예제 #1
  void PrinterVisitor::visitLatexCellNodeBefore(LatexCell *node)
    if( !ignore_ || firstChild_ )

      table_->insertRows( currentTableRow_, 1 );

      // first column
      QTextTableCell tableCell( table_->cellAt( currentTableRow_, 0 ) );
      if( tableCell.isValid() )
        if( !node->ChapterCounterHtml().isNull() )
          QTextCursor cursor( tableCell.firstCursorPosition() );
          cursor.insertFragment( QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml(
            node->ChapterCounterHtml() ));

      // second column
      tableCell = table_->cellAt( currentTableRow_, 1 );
      if( tableCell.isValid() )
        QTextCursor cursor( tableCell.firstCursorPosition() );

        // input table
        QTextTableFormat tableFormatInput;
        tableFormatInput.setBorder( 0 );
        tableFormatInput.setMargin( 6 );
        tableFormatInput.setColumns( 1 );
        tableFormatInput.setCellPadding( 8 );
        tableFormatInput.setBackground( QColor(245, 245, 255) ); // 200, 200, 255
        QVector<QTextLength> constraints;
        constraints << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 100);
        cursor.insertTable( 1, 1, tableFormatInput );

        QString html = node->textHtml();
        html += "<br>";
        if( !node->isEvaluated() || node->isClosed() )
          html += "<br>";
        cursor.insertFragment( QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml( html ));

        if( node->isEvaluated() && !node->isClosed() )
          QTextTableFormat tableFormatOutput;
          tableFormatOutput.setBorder( 0 );
          tableFormatOutput.setMargin( 6 );
          tableFormatOutput.setColumns( 1 );
          tableFormatOutput.setCellPadding( 8 );
          QVector<QTextLength> constraints;
          constraints << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 100);

          cursor = tableCell.lastCursorPosition();
          cursor.insertTable( 1, 1, tableFormatOutput );

          QString outputHtml( node->textOutputHtml() );
          outputHtml += "<br><br>";

          outputHtml.remove( "file:///" );
          cursor.insertFragment( QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml( outputHtml ));


      if( firstChild_ )
        firstChild_ = false;
예제 #2
  void PrinterVisitor::visitGraphCellNodeBefore(GraphCell *node)
    if( !ignore_ || firstChild_ )

      table_->insertRows( currentTableRow_, 1 );

      // first column
      QTextTableCell tableCell( table_->cellAt( currentTableRow_, 0 ) );
      if( tableCell.isValid() )
        if( !node->ChapterCounterHtml().isNull() )
          QTextCursor cursor( tableCell.firstCursorPosition() );
          cursor.insertFragment( QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml(
            node->ChapterCounterHtml() ));

      // second column
      tableCell = table_->cellAt( currentTableRow_, 1 );
      if( tableCell.isValid() )
        QTextCursor cursor( tableCell.firstCursorPosition() );

        // input table
        QTextTableFormat tableFormatInput;
        tableFormatInput.setBorder( 0 );
        tableFormatInput.setColumns( 1 );
        tableFormatInput.setCellPadding( 2 );
        tableFormatInput.setBackground( QColor(245, 245, 255) ); // 200, 200, 255
        QVector<QTextLength> constraints;
        constraints << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 100);
        cursor.insertTable( 1, 1, tableFormatInput );

        QString html = node->textHtml();
        if( !node->isEvaluated() || node->isClosed() )
          html += "<br />";
        cursor.insertFragment( QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml( html ));

        if( node->isEvaluated() && !node->isClosed() )
          QTextTableFormat tableFormatOutput;
          tableFormatOutput.setBorder( 0 );
          tableFormatOutput.setColumns( 1 );
          tableFormatOutput.setCellPadding( 2 );
          QVector<QTextLength> constraints;
          constraints << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 100);

          cursor = tableCell.lastCursorPosition();
          cursor.insertTable( 1, 1, tableFormatOutput );

          QString outputHtml( node->textOutputHtml() );

          outputHtml.remove( "file:///" );
          cursor.insertFragment( QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml( outputHtml ));

      // print the plot
      if (node->mpPlotWindow && node->mpPlotWindow->isVisible()) {
        table_->insertRows( currentTableRow_, 1 );

        // first column
        tableCell = table_->cellAt( currentTableRow_, 1 );
        if( tableCell.isValid() )
          QTextCursor cursor( tableCell.firstCursorPosition() );

          // input table
          QTextTableFormat tableFormatInput;
          tableFormatInput.setBorder( 0 );
          tableFormatInput.setColumns( 1 );
          tableFormatInput.setCellPadding( 2 );
          QVector<QTextLength> constraints;
          constraints << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 100);
          cursor.insertTable( 1, 1, tableFormatInput );

          OMPlot::Plot *pPlot = node->mpPlotWindow->getPlot();
          // calculate height for widht while preserving aspect ratio.
          int width, height;
          if (pPlot->size().width() > 600) {
            width = 600;
            qreal ratio = (double)pPlot->size().height() / pPlot->size().width();
            height = width * qCeil(ratio);
          } else {
            width = pPlot->size().width();
            height = pPlot->size().height();
          // create a pixmap and render the plot on it
          QPixmap plotPixmap(width, height);
          QwtPlotRenderer plotRenderer;
          plotRenderer.renderTo(pPlot, plotPixmap);
          // insert the pixmap to table

      if( firstChild_ )
        firstChild_ = false;