static int do_outliner_item_openclose(bContext *C, SpaceOops *soops, TreeElement *te, int all, const float mval[2]) { if(mval[1]>te->ys && mval[1]<te->ys+UI_UNIT_Y) { TreeStoreElem *tselem= TREESTORE(te); /* all below close/open? */ if(all) { tselem->flag &= ~TSE_CLOSED; outliner_set_flag(soops, &te->subtree, TSE_CLOSED, !outliner_has_one_flag(soops, &te->subtree, TSE_CLOSED, 1)); } else { if(tselem->flag & TSE_CLOSED) tselem->flag &= ~TSE_CLOSED; else tselem->flag |= TSE_CLOSED; } return 1; } for(te= te->subtree.first; te; te= te->next) { if(do_outliner_item_openclose(C, soops, te, all, mval)) return 1; } return 0; }
static int outliner_toggle_expanded_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op)) { SpaceOops *soops= CTX_wm_space_outliner(C); ARegion *ar= CTX_wm_region(C); if (outliner_has_one_flag(soops, &soops->tree, TSE_CLOSED, 1)) outliner_set_flag(soops, &soops->tree, TSE_CLOSED, 0); else outliner_set_flag(soops, &soops->tree, TSE_CLOSED, 1); ED_region_tag_redraw(ar); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; }
int outliner_has_one_flag(SpaceOops *soops, ListBase *lb, short flag, short curlevel) { TreeElement *te; TreeStoreElem *tselem; int level; for(te= lb->first; te; te= te->next) { tselem= TREESTORE(te); if(tselem->flag & flag) return curlevel; level= outliner_has_one_flag(soops, &te->subtree, flag, curlevel+1); if(level) return level; } return 0; }
static int outliner_toggle_selected_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op)) { SpaceOops *soops= CTX_wm_space_outliner(C); ARegion *ar= CTX_wm_region(C); Scene *scene= CTX_data_scene(C); if (outliner_has_one_flag(soops, &soops->tree, TSE_SELECTED, 1)) outliner_set_flag(soops, &soops->tree, TSE_SELECTED, 0); else outliner_set_flag(soops, &soops->tree, TSE_SELECTED, 1); soops->storeflag |= SO_TREESTORE_REDRAW; WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE|ND_OB_SELECT, scene); ED_region_tag_redraw(ar); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; }
static int outliner_one_level_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { SpaceOops *soops= CTX_wm_space_outliner(C); ARegion *ar= CTX_wm_region(C); int add= RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "open"); int level; level= outliner_has_one_flag(soops, &soops->tree, TSE_CLOSED, 1); if(add==1) { if(level) outliner_openclose_level(soops, &soops->tree, 1, level, 1); } else { if(level==0) level= outliner_count_levels(soops, &soops->tree, 0); if(level) outliner_openclose_level(soops, &soops->tree, 1, level-1, 0); } ED_region_tag_redraw(ar); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; }
static int do_outliner_operation_event(bContext *C, Scene *scene, ARegion *ar, SpaceOops *soops, TreeElement *te, const wmEvent *event, const float mval[2]) { ReportList *reports = CTX_wm_reports(C); // XXX... if (mval[1] > te->ys && mval[1] < te->ys + UI_UNIT_Y) { int scenelevel = 0, objectlevel = 0, idlevel = 0, datalevel = 0; TreeStoreElem *tselem = TREESTORE(te); /* select object that's clicked on and popup context menu */ if (!(tselem->flag & TSE_SELECTED)) { if (outliner_has_one_flag(soops, &soops->tree, TSE_SELECTED, 1) ) outliner_set_flag(soops, &soops->tree, TSE_SELECTED, 0); tselem->flag |= TSE_SELECTED; /* redraw, same as outliner_select function */ soops->storeflag |= SO_TREESTORE_REDRAW; ED_region_tag_redraw(ar); } set_operation_types(soops, &soops->tree, &scenelevel, &objectlevel, &idlevel, &datalevel); if (scenelevel) { //if (objectlevel || datalevel || idlevel) error("Mixed selection"); //else pupmenu("Scene Operations%t|Delete"); } else if (objectlevel) { WM_operator_name_call(C, "OUTLINER_OT_object_operation", WM_OP_INVOKE_REGION_WIN, NULL); } else if (idlevel) { if (idlevel == -1 || datalevel) { BKE_report(reports, RPT_WARNING, "Mixed selection"); } else { if (idlevel == ID_GR) WM_operator_name_call(C, "OUTLINER_OT_group_operation", WM_OP_INVOKE_REGION_WIN, NULL); else WM_operator_name_call(C, "OUTLINER_OT_id_operation", WM_OP_INVOKE_REGION_WIN, NULL); } } else if (datalevel) { if (datalevel == -1) { BKE_report(reports, RPT_WARNING, "Mixed selection"); } else { if (datalevel == TSE_ANIM_DATA) WM_operator_name_call(C, "OUTLINER_OT_animdata_operation", WM_OP_INVOKE_REGION_WIN, NULL); else if (datalevel == TSE_DRIVER_BASE) { /* do nothing... no special ops needed yet */ } else if (ELEM3(datalevel, TSE_R_LAYER_BASE, TSE_R_LAYER, TSE_R_PASS)) { /*WM_operator_name_call(C, "OUTLINER_OT_renderdata_operation", WM_OP_INVOKE_REGION_WIN, NULL)*/ } else { WM_operator_name_call(C, "OUTLINER_OT_data_operation", WM_OP_INVOKE_REGION_WIN, NULL); } } } return 1; } for (te = te->subtree.first; te; te = te->next) { if (do_outliner_operation_event(C, scene, ar, soops, te, event, mval)) return 1; } return 0; }
static int do_outliner_item_activate(bContext *C, Scene *scene, ARegion *ar, SpaceOops *soops, TreeElement *te, int extend, const float mval[2]) { if(mval[1]>te->ys && mval[1]<te->ys+UI_UNIT_Y) { TreeStoreElem *tselem= TREESTORE(te); int openclose= 0; /* open close icon */ if((te->flag & TE_ICONROW)==0) { // hidden icon, no open/close if( mval[0]>te->xs && mval[0]<te->xs+UI_UNIT_X) openclose= 1; } if(openclose) { /* all below close/open? */ if(extend) { tselem->flag &= ~TSE_CLOSED; outliner_set_flag(soops, &te->subtree, TSE_CLOSED, !outliner_has_one_flag(soops, &te->subtree, TSE_CLOSED, 1)); } else { if(tselem->flag & TSE_CLOSED) tselem->flag &= ~TSE_CLOSED; else tselem->flag |= TSE_CLOSED; } return 1; } /* name and first icon */ else if(mval[0]>te->xs+UI_UNIT_X && mval[0]<te->xend) { /* always makes active object */ if(tselem->type!=TSE_SEQUENCE && tselem->type!=TSE_SEQ_STRIP && tselem->type!=TSE_SEQUENCE_DUP) tree_element_set_active_object(C, scene, soops, te, 1 + (extend!=0 && tselem->type==0)); if(tselem->type==0) { // the lib blocks /* editmode? */ if(te->idcode==ID_SCE) { if(scene!=(Scene *)tselem->id) { ED_screen_set_scene(C, (Scene *)tselem->id); } } else if(te->idcode==ID_GR) { Group *gr= (Group *)tselem->id; GroupObject *gob; if(extend) { int sel= BA_SELECT; for(gob= gr->gobject.first; gob; gob= gob->next) { if(gob->ob->flag & SELECT) { sel= BA_DESELECT; break; } } for(gob= gr->gobject.first; gob; gob= gob->next) { ED_base_object_select(object_in_scene(gob->ob, scene), sel); } } else { scene_deselect_all(scene); for(gob= gr->gobject.first; gob; gob= gob->next) { if((gob->ob->flag & SELECT) == 0) ED_base_object_select(object_in_scene(gob->ob, scene), BA_SELECT); } } WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SCENE|ND_OB_SELECT, scene); } else if(ELEM5(te->idcode, ID_ME, ID_CU, ID_MB, ID_LT, ID_AR)) { WM_operator_name_call(C, "OBJECT_OT_editmode_toggle", WM_OP_INVOKE_REGION_WIN, NULL); } else { // rest of types tree_element_active(C, scene, soops, te, 1); } } else tree_element_type_active(C, scene, soops, te, tselem, 1+(extend!=0)); return 1; } } for(te= te->subtree.first; te; te= te->next) { if(do_outliner_item_activate(C, scene, ar, soops, te, extend, mval)) return 1; } return 0; }