int filewritefln(ub4 fln,int fd, const void *buf,ub4 len,const char *name) { long n; if (len == 0) return errorfln(fln,0,FLN,"nil write to %s",name); n = oswrite(fd,buf,len); if (n == -1) return oserrorfln(fln,0,"cannot write \ah%u bytes to %s",len,name); else if (n != (long)len) return errorfln(fln,0,FLN,"partial write \ah%ld of \ah%u bytes to %s",n,len,name); else return 0; }
zysef() { register struct fcblk *fcb = WA(struct fcblk *); register struct ioblk *iob = MK_MP(fcb->iob, struct ioblk *); /* ensure the file is open */ if ( !(iob->flg1 & IO_OPN) ) return EXIT_1; /* write the data, fail if unsuccessful */ if ( oswrite( fcb->mode, fcb->rsz, ffscblk.len, iob, &ffscblk) != 0 ) return EXIT_2; return NORMAL_RETURN; }
function main() { var cmd=SENTENCE.substr(2); var file,key;; var nkeys=0; var keys=""; while (file.readnext(key)) { if (nkeys) { keys^="\n"; } nkeys++; keys^=key; } var result; if (nkeys) { oswrite(keys,"sselect.lst"); printl(nkeys^" record(s) selected"); } else { printl("No records found"); } return nkeys==0;//0=success/1=failure }
program() { //hard coded editor at the moment // var editor="nano"; //restrict to editing records for now //#define ALLOW_EDIC #ifdef ALLOW_EDIC if (dcount(COMMAND,FM)<3) { #else if (dcount(COMMAND,FM)<2) { #endif //quit if arguments if (dcount(COMMAND,FM)<2) abort( "Syntax is:" "\nedit databasefilename key ..." #ifdef ALLOW_EDIC "\nor" "\nedit osfilename" #endif ); //switch to edic if only one argument osshell(COMMAND.replace(1,0,0,"edic").convert(FM," ")); stop(); } var filename=COMMAND.a(2); var key=COMMAND.a(3); //connect to the database if (not connect()) stop("Please login"); //check the file exists var file; if (not open(filename,file)) stop("Cannot open file " ^ filename); //get the record from the database var record; if (not read(record,file,key)) { //check if exists in upper or lower case var key2=key.ucase(); if (key2 eq key) key2.lcaser(); if (read(record,file,key2)) key=key2; else record=""; } //convert to text format record.swapper("\\","\\\\"); record.swapper("\n","\\n"); record.swapper(FM,"\n"); //put the record on a temp file in order to edit it var temposfilename=filename^ "~" ^ key; var invalidfilechars=L"\"\'\u00A3$%^&*(){}[]:;#<>?,./\\|"; temposfilename.converter(invalidfilechars,str("-",len(invalidfilechars))); temposfilename^=".tmp"; oswrite(record,temposfilename); //record file update timedate var fileinfo=osfile(temposfilename); if (not fileinfo) abort("Couldnt write local copy for editing "^temposfilename); //fire up the editor var editcmd=editor ^ " " ^ temposfilename.quote(); printl(editcmd); osshell(editor ^ " " ^ temposfilename); //if the file has been updated var fileinfo2=osfile(temposfilename); if (fileinfo2 eq fileinfo) { //file has not been edited osdelete(temposfilename); } else { //file has been edited var record2; osread(record2,temposfilename); //remove trailing lf or cr or crlf trimmerb(record2,"\r\n"); //convert to record format record2.swapper("\n",FM); record2.swapper("\\n","\n"); record2.swapper("\\\\","\\"); if (record2 ne record) { //print("Ok to update? "); //var reply=inputl(); var reply="Y"; //keep trying to update - perhaps futilely //at least temp file will be left in the directory while (ucase(reply)[1] eq "Y" and true) { if (write(record2,file,key)) { printl(filename^" written "^key); osdelete(temposfilename); break; } var temp; temp.input(); } } } }
function main(in mode, in select, in nfilters, dim& filters) { if (false && mode && select && nfilters && filters(0,0)){}; var filename = SENTENCE.field(" ", 2); var file; if (not( { return fsmsg(); } var sentencex = SENTENCE; sentencex.converter(" ", VM); if (sentencex.locate("SELECT", temp, 1)) { selectx = SENTENCE.field(" ", temp + 1, 9999); sentencex = SENTENCE.field(" ", 1, temp - 1); }else{ sentencex = SENTENCE; selectx = ""; } var normalise = sentencex.index(" NORMALISE", 1); if (normalise) { sentencex.swapper(" NORMALISE", ""); } var raw = sentencex.index(" RAW", 1); if (raw) { sentencex.swapper(" RAW", ""); } var mvgroupno = ""; var colheaderrow = not sentencex.index(" NOCOLHEADER", 1); if (not colheaderrow) { sentencex.swapper(" NOCOLHEADER", ""); } if (filename.substr(1,4) == "DICT") { tt = "VOC"; }else{ tt = filename; } if (not("dict_"^tt))) { return fsmsg(); } // var converter = ""; // if (not((tt!!!).read(DEFINITIONS, "CONVERTER*" ^ filename))) { // tt!!! = ""; // } // if (tt!!!.a(1)) { // converter = "CONVERTER." ^ tt!!!.a(1); // } var xx; if (, "AUTHORISED")) { dicthasauthorised = 1; }else{ dicthasauthorised = 0; } var notexportable = ""; var exportable = sentencex.field(" ", 3, 9999); if (exportable) { exportable.converter(" ", FM); if (exportable.a(1) == "EXCEPT") { notexportable = exportable.field(FM, 2, 9999); exportable = ""; } } //expand any group fields in notexportable if (notexportable) { for (var ii = 1; ii <= notexportable.count(FM) + 1; ++ii) { var dictrec; if (, notexportable.a(ii))) { if (dictrec.a(1) == "G") { temp = dictrec.a(3); temp.converter(VM ^ " ", FM ^ FM); notexportable.r(ii, temp); } } };//ii; } var listkey = var(1000000).rnd(); if (not exportable) { if (, "exportable")) { if (exportable.a(1) == "G") { exportable = exportable.a(3); exportable.converter(VM ^ " ", FM ^ FM); } keyx = exportable.substr(1,exportable.index(FM ^ FM, 1) - 1); nkeys = keyx.count(FM) + 1; if (nkeys > 2) { //call msg('Key field(s) should be followed by a blank line or space in EXPORTABLE') //stop nkeys = 0; } }else{ exportable = ""; keyx = ""; } } var exportable2 = exportable; //nextmvgroup: if (mvgroupno) { tt = keyx ^ FM ^ "LINE_NO" ^ FM; }else{ tt = ""; } exportable = tt ^ exportable2.field("%", 1); exportable2 = exportable2.field("%", 2, 9999); outfilename = SYSTEM.a(2); //zzz if mvgroupno then outfilename[8,1]=mvgroupno if (outfilename.lcase().substr(-4, 4) == ".htm") { outfilename.splicer(-3, 3, "xls"); SYSTEM.r(2, outfilename); } var excel = outfilename.lcase().substr(-3, 3) == "xls"; //retry: outfilename.osdelete(); if (outfilename.osfile()) { return exit2("CANNOT EXPORT BECAUSE " ^ outfilename ^ " IS ALREADY|OPEN IN ANOTHER PROGRAM, OR CANNOT BE ACCESSED"); } //call note2("Exporting " ^ outfilename ^ "||Please wait ...", "UB", buffer, ""); files.redim(255); filenames.redim(255); oconvxs.redim(255); fmtxs.redim(255); dictrecs.redim(255); filenames=""; oconvxs=""; fmtxs=""; var nfields = 0; var selectlist = LISTACTIVE; if (selectlist) { savelistactive=LISTACTIVE; } if (exportable) { //call makelist("", exportable, "", ""); //write exportable on lists,listkey //perform 'GET-LIST ':listkey:' (S)' //delete lists,listkey var tt="select dict_" ^ filename ^ " " ^ exportable.swap(FM, "\" \"").quote();; }else{ if (filename.substr(1,4).lcase() == "dict") { dict = ""; }else{ dict = "dict_"; }"select " ^ dict ^ filename ^ " BY FMC WITH FMC BETWEEN 1 AND 999999 AND WITH @ID NOT STARTING \'%\' AND WITH MASTER.FLAG (S)"); if (not LISTACTIVE) { return exit2(dict ^ filename ^ " has no exportable columns"); } } dictids.redim(255); colgroups.redim(255); dictids = ""; colgroups = ""; var headingx = ""; var coln = 0; var dictid; while (DICT.readnext(dictid, MV)) { if (notexportable.locateusing(dictid, FM, xx)) { continue; } if (dictid[1] == "%") { continue; } if (dictid == "LINE_NO") { coln += 1; dictids(coln) = dictid; headingx.r(coln, dictid); fmtxs(coln) = "R"; dictrecs(coln) = ""; }else{ if (, dictid)) { // call dicti2a(dict); coln += 1; //if dict<2> matches '0N' then var fn = dict.a(2); if (fn > nfields) { nfields = fn; } fmtxs(coln) = dict.a(9)[1]; if (raw) { headingx.r(coln, dictid); }else{ //extract title var title = dict.a(3).trim(); title.swapper("<WBR/>", ""); title.swapper("<wbr/>", " "); title.converter(UPPERCASE ^ "|_" _VM_ "", LOWERCASE ^ " "); //t=title[1,1] //convert to in t //title[1,1]=t title = capitalise(title); title.swapper("(Base)", "(" ^ ^ ")"); //swap ' code' with '' in title headingx.r(coln, title.trim()); } //extract file if (dict.a(11)[1] == "<") { temp = dict.a(11).substr(2,9999).field(">", 1); filenames(coln) = temp; if (not(files(coln).open(temp, ""))) { return exit2(DQ ^ (temp ^ DQ) ^ " file cannot be found in dict " ^ (DQ ^ (dictid ^ DQ))); } var title = headingx.a(coln); if (title.ucase().substr(-5,5) == " CODE") { title.splicer(-5, 5, ""); headingx.r(coln, title); } } //extract conversion if (dict.a(7)) { var oconvx = dict.a(7); //force long date format if (oconvx.index("DATE", 1) or oconvx[1] == "D") { //if raw then // oconvx='D4/J' //end else if (oconvx == "[SCH.DATES]") { oconvx = ""; }else{ oconvx = "D4/E"; } //end } oconvxs(coln) = oconvx; } colgroups(coln) = dict.a(4)[1] == "M"; dictids(coln) = dictid; dictrecs(coln) = dict; } //end } }//nextdict var ncols = coln; //if @username='******' then oswrite matunparse(dictids) on 'csv' if (selectlist) { LISTACTIVE=savelistactive; } call oswrite("", outfilename); if (not outfile.osopen(outfilename)) { return exit2(outfilename.quote()^" file cannot be created"); } var ptr = 0; //suppress headerrow if not required if (not colheaderrow) { headingx = ""; } if (selectx) { //selectx:=' AND WITH PERSON_CODE "HARRIS"' //perform 'SELECT ':filename:' ':selectx tt = "SELECT " ^ filename ^ " " ^ selectx; //call xselect(tt);; /* if (not LISTACTIVE) { outfile.osclose(); outfilename.osdelete(); return exit2("No records found"); } */ }else{ if (not LISTACTIVE) {; } } var recn = 0; rec.redim(ncols); mvrec.redim(ncols); ///// //nextrecord: ///// //get the next key and mv var mvx; while (file.readnext(ID, mvx)) { //user interrupt if (esctoexit()) { outfile.osclose(); //osdelete outfilename return exit2("Interrupted by User"); } //skip "" key if (ID == "") { continue; } recn += 1; //cout << AW.a(30)<< var().cursor(0)<< var().cursor(-4); //cout << var().cursor(39, _CRTHIGH / 2)<< recn<< ". "; //get the record if (not(, ID))) { continue; } //skip record if not authorised if (dicthasauthorised and not calculate("AUTHORISED")) { continue; } //skip zero hours in timesheets //TODO get this hack into a special dictionary item like LIMIT if (filename == "TIMESHEETS" and mvx and not RECORD.a(2, mvx)) { continue; } //get the data and work out maximum vn mvrec = ""; var maxvn=0; for (var coln = 1; coln <= ncols; ++coln) { dictid = dictids(coln); if (dictid eq "LINE_NO") continue; MV = mvx; var cell = calculate(dictid); if (not cell.length()) continue; if (oconvxs(coln)) { cell = cell.oconv(oconvxs(coln)); } mvrec(coln) = cell; var temp = cell.dcount(VM); if (temp > maxvn) maxvn = temp; } //skip if no data if (not maxvn) continue; //normalise the data and output to csv file //output the lines for (var vn=1; vn <= maxvn; ++vn) { rec=""; //conversions for (var coln = 1; coln <= ncols; ++coln) { var cell; if (dictids(coln) == "LINE_NO") { cell = vn; //select right multivalue if multivalued field/column //non-multivalued fields/columns are repeated on every line }else if (colgroups(coln)) { cell=mvrec(coln).a(1,vn); //not multivalued so repeat on every line } else { cell = mvrec(coln); } //skip empty cells if (not cell.length()) continue; //conversions if (mvx or vn == 1) { //convert codes to names if (filenames(coln) and not raw) { var rec2; if (, cell)) { if (filenames(coln) == "BRANDS") { cell = rec2.a(2, 1); }else{ cell = rec2.a(1); } } } } //remove any initial + sign - on numbers only if (cell[1] == "+") { if ((cell.substr(2,9999)).isnum()) { cell.splicer(1, 1, ""); } } //a single double quote gets changed to '' if (cell == DQ) { cell = "\'\'"; } //swap double quotes for '' unless already double quoted if (cell[1] ne DQ or cell[-1] ne DQ) { cell.swapper(DQ, "\'\'"); } //WARNING prevent cell length more than 255 if (cell.length() > 255) { cell = cell.substr(1,250) ^ " ..."; } //double quote non-numerics if (fmtxs(coln) ne "R") { //make sure "1-12" is not interpreted as a formula (by prefixing a space?) if (1 or excel) { if (var(".-+0123456789").index(cell[1])) { if (not cell.isnum()) { cell.splicer(1, 0, " "); } } } //convert any existing double quotes to '' for T columns which are not already double quoted if (cell.index(DQ, 1)) { if (fmtxs(coln) == "T") { if (cell[1] ne DQ or cell[-1] ne DQ) { cell.swapper(DQ, "\'\'"); cell = DQ ^ (cell ^ DQ); } } //otherwise just double quote stuff }else{ cell = DQ ^ (cell ^ DQ); } } rec(coln) = cell; };//coln; var line = rec.unparse(); //remove trailing or all tab chars line.trimmerb(FM); //suppress output of empty amv rows if (mvgroupno and nkeys) { if (line.field(FM, nkeys + 2, 9999) == "") { line = ""; } } //output one line if (not line.length()) continue; //remove leading equal signs in order not to confuse Excel line.swapper(FM ^ "=", FM); //output header row if first line and not suppressed if (headingx) { // if (converter) { // //headingx will come back converted and maybe as multiple lines // //converterparams initially contains first line so heading can put some columns into heading if required // //converterparams comes back with info to speed convertion of lines // converterparams = line; // call onverter("HEAD", headingx, converterparams, filename); // }else{ headingx.converter(FM, var().chr(9)); headingx ^= "\r\n"; // } osbwrite(headingx, outfile, ptr); headingx = ""; } //output line // if (converter) { // call @converter("LINE", line, converterparams, filename); // }else{ line.swapper(FM, var().chr(9)); line ^= "\r\n"; // } osbwrite(line, outfile, ptr); }//next vn }//goto nextrecord ///// //exit: ///// outfile.osclose(); // call uconvfile(outfile, "CODEPAGE", "UTF16", result, errors); //general result code SYSTEM.r(34, 1); //exit3: // if (raw and exportable2) { // mvgroupno += 1; // if (mvgroupno == 1) { // mvgroupno = 2; // } // goto nextmvgroup; // } return 1; }
program() { //check command syntax //edit filename if (dcount(COMMAND,FM)<2) abort("Syntax is 'edic osfilename'"); var verbose=OPTIONS.ucase().index("V"); var editor=osgetenv("VISUAL"); var linenopattern="$LINENO "; if (not editor) editor.osgetenv("EDITOR"); //TODO simplify this editor finding code //enable edit at first error for crimson editor (no quotes around filename for cedt) if (editor.lcase().index("cedt") and not editor.index("$") ) editor^=" /L:$LINENO $FILENAME"; //look for installed nano //if (SLASH eq "\\" and not index(PLATFORM_,"x64")) { var nanopath=""; if (SLASH eq "\\") { //look for nano.exe next to edic.exe if (not editor) nanopath=EXECPATH.swap("edic","nano"); if (nanopath.osfile()) editor="nano $LINENO'$FILENAME'"; } //look for nano in parent bin if (not editor) { nanopath="..\\bin\\nano.exe"; if (nanopath.osfile()) editor="nano $LINENO'$FILENAME'"; } //look for nano in release directory during exodus development if (not editor) { nanopath="..\\..\\release\\cygwin\\bin\\nano.exe"; if (nanopath.osfile()) editor="..\\..\\release\\cygwin\\bin\\nano $LINENO'$FILENAME'"; else { nanopath="..\\"^nanopath; if (nanopath.osfile()) editor="..\\..\\..\\release\\cygwin\\bin\\nano $LINENO'$FILENAME'"; } } if (editor.index("nano")) linenopattern="+$LINENO "; //otherwise on windows try to locate CYGWIN nano or vi var cygwinpath=""; if (not editor and SLASH eq "\\") { //from environment variable cygwinpath=osgetenv("CYGWIN_BIN"); //else from current disk if (not cygwinpath) cygwinpath="\\cygwin\\bin\\"; //else from c: if (not osdir(cygwinpath)) cygwinpath="c:\\cygwin\\bin\\"; //else give up if (not osdir(cygwinpath)) cygwinpath=""; if (cygwinpath and cygwinpath[-1] ne SLASH) cygwinpath^=SLASH; //editor=cygwinpath^"bash --login -i -c \"/bin/"; editor=cygwinpath; if (osfile(cygwinpath^"nano.exe") or osfile("nano.exe")) { editor="nano $LINENO'$FILENAME'"; if (osfile(cygwinpath^"nano.exe")) editor.splicer(1,0,cygwinpath); //editor^="\""; linenopattern="+$LINENO "; } else if (osfile(cygwinpath^"vi.exe") or osfile("vi.exe")) { editor="vi -c \":$LINENO\" $FILENAME"; if (osfile(cygwinpath^"vi.exe")) editor.splicer(1,0,cygwinpath); //editor^="\""; } else editor=""; } if (SLASH eq "\\") { //configure nanorc (on windows) //TODO same for non-windows //nano on windows looks for nanorc config file as follows (probably merges all found) //C:\cygwin\usr\local\etc\nanorc //C:\cygwin\etc\nanorc (only if cygwin exists) //C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\.nanorc ($HOMEDRIVE$HOMEPATH) var nanorcfilename; if (cygwinpath) { nanorcfilename=cygwinpath.field(SLASH,1,dcount(cygwinpath,SLASH)-2) ^ SLASH ^ "etc" ^ SLASH ^ "nanorc"; } else { nanorcfilename=osgetenv("HOME"); if (not nanorcfilename) nanorcfilename=osgetenv("HOMEDRIVE") ^ osgetenv("HOMEPATH"); if (nanorcfilename[-1] ne SLASH) nanorcfilename^=SLASH; nanorcfilename^=".nanorc"; } if (not osfile(nanorcfilename)) { //var nanorctemplatefilename=EXECPATH.field(SLASH,1,dcount(EXECPATH,SLASH)-1) ^ SLASH ^ "nanorc"; var nanorctemplatefilename=nanopath.field(SLASH,1,dcount(nanopath,SLASH)-1) ^ SLASH ^ "nanorc"; if (not osfile(nanorctemplatefilename)) nanorctemplatefilename.swapper("release","..\\release"); //if (not osfile(nanorctemplatefilename)) // nanorctemplatefilename.swapper("release","..\\"^PLATFORM_^"\\release"); if (oscopy(nanorctemplatefilename,nanorcfilename)) { printl("Copied " ^ nanorctemplatefilename.quote() ^ " to " ^ nanorcfilename.quote()); var ().input("Note: nano c++ syntax highlighting has been installed. Press Enter ... "); } else { errputl("Could not copy " ^ nanorctemplatefilename.quote() ^ " to " ^ nanorcfilename.quote()); if (not osfile(nanorctemplatefilename)) errputl("nano syntax highlighting file is missing."); } } if(not osgetenv("HOME")) ossetenv("HOME",osgetenv("HOMEDRIVE") ^ osgetenv("HOMEPATH")); } if (not editor) { if (SLASH eq "/") editor="nano "; else editor="notepad"; printl("Environment EDITOR not set. Using " ^ editor); } //editor="vi"; editor.swapper("nano ", "nano --const --nowrap --autoindent --suspend "); if (editor.index("nano")) printl(""); //configure nano syntax highlighting var filenames=field(COMMAND,FM,2,99999); var nfiles=dcount(filenames,FM); var filen=0; while (filen<nfiles) { filen+=1; var filename=filenames.a(filen).unquote(); //split out trailing line number after : var startatlineno=field(filename,":",2); if (startatlineno.isnum()) filename=field(filename,":",1); else startatlineno=""; filename.trimmerb("."); if (not index(field2(filename,SLASH,-1),".")) filename^=".cpp"; var iscompilable=filename.field2(".",-1)[1].lcase() ne "h"; //make absolute in case EDITOR changes current working directory var editcmd=editor; if (editcmd.index("$ABSOLUTEFILENAME")) { editcmd.swapper("$ABSOLUTEFILENAME","$FILENAME"); filename=oscwd()^SLASH^filename; } //prepare a skeleton exodus cpp file var newfile=false; if (iscompilable and not osfile(filename)) { var basefilename=field2(filename,SLASH,-1); basefilename=basefilename.field(".",dcount(basefilename,".")-1); var progtype; var question="1=Normal Program, 2=External Subroutine or Function"; //question^="\n3=main(), 4=simple so/dll\n"; question^="\n"^basefilename.quote()^" does not exist. Create what? (1-2) "; while (true) { if (basefilename.substr(1,5).lcase() eq "dict_") progtype=5; else progtype.input(question); if (progtype eq 2) progtype="classlib"; else if (progtype eq 3) progtype="main"; else if (progtype eq 4) progtype="mainlib"; else if (progtype eq 1) progtype="class"; else if (progtype eq 5) progtype="dict"; else stop(); break; } newfile=true; var blankfile=""; if (progtype eq "main" or progtype eq "mainlib") { startatlineno="4,9"; blankfile^="#include <exodus/exodus.h>\n"; blankfile^="\n"; blankfile^="program() {\n"; blankfile^="\tprintl(\""^basefilename^" says 'Hello World!'\");\n"; if (progtype eq "mainlib") blankfile^="\treturn 0;\n"; blankfile^="}\n"; if (progtype eq "mainlib") blankfile.swapper("program()","function "^basefilename^"()"); } else if (progtype eq "class" or progtype eq "classlib") { startatlineno="6,9"; blankfile^="#include <exodus/program.h>\n"; //programinit() as 2nd line to avoid ppl in external functions before programinit //blankfile^="\n"; blankfile^="programinit()\n"; blankfile^="\n"; blankfile^="function main("; //the .h maker not able to parse this yet and is rather clumsy anyway //if (progtype eq "classlib") // blankfile^="/*in arg1, out arg2*/"; blankfile^=") {\n"; blankfile^="\tprintl(\""^basefilename^" says 'Hello World!'\");\n"; blankfile^="\treturn 0;\n"; blankfile^="}\n"; blankfile^="\nprogramexit()"; blankfile^="\n"; if (progtype eq "classlib") blankfile.swapper("program","library"); } else if (progtype eq "dict") { startatlineno="6,9"; blankfile^="#include <exodus/dict.h>\n\n"; //programinit() as 2nd line to avoid ppl in external functions before programinit //blankfile^="\n"; blankfile^="dict(EXAMPLEDICTID1) {\n"; blankfile^="\tANS=RECORD(1)^\"x\";\n"; blankfile^="}\n\n"; blankfile^="dict(EXAMPLEDICTID2) {\n"; blankfile^="\tANS=RECORD(2)^\"x\";\n"; blankfile^="}\n"; } if (blankfile[1] ne "\n") blankfile^="\n"; if (SLASH ne "/") blankfile.swapper("\n","\r\n"); if (not oswrite(blankfile,filename)) stop("Cannot create "^filename^". Invalid file name, or no rights here."); // startatlineno="4,9"; //startatlineno=""; } var editcmd0=editcmd; var linenopattern0=linenopattern; //keep editing and compiling until no errors while (true) { editcmd=editcmd0; linenopattern=linenopattern0; //record the current file update timestamp var fileinfo=osfile(filename); //build the edit command if (editcmd.index("$LINENO")) { if (not startatlineno) linenopattern=""; else linenopattern.swapper("$LINENO",startatlineno.field(",",1)); editcmd.swapper("$LINENO",linenopattern); } if (editcmd.index("$FILENAME")) editcmd.swapper("$FILENAME",filename); else editcmd ^= " " ^ filename; //call the editor if (verbose) printl(editcmd); osshell(editcmd); //if the file hasnt been updated var fileinfo2=osfile(filename); if (fileinfo2 ne fileinfo) newfile=false; else { //delete the skeleton printl("File unchanged. Not saving."); if (newfile) osdelete(filename); //move to the next file break; } //clear the screen (should be cls on win) if (SLASH eq "/") osshell("clear"); //else // osshell("cls"); if (not iscompilable) break; //build the compiler command var compiler="compile"; var compileoptions=""; var compilecmd=compiler ^ " " ^ filename.quote() ^ compileoptions; //capture the output var compileoutputfilename=filename ^ ".2"; if (SLASH eq "/") compilecmd ^= " 2>&1 | tee " ^ compileoutputfilename.quote(); else compilecmd ^= " > " ^ compileoutputfilename.quote() ^ " 2>&1"; //call the compiler if (verbose) printl(compilecmd); osshell(compilecmd); //var tt; //tt.inputl("Press Enter ..."); //if any errors then loop back to edit again var errors; if (osread(errors,compileoutputfilename)) { osdelete(compileoutputfilename); if (SLASH ne "/") print(errors); startatlineno=""; var charn; //gnu style error lines if (charn=index(errors, ": error:")) { startatlineno=errors.substr(charn-9,9); //printl(startatlineno); startatlineno=startatlineno.field2(":",2); //printl(startatlineno); //msvc style error lines //test.cpp(6) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '}' } else if (charn=index(errors,") : error ")) { startatlineno=errors.substr(charn-10,10).field2("(",2); } if (startatlineno) { print("Press any key to re-edit at line "^startatlineno^" ... "); var().input(""); continue; } } break; } } }