예제 #1
///// overmap legacy deserialization, replaced with json serialization June 2015
// throws std::exception (most likely as JsonError)
void overmap::unserialize_legacy(std::istream & fin) {
    int nummg = 0;
    char datatype;
    int cx, cy, cz, cs, cp, cd, cdying, horde, tx, ty, intr;
    std::string cstr;
    city tmp;
    std::list<item> npc_inventory;

    if ( fin.peek() == '#' ) {
        std::string vline;
        getline(fin, vline);

    int z = 0; // assumption
    while (fin >> datatype) {
        if (datatype == 'L') { // Load layer data, and switch to layer
            fin >> z;

            std::string tmp_ter;
            oter_id tmp_otid(0);
            if (z >= 0 && z < OVERMAP_LAYERS) {
                int count = 0;
                std::unordered_map<tripoint, std::string> needs_conversion;
                for (int j = 0; j < OMAPY; j++) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < OMAPX; i++) {
                        if (count == 0) {
                            fin >> tmp_ter >> count;
                            if( obsolete_terrain( tmp_ter ) ) {
                                for( int p = i; p < i+count; p++ ) {
                                    needs_conversion.emplace( tripoint( p, j, z-OVERMAP_DEPTH ),
                                                              tmp_ter );
                                tmp_otid = oter_id( 0 );
                            } else if( oter_str_id( tmp_ter ).is_valid() ) {
                                tmp_otid = oter_id( tmp_ter );
                            } else if( tmp_ter.compare( 0, 7, "mall_a_" ) == 0 &&
                                       oter_str_id( tmp_ter + "_north" ).is_valid() ) {
                                tmp_otid = oter_id( tmp_ter + "_north" );
                            } else if( tmp_ter.compare( 0, 13, "necropolis_a_" ) == 0 &&
                                       oter_str_id( tmp_ter + "_north" ).is_valid() ) {
                                tmp_otid = oter_id( tmp_ter + "_north" );
                            } else {
                                debugmsg("Loaded bad ter! ter %s", tmp_ter.c_str());
                                tmp_otid = oter_id( 0 );
                        layer[z].terrain[i][j] = tmp_otid; //otermap[tmp_ter].loadid;
                        layer[z].visible[i][j] = false;
                convert_terrain( needs_conversion );
            } else {
예제 #2
static int max_upgrade_by_type( const std::string &type )
    int max = -1;
    const std::string faction_base = faction_encode( type );
    while( oter_str_id( faction_base + to_string( max + 1 ) ).is_valid() ) {
        max += 1;
    return max;
예제 #3
std::string recipe::get_consistency_error() const
    if( !item::type_is_defined( result_ )  && category != "CC_BUILDING" ) {
        return "defines invalid result";

    if( category == "CC_BUILDING" && !oter_str_id( result_.c_str() ).is_valid() ) {
        return "defines invalid result";

    if( charges >= 0 && !item::count_by_charges( result_ ) ) {
        return "specifies charges but result is not counted by charges";

    const auto is_invalid_bp = []( const std::pair<itype_id, int> &elem ) {
        return !item::type_is_defined( elem.first );

    if( std::any_of( byproducts.begin(), byproducts.end(), is_invalid_bp ) ) {
        return "defines invalid byproducts";

    if( !contained && container != "null" ) {
        return "defines container but not contained";

    if( !item::type_is_defined( container ) ) {
        return "specifies unknown container";

    const auto is_invalid_skill = []( const std::pair<skill_id, int> &elem ) {
        return !elem.first.is_valid();

    if( ( skill_used && !skill_used.is_valid() ) ||
        std::any_of( required_skills.begin(), required_skills.end(), is_invalid_skill ) ) {
        return "uses invalid skill";

    const auto is_invalid_book = []( const std::pair<itype_id, int> &elem ) {
        return !item::find_type( elem.first )->book;

    if( std::any_of( booksets.begin(), booksets.end(), is_invalid_book ) ) {
        return "defines invalid book";

    return std::string();
예제 #4
// recipes and craft support functions
std::map<std::string, std::string> basecamp::recipe_deck( const std::string &dir ) const
    if( dir == "ALL" || dir == "COOK" || dir == "BASE" || dir == "FARM" || dir == "SMITH" ) {
        return recipe_group::get_recipes( dir );
    std::map<std::string, std::string> cooking_recipes;
    auto e = expansions.find( dir );
    if( e == expansions.end() ) {
        return cooking_recipes;
    const std::string building = faction_encode( e->second.type );
    int building_max = max_upgrade_by_type( e->second.type );
    for( int building_cur = e->second.cur_level; building_cur <= building_max; building_cur++ ) {
        const std::string building_level = building + to_string( building_cur );
        if( !oter_str_id( building_level ) ) {
        std::map<std::string, std::string> test_s = recipe_group::get_recipes( building_level );
        cooking_recipes.insert( test_s.begin(), test_s.end() );
    return cooking_recipes;