL)) {
    /* clear the list for reuse */
    while (NULL != (nm = (orte_namelist_t*)opal_list_remove_first(&coll->targets))) {

    /* determine how many contributors we need to recv - we know
     * that all job objects were found, so we can skip that test
     * while counting
    np = 0;
    for (item = opal_list_get_first(&coll->participants);
         item != opal_list_get_end(&coll->participants);
         item = opal_list_get_next(item)) {
        nm = (orte_namelist_t*)item;
        /* get the job object for this participant */
        jdata = orte_get_job_data_object(nm->name.jobid);
        if (ORTE_VPID_WILDCARD == nm->name.vpid) {
            /* all procs from this job are required to participate */
            np += jdata->num_procs;
        } else {

    /* are we done? */
    if (np != coll->num_global_recvd) {
        OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((5, orte_grpcomm_base_framework.framework_output,
                             "%s grpcomm:base:daemon_coll: MISSING CONTRIBUTORS: np %s ngr %s",

    /* since we discovered that the collective is complete, we
     * need to send it to all the participants
    for (item = opal_list_get_first(&coll->participants);
         item != opal_list_get_end(&coll->participants);
         item = opal_list_get_next(item)) {
        nm = (orte_namelist_t*)item;
        relay = OBJ_NEW(opal_buffer_t);
        opal_dss.pack(relay, &coll->id, 1, ORTE_GRPCOMM_COLL_ID_T);
        opal_dss.copy_payload(relay, &coll->buffer);
        /* if the vpid is wildcard, then this goes to
         * all daemons for relay
        if (ORTE_VPID_WILDCARD == nm->name.vpid) {
            orte_grpcomm.xcast(nm->name.jobid, relay, ORTE_RML_TAG_COLLECTIVE);
        } else {
            /* send it to this proc */
            if (0 > orte_rml.send_buffer_nb(&nm->name, relay, ORTE_RML_TAG_COLLECTIVE, 0,
                                            orte_rml_send_callback, NULL)) {

    /* remove this collective */
    opal_list_remove_item(&orte_grpcomm_base.active_colls, &coll->super);
예제 #3
int orte_daemon(int argc, char *argv[])
    int ret = 0;
    opal_cmd_line_t *cmd_line = NULL;
    char *rml_uri;
    int i;
    opal_buffer_t *buffer;
    char hostname[100];
    char *tmp_env_var = NULL;
    /* initialize the globals */
    memset(&orted_globals, 0, sizeof(orted_globals));
    /* initialize the singleton died pipe to an illegal value so we can detect it was set */
    orted_globals.singleton_died_pipe = -1;
    /* init the failure orted vpid to an invalid value */
    orted_globals.fail = ORTE_VPID_INVALID;
    /* setup to check common command line options that just report and die */
    cmd_line = OBJ_NEW(opal_cmd_line_t);
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != opal_cmd_line_create(cmd_line, orte_cmd_line_opts)) {
    if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_cmd_line_parse(cmd_line, false,
                                                   argc, argv))) {
        char *args = NULL;
        args = opal_cmd_line_get_usage_msg(cmd_line);
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n%s\n", argv[0], args);
        return ret;
     * Since this process can now handle MCA/GMCA parameters, make sure to
     * process them.
    mca_base_cmd_line_process_args(cmd_line, &environ, &environ);
    /* Ensure that enough of OPAL is setup for us to be able to run */
     * NOTE: (JJH)
     *  We need to allow 'mca_base_cmd_line_process_args()' to process command
     *  line arguments *before* calling opal_init_util() since the command
     *  line could contain MCA parameters that affect the way opal_init_util()
     *  functions. AMCA parameters are one such option normally received on the
     *  command line that affect the way opal_init_util() behaves.
     *  It is "safe" to call mca_base_cmd_line_process_args() before 
     *  opal_init_util() since mca_base_cmd_line_process_args() does *not*
     *  depend upon opal_init_util() functionality.
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != opal_init_util(&argc, &argv)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "OPAL failed to initialize -- orted aborting\n");

    /* save the environment for launch purposes. This MUST be
     * done so that we can pass it to any local procs we
     * spawn - otherwise, those local procs won't see any
     * non-MCA envars that were set in the enviro when the
     * orted was executed - e.g., by .csh
    orte_launch_environ = opal_argv_copy(environ);
    /* purge any ess flag set in the environ when we were launched */
    opal_unsetenv("OMPI_MCA_ess", &orte_launch_environ);
    /* if orte_daemon_debug is set, let someone know we are alive right
     * away just in case we have a problem along the way
    if (orted_globals.debug) {
        gethostname(hostname, 100);
        fprintf(stderr, "Daemon was launched on %s - beginning to initialize\n", hostname);
    /* check for help request */
    if (orted_globals.help) {
        char *args = NULL;
        args = opal_cmd_line_get_usage_msg(cmd_line);
        orte_show_help("help-orted.txt", "orted:usage", false,
                       argv[0], args);
        return 1;
#if defined(HAVE_SETSID)
    /* see if we were directed to separate from current session */
    if (orted_globals.set_sid) {
    /* see if they want us to spin until they can connect a debugger to us */
    while (orted_spin_flag) {
        if (1000 < i) i=0;        

    /* Mark as a tool program */
    (void) mca_base_var_env_name ("opal_cr_is_tool", &tmp_env_var);
                true, &environ);

    /* if mapreduce set, flag it */
    if (orted_globals.mapreduce) {
        orte_map_reduce = true;

    /* detach from controlling terminal
     * otherwise, remain attached so output can get to us
    if(!orte_debug_flag &&
       !orte_debug_daemons_flag &&
       orted_globals.daemonize) {
    /* Set the flag telling OpenRTE that I am NOT a
     * singleton, but am "infrastructure" - prevents setting
     * up incorrect infrastructure that only a singleton would
     * require.
    if (orted_globals.hnp) {
        if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (ret = orte_init(&argc, &argv, ORTE_PROC_HNP))) {
            return ret;
    } else {
        if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (ret = orte_init(&argc, &argv, ORTE_PROC_DAEMON))) {
            return ret;
    /* finalize the OPAL utils. As they are opened again from orte_init->opal_init
     * we continue to have a reference count on them. So we have to finalize them twice...

    if ((int)ORTE_VPID_INVALID != orted_globals.fail) {
        /* some vpid was ordered to fail. The value can be positive
         * or negative, depending upon the desired method for failure,
         * so need to check both here
        if (0 > orted_globals.fail) {
            orted_globals.fail = -1*orted_globals.fail;
            orted_globals.abort = true;
        /* are we the specified vpid? */
        if ((int)ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME->vpid == orted_globals.fail) {
            /* if the user specified we delay, then setup a timer
             * and have it kill us
            if (0 < orted_globals.fail_delay) {
                ORTE_TIMER_EVENT(orted_globals.fail_delay, 0, shutdown_callback, ORTE_SYS_PRI);
            } else {
                opal_output(0, "%s is executing clean %s", ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME),
                            orted_globals.abort ? "abort" : "abnormal termination");

                /* do -not- call finalize as this will send a message to the HNP
                 * indicating clean termination! Instead, just forcibly cleanup
                 * the local session_dir tree and exit
                /* if we were ordered to abort, do so */
                if (orted_globals.abort) {
                /* otherwise, return with non-zero status */
                ret = ORTE_ERROR_DEFAULT_EXIT_CODE;
                goto DONE;

    /* insert our contact info into our process_info struct so we
     * have it for later use and set the local daemon field to our name
    orte_process_info.my_daemon_uri = orte_rml.get_contact_info();
    /* if I am also the hnp, then update that contact info field too */
    if (ORTE_PROC_IS_HNP) {
        orte_process_info.my_hnp_uri = orte_rml.get_contact_info();
        ORTE_PROC_MY_HNP->jobid = ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME->jobid;
        ORTE_PROC_MY_HNP->vpid = ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME->vpid;
    /* setup the primary daemon command receive function */
    orte_rml.recv_buffer_nb(ORTE_NAME_WILDCARD, ORTE_RML_TAG_DAEMON,
                            ORTE_RML_PERSISTENT, orte_daemon_recv, NULL);
    /* output a message indicating we are alive, our name, and our pid
     * for debugging purposes
    if (orte_debug_daemons_flag) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Daemon %s checking in as pid %ld on host %s\n",
                ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME), (long)orte_process_info.pid,

    /* We actually do *not* want the orted to voluntarily yield() the
       processor more than necessary.  The orted already blocks when
       it is doing nothing, so it doesn't use any more CPU cycles than
       it should; but when it *is* doing something, we do not want it
       to be unnecessarily delayed because it voluntarily yielded the
       processor in the middle of its work.

       For example: when a message arrives at the orted, we want the
       OS to wake up the orted in a timely fashion (which most OS's
       seem good about doing) and then we want the orted to process
       the message as fast as possible.  If the orted yields and lets
       aggressive MPI applications get the processor back, it may be a
       long time before the OS schedules the orted to run again
       (particularly if there is no IO event to wake it up).  Hence,
       routed OOB messages (for example) may be significantly delayed
       before being delivered to MPI processes, which can be
       problematic in some scenarios (e.g., COMM_SPAWN, BTL's that
       require OOB messages for wireup, etc.). */

    /* Change the default behavior of libevent such that we want to
       continually block rather than blocking for the default timeout
       and then looping around the progress engine again.  There
       should be nothing in the orted that cannot block in libevent
       until "something" happens (i.e., there's no need to keep
       cycling through progress because the only things that should
       happen will happen in libevent).  This is a minor optimization,
       but what the heck... :-) */

    /* if requested, report my uri to the indicated pipe */
    if (orted_globals.uri_pipe > 0) {
        orte_job_t *jdata;
        orte_proc_t *proc;
        orte_node_t *node;
        orte_app_context_t *app;
        char *tmp, *nptr, *sysinfo;
        int32_t ljob;
        orte_grpcomm_collective_t *coll;
        orte_namelist_t *nm;

        /* setup the singleton's job */
        jdata = OBJ_NEW(orte_job_t);
        ljob = ORTE_LOCAL_JOBID(jdata->jobid);
        opal_pointer_array_set_item(orte_job_data, ljob, jdata);

        /* must create a map for it (even though it has no
         * info in it) so that the job info will be picked
         * up in subsequent pidmaps or other daemons won't
         * know how to route
        jdata->map = OBJ_NEW(orte_job_map_t);

        /* setup an app_context for the singleton */
        app = OBJ_NEW(orte_app_context_t);
        app->app = strdup("singleton");
        app->num_procs = 1;
        opal_pointer_array_add(jdata->apps, app);
        /* setup a proc object for the singleton - since we
         * -must- be the HNP, and therefore we stored our
         * node on the global node pool, and since the singleton
         * -must- be on the same node as us, indicate that
        proc = OBJ_NEW(orte_proc_t);
        proc->name.jobid = jdata->jobid;
        proc->name.vpid = 0;
        proc->alive = true;
        proc->state = ORTE_PROC_STATE_RUNNING;
        proc->app_idx = 0;
        /* obviously, it is on my node */
        node = (orte_node_t*)opal_pointer_array_get_item(orte_node_pool, 0);
        proc->node = node;
        OBJ_RETAIN(node);  /* keep accounting straight */
        opal_pointer_array_add(jdata->procs, proc);
        jdata->num_procs = 1;
        /* and it obviously is on the node */
        opal_pointer_array_add(node->procs, proc);
        /* and obviously it is one of my local procs */
        opal_pointer_array_add(orte_local_children, proc);
        jdata->num_local_procs = 1;
        /* set the trivial */
        proc->local_rank = 0;
        proc->node_rank = 0;
        proc->app_rank = 0;
        proc->state = ORTE_PROC_STATE_RUNNING;
        proc->alive = true;
        proc->app_idx = 0;
        proc->local_proc = true;

        /* account for the collectives in its modex/barriers */
        jdata->peer_modex = orte_grpcomm_base_get_coll_id();
        coll = orte_grpcomm_base_setup_collective(jdata->peer_modex);
        nm = OBJ_NEW(orte_namelist_t);
        nm->name.jobid = jdata->jobid;
        nm->name.vpid = ORTE_VPID_WILDCARD;
        opal_list_append(&coll->participants, &nm->super);

        jdata->peer_init_barrier = orte_grpcomm_base_get_coll_id();
        coll = orte_grpcomm_base_setup_collective(jdata->peer_init_barrier);
        nm = OBJ_NEW(orte_namelist_t);
        nm->name.jobid = jdata->jobid;
        nm->name.vpid = ORTE_VPID_WILDCARD;
        opal_list_append(&coll->participants, &nm->super);

        jdata->peer_fini_barrier = orte_grpcomm_base_get_coll_id();
        coll = orte_grpcomm_base_setup_collective(jdata->peer_fini_barrier);
        nm = OBJ_NEW(orte_namelist_t);
        nm->name.jobid = jdata->jobid;
        nm->name.vpid = ORTE_VPID_WILDCARD;
        opal_list_append(&coll->participants, &nm->super);

        /* need to setup a pidmap for it */
        if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (ret = orte_util_encode_pidmap(&orte_pidmap, false))) {
            goto DONE;

        /* if we don't yet have a daemon map, then we have to generate one
         * to pass back to it
        if (NULL != orte_nidmap.bytes) {
        if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (ret = orte_util_encode_nodemap(&orte_nidmap, false))) {
            goto DONE;

        /* create a string that contains our uri + sysinfo */
        orte_util_convert_sysinfo_to_string(&sysinfo, orte_local_cpu_type, orte_local_cpu_model);
        asprintf(&tmp, "%s[%s]", orte_process_info.my_daemon_uri, sysinfo);

        /* pass that info to the singleton */
        write(orted_globals.uri_pipe, tmp, strlen(tmp)+1); /* need to add 1 to get the NULL */

        /* cleanup */

        /* since a singleton spawned us, we need to harvest
         * any MCA params from the local environment so
         * we can pass them along to any subsequent daemons
         * we may start as the result of a comm_spawn
        for (i=0; NULL != environ[i]; i++) {
            if (0 == strncmp(environ[i], "OMPI_MCA", 8)) {
                /* make a copy to manipulate */
                tmp = strdup(environ[i]);
                /* find the equal sign */
                nptr = strchr(tmp, '=');
                *nptr = '\0';
                /* add the mca param to the orted cmd line */
                opal_argv_append_nosize(&orted_cmd_line, "-mca");
                opal_argv_append_nosize(&orted_cmd_line, &tmp[9]);
                opal_argv_append_nosize(&orted_cmd_line, nptr);

    /* if we were given a pipe to monitor for singleton termination, set that up */
    if (orted_globals.singleton_died_pipe > 0) {
        /* register shutdown handler */
        pipe_handler = (opal_event_t*)malloc(sizeof(opal_event_t));
        opal_event_set(orte_event_base, pipe_handler,
        opal_event_add(pipe_handler, NULL);

    /* If I have a parent, then save his contact info so
     * any messages we send can flow thru him.

    orte_parent_uri = NULL;
    (void) mca_base_var_register ("orte", "orte", NULL, "parent_uri",
                                  "URI for the parent if tree launch is enabled.",
                                  MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_STRING, NULL, 0,
    if (NULL != orte_parent_uri) {
        orte_process_name_t parent;

        /* set the contact info into the hash table */
        ret = orte_rml_base_parse_uris(orte_parent_uri, &parent, NULL);
        if (ORTE_SUCCESS != ret) {
            free (orte_parent_uri);
            orte_parent_uri = NULL;
            goto DONE;

        /* don't need this value anymore */
        orte_parent_uri = NULL;

        /* tell the routed module that we have a path
         * back to the HNP
        if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (ret = orte_routed.update_route(ORTE_PROC_MY_HNP, &parent))) {
            goto DONE;
        /* set the lifeline to point to our parent so that we
         * can handle the situation if that lifeline goes away
        if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (ret = orte_routed.set_lifeline(&parent))) {
            goto DONE;

    /* if we are not the HNP...the only time we will be an HNP
     * is if we are launched by a singleton to provide support
     * for it
    if (!ORTE_PROC_IS_HNP) {
        /* send the information to the orted report-back point - this function
         * will process the data, but also counts the number of
         * orteds that reported back so the launch procedure can continue.
         * We need to do this at the last possible second as the HNP
         * can turn right around and begin issuing orders to us

        buffer = OBJ_NEW(opal_buffer_t);
        /* insert our name for rollup purposes */
        if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_dss.pack(buffer, ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME, 1, ORTE_NAME))) {
            goto DONE;
        /* for now, always include our contact info, even if we are using
         * static ports. Eventually, this will be removed
        rml_uri = orte_rml.get_contact_info();
        if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &rml_uri, 1, OPAL_STRING))) {
            goto DONE;

        /* include our node name */
        opal_dss.pack(buffer, &orte_process_info.nodename, 1, OPAL_STRING);

        /* if requested, include any non-loopback aliases for this node */
        if (orte_retain_aliases) {
            char **aliases=NULL;
            uint8_t naliases, ni;
            char hostname[ORTE_MAX_HOSTNAME_SIZE];

            /* if we stripped the prefix or removed the fqdn,
             * include full hostname as an alias
            gethostname(hostname, ORTE_MAX_HOSTNAME_SIZE);
            if (strlen(orte_process_info.nodename) < strlen(hostname)) {
                opal_argv_append_nosize(&aliases, hostname);
            naliases = opal_argv_count(aliases);
            if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &naliases, 1, OPAL_UINT8))) {
                goto DONE;
            for (ni=0; ni < naliases; ni++) {
                if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &aliases[ni], 1, OPAL_STRING))) {
                    goto DONE;

            char *coprocessors;
            /* add the local topology */
            if (NULL != opal_hwloc_topology &&
                (1 == ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME->vpid || orte_hetero_nodes)) {
                if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &opal_hwloc_topology, 1, OPAL_HWLOC_TOPO))) {
            /* detect and add any coprocessors */
            coprocessors = opal_hwloc_base_find_coprocessors(opal_hwloc_topology);
            if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &coprocessors, 1, OPAL_STRING))) {
            /* see if I am on a coprocessor */
            coprocessors = opal_hwloc_base_check_on_coprocessor();
            if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_dss.pack(buffer, &coprocessors, 1, OPAL_STRING))) {

        /* send to the HNP's callback - will be routed if routes are available */
        if (0 > (ret = orte_rml.send_buffer_nb(ORTE_PROC_MY_HNP, buffer,
                                               orte_rml_send_callback, NULL))) {
            goto DONE;

    /* if we are tree-spawning, then we need to capture the MCA params
     * from our cmd line so we can pass them along to the daemons we spawn -
     * otherwise, only the first layer of daemons will ever see them
    if (orted_globals.tree_spawn) {
        int j, k;
        bool ignore;
        char *no_keep[] = {
        for (i=0; i < argc; i++) {
            if (0 == strcmp("-mca",  argv[i]) ||
                0 == strcmp("--mca", argv[i]) ) {
                ignore = false;
                /* see if this is something we cannot pass along */
                for (k=0; NULL != no_keep[k]; k++) {
                    if (0 == strcmp(no_keep[k], argv[i+1])) {
                        ignore = true;
                if (!ignore) {
                    /* see if this is already present so we at least can
                     * avoid growing the cmd line with duplicates
                    if (NULL != orted_cmd_line) {
                        for (j=0; NULL != orted_cmd_line[j]; j++) {
                            if (0 == strcmp(argv[i+1], orted_cmd_line[j])) {
                                /* already here - ignore it */
                                ignore = true;
                    if (!ignore) {
                        opal_argv_append_nosize(&orted_cmd_line, argv[i]);
                        opal_argv_append_nosize(&orted_cmd_line, argv[i+1]);
                        opal_argv_append_nosize(&orted_cmd_line, argv[i+2]);
                i += 2;
    if (orte_debug_daemons_flag) {
        opal_output(0, "%s orted: up and running - waiting for commands!", ORTE_NAME_PRINT(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME));

    /* loop the event lib until an exit event is detected */
    while (orte_event_base_active) {
        opal_event_loop(orte_event_base, OPAL_EVLOOP_ONCE);

    /* ensure all local procs are dead */

    /* update the exit status, in case it wasn't done */

    /* cleanup and leave */

    if (orte_debug_flag) {
        fprintf(stderr, "exiting with status %d\n", orte_exit_status);