/* write functions */ static void sis_write_1(int custom, int idx, int value) { if (custom >= 0) { outSISIDXREG(sisregs[custom].idx_base, idx, (value & 0xff)); } else { outSISREG(idx, (value & 0xff)); } }
static void sis_write_2(int custom, int idx, int value) { if (custom >= 0) { if (idx+1 > sisregs[custom].length) { } else { outSISIDXREG(sisregs[custom].idx_base, idx++, (value & 0xff)); outSISIDXREG(sisregs[custom].idx_base, idx, ((value>>8) & 0xff)); } } else {
static int sis_do_sense(int tempbl, int tempbh, int tempcl, int tempch) { int temp; outSISIDXREG(SISPART4, 0x11, tempbl); temp = tempbh | tempcl; setSISIDXREG(SISPART4, 0x10, 0xe0, temp); //usleep(200000); sis_ddc2_delay(0x1000); tempch &= 0x7f; inSISIDXREG(SISPART4, 0x03, temp); temp ^= 0x0e; temp &= tempch; return temp == tempch; }
/* sense connected devices on 30x bridge */ static void sis_sense_30x(void) { unsigned char backupP4_0d, backupP2_00, biosflag; unsigned char testsvhs_tempbl, testsvhs_tempbh; unsigned char testsvhs_tempcl, testsvhs_tempch; unsigned char testcvbs_tempbl, testcvbs_tempbh; unsigned char testcvbs_tempcl, testcvbs_tempch; unsigned char testvga2_tempbl, testvga2_tempbh; unsigned char testvga2_tempcl, testvga2_tempch; int myflag, result = 0, i, j, haveresult; inSISIDXREG(SISPART4, 0x0d, backupP4_0d); outSISIDXREG(SISPART4, 0x0d, (backupP4_0d | 0x04)); inSISIDXREG(SISPART2, 0x00, backupP2_00); outSISIDXREG(SISPART2, 0x00, (backupP2_00 | 0x1c)); sis_do_sense(0, 0, 0, 0); if (sis_vga_engine == SIS_300_VGA) { testvga2_tempbh = 0x00; testvga2_tempbl = 0xd1; testsvhs_tempbh = 0x00; testsvhs_tempbl = 0xb9; testcvbs_tempbh = 0x00; testcvbs_tempbl = 0xb3; biosflag = 0; if (sis_vbflags & (VB_301B | VB_302B | VB_301LV | VB_302LV)) { testvga2_tempbh = 0x01; testvga2_tempbl = 0x90; testsvhs_tempbh = 0x01; testsvhs_tempbl = 0x6b; testcvbs_tempbh = 0x01; testcvbs_tempbl = 0x74; } inSISIDXREG(SISPART4, 0x01, myflag); if (myflag & 0x04) { testvga2_tempbh = 0x00; testvga2_tempbl = 0xfd; testsvhs_tempbh = 0x00; testsvhs_tempbl = 0xdd; testcvbs_tempbh = 0x00; testcvbs_tempbl = 0xee; } testvga2_tempch = 0x0e; testvga2_tempcl = 0x08; testsvhs_tempch = 0x06; testsvhs_tempcl = 0x04; testcvbs_tempch = 0x08; testcvbs_tempcl = 0x04; if (sis_device_id == DEVICE_SIS_300) { inSISIDXREG(SISSR, 0x3b, myflag); if (!(myflag & 0x01)) { testvga2_tempbh = 0x00; testvga2_tempbl = 0x00; testvga2_tempch = 0x00; testvga2_tempcl = 0x00; } } } else { testvga2_tempbh = 0x00; testvga2_tempbl = 0xd1; testsvhs_tempbh = 0x00; testsvhs_tempbl = 0xb9; testcvbs_tempbh = 0x00; testcvbs_tempbl = 0xb3; biosflag = 0; if (sis_vbflags & (VB_301B | VB_302B | VB_301LV | VB_302LV)) { if (sis_vbflags & (VB_301B | VB_302B)) { testvga2_tempbh = 0x01; testvga2_tempbl = 0x90; testsvhs_tempbh = 0x01; testsvhs_tempbl = 0x6b; testcvbs_tempbh = 0x01; testcvbs_tempbl = 0x74; } else { testvga2_tempbh = 0x00; testvga2_tempbl = 0x00; testsvhs_tempbh = 0x02; testsvhs_tempbl = 0x00; testcvbs_tempbh = 0x01; testcvbs_tempbl = 0x00; } } if (sis_vbflags & (VB_301 | VB_301B | VB_302B)) { inSISIDXREG(SISPART4, 0x01, myflag); if (myflag & 0x04) { testvga2_tempbh = 0x00; testvga2_tempbl = 0xfd; testsvhs_tempbh = 0x00; testsvhs_tempbl = 0xdd; testcvbs_tempbh = 0x00; testcvbs_tempbl = 0xee; } } if (sis_vbflags & (VB_301LV | VB_302LV)) { /* TW: No VGA2 or SCART on LV bridges */ testvga2_tempbh = 0x00; testvga2_tempbl = 0x00; testvga2_tempch = 0x00; testvga2_tempcl = 0x00; testsvhs_tempch = 0x04; testsvhs_tempcl = 0x08; testcvbs_tempch = 0x08; testcvbs_tempcl = 0x08; } else { testvga2_tempch = 0x0e; testvga2_tempcl = 0x08; testsvhs_tempch = 0x06; testsvhs_tempcl = 0x04; testcvbs_tempch = 0x08; testcvbs_tempcl = 0x04; } } /* XXX: ?? andSISIDXREG(SISCR, 0x32, ~0x14); */ /* pSiS->postVBCR32 &= ~0x14; */ /* scan for VGA2/SCART */ if (testvga2_tempch || testvga2_tempcl || testvga2_tempbh || testvga2_tempbl) { haveresult = 0; for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) { result = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (sis_do_sense(testvga2_tempbl, testvga2_tempbh, testvga2_tempcl, testvga2_tempch)) result++; } if ((result == 0) || (result >= 2)) break; } if (result) { if (biosflag & 0x01) { if (sis_verbose > 1) { mp_msg(MSGT_VO, MSGL_STATUS, "[SiS] SiS30x: Detected TV connected to SCART output\n"); } sis_vbflags |= TV_SCART; orSISIDXREG(SISCR, 0x32, 0x04); /*pSiS->postVBCR32 |= 0x04; */ } else { if (sis_verbose > 1) { mp_msg(MSGT_VO, MSGL_STATUS, "[SiS] SiS30x: Detected secondary VGA connection\n"); } sis_vbflags |= VGA2_CONNECTED; orSISIDXREG(SISCR, 0x32, 0x10); /*pSiS->postVBCR32 |= 0x10; */ } } } /* scanning for TV */ /* XXX: ?? andSISIDXREG(SISCR, 0x32, ~0x03); */ /* pSiS->postVBCR32 &= ~0x03; */ result = sis_do_sense(testsvhs_tempbl, testsvhs_tempbh, testsvhs_tempcl, testsvhs_tempch); haveresult = 0; for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) { result = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (sis_do_sense(testsvhs_tempbl, testsvhs_tempbh, testsvhs_tempcl, testsvhs_tempch)) result++; } if ((result == 0) || (result >= 2)) break; } if (result) { if (sis_verbose > 1) { mp_msg(MSGT_VO, MSGL_STATUS, "[SiS] SiS30x: Detected TV connected to SVIDEO output\n"); } /* TW: So we can be sure that there IS a SVIDEO output */ sis_vbflags |= TV_SVIDEO; orSISIDXREG(SISCR, 0x32, 0x02); //pSiS->postVBCR32 |= 0x02; } if ((biosflag & 0x02) || (!(result))) { haveresult = 0; for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) { result = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (sis_do_sense(testcvbs_tempbl, testcvbs_tempbh, testcvbs_tempcl, testcvbs_tempch)) result++; } if ((result == 0) || (result >= 2)) break; } if (result) { if (sis_verbose > 1) { mp_msg(MSGT_VO, MSGL_STATUS, "[SiS] SiS30x: Detected TV connected to COMPOSITE output\n"); } sis_vbflags |= TV_AVIDEO; orSISIDXREG(SISCR, 0x32, 0x01); //pSiS->postVBCR32 |= 0x01; } } sis_do_sense(0, 0, 0, 0); outSISIDXREG(SISPART2, 0x00, backupP2_00); outSISIDXREG(SISPART4, 0x0d, backupP4_0d); }
static __inline void setvideoreg(SISPtr pSiS, CARD8 reg, CARD8 data) { outSISIDXREG(SISCR, reg, data); }