예제 #1
ot_admin_builtin_upgrade (int argc, char **argv, OstreeCommandInvocation *invocation, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error)
  g_autoptr(GOptionContext) context = g_option_context_new ("");

  g_autoptr(OstreeSysroot) sysroot = NULL;
  if (!ostree_admin_option_context_parse (context, options, &argc, &argv,
                                          invocation, &sysroot, cancellable, error))
    return FALSE;

  if (opt_pull_only && opt_deploy_only)
      g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
                   "Cannot simultaneously specify --pull-only and --deploy-only");
      return FALSE;
  else if (opt_pull_only && opt_reboot)
      g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
                   "Cannot simultaneously specify --pull-only and --reboot");
      return FALSE;

  g_autoptr(OstreeSysrootUpgrader) upgrader =
    ostree_sysroot_upgrader_new_for_os (sysroot, opt_osname,
                                        cancellable, error);
  if (!upgrader)
    return FALSE;

  g_autoptr(GKeyFile) origin = ostree_sysroot_upgrader_dup_origin (upgrader);
  if (origin != NULL)
      gboolean origin_changed = FALSE;

      if (opt_override_commit != NULL)
          /* Override the commit to pull and deploy. */
          g_key_file_set_string (origin, "origin",
          origin_changed = TRUE;
          /* Strip any override-commit from the origin file so
           * we always upgrade to the latest available commit. */
          origin_changed = g_key_file_remove_key (origin, "origin",
                                                  "override-commit", NULL);

      /* Should we consider requiring --discard-hotfix here? */
      origin_changed |= g_key_file_remove_key (origin, "origin", "unlocked", NULL);

      if (origin_changed)
          /* XXX GCancellable parameter is not used. */
          if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_set_origin (upgrader, origin, NULL, error))
            return FALSE;

  gboolean changed;
  OstreeSysrootUpgraderPullFlags upgraderpullflags = 0;
  if (opt_deploy_only)

  { g_auto(GLnxConsoleRef) console = { 0, };
    glnx_console_lock (&console);

    g_autoptr(OstreeAsyncProgress) progress = NULL;
    if (console.is_tty)
      progress = ostree_async_progress_new_and_connect (ostree_repo_pull_default_console_progress_changed, &console);

    if (opt_allow_downgrade)

    if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_pull (upgrader, 0, upgraderpullflags,
                                       progress, &changed,
                                       cancellable, error))
        /* In the pull-only case, we do a cleanup here to ensure that if
         * multiple commits were pulled, we garbage collect any old
         * partially-pulled intermediate commits before pulling more. This is
         * really a best practice in general, but for maximum compatiblity, we
         * only do cleanup if a user specifies the new --pull-only option.
         * Otherwise, we would break the case of trying to deploy a commit that
         * isn't directly referenced.
        if (opt_pull_only)
          (void) ostree_sysroot_cleanup (sysroot, NULL, NULL);
        return FALSE;

    if (progress)
      ostree_async_progress_finish (progress);

  if (!changed)
      g_print ("No update available.\n");
      if (!opt_pull_only)
          if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_deploy (upgrader, cancellable, error))
            return FALSE;

      if (opt_reboot)
          if (!ot_admin_execve_reboot (sysroot, error))
            return FALSE;

  return TRUE;
rpmostree_builtin_rebase (int             argc,
                          char          **argv,
                          GCancellable   *cancellable,
                          GError        **error)
  gboolean ret = FALSE;
  GOptionContext *context = g_option_context_new ("REFSPEC - Switch to a different tree");
  const char *new_provided_refspec;
  gs_unref_object OstreeSysroot *sysroot = NULL;
  gs_unref_object OstreeRepo *repo = NULL;
  gs_free char *origin_refspec = NULL;
  gs_free char *origin_remote = NULL;
  gs_free char *origin_ref = NULL;
  gs_free char *new_remote = NULL;
  gs_free char *new_ref = NULL;
  gs_free char *new_refspec = NULL;
  gs_unref_object GFile *sysroot_path = NULL;
  gs_unref_object OstreeSysrootUpgrader *upgrader = NULL;
  gs_unref_object OstreeAsyncProgress *progress = NULL;
  gboolean changed;
  GSConsole *console = NULL;
  gs_unref_keyfile GKeyFile *old_origin = NULL;
  gs_unref_keyfile GKeyFile *new_origin = NULL;
  if (!rpmostree_option_context_parse (context, option_entries, &argc, &argv, error))
    goto out;

  if (argc < 2)
      g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
                   "REFSPEC must be specified");
      goto out;

  new_provided_refspec = argv[1];

  sysroot_path = g_file_new_for_path (opt_sysroot);
  sysroot = ostree_sysroot_new (sysroot_path);
  if (!ostree_sysroot_load (sysroot, cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  upgrader = ostree_sysroot_upgrader_new_for_os_with_flags (sysroot, opt_osname,
                                                            cancellable, error);
  if (!upgrader)
    goto out;

  old_origin = ostree_sysroot_upgrader_get_origin (upgrader);
  origin_refspec = g_key_file_get_string (old_origin, "origin", "refspec", NULL);
  if (!ostree_parse_refspec (origin_refspec, &origin_remote, &origin_ref, error))
    goto out;

  /* Allow just switching remotes */
  if (g_str_has_suffix (new_provided_refspec, ":"))
      new_remote = g_strdup (new_provided_refspec);
      new_remote[strlen(new_remote)-1] = '\0';
      new_ref = g_strdup (origin_ref);
      if (!ostree_parse_refspec (new_provided_refspec, &new_remote, &new_ref, error))
        goto out;
  if (!new_remote)
    new_refspec = g_strconcat (origin_remote, ":", new_ref, NULL);
    new_refspec = g_strconcat (new_remote, ":", new_ref, NULL);
  if (strcmp (origin_refspec, new_refspec) == 0)
      g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
                   "Old and new refs are equal: %s", new_refspec);
      goto out;

  new_origin = ostree_sysroot_origin_new_from_refspec (sysroot, new_refspec);
  if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_set_origin (upgrader, new_origin, cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  console = gs_console_get ();
  if (console)
      gs_console_begin_status_line (console, "", NULL, NULL);
      progress = ostree_async_progress_new_and_connect (ostree_repo_pull_default_console_progress_changed, console);

  /* Always allow older...there's not going to be a chronological
   * relationship necessarily.
  if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_pull (upgrader, 0,
                                     progress, &changed,
                                     cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  if (console)
      if (!gs_console_end_status_line (console, cancellable, error))
          console = NULL;
          goto out;
      console = NULL;

  if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_deploy (upgrader, cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  if (!ostree_sysroot_get_repo (sysroot, &repo, cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  if (!ostree_repo_prepare_transaction (repo, NULL, cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  g_print ("Deleting ref '%s:%s'\n", origin_remote, origin_ref);
  ostree_repo_transaction_set_ref (repo, origin_remote, origin_ref, NULL);
  if (!ostree_repo_commit_transaction (repo, NULL, cancellable, error))
    goto out;
  if (!rpmostree_print_treepkg_diff (sysroot, cancellable, error))
    goto out;
  ret = TRUE;
  if (console)
    (void) gs_console_end_status_line (console, NULL, NULL);
  return ret;
rpmostree_builtin_upgrade (int             argc,
                           char          **argv,
                           GCancellable   *cancellable,
                           GError        **error)
  gboolean ret = FALSE;
  GOptionContext *context = g_option_context_new ("- Perform a system upgrade");
  gs_unref_object GFile *sysroot_path = NULL;
  gs_unref_object OstreeSysroot *sysroot = NULL;
  gs_unref_object OstreeSysrootUpgrader *upgrader = NULL;
  gs_unref_object OstreeAsyncProgress *progress = NULL;
  GSConsole *console = NULL;
  gboolean changed;
  OstreeSysrootUpgraderPullFlags upgraderpullflags = 0;

  gs_free char *origin_description = NULL;
  gs_unref_object OstreeRepo *repo = NULL; 

  g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, option_entries, NULL);

   if (!g_option_context_parse (context, &argc, &argv, error))
    goto out;

  sysroot_path = g_file_new_for_path (opt_sysroot);
  sysroot = ostree_sysroot_new (sysroot_path);
  if (!ostree_sysroot_load (sysroot, cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  upgrader = ostree_sysroot_upgrader_new_for_os (sysroot, opt_osname,
                                                 cancellable, error);
  if (!upgrader)
    goto out;

  origin_description = ostree_sysroot_upgrader_get_origin_description (upgrader);
  if (origin_description)
    g_print ("Updating from: %s\n", origin_description);

  if (!ostree_sysroot_get_repo (sysroot, &repo, cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  console = gs_console_get ();
  if (console)
      gs_console_begin_status_line (console, "", NULL, NULL);
      progress = ostree_async_progress_new_and_connect (_rpmostree_pull_progress, console);

  if (opt_allow_downgrade)  

  if (opt_check_diff)
      if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_pull_one_dir (upgrader, "/usr/share/rpm", 0, 0, progress, &changed,
                                     cancellable, error))
        goto out;

      if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_pull (upgrader, 0, 0, progress, &changed,
                                       cancellable, error))
        goto out;

  if (console)
      if (!gs_console_end_status_line (console, cancellable, error))
          console = NULL;
          goto out;
      console = NULL;

  if (!changed)
      g_print ("No updates available.\n");
      if (!opt_check_diff)
          if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_deploy (upgrader, cancellable, error))
                goto out;
          if (opt_reboot)
            gs_subprocess_simple_run_sync (NULL, GS_SUBPROCESS_STREAM_DISPOSITION_INHERIT,
                                           cancellable, error,
                                           "systemctl", "reboot", NULL);
              if (!rpmostree_print_treepkg_diff (sysroot, cancellable, error))
                goto out;

              g_print ("Updates prepared for next boot; run \"systemctl reboot\" to start a reboot\n");

          gs_unref_object GFile *rpmdbdir = NULL;
          _cleanup_rpmrev_ struct RpmRevisionData *rpmrev1 = NULL;
          _cleanup_rpmrev_ struct RpmRevisionData *rpmrev2 = NULL;

          gs_free char *tmpd = g_mkdtemp (g_strdup ("/tmp/rpm-ostree.XXXXXX"));

          gs_free char *ref = NULL; // location of this rev
          gs_free char *remote = NULL;

          if (!ostree_parse_refspec (origin_description, &remote, &ref, error))
             goto out;

          if (rpmReadConfigFiles (NULL, NULL))
              g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
                           "rpm failed to init: %s", rpmlogMessage());
              goto out;

          rpmdbdir = g_file_new_for_path (tmpd);

          if (!(rpmrev1 = rpmrev_new (repo, rpmdbdir, 
                                      ostree_deployment_get_csum (ostree_sysroot_get_booted_deployment (sysroot)),
                                      NULL, cancellable, error)))
            goto out;

          if (!(rpmrev2 = rpmrev_new (repo, rpmdbdir, ref,
                                      NULL, cancellable, error)))
            goto out;

          rpmhdrs_diff_prnt_diff (rpmrev1->root, rpmrev2->root,
                            rpmhdrs_diff (rpmrev1->rpmdb, rpmrev2->rpmdb),
                            cancellable, error);
  ret = TRUE;
  if (console)
    (void) gs_console_end_status_line (console, NULL, NULL);

  return ret;
예제 #4
ot_admin_builtin_upgrade (int argc, char **argv, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error)
  gboolean ret = FALSE;
  GOptionContext *context;
  glnx_unref_object OstreeSysroot *sysroot = NULL;
  glnx_unref_object OstreeSysrootUpgrader *upgrader = NULL;
  g_autofree char *origin_remote = NULL;
  g_autofree char *origin_ref = NULL;
  g_autofree char *origin_refspec = NULL;
  g_autofree char *new_revision = NULL;
  g_autoptr(GFile) deployment_path = NULL;
  g_autoptr(GFile) deployment_origin_path = NULL;
  glnx_unref_object OstreeDeployment *merge_deployment = NULL;
  glnx_unref_object OstreeDeployment *new_deployment = NULL;
  GSConsole *console = NULL;
  gboolean in_status_line = FALSE;
  glnx_unref_object OstreeAsyncProgress *progress = NULL;
  gboolean changed;
  OstreeSysrootUpgraderPullFlags upgraderpullflags = 0;

  context = g_option_context_new ("Construct new tree from current origin and deploy it, if it changed");

  if (!ostree_admin_option_context_parse (context, options, &argc, &argv,
                                          &sysroot, cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  if (!ostree_sysroot_load (sysroot, cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  upgrader = ostree_sysroot_upgrader_new_for_os (sysroot, opt_osname,
                                                 cancellable, error);
  if (!upgrader)
    goto out;

  console = gs_console_get ();
  if (console)
      gs_console_begin_status_line (console, "", NULL, NULL);
      in_status_line = TRUE;
      progress = ostree_async_progress_new_and_connect (ostree_repo_pull_default_console_progress_changed, console);

  if (opt_allow_downgrade)

  if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_pull (upgrader, 0, upgraderpullflags,
                                     progress, &changed,
                                     cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  if (in_status_line)
      gs_console_end_status_line (console, NULL, NULL);
      in_status_line = FALSE;

  if (!changed)
      g_print ("No update available.\n");
      g_autoptr(GFile) real_sysroot = g_file_new_for_path ("/");

      if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_deploy (upgrader, cancellable, error))
        goto out;

      if (opt_reboot && g_file_equal (ostree_sysroot_get_path (sysroot), real_sysroot))
          gs_subprocess_simple_run_sync (NULL, GS_SUBPROCESS_STREAM_DISPOSITION_INHERIT,
                                         cancellable, error,
                                         "systemctl", "reboot", NULL);

  ret = TRUE;
  if (in_status_line)
    gs_console_end_status_line (console, NULL, NULL);
  if (context)
    g_option_context_free (context);
  return ret;
예제 #5
ot_admin_builtin_switch (int argc, char **argv, OstreeCommandInvocation *invocation, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error)
  g_autoptr(GOptionContext) context =
    g_option_context_new ("REF");
  g_autoptr(OstreeSysroot) sysroot = NULL;
  if (!ostree_admin_option_context_parse (context, options, &argc, &argv,
                                          invocation, &sysroot, cancellable, error))
    return FALSE;

  if (argc < 2)
      ot_util_usage_error (context, "REF must be specified", error);
      return FALSE;

  const char *new_provided_refspec = argv[1];

  g_autoptr(OstreeSysrootUpgrader) upgrader =
    ostree_sysroot_upgrader_new_for_os_with_flags (sysroot, opt_osname,
                                                   cancellable, error);
  if (!upgrader)
    return FALSE;

  GKeyFile *old_origin = ostree_sysroot_upgrader_get_origin (upgrader);
  g_autofree char *origin_refspec = g_key_file_get_string (old_origin, "origin", "refspec", NULL);
  g_autofree char *origin_remote = NULL;
  g_autofree char *origin_ref = NULL;
  if (!ostree_parse_refspec (origin_refspec, &origin_remote, &origin_ref, error))
    return FALSE;

  g_autofree char *new_remote = NULL;
  g_autofree char *new_ref = NULL;
  /* Allow just switching remotes */
  if (g_str_has_suffix (new_provided_refspec, ":"))
      new_remote = g_strdup (new_provided_refspec);
      new_remote[strlen(new_remote)-1] = '\0';
      new_ref = g_strdup (origin_ref);
      if (!ostree_parse_refspec (new_provided_refspec, &new_remote, &new_ref, error))
        return FALSE;

  const char* remote = new_remote ?: origin_remote;
  g_autofree char *new_refspec = NULL;
  if (remote)
    new_refspec = g_strconcat (remote, ":", new_ref, NULL);
    new_refspec = g_strdup (new_ref);

  if (strcmp (origin_refspec, new_refspec) == 0)
      g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
                   "Old and new refs are equal: %s", new_refspec);
      return FALSE;

  g_autoptr(GKeyFile) new_origin = ostree_sysroot_origin_new_from_refspec (sysroot, new_refspec);
  if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_set_origin (upgrader, new_origin, cancellable, error))
    return FALSE;

  { g_auto(GLnxConsoleRef) console = { 0, };
    glnx_console_lock (&console);

    g_autoptr(OstreeAsyncProgress) progress = NULL;
    if (console.is_tty)
      progress = ostree_async_progress_new_and_connect (ostree_repo_pull_default_console_progress_changed, &console);

    /* Always allow older...there's not going to be a chronological
     * relationship necessarily.
    gboolean changed;
    if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_pull (upgrader, 0,
                                       progress, &changed,
                                       cancellable, error))
      return FALSE;

    if (progress)
      ostree_async_progress_finish (progress);

  if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_deploy (upgrader, cancellable, error))
    return FALSE;

  OstreeRepo *repo = ostree_sysroot_repo (sysroot);
  if (!ostree_repo_prepare_transaction (repo, NULL, cancellable, error))
    return FALSE;

  g_print ("Deleting ref '%s:%s'\n", origin_remote, origin_ref);
  ostree_repo_transaction_set_ref (repo, origin_remote, origin_ref, NULL);

  if (!ostree_repo_commit_transaction (repo, NULL, cancellable, error))
    return FALSE;

  if (opt_reboot)
      if (!ot_admin_execve_reboot (sysroot, error))
        return FALSE;

  return TRUE;
예제 #6
ot_admin_builtin_upgrade (int argc, char **argv, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error)
  gboolean ret = FALSE;
  g_autoptr(GOptionContext) context = NULL;
  glnx_unref_object OstreeSysroot *sysroot = NULL;
  glnx_unref_object OstreeSysrootUpgrader *upgrader = NULL;
  g_autoptr(GKeyFile) origin = NULL;
  glnx_unref_object OstreeAsyncProgress *progress = NULL;
  gboolean changed;
  OstreeSysrootUpgraderPullFlags upgraderpullflags = 0;

  context = g_option_context_new ("Construct new tree from current origin and deploy it, if it changed");

  if (!ostree_admin_option_context_parse (context, options, &argc, &argv,
                                          &sysroot, cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  if (!ostree_sysroot_load (sysroot, cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  upgrader = ostree_sysroot_upgrader_new_for_os (sysroot, opt_osname,
                                                 cancellable, error);
  if (!upgrader)
    goto out;

  origin = ostree_sysroot_upgrader_dup_origin (upgrader);
  if (origin != NULL)
      gboolean origin_changed = FALSE;

      if (opt_override_commit != NULL)
          /* Override the commit to pull and deploy. */
          g_key_file_set_string (origin, "origin",
          origin_changed = TRUE;
          /* Strip any override-commit from the origin file so
           * we always upgrade to the latest available commit. */
          origin_changed = g_key_file_remove_key (origin, "origin",
                                                  "override-commit", NULL);

      /* Should we consider requiring --discard-hotfix here? */
      origin_changed |= g_key_file_remove_key (origin, "origin", "unlocked", NULL);

      if (origin_changed)
          /* XXX GCancellable parameter is not used. */
          if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_set_origin (upgrader, origin, NULL, error))
            goto out;

  { g_auto(GLnxConsoleRef) console = { 0, };
    glnx_console_lock (&console);

    if (console.is_tty)
      progress = ostree_async_progress_new_and_connect (ostree_repo_pull_default_console_progress_changed, &console);

    if (opt_allow_downgrade)
    if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_pull (upgrader, 0, upgraderpullflags,
                                       progress, &changed,
                                       cancellable, error))
      goto out;

    if (progress)
      ostree_async_progress_finish (progress);

  if (!changed)
      g_print ("No update available.\n");
      if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_deploy (upgrader, cancellable, error))
        goto out;

      if (opt_reboot)
          if (!ot_admin_execve_reboot (sysroot, error))
            goto out;

  ret = TRUE;
  return ret;
예제 #7
ot_admin_builtin_switch (int argc, char **argv, OstreeSysroot *sysroot, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error)
  gboolean ret = FALSE;
  GOptionContext *context;
  const char *new_provided_refspec = NULL;
  gs_unref_object OstreeRepo *repo = NULL;
  gs_free char *origin_refspec = NULL;
  gs_free char *origin_remote = NULL;
  gs_free char *origin_ref = NULL;
  gs_free char *new_remote = NULL;
  gs_free char *new_ref = NULL;
  gs_free char *new_refspec = NULL;
  gs_free char *new_revision = NULL;
  gs_unref_object GFile *deployment_path = NULL;
  gs_unref_object GFile *deployment_origin_path = NULL;
  gs_unref_object OstreeDeployment *merge_deployment = NULL;
  gs_unref_object OstreeDeployment *new_deployment = NULL;
  gs_unref_object OstreeSysrootUpgrader *upgrader = NULL;
  gs_unref_object OstreeAsyncProgress *progress = NULL;
  gboolean changed;
  GSConsole *console = NULL;
  gboolean in_status_line = FALSE;
  GKeyFile *old_origin;
  GKeyFile *new_origin = NULL;

  context = g_option_context_new ("REF - Construct new tree from current origin and deploy it, if it changed");
  g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, options, NULL);

  if (!g_option_context_parse (context, &argc, &argv, error))
    goto out;

  if (argc < 2)
      ot_util_usage_error (context, "REF must be specified", error);
      goto out;

  new_provided_refspec = argv[1];

  if (!ostree_sysroot_load (sysroot, cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  upgrader = ostree_sysroot_upgrader_new_for_os (sysroot, opt_osname,
                                                 cancellable, error);
  if (!upgrader)
    goto out;

  old_origin = ostree_sysroot_upgrader_get_origin (upgrader);
  origin_refspec = g_key_file_get_string (old_origin, "origin", "refspec", NULL);
  if (!ostree_parse_refspec (origin_refspec, &origin_remote, &origin_ref, error))
    goto out;

  /* Allow just switching remotes */
  if (g_str_has_suffix (new_provided_refspec, ":"))
      new_remote = g_strdup (new_provided_refspec);
      new_remote[strlen(new_remote)-1] = '\0';
      new_ref = g_strdup (origin_ref);
      if (!ostree_parse_refspec (new_provided_refspec, &new_remote, &new_ref, error))
        goto out;
  if (!new_remote)
    new_refspec = g_strconcat (origin_remote, ":", new_ref, NULL);
    new_refspec = g_strconcat (new_remote, ":", new_ref, NULL);
  if (strcmp (origin_refspec, new_refspec) == 0)
      g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
                   "Old and new refs are equal: %s", new_refspec);
      goto out;

  new_origin = ostree_sysroot_origin_new_from_refspec (sysroot, new_refspec);
  if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_set_origin (upgrader, new_origin, cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  console = gs_console_get ();
  if (console)
      gs_console_begin_status_line (console, "", NULL, NULL);
      in_status_line = TRUE;
      progress = ostree_async_progress_new_and_connect (ot_common_pull_progress, console);

  /* Always allow older...there's not going to be a chronological
   * relationship necessarily.
  if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_pull (upgrader, 0,
                                     progress, &changed,
                                     cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  if (in_status_line)
      gs_console_end_status_line (console, NULL, NULL);
      in_status_line = FALSE;

  if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_deploy (upgrader, cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  if (!ostree_sysroot_get_repo (sysroot, &repo, cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  if (!ostree_repo_prepare_transaction (repo, NULL, cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  g_print ("Deleting ref '%s:%s'\n", origin_remote, origin_ref);
  ostree_repo_transaction_set_ref (repo, origin_remote, origin_ref, NULL);
  if (!ostree_repo_commit_transaction (repo, NULL, cancellable, error))
    goto out;
    gs_unref_object GFile *real_sysroot = g_file_new_for_path ("/");
    if (opt_reboot && g_file_equal (ostree_sysroot_get_path (sysroot), real_sysroot))
        gs_subprocess_simple_run_sync (NULL, GS_SUBPROCESS_STREAM_DISPOSITION_INHERIT,
                                       cancellable, error,
                                       "systemctl", "reboot", NULL);

  ret = TRUE;
  if (in_status_line)
    gs_console_end_status_line (console, NULL, NULL);
  if (new_origin)
    g_key_file_unref (new_origin);
  if (context)
    g_option_context_free (context);
  return ret;
rpmostree_builtin_upgrade (int             argc,
                           char          **argv,
                           GCancellable   *cancellable,
                           GError        **error)
  gboolean ret = FALSE;
  GOptionContext *context = g_option_context_new ("- Perform a system upgrade");
  gs_unref_object GFile *sysroot_path = NULL;
  gs_unref_object OstreeSysroot *sysroot = NULL;
  gs_unref_object OstreeSysrootUpgrader *upgrader = NULL;
  gs_unref_object OstreeAsyncProgress *progress = NULL;
  GSConsole *console = NULL;
  gboolean changed;
  OstreeSysrootUpgraderPullFlags upgraderpullflags = 0;
  gs_free char *origin_description = NULL;
  g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, option_entries, NULL);

  if (!g_option_context_parse (context, &argc, &argv, error))
    goto out;

  sysroot_path = g_file_new_for_path (opt_sysroot);
  sysroot = ostree_sysroot_new (sysroot_path);
  if (!ostree_sysroot_load (sysroot, cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  upgrader = ostree_sysroot_upgrader_new_for_os (sysroot, opt_osname,
                                                 cancellable, error);
  if (!upgrader)
    goto out;

  origin_description = ostree_sysroot_upgrader_get_origin_description (upgrader);
  if (origin_description)
    g_print ("Updating from: %s\n", origin_description);

  console = gs_console_get ();
  if (console)
      gs_console_begin_status_line (console, "", NULL, NULL);
      progress = ostree_async_progress_new_and_connect (_rpmostree_pull_progress, console);

  if (opt_allow_downgrade)

  if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_pull (upgrader, 0, 0, progress, &changed,
                                     cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  if (console)
      if (!gs_console_end_status_line (console, cancellable, error))
          console = NULL;
          goto out;
      console = NULL;

  if (!changed)
      g_print ("No updates available.\n");
      if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_deploy (upgrader, cancellable, error))
        goto out;

      if (opt_reboot)
        gs_subprocess_simple_run_sync (NULL, GS_SUBPROCESS_STREAM_DISPOSITION_INHERIT,
                                       cancellable, error,
                                       "systemctl", "reboot", NULL);
          if (!rpmostree_print_treepkg_diff (sysroot, cancellable, error))
            goto out;

          g_print ("Updates prepared for next boot; run \"systemctl reboot\" to start a reboot\n");
  ret = TRUE;
  if (console)
    (void) gs_console_end_status_line (console, NULL, NULL);

  return ret;