void PseudoBlockCGIter<ScalarType,MV,OP>::iterate()
    // Allocate/initialize data structures
    if (initialized_ == false) {

    // Allocate memory for scalars.
    int i=0;
    std::vector<int> index(1);
    std::vector<ScalarType> rHz( numRHS_ ), rHz_old( numRHS_ ), pAp( numRHS_ );
    Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int, ScalarType> alpha( numRHS_,numRHS_ ), beta( numRHS_,numRHS_ );

    // Create convenience variables for zero and one.
    const ScalarType one = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ScalarType>::one();
    const MagnitudeType zero = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<MagnitudeType>::zero();
    // Get the current solution std::vector.
    Teuchos::RCP<MV> cur_soln_vec = lp_->getCurrLHSVec();

    // Compute first <r,z> a.k.a. rHz
    MVT::MvDot( *R_, *Z_, rHz );

    if ( assertPositiveDefiniteness_ )
        for (i=0; i<numRHS_; ++i)
            TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( SCT::real(rHz[i]) < zero,
                                "Belos::PseudoBlockCGIter::iterate(): negative value for r^H*M*r encountered!" );

    // Iterate until the status test tells us to stop.
    while (stest_->checkStatus(this) != Passed) {
      // Increment the iteration

      // Multiply the current direction std::vector by A and store in AP_
      lp_->applyOp( *P_, *AP_ );
      // Compute alpha := <R_,Z_> / <P_,AP_>
      MVT::MvDot( *P_, *AP_, pAp );

      for (i=0; i<numRHS_; ++i) {
        if ( assertPositiveDefiniteness_ )
            // Check that pAp[i] is a positive number!
            TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( SCT::real(pAp[i]) <= zero,
                                "Belos::PseudoBlockCGIter::iterate(): non-positive value for p^H*A*p encountered!" );

        alpha(i,i) = rHz[i] / pAp[i];

      // Update the solution std::vector x := x + alpha * P_
      MVT::MvTimesMatAddMv( one, *P_, alpha, one, *cur_soln_vec );
      // Save the denominator of beta before residual is updated [ old <R_, Z_> ]
      for (i=0; i<numRHS_; ++i) {
        rHz_old[i] = rHz[i];
      // Compute the new residual R_ := R_ - alpha * AP_
      MVT::MvTimesMatAddMv( -one, *AP_, alpha, one, *R_ );
      // Compute beta := [ new <R_, Z_> ] / [ old <R_, Z_> ], 
      // and the new direction std::vector p.
      if ( lp_->getLeftPrec() != Teuchos::null ) {
        lp_->applyLeftPrec( *R_, *Z_ );
        if ( lp_->getRightPrec() != Teuchos::null ) {
          Teuchos::RCP<MV> tmp = MVT::Clone( *Z_, numRHS_ );
          lp_->applyRightPrec( *Z_, *tmp );
          Z_ = tmp;
      else if ( lp_->getRightPrec() != Teuchos::null ) {
        lp_->applyRightPrec( *R_, *Z_ );
      else {
        Z_ = R_;
      MVT::MvDot( *R_, *Z_, rHz );
      if ( assertPositiveDefiniteness_ )
          for (i=0; i<numRHS_; ++i)
              TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( SCT::real(rHz[i]) < zero,
                                  "Belos::PseudoBlockCGIter::iterate(): negative value for r^H*M*r encountered!" );
      // Update the search directions.
      for (i=0; i<numRHS_; ++i) {
        beta(i,i) = rHz[i] / rHz_old[i];
	index[0] = i;
	Teuchos::RCP<const MV> Z_i = MVT::CloneView( *Z_, index );
	Teuchos::RCP<MV> P_i = MVT::CloneViewNonConst( *P_, index );
        MVT::MvAddMv( one, *Z_i, beta(i,i), *P_i, *P_i );
    } // end while (sTest_->checkStatus(this) != Passed)
CG(const Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<ordinal_type, value_type> & A, 
   Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<ordinal_type,value_type> & X, 
   const Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<ordinal_type,value_type> & B, 
   ordinal_type max_iter, 
   value_type tolerance, 
   ordinal_type prec_iter, 
   ordinal_type order , 
   ordinal_type m, 
   ordinal_type PrecNum, 
   const Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<ordinal_type, value_type> & M, 
   ordinal_type diag)

  ordinal_type n = A.numRows();
  ordinal_type k=0;
  value_type resid;
  Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<ordinal_type, value_type> Ax(n,1);
  Ax.multiply(Teuchos::NO_TRANS,Teuchos::NO_TRANS,1.0, A, X, 0.0);
  Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<ordinal_type, value_type> r(Teuchos::Copy,B);
  Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<ordinal_type, value_type> p(r);
  Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<ordinal_type, value_type> rho(1,1);
  Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<ordinal_type, value_type> oldrho(1,1);
  Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<ordinal_type, value_type> pAp(1,1);
  Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<ordinal_type, value_type> Ap(n,1);
  value_type b;
  value_type a;
  while (resid > tolerance && k < max_iter){
    Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<ordinal_type, value_type> z(r);
    //Solve Mz=r
    if (PrecNum != 0){
      if (PrecNum == 1){
	Stokhos::DiagPreconditioner<ordinal_type, value_type> precond(M);
      else if (PrecNum == 2){
	Stokhos::JacobiPreconditioner<ordinal_type, value_type> precond(M);
      else if (PrecNum == 3){
	Stokhos::GSPreconditioner<ordinal_type, value_type> precond(M,0);
      else if (PrecNum == 4){
	Stokhos::SchurPreconditioner<ordinal_type, value_type> precond(M, order, m, diag);
    rho.multiply(Teuchos::TRANS,Teuchos::NO_TRANS,1.0, r, z, 0.0);

    if (k==0){
      rho.multiply(Teuchos::TRANS, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, 1.0, r, z, 0.0);  
    else {
    Ap.multiply(Teuchos::NO_TRANS,Teuchos::NO_TRANS,1.0, A, p, 0.0);
    pAp.multiply(Teuchos::TRANS,Teuchos::NO_TRANS,1.0, p, Ap, 0.0);
    Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<ordinal_type, value_type> scalep(p);
  //std::cout << "iteration count  " << k << std::endl;
  return 0; 
예제 #3
  void RCGIter<ScalarType,MV,OP>::iterate()
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( initialized_ == false, RCGIterFailure,
                        "Belos::RCGIter::iterate(): RCGIter class not initialized." );
    // We'll need LAPACK
    Teuchos::LAPACK<int,ScalarType> lapack;

    // Create convenience variables for zero and one.
    ScalarType one = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ScalarType>::one();
    ScalarType zero = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ScalarType>::zero();

    // Allocate memory for scalars
    std::vector<int> index(1);
    Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int,ScalarType> pAp(1,1), rTz(1,1);

    // Get the current solution std::vector.
    Teuchos::RCP<MV> cur_soln_vec = lp_->getCurrLHSVec();
    // Check that the current solution std::vector only has one column.
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( MVT::GetNumberVecs(*cur_soln_vec) != 1, RCGIterFailure,
                        "Belos::RCGIter::iterate(): current linear system has more than one std::vector!" );
    // Compute the current search dimension. 
    int searchDim = numBlocks_+1;

    // index of iteration within current cycle
    int i_ = 0;

    // iterate until the status test tells us to stop.
    // also break if our basis is full
    Teuchos::RCP<const MV> p_ = Teuchos::null;
    Teuchos::RCP<MV> pnext_ = Teuchos::null;
    while (stest_->checkStatus(this) != Passed && curDim_+1 <= searchDim) {

      // Ap = A*p;
      index.resize( 1 );
      index[0] = i_;
      p_  = MVT::CloneView( *P_,  index );
      lp_->applyOp( *p_, *Ap_ );

      // d = p'*Ap;
      MVT::MvTransMv( one, *p_, *Ap_, pAp );
      (*D_)(i_,0) = pAp(0,0);

      // alpha = rTz_old / pAp
      (*Alpha_)(i_,0) = (*rTz_old_)(0,0) / pAp(0,0);

      // Check that alpha is a positive number
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( SCT::real(pAp(0,0)) <= zero, RCGIterFailure, "Belos::RCGIter::iterate(): non-positive value for p^H*A*p encountered!" );

      // x = x + (alpha * p);
      MVT::MvAddMv( one, *cur_soln_vec, (*Alpha_)(i_,0), *p_, *cur_soln_vec );

      // r = r - (alpha * Ap);
      MVT::MvAddMv( one, *r_, -(*Alpha_)(i_,0), *Ap_, *r_ );

      std::vector<MagnitudeType> norm(1);
      MVT::MvNorm( *r_, norm );
//printf("i = %i\tnorm(r) = %e\n",i_,norm[0]);

      // z = M\r
      if ( lp_->getLeftPrec() != Teuchos::null ) {
        lp_->applyLeftPrec( *r_, *z_ );
      else if ( lp_->getRightPrec() != Teuchos::null ) {
        lp_->applyRightPrec( *r_, *z_ );
      else {
        z_ = r_;

      // rTz_new = r'*z;
      MVT::MvTransMv( one, *r_, *z_, rTz );

      // beta = rTz_new/rTz_old;
      (*Beta_)(i_,0) = rTz(0,0) / (*rTz_old_)(0,0);

      // rTz_old = rTz_new;
      (*rTz_old_)(0,0) = rTz(0,0);

      // get pointer for next p
      index.resize( 1 );
      index[0] = i_+1;
      pnext_ = MVT::CloneViewNonConst( *P_,  index );

      if (existU_) {
        // mu = UTAU \ (AU'*z);
        Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int,ScalarType> mu( Teuchos::View, *Delta_, recycleBlocks_, 1, 0, i_ );
        MVT::MvTransMv( one, *AU_, *z_, mu );
        char TRANS = 'N';
        int info;
        lapack.GETRS( TRANS, recycleBlocks_, 1, LUUTAU_->values(), LUUTAU_->stride(), &(*ipiv_)[0], mu.values(), mu.stride(), &info );
                           "Belos::RCGIter::solve(): LAPACK GETRS failed to compute a solution.");
        // p = -(U*mu) + (beta*p) + z (in two steps)
        // p = (beta*p) + z;
        MVT::MvAddMv( (*Beta_)(i_,0), *p_, one, *z_, *pnext_ );
        // pnext = -(U*mu) + (one)*pnext;
        MVT::MvTimesMatAddMv( -one, *U_, mu, one, *pnext_ );
      else {
        // p = (beta*p) + z;
        MVT::MvAddMv( (*Beta_)(i_,0), *p_, one, *z_, *pnext_ );

      // Done with this view; release pointer
      p_ = Teuchos::null;
      pnext_ = Teuchos::null;

      // increment iteration count and dimension index  

    } // end while (statusTest == false)
예제 #4
  void BlockCGIter<ScalarType,MV,OP>::iterate()
    // Allocate/initialize data structures
    if (initialized_ == false) {
    // Allocate data needed for LAPACK work.
    int info = 0;
    //char UPLO = 'U';
    //(void) UPLO; // silence "unused variable" compiler warnings
    bool uplo = true;
    Teuchos::LAPACK<int,ScalarType> lapack;

    // Allocate memory for scalars.
    Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int,ScalarType> alpha( blockSize_, blockSize_ );
    Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int,ScalarType> beta( blockSize_, blockSize_ );
    Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int,ScalarType> rHz( blockSize_, blockSize_ ),
      rHz_old( blockSize_, blockSize_ ), pAp( blockSize_, blockSize_ );
    Teuchos::SerialSymDenseMatrix<int,ScalarType> pApHerm(Teuchos::View, uplo, pAp.values(), blockSize_, blockSize_);

    // Create dense spd solver.
    Teuchos::SerialSpdDenseSolver<int,ScalarType> lltSolver;

    // Create convenience variables for zero and one.
    const ScalarType one = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ScalarType>::one();

    // Get the current solution std::vector.
    Teuchos::RCP<MV> cur_soln_vec = lp_->getCurrLHSVec();

    // Check that the current solution std::vector has blockSize_ columns.
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( MVT::GetNumberVecs(*cur_soln_vec) != blockSize_, CGIterateFailure,
                        "Belos::BlockCGIter::iterate(): current linear system does not have the right number of vectors!" );
    int rank = ortho_->normalize( *P_, Teuchos::null );
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(rank != blockSize_,CGIterationOrthoFailure,
                         "Belos::BlockCGIter::iterate(): Failed to compute initial block of orthonormal direction vectors.");

    // Iterate until the status test tells us to stop.
    while (stest_->checkStatus(this) != Passed) {

      // Increment the iteration

      // Multiply the current direction std::vector by A and store in Ap_
      lp_->applyOp( *P_, *AP_ );

      // Compute alpha := <P_,R_> / <P_,AP_>
      // 1) Compute P^T * A * P = pAp and P^T * R
      // 2) Compute the Cholesky Factorization of pAp
      // 3) Back and forward solves to compute alpha
      MVT::MvTransMv( one, *P_, *R_, alpha );
      MVT::MvTransMv( one, *P_, *AP_, pAp );

      // Compute Cholesky factorization of pAp
      lltSolver.setMatrix( Teuchos::rcp(&pApHerm, false) );
      lltSolver.factorWithEquilibration( true );
      info = lltSolver.factor();
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(info != 0,CGIterationLAPACKFailure,
                         "Belos::BlockCGIter::iterate(): Failed to compute Cholesky factorization using LAPACK routine POTRF.");

      // Compute alpha by performing a back and forward solve with the Cholesky factorization in pAp.
      lltSolver.setVectors( Teuchos::rcp( &alpha, false ), Teuchos::rcp( &alpha, false ) );
      info = lltSolver.solve();
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(info != 0,CGIterationLAPACKFailure,
                         "Belos::BlockCGIter::iterate(): Failed to compute alpha using Cholesky factorization (POTRS).");

      // Update the solution std::vector X := X + alpha * P_
      MVT::MvTimesMatAddMv( one, *P_, alpha, one, *cur_soln_vec );
      // Compute the new residual R_ := R_ - alpha * AP_
      MVT::MvTimesMatAddMv( -one, *AP_, alpha, one, *R_ );
      // Compute the new preconditioned residual, Z_.
      if ( lp_->getLeftPrec() != Teuchos::null ) {
        lp_->applyLeftPrec( *R_, *Z_ );
        if ( lp_->getRightPrec() != Teuchos::null ) {
          Teuchos::RCP<MV> tmp = MVT::Clone( *Z_, blockSize_ );
          lp_->applyRightPrec( *Z_, *tmp );
          Z_ = tmp;
      else if ( lp_->getRightPrec() != Teuchos::null ) {
        lp_->applyRightPrec( *R_, *Z_ );
      else {
        Z_ = R_;
      // Compute beta := <AP_,Z_> / <P_,AP_>
      // 1) Compute AP_^T * Z_
      // 2) Compute the Cholesky Factorization of pAp (already have)
      // 3) Back and forward solves to compute beta

      // Compute <AP_,Z>
      MVT::MvTransMv( -one, *AP_, *Z_, beta );
      lltSolver.setVectors( Teuchos::rcp( &beta, false ), Teuchos::rcp( &beta, false ) );
      info = lltSolver.solve();
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(info != 0,CGIterationLAPACKFailure,
                         "Belos::BlockCGIter::iterate(): Failed to compute beta using Cholesky factorization (POTRS).");
      // Compute the new direction vectors P_ = Z_ + P_ * beta
      Teuchos::RCP<MV> Pnew = MVT::CloneCopy( *Z_ );
      MVT::MvTimesMatAddMv(one, *P_, beta, one, *Pnew);
      P_ = Pnew;

      // Compute orthonormal block of new direction vectors.
      rank = ortho_->normalize( *P_, Teuchos::null );
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(rank != blockSize_,CGIterationOrthoFailure,
                         "Belos::BlockCGIter::iterate(): Failed to compute block of orthonormal direction vectors.");

    } // end while (sTest_->checkStatus(this) != Passed)
예제 #5
// CG
int CG(const  Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int, double> &  A, Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int,double>   X,const Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int,double> &   B, int max_iter, double tolerance, Stokhos::DiagPreconditioner<int,double> prec)

  int n; 
  int k=0;
  double resid;
  std::cout << "A= " << A << std::endl;
  std::cout << "B= " << B << std::endl;
  Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int, double> Ax(n,1);
  Ax.multiply(Teuchos::NO_TRANS,Teuchos::NO_TRANS,1.0, A, X, 0.0);

  Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int, double> r(B);
  Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int, double> rho(1,1);
  Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int, double> oldrho(1,1);
  Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int, double> pAp(1,1);
  Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int, double> Ap(n,1);
  double b;
  double a;
  Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int, double> p(r);

  while (resid > tolerance && k < max_iter){
     Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int, double> z(r);
//     prec.ApplyInverse(r,z);

     rho.multiply(Teuchos::TRANS,Teuchos::NO_TRANS,1.0, r, z, 0.0);
     if (k==0){
       rho.multiply(Teuchos::TRANS, Teuchos::NO_TRANS, 1.0, r, z, 0.0);
      else {
      Ap.multiply(Teuchos::NO_TRANS,Teuchos::NO_TRANS,1.0, A, p, 0.0);
      pAp.multiply(Teuchos::TRANS,Teuchos::NO_TRANS,1.0, p, Ap, 0.0);
      Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix<int, double> scalep(p);
 std::cout << "X=  " << X << std::endl;

 return 0;