예제 #1
static PyObject* create_copy(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
    oskar_Sky *h = 0, *t = 0;
    PyObject* capsule = 0;
    int status = 0;
    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &capsule)) return 0;
    if (!(h = get_handle(capsule))) return 0;
    t = oskar_sky_create_copy(h, OSKAR_CPU, &status);

    /* Check for errors. */
    if (status || !t)
                "oskar_sky_create_copy() failed with code %d (%s).",
                status, oskar_get_error_string(status));
        oskar_sky_free(t, &status);
        return 0;

    capsule = PyCapsule_New((void*)t, name, (PyCapsule_Destructor)sky_free);
    return Py_BuildValue("N", capsule); /* Don't increment refcount. */
예제 #2
void oskar_evaluate_jones_Z(oskar_Jones* Z, const oskar_Sky* sky,
        const oskar_Telescope* telescope,
        const oskar_SettingsIonosphere* settings, double gast,
        double frequency_hz, oskar_WorkJonesZ* work, int* status)
    int i, num_sources, num_stations;
    /* Station position in ECEF frame */
    double station_x, station_y, station_z, wavelength;
    oskar_Mem *Z_station;
    int type;
    oskar_Sky* sky_cpu; /* Copy of the sky model on the CPU */

    /* Check if safe to proceed. */
    if (*status) return;

    /* Check data types. */
    type = oskar_sky_precision(sky);
    if (oskar_telescope_precision(telescope) != type ||
            oskar_jones_type(Z) != (type | OSKAR_COMPLEX) ||
            oskar_work_jones_z_type(work) != type)
        *status = OSKAR_ERR_BAD_DATA_TYPE;

    /* For now, this function requires data is on the CPU .. check this. */

    /* Resize the work array (if needed) */
    num_stations = oskar_telescope_num_stations(telescope);
    num_sources = oskar_sky_num_sources(sky);
    oskar_work_jones_z_resize(work, num_sources, status);

    /* Copy the sky model to the CPU. */
    sky_cpu = oskar_sky_create_copy(sky, OSKAR_CPU, status);

    Z_station = oskar_mem_create_alias(0, 0, 0, status);
    wavelength = 299792458.0 / frequency_hz;

    /* Evaluate the ionospheric phase screen for each station at each
     * source pierce point. */
    for (i = 0; i < num_stations; ++i)
        double last, lon, lat;
        const oskar_Station* station;
        station = oskar_telescope_station_const(telescope, i);
        lon = oskar_station_lon_rad(station);
        lat = oskar_station_lat_rad(station);
        last = gast + lon;

        /* Evaluate horizontal x,y,z source positions (for which to evaluate
         * pierce points) */
                work->hor_x, work->hor_y, work->hor_z, num_sources,
                oskar_sky_l_const(sky_cpu), oskar_sky_m_const(sky_cpu),
                oskar_sky_n_const(sky_cpu), last - oskar_sky_reference_ra_rad(sky_cpu),
                oskar_sky_reference_dec_rad(sky_cpu), lat, status);

        /* Obtain station coordinates in the ECEF frame. */
        evaluate_station_ECEF_coords(&station_x, &station_y, &station_z, i,

        /* Obtain the pierce points. */
        /* FIXME(BM) this is current hard-coded to TID height screen 0
         * this fix is only needed to support multiple screen heights. */
        oskar_evaluate_pierce_points(work->pp_lon, work->pp_lat,
                work->pp_rel_path, station_x, station_y,
                station_z, settings->TID[0].height_km * 1000., num_sources,
                work->hor_x, work->hor_y, work->hor_z, status);

        /* Evaluate TEC values for the pierce points */
        oskar_evaluate_TEC(work, num_sources, settings, gast, status);

        /* Get a pointer to the Jones matrices for the station */
        oskar_jones_get_station_pointer(Z_station, Z, i, status);

        /* Populate the Jones matrix with ionospheric phase */
        evaluate_jones_Z_station(Z_station, wavelength,
                work->total_TEC, work->hor_z, settings->min_elevation,
                num_sources, status);

    oskar_sky_free(sky_cpu, status);
    oskar_mem_free(Z_station, status);