예제 #1
_eXosip_dialog_init_as_uac (eXosip_dialog_t ** _jd, osip_message_t * _200Ok)
  int i;
  eXosip_dialog_t *jd;

  *_jd = NULL;
  jd = (eXosip_dialog_t *) osip_malloc (sizeof (eXosip_dialog_t));
  if (jd == NULL)
    return OSIP_NOMEM;
  memset (jd, 0, sizeof (eXosip_dialog_t));

  jd->d_id = -1;                /* not yet available to user */

  if (MSG_IS_REQUEST (_200Ok)) {
    i = osip_dialog_init_as_uac_with_remote_request (&(jd->d_dialog), _200Ok, -1);
  else {                        /* normal usage with response */
    i = osip_dialog_init_as_uac (&(jd->d_dialog), _200Ok);
  if (i != 0) {
    osip_free (jd);
    return i;

  jd->d_count = 0;
  jd->d_session_timer_start = 0;
  jd->d_session_timer_length = 0;
  jd->d_refresher = -1;         /* 0 -> me / 1 -> remote */
  jd->d_timer = osip_getsystemtime (NULL);
  jd->d_200Ok = NULL;
  jd->d_ack = NULL;
  jd->next = NULL;
  jd->parent = NULL;
  jd->d_out_trs = (osip_list_t *) osip_malloc (sizeof (osip_list_t));
  if (jd->d_out_trs == NULL) {
    osip_dialog_free (jd->d_dialog);
    osip_free (jd);
    return OSIP_NOMEM;
  osip_list_init (jd->d_out_trs);
  jd->d_inc_trs = (osip_list_t *) osip_malloc (sizeof (osip_list_t));
  if (jd->d_inc_trs == NULL) {
    osip_dialog_free (jd->d_dialog);
    osip_free (jd->d_out_trs);
    osip_free (jd);
    return OSIP_NOMEM;
  osip_list_init (jd->d_inc_trs);

  *_jd = jd;
  return OSIP_SUCCESS;
예제 #2
_eXosip_dialog_init_as_uas (eXosip_dialog_t ** _jd, osip_message_t * _invite, osip_message_t * _200Ok)
  int i;
  eXosip_dialog_t *jd;

  *_jd = NULL;
  jd = (eXosip_dialog_t *) osip_malloc (sizeof (eXosip_dialog_t));
  if (jd == NULL)
    return OSIP_NOMEM;
  memset (jd, 0, sizeof (eXosip_dialog_t));
  jd->d_id = -1;                /* not yet available to user */
  i = osip_dialog_init_as_uas (&(jd->d_dialog), _invite, _200Ok);
  if (i != 0) {
    osip_free (jd);
    return i;

  jd->d_count = 0;
  jd->d_session_timer_start = 0;
  jd->d_session_timer_length = 0;
  jd->d_session_timer_use_update = -1;
  jd->d_refresher = -1;         /* 0 -> me / 1 -> remote */
  jd->d_timer = osip_getsystemtime (NULL);
  jd->d_200Ok = NULL;
  jd->d_ack = NULL;
  jd->next = NULL;
  jd->parent = NULL;
  jd->d_out_trs = (osip_list_t *) osip_malloc (sizeof (osip_list_t));
  if (jd->d_out_trs == NULL) {
    osip_dialog_free (jd->d_dialog);
    osip_free (jd);
    return OSIP_NOMEM;
  osip_list_init (jd->d_out_trs);
  jd->d_inc_trs = (osip_list_t *) osip_malloc (sizeof (osip_list_t));
  if (jd->d_inc_trs == NULL) {
    osip_dialog_free (jd->d_dialog);
    osip_free (jd->d_out_trs);
    osip_free (jd);
    return OSIP_NOMEM;
  osip_list_init (jd->d_inc_trs);

  jd->d_dialog->local_cseq = 1;

  *_jd = jd;
  return OSIP_SUCCESS;
예제 #3
eXosip_dialog_free (eXosip_dialog_t * jd)
  while (!osip_list_eol (jd->d_inc_trs, 0))
      osip_transaction_t *tr;

      tr = (osip_transaction_t *) osip_list_get (jd->d_inc_trs, 0);
      osip_list_remove (jd->d_inc_trs, 0);
      __eXosip_delete_jinfo (tr);
      osip_list_add (eXosip.j_transactions, tr, 0);

  while (!osip_list_eol (jd->d_out_trs, 0))
      osip_transaction_t *tr;

      tr = (osip_transaction_t *) osip_list_get (jd->d_out_trs, 0);
      osip_list_remove (jd->d_out_trs, 0);
      __eXosip_delete_jinfo (tr);
      osip_list_add (eXosip.j_transactions, tr, 0);

  osip_message_free (jd->d_200Ok);
  osip_message_free (jd->d_ack);

  osip_dialog_free (jd->d_dialog);

  osip_free (jd->d_out_trs);
  osip_free (jd->d_inc_trs);
  osip_free (jd);

  eXosip_update ();
예제 #4
_eXosip_dialog_free (struct eXosip_t *excontext, eXosip_dialog_t * jd)
  while (!osip_list_eol (jd->d_inc_trs, 0)) {
    osip_transaction_t *tr;

    tr = (osip_transaction_t *) osip_list_get (jd->d_inc_trs, 0);
    osip_list_remove (jd->d_inc_trs, 0);
    _eXosip_delete_reserved (tr);
    osip_list_add (&excontext->j_transactions, tr, 0);

  while (!osip_list_eol (jd->d_out_trs, 0)) {
    osip_transaction_t *tr;

    tr = (osip_transaction_t *) osip_list_get (jd->d_out_trs, 0);
    osip_list_remove (jd->d_out_trs, 0);
    _eXosip_delete_reserved (tr);
    osip_list_add (&excontext->j_transactions, tr, 0);

  osip_message_free (jd->d_200Ok);
  osip_message_free (jd->d_ack);

  osip_dialog_free (jd->d_dialog);

  osip_free (jd->d_out_trs);
  osip_free (jd->d_inc_trs);
  osip_free (jd);

  _eXosip_update (excontext);
static int
__osip_dialog_init (osip_dialog_t ** dialog, osip_message_t * invite, osip_message_t * response, osip_from_t * local, osip_to_t * remote, osip_message_t * remote_msg)
  int i;
  int pos;
  osip_generic_param_t *tag;

  *dialog = NULL;
  if (response == NULL)
  if (response->cseq == NULL || local == NULL || remote == NULL)

  (*dialog) = (osip_dialog_t *) osip_malloc (sizeof (osip_dialog_t));
  if (*dialog == NULL)
    return OSIP_NOMEM;

  memset (*dialog, 0, sizeof (osip_dialog_t));
  (*dialog)->your_instance = NULL;

  if (MSG_IS_STATUS_2XX (response))
    (*dialog)->state = DIALOG_CONFIRMED;
  else                          /* 1XX */
    (*dialog)->state = DIALOG_EARLY;

  i = osip_call_id_to_str (response->call_id, &((*dialog)->call_id));
  if (i != 0) {
    OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL, "Could not establish dialog!\n"));
    osip_dialog_free (*dialog);
    *dialog = NULL;
    return i;

  i = osip_to_get_tag (local, &tag);
  if (i != 0) {
    OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL, "Could not establish dialog!\n"));
    osip_dialog_free (*dialog);
    *dialog = NULL;
    return i;

  (*dialog)->local_tag = osip_strdup (tag->gvalue);

  i = osip_from_get_tag (remote, &tag);
  if (i == 0)
    (*dialog)->remote_tag = osip_strdup (tag->gvalue);

  /* VR-2785: remember line value */
  if (invite) {
    osip_uri_param_t *line_param;

    i = osip_uri_param_get_byname (&invite->req_uri->url_params, "line", &line_param);
    if (i == 0 && line_param != NULL && line_param->gvalue != NULL)
      (*dialog)->line_param = osip_strdup (line_param->gvalue);

  osip_list_init (&(*dialog)->route_set);

  pos = 0;
  while (!osip_list_eol (&response->record_routes, pos)) {
    osip_record_route_t *rr;
    osip_record_route_t *rr2;

    rr = (osip_record_route_t *) osip_list_get (&response->record_routes, pos);
    i = osip_record_route_clone (rr, &rr2);
    if (i != 0) {
      OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL, "Could not establish dialog!\n"));
      osip_dialog_free (*dialog);
      *dialog = NULL;
      return i;
    if (invite == NULL)
      osip_list_add (&(*dialog)->route_set, rr2, 0);
      osip_list_add (&(*dialog)->route_set, rr2, -1);


  /* local_cseq is set to response->cseq->number for better
     handling of bad UA */
  (*dialog)->local_cseq = osip_atoi (response->cseq->number);

  i = osip_from_clone (remote, &((*dialog)->remote_uri));
  if (i != 0) {
    OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL, "Could not establish dialog!\n"));
    osip_dialog_free (*dialog);
    *dialog = NULL;
    return i;

  i = osip_to_clone (local, &((*dialog)->local_uri));
  if (i != 0) {
    OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL, "Could not establish dialog!\n"));
    osip_dialog_free (*dialog);
    *dialog = NULL;
    return i;

    osip_contact_t *contact;

    if (!osip_list_eol (&remote_msg->contacts, 0)) {
      contact = osip_list_get (&remote_msg->contacts, 0);
      i = osip_contact_clone (contact, &((*dialog)->remote_contact_uri));
      if (i != 0) {
        OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL, "Could not establish dialog!\n"));
        osip_dialog_free (*dialog);
        *dialog = NULL;
        return i;
    else {
      (*dialog)->remote_contact_uri = NULL;
      OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_WARNING, NULL, "Remote UA is not compliant: missing a contact in remote message!\n"));
  (*dialog)->secure = -1;       /* non secure */

  return OSIP_SUCCESS;
예제 #6
eXosip_call_terminate (int cid, int did)
  int i;
  osip_transaction_t *tr;
  osip_message_t *request = NULL;
  eXosip_dialog_t *jd = NULL;
  eXosip_call_t *jc = NULL;

  if (did <= 0 && cid <= 0)
  if (did > 0)
      eXosip_call_dialog_find (did, &jc, &jd);
      if (jd == NULL)
          OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace
                      (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL,
                       "eXosip: No call here?\n"));
          return OSIP_NOTFOUND;
  } else
      eXosip_call_find (cid, &jc);

  if (jc == NULL)
      return OSIP_NOTFOUND;

  tr = eXosip_find_last_out_invite (jc, jd);
  if (jd != NULL && jd->d_dialog != NULL
      && jd->d_dialog->state == DIALOG_CONFIRMED)
      /* don't send CANCEL on re-INVITE: send BYE instead */
  } else if (tr != NULL && tr->last_response != NULL
             && MSG_IS_STATUS_1XX (tr->last_response))
      i = generating_cancel (&request, tr->orig_request);
      if (i != 0)
          OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace
                      (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL,
                       "eXosip: cannot terminate this call!\n"));
          return i;
      i = eXosip_create_cancel_transaction (jc, jd, request);
      if (i != 0)
          OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace
                      (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL,
                       "eXosip: cannot initiate SIP transaction!\n"));
          return i;
      if (jd != NULL)
          osip_dialog_free (jd->d_dialog);
          jd->d_dialog = NULL;
          eXosip_update ();     /* AMD 30/09/05 */
      return OSIP_SUCCESS;

  if (jd == NULL || jd->d_dialog == NULL)
      OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace
                  (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL,
                   "eXosip: No established dialog!\n"));
      return OSIP_WRONG_STATE;

  if (tr == NULL)
      /*this may not be enough if it's a re-INVITE! */
      tr = eXosip_find_last_inc_invite (jc, jd);
      if (tr != NULL && tr->last_response != NULL &&
          MSG_IS_STATUS_1XX (tr->last_response))
        {                       /* answer with 603 */
          osip_generic_param_t *to_tag;
          osip_from_param_get_byname (tr->orig_request->to, "tag", &to_tag);

          i = eXosip_call_send_answer (tr->transactionid, 603, NULL);

          if (to_tag == NULL)
            return i;

  if (jd->d_dialog == NULL)
      OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace
                  (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL,
                   "eXosip: cannot terminate this call!\n"));
      return OSIP_WRONG_STATE;

  i = generating_bye (&request, jd->d_dialog, eXosip.transport);

  if (i != 0)
      OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace
                  (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL,
                   "eXosip: cannot terminate this call!\n"));
      return i;

  eXosip_add_authentication_information (request, NULL);

  i = eXosip_create_transaction (jc, jd, request);
  if (i != 0)
      OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace
                  (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL,
                   "eXosip: cannot initiate SIP transaction!\n"));
      return i;

  osip_dialog_free (jd->d_dialog);
  jd->d_dialog = NULL;
  eXosip_update ();             /* AMD 30/09/05 */
  return OSIP_SUCCESS;