int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 3) { std::cout << std::endl << "Filter peptides is used to filter pep.xml files from blacklisted peptides after the search has been performed. For example shared peptides between two species or known containments." << std::endl; std::cerr << "Usage: filterPeptides [file.pep.xml] [blacklist]" << std::endl; exit(1); } //Load the blacklist in our hashmap for fast acces std::unordered_set<std::string> blacklistSet(loadBlacklist(argv[2])); std::cout << "Blacklist (" << argv[2] << ") contains " << blacklistSet.size() << " peptides" << std::endl; std::string inFile(argv[1]); std::string extension(".pep.xml"); std::string outFile(inFile.substr(0, inFile.length() - extension.length())); outFile.append(".filtered.pep.xml"); std::ofstream outputStream(outFile, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc); pugi::xml_document doc; pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file(argv[1]); if (result) { pugi::xml_object_range<pugi::xml_named_node_iterator> spectrumQueries = doc.child("msms_pipeline_analysis").child("msms_run_summary").children("spectrum_query"); std::cout << "pugixml: [" << argv[1] << "] parsed without errors, total spectrum queries: " << std::distance(spectrumQueries.begin(), spectrumQueries.end()) << "\n"; } else { std::cout << "pugixml: [" << argv[1] << "] parsed with errors\n"; std::cout << "Error description: " << result.description() << "\n"; std::cout << "Error offset: " << result.offset; exit(1); } unsigned totalDeleted = 0; unsigned totalPeptides = 0; //Containers to store our nodes we need to delete afterwards std::vector<pugi::xml_node> spectrumToDelete; std::vector<pugi::xml_node> searchhitToDelete; //Initialize the searchhitNodes counter unsigned searchhitNodes = 0; for (pugi::xml_node spectrum : doc.child("msms_pipeline_analysis").child("msms_run_summary").children( "spectrum_query")) { //Temp variable for easier acces pugi::xml_object_range<pugi::xml_named_node_iterator> search_resultNodes = spectrum.child("search_result").children("search_hit"); for (pugi::xml_node search_hit : search_resultNodes) { if (blacklistSet.find(search_hit.attribute("peptide").as_string()) != blacklistSet.end()) { //notify the user of our node deletion std::cout << "Deleting from spectrum '" << spectrum.attribute("spectrum").as_string(); std::cout << "' peptide hit '" << search_hit.attribute("peptide").as_string(); std::cout << "' (rank:" << search_hit.attribute("hit_rank").as_uint() << ")" << "\n"; searchhitToDelete.push_back(search_hit); } totalPeptides++; } if (searchhitToDelete.size() == 0) { //Short circuit and skip expensive deletion of nodes continue; } //Count the total amount of nodes searchhitNodes = std::distance(search_resultNodes.begin(), search_resultNodes.end()); totalDeleted+=searchhitToDelete.size(); if ((searchhitNodes - searchhitToDelete.size()) == 0) { //if the results are empty, delete the whole spectrum with it's query entries spectrumToDelete.push_back(spectrum); } else { //Remove the required nodes for (pugi::xml_node &search_hit : searchhitToDelete) { spectrum.child("search_result").remove_child(search_hit); } //TODO re-score the hit ranks of the other nodes } searchhitToDelete.clear(); } //Clean up empty spectrum nodes for (pugi::xml_node &spectrum : spectrumToDelete) { doc.child("msms_pipeline_analysis").child("msms_run_summary").remove_child(spectrum); } //Pritn final results to the user std::cout << "Total peptides deleted: " << totalDeleted << " of " << totalPeptides << " peptide hits and removed " << spectrumToDelete.size() << " empty spectrum_query results." << std::endl; std::cout << "Saving result: " << (doc.save_file(outFile.c_str(), "") ? outFile.c_str() : "failed") << std::endl << std::endl; }
void BandwidthMeter::render(int screenWidth, int screenHeight) { int x = BORDER_DISTANCE_HORIZ + (AREA_WIDTH >= 0 ? 0 : screenWidth + AREA_WIDTH); int y = BORDER_DISTANCE_VERT + (AREA_HEIGHT >= 0 ? 0 : screenHeight + AREA_HEIGHT); int w = glm::abs(AREA_WIDTH), h = glm::abs(AREA_HEIGHT); // Determine total float totalIn = 0.0f, totalOut = 0.0f; for (size_t i = 0; i < N_CHANNELS; ++i) { totalIn += inputStream(ChannelIndex(i)).getValue(); totalOut += outputStream(ChannelIndex(i)).getValue(); } totalIn *= UNIT_SCALE; totalOut *= UNIT_SCALE; float totalMax = glm::max(totalIn, totalOut); // Get font / caption metrics QFontMetrics const& fontMetrics = _textRenderer->metrics(); int fontDescent = fontMetrics.descent(); int labelWidthIn = fontMetrics.width(CAPTION_IN); int labelWidthOut = fontMetrics.width(CAPTION_OUT); int labelWidthInOut = glm::max(labelWidthIn, labelWidthOut); int labelHeight = fontMetrics.ascent() + fontDescent; int labelWidthUnit = fontMetrics.width(CAPTION_UNIT); int labelsWidth = labelWidthInOut + SPACING_RIGHT_CAPTION_IN_OUT + SPACING_LEFT_CAPTION_UNIT + labelWidthUnit; // Calculate coordinates and dimensions int barX = x + labelWidthInOut + SPACING_RIGHT_CAPTION_IN_OUT; int barWidth = w - labelsWidth; int barHeight = (h - SPACING_VERT_BARS) / 2; int textYcenteredLine = h - centered(labelHeight, h) - fontDescent; int textYupperLine = barHeight - centered(labelHeight, barHeight) - fontDescent; int textYlowerLine = h - centered(labelHeight, barHeight) - fontDescent; // Center of coordinate system -> upper left of bar glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef((float)barX, (float)y, 0.0f); // Render captions glm::vec4 textColor = getColorRGBA(COLOR_TEXT); _textRenderer->draw(barWidth + SPACING_LEFT_CAPTION_UNIT, textYcenteredLine, CAPTION_UNIT, textColor); _textRenderer->draw(-labelWidthIn - SPACING_RIGHT_CAPTION_IN_OUT, textYupperLine, CAPTION_IN, textColor); _textRenderer->draw(-labelWidthOut - SPACING_RIGHT_CAPTION_IN_OUT, textYlowerLine, CAPTION_OUT, textColor); // Render vertical lines for the frame // TODO: I think there may be a bug in this newest code and/or the GeometryCache code, because it seems like // sometimes the bandwidth meter doesn't render the vertical lines renderVerticalLine(0, 0, h, COLOR_FRAME); renderVerticalLine(barWidth, 0, h, COLOR_FRAME); // Adjust scale int steps; double step, scaleMax; bool commit = false; do { steps = (_scaleMaxIndex % 9) + 2; step = pow(10.0, (_scaleMaxIndex / 9) - 10); scaleMax = step * steps; if (commit) { // printLog("Bandwidth meter scale: %d\n", _scaleMaxIndex); break; } if (totalMax < scaleMax * 0.5) { _scaleMaxIndex = glm::max(0, _scaleMaxIndex - 1); commit = true; } else if (totalMax > scaleMax) { _scaleMaxIndex += 1; commit = true; } } while (commit); step = scaleMax / NUMBER_OF_MARKERS; if (scaleMax < MIN_METER_SCALE) { scaleMax = MIN_METER_SCALE; } // Render scale indicators for (int j = NUMBER_OF_MARKERS; --j > 0;) { renderVerticalLine((barWidth * j) / NUMBER_OF_MARKERS, 0, h, COLOR_INDICATOR); } // Render bars int xIn = 0, xOut = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < N_CHANNELS; ++i) { ChannelIndex chIdx = ChannelIndex(i); int wIn = (int)(barWidth * inputStream(chIdx).getValue() * UNIT_SCALE / scaleMax); int wOut = (int)(barWidth * outputStream(chIdx).getValue() * UNIT_SCALE / scaleMax); if (wIn > 0) { renderBox(xIn, 0, wIn, barHeight, channelInfo(chIdx).colorRGBA); } xIn += wIn; if (wOut > 0) { renderBox(xOut, h - barHeight, wOut, barHeight, channelInfo(chIdx).colorRGBA); } xOut += wOut; } // Render numbers char fmtBuf[8]; sprintf(fmtBuf, "%0.1f", totalIn); _textRenderer->draw(glm::max(xIn - fontMetrics.width(fmtBuf) - PADDING_HORIZ_VALUE, PADDING_HORIZ_VALUE), textYupperLine, fmtBuf, textColor); sprintf(fmtBuf, "%0.1f", totalOut); _textRenderer->draw(glm::max(xOut - fontMetrics.width(fmtBuf) - PADDING_HORIZ_VALUE, PADDING_HORIZ_VALUE), textYlowerLine, fmtBuf, textColor); glPopMatrix(); // After rendering, indicate that no data has been sent/received since the last feed. // This way, the meters fall when not continuously fed. for (size_t i = 0; i < N_CHANNELS; ++i) { inputStream(ChannelIndex(i)).updateValue(0); outputStream(ChannelIndex(i)).updateValue(0); } }
synthclone::Sample * SessionSampleData::updateSample(synthclone::Sample &sample, bool forceCopy, QObject *parent) { if (! sampleDirectory) { // The session is being unloaded. return 0; } synthclone::SampleInputStream inputStream(sample); ChannelConvertAlgorithm channelConvertAlgorithm; synthclone::SampleChannelCount inputChannels = inputStream.getChannels(); if (sampleChannelCount == inputChannels) { channelConvertAlgorithm = CHANNELCONVERTALGORITHM_NONE; } else if (sampleChannelCount == 1) { channelConvertAlgorithm = CHANNELCONVERTALGORITHM_TO_MONO; } else if (inputChannels == 1) { channelConvertAlgorithm = CHANNELCONVERTALGORITHM_FROM_MONO; } else { // How does one convert a multi-channel sample to a different channel // count that isn't mono? I'm open to ideas. return 0; } // If the sample rate isn't set, then set it to the sample rate of the new // sample. synthclone::SampleRate inputSampleRate = inputStream.getSampleRate(); if (sampleRate == synthclone::SAMPLE_RATE_NOT_SET) { setSampleRate(inputSampleRate); } bool sampleConversionRequired = inputSampleRate != sampleRate; QString newPath = createUniqueFile(sampleDirectory); if ((channelConvertAlgorithm == CHANNELCONVERTALGORITHM_NONE) && (! sampleConversionRequired) && (! forceCopy)) { if (sampleDirectory) { if (QFileInfo(sample.getPath()).absolutePath() == sampleDirectory->absolutePath()) { // Nothing needs to be done. return &sample; } } } // At this point, either some sort of conversion is required, the sample is // being moved from outside the sample directory into the sample directory, // or a forced copy was requested. float *channelBuffer; // For some reason, the empty QScopedArrayPointer constructor is not // available on the Mac OSX platform. QScopedArrayPointer<float> channelBufferPtr(static_cast<float *>(0)); float *convertBuffer = new float[sampleChannelCount * 512]; QScopedArrayPointer<float> convertBufferPtr(convertBuffer); SampleRateConverter *converter; QScopedPointer<SampleRateConverter> converterPtr; float *inputBuffer = new float[inputChannels * 512]; QScopedArrayPointer<float> inputBufferPtr(inputBuffer); if (! sampleConversionRequired) { channelBuffer = convertBuffer; converter = 0; } else { if (channelConvertAlgorithm != CHANNELCONVERTALGORITHM_NONE) { channelBuffer = new float[sampleChannelCount]; channelBufferPtr.reset(channelBuffer); } else { channelBuffer = inputBuffer; } double ratio = static_cast<double>(sampleRate) / inputSampleRate; converter = new SampleRateConverter(sampleChannelCount, ratio, this); converterPtr.reset(converter); } // Create the new sample object. synthclone::Sample *outputSample = new synthclone::Sample(newPath, parent); QScopedPointer<synthclone::Sample> outputSamplePtr(outputSample); synthclone::SampleOutputStream outputStream(*outputSample, sampleRate, sampleChannelCount); // Convert. synthclone::SampleFrameCount framesRead; long outputFramesUsed; do { // Get data from input stream. framesRead =, 512); // Channel conversion. switch (channelConvertAlgorithm) { case CHANNELCONVERTALGORITHM_TO_MONO: for (int i = 0; i < framesRead; i++) { float n = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < inputChannels; j++) { n += inputBuffer[(i * inputChannels) + j]; } channelBuffer[i] = n / inputChannels; } break; case CHANNELCONVERTALGORITHM_FROM_MONO: for (int i = 0; i < framesRead; i++) { float n = inputBuffer[i]; for (int j = 0; j < sampleChannelCount; j++) { channelBuffer[(i * sampleChannelCount) + j] = n; } } break; case 0: // There's no channel conversion. Above, we assign the // 'channelBuffer' to 'inputBuffer' when there's no channel // conversion. So, the data is already in 'channelBuffer'. ; } // Sample rate conversion. if (sampleConversionRequired) { long inputFramesUsed = converter->convert(channelBuffer, static_cast<long>(framesRead), convertBuffer, 512, outputFramesUsed, ! framesRead); if (inputFramesUsed != framesRead) { - framesRead, synthclone::SampleStream::OFFSET_CURRENT); } } else { // If sample rate conversion isn't required, then the data to write // is already in 'convertBuffer', as 'convertBuffer' and // 'channelBuffer' point to the same memory area. outputFramesUsed = framesRead; } // Write data to output stream. if (outputFramesUsed) { outputStream.write(convertBuffer, static_cast<synthclone::SampleFrameCount> (outputFramesUsed)); } } while (framesRead); // Finish up sample rate conversion. if (sampleConversionRequired && outputFramesUsed) { for (;;) { converter->convert(channelBuffer, 0, convertBuffer, 512, outputFramesUsed, true); if (! outputFramesUsed) { break; } outputStream.write(convertBuffer, static_cast<synthclone::SampleFrameCount> (outputFramesUsed)); } } // Cleanup. outputStream.close(); return outputSamplePtr.take(); }
void LogsDialog::exportToGoogleEarth() { // filter data points QList<QStringList> dataPoints = filterGePoints(csvlog); int n = dataPoints.count(); // number of points to export if (n==0) return; int latcol=0, longcol=0, altcol=0, speedcol=0; QSet<int> nondataCols; for (int i=1; i<; i++) { // Long,Lat,Course,GPS Speed,GPS Alt if ("Long")) { longcol = i; nondataCols << i; } if ("Lat")) { latcol = i; nondataCols << i; } if ("GPS Alt") ||"GAlt")) { altcol = i; nondataCols << i; } if ("GPS Speed")) { speedcol = i; nondataCols << i; } } if (longcol==0 || latcol==0) { return; } QString geIconFilename = generateProcessUniqueTempFileName("track0.png"); if (QFile::exists(geIconFilename)) { QFile::remove(geIconFilename); } QFile::copy(":/images/track0.png", geIconFilename); QString geFilename = generateProcessUniqueTempFileName("flight.kml"); if (QFile::exists(geFilename)) { QFile::remove(geFilename); } QFile geFile(geFilename); if (! | QIODevice::Text)) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), tr("Cannot write file %1:\n%2.") .arg(geFilename) .arg(geFile.errorString())); return; } QTextStream outputStream(&geFile); // file header outputStream << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<kml xmlns=\"\" xmlns:gx=\"\">\n"; outputStream << "\t<Document>\n\t\t<name>" << logFilename << "</name>\n"; outputStream << "\t\t<Style id=\"multiTrack_n\">\n\t\t\t<IconStyle>\n\t\t\t\t<Icon>\n\t\t\t\t\t<href>file://" << geIconFilename << "</href>\n\t\t\t\t</Icon>\n\t\t\t</IconStyle>\n\t\t\t<LineStyle>\n\t\t\t\t<color>991081f4</color>\n\t\t\t\t<width>6</width>\n\t\t\t</LineStyle>\n\t\t</Style>\n"; outputStream << "\t\t<Style id=\"multiTrack_h\">\n\t\t\t<IconStyle>\n\t\t\t\t<scale>0</scale>\n\t\t\t\t<Icon>\n\t\t\t\t\t<href>file://" << geIconFilename << "</href>\n\t\t\t\t</Icon>\n\t\t\t</IconStyle>\n\t\t\t<LineStyle>\n\t\t\t\t<color>991081f4</color>\n\t\t\t\t<width>8</width>\n\t\t\t</LineStyle>\n\t\t</Style>\n"; outputStream << "\t\t<StyleMap id=\"multiTrack\">\n\t\t\t<Pair>\n\t\t\t\t<key>normal</key>\n\t\t\t\t<styleUrl>#multiTrack_n</styleUrl>\n\t\t\t</Pair>\n\t\t\t<Pair>\n\t\t\t\t<key>highlight</key>\n\t\t\t\t<styleUrl>#multiTrack_h</styleUrl>\n\t\t\t</Pair>\n\t\t</StyleMap>\n"; outputStream << "\t\t<Style id=\"lineStyle\">\n\t\t\t<LineStyle>\n\t\t\t\t<color>991081f4</color>\n\t\t\t\t<width>6</width>\n\t\t\t</LineStyle>\n\t\t</Style>\n"; outputStream << "\t\t<Schema id=\"schema\">\n"; outputStream << "\t\t\t<gx:SimpleArrayField name=\"GPSSpeed\" type=\"float\">\n\t\t\t\t<displayName>GPS Speed</displayName>\n\t\t\t</gx:SimpleArrayField>\n"; // declare additional fields for (int i=0; i<; i++) { if (ui->FieldsTW->item(0,i)->isSelected() && !nondataCols.contains(i+2)) { QString origName =; QString safeName = origName; safeName.replace(" ","_"); outputStream << "\t\t\t<gx:SimpleArrayField name=\""<< safeName <<"\" "; outputStream << "type=\"string\""; // additional fields have fixed type: string outputStream << ">\n\t\t\t\t<displayName>" << origName << "</displayName>\n\t\t\t</gx:SimpleArrayField>\n"; } } QString planeName; if (logFilename.indexOf("-")>0) { planeName=logFilename.left(logFilename.indexOf("-")); } else { planeName=logFilename; } outputStream << "\t\t</Schema>\n"; outputStream << "\t\t<Folder>\n\t\t\t<name>Log Data</name>\n\t\t\t<Placemark>\n\t\t\t\t<name>" << planeName << "</name>"; outputStream << "\n\t\t\t\t<styleUrl>#multiTrack</styleUrl>"; outputStream << "\n\t\t\t\t<gx:Track>\n"; outputStream << "\n\t\t\t\t\t<altitudeMode>absolute</altitudeMode>\n"; // time data points for (int i=1; i<n; i++) { QString"T")"Z"); outputStream << "\t\t\t\t\t<when>"<< tstamp <<"</when>\n"; } // coordinate data points for (int i=1; i<n; i++) { QString latitude =; QString longitude =; int altitude = altcol ? : 0; latitude.sprintf("%3.8f", toDecimalCoordinate(latitude)); longitude.sprintf("%3.8f", toDecimalCoordinate(longitude)); outputStream << "\t\t\t\t\t<gx:coord>" << longitude << " " << latitude << " " << altitude << " </gx:coord>\n" ; } // additional data for data points outputStream << "\t\t\t\t\t<ExtendedData>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<SchemaData schemaUrl=\"#schema\">\n"; if (speedcol) { // gps speed data points outputStream << "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<gx:SimpleArrayData name=\"GPSSpeed\">\n"; for (int i=1; i<n; i++) { outputStream << "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<gx:value>"<< <<"</gx:value>\n"; } outputStream << "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</gx:SimpleArrayData>\n"; } // add values for additional fields for (int i=0; i<; i++) { if (ui->FieldsTW->item(0,i)->isSelected() && !nondataCols.contains(i+2)) { QString safeName =;; safeName.replace(" ","_"); outputStream << "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<gx:SimpleArrayData name=\""<< safeName <<"\">\n"; for (int j=1; j<n; j++) { outputStream << "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<gx:value>"<< <<"</gx:value>\n"; } outputStream << "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</gx:SimpleArrayData>\n"; } } outputStream << "\t\t\t\t\t\t</SchemaData>\n\t\t\t\t\t</ExtendedData>\n\t\t\t\t</gx:Track>\n\t\t\t</Placemark>\n\t\t</Folder>\n\t</Document>\n</kml>"; geFile.close(); QString gePath = g.gePath(); QStringList parameters; #ifdef __APPLE__ parameters << "-a"; parameters << gePath; gePath = "/usr/bin/open"; #endif parameters << geFilename; QProcess *process = new QProcess(this); process->start(gePath, parameters); }
bool MdiChild::saveFile(const QString &fileName, bool setCurrent) { QString myFile; myFile = fileName; if (IS_SKY9X(GetEepromInterface()->getBoard())) { myFile.replace(".eepe", ".bin"); } QFile file(myFile); int fileType = getFileType(myFile); uint8_t *eeprom = (uint8_t*)malloc(GetEepromInterface()->getEEpromSize()); int eeprom_size = 0; if (fileType != FILE_TYPE_XML) { eeprom_size = GetEepromInterface()->save(eeprom, radioData, GetCurrentFirmware()->getVariantNumber(), 0/*last version*/); if (!eeprom_size) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"),tr("Cannot write file %1:\n%2.").arg(myFile).arg(file.errorString())); return false; } } if (! == FILE_TYPE_BIN ? QIODevice::WriteOnly : (QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"),tr("Cannot write file %1:\n%2.").arg(myFile).arg(file.errorString())); return false; } QTextStream outputStream(&file); #if 0 if (fileType==FILE_TYPE_XML) { if (!XmlInterface(outputStream).save(radioData)) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"),tr("Cannot write file %1:\n%2.").arg(myFile).arg(file.errorString())); file.close(); return false; } } else #endif if (fileType==FILE_TYPE_HEX || fileType==FILE_TYPE_EEPE) { // write hex if (fileType==FILE_TYPE_EEPE) outputStream << EEPE_EEPROM_FILE_HEADER << "\n"; if (!HexInterface(outputStream).save(eeprom, eeprom_size)) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"),tr("Cannot write file %1:\n%2.").arg(myFile).arg(file.errorString())); file.close(); return false; } } else if (fileType==FILE_TYPE_BIN) // write binary { long result = file.write((char*)eeprom, eeprom_size); if(result!=eeprom_size) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"),tr("Error writing file %1:\n%2.").arg(myFile).arg(file.errorString())); return false; } } else { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"),tr("Error writing file %1:\n%2.").arg(myFile).arg("Unknown format")); return false; } free(eeprom); // TODO free in all cases ... file.close(); if(setCurrent) setCurrentFile(myFile); return true; }
void QgsSingleBandPseudoColorRendererWidget::on_mExportToFileButton_clicked() { QSettings settings; QString lastDir = settings.value( "lastRasterFileFilterDir", "" ).toString(); QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( this, tr( "Save file" ), lastDir, tr( "Textfile (*.txt)" ) ); if ( !fileName.isEmpty() ) { if ( !fileName.endsWith( ".txt", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) { fileName = fileName + ".txt"; } QFile outputFile( fileName ); if ( QFile::WriteOnly ) ) { QTextStream outputStream( &outputFile ); outputStream << "# " << tr( "QGIS Generated Color Map Export File" ) << "\n"; outputStream << "INTERPOLATION:"; if ( mColorInterpolationComboBox->currentText() == tr( "Linear" ) ) { outputStream << "INTERPOLATED\n"; } else if ( mColorInterpolationComboBox->currentText() == tr( "Discrete" ) ) { outputStream << "DISCRETE\n"; } else { outputStream << "EXACT\n"; } int topLevelItemCount = mColormapTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); QTreeWidgetItem* currentItem; QColor color; for ( int i = 0; i < topLevelItemCount; ++i ) { currentItem = mColormapTreeWidget->topLevelItem( i ); if ( !currentItem ) { continue; } color = currentItem->background( 1 ).color(); outputStream << currentItem->text( 0 ).toDouble() << ","; outputStream << << "," << << "," << << "," << color.alpha() << ","; if ( currentItem->text( 2 ) == "" ) { outputStream << "Color entry " << i + 1 << "\n"; } else { outputStream << currentItem->text( 2 ) << "\n"; } } outputStream.flush(); outputFile.close(); } else { QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Write access denied" ), tr( "Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.\n\n" ) ); } } }
void CoreService::ProcessRequests (int inputFD, int outputFD) { try { Core = CoreDirect; shared_ptr <Stream> inputStream (new FileStream (inputFD != -1 ? inputFD : InputPipe->GetReadFD())); shared_ptr <Stream> outputStream (new FileStream (outputFD != -1 ? outputFD : OutputPipe->GetWriteFD())); while (true) { shared_ptr <CoreServiceRequest> request = Serializable::DeserializeNew <CoreServiceRequest> (inputStream); try { // ExitRequest if (dynamic_cast <ExitRequest*> (request.get()) != nullptr) { if (ElevatedServiceAvailable) request->Serialize (ServiceInputStream); return; } if (!ElevatedPrivileges && request->ElevateUserPrivileges) { if (!ElevatedServiceAvailable) { finally_do_arg (string *, &request->AdminPassword, { StringConverter::Erase (*finally_arg); }); CoreService::StartElevated (*request); ElevatedServiceAvailable = true; } request->Serialize (ServiceInputStream); GetResponse <Serializable>()->Serialize (outputStream); continue; } // CheckFilesystemRequest CheckFilesystemRequest *checkRequest = dynamic_cast <CheckFilesystemRequest*> (request.get()); if (checkRequest) { Core->CheckFilesystem (checkRequest->MountedVolumeInfo, checkRequest->Repair); CheckFilesystemResponse().Serialize (outputStream); continue; } // DismountFilesystemRequest DismountFilesystemRequest *dismountFsRequest = dynamic_cast <DismountFilesystemRequest*> (request.get()); if (dismountFsRequest) { Core->DismountFilesystem (dismountFsRequest->MountPoint, dismountFsRequest->Force); DismountFilesystemResponse().Serialize (outputStream); continue; } // DismountVolumeRequest DismountVolumeRequest *dismountRequest = dynamic_cast <DismountVolumeRequest*> (request.get()); if (dismountRequest) { DismountVolumeResponse response; response.DismountedVolumeInfo = Core->DismountVolume (dismountRequest->MountedVolumeInfo, dismountRequest->IgnoreOpenFiles, dismountRequest->SyncVolumeInfo); response.Serialize (outputStream); continue; } // GetDeviceSectorSizeRequest GetDeviceSectorSizeRequest *getDeviceSectorSizeRequest = dynamic_cast <GetDeviceSectorSizeRequest*> (request.get()); if (getDeviceSectorSizeRequest) { GetDeviceSectorSizeResponse response; response.Size = Core->GetDeviceSectorSize (getDeviceSectorSizeRequest->Path); response.Serialize (outputStream); continue; } // GetDeviceSizeRequest GetDeviceSizeRequest *getDeviceSizeRequest = dynamic_cast <GetDeviceSizeRequest*> (request.get()); if (getDeviceSizeRequest) { GetDeviceSizeResponse response; response.Size = Core->GetDeviceSize (getDeviceSizeRequest->Path); response.Serialize (outputStream); continue; } // GetHostDevicesRequest GetHostDevicesRequest *getHostDevicesRequest = dynamic_cast <GetHostDevicesRequest*> (request.get()); if (getHostDevicesRequest) { GetHostDevicesResponse response; response.HostDevices = Core->GetHostDevices (getHostDevicesRequest->PathListOnly); response.Serialize (outputStream); continue; } // MountVolumeRequest MountVolumeRequest *mountRequest = dynamic_cast <MountVolumeRequest*> (request.get()); if (mountRequest) { MountVolumeResponse ( Core->MountVolume (*mountRequest->Options) ).Serialize (outputStream); continue; } // SetFileOwnerRequest SetFileOwnerRequest *setFileOwnerRequest = dynamic_cast <SetFileOwnerRequest*> (request.get()); if (setFileOwnerRequest) { CoreUnix *coreUnix = dynamic_cast <CoreUnix *> (Core.get()); if (!coreUnix) throw ParameterIncorrect (SRC_POS); coreUnix->SetFileOwner (setFileOwnerRequest->Path, setFileOwnerRequest->Owner); SetFileOwnerResponse().Serialize (outputStream); continue; } throw ParameterIncorrect (SRC_POS); }
/** * Slot called when the pbtnRunQuery button is pressed */ void eVisDatabaseConnectionGui::on_pbtnRunQuery_clicked( ) { //Check to see if we have a query if ( !teditSqlStatement->toPlainText( ).isEmpty( ) ) { //Verify that we have an active database connection if ( 0 != mDatabaseConnection ) { //Execute query QSqlQuery* myResults = mDatabaseConnection->query( teditSqlStatement->toPlainText( ) ); if ( 0 == myResults ) { teditConsole->append( tr( "Error: Query failed: %1" ).arg( mDatabaseConnection->lastError( ) ) ); } else if ( myResults->isSelect( ) ) { //if valid and a select query, save results into temporary file and load as layer myResults->next( ); if ( myResults->isValid( ) ) { mTempOutputFileList->append( new QTemporaryFile( ) ); if ( mTempOutputFileList->last( )->open( ) ) { QTextStream outputStream( mTempOutputFileList->last( ) ); QStringList fieldList; /* * Output column names */ for ( int x = 0; x < myResults->record( ).count( ); x++ ) { if ( 0 == x ) { outputStream << myResults->record( ).fieldName( x ); } else { outputStream << "\t" << myResults->record( ).fieldName( x ); } fieldList << myResults->record( ).fieldName( x ); } outputStream << endl; /* * Output Data */ while ( myResults->isValid( ) ) { for ( int x = 0; x < myResults->record( ).count( ); x++ ) { if ( x == 0 ) { outputStream << myResults->value( x ).toString( ); } else { outputStream << "\t" << myResults->value( x ).toString( ); } } outputStream << endl; myResults->next( ); } mTempOutputFileList->last( )->close( ); mDatabaseLayerFieldSelector->setFieldList( &fieldList ); mDatabaseLayerFieldSelector->show( ); } else { teditConsole->append( tr( "Error: Could not create temporary file, process halted" ) ); } } } } else { teditConsole->append( tr( "Error: A database connection is not currently established" ) ); } } }