예제 #1
TestMatrix::runSubTest18(double& res, double& expected, std::string& subTestName)
    expected = 1;
    subTestName = "simple_symmetric_invert";

    Math::SymmetricMatrix<double> mat(2, 2);
    mat(0, 0) = 2;
    mat(1, 1) = 3;
    mat(1, 0) = 1;


    Math::SymmetricMatrix<double> invMat = mat;


    Math::Matrix<double> prod = mat;
    prod *= invMat;

    res = 1;
    for(int i = 0; i < prod.rows(); ++i)
        for(int j = 0; j < prod.rows(); ++j)
            if(i == j)
                if(!Math::areEqual(prod(i, j), 1.0, 1e-5))
                    output_screen("FAIL! Diagonal element " << i << " must be 1 but it is " << prod(i, j) << std::endl);
                    res = 0;
                if(!Math::areEqual(prod(i, j), 0.0, 1e-5))
                    output_screen("FAIL! Non-diagonal element " << i << " " << j << " must be 0 but it is " << prod(i, j) << std::endl);
                    res = 0;
    output_screen_clean("This test (below) is skipped because Cosmo++ has not been linked to lapack" << std::endl);
    res = 1;
예제 #2
	* [函数名]: screen
	* [描述]: 输出信息至屏幕
	* [修改记录]:
	*   2015-05-20,littledj: create
	void GLogger::screen(const tstring format, ...)
		va_list ap;
		va_start(ap, format);
		tstring msg = formatMsg_v(PRINT_TYPE::RAW, format, ap);
		if (m_enableColor)
			output_screen(msg, m_defaultColor);

		// 保存当前消息
		saveToMessagePool(PRINT_TYPE::RAW, msg);
예제 #3
	* [函数名]: output
	* [描述]: 打印信息
	* [修改记录]:
	*   2015-05-20,littledj: create
	void GLogger::output(const tstring& msg, PRINT_COLOR color)
		if (msg.empty())
			output_screen(TEXT("<empty message>"), color);

		// 判断是否输出到屏幕
		if (m_wpTarget == PRINT_TARGET::SCREEN)
			output_screen(msg, color);

		// 判断是否输出到日志文件
		else if (m_wpTarget == PRINT_TARGET::FILE)

		// 都输出
		else if (m_wpTarget == PRINT_TARGET::BOTH)
			output_screen(msg, color);
예제 #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int nPar = 6;
    // Starting values for cosmological parameters
    // From Planck 2015 (http://arxiv.org/abs/1502.01589), Table 3, Column 4
    const double h = 0.6727;
    const double omBH2 = 0.02225;
    const double omCH2 = 0.1198;
    const double tau = 0.079;
    const double ns = 0.9645;
    const double as = 3.094; // ln(10^10*as)
    const double pivot = 0.05;
    LambdaCDMParams params(omBH2, omCH2, h, tau, ns, std::exp(as)/1e10, pivot);

    Cosmo cosmo;
    cosmo.preInitialize(5000, false, false, false, 0, 100, 1e-6, 1.0);

    std::string file_name = "/Volumes/Data1/ncanac/cosmopp_neutrinos/completed_runs/standard_LCDM_mn_build/LCDM_planckposterior.txt";
    std::ifstream datafile(file_name);
    std::string line;
    while(getline(datafile, line))
        std::istringstream iss(line);
        std::vector<double> vec;
        double dummy;
        while(iss >> dummy)
        std::vector<double> v(&vec[0], &vec[nPar]);
        cosmo.initialize(params, true, false, false, true);
        for(int i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i)
            output_screen(vec[i] << " ");
        output_screen(cosmo.sigma8() << std::endl);

    return 0;
예제 #5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    std::string root = "mh";
    int nChains = 4;
    int burnin = 1000;
    // Read the resulting chain(s) with thinning
    const unsigned int thin = 1;
    MarkovChain chain(nChains, root.c_str(), burnin, thin);
    // Get the one dimensional marginalized posterior distributions, Gaussian smoothed with a scale of 0.3
    Posterior1D* px = chain.posterior(0, Posterior1D::GAUSSIAN_SMOOTHING);
    Posterior1D* py = chain.posterior(1, Posterior1D::GAUSSIAN_SMOOTHING);
    // Get the two dimensional posterior distribution, gaussian smoothed with a scale of 0.25
    Posterior2D* pxy = chain.posterior(0, 1);
    // Write the distributions into text files
    output_screen("Writing the distributions into text files..." << std::endl);
    output_screen("OK" << std::endl);
    // Write the contour levels for the 2D distribution into a text file. This can be used later to make contour plots
    std::ofstream out("mh_contour_levels.txt");

    out << pxy->get1SigmaLevel() << std::endl;
    //out << pxy->get2SigmaLevel() << std::endl;
    // Delete the posterior distributions
    delete px;
    delete py;
    delete pxy;
    return 0;
예제 #6
PlanckLikelihood::PlanckLikelihood(bool useCommander, bool useCamspec, bool useLensing, bool usePol, bool useActSpt, bool includeTensors, double kPerDecade, bool useOwnCmb) : spectraNames_(6), haveCommander_(false), havePol_(false), haveLens_(false), commander_(NULL), camspec_(NULL), lens_(NULL), pol_(NULL), actspt_(NULL), cmb_(NULL), modelParams_(NULL)
    check(useCommander || useCamspec || useLensing || usePol || useActSpt, "at least one likelihood must be specified");

    std::string planckLikeDir = PLANCK_DATA_DIR_STR;

    output_screen("Planck data dir = " << planckLikeDir << std::endl);

    int hasCl[6], lMax[6];
    parname* names;

    spectraNames_[0] = std::string("TT");
    spectraNames_[1] = std::string("EE");
    spectraNames_[2] = std::string("BB");
    spectraNames_[3] = std::string("TE");
    spectraNames_[4] = std::string("TB");
    spectraNames_[5] = std::string("EB");

    lMax_ = 0;
    commanderLMax_ = 0;
    camspecLMax_ = 0;
    polLMax_ = 0;
    lensingLMax_ = 0;
    actSptLMax_ = 0;

    static PlanckLikelihoodContainer cont;

        std::stringstream commanderPath;
        commanderPath << planckLikeDir << "/commander_v4.1_lm49.clik";
        char commanderPathCStr[100];
        std::strcpy(commanderPathCStr, commanderPath.str().c_str());

            cont.commander = clik_init(commanderPathCStr, NULL);

        commander_ = cont.commander;

        clik_get_has_cl(commander_, hasCl, NULL);
        clik_get_lmax(commander_, lMax, NULL);
        for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
            output_screen1("Commander has " << spectraNames_[i] << " = " << hasCl[i] << " with l_max = " << lMax[i] << std::endl);
            if(lMax[i] > commanderLMax_)
                commanderLMax_ = lMax[i];

        if(commanderLMax_ > lMax_)
            lMax_ = commanderLMax_;

        int extraParams = clik_get_extra_parameter_names(commander_, &names, NULL);
        output_screen1("Commander has " << extraParams << " extra parameters. Their names are as follows:" << std::endl);
        for(int i = 0; i < extraParams; ++i)
            output_screen1(names[i] << std::endl);
        delete names;

        std::stringstream camspecPath;
        camspecPath << planckLikeDir << "/CAMspec_v6.2TN_2013_02_26_dist.clik";
        char camspecPathCStr[100];
        std::strcpy(camspecPathCStr, camspecPath.str().c_str());

            cont.camspec = clik_init(camspecPathCStr, NULL);

        camspec_ = cont.camspec;

        clik_get_has_cl(camspec_, hasCl, NULL);
        clik_get_lmax(camspec_, lMax, NULL);
        for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
            output_screen1("Camspec has " << spectraNames_[i] << " = " << hasCl[i] << " with l_max = " << lMax[i] << std::endl);
            if(lMax[i] > camspecLMax_)
                camspecLMax_ = lMax[i];

        if(camspecLMax_ > lMax_)
            lMax_ = camspecLMax_;

        int extraParams = clik_get_extra_parameter_names(camspec_, &names, NULL);
        output_screen1("Camspec has " << extraParams << " extra parameters. Their names are as follows:" << std::endl);
        for(int i = 0; i < extraParams; ++i)
            output_screen1(names[i] << std::endl);
        delete names;

        std::stringstream polPath;
        polPath << planckLikeDir << "/lowlike_v222.clik";
        char polPathCStr[100];
        std::strcpy(polPathCStr, polPath.str().c_str());

            cont.pol = clik_init(polPathCStr, NULL);

        pol_ = cont.pol;

        clik_get_has_cl(pol_, hasCl, NULL);
        clik_get_lmax(pol_, lMax, NULL);
        for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
            output_screen1("Pol has " << spectraNames_[i] << " = " << hasCl[i] << " with l_max = " << lMax[i] << std::endl);
            if(lMax[i] > polLMax_)
                polLMax_ = lMax[i];

        if(polLMax_ > lMax_)
            lMax_ = polLMax_;

        int extraParams = clik_get_extra_parameter_names(pol_, &names, NULL);
        output_screen1("Pol has " << extraParams << " extra parameters. Their names are as follows:" << std::endl);
        for(int i = 0; i < extraParams; ++i)
            output_screen1(names[i] << std::endl);
        delete names;

        std::stringstream lensPath;
        lensPath << planckLikeDir << "/lensing_likelihood_v4_ref.clik_lensing";
        char lensPathCStr[100];
        std::strcpy(lensPathCStr, lensPath.str().c_str());

            cont.lens = clik_lensing_init(lensPathCStr, NULL);

        lens_ = cont.lens;

        lensingLMax_ = clik_lensing_get_lmax(lens_,NULL);
        if(lensingLMax_ > lMax_)
            lMax_ = lensingLMax_;

        output_screen1("Lensing has l_max = " << lensingLMax_ << std::endl);

        int extraParams = clik_lensing_get_extra_parameter_names(lens_, &names, NULL);
        output_screen1("Lensing has " << extraParams << " extra parameters. Their names are as follows:" << std::endl);
        for(int i = 0; i < extraParams; ++i)
            output_screen1(names[i] << std::endl);
        delete names;

        std::stringstream actSptPath;
        actSptPath << planckLikeDir << "/actspt_2013_01.clik";
        char actSptPathCStr[100];
        std::strcpy(actSptPathCStr, actSptPath.str().c_str());

            cont.actspt = clik_init(actSptPathCStr, NULL);

        actspt_ = cont.actspt;

        clik_get_has_cl(actspt_, hasCl, NULL);
        clik_get_lmax(actspt_, lMax, NULL);
        for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
            output_screen1("ActSpt has " << spectraNames_[i] << " = " << hasCl[i] << " with l_max = " << lMax[i] << std::endl);
            if(lMax[i] > actSptLMax_)
                actSptLMax_ = lMax[i];

        if(actSptLMax_ > lMax_)
            lMax_ = actSptLMax_;

        int extraParams = clik_get_extra_parameter_names(actspt_, &names, NULL);
        output_screen1("ActSpt has " << extraParams << " extra parameters. Their names are as follows:" << std::endl);
        for(int i = 0; i < extraParams; ++i)
            output_screen1(names[i] << std::endl);
        delete names;

    output_screen1("Total l_max = " << lMax_ << std::endl);

        cmb_ = new CMB;
        cmb_->preInitialize(lMax_ + 1000, false, true, includeTensors, lMax_ + 1000, kPerDecade);
예제 #7
PlanckLikelihood::PlanckLikelihood(bool lowT, bool lowP, bool highT, bool highP, bool highLikeLite, bool lensingT, bool lensingP, bool includeTensors, double kPerDecade, bool useOwnCmb) : spectraNames_(6), lensSpectraNames_(7), low_(NULL), high_(NULL), lens_(NULL), lowT_(lowT), lowP_(lowP), highT_(highT), highP_(highP), highLikeLite_(highLikeLite), lensingT_(lensingT), lensingP_(lensingP), cmb_(NULL), modelParams_(NULL), aPlanck_(1), aPol_(1), szPrior_(false)
    check(!lowP || lowT, "cannot include lowP without lowT");
    check(!highP || highT, "cannot include highP without highT");
    check(!lensingP || lensingT, "cannot include lensingP wihtout lensingT");

    check(lowT || highT || lensingT, "at least one likelihood must be specified");

    std::string planckLikeDir = PLANCK_DATA_DIR_STR;
    output_screen("Planck data dir = " << planckLikeDir << std::endl);

    spectraNames_[0] = std::string("TT");
    spectraNames_[1] = std::string("EE");
    spectraNames_[2] = std::string("BB");
    spectraNames_[3] = std::string("TE");
    spectraNames_[4] = std::string("TB");
    spectraNames_[5] = std::string("EB");

    lensSpectraNames_[0] = std::string("PP");
    lensSpectraNames_[1] = std::string("TT");
    lensSpectraNames_[2] = std::string("EE");
    lensSpectraNames_[3] = std::string("BB");
    lensSpectraNames_[4] = std::string("TE");
    lensSpectraNames_[5] = std::string("TB");
    lensSpectraNames_[6] = std::string("EB");

    int lMax[6];
    int lensLMax[7];

    lMax_ = 0;
    lowLMax_ = 0;
    highLMax_ = 0;
    lensLMax_ = 0;

    parname* names;

    static PlanckLikelihoodContainer planckLikelihoodContainer;

            low_ = planckLikelihoodContainer.getLowTP();
            low_ = planckLikelihoodContainer.getLowT();

        clik_get_lmax(low_, lMax, NULL);
        for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
            output_screen1("Low likelihood has " << spectraNames_[i] << " with l_max = " << lMax[i] << std::endl);
            if(lMax[i] > lowLMax_)
                lowLMax_ = lMax[i];

        if(lowLMax_ > lMax_)
            lMax_ = lowLMax_;

        int extraParams = clik_get_extra_parameter_names(low_, &names, NULL);
        output_screen1("Low likelihood has " << extraParams << " extra parameters. Their names are as follows:" << std::endl);
        for(int i = 0; i < extraParams; ++i)
            output_screen1(names[i] << std::endl);
        delete names;

                high_ = planckLikelihoodContainer.getHighTPLite();
                high_ = planckLikelihoodContainer.getHighTLite();
                high_ = planckLikelihoodContainer.getHighTP();
                high_ = planckLikelihoodContainer.getHighT();
        clik_get_lmax(high_, lMax, NULL);
        for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
            output_screen1("High likelihood has " << spectraNames_[i] << " with l_max = " << lMax[i] << std::endl);
            if(lMax[i] > highLMax_)
                highLMax_ = lMax[i];

        if(highLMax_ > lMax_)
            lMax_ = highLMax_;

        int extraParams = clik_get_extra_parameter_names(high_, &names, NULL);
        output_screen1("High likelihood has " << extraParams << " extra parameters. Their names are as follows:" << std::endl);
        for(int i = 0; i < extraParams; ++i)
            output_screen1(names[i] << std::endl);
        delete names;

            lens_ = planckLikelihoodContainer.getLensTP();
            lens_ = planckLikelihoodContainer.getLensT();

        clik_lensing_get_lmaxs(static_cast<clik_lensing_object*>(lens_), lensLMax, NULL);
        for(int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
            output_screen1("Lensing likelihood has " << lensSpectraNames_[i] << " with l_max = " << lensLMax[i] << std::endl);
            if(lensLMax[i] > lensLMax_)
                lensLMax_ = lensLMax[i];

        if(lensLMax_ > lMax_)
            lMax_ = lensLMax_;

        int extraParams = clik_lensing_get_extra_parameter_names(static_cast<clik_lensing_object*>(lens_), &names, NULL);
        output_screen1("Lensing likelihood has " << extraParams << " extra parameters. Their names are as follows:" << std::endl);
        for(int i = 0; i < extraParams; ++i)
            output_screen1(names[i] << std::endl);
        delete names;

    output_screen1("Low l_max = " << lowLMax_ << std::endl);
    output_screen1("High l_max = " << highLMax_ << std::endl);
    output_screen1("Lensing l_max = " << lensLMax_ << std::endl);
    output_screen1("Total l_max = " << lMax_ << std::endl);

        cmb_ = new CMB;
        cmb_->preInitialize(lMax_ + 1000, false, true, includeTensors, lMax_ + 1000, kPerDecade);

    input_.resize(3 * lMax_ + 10000);
        highExtra_.resize(highP ? 32 : 15, 0);
            beamExtra_.resize(60, 0);
예제 #8
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    try {
        StandardException exc;
        if(argc < 3)
            std::string exceptionString = "Need to specify the spline type (linear or cubic) and the number of (internal) knots.";
            throw exc;

        bool isLinear = true;
        if(argv[1][0] == 'c')
            isLinear = false;

        const int nKnots = std::atoi(argv[2]);

        if(nKnots < 0 || nKnots > 100)
            std::stringstream exceptionStr;
            exceptionStr << "The number of knots " << nKnots << " is invalid. Needs to be positive and not larger than 100.";
            throw exc;

        bool varyNEff = false;
        bool varySumMNu = false;

        for(int i = 3; i < argc; ++i)
            if(std::string(argv[i]) == "neff")
                varyNEff = true;
            if(std::string(argv[i]) == "sum_mnu")
                varySumMNu = true;

        int nPar = 4 + 2 * (nKnots + 2) - 2;

            output_screen("Varying N_eff!" << std::endl);
            output_screen("N_eff not being varied. To vary it give \"neff\" as an extra argument." << std::endl);
            output_screen("Varying sum_mnu!" << std::endl);
            output_screen("sum_mnu not being varied. To vary it give \"sum_mnu\" as an extra argument." << std::endl);

        // for A_planck

        const double kMin = 0.8e-6;
        const double kMax = 1.2;
        const double aMin = -2;
        const double aMax = 4;

        std::vector<double> kVals(nKnots + 2);
        std::vector<double> amplitudes(nKnots + 2, 2e-9);

        kVals[0] = kMin;
        kVals.back() = kMax;

        const double deltaLogK = (std::log(kMax) - std::log(kMin)) / (nKnots + 1);

        for(int i = 1; i < kVals.size() - 1; ++i)
            kVals[i] = std::exp(std::log(kMin) + i * deltaLogK);

        SplineWithDegenerateNeutrinosParams params(isLinear, 0.022, 0.12, 0.7, 0.1, kVals, amplitudes, 3.046, 0, 0, varyNEff, varySumMNu);

#ifdef COSMO_PLANCK_15
        PlanckLikelihood planckLike(true, true, true, false, true, false, false, false, 100);

        std::stringstream root;
        root << "knotted_";
            root << "linear_";
            root << "cubic_";
        root << nKnots;
            root << "_neff";
            root << "_summnu";
        PolyChord pc(nPar, planckLike, 300, root.str(), 3 * (4 + (varyNEff ? 1 : 0) + (varySumMNu ? 1 : 0)));

        int paramIndex = 0;

        pc.setParam(paramIndex++, "ombh2", 0.02, 0.025, 1);
        pc.setParam(paramIndex++, "omch2", 0.1, 0.2, 1);
        pc.setParam(paramIndex++, "h", 0.55, 0.85, 1);
        pc.setParam(paramIndex++, "tau", 0.02, 0.20, 1);
            pc.setParam(paramIndex++, "n_eff", 2.0, 5.0, 1);
            pc.setParam(paramIndex++, "sum_mnu", 0.001, 3.0, 1);

        for(int i = 1; i < kVals.size() - 1; ++i)
            std::stringstream paramName;
            paramName << "k_" << i;
            pc.setParamSortedUniform(paramIndex++, paramName.str(), std::log(kMin), std::log(kMax), 0, 2);

        for(int i = 0; i < amplitudes.size(); ++i)
            std::stringstream paramName;
            paramName << "a_" << i;
            pc.setParam(paramIndex++, paramName.str(), aMin, aMax, 2);
#ifdef COSMO_PLANCK_15
        pc.setParamGauss(paramIndex++, "A_planck", 1, 0.0025, 3);
        check(paramIndex == nPar, "");

        const std::vector<double> fracs{0.7, 0.25, 0.05};

    } catch (std::exception& e)
        output_screen("EXCEPTION CAUGHT!!! " << std::endl << e.what() << std::endl);
        output_screen("Terminating!" << std::endl);
        return 1;
    return 0;
예제 #9
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    try {
        StandardException exc;

        // Choose values of the cosmological parameters
        const double h = 0.6704;
        const double omBH2 = 0.022032;
        const double omCH2 = 0.12038;
        const double tau = 0.0925;
        const double ns = 0.9619;
        const double as = 2.2154e-9;
        const double pivot = 0.05;

        const double r = 1e-10;
        const double nt = 0;

        const double nEff = 3.046; 
        const int nMassive = 1;
        const double sumMNu = 0.5;

        // Create an instance of CosmologicalParams. Can use other examples below (just uncomment the appropriate line and comment this line)
        LCDMWithTensorParams params(omBH2, omCH2, h, tau, ns, as, pivot, r, nt, pivot); 
        //LCDMWithDegenerateNeutrinosParams params(omBH2, omCH2, h, tau, ns, as, pivot, nEff, nMassive, sumMNu);
        //LambdaCDMParams params(omBH2, omCH2, h, tau, ns, as, pivot);

        // Choose lMax and create vectors where the resulting cl values will be written
        int lMax = 3000;
        std::vector<double> clTT, clEE, clTE, clPP, clTP, clEP, clBB, clLensedTT, clLensedEE, clLensedTE, clLensedBB;

        // Create a CMB instance.
        CMB cmb;

        output_screen("Pre-initializing CLASS..." << std::endl);
        // pre-initialize cmb
        cmb.preInitialize(lMax, false, false, true, lMax);
        output_screen("OK" << std::endl);

        output_screen("Initializing CLASS..." << std::endl);
        // initialize cmb
        cmb.initialize(params, true, true, true);
        output_screen("OK" << std::endl);

        // get different cl values
        cmb.getCl(&clTT, &clEE, &clTE, &clPP, &clTP, &clEP, &clBB);
        // get different lensed cl values
        cmb.getLensedCl(&clLensedTT, &clLensedEE, &clLensedTE, &clLensedBB);

        // write results into output files
        std::ofstream out("example_files/cl.txt");
        std::ofstream outLensed("example_files/cl_lensed.txt");

        for(int l = 0; l <= lMax; ++l)
            out << l  << ' ' << clTT[l] << ' ' << clEE[l] << ' ' << clTE[l] << ' ' << clPP[l] << ' ' << clTP[l] << ' ' << clEP[l] << ' ' << clBB[l] << std::endl;

        for(int l = 0; l < clLensedTT.size(); ++l)
            outLensed << l << ' ' << clLensedTT[l]  << ' ' << clLensedEE[l] << ' ' << clLensedTE[l] << ' ' << clLensedBB[l] << std::endl;

    } catch (std::exception& e)
        output_screen("EXCEPTION CAUGHT!!! " << std::endl << e.what() << std::endl);
        output_screen("Terminating!" << std::endl);
        return 1;
    return 0;
예제 #10
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    try {
        StandardException exc;
        if(argc < 5)
            std::string exceptionStr = "Input chain file, the indices of the two parameters for the contour plot (starting from 1), the output file, and the posterior resolution (i.e. number of points, optional, default = 100) must be specified.";
            throw exc;

        std::stringstream paramsStr;
        paramsStr << argv[2] << ' ' << argv[3];
        int p1, p2;
        paramsStr >> p1 >> p2;

        if(p1 <= 0)
            std::stringstream exceptionStr;
            exceptionStr << "Invalid parameter index " << argv[2] << ". Needs to be a positive integer.";
            throw exc;

        if(p2 <= 0)
            std::stringstream exceptionStr;
            exceptionStr << "Invalid parameter index " << argv[3] << ". Needs to be a positive integer.";
            throw exc;

        int res = 100;
        if(argc > 5)
            std::stringstream resStr;
            resStr << argv[5];
            resStr >> res;

            if(res <= 0)
                std::stringstream exceptionStr;
                exceptionStr << "Invalid resolution " << argv[5] << ". Needs to be a positive integer.";
                throw exc;

        std::vector<ChainElement> chain;

        std::ifstream in(argv[1]);
            std::stringstream exceptionStr;
            exceptionStr << "Input chain file " << argv[1] << " cannot be read.";
            throw exc;

        const int n = (p1 > p2 ? p1 : p2);

        output_screen("Reading the chain..." << std::endl);
        double maxP = 0;
            std::string s;
            std::getline(in, s);
            if(s == "")

            ChainElement e;
            std::stringstream str(s);
            str >> e.p >> e.like;
            for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                str >> e.params[i];

            if(e.p > maxP)
                maxP = e.p;


        output_screen("OK" << std::endl);

        const double minP = maxP * 1e-6;

        output_screen("Creating the posterior distributions..." << std::endl);
        double min1 = 1e100, max1 = -1e100, min2 = 1e100, max2 = -1e100;
        for(unsigned long i = 0; i < chain.size(); ++i)
            const ChainElement& e = chain[i];
            if(e.p < minP)

            if(e.params[p1] < min1)
                min1 = e.params[p1];

            if(e.params[p1] > max1)
                max1 = e.params[p1];

            if(e.params[p2] < min2)
                min2 = e.params[p2];

            if(e.params[p2] > max2)
                max2 = e.params[p2];
        const double d1 = (max1 - min1) / res;
        const double d2 = (max2 - min2) / res;
        std::vector<double> x(res), y(res);
        for(int i = 0; i < res; ++i)
            x[i] = min1 + d1 * i + d1 / 2;
            y[i] = min2 + d2 * i + d2 / 2;
        std::vector<std::vector<double> > z(res);
        for(int i = 0; i < res; ++i)
            z[i].resize(res, 0.0);

        double totalP = 0;
        for(unsigned long i = 0; i < chain.size(); ++i)
            const ChainElement& e = chain[i];
            if(e.p < minP)

            const double param1 = e.params[p1];
            check(param1 >= min1, "");
            int j1 = (int)std::floor((param1 - min1) / d1);
            check(j1 >= 0, "");
            if(j1 >= res)
                j1 = res - 1;

            const double param2 = e.params[p2];
            check(param2 >= min2, "");
            int j2 = (int)std::floor((param2 - min2) / d2);
            check(j2 >= 0, "");
            if(j2 >= res)
                j2 = res - 1;

            z[j1][j2] += e.p;
            totalP += e.p;
        output_screen("OK" << std::endl);

        output_screen("Writing the output..." << std::endl);
        std::ofstream out(argv[4]);
            std::stringstream exceptionStr;
            exceptionStr << "Cannot write into the output file " << argv[4] << ".";
            throw exc;

        double prob = 0;
        unsigned long i = 0;
        while(prob < 1 - 1e-5 && i < chain.size())
            if(chain[i].p > minP)
                out << chain[i].params[p1 - 1] << ' ' << chain[i].params[p2 - 1] << ' ' << prob << std::endl;
            prob += chain[i].p;
        output_screen("OK" << std::endl);
    } catch (std::exception& e)
예제 #11
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    //bool isLinear = true;
    //if(argv[1][0] == 'c')
    //    isLinear = false;

    //const int nKnots = std::atoi(argv[2]);

    //bool varyNEff = false;
    //bool varySumMNu = false;

    //for(int i = 3; i < argc; ++i)
    //    if(std::string(argv[i]) == "neff")
    //        varyNEff = true;
    //    if(std::string(argv[i]) == "sum_mnu")
    //        varySumMNu = true;

    //int nPar = 4 + 2 * (nKnots + 2) - 2;
    //    output_screen("Using a linear spline primordial power spectrum!" << std::endl);

    //    ++nPar;
    //    output_screen("Varying N_eff!" << std::endl);
    //    ++nPar;
    //    output_screen("Varying sum_mnu!" << std::endl);

    // Choose values of the cosmological parameters
    const double h = 0.702;
    const double omBH2 = 0.02262;
    const double omCH2 = 0.1138;
    const double tau = 0.088;
    const double ns = 0.9655;
    const double as = 2.1955e-9;
    const double pivot = 0.05;
    const int nMassive = 0;
    const double nEff = 3.046;
    const double sumMNu = 0.0;

    //const double kMin = 0.8e-6;
    //const double kMax = 1.2;
    //const double aMin = 2.9;
    //const double aMax = 3.6;
    //std::vector<double> kVals(nKnots + 2);
    //std::vector<double> amplitudes(nKnots + 2);

    //kVals[0] = kMin;
    //kVals.back() = kMax;

    //const double deltaLogK = (std::log(kMax) - std::log(kMin)) / (nKnots + 1);

    //for(int i = 1; i < kVals.size() - 1; ++i)
    //    kVals[i] = std::exp(std::log(kMin) + i * deltaLogK);
    //for(int i = 0; i < amplitudes.size(); ++i)
    //    amplitudes[i] = as * pow(kVals[i]/pivot, ns - 1.0);

    //const double h = ;
    //const double omBH2 = ;
    //const double omCH2 = ;
    //const double tau = ;
    //std::vector<double> kVals {0.8e-6, std::exp(), std:exp(), 1.2};
    //std::vector<double> amplitudes {std::exp()/1e10, std::exp()/1e10, std::exp()/1e10, std::exp()/1e10};
    //const int nMassive = 1;
    //const double nEff = ;
    //const double sumMNu = ;

    // Does not work:

    //const double h = 0.694561;
    //const double omBH2 = 0.0246605;
    //const double omCH2 = 0.115974;
    //const double tau = 0.0650107;
    //std::vector<double> kVals {0.8e-6, std::exp(-12.0654), std:exp(-5.22511), 1.2};
    //std::vector<double> amplitudes {std::exp(3.30985)/1e10, std::exp(3.0059)/1e10, std::exp(3.19711)/1e10, std::exp(2.91141)/1e10};
    //const int nMassive = 1;
    //const double nEff = 3.99409;
    //const double sumMNu = 0.796424;

    //const double h = 0.695958;
    //const double omBH2 = 0.0207389;
    //const double omCH2 = 0.121261;
    //const double tau = 0.0866845;
    //std::vector<double> kVals {0.8e-6, std::exp(-5.38061), std:exp(-1.61162), 1.2};
    //std::vector<double> amplitudes {std::exp(3.99405)/1e10, std::exp(3.1774)/1e10, std::exp(3.13913)/1e10, std::exp(3.64804)/1e10};
    //const int nMassive = 1;
    //const double nEff = 2.40787;
    //const double sumMNu = 0.329839;

    output_screen("Creating instance of cosmological parameters..." << std::endl);
    // Create cosmological params
    LambdaCDMParams params(omBH2, omCH2, h, tau, ns, as, pivot);
    //SplineWithDegenerateNeutrinosParams params(isLinear, omBH2, omCH2, h, tau, kVals, amplitudes, nEff, nMassive, sumMNu, varyNEff, varySumMNu);

    output_screen("Initializing LRG DR7 likelihood..." << std::endl);
    //Cosmo cosmo;
    //cosmo.preInitialize(3500, false, true, false, 0, 100, 1e-6, 1);

    std::string datapath = "/Volumes/Data1/ncanac/cosmopp_neutrinos";

    // Create likelihood
    CombinedLikelihood lrgLike(datapath, false, false, false, true, false);
    //LRGDR7Likelihood lrgLike(datapath, cosmo);
    output_screen("Setting the cosmological parameters for likelihood calculation..." << std::endl);
    // Set the cosmological parameters

    output_screen("Calculating the likelihood..." << std::endl);
    // Calculate likelihood
    double lnlike = lrgLike.likelihood();

    // Output the likelihood
    output_screen("Likelihood = " << lnlike/2.0 << std::endl);

    return 0;