Prop *Prop::AllocTextAlign(AlignAttr align) { Prop p(PropTextAlign); p.textAlign = align; return UniqifyProp(p); }
double MxSegment<DIM>::volumeFraction(const MxShape<DIM> & aShape, const MxDimVector<double, DIM> & midPt) const { MxDimVector<double, DIM> p1(midPt + 0.5 * len * dir); MxDimVector<double, DIM> p2(midPt - 0.5 * len * dir); double f1 = aShape.func(p1); double f2 = aShape.func(p2); int f1s = MxUtil::sign(f1); int f2s = MxUtil::sign(f2); if ((f1s == 1 and f2s != -1) or (f2s == 1 and f1s != -1)) { return 1; } else if ((f1s == -1 and f2s != 1) or (f2s == -1 and f1s != 1)) { return 0; } else if (f1s == 0 and f2s == 0) { return MxUtil::sign(aShape.func(midPt)) == 1 ? 1 : 0; } else { // bracketing MxDimVector<double, DIM> p(MxUtil::rootFind<MxShape<DIM>, DIM>(aShape, p1, p2, 1.e-12, 20)); if (f1s == 1) return (p - p1).norm() / len; else return (p - p2).norm() / len; } #if 0 if ((f1 > MxUtil::dEps and f2 > -MxUtil::dEps) or (f2 > MxUtil::dEps and f1 > -MxUtil::dEps)) return 1.0; // one in, other in or on else if ((f1 < -MxUtil::dEps and f2 < MxUtil::dEps) or (f2 < -MxUtil::dEps and f1 < MxUtil::dEps)) return 0.0; // one out, other out or on else if (fabs(f1) < MxUtil::dEps and fabs(f2) < MxUtil::dEps) { // both on if (aShape.func(midPt) > MxUtil::dEps) return 1.0; else return 0.0; } else { // bracketing MxDimVector<double, DIM> p(MxUtil::rootFind<MxShape<DIM>, DIM>(aShape, p1, p2, 1.e-12, 20)); if (f1 > MxUtil::dEps) return (p - p1).norm() / len; else return (p - p2).norm() / len; } #endif #if 0 if (f1 * f2 > 0.0) { if (f1 > 0.0) return 1.0; else return 0.0; } else if (f1 == 0.0 and f2 == 0.0) { if (aShape.func(midPt) > 0.0) return 1.0; else return 0.0; } else if (f1 * f2 == 0.0) { if (f1 > 0.0 or f2 > 0.0) return 1.0; else return 0.0; } else { MxDimVector<double, DIM> p(MxUtil::rootFind<MxShape<DIM>, DIM>(aShape, p1, p2, 1.e-12, 20)); if (f1 > 0.0) return (p - p1).norm() / len; else return (p - p2).norm() / len; } #endif }
unsigned int IOFactory::findPlugins( const std::string &path ) { boost::filesystem::path p( path ); if ( !exists( p ) ) { LOG( Runtime, warning ) << util::MSubject( p ) << " not found"; return 0; } if ( !boost::filesystem::is_directory( p ) ) { LOG( Runtime, warning ) << util::MSubject( p ) << " is no directory"; return 0; } LOG( Runtime, info ) << "Scanning " << util::MSubject( p ) << " for plugins"; boost::regex pluginFilter( std::string( "^" ) + DL_PREFIX + "isisImageFormat_" + "[[:word:]]+" + DL_SUFFIX + "$", boost::regex::perl | boost::regex::icase ); unsigned int ret = 0; for ( boost::filesystem::directory_iterator itr( p ); itr != boost::filesystem::directory_iterator(); ++itr ) { if ( boost::filesystem::is_directory( *itr ) )continue; if ( boost::regex_match( itr->path().filename().string(), pluginFilter ) ) { const std::string pluginName = itr->path().native(); #ifdef WIN32 HINSTANCE handle = LoadLibrary( pluginName.c_str() ); #else void *handle = dlopen( pluginName.c_str(), RTLD_NOW ); #endif if ( handle ) { #ifdef WIN32 image_io::FileFormat* ( *factory_func )() = ( image_io::FileFormat * ( * )() )GetProcAddress( handle, "factory" ); #else image_io::FileFormat* ( *factory_func )() = ( image_io::FileFormat * ( * )() )dlsym( handle, "factory" ); #endif if ( factory_func ) { FileFormatPtr io_class( factory_func(), _internal::pluginDeleter( handle, pluginName ) ); if ( registerFileFormat( io_class ) ) { io_class->plugin_file = pluginName; ret++; } else { LOG( Runtime, warning ) << "failed to register plugin " << util::MSubject( pluginName ); } } else { #ifdef WIN32 LOG( Runtime, warning ) << "could not get format factory function from " << util::MSubject( pluginName ); FreeLibrary( handle ); #else LOG( Runtime, warning ) << "could not get format factory function from " << util::MSubject( pluginName ) << ":" << util::MSubject( dlerror() ); dlclose( handle ); #endif } } else #ifdef WIN32 LOG( Runtime, warning ) << "Could not load library " << util::MSubject( pluginName ); #else LOG( Runtime, warning ) << "Could not load library " << util::MSubject( pluginName ) << ":" << util::MSubject( dlerror() ); #endif } else { LOG( Runtime, verbose_info ) << "Ignoring " << *itr << " because it doesn't match " << pluginFilter.str(); } } return ret; }
void StatsGauge::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* event ) { QPainter p( this ); p.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing ); p.setClipRect( event->rect() ); QSize gaugeSize = m_sizeHint - QSize( 0, 40 ); QPen pen( TomahawkStyle::NOW_PLAYING_ITEM.lighter() ); pen.setWidth( 16 ); p.setPen( pen ); int fullCircle = 16 * 360; p.drawArc( QRect( 12, 12, gaugeSize.width() - 24, gaugeSize.height() - 24 ), 4*360, (int)( -1.0 * (float)fullCircle * ( invertedAppearance() ? ( 1.0 - m_percentage ) : m_percentage ) ) ); pen = QPen( TomahawkStyle::NOW_PLAYING_ITEM.darker() ); pen.setWidth( 6 ); p.setPen( pen ); QBrush brush( QColor( "#252020" ) ); p.setBrush( brush ); p.drawEllipse( QRect( 28, 28, gaugeSize.width() - 56, gaugeSize.height() - 56 ) ); pen = QPen( Qt::white ); p.setPen( pen ); QFont font = p.font(); font.setWeight( QFont::Black ); if ( value() <= 999 ) font.setPixelSize( 60 ); else font.setPixelSize( 44 ); p.setFont( font ); QRect textRect( 0, gaugeSize.height() / 2 - 14, gaugeSize.width(), 62 ); p.drawText( textRect, Qt::AlignCenter, value() > 0 ? QString::number( value() ) : "-" ); pen = QPen( QColor( "#8b8b8b" ) ); p.setPen( pen ); font = p.font(); font.setWeight( QFont::Black ); font.setPixelSize( 16 ); p.setFont( font ); textRect = QRect( 0, gaugeSize.height() / 2 - 32, gaugeSize.width(), 20 ); p.drawText( textRect, Qt::AlignCenter, maximum() > 0 ? tr( "out of %1" ).arg( maximum() ) : "-" ); if ( !m_text.isEmpty() ) { pen = QPen( Qt::white ); p.setPen( pen ); font = p.font(); font.setWeight( QFont::DemiBold ); font.setPixelSize( 16 ); p.setFont( font ); QColor figColor( "#3e3e3e" ); p.setBrush( figColor ); QFontMetrics fm( font ); int textWidth = fm.width( m_text ); textRect = QRect( m_sizeHint.width() / 2 - ( textWidth / 2 + 12 ), m_sizeHint.height() - 32, textWidth + 24, 28 ); TomahawkUtils::drawBackgroundAndNumbers( &p, m_text, textRect ); } }
void ContextTile::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QStyleOption o; o.initFrom(this); QPainter p(this); style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Widget, &o, &p, this); }
void DiagramCanvas::paint_all( QRect& r ) { int i; QPainter p( &buffer ); QPen pen; QBrush brush; QPointArray a; QColor color; QRegion mask, crossing_disk; set<double>::iterator dbl_it; for ( i=0; i<crossingList.size(); ++i ) { Crossing *c = crossingList[i]; c->under->underpasses.insert( c->under->underpasses.end(), c->position_on_understrand ); } for ( i=0; i<edgeList.size(); ++i ) { Edge *e = edgeList[i]; pen.setWidth( e->thickness ); pen.setColor( CANVAS ); p.setPen( pen ); QPoint v, v1, v2, p1, p2 ; p1 = e->vertex[begin]->position; p2 = e->vertex[end]->position; p.drawLine( p1, p2 ); /* if (e->edge_type==singular) { v = p1 - p2; v1.setX( v.x() - v.y() ); v1.setY( v.x() + v.y() ); v2.setX( v.x() + v.y() ); v2.setY( -v.x() + v.y() ); v1 = 5 * v1 / sqrt( double (v1.x() * v1.x() + v1.y() * v1.y()) ); v2 = 5 * v2 / sqrt( double (v2.x() * v2.x() + v2.y() * v2.y()) ); v = v / 2; pen.setWidth( ARROW ); p.setPen( pen ); p.drawLine( p2+v, p2+v1+v ); p.drawLine( p2+v, p2+v2+v ); } */ } for ( i=0; i<edgeList.size(); ++i ) { Edge *e = edgeList[i]; color = (e->edge_type == drilled) ? DRILLED : colorList[e->arc_id % 18 ]; pen.setWidth( e->thickness ); pen.setColor( color ); p.setPen( pen ); brush.setColor( color ); brush.setStyle( SolidPattern ); p.setBrush( brush ); if ( e->underpasses.size() > 0 ) { p.setClipping( TRUE ); mask = QRegion( 0, 0, width(), height(), QRegion::Rectangle ); for ( dbl_it=e->underpasses.begin(); dbl_it!=e->underpasses.end(); ++dbl_it ) { QPoint center = time_to_point( e, *dbl_it ); crossing_disk = QRegion( center.x()-7, center.y()-7, 14, 14 , QRegion::Ellipse ); mask -= crossing_disk; } p.setClipRegion( mask ); QPoint v, v1, v2, p1, p2 ; p1 = e->vertex[begin]->position; p2 = e->vertex[end]->position; p.drawLine( p1, p2 ); /* if (e->edge_type==singular) { v = p1 - p2; v1.setX( v.x() - v.y() ); v1.setY( v.x() + v.y() ); v2.setX( v.x() + v.y() ); v2.setY( -v.x() + v.y() ); v1 = 5 * v1 / sqrt( double (v1.x() * v1.x() + v1.y() * v1.y()) ); v2 = 5 * v2 / sqrt( double (v2.x() * v2.x() + v2.y() * v2.y()) ); v = v / 2; pen.setWidth( ARROW ); p.setPen( pen ); p.drawLine( p2+v, p2+v1+v ); p.drawLine( p2+v, p2+v2+v ); } */ p.setClipping( FALSE ); } else { QPoint v, v1, v2, p1, p2 ; p1 = e->vertex[begin]->position; p2 = e->vertex[end]->position; p.drawLine( p1, p2 ); /* if (e->edge_type==singular) { v = p1 - p2; v1.setX( v.x() - v.y() ); v1.setY( v.x() + v.y() ); v2.setX( v.x() + v.y() ); v2.setY( -v.x() + v.y() ); v1 = 5 * v1 / sqrt( double (v1.x() * v1.x() + v1.y() * v1.y()) ); v2 = 5 * v2 / sqrt( double (v2.x() * v2.x() + v2.y() * v2.y()) ); v = v / 2; pen.setWidth( ARROW ); p.setPen( pen ); p.drawLine( p2+v, p2+v1+v ); p.drawLine( p2+v, p2+v2+v ); } */ } e->underpasses.clear(); } p.end(); bitBlt( this, r.x(), r.y(), &buffer, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height() ); }
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static int cxChar, cxCaps, cyChar, cyClient, iVscrollPos ; HDC hdc ; int i, y ; PAINTSTRUCT ps ; // TCHAR szBuffer[10] ; TEXTMETRIC tm ; static int LoadDLLTag=0; static int poehackTag=0; static BOOL show_flag=TRUE; switch (message) { case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: if(LoadDLLTag==1) { show_flag=!show_flag; InvalidateRect (hwnd, NULL, TRUE) ; return 0; } LoadDLLTag=1; PoeIntercept(hwnd); /* typedef void(*pExecute)(DWORD); pExecute p; p=(pExecute)GetProcAddress(poehackModule,"Execute"); if(p) p((DWORD)hwnd); */ return 0; case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: if(poehackTag==1){ return 0; } char dllFullName[10240]; GetCurrentDirectory(255, dllFullName); strcpy(dllFullName, "c:\\bot\\d3\\poehack.dll"); poehackModule = LoadLibrary(dllFullName); if(!poehackModule) _showinfo("poehack load failed: %s",dllFullName); else { _showinfo("poehack loaded"); poehackTag=1; } if(!_PassValueAddr) _PassValueAddr=(pPassValue)GetProcAddress(poehackModule,"PassValue"); _showinfo("_PassValueAddr %x",_PassValueAddr); return 0; case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: if(poehackTag==0) return 0; = DO_UNLOAD; if(_PassValueAddr) _PassValueAddr(&_value); /* typedef void(*pUnload)(); pUnload p; p=(pUnload)GetProcAddress(poehackModule,"Unload"); if(p) p(); */ FreeLibrary(poehackModule); poehackModule=NULL; _PassValueAddr=NULL; _showinfo("poehack unloaded"); poehackTag=0; return 0; case WM_CREATE: hdc = GetDC (hwnd) ; GetTextMetrics (hdc, &tm) ; cxChar = tm.tmAveCharWidth ; cxCaps = (tm.tmPitchAndFamily & 1 ? 3 : 2) * cxChar / 2 ; cyChar = tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading ; ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc) ; SetScrollRange (hwnd, SB_VERT, 0, NUMLINES - 1, FALSE) ; SetScrollPos (hwnd, SB_VERT, iVscrollPos, TRUE) ; _window_up=TRUE; return 0 ; case WM_SIZE: cyClient = HIWORD (lParam) ; return 0 ; case WM_VSCROLL: switch (LOWORD (wParam)) { case SB_LINEUP: iVscrollPos -= 1 ; break ; case SB_LINEDOWN: iVscrollPos += 1 ; break ; case SB_PAGEUP: iVscrollPos -= cyClient / cyChar ; break ; case SB_PAGEDOWN: iVscrollPos += cyClient / cyChar ; break ; case SB_THUMBPOSITION: iVscrollPos = HIWORD (wParam) ; break ; default : break ; } iVscrollPos = max (0, min (iVscrollPos, NUMLINES - 1)) ; if (iVscrollPos != GetScrollPos (hwnd, SB_VERT)) { SetScrollPos (hwnd, SB_VERT, iVscrollPos, TRUE) ; InvalidateRect (hwnd, NULL, TRUE) ; } return 0 ; case WM_PAINT: if(show_flag) { hdc = BeginPaint (hwnd, &ps) ; for (i = 0 ; i < NUMLINES ; i++) { int len= strlen (display_buf[i].text) ; if(len==0) continue; y = cyChar * (i - iVscrollPos) ; TextOut (hdc, 0, y, display_buf[i].text, strlen (display_buf[i].text)) ; } EndPaint (hwnd, &ps) ; } else { typedef void(*pDrawMap)(HWND); pDrawMap p; p=(pDrawMap)GetProcAddress(poehackModule,"DrawMap"); if(p) p(hwnd); } return 0 ; case WM_DESTROY: _window_up=FALSE; PostQuitMessage (0) ; return 0 ; } return DefWindowProc (hwnd, message, wParam, lParam) ; }
bool Bass::executeInstruction(Instruction& i) { activeInstruction = &i; string s = i.statement; evaluateDefines(s); if(s.match("macro ?*(*) {") || s.match("global macro ?*(*) {")) { bool local = s.beginsWith("global ") == false; s.ltrim<1>("global "); s.trim<1>("macro ", ") {"); lstring p = s.split<1>("("); bool scoped = p(0).beginsWith("scope "); p(0).ltrim<1>("scope "); lstring a = p(1).empty() ? lstring{} : p(1).qsplit(",").strip(); setMacro(p(0), a, ip, scoped, local); ip = i.ip; return true; } if(s.match("define ?*(*)") || s.match("global define ?*(*)")) { bool local = s.beginsWith("global ") == false; s.ltrim<1>("global "); lstring p = s.trim<1>("define ", ")").split<1>("("); setDefine(p(0), p(1), local); return true; } if(s.match("evaluate ?*(*)") || s.match("global evaluate ?*(*)")) { bool local = s.beginsWith("global ") == false; s.ltrim<1>("global "); lstring p = s.trim<1>("evaluate ", ")").split<1>("("); setDefine(p(0), evaluate(p(1)), local); return true; } if(s.match("variable ?*(*)") || s.match("global variable ?*(*)")) { bool local = s.beginsWith("global ") == false; s.ltrim<1>("global "); lstring p = s.trim<1>("variable ", ")").split<1>("("); setVariable(p(0), evaluate(p(1)), local); return true; } if(s.match("if ?* {")) { s.trim<1>("if ", " {").strip(); bool match = evaluate(s, Evaluation::Strict); ifStack.append(match); if(match == false) { ip = i.ip; } return true; } if(s.match("} else if ?* {")) { if(ifStack.last()) { ip = i.ip; } else { s.trim<1>("} else if ", " {").strip(); bool match = evaluate(s, Evaluation::Strict); ifStack.last() = match; if(match == false) { ip = i.ip; } } return true; } if(s.match("} else {")) { if(ifStack.last()) { ip = i.ip; } else { ifStack.last() = true; } return true; } if(s.match("} endif")) { ifStack.removeLast(); return true; } if(s.match("while ?* {")) { s.trim<1>("while ", " {").strip(); bool match = evaluate(s, Evaluation::Strict); if(match == false) ip = i.ip; return true; } if(s.match("} endwhile")) { ip = i.ip; return true; } if(s.match("?*(*)")) { lstring p = string{s}.rtrim<1>(")").split<1>("("); lstring a = p(1).empty() ? lstring{} : p(1).qsplit(",").strip(); string name = {p(0), ":", a.size()}; //arity overloading if(auto macro = findMacro({name})) { struct Parameter { enum class Type : unsigned { Define, Variable } type; string name; string value; }; vector<Parameter> parameters; for(unsigned n = 0; n < a.size(); n++) { lstring p = macro().parameters(n).split<1>(" ").strip(); if(p.size() == 1) p.prepend("define"); if(p(0) == "define") parameters.append({Parameter::Type::Define, p(1), a(n)}); else if(p(0) == "string") parameters.append({Parameter::Type::Define, p(1), text(a(n))}); else if(p(0) == "evaluate") parameters.append({Parameter::Type::Define, p(1), evaluate(a(n))}); else if(p(0) == "variable") parameters.append({Parameter::Type::Variable, p(1), evaluate(a(n))}); else error("unsupported parameter type: ", p(0)); } StackFrame frame; stackFrame.append(frame); stackFrame.last().ip = ip; stackFrame.last().scoped = macro().scoped; if(macro().scoped) { scope.append(p(0)); } setDefine("#", {"_", macroInvocationCounter++}, true); for(auto& parameter : parameters) { if(parameter.type == Parameter::Type::Define) setDefine(, parameter.value, true); if(parameter.type == Parameter::Type::Variable) setVariable(, integer(parameter.value), true); } ip = macro().ip; return true; } } if(s.match("} endmacro")) { ip = stackFrame.last().ip; if(stackFrame.last().scoped) scope.removeLast(); stackFrame.removeLast(); return true; } if(assemble(s)) { return true; } evaluate(s); return true; }
void AGXContinuousTrack::createTrackConstraint() { AGXLinkPtr agxFootLinkStart = _feet[0]; AGXLinkPtr agxFootLinkEnd = _feet[_feet.size() - 1]; // Connect footLinkStart and footLinkEnd with Hinge // Create Hinge with world coordination LinkPtr link = agxFootLinkStart->getOrgLink(); const Vector3& a = link->a(); // local const Vector3 aw = link->attitude() * a; // world const Vector3& p = link->p(); // world AGXHingeDesc hd; hd.frameAxis = agx::Vec3(aw(0), aw(1), aw(2)); hd.frameCenter = agx::Vec3(p(0), p(1), p(2)); hd.rigidBodyA = agxFootLinkStart->getAGXRigidBody(); hd.rigidBodyB = agxFootLinkEnd->getAGXRigidBody(); hd.motor.enable = false; hd.lock.enable = false; hd.range.enable = false; agx::ConstraintRef constraint = AGXObjectFactory::createConstraint(hd); link->setJointType(Link::ROTATIONAL_JOINT); agxFootLinkStart->setAGXConstraint(constraint); getAGXBody()->getAGXScene()->getSimulation()->add(constraint); // Create PlaneJoint to prvent the track falling off // Create joint with parent(example:chasis) coordination const Vector3& b = link->b(); const agx::Vec3 a0 = agx::Vec3(a(0), a(1), a(2)); // Rotate axis of track. local const agx::Vec3& b0 = agx::Vec3(b(0), b(1), b(2)); // Vector from parent to footLinkStart const agx::Vec3& p0 = (a0 * b0) * a0; // Middle position of track(projection vector of b0 to a0). local agx::Vec3 nx = agx::Vec3::Z_AXIS().cross(a0); // Check a0 is parallel to Z. X-Y consists plane joint. agx::OrthoMatrix3x3 rotation; if (nx.normalize() > 1.0e-6) { nx.normal(); rotation.setColumn(0, nx); agx::Vec3 ny = a0.cross(nx); ny.normal(); rotation.setColumn(1, ny); rotation.setColumn(2, a0); } agx::AffineMatrix4x4 af(rotation, p0); AGXPlaneJointDesc pd; pd.frameB = AGXObjectFactory::createFrame(); pd.frameB->setMatrix(af); pd.rigidBodyB = agxFootLinkStart->getAGXParentLink()->getAGXRigidBody(); // Generate collision group name to disable collision between tracks std::stringstream trackCollsionGroupName; trackCollsionGroupName.str(""); trackCollsionGroupName << "SelfCollisionContinuousTrack" << agx::UuidGenerator().generate().str() << std::flush; getAGXBody()->addCollisionGroupNameToDisableCollision(trackCollsionGroupName.str()); for (int i = 0; i < (int)_feet.size(); ++i) { AGXLinkPtr agxLink = _feet[i]; // Add plane joint pd.frameA = AGXObjectFactory::createFrame(); pd.rigidBodyA = agxLink->getAGXRigidBody(); agx::PlaneJointRef pj = AGXObjectFactory::createConstraintPlaneJoint(pd); getAGXBody()->getAGXScene()->getSimulation()->add((agx::ConstraintRef)pj); // Force enable collision between other links agxLink->getAGXGeometry()->removeGroup(getAGXBody()->getCollisionGroupName()); // Disable collision between tracks agxLink->getAGXGeometry()->addGroup(trackCollsionGroupName.str()); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { bool error = false; uint8_t buffer[256]; uint16_t bufferSize = 256; StreamParser p(streamReader, buffer, bufferSize, handlers, 1, NULL); while(p.parse() >= 0); int16_t theInt = 400; float theFloat = 213423.23466432; uint16_t functionID = 1; char *stri = (char *)"hello world"; uint8_t indexTable[] = { Object::T_UINT16, Object::T_INT16, Object::T_STRING, Object::T_FLOAT, Object::T_INT32, Object::T_INT64, (uint8_t)(strlen(stri) + 1) }; Object o(indexTable, 6); uint8_t dataBuffer[o.getDataSize()]; o.setDataBuffer(dataBuffer); o.uint16At(0, functionID); //function id o.int16At(1, theInt); //payload argument o.strAt(2, stri, strlen(stri) + 1); if(!o.floatAt(3, theFloat)) { printf("Failed to set float value\n"); } o.int32At(4, 345589619); o.int64At(5, 9384760934765065ll); if(o.int64At(5) != 9384760934765065ll) { printf("Retrieved int64 does not equal actual A:%lld, R:%lld\n", (long long int)9384760934765065ll, (long long int)o.int64At(5)); } if(o.int32At(4) != 345589619) { printf("Retrieved int32 does not equal actual\n"); } if(o.floatAt(3) != theFloat) { printf("Retrieved float does not equal actual A:%f, R:%f\n", theFloat, o.floatAt(3)); } if(o.int16At(1) != theInt) { printf("Retrieved int does not equal actual A:%d R:%d\n", theInt, o.int16At(1)); } StreamParser::PacketHeader ph = StreamParser::makePacket(16, o.getSize()); printf("generated packet: "); printHex(&ph, sizeof(ph)); o.writeTo(writer, NULL); printf("\n"); testBuffer = ((uint8_t *)(&ph)); testBufferSize = sizeof(StreamParser::PacketHeader); testBufferIndex = 0; printf("rpc call: "); if(, "cCds", -10, 10, 320, "hello world") <= 0) { printf("error doing rpc call"); } printf("\n"); if(error) { printf("FAIELD: Object & RPC buffer tests\n"); } else { printf("PASSED: Object & RPC buffer tests\n"); } printf("Calling socket tests\n"); socketTest(); printf("PASSED: Socket Tests\n"); }
//! called if an event happened. bool MainMenu::onEvent(const NEvent& event) { if (isEnabled()) { switch(event.EventType) { case sEventGui: switch(event.GuiEvent.EventType) { case guiElementFocusLost: if (event.GuiEvent.Caller == this && !isMyChild(event.GuiEvent.Element)) { closeAllSubMenus_(); setHoverIndex_( -1 ); } break; case guiElementFocused: if (event.GuiEvent.Caller == this ) { bringToFront(); } break; default: break; } break; case sEventMouse: switch(event.MouseEvent.Event) { case mouseLbtnPressed: { if (!getEnvironment()->hasFocus(this)) { getEnvironment()->setFocus(this); } bringToFront(); Point p(event.MouseEvent.getPosition() ); bool shouldCloseSubMenu = hasOpenSubMenu_(); if (!getAbsoluteClippingRect().isPointInside(p)) { shouldCloseSubMenu = false; } isHighlighted_( event.MouseEvent.getPosition(), true); if ( shouldCloseSubMenu ) { getEnvironment()->removeFocus(this); } return true; } case mouseLbtnRelease: { Point p(event.MouseEvent.getPosition() ); if (!getAbsoluteClippingRect().isPointInside(p)) { int t = sendClick_(p); if ((t==0 || t==1) && isFocused()) removeFocus(); } return true; } case mouseMoved: { if (getEnvironment()->hasFocus(this) && getHoveredIndex() >= 0) { int oldHighLighted = getHoveredIndex(); isHighlighted_( event.MouseEvent.getPosition(), true); if ( getHoveredIndex() < 0 ) { setHoverIndex_( oldHighLighted ); // keep last hightlight active when moving outside the area } } return true; } default: break; } break; default: break; } } return Widget::onEvent(event); }
void toPieChart::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter p(this); paintChart(&p, QRect(0, 0, width(), height())); }
int main() { GetPsig p("test"); }
void Particle::setThreeMomentum(const double px, const double py, const double pz) { ThreeVector p(px, py, pz); this->setThreeMomentum(p); }
// fix shadowing problem in OS X void MainWindow::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *event) { QPainter p( this ); p.setCompositionMode( QPainter::CompositionMode_Clear ); p.fillRect( this->rect(), Qt::transparent ); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); if(argc<3){ std::cout<<"This node is intend to use offline"<<std::endl<<"provide a logfile (produced with the dumpernode) and the output calibration file you want"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"example:"<<std::endl<<"offlineCalibration <input log filename> <output calibration filename>"<<std::endl; return 0; } float c0,c1,c2,c3=0; c0=1.0f; if(argc==7){ c3=atof(argv[3]); c2=atof(argv[4]); c1=atof(argv[5]); c0=atof(argv[6]); std::cout<<"polynomial coeffs: d^3*"<<c3<<" + d^2*"<<c2<<" + d*"<<c1<<" + "<<c0<<std::endl; } std::fstream log;[1]); string topic; int height; int width; log >> topic; log >> height; log >> width; Matrix3f k; log >> k(0,0); log >> k(0,1); log >> k(0,2); log >> k(1,0); log >> k(1,1); log >> k(1,2); log >> k(2,0); log >> k(2,1); log >> k(2,2); string filename; //calibrationMatrix c(480,640,8000,4,8); int rows =480; int cols = 640; calibrationMatrix c(rows,cols,8000,4,16); //calibrationMatrix c(rows,cols,8000,4,64); while(!log.eof()){ log>>filename; std::cout<< "opening "<<filename<<"\r"<<std::flush; cv::Mat data = cv::imread(filename,cv::IMREAD_ANYDEPTH); pointCloud p(data,k); //VOXELIZER pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>* pcl; pcl=p.pclCloud(); calibration::voxelize(pcl,pcl,20); pointCloud p2(pcl); //CENTER SQUARE CLOUD pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>* square= new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>(); calibration::computeCenterSquareCloud(data,k,square,cols/10,rows/10,c0,c1,c2,c3); //100 100 pointCloud p3(square); //CENTER PLANE Eigen::Vector4f centerModel; calibration::computerCenterPlane(square,centerModel,40); std::cout.flush(); planeCloud centerPlaneCloud; centerPlaneCloud.model=centerModel; Eigen::Vector4f center; pcl::compute3DCentroid(*square,center); //std::cout<<"CENTROID DISTANCE: "<<center[2]<<" ( "<<center.transpose()<<" )"<<std::endl;; //NORMALS pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>* normals= new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>(); calibration::computeNormals(p2.pclCloud(),normals,100); //REJECTION Eigen::Vector3f ref; std::vector<bool> valid; ref<<centerModel[0],centerModel[1],centerModel[2]; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> outFromNormalRejection; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>* tmpCloud =p2.pclCloud(); calibration::pointrejection(&ref,0.7f,tmpCloud,normals,&outFromNormalRejection,&valid); //pointCloud outFromNormalRejectionCloud(&outFromNormalRejection); //ERROR PER POINT pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> error; calibration::computeErrorPerPoint(tmpCloud,&error,center.head(3),ref,&valid); //std::cout<<"error cloud has "<<error.size()<<" points"<<std::endl; //std::cout<<"voxel cloud has "<<p2.pclCloud()->size()<<" points"<<std::endl; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>* cloudToCalibrate=p2.pclCloud(); //COMPUTE CALIBRATION MATRIX std::cout.flush(); calibration::computeCalibrationMatrix(*cloudToCalibrate,error,k,&valid,c); std::cout.flush(); //CALIBRATE POINT CLOUD pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> fixedCloud; calibration::calibratePointCloudWithMultipliers(*cloudToCalibrate,fixedCloud,c,k); std::cout.flush(); error.clear(); valid.clear(); error.clear(); cloudToCalibrate->clear(); delete cloudToCalibrate; tmpCloud->clear(); delete tmpCloud;; normals->clear(); outFromNormalRejection.clear(); valid.clear(); delete normals; delete square; pcl->clear(); delete pcl; } std::cout<<std::endl<<"saving "<<std::endl; c.dumpSensorImages(); c.serialize(argv[2]); char nn[500]; std::cout<<"saving nn"<<std::endl; sprintf(nn,"NN_%s",argv[2]); //c.serializeNN(nn); //calibrationMatrix* cc = c.downsample(2,2); //cc->serialize(argv[2]); }
/// Process queued scripts void Map::ScriptsProcess() { if (m_scriptSchedule.empty()) return; ///- Process overdue queued scripts ScriptScheduleMap::iterator iter = m_scriptSchedule.begin(); // ok as multimap is a *sorted* associative container while (!m_scriptSchedule.empty() && (iter->first <= sWorld->GetGameTime())) { ScriptAction const& step = iter->second; Object* source = NULL; if (step.sourceGUID) { switch (GUID_HIPART(step.sourceGUID)) { case HIGHGUID_ITEM: // as well as HIGHGUID_CONTAINER if (Player* player = HashMapHolder<Player>::Find(step.ownerGUID)) source = player->GetItemByGuid(step.sourceGUID); break; case HIGHGUID_UNIT: case HIGHGUID_VEHICLE: source = HashMapHolder<Creature>::Find(step.sourceGUID); break; case HIGHGUID_PET: source = HashMapHolder<Pet>::Find(step.sourceGUID); break; case HIGHGUID_PLAYER: source = HashMapHolder<Player>::Find(step.sourceGUID); break; case HIGHGUID_GAMEOBJECT: source = HashMapHolder<GameObject>::Find(step.sourceGUID); break; case HIGHGUID_CORPSE: source = HashMapHolder<Corpse>::Find(step.sourceGUID); break; case HIGHGUID_MO_TRANSPORT: for (MapManager::TransportSet::iterator iter = sMapMgr->m_Transports.begin(); iter != sMapMgr->m_Transports.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->GetGUID() == step.sourceGUID) { source = *iter; break; } } break; default: sLog->outError("%s source with unsupported high guid (GUID: " UI64FMTD ", high guid: %u).", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str(), step.sourceGUID, GUID_HIPART(step.sourceGUID)); break; } } Object* target = NULL; if (step.targetGUID) { switch (GUID_HIPART(step.targetGUID)) { case HIGHGUID_UNIT: case HIGHGUID_VEHICLE: target = HashMapHolder<Creature>::Find(step.targetGUID); break; case HIGHGUID_PET: target = HashMapHolder<Pet>::Find(step.targetGUID); break; case HIGHGUID_PLAYER: // empty GUID case also target = HashMapHolder<Player>::Find(step.targetGUID); break; case HIGHGUID_GAMEOBJECT: target = HashMapHolder<GameObject>::Find(step.targetGUID); break; case HIGHGUID_CORPSE: target = HashMapHolder<Corpse>::Find(step.targetGUID); break; default: sLog->outError("%s target with unsupported high guid (GUID: " UI64FMTD ", high guid: %u).", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str(), step.targetGUID, GUID_HIPART(step.targetGUID)); break; } } switch (step.script->command) { case SCRIPT_COMMAND_TALK: if (step.script->Talk.ChatType > CHAT_TYPE_WHISPER && step.script->Talk.ChatType != CHAT_MSG_RAID_BOSS_WHISPER) { sLog->outError("%s invalid chat type (%u) specified, skipping.", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str(), step.script->Talk.ChatType); break; } if (step.script->Talk.Flags & SF_TALK_USE_PLAYER) { if (Player* pSource = _GetScriptPlayerSourceOrTarget(source, target, step.script)) { LocaleConstant loc_idx = pSource->GetSession()->GetSessionDbLocaleIndex(); std::string text(sObjectMgr->GetTrinityString(step.script->Talk.TextID, loc_idx)); switch (step.script->Talk.ChatType) { case CHAT_TYPE_SAY: pSource->Say(text, LANG_UNIVERSAL); break; case CHAT_TYPE_YELL: pSource->Yell(text, LANG_UNIVERSAL); break; case CHAT_TYPE_TEXT_EMOTE: case CHAT_TYPE_BOSS_EMOTE: pSource->TextEmote(text); break; case CHAT_TYPE_WHISPER: case CHAT_MSG_RAID_BOSS_WHISPER: { uint64 targetGUID = target ? target->GetGUID() : 0; if (!targetGUID || !IS_PLAYER_GUID(targetGUID)) sLog->outError("%s attempt to whisper to non-player unit, skipping.", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str()); else pSource->Whisper(text, LANG_UNIVERSAL, targetGUID); break; } default: break; // must be already checked at load } } } else { // Source or target must be Creature. if (Creature* cSource = _GetScriptCreatureSourceOrTarget(source, target, step.script)) { uint64 targetGUID = target ? target->GetGUID() : 0; switch (step.script->Talk.ChatType) { case CHAT_TYPE_SAY: cSource->Say(step.script->Talk.TextID, LANG_UNIVERSAL, targetGUID); break; case CHAT_TYPE_YELL: cSource->Yell(step.script->Talk.TextID, LANG_UNIVERSAL, targetGUID); break; case CHAT_TYPE_TEXT_EMOTE: cSource->TextEmote(step.script->Talk.TextID, targetGUID); break; case CHAT_TYPE_BOSS_EMOTE: cSource->MonsterTextEmote(step.script->Talk.TextID, targetGUID, true); break; case CHAT_TYPE_WHISPER: if (!targetGUID || !IS_PLAYER_GUID(targetGUID)) sLog->outError("%s attempt to whisper to non-player unit, skipping.", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str()); else cSource->Whisper(step.script->Talk.TextID, targetGUID); break; case CHAT_MSG_RAID_BOSS_WHISPER: if (!targetGUID || !IS_PLAYER_GUID(targetGUID)) sLog->outError("%s attempt to raidbosswhisper to non-player unit, skipping.", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str()); else cSource->MonsterWhisper(step.script->Talk.TextID, targetGUID, true); break; default: break; // must be already checked at load } } } break; case SCRIPT_COMMAND_EMOTE: // Source or target must be Creature. if (Creature* cSource = _GetScriptCreatureSourceOrTarget(source, target, step.script)) { if (step.script->Emote.Flags & SF_EMOTE_USE_STATE) cSource->SetUInt32Value(UNIT_NPC_EMOTESTATE, step.script->Emote.EmoteID); else cSource->HandleEmoteCommand(step.script->Emote.EmoteID); } break; case SCRIPT_COMMAND_FIELD_SET: // Source or target must be Creature. if (Creature* cSource = _GetScriptCreatureSourceOrTarget(source, target, step.script)) { // Validate field number. if (step.script->FieldSet.FieldID <= OBJECT_FIELD_ENTRY || step.script->FieldSet.FieldID >= cSource->GetValuesCount()) sLog->outError("%s wrong field %u (max count: %u) in object (TypeId: %u, Entry: %u, GUID: %u) specified, skipping.", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str(), step.script->FieldSet.FieldID, cSource->GetValuesCount(), cSource->GetTypeId(), cSource->GetEntry(), cSource->GetGUIDLow()); else cSource->SetUInt32Value(step.script->FieldSet.FieldID, step.script->FieldSet.FieldValue); } break; case SCRIPT_COMMAND_MOVE_TO: // Source or target must be Creature. if (Creature* cSource = _GetScriptCreatureSourceOrTarget(source, target, step.script)) { cSource->SendMonsterMoveWithSpeed(step.script->MoveTo.DestX, step.script->MoveTo.DestY, step.script->MoveTo.DestZ, step.script->MoveTo.TravelTime); cSource->GetMap()->CreatureRelocation(cSource, step.script->MoveTo.DestX, step.script->MoveTo.DestY, step.script->MoveTo.DestZ, 0); } break; case SCRIPT_COMMAND_FLAG_SET: // Source or target must be Creature. if (Creature* cSource = _GetScriptCreatureSourceOrTarget(source, target, step.script)) { // Validate field number. if (step.script->FlagToggle.FieldID <= OBJECT_FIELD_ENTRY || step.script->FlagToggle.FieldID >= cSource->GetValuesCount()) sLog->outError("%s wrong field %u (max count: %u) in object (TypeId: %u, Entry: %u, GUID: %u) specified, skipping.", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str(), step.script->FlagToggle.FieldID, source->GetValuesCount(), source->GetTypeId(), source->GetEntry(), source->GetGUIDLow()); else cSource->SetFlag(step.script->FlagToggle.FieldID, step.script->FlagToggle.FieldValue); } break; case SCRIPT_COMMAND_FLAG_REMOVE: // Source or target must be Creature. if (Creature* cSource = _GetScriptCreatureSourceOrTarget(source, target, step.script)) { // Validate field number. if (step.script->FlagToggle.FieldID <= OBJECT_FIELD_ENTRY || step.script->FlagToggle.FieldID >= cSource->GetValuesCount()) sLog->outError("%s wrong field %u (max count: %u) in object (TypeId: %u, Entry: %u, GUID: %u) specified, skipping.", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str(), step.script->FlagToggle.FieldID, source->GetValuesCount(), source->GetTypeId(), source->GetEntry(), source->GetGUIDLow()); else cSource->RemoveFlag(step.script->FlagToggle.FieldID, step.script->FlagToggle.FieldValue); } break; case SCRIPT_COMMAND_TELEPORT_TO: if (step.script->TeleportTo.Flags & SF_TELEPORT_USE_CREATURE) { // Source or target must be Creature. if (Creature* cSource = _GetScriptCreatureSourceOrTarget(source, target, step.script, true)) cSource->NearTeleportTo(step.script->TeleportTo.DestX, step.script->TeleportTo.DestY, step.script->TeleportTo.DestZ, step.script->TeleportTo.Orientation); } else { // Source or target must be Player. if (Player* pSource = _GetScriptPlayerSourceOrTarget(source, target, step.script)) pSource->TeleportTo(step.script->TeleportTo.MapID, step.script->TeleportTo.DestX, step.script->TeleportTo.DestY, step.script->TeleportTo.DestZ, step.script->TeleportTo.Orientation); } break; case SCRIPT_COMMAND_QUEST_EXPLORED: { if (!source) { sLog->outError("%s source object is NULL.", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str()); break; } if (!target) { sLog->outError("%s target object is NULL.", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str()); break; } // when script called for item spell casting then target == (unit or GO) and source is player WorldObject* worldObject; Player* plrTarget = target->ToPlayer(); if (plrTarget) { if (source->GetTypeId() != TYPEID_UNIT && source->GetTypeId() != TYPEID_GAMEOBJECT && source->GetTypeId() != TYPEID_PLAYER) { sLog->outError("%s source is not unit, gameobject or player (TypeId: %u, Entry: %u, GUID: %u), skipping.", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str(), source->GetTypeId(), source->GetEntry(), source->GetGUIDLow()); break; } worldObject = dynamic_cast<WorldObject*>(source); } else { plrTarget = source->ToPlayer(); if (plrTarget) { if (target->GetTypeId() != TYPEID_UNIT && target->GetTypeId() != TYPEID_GAMEOBJECT && target->GetTypeId() != TYPEID_PLAYER) { sLog->outError("%s target is not unit, gameobject or player (TypeId: %u, Entry: %u, GUID: %u), skipping.", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str(), target->GetTypeId(), target->GetEntry(), target->GetGUIDLow()); break; } worldObject = dynamic_cast<WorldObject*>(target); } else { sLog->outError("%s neither source nor target is player (source: TypeId: %u, Entry: %u, GUID: %u; target: TypeId: %u, Entry: %u, GUID: %u), skipping.", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str(), source->GetTypeId(), source->GetEntry(), source->GetGUIDLow(), target->GetTypeId(), target->GetEntry(), target->GetGUIDLow()); break; } } // quest id and flags checked at script loading if ((worldObject->GetTypeId() != TYPEID_UNIT || ((Unit*)worldObject)->isAlive()) && (step.script->QuestExplored.Distance == 0 || worldObject->IsWithinDistInMap(plrTarget, float(step.script->QuestExplored.Distance)))) plrTarget->AreaExploredOrEventHappens(step.script->QuestExplored.QuestID); else plrTarget->FailQuest(step.script->QuestExplored.QuestID); break; } case SCRIPT_COMMAND_KILL_CREDIT: // Source or target must be Player. if (Player* pSource = _GetScriptPlayerSourceOrTarget(source, target, step.script)) { if (step.script->KillCredit.Flags & SF_KILLCREDIT_REWARD_GROUP) pSource->RewardPlayerAndGroupAtEvent(step.script->KillCredit.CreatureEntry, pSource); else pSource->KilledMonsterCredit(step.script->KillCredit.CreatureEntry, 0); } break; case SCRIPT_COMMAND_RESPAWN_GAMEOBJECT: if (!step.script->RespawnGameobject.GOGuid) { sLog->outError("%s gameobject guid (datalong) is not specified.", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str()); break; } // Source or target must be WorldObject. if (WorldObject* pSummoner = _GetScriptWorldObject(source, true, step.script)) { GameObject* pGO = _FindGameObject(pSummoner, step.script->RespawnGameobject.GOGuid); if (!pGO) { sLog->outError("%s gameobject was not found (guid: %u).", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str(), step.script->RespawnGameobject.GOGuid); break; } if (pGO->GetGoType() == GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGNODE || pGO->GetGoType() == GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_DOOR || pGO->GetGoType() == GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_BUTTON || pGO->GetGoType() == GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_TRAP) { sLog->outError("%s can not be used with gameobject of type %u (guid: %u).", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str(), uint32(pGO->GetGoType()), step.script->RespawnGameobject.GOGuid); break; } // Check that GO is not spawned if (!pGO->isSpawned()) { int32 nTimeToDespawn = std::max(5, int32(step.script->RespawnGameobject.DespawnDelay)); pGO->SetLootState(GO_READY); pGO->SetRespawnTime(nTimeToDespawn); pGO->GetMap()->AddToMap(pGO); } } break; case SCRIPT_COMMAND_TEMP_SUMMON_CREATURE: { // Source must be WorldObject. if (WorldObject* pSummoner = _GetScriptWorldObject(source, true, step.script)) { if (!step.script->TempSummonCreature.CreatureEntry) sLog->outError("%s creature entry (datalong) is not specified.", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str()); else { float x = step.script->TempSummonCreature.PosX; float y = step.script->TempSummonCreature.PosY; float z = step.script->TempSummonCreature.PosZ; float o = step.script->TempSummonCreature.Orientation; if (!pSummoner->SummonCreature(step.script->TempSummonCreature.CreatureEntry, x, y, z, o, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_OR_DEAD_DESPAWN, step.script->TempSummonCreature.DespawnDelay)) sLog->outError("%s creature was not spawned (entry: %u).", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str(), step.script->TempSummonCreature.CreatureEntry); } } break; } case SCRIPT_COMMAND_OPEN_DOOR: case SCRIPT_COMMAND_CLOSE_DOOR: _ScriptProcessDoor(source, target, step.script); break; case SCRIPT_COMMAND_ACTIVATE_OBJECT: // Source must be Unit. if (Unit* pSource = _GetScriptUnit(source, true, step.script)) { // Target must be GameObject. if (!target) { sLog->outError("%s target object is NULL.", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str()); break; } if (target->GetTypeId() != TYPEID_GAMEOBJECT) { sLog->outError("%s target object is not gameobject (TypeId: %u, Entry: %u, GUID: %u), skipping.", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str(), target->GetTypeId(), target->GetEntry(), target->GetGUIDLow()); break; } if (GameObject* pGO = target->ToGameObject()) pGO->Use(pSource); } break; case SCRIPT_COMMAND_REMOVE_AURA: { // Source (datalong2 != 0) or target (datalong2 == 0) must be Unit. bool bReverse = step.script->RemoveAura.Flags & SF_REMOVEAURA_REVERSE; if (Unit* pTarget = _GetScriptUnit(bReverse ? source : target, bReverse, step.script)) pTarget->RemoveAurasDueToSpell(step.script->RemoveAura.SpellID); break; } case SCRIPT_COMMAND_CAST_SPELL: { // TODO: Allow gameobjects to be targets and casters if (!source && !target) { sLog->outError("%s source and target objects are NULL.", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str()); break; } Unit* uSource = NULL; Unit* uTarget = NULL; // source/target cast spell at target/source (script->datalong2: 0: s->t 1: s->s 2: t->t 3: t->s switch (step.script->CastSpell.Flags) { case SF_CASTSPELL_SOURCE_TO_TARGET: // source -> target uSource = source ? source->ToUnit() : NULL; uTarget = target ? target->ToUnit() : NULL; break; case SF_CASTSPELL_SOURCE_TO_SOURCE: // source -> source uSource = source ? source->ToUnit() : NULL; uTarget = uSource; break; case SF_CASTSPELL_TARGET_TO_TARGET: // target -> target uSource = target ? target->ToUnit() : NULL; uTarget = uSource; break; case SF_CASTSPELL_TARGET_TO_SOURCE: // target -> source uSource = target ? target->ToUnit() : NULL; uTarget = source ? source->ToUnit() : NULL; break; case SF_CASTSPELL_SEARCH_CREATURE: // source -> creature with entry uSource = source ? source->ToUnit() : NULL; uTarget = uSource ? GetClosestCreatureWithEntry(uSource, abs(step.script->CastSpell.CreatureEntry), step.script->CastSpell.SearchRadius) : NULL; break; } if (!uSource || !uSource->isType(TYPEMASK_UNIT)) { sLog->outError("%s no source unit found for spell %u", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str(), step.script->CastSpell.SpellID); break; } if (!uTarget || !uTarget->isType(TYPEMASK_UNIT)) { sLog->outError("%s no target unit found for spell %u", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str(), step.script->CastSpell.SpellID); break; } bool triggered = (step.script->CastSpell.Flags != 4) ? step.script->CastSpell.CreatureEntry & SF_CASTSPELL_TRIGGERED : step.script->CastSpell.CreatureEntry < 0; uSource->CastSpell(uTarget, step.script->CastSpell.SpellID, triggered); break; } case SCRIPT_COMMAND_PLAY_SOUND: // Source must be WorldObject. if (WorldObject* pSource = _GetScriptWorldObject(source, true, step.script)) { // PlaySound.Flags bitmask: 0/1=anyone/target Player* pTarget = NULL; if (step.script->PlaySound.Flags & SF_PLAYSOUND_TARGET_PLAYER) { // Target must be Player. pTarget = _GetScriptPlayer(target, false, step.script); if (!pTarget) break; } // PlaySound.Flags bitmask: 0/2=without/with distance dependent if (step.script->PlaySound.Flags & SF_PLAYSOUND_DISTANCE_SOUND) pSource->PlayDistanceSound(step.script->PlaySound.SoundID, pTarget); else pSource->PlayDirectSound(step.script->PlaySound.SoundID, pTarget); } break; case SCRIPT_COMMAND_CREATE_ITEM: // Target or source must be Player. if (Player* pReceiver = _GetScriptPlayerSourceOrTarget(source, target, step.script)) { ItemPosCountVec dest; InventoryResult msg = pReceiver->CanStoreNewItem(NULL_BAG, NULL_SLOT, dest, step.script->CreateItem.ItemEntry, step.script->CreateItem.Amount); if (msg == EQUIP_ERR_OK) { if (Item* item = pReceiver->StoreNewItem(dest, step.script->CreateItem.ItemEntry, true)) pReceiver->SendNewItem(item, step.script->CreateItem.Amount, false, true); } else pReceiver->SendEquipError(msg, NULL, NULL, step.script->CreateItem.ItemEntry); } break; case SCRIPT_COMMAND_DESPAWN_SELF: // Target or source must be Creature. if (Creature* cSource = _GetScriptCreatureSourceOrTarget(source, target, step.script, true)) cSource->DespawnOrUnsummon(step.script->DespawnSelf.DespawnDelay); break; case SCRIPT_COMMAND_LOAD_PATH: // Source must be Unit. if (Unit* pSource = _GetScriptUnit(source, true, step.script)) { if (!sWaypointMgr->GetPath(step.script->LoadPath.PathID)) sLog->outError("%s source object has an invalid path (%u), skipping.", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str(), step.script->LoadPath.PathID); else pSource->GetMotionMaster()->MovePath(step.script->LoadPath.PathID, step.script->LoadPath.IsRepeatable); } break; case SCRIPT_COMMAND_CALLSCRIPT_TO_UNIT: { if (!step.script->CallScript.CreatureEntry) { sLog->outError("%s creature entry is not specified, skipping.", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str()); break; } if (!step.script->CallScript.ScriptID) { sLog->outError("%s script id is not specified, skipping.", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str()); break; } Creature* cTarget = NULL; if (source) //using grid searcher { WorldObject* wSource = dynamic_cast <WorldObject*> (source); CellCoord p(Trinity::ComputeCellCoord(wSource->GetPositionX(), wSource->GetPositionY())); Cell cell(p); Trinity::CreatureWithDbGUIDCheck target_check(wSource, step.script->CallScript.CreatureEntry); Trinity::CreatureSearcher<Trinity::CreatureWithDbGUIDCheck> checker(wSource, cTarget, target_check); TypeContainerVisitor<Trinity::CreatureSearcher <Trinity::CreatureWithDbGUIDCheck>, GridTypeMapContainer > unit_checker(checker); cell.Visit(p, unit_checker, *wSource->GetMap(), *wSource, wSource->GetGridActivationRange()); } else //check hashmap holders { if (CreatureData const* data = sObjectMgr->GetCreatureData(step.script->CallScript.CreatureEntry)) cTarget = ObjectAccessor::GetObjectInWorld<Creature>(data->mapid, data->posX, data->posY, MAKE_NEW_GUID(step.script->CallScript.CreatureEntry, data->id, HIGHGUID_UNIT), cTarget); } if (!cTarget) { sLog->outError("%s target was not found (entry: %u)", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str(), step.script->CallScript.CreatureEntry); break; } //Lets choose our ScriptMap map ScriptMapMap* datamap = GetScriptsMapByType(ScriptsType(step.script->CallScript.ScriptType)); //if no scriptmap present... if (!datamap) { sLog->outError("%s unknown scriptmap (%u) specified, skipping.", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str(), step.script->CallScript.ScriptType); break; } // Insert script into schedule but do not start it ScriptsStart(*datamap, step.script->CallScript.ScriptID, cTarget, NULL); break; } case SCRIPT_COMMAND_KILL: // Source or target must be Creature. if (Creature* cSource = _GetScriptCreatureSourceOrTarget(source, target, step.script)) { if (cSource->isDead()) sLog->outError("%s creature is already dead (Entry: %u, GUID: %u)", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str(), cSource->GetEntry(), cSource->GetGUIDLow()); else { cSource->setDeathState(JUST_DIED); if (step.script->Kill.RemoveCorpse == 1) cSource->RemoveCorpse(); } } break; case SCRIPT_COMMAND_ORIENTATION: // Source must be Unit. if (Unit* pSource = _GetScriptUnit(source, true, step.script)) { if (step.script->Orientation.Flags& SF_ORIENTATION_FACE_TARGET) { // Target must be Unit. Unit* pTarget = _GetScriptUnit(target, false, step.script); if (!pTarget) break; pSource->SetInFront(pTarget); } else pSource->SetOrientation(step.script->Orientation.Orientation); pSource->SendMovementFlagUpdate(); } break; case SCRIPT_COMMAND_EQUIP: // Source must be Creature. if (Creature* cSource = _GetScriptCreature(source, true, step.script)) cSource->LoadEquipment(step.script->Equip.EquipmentID); break; case SCRIPT_COMMAND_MODEL: // Source must be Creature. if (Creature* cSource = _GetScriptCreature(source, true, step.script)) cSource->SetDisplayId(step.script->Model.ModelID); break; case SCRIPT_COMMAND_CLOSE_GOSSIP: // Source must be Player. if (Player* pSource = _GetScriptPlayer(source, true, step.script)) pSource->PlayerTalkClass->SendCloseGossip(); break; case SCRIPT_COMMAND_PLAYMOVIE: // Source must be Player. if (Player* pSource = _GetScriptPlayer(source, true, step.script)) pSource->SendMovieStart(step.script->PlayMovie.MovieID); break; default: sLog->outError("Unknown script command %s.", step.script->GetDebugInfo().c_str()); break; } m_scriptSchedule.erase(iter); iter = m_scriptSchedule.begin(); sScriptMgr->DecreaseScheduledScriptCount(); } }
// Draw void TestView::Draw(BRect updateRect) { if (fCopyBitsJustCalled) { printf("TestView::Draw(%.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f) after CopyBits()\n", updateRect.left,, updateRect.right, updateRect.bottom); fCopyBitsJustCalled = false; } // background // SetHighColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); // FillRect(updateRect); BRect r(Bounds()); // draw some pattern with lines float width = r.Width(); float height = r.Height(); int32 lineCount = 20; SetPenSize(2.0); for (int32 i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) { SetHighColor(255, (255 / lineCount) * i, 255 - (255 / lineCount) * i); StrokeLine(BPoint(r.left + (width / lineCount) * i,, BPoint(r.left, + (height / lineCount) * i)); StrokeLine(BPoint(r.right - (width / lineCount) * i, r.bottom), BPoint(r.right, r.bottom - (height / lineCount) * i)); } StrokeLine(BPoint(r.left, r.bottom), BPoint(r.right,; // source and dest rect SetPenSize(1.0); SetHighColor(0, 255, 0, 255); StrokeRect(fSourceRect); SetHighColor(0, 0, 255, 255); StrokeRect(fDestRect); // text SetHighColor(128, 0, 50, 255); const char* message = "Left-Click and drag"; width = StringWidth(message); BPoint p(r.left + r.Width() / 2.0 - width / 2.0, + r.Height() / 2.0 - 50.0); DrawString(message, p); message = "to set source rect!"; width = StringWidth(message); p.x = r.left + r.Width() / 2.0 - width / 2.0; p.y += 20; DrawString(message, p); message = "Right-Click and drag"; width = StringWidth(message); p.x = r.left + r.Width() / 2.0 - width / 2.0; p.y += 30.0; DrawString(message, p); message = "to set destination rect!"; width = StringWidth(message); p.x = r.left + r.Width() / 2.0 - width / 2.0; p.y += 20; DrawString(message, p); }
Position Game::getFreePosition(){ Position p(0, 0); while (! this->map->isFree(p)) p = Position(qrand()%this->map->getSize(), qrand()%this->map->getSize()); return p; }
void PairsTab::addPair() { FEMPair* p(TruncationWizard::exec(this)); delete p; }
HGLOBAL WINAPI DLLExport UpdateEditStructure(mv __far *mV, OLDEDITDATA * AnyEdPtr) { //Version 1 -> 3 if (AnyEdPtr->eHeader.extVersion < 2) { LPEDATA NewEdPtr=0; OLDEDITDATA* OldEdPtr = AnyEdPtr; NewEdPtr = (EDITDATA*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(EDITDATA)); memcpy(&NewEdPtr->eHeader, &OldEdPtr->eHeader, sizeof(extHeader)); NewEdPtr->eHeader.extSize = sizeof(EDITDATA); // Update the EDITDATA structure size NewEdPtr->eHeader.extVersion = 3; p(nWidth); p(nHeight); p(textColor); p(backColor); p(dwAlignFlags); p(dwFlags); memcpy(&NewEdPtr->textFont, &OldEdPtr->textFont, sizeof(LOGFONT)); memcpy(&NewEdPtr->opts, &OldEdPtr->opts, sizeof(bool)*4); NewEdPtr->iconH = 16; NewEdPtr->iconW = 16; NewEdPtr->maxIcon = 256; NewEdPtr->buttonStyle = 0; NewEdPtr->tabDir = 0; NewEdPtr->lineMode = 0; NewEdPtr->tabMode = 0; NewEdPtr->sText[0] = 0; for (int i=0;i<16;i++) NewEdPtr->wImages[i] = 0; NewEdPtr->nImages = 0; return (HGLOBAL)NewEdPtr; } //Version 2 -> 3 else if (AnyEdPtr->eHeader.extVersion == 2) { LPEDATA NewEdPtr=0; OLDEDITDATA2* OldEdPtr = (OLDEDITDATA2*)AnyEdPtr; NewEdPtr = (EDITDATA*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(EDITDATA)); memcpy(&NewEdPtr->eHeader, &OldEdPtr->eHeader, sizeof(extHeader)); NewEdPtr->eHeader.extSize = sizeof(EDITDATA); // Update the EDITDATA structure size NewEdPtr->eHeader.extVersion = 3; p(nWidth); p(nHeight); p(textColor); p(backColor); p(dwAlignFlags); p(dwFlags); memcpy(&NewEdPtr->textFont, &OldEdPtr->textFont, sizeof(LOGFONT)); memcpy(&NewEdPtr->opts, &OldEdPtr->opts, sizeof(bool)*4); p(iconH); p(iconW); p(maxIcon); p(buttonStyle); p(tabDir); p(lineMode); p(tabMode); NewEdPtr->sText[0] = 0; for (int i=0;i<16;i++) NewEdPtr->wImages[i] = 0; NewEdPtr->nImages = 0; return (HGLOBAL)NewEdPtr; } #if defined(UNICODE) && !defined(RUN_ONLY) //If data is in ASCII format //Version 3 -> 4 (ASCII -> Unicode) else if (AnyEdPtr->eHeader.extVersion == 3) { //Initialise EDITDATAs EDITDATAA* OldEdPtr = (EDITDATAA*)AnyEdPtr; EDITDATAW* NewEdPtr = (EDITDATAW*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(EDITDATAW)); // Copy eHeader memcpy(&NewEdPtr->eHeader, &OldEdPtr->eHeader, sizeof(extHeader)); NewEdPtr->eHeader.extSize = sizeof(EDITDATAW); // Update the EDITDATA structure size NewEdPtr->eHeader.extVersion = 4; // Copy until the LogFont structure p(nWidth); p(nHeight); p(textColor); p(backColor); p(dwAlignFlags); p(dwFlags); // Copy all similarities between LOGFONTA and LOGFONTW p(textFont.lfHeight); p(textFont.lfWidth); p(textFont.lfEscapement); p(textFont.lfOrientation); p(textFont.lfWeight); p(textFont.lfItalic); p(textFont.lfUnderline); p(textFont.lfStrikeOut); p(textFont.lfCharSet); p(textFont.lfOutPrecision); p(textFont.lfClipPrecision); p(textFont.lfQuality); p(textFont.lfPitchAndFamily); // LOGFONTA has char [] so MultiByteToWideChar(mvGetAppCodePage(mV, mV->mvEditApp), 0, OldEdPtr->textFont.lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE, NewEdPtr->textFont.lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE); //Continue with other properties memcpy(&NewEdPtr->opts, &OldEdPtr->opts, sizeof(bool)*4); p(iconH); p(iconW); p(maxIcon); p(buttonStyle); p(tabDir); p(lineMode); p(tabMode); for (int i=0;i<16;i++) p(wImages[i]); p(nImages); // Copy final char [], sText MultiByteToWideChar(mvGetAppCodePage(mV, mV->mvEditApp), 0, OldEdPtr->sText, sizeof(OldEdPtr->sText), NewEdPtr->sText, sizeof(NewEdPtr->sText)); // Done return (HGLOBAL)NewEdPtr; } #elif !defined(UNICODE) && !defined(RUN_ONLY) //If old data is Unicode, but running ASCII MMF2... //Version 4 -> 3 (Unicode -> ASCII) else if (AnyEdPtr->eHeader.extVersion == 4) { //None of that long copying thing. Let's do memory copying. //First declare the two pointers. EDITDATAW* OldEdPtr = (EDITDATAW*)AnyEdPtr; EDITDATAA* NewEdPtr = (EDITDATAA*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(EDITDATAA)); // Copy eHeader memcpy(&NewEdPtr->eHeader, &OldEdPtr->eHeader, sizeof(extHeader)); NewEdPtr->eHeader.extSize = sizeof(EDITDATAA); // Update the EDITDATA structure size NewEdPtr->eHeader.extVersion = 3; // Copy until the LogFont structure p(nWidth); p(nHeight); p(textColor); p(backColor); p(dwAlignFlags); p(dwFlags); // Copy all similarities between LOGFONTA and LOGFONTW p(textFont.lfHeight); p(textFont.lfWidth); p(textFont.lfEscapement); p(textFont.lfOrientation); p(textFont.lfWeight); p(textFont.lfItalic); p(textFont.lfUnderline); p(textFont.lfStrikeOut); p(textFont.lfCharSet); p(textFont.lfOutPrecision); p(textFont.lfClipPrecision); p(textFont.lfQuality); p(textFont.lfPitchAndFamily); // LOGFONTA has char [] so WideCharToMultiByte(mvGetAppCodePage(mV, mV->mvEditApp), 0, OldEdPtr->textFont.lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE, NewEdPtr->textFont.lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE,NULL,NULL); //Continue with other properties memcpy(&NewEdPtr->opts, &OldEdPtr->opts, sizeof(bool)*4); p(iconH); p(iconW); p(maxIcon); p(buttonStyle); p(tabDir); p(lineMode); p(tabMode); for (int i=0;i<16;i++) p(wImages[i]); p(nImages); // Copy final char [], sText WideCharToMultiByte(mvGetAppCodePage(mV, mV->mvEditApp), 0, OldEdPtr->textFont.lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE, NewEdPtr->textFont.lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE,NULL,NULL); return (HGLOBAL)NewEdPtr; } #endif return NULL; }
void TransactionView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* evt) { QStyleOption opt; opt.init(this); QPainter p(this); style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, &p, this); }
void PoolMgr::LoadFromDB() { // Pool templates { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); QueryResult result = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT entry, max_limit FROM pool_template"); if (!result) { mPoolTemplate.clear(); TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded 0 object pools. DB table `pool_template` is empty."); return; } uint32 count = 0; do { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 pool_id = fields[0].GetUInt32(); PoolTemplateData& pPoolTemplate = mPoolTemplate[pool_id]; pPoolTemplate.MaxLimit = fields[1].GetUInt32(); ++count; } while (result->NextRow()); TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded %u objects pools in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); } // Creatures TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "Loading Creatures Pooling Data..."); { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); // 1 2 3 QueryResult result = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT guid, pool_entry, chance FROM pool_creature"); if (!result) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded 0 creatures in pools. DB table `pool_creature` is empty."); } else { uint32 count = 0; do { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint64 guid = fields[0].GetUInt64(); uint32 pool_id = fields[1].GetUInt32(); float chance = fields[2].GetFloat(); CreatureData const* data = sObjectMgr->GetCreatureData(guid); if (!data) { TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "`pool_creature` has a non existing creature spawn (GUID: " UI64FMTD ") defined for pool id (%u), skipped.", guid, pool_id); continue; } if (pool_id > max_pool_id) { TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "`pool_creature` pool id (%u) is out of range compared to max pool id in `pool_template`, skipped.", pool_id); continue; } if (chance < 0 || chance > 100) { TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "`pool_creature` has an invalid chance (%f) for creature guid (" UI64FMTD ") in pool id (%u), skipped.", chance, guid, pool_id); continue; } PoolTemplateData* pPoolTemplate = &mPoolTemplate[pool_id]; PoolObject plObject = PoolObject(guid, chance); PoolGroup<Creature>& cregroup = mPoolCreatureGroups[pool_id]; cregroup.SetPoolId(pool_id); cregroup.AddEntry(plObject, pPoolTemplate->MaxLimit); SearchPair p(guid, pool_id); mCreatureSearchMap.insert(p); ++count; } while (result->NextRow()); TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded %u creatures in pools in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); } } // Gameobjects TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "Loading Gameobject Pooling Data..."); { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); // 1 2 3 QueryResult result = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT guid, pool_entry, chance FROM pool_gameobject"); if (!result) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded 0 gameobjects in pools. DB table `pool_gameobject` is empty."); } else { uint32 count = 0; do { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint64 guid = fields[0].GetUInt64(); uint32 pool_id = fields[1].GetUInt32(); float chance = fields[2].GetFloat(); GameObjectData const* data = sObjectMgr->GetGOData(guid); if (!data) { TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "`pool_gameobject` has a non existing gameobject spawn (GUID: " UI64FMTD ") defined for pool id (%u), skipped.", guid, pool_id); continue; } GameObjectTemplate const* goinfo = sObjectMgr->GetGameObjectTemplate(data->id); if (goinfo->type != GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_CHEST && goinfo->type != GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGHOLE && goinfo->type != GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_GATHERING_NODE && goinfo->type != GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_GOOBER) { TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "`pool_gameobject` has a not lootable gameobject spawn (GUID: " UI64FMTD ", type: %u) defined for pool id (%u), skipped.", guid, goinfo->type, pool_id); continue; } if (pool_id > max_pool_id) { TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "`pool_gameobject` pool id (%u) is out of range compared to max pool id in `pool_template`, skipped.", pool_id); continue; } if (chance < 0 || chance > 100) { TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "`pool_gameobject` has an invalid chance (%f) for gameobject guid (" UI64FMTD ") in pool id (%u), skipped.", chance, guid, pool_id); continue; } PoolTemplateData* pPoolTemplate = &mPoolTemplate[pool_id]; PoolObject plObject = PoolObject(guid, chance); PoolGroup<GameObject>& gogroup = mPoolGameobjectGroups[pool_id]; gogroup.SetPoolId(pool_id); gogroup.AddEntry(plObject, pPoolTemplate->MaxLimit); SearchPair p(guid, pool_id); mGameobjectSearchMap.insert(p); ++count; } while (result->NextRow()); TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded %u gameobject in pools in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); } } // Pool of pools TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "Loading Mother Pooling Data..."); { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); // 1 2 3 QueryResult result = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT pool_id, mother_pool, chance FROM pool_pool"); if (!result) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded 0 pools in pools"); } else { uint32 count = 0; do { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 child_pool_id = fields[0].GetUInt32(); uint32 mother_pool_id = fields[1].GetUInt32(); float chance = fields[2].GetFloat(); if (mother_pool_id > max_pool_id) { TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "`pool_pool` mother_pool id (%u) is out of range compared to max pool id in `pool_template`, skipped.", mother_pool_id); continue; } if (child_pool_id > max_pool_id) { TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "`pool_pool` included pool_id (%u) is out of range compared to max pool id in `pool_template`, skipped.", child_pool_id); continue; } if (mother_pool_id == child_pool_id) { TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "`pool_pool` pool_id (%u) includes itself, dead-lock detected, skipped.", child_pool_id); continue; } if (chance < 0 || chance > 100) { TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "`pool_pool` has an invalid chance (%f) for pool id (%u) in mother pool id (%u), skipped.", chance, child_pool_id, mother_pool_id); continue; } PoolTemplateData* pPoolTemplateMother = &mPoolTemplate[mother_pool_id]; PoolObject plObject = PoolObject(child_pool_id, chance); PoolGroup<Pool>& plgroup = mPoolPoolGroups[mother_pool_id]; plgroup.SetPoolId(mother_pool_id); plgroup.AddEntry(plObject, pPoolTemplateMother->MaxLimit); SearchPair p(child_pool_id, mother_pool_id); mPoolSearchMap.insert(p); ++count; } while (result->NextRow()); // Now check for circular reference for (uint32 i=0; i < max_pool_id; ++i) { std::set<uint32> checkedPools; for (SearchMap::iterator poolItr = mPoolSearchMap.find(i); poolItr != mPoolSearchMap.end(); poolItr = mPoolSearchMap.find(poolItr->second)) { checkedPools.insert(poolItr->first); if (checkedPools.find(poolItr->second) != checkedPools.end()) { std::ostringstream ss; ss<< "The pool(s) "; for (std::set<uint32>::const_iterator itr=checkedPools.begin(); itr != checkedPools.end(); ++itr) ss << *itr << ' '; ss << "create(s) a circular reference, which can cause the server to freeze.\nRemoving the last link between mother pool " << poolItr->first << " and child pool " << poolItr->second; TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "%s", ss.str().c_str()); mPoolPoolGroups[poolItr->second].RemoveOneRelation(poolItr->first); mPoolSearchMap.erase(poolItr); --count; break; } } } TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded %u pools in mother pools in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); } } TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "Loading Quest Pooling Data..."); { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); PreparedStatement* stmt = WorldDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(WORLD_SEL_QUEST_POOLS); PreparedQueryResult result = WorldDatabase.Query(stmt); if (!result) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded 0 quests in pools"); } else { PooledQuestRelationBounds creBounds; PooledQuestRelationBounds goBounds; enum eQuestTypes { QUEST_NONE = 0, QUEST_DAILY = 1, QUEST_WEEKLY = 2 }; std::map<uint32, int32> poolTypeMap; uint32 count = 0; do { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 entry = fields[0].GetUInt32(); uint32 pool_id = fields[1].GetUInt32(); Quest const* quest = sObjectMgr->GetQuestTemplate(entry); if (!quest) { TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "`pool_quest` has a non existing quest template (Entry: %u) defined for pool id (%u), skipped.", entry, pool_id); continue; } if (pool_id > max_pool_id) { TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "`pool_quest` pool id (%u) is out of range compared to max pool id in `pool_template`, skipped.", pool_id); continue; } if (!quest->IsDailyOrWeekly()) { TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "`pool_quest` has an quest (%u) which is not daily or weekly in pool id (%u), use ExclusiveGroup instead, skipped.", entry, pool_id); continue; } if (poolTypeMap[pool_id] == QUEST_NONE) poolTypeMap[pool_id] = quest->IsDaily() ? QUEST_DAILY : QUEST_WEEKLY; int32 currType = quest->IsDaily() ? QUEST_DAILY : QUEST_WEEKLY; if (poolTypeMap[pool_id] != currType) { TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "`pool_quest` quest %u is %s but pool (%u) is specified for %s, mixing not allowed, skipped.", entry, currType == QUEST_DAILY ? "QUEST_DAILY" : "QUEST_WEEKLY", pool_id, poolTypeMap[pool_id] == QUEST_DAILY ? "QUEST_DAILY" : "QUEST_WEEKLY"); continue; } creBounds = mQuestCreatureRelation.equal_range(entry); goBounds = mQuestGORelation.equal_range(entry); if (creBounds.first == creBounds.second && goBounds.first == goBounds.second) { TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "`pool_quest` lists entry (%u) as member of pool (%u) but is not started anywhere, skipped.", entry, pool_id); continue; } PoolTemplateData* pPoolTemplate = &mPoolTemplate[pool_id]; PoolObject plObject = PoolObject(entry, 0.0f); PoolGroup<Quest>& questgroup = mPoolQuestGroups[pool_id]; questgroup.SetPoolId(pool_id); questgroup.AddEntry(plObject, pPoolTemplate->MaxLimit); SearchPair p(entry, pool_id); mQuestSearchMap.insert(p); ++count; } while (result->NextRow()); TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded %u quests in pools in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); } } // The initialize method will spawn all pools not in an event and not in another pool, this is why there is 2 left joins with 2 null checks TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "Starting objects pooling system..."); { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); QueryResult result = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT DISTINCT pool_template.entry, pool_pool.pool_id, pool_pool.mother_pool FROM pool_template" " LEFT JOIN game_event_pool ON pool_template.entry=game_event_pool.pool_entry" " LEFT JOIN pool_pool ON pool_template.entry=pool_pool.pool_id WHERE game_event_pool.pool_entry IS NULL"); if (!result) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Pool handling system initialized, 0 pools spawned."); } else { uint32 count = 0; do { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 pool_entry = fields[0].GetUInt32(); uint32 pool_pool_id = fields[1].GetUInt32(); if (!CheckPool(pool_entry)) { if (pool_pool_id) // The pool is a child pool in pool_pool table. Ideally we should remove it from the pool handler to ensure it never gets spawned, // however that could recursively invalidate entire chain of mother pools. It can be done in the future but for now we'll do nothing. TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "Pool Id %u has no equal chance pooled entites defined and explicit chance sum is not 100. This broken pool is a child pool of Id %u and cannot be safely removed.", pool_entry, fields[2].GetUInt32()); else TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "Pool Id %u has no equal chance pooled entites defined and explicit chance sum is not 100. The pool will not be spawned.", pool_entry); continue; } // Don't spawn child pools, they are spawned recursively by their parent pools if (!pool_pool_id) { SpawnPool(pool_entry); count++; } } while (result->NextRow()); TC_LOG_DEBUG("pool", "Pool handling system initialized, %u pools spawned in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); } } }
TEST(PlanningInterfaceTester, loadAllPlanners) { pluginlib::ClassLoader<planning_interface::Planner>* planner_loader; try { planner_loader = new pluginlib::ClassLoader<planning_interface::Planner>("planning_interface", "planning_interface::Planner"); } catch(pluginlib::PluginlibException& ex) { FAIL() << "Exception while creating class loader " << ex.what(); } std::vector<std::string> classes; std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<planning_interface::Planner> > planners; planning_scene::PlanningSceneConstPtr scene = g_psm->getPlanningScene(); planning_models::RobotModelConstPtr model = scene->getRobotModel(); classes = planner_loader->getDeclaredClasses(); // Must have some planners ASSERT_GT(classes.size(), 0); printf("Loading classes:\n"); for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = classes.begin(); it != classes.end(); ++it) printf(" %s\n", it->c_str()); fflush(stdout); return; for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = classes.begin(); it != classes.end(); ++it) { try { boost::shared_ptr<planning_interface::Planner> p(planner_loader->createUnmanagedInstance(*it)); p->init(model); planners.push_back(p); } catch(pluginlib::PluginlibException& ex) { // All planners must load ADD_FAILURE() << "Exception while loading planner: " << *it << ": " << ex.what(); } } for(std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<planning_interface::Planner> >::const_iterator it = planners.begin(); it != planners.end(); ++it) { // A dumb test: require that the planners return true from // canServiceRequest moveit_msgs::GetMotionPlan::Request req; planning_interface::PlannerCapability capabilities; bool can_service = (*it)->canServiceRequest(req, capabilities); EXPECT_TRUE(can_service); // Another dumb test: require that the planners return false from solve moveit_msgs::GetMotionPlan::Response res; bool solved = (*it)->solve(scene, req, res); EXPECT_FALSE(solved); } }
static void incorporate_after(const node_ptr & bp, const node_ptr & b, const node_ptr & be) { node_ptr p(NodeTraits::get_next(bp)); NodeTraits::set_next(bp, b); NodeTraits::set_next(be, p); }
void test_p() { int* ip = p((short)1); double* dp = p(1.0f); }
bool Robot::locateOwnGate() { IplImage* wMap = worldMap.getMap(); uchar* wMap_data = (uchar*)wMap->imageData; float center_x = 0, center_y = 0; float n = 0; for(int i = 0; i < MAP_LEN; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < MAP_LEN; j++) { int b = wMap_data[i*MAP_LEN*3+j*3+0]; int g = wMap_data[i*MAP_LEN*3+j*3+1]; int r = wMap_data[i*MAP_LEN*3+j*3+2]; if(b == 255 && g==0 && r==0) { center_x += j; center_y += i; n++; } } } if(n < 10) { cvReleaseImage(&wMap); return false; } else { center_x = center_x/n; center_y = center_y/n; ownGoal_coord.x = center_x - (MAP_LEN>>1); ownGoal_coord.y = (MAP_LEN>>1)+1-center_y; ownGoalLocated = true; cv::Point2f end1,end2,center(center_x,center_y); float dist_max = 0; for(int i = 0; i < MAP_LEN; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < MAP_LEN; j++) { int b = wMap_data[i*MAP_LEN*3+j*3+0]; int g = wMap_data[i*MAP_LEN*3+j*3+1]; int r = wMap_data[i*MAP_LEN*3+j*3+2]; cv::Point2f p(j,i); float dist = length(center-p); if(b == 255 && g==0 && r==0 && dist>dist_max) { dist_max = dist; end1 = p; } } } dist_max = 0; for(int i = 0; i < MAP_LEN; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < MAP_LEN; j++) { int b = wMap_data[i*MAP_LEN*3+j*3+0]; int g = wMap_data[i*MAP_LEN*3+j*3+1]; int r = wMap_data[i*MAP_LEN*3+j*3+2]; cv::Point2f p(j,i); float dist = length(center-p); if(b == 255 && g==0 && r==0 && dist>dist_max && (p-center).dot(end1-center)<0) { dist_max = dist; end2 = p; } } } cv::Point2f goalWidthDir = end1-end2; ownGoal_width = length(goalWidthDir); ownGoal_frontDir = cv::Point2f(-goalWidthDir.y,goalWidthDir.x); ownGoal_frontDir = ownGoal_frontDir*(1/length(ownGoal_frontDir)); ownGoal_frontDir.y = -ownGoal_frontDir.y; cv::Point2f robot_coord(x,y); if( - ownGoal_coord)<0) { ownGoal_frontDir = -ownGoal_frontDir; } cvReleaseImage(&wMap); return true; } }
//----------------------------------------------------------- void FormExportacao::exportarModelo(void) { try { //Redimensiona a janela para exibição dos widgets de progresso this->resize(this->maximumSize()); //Exibe os widgets de progresso prog_pb->setValue(0); ln2_frm->setVisible(true); rot_prog_lbl->setVisible(true); prog_pb->setVisible(true); //Inicialmente o ícone de sucesso/erro da exportação fica escondido ico_lbl->setVisible(false); if(exportacao_png_rb->isChecked()) { QPixmap pix; QRectF ret=modelo_wgt->cena->itemsBoundingRect(); bool exibir_grade, exibir_lim, alin_objs; //Faz um backup das opções de grade da cena CenaObjetos::obterOpcoesGrade(exibir_grade, alin_objs, exibir_lim); //Redefine as opções da grade conforme os checkboxes CenaObjetos::definirOpcoesGrade(grade_chk->isChecked(), false, lim_paginas_chk->isChecked()); //Cria o pixmap pix.resize(ret.size().toSize()); ///Desenha a cena no pixmap e faz a escala correta QPainter p(&pix); modelo_wgt->cena->update(); modelo_wgt->cena->render(&p, QRectF(QPointF(0,0), pix.size()), ret); //Restaura as definições da grade CenaObjetos::definirOpcoesGrade(exibir_grade, alin_objs, exibir_lim); modelo_wgt->cena->update(); //Caso a imagem não possa ser salva, retorna um erro if(!>text())) throw Excecao(Excecao::obterMensagemErro(ERR_PGMODELER_ARQNAOGRAVADO).arg(QString::fromUtf8(imagem_edt->text())), ERR_PGMODELER_ARQNAOGRAVADO,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__FILE__,__LINE__); } else { int id_tipo; QString versao, buf_sql, cmd_sql; ConexaoBD *conexao=NULL, conex_novo_bd; unsigned i, qtd; bool bd_criado=false; int idx_objs[]={-1, -1}; TipoObjetoBase vet_tipos[]={OBJETO_PAPEL, OBJETO_ESPACO_TABELA}; ObjetoBase *objeto=NULL; vector<Excecao> vet_erros; /* Vetor que armazena os códigos de erros referentes a objetos duplicados no PostgreSQL: Estes erros podem ser consultados na íntegra em: Códigos usados neste método: 42P04 duplicate_database 42723 duplicate_function 42P06 duplicate_schema 42P07 duplicate_table 42710 duplicate_object */ QString cod_erros[]={"42P04", "42723", "42P06", "42P07", "42710"}; vector<QString> vet_cod_erros; try { for(i=0; i < 5; i++) vet_cod_erros.push_back(cod_erros[i]); //Configura o widget de progresso para capturar o progresso da geração do código prog_tarefa->setWindowTitle(trUtf8("Generating source code...")); prog_tarefa->show(); connect(this->modelo_wgt->modelo, SIGNAL(s_objetoCarregado(int,QString,unsigned)), prog_tarefa, SLOT(executarProgesso(int,QString,unsigned))); rot_prog_lbl->setText(trUtf8("Initializing model export...")); rot_prog_lbl->repaint(); //Caso seja exportação em arquivo if(exportacao_arq_rb->isChecked()) { //Define a versão do postgresql a ser adotada ParserEsquema::definirVersaoPgSQL(pgsqlvers_cmb->currentText()); rot_prog_lbl->setText(trUtf8("Saving file '%1'").arg(arquivo_edt->text())); //Salva o modelo em arquivo modelo_wgt->modelo->salvarModelo(arquivo_edt->text(), ParserEsquema::DEFINICAO_SQL); prog_pb->setValue(25); } //Caso seja exportação direto para o SGBD else { //Obtém a conexão selecionada no combo conexao=reinterpret_cast<ConexaoBD *>(conexoes_cmb->itemData(conexoes_cmb->currentIndex()).value<void *>()); //Tenta se conectar conexao->conectar(); //Obtém a versão do servidor PostgreSQL. Essa versão é usada na geração de código a seguir versao=(conexao->obterVersaoSGBD()).mid(0,3); /* Caso o checkbox de versão esteja marcada então a versão do servidor é ignorada usando aquela escolhida no combo */ if(pgsqlvers_chk->isChecked()) ParserEsquema::definirVersaoPgSQL(pgsqlvers1_cmb->currentText()); else ParserEsquema::definirVersaoPgSQL(versao); //Cria os Papéis e espaços de tabela separadamente dos demais for(id_tipo=0; id_tipo < 2; id_tipo++) { qtd=modelo_wgt->modelo->obterNumObjetos(vet_tipos[id_tipo]); for(i=0; i < qtd; i++) { objeto=modelo_wgt->modelo->obterObjeto(i, vet_tipos[id_tipo]); rot_prog_lbl->setText(trUtf8("Creating object '%1' (%2)...").arg(QString::fromUtf8(objeto->obterNome())).arg(objeto->obterNomeTipoObjeto())); rot_prog_lbl->repaint(); try { conexao->executarComandoDDL(objeto->obterDefinicaoObjeto(ParserEsquema::DEFINICAO_SQL)); } catch(Excecao &e) { /* Caso o checkbox de ignorar duplicidade não esteja marcado ou se este está marcado porém a informação adicinal da exceção não carrega um dos códigos indicando duplicidade de objeto redireciona o erro, caso contrário apenas o ignora */ if(!ignorar_dup_chk->isChecked() || (ignorar_dup_chk->isChecked() && std::find(vet_cod_erros.begin(), vet_cod_erros.end(), e.obterInfoAdicional())==vet_cod_erros.end())) throw Excecao(e.obterMensagemErro(), e.obterTipoErro(),__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__FILE__,__LINE__,&e); else vet_erros.push_back(e); } prog_pb->setValue((10 * (id_tipo+1)) + ((i/static_cast<float>(qtd)) * 10)); idx_objs[id_tipo]++; } } //Cria o banco de dados no servidor rot_prog_lbl->setText(trUtf8("Creating database '%1'...").arg(QString::fromUtf8(modelo_wgt->modelo->obterNome()))); rot_prog_lbl->repaint(); try { conexao->executarComandoDDL(modelo_wgt->modelo->__obterDefinicaoObjeto(ParserEsquema::DEFINICAO_SQL)); bd_criado=true; } catch(Excecao &e) { /* Caso o checkbox de ignorar duplicidade não esteja marcado ou se este está marcado porém a informação adicinal da exceção não carrega um dos códigos indicando duplicidade de objeto redireciona o erro, caso contrário apenas o ignora */ if(!ignorar_dup_chk->isChecked() || (ignorar_dup_chk->isChecked() && std::find(vet_cod_erros.begin(), vet_cod_erros.end(), e.obterInfoAdicional())==vet_cod_erros.end())) throw Excecao(e.obterMensagemErro(), e.obterTipoErro(),__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__FILE__,__LINE__,&e); else vet_erros.push_back(e); } prog_pb->setValue(30); conex_novo_bd=(*conexao); conex_novo_bd.definirParamConexao(ConexaoBD::PARAM_NOME_BD, modelo_wgt->modelo->obterNome()); rot_prog_lbl->setText(trUtf8("Connecting to database '%1'...").arg(QString::fromUtf8(modelo_wgt->modelo->obterNome()))); rot_prog_lbl->repaint(); conex_novo_bd.conectar(); prog_pb->setValue(50); //Cria os demais objetos no novo banco rot_prog_lbl->setText(trUtf8("Creating objects on database '%1'...").arg(QString::fromUtf8(modelo_wgt->modelo->obterNome()))); rot_prog_lbl->repaint(); //Gera o código SQL de todo o banco buf_sql=modelo_wgt->modelo->obterDefinicaoObjeto(ParserEsquema::DEFINICAO_SQL, false); /* Extrai cada comando SQL do buffeer e o executa separadamente, isso é feito para que, em caso de erro, o usuário saiba exatamente a SQL que gerou a exceção uma vez que a libpq não proporciona este nível de detalhes */ i=0; qtd=buf_sql.size(); while(i < qtd) { try { cmd_sql.clear(); //Executa um trimm no comando SQL extraído cmd_sql=cmd_sql.trimmed(); //Extrai os caracteres até encontrar o final do buffer ou um ';' while(i < qtd) { /* Caso o caracter seja um ';' e o próximo seja uma quebra de linha, significa o final do comando SQL assim a varredura será interrompida */ if(';' &&'\n') { cmd_sql+=';'; break; } else; i++; } //Executa um trimm no comando SQL extraído //cmd_sql=cmd_sql.trimmed(); //Caso o comando não esteja vazio if(!cmd_sql.isEmpty()) { i++; //Executa-o na conexão conex_novo_bd.executarComandoDDL(cmd_sql); } prog_pb->setValue(50 + ((i/static_cast<float>(qtd)) * 10)); } catch(Excecao &e) { /* Caso o checkbox de ignorar duplicidade não esteja marcado ou se este está marcado porém a informação adicinal da exceção não carrega um dos códigos indicando duplicidade de objeto redireciona o erro, caso contrário apenas o ignora */ if(!ignorar_dup_chk->isChecked() || (ignorar_dup_chk->isChecked() && std::find(vet_cod_erros.begin(), vet_cod_erros.end(), e.obterInfoAdicional())==vet_cod_erros.end())) throw Excecao(Excecao::obterMensagemErro(ERR_PGMODELERUI_FALHAEXPORTACAO).arg(QString::fromUtf8(cmd_sql)), ERR_PGMODELERUI_FALHAEXPORTACAO,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__FILE__,__LINE__,&e); else vet_erros.push_back(e); } } } prog_tarefa->close(); disconnect(this->modelo_wgt->modelo, NULL, prog_tarefa, NULL); } catch(Excecao &e) { QString drop_cmd=QString("DROP %1 %2;"); prog_tarefa->close(); disconnect(this->modelo_wgt->modelo, NULL, prog_tarefa, NULL); /* Caso os algum objeto tenha sido criado é preciso excluí-los do banco. Para isso, os mesmos são removidos na ordem contrária de criação: banco de dados, espaço de tabelas e papéis */ if(bd_criado || idx_objs[0] >= 0 || idx_objs[1] >= 0) { if(conex_novo_bd.conexaoEstabelecida()) conex_novo_bd.fechar(); //Caso o banco de dados foi criado, exclui o mesmo if(bd_criado) conexao->executarComandoDDL(drop_cmd .arg(modelo_wgt->modelo->obterNomeSQLObjeto()) .arg(modelo_wgt->modelo->obterNome(true))); //Removendo os espaços de tabela e papéis for(id_tipo=1; id_tipo >=0; id_tipo--) { while(idx_objs[id_tipo] >= 0) { objeto=modelo_wgt->modelo->obterObjeto(idx_objs[id_tipo], vet_tipos[id_tipo]); try { conexao->executarComandoDDL(drop_cmd .arg(objeto->obterNomeSQLObjeto()) .arg(objeto->obterNome(true))); } catch(Excecao &e) {} idx_objs[id_tipo]--; } } } if(vet_erros.empty()) throw Excecao(e.obterMensagemErro(),e.obterTipoErro(),__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__FILE__,__LINE__, &e); else { vet_erros.push_back(e); throw Excecao(e.obterMensagemErro(),__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__FILE__,__LINE__, vet_erros); } } } //Finaliza o progresso da exportação prog_pb->setValue(100); rot_prog_lbl->setText(trUtf8("Exporting process sucessfuly ended!")); rot_prog_lbl->repaint(); ico_lbl->setPixmap(QPixmap(QString(":/icones/icones/msgbox_info.png"))); ico_lbl->setVisible(true); //Oculta os widgets de progresso após 10 segundos QTimer::singleShot(5000, this, SLOT(ocultarProgressoExportacao(void))); } catch(Excecao &e) { //Exibe no progresso a mensagem de falha rot_prog_lbl->setText(trUtf8("Error on export!")); rot_prog_lbl->repaint(); ico_lbl->setPixmap(QPixmap(QString(":/icones/icones/msgbox_erro.png"))); ico_lbl->setVisible(true); //Oculta os widgets de progresso após 10 segundos QTimer::singleShot(5000, this, SLOT(ocultarProgressoExportacao(void))); caixa_msg->show(e); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { # include "addTimeOptions.H" # include "setRootCase.H" # include "createTime.H" // Get times list instantList Times = runTime.times(); // set startTime and endTime depending on -time and -latestTime options # include "checkTimeOptions.H" runTime.setTime(Times[startTime], startTime); # include "createMesh.H" runTime.setTime(Times[endTime-1], endTime-1); volScalarField pMean ( IOobject ( "pMean", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ ), mesh ); for (label i=startTime; i<endTime; i++) { runTime.setTime(Times[i], i); Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << endl; IOobject pheader ( "p", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ ); // Check p exists if (pheader.headerOk()) { mesh.readUpdate(); Info<< " Reading p" << endl; volScalarField p(pheader, mesh); Info<< " Calculating pPrime2" << endl; volScalarField pPrime2 ( IOobject ( "pPrime2", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ ), sqr(p - pMean) ); pPrime2.write(); } else { Info<< " No p" << endl; } Info<< endl; } return(0); }
Prop *Prop::AllocFontWeight(FontStyle style) { Prop p(PropFontWeight); p.fontWeight = style; return UniqifyProp(p); }