int eXosip_options_send_request (osip_message_t * options) { osip_transaction_t *transaction; osip_event_t *sipevent; int i; i = osip_transaction_init (&transaction, NICT, eXosip.j_osip, options); if (i != 0) { osip_message_free (options); return -1; } osip_list_add (eXosip.j_transactions, transaction, 0); sipevent = osip_new_outgoing_sipmessage (options); sipevent->transactionid = transaction->transactionid; osip_transaction_set_your_instance (transaction, __eXosip_new_jinfo (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)); osip_transaction_add_event (transaction, sipevent); __eXosip_wakeup (); return 0; }
int _eXosip_transaction_init (osip_transaction_t ** transaction, osip_fsm_type_t ctx_type, osip_t * osip, osip_message_t * message) { #ifdef SRV_RECORD osip_srv_record_t record; #endif int i; i = osip_transaction_init (transaction, ctx_type, osip, message); if (i != 0) { return i; } #ifdef SRV_RECORD memset(&record, 0, sizeof(osip_srv_record_t)); i = _eXosip_srv_lookup(*transaction, message, &record); if (i<0) { return 0; } osip_transaction_set_srv_record(*transaction, &record); #endif return 0; }
int eXosip_insubscription_send_request (int did, osip_message_t * request) { eXosip_dialog_t *jd = NULL; eXosip_notify_t *jn = NULL; osip_transaction_t *transaction; osip_event_t *sipevent; int i; if (request == NULL) return -1; if (did > 0) { eXosip_notify_dialog_find (did, &jn, &jd); } if (jd == NULL || jn == NULL) { OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL, "eXosip: No incoming subscription here?\n")); osip_message_free (request); return -1; } transaction = NULL; transaction = eXosip_find_last_out_notify (jn, jd); if (transaction != NULL) { if (transaction->state != NICT_TERMINATED && transaction->state != NIST_TERMINATED && transaction->state != NICT_COMPLETED && transaction->state != NIST_COMPLETED) { osip_message_free (request); return -1; } transaction = NULL; } i = osip_transaction_init (&transaction, NICT, eXosip.j_osip, request); if (i != 0) { osip_message_free (request); return -1; } osip_list_add (jd->d_out_trs, transaction, 0); sipevent = osip_new_outgoing_sipmessage (request); sipevent->transactionid = transaction->transactionid; osip_transaction_set_your_instance (transaction, __eXosip_new_jinfo (NULL, jd, NULL, jn)); osip_transaction_add_event (transaction, sipevent); __eXosip_wakeup (); return 0; }
void ProcessNewReqNist(osip_t* osip, osip_event_t *evt, int sock) { osip_transaction_t *tran; osip_transaction_init(&tran, NIST, osip, evt->sip); osip_transaction_set_out_socket(tran, sock); osip_transaction_set_your_instance(tran, osip); osip_transaction_add_event(tran, evt); }
void ProcessNewReqIst(osip_t* osip, osip_event_t *evt, int sock) { osip_transaction_t *tran; osip_transaction_init(&tran, IST, osip, evt->sip); //osip_transaction_set_in_socket (tran, socket); osip_transaction_set_out_socket(tran, sock); osip_transaction_set_your_instance(tran, osip);// store osip in transaction for later usage osip_transaction_add_event(tran, evt); }
int eXosip_subscribe_send_subscribe(eXosip_subscribe_t *js, eXosip_dialog_t *jd, const char *expires) { osip_transaction_t *transaction; osip_message_t *subscribe; osip_event_t *sipevent; int i; transaction = eXosip_find_last_out_subscribe(js, jd); if (transaction!=NULL) { if (transaction->state!=NICT_TERMINATED && transaction->state!=NIST_TERMINATED) return -1; } i = _eXosip_build_request_within_dialog(&subscribe, "SUBSCRIBE", jd->d_dialog, "UDP"); if (i!=0) return -2; osip_message_set_expires(subscribe, expires); i = osip_transaction_init(&transaction, NICT, eXosip.j_osip, subscribe); if (i!=0) { /* TODO: release the j_call.. */ osip_message_free(subscribe); return -1; } _eXosip_subscribe_set_refresh_interval(js, subscribe); osip_list_add(jd->d_out_trs, transaction, 0); sipevent = osip_new_outgoing_sipmessage(subscribe); sipevent->transactionid = transaction->transactionid; osip_transaction_add_event(transaction, sipevent); osip_transaction_set_your_instance(transaction, __eXosip_new_jinfo(NULL, jd, js, NULL)); __eXosip_wakeup(); return 0; }
int bSipSend( osip_message_t *msgPtr, osip_fsm_type_t transactionType) { int status; osip_transaction_t *transactionPtr; osip_event_t *sipeventPtr; if ( (status = osip_transaction_init(&transactionPtr,transactionType,osip,msgPtr)) != 0 ){ printf("Failed to init transaction %d",status); return -1; } if((sipeventPtr = osip_new_outgoing_sipmessage(msgPtr)) == NULL){ printf("Can't allocate message"); osip_message_free(msgPtr); return -1; } sipeventPtr->transactionid = transactionPtr->transactionid; if((status = osip_message_force_update(msgPtr)) != 0){ printf("Failed force update",status); osip_message_free(msgPtr); return -1; } if((status = osip_transaction_add_event(transactionPtr, sipeventPtr)) != 0){ printf("Can't add event"); osip_message_free(msgPtr); return -1; } return 0; }
int Node::SndRegister(REG_TYPE type , ChordId req_uri , ChordId to , ChordId contact , BOOL IncludeSuccList) { char *message1; unsigned int len = 0; osip_transaction_t *transaction; osip_event_t *sipevent; osip_message_t *request; /* temp uri */ char * tmp_uri; int i; i = osip_message_init(&request); if (i!=0) goto si2perror1; /* prepare the request-line */ osip_message_set_method(request, osip_strdup("REGISTER")); osip_message_set_version(request, osip_strdup("SIP/2.0")); osip_message_set_status_code(request, 0); osip_message_set_reason_phrase(request, NULL); //requset uri if(type == MULTICAST) { tmp_uri = osip_strdup("sip:") ; } else tmp_uri = ChordId2Uri(req_uri,false) ; osip_uri_t *uri; i=osip_uri_init(&uri); if (i!=0) goto si2perror2; i=osip_uri_parse(uri, tmp_uri ); if(tmp_uri) osip_free(tmp_uri) ; if (i!=0) goto si2perror2; osip_message_set_uri(request , uri) ; if(type == JOIN) { tmp_uri = ChordId2Uri(to,false) ; /* when JOIN , to and from are same */ osip_message_set_to(request, tmp_uri ); osip_message_set_from(request, tmp_uri); if (tmp_uri) osip_free(tmp_uri) ; osip_from_param_add (request->from, osip_strdup ("user"), osip_strdup("join")); } else if(type == FINDSUCC) { tmp_uri = ChordId2Uri(to,true) ; osip_message_set_to(request, tmp_uri ); if (tmp_uri) osip_free(tmp_uri) ; tmp_uri = ChordId2Uri(chordId,false); osip_message_set_from(request, tmp_uri ); if (tmp_uri) osip_free(tmp_uri) ; osip_from_param_add (request->from, osip_strdup ("user"), osip_strdup("findsucc")); //has no contact } else if(type == STABILIZE) { tmp_uri = ChordId2Uri(to,false); osip_message_set_to(request, tmp_uri); if (tmp_uri) osip_free(tmp_uri) ; tmp_uri = ChordId2Uri(chordId,false) ; osip_message_set_from(request, tmp_uri ); osip_from_param_add (request->from, osip_strdup ("user"), osip_strdup("stabilize")); if (tmp_uri) osip_free(tmp_uri) ; //contact tmp_uri = ChordId2Uri(chordId,false); char * pre_uri = ChordId2Uri(getFingerTable()->getPredecessor(),false) ; char *ctt = (char *) osip_malloc(strlen(tmp_uri) + strlen(";predecessor=") + strlen(pre_uri) +1) ; if (ctt == NULL) return NULL; sprintf (ctt, "%s;predecessor=%s", tmp_uri,pre_uri); osip_free(tmp_uri) ; osip_free(pre_uri) ; osip_message_set_contact(request, ctt ); osip_free(ctt) ; } else if(type == LEAVE) { tmp_uri = ChordId2Uri(to,false) ; osip_message_set_to(request, tmp_uri ); if (tmp_uri) osip_free(tmp_uri) ; tmp_uri = ChordId2Uri(chordId,false) ; osip_message_set_from(request, tmp_uri ); if (tmp_uri) osip_free(tmp_uri) ; osip_from_param_add (request->from, osip_strdup ("user"), osip_strdup("leave")); //contact tmp_uri = ChordId2Uri(chordId,false); char * pre_uri = ChordId2Uri(getFingerTable()->getPredecessor(),false) ; char *ctt = (char *) osip_malloc(strlen(tmp_uri) + strlen(";predecessor=") + strlen(pre_uri) +1) ; if (ctt == NULL) return NULL; sprintf (ctt, "%s;predecessor=%s", tmp_uri,pre_uri); osip_free(tmp_uri) ; osip_free(pre_uri) ; osip_message_set_contact(request, ctt ); osip_free(ctt) ; //succlist if(IncludeSuccList) { for(i = 0 ; i < getFingerTable()->getSuccNum() ; i++) { tmp_uri = ChordId2Uri(getFingerTable()->getSuccessor(i),false) ; osip_message_set_contact(request, tmp_uri ); osip_free(tmp_uri) ; } } }//type == LEAVE if(type == MULTICAST) { tmp_uri = ChordId2Uri(chordId,false); /* when JOIN , to and from are same */ osip_message_set_to(request, tmp_uri ); osip_message_set_from(request, tmp_uri); osip_from_param_add (request->from, osip_strdup ("user"), osip_strdup("multicast")); osip_free(tmp_uri) ; //no contact }//type == MULTIPL //---set call_id and cseq osip_call_id_t *callid; osip_cseq_t *cseq; char *num; char *cidrand; char *register_callid_number ; /* call-id is always the same for REGISTRATIONS */ i = osip_call_id_init(&callid); if (i!=0) goto si2perror2; cidrand = osip_strdup("BF9598C48B184EBBAFADFE527EED8186") ; osip_call_id_set_number(callid, cidrand); register_callid_number = cidrand; osip_call_id_set_host(callid, osip_strdup("SI2P.COM")); request->call_id = callid; //cseq i = osip_cseq_init(&cseq); if (i!=0) goto si2perror2 ; num = osip_strdup("1"); osip_cseq_set_number(cseq, num); osip_cseq_set_method(cseq, osip_strdup("REGISTER")); request->cseq = cseq; /*the Max-Forward header */ osip_message_set_max_forwards(request, "5"); /* a UA should start a request with 70 */ /* the via header */ char tmp[200]; unsigned int branch; branch=osip_build_random_number(); snprintf(tmp, 200, "SIP/2.0/%s %s:%s;rport;branch=z9hG4bK%u", "UDP", localip, localport, branch ); osip_message_set_via(request, tmp); /* the UA header */ osip_message_set_user_agent(request, user_agent); /* the expires header */ char exp[10]; /* MUST never be ouside 1 and 3600 */ snprintf(exp, 9, "%i", expires); osip_message_set_expires(request, exp); osip_message_set_content_length(request, "0"); /*** then must wake up osip ***/ i = osip_transaction_init(&transaction, NICT, adosip->j_osip, request); if (i!=0) goto si2perror2 ; //jr->r_last_tr = transaction; /* send REGISTER */ i = osip_message_to_str(request, &message1, &len); LogStream("SEND======================================>>\n") ; LogStream(message1) ; if(message1) osip_free(message1) ; // printf("SEND======================================>>\n") ; // printf(message1) ; sipevent = osip_new_outgoing_sipmessage(request); sipevent->transactionid = transaction->transactionid; osip_message_force_update(request); osip_transaction_add_event(transaction, sipevent); adosip->ThreadWakeUp(); return 0; si2perror1: if(request != NULL)osip_message_free(request); return -1 ; si2perror2: if(request != NULL)osip_message_free(request); return -1; }
int Node::SndUserRegisterRequest(char *aor ,const char *requri) { char *message1; unsigned int len = 0; osip_transaction_t *transaction; osip_event_t *sipevent; osip_message_t *request; int i; i = osip_message_init(&request); if (i!=0) goto si2perror1; /* prepare the request-line */ osip_message_set_method(request, osip_strdup("REGISTER")); osip_message_set_version(request, osip_strdup("SIP/2.0")); osip_message_set_status_code(request, 0); osip_message_set_reason_phrase(request, NULL); //requset uri osip_uri_t *uri; i=osip_uri_init(&uri); if (i!=0) goto si2perror2; i=osip_uri_parse(uri, requri); if (i!=0) goto si2perror2; osip_message_set_uri(request , uri) ; //to from ,no contact osip_message_set_to(request,aor); osip_message_set_from(request,aor); osip_from_param_add(request->from,osip_strdup("user"),osip_strdup("user_query")); //---set call_id and cseq osip_call_id_t *callid; osip_cseq_t *cseq; char *num; char *cidrand; char *register_callid_number ; /* call-id is always the same for REGISTRATIONS */ i = osip_call_id_init(&callid); if (i!=0) goto si2perror2; cidrand = osip_strdup("BF9598C48B184EBBAFADFE527EED8186") ; osip_call_id_set_number(callid, cidrand); register_callid_number = cidrand; osip_call_id_set_host(callid, osip_strdup("SI2P.COM")); request->call_id = callid; //cseq i = osip_cseq_init(&cseq); if (i!=0) goto si2perror2 ; num = osip_strdup("1"); osip_cseq_set_number(cseq, num); osip_cseq_set_method(cseq, osip_strdup("REGISTER")); request->cseq = cseq; /*the Max-Forward header */ osip_message_set_max_forwards(request, "5"); /* a UA should start a request with 70 */ /* the via header */ char tmp[200]; unsigned int branch; branch=osip_build_random_number(); snprintf(tmp, 200, "SIP/2.0/%s %s:%s;rport;branch=z9hG4bK%u", "UDP", localip, localport, branch ); osip_message_set_via(request, tmp); /* the UA header */ osip_message_set_user_agent(request, user_agent); /* the expires header */ char exp[10]; /* MUST never be ouside 1 and 3600 */ snprintf(exp, 9, "%i", expires); osip_message_set_expires(request, exp); osip_message_set_content_length(request, "0"); /*** then must wake up osip ***/ i = osip_transaction_init(&transaction, NICT, adosip->j_osip, request); if (i!=0) goto si2perror2 ; /* send REGISTER */ i = osip_message_to_str(request, &message1, &len); LogStream("SEND======================================>>\n") ; LogStream(message1) ; if(message1) osip_free(message1) ; sipevent = osip_new_outgoing_sipmessage(request); sipevent->transactionid = transaction->transactionid; osip_message_force_update(request); osip_transaction_add_event(transaction, sipevent); adosip->ThreadWakeUp(); return 0; si2perror1: if(request != NULL)osip_message_free(request); return -1 ; si2perror2: if(request != NULL)osip_message_free(request); return -1; return 0; }
int Node::SndUserRegisterRequest(REG_TYPE type, uinfo_t *user_info, const char *registrar, int expires) { char *message1; unsigned int len = 0; osip_message_t *request; osip_event_t *sipevent; osip_transaction_t *transaction; osip_uri_t *uri; char *tmp_uri; int i; i=osip_message_init(&request); if(i!=0) goto si2perror1; osip_message_set_method(request,strdup("REGISTER")); osip_message_set_version(request,strdup("SIP/2.0")); osip_message_set_status_code(request,0); osip_message_set_reason_phrase(request,NULL); i=osip_uri_init(&uri); if(i!=0) goto si2perror2; i=osip_uri_parse(uri,osip_strdup(registrar)); osip_message_set_uri(request,uri); //*set to,from and header if(type==USER_REGISTRATION) { char *dest1; char *dest2; osip_uri_to_str(user_info->aor->uri,&dest1); i=osip_message_set_to(request,dest1); i=osip_message_set_from(request,dest1); if(dest1) osip_free(dest1) ; osip_from_param_add (request->from, osip_strdup ("user"), osip_strdup("user_registration")); osip_contact_to_str(user_info->bindings->contact,&dest2); i=osip_message_set_contact(request,osip_strdup(dest2)); if(dest2) osip_free(dest2) ; } if(type == RED_REGISTER) { char *dest1; char *dest2; osip_uri_to_str(user_info->aor->uri,&dest1); i=osip_message_set_to(request,dest1); i=osip_message_set_from(request,dest1); if(dest1) osip_free(dest1) ; osip_from_param_add (request->from, osip_strdup ("user"), osip_strdup("red_register")); osip_contact_to_str(user_info->bindings->contact,&dest2); i=osip_message_set_contact(request,osip_strdup(dest2)); if(dest2) osip_free(dest2) ; } if(type==TRANSFER_REGISTRATION) { char *dest1; char *dest2; //string tmp_uri; osip_uri_to_str(user_info->aor->uri,&dest1); osip_message_set_to(request,dest1); if(dest1) osip_free(dest1) ; tmp_uri = ChordId2Uri(chordId,false); osip_message_set_from(request,tmp_uri); osip_from_param_add (request->from, osip_strdup ("user"), osip_strdup("transfer_registration")); if(tmp_uri) osip_free(tmp_uri) ; osip_contact_to_str(user_info->bindings->contact,&dest2); osip_message_set_contact(request,dest2); if(dest2) osip_free(dest2) ; } if(type==THIRD_PARTY) { //todo } //---set call_id and cseq osip_call_id_t *callid; osip_cseq_t *cseq; char *num; char *cidrand; char *register_callid_number ; //* call-id is always the same for REGISTRATIONS i = osip_call_id_init(&callid); if (i!=0) goto si2perror2; cidrand = osip_strdup("BF9598C48B184EBBAFADFE527EED8186") ; osip_call_id_set_number(callid, cidrand); register_callid_number = cidrand; osip_call_id_set_host(callid, osip_strdup("SI2P.COM")); request->call_id = callid; //cseq i = osip_cseq_init(&cseq); if (i!=0) goto si2perror2 ; num = osip_strdup("1"); osip_cseq_set_number(cseq, num); osip_cseq_set_method(cseq, osip_strdup("REGISTER")); request->cseq = cseq; //*the Max-Forward header osip_message_set_max_forwards(request, "5"); //* a UA should start a request with 70 //* the via header char tmp[200]; snprintf(tmp, 200, "SIP/2.0/%s %s:%s;rport;branch=z9hG4bK%u", "UDP", localip, localport, via_branch_new_random() ); osip_message_set_via(request, tmp); //* the UA header osip_message_set_user_agent(request, user_agent); //* the expires header char exp[10]; //* MUST never be ouside 1 and 3600 snprintf(exp, 9, "%i", expires); osip_message_set_expires(request, exp); osip_message_set_content_length(request, "0"); //*** then must wake up osip i = osip_transaction_init(&transaction, NICT, adosip->j_osip, request); if (i!=0) goto si2perror3 ; //* send REGISTER i = osip_message_to_str(request, &message1, &len); LogStream("SEND======================================>>\n") ; LogStream(message1) ; if(message1) osip_free(message1) ; // printf("SEND======================================>>\n") ; // printf(message1) ; sipevent = osip_new_outgoing_sipmessage(request); sipevent->transactionid = transaction->transactionid; osip_message_force_update(request); osip_transaction_add_event(transaction, sipevent); adosip->ThreadWakeUp(); return 0; si2perror1: return -1; si2perror2: if(request!=NULL) osip_message_free(request); return -1; si2perror3: if(transaction!=NULL) osip_message_free(request); return -1; }
int _eXosip_insubscription_send_request_with_credential (eXosip_notify_t * jn, eXosip_dialog_t * jd, osip_transaction_t * out_tr) { osip_transaction_t *tr = NULL; osip_message_t *msg = NULL; osip_event_t *sipevent; char locip[256]; int cseq; char tmp[256]; osip_via_t *via; int i; if (jn == NULL) return -1; if (jd != NULL) { if (jd->d_out_trs == NULL) return -1; } if (out_tr == NULL) { out_tr = eXosip_find_last_out_notify (jn, jd); } if (out_tr == NULL || out_tr->orig_request == NULL || out_tr->last_response == NULL) return -1; osip_message_clone (out_tr->orig_request, &msg); if (msg == NULL) { OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL, "eXosip: could not clone msg for authentication\n")); return -1; } via = (osip_via_t *) osip_list_get (msg->vias, 0); if (via == NULL || msg->cseq == NULL || msg->cseq->number == NULL) { osip_message_free (msg); OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL, "eXosip: missing via or cseq header\n")); return -1; } /* increment cseq */ cseq = atoi (msg->cseq->number); osip_free (msg->cseq->number); msg->cseq->number = strdup_printf ("%i", cseq + 1); if (jd != NULL && jd->d_dialog != NULL) { jd->d_dialog->local_cseq++; } osip_list_remove (msg->vias, 0); osip_via_free (via); i = _eXosip_find_protocol (out_tr->orig_request); if (i == IPPROTO_UDP) { eXosip_guess_ip_for_via (eXosip.net_interfaces[0].net_ip_family, locip, sizeof (locip)); if (eXosip.net_interfaces[0].net_ip_family == AF_INET6) snprintf (tmp, 256, "SIP/2.0/UDP [%s]:%s;branch=z9hG4bK%u", locip, eXosip.net_interfaces[0].net_port, via_branch_new_random ()); else snprintf (tmp, 256, "SIP/2.0/UDP %s:%s;rport;branch=z9hG4bK%u", locip, eXosip.net_interfaces[0].net_port, via_branch_new_random ()); } else if (i == IPPROTO_TCP) { eXosip_guess_ip_for_via (eXosip.net_interfaces[1].net_ip_family, locip, sizeof (locip)); if (eXosip.net_interfaces[1].net_ip_family == AF_INET6) snprintf (tmp, 256, "SIP/2.0/TCP [%s]:%s;branch=z9hG4bK%u", locip, eXosip.net_interfaces[1].net_port, via_branch_new_random ()); else snprintf (tmp, 256, "SIP/2.0/TCP %s:%s;rport;branch=z9hG4bK%u", locip, eXosip.net_interfaces[1].net_port, via_branch_new_random ()); } else { /* tls? */ osip_message_free (msg); OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace (__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL, "eXosip: unsupported protocol\n")); return -1; } osip_via_init (&via); osip_via_parse (via, tmp); osip_list_add (msg->vias, via, 0); eXosip_add_authentication_information (msg, out_tr->last_response); osip_message_force_update (msg); i = osip_transaction_init (&tr, NICT, eXosip.j_osip, msg); if (i != 0) { osip_message_free (msg); return -1; } /* add the new tr for the current dialog */ osip_list_add (jd->d_out_trs, tr, 0); sipevent = osip_new_outgoing_sipmessage (msg); osip_transaction_set_your_instance (tr, __eXosip_new_jinfo (NULL, jd, NULL, jn)); osip_transaction_add_event (tr, sipevent); eXosip_update (); /* fixed? */ __eXosip_wakeup (); return 0; }
int eXosip_reinvite_with_authentication (struct eXosip_call_t *jc) { struct eXosip_call_t *jcc; #ifdef SM char *locip; #else char locip[50]; #endif osip_message_t * cloneinvite; osip_event_t *sipevent; osip_transaction_t *transaction; int osip_cseq_num,length; osip_via_t *via; char *tmp; int i; osip_message_clone (jc->c_out_tr->orig_request, &cloneinvite); osip_cseq_num = osip_atoi(jc->c_out_tr->orig_request->cseq->number); length = strlen(jc->c_out_tr->orig_request->cseq->number); tmp = (char *)osip_malloc(90*sizeof(char)); via = (osip_via_t *) osip_list_get (cloneinvite->vias, 0); osip_list_remove(cloneinvite->vias, 0); osip_via_free(via); #ifdef SM eXosip_get_localip_for(cloneinvite->req_uri->host,&locip); #else eXosip_guess_ip_for_via(eXosip.ip_family, locip, 49); #endif if (eXosip.ip_family==AF_INET6) { sprintf(tmp, "SIP/2.0/UDP [%s]:%s;branch=z9hG4bK%u", locip, eXosip.localport, via_branch_new_random()); } else { sprintf(tmp, "SIP/2.0/UDP %s:%s;branch=z9hG4bK%u", locip, eXosip.localport, via_branch_new_random()); } #ifdef SM osip_free(locip); #endif osip_via_init(&via); osip_via_parse(via, tmp); osip_list_add(cloneinvite->vias, via, 0); osip_free(tmp); osip_cseq_num++; osip_free(cloneinvite->cseq->number); cloneinvite->cseq->number = (char*)osip_malloc(length + 2); sprintf(cloneinvite->cseq->number, "%i", osip_cseq_num); eXosip_add_authentication_information(cloneinvite, jc->c_out_tr->last_response); cloneinvite->message_property = 0; eXosip_call_init(&jcc); i = osip_transaction_init(&transaction, ICT, eXosip.j_osip, cloneinvite); if (i!=0) { eXosip_call_free(jc); osip_message_free(cloneinvite); return -1; } jcc->c_out_tr = transaction; sipevent = osip_new_outgoing_sipmessage(cloneinvite); sipevent->transactionid = transaction->transactionid; osip_transaction_set_your_instance(transaction, __eXosip_new_jinfo(jcc, NULL, NULL, NULL)); osip_transaction_add_event(transaction, sipevent); jcc->external_reference = 0; ADD_ELEMENT(eXosip.j_calls, jcc); eXosip_update(); /* fixed? */ __eXosip_wakeup(); return 0; }
int eXosip_subscribe_send_subscribe(eXosip_subscribe_t *js, eXosip_dialog_t *jd, const char *expires) { osip_transaction_t *transaction; osip_message_t *subscribe; osip_event_t *sipevent; int i; if (!jd || !jd->d_dialog) { // JULIEN : Maybe the first SUBSCRIBE didn't work // that's why there's no more dialog return -1; } transaction = eXosip_find_last_out_subscribe(js, jd); if (transaction!=NULL) { if (transaction->state!=NICT_TERMINATED && transaction->state!=NIST_TERMINATED) return -1; //<MINHPQ> // Remove the transaction from dialog structure if (jd) owsip_list_remove_element (jd->d_out_trs, transaction); // Remove the transaction from jd->d_out_trs list if (js && (js->s_out_tr == transaction)) { js->s_out_tr = NULL; // Remove the transaction from js->s_out_tr } eXosip_transaction_free(transaction); transaction = NULL; //</MINHPQ> } i = _eXosip_build_request_within_dialog(&subscribe, "SUBSCRIBE", jd->d_dialog); if (i!=0) return -2; //<MINHPQ> if (js->winfo) { owsip_message_set_header(subscribe, "Event", "presence.winfo"); owsip_message_set_header(subscribe, "Accept", "application/watcherinfo+xml"); } //</MINHPQ> owsip_message_set_expires(subscribe, expires); i = osip_transaction_init(&transaction, NICT, eXosip.j_osip, subscribe); if (i!=0) { /* TODO: release the j_call.. */ osip_message_free(subscribe); return -1; } _eXosip_subscribe_set_refresh_interval(js, subscribe); osip_list_add(jd->d_out_trs, transaction, 0); sipevent = osip_new_outgoing_sipmessage(subscribe); sipevent->transactionid = transaction->transactionid; osip_transaction_add_event(transaction, sipevent); osip_transaction_set_your_instance(transaction, __eXosip_new_jinfo(owsip_dialog_account_get (jd), NULL, jd, js, NULL)); __eXosip_wakeup(); return 0; }