NTSTATUS write_file(HANDLE file_handle, const void *buffer, uint32_t length, uint32_t *bytes_written) { assert(pNtWriteFile != NULL, "pNtWriteFile is NULL!", 0); IO_STATUS_BLOCK status_block; NTSTATUS ret = pNtWriteFile(file_handle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &status_block, buffer, length, NULL, NULL); if(NT_SUCCESS(ret) != FALSE && bytes_written != NULL) { *bytes_written = status_block.Information; } return ret; }
static void read_file_test(void) { const char text[] = "foobar"; HANDLE handle, read, write; NTSTATUS status; IO_STATUS_BLOCK iosb; DWORD written; int apc_count = 0; char buffer[128]; LARGE_INTEGER offset; HANDLE event = CreateEventA( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ); buffer[0] = 1; if (!create_pipe( &read, &write, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 4096 )) return; /* try read with no data */ U(iosb).Status = 0xdeadbabe; iosb.Information = 0xdeadbeef; ok( is_signaled( read ), "read handle is not signaled\n" ); status = pNtReadFile( read, event, apc, &apc_count, &iosb, buffer, 1, NULL, NULL ); ok( status == STATUS_PENDING, "wrong status %x\n", status ); ok( !is_signaled( read ), "read handle is signaled\n" ); ok( !is_signaled( event ), "event is signaled\n" ); ok( U(iosb).Status == 0xdeadbabe, "wrong status %x\n", U(iosb).Status ); ok( iosb.Information == 0xdeadbeef, "wrong info %lu\n", iosb.Information ); ok( !apc_count, "apc was called\n" ); WriteFile( write, buffer, 1, &written, NULL ); /* iosb updated here by async i/o */ Sleep(1); /* FIXME: needed for wine to run the i/o apc */ ok( U(iosb).Status == 0, "wrong status %x\n", U(iosb).Status ); ok( iosb.Information == 1, "wrong info %lu\n", iosb.Information ); ok( !is_signaled( read ), "read handle is signaled\n" ); ok( is_signaled( event ), "event is not signaled\n" ); ok( !apc_count, "apc was called\n" ); apc_count = 0; SleepEx( 1, FALSE ); /* non-alertable sleep */ ok( !apc_count, "apc was called\n" ); SleepEx( 1, TRUE ); /* alertable sleep */ ok( apc_count == 1, "apc not called\n" ); /* with no event, the pipe handle itself gets signaled */ apc_count = 0; U(iosb).Status = 0xdeadbabe; iosb.Information = 0xdeadbeef; ok( !is_signaled( read ), "read handle is not signaled\n" ); status = pNtReadFile( read, 0, apc, &apc_count, &iosb, buffer, 1, NULL, NULL ); ok( status == STATUS_PENDING, "wrong status %x\n", status ); ok( !is_signaled( read ), "read handle is signaled\n" ); ok( U(iosb).Status == 0xdeadbabe, "wrong status %x\n", U(iosb).Status ); ok( iosb.Information == 0xdeadbeef, "wrong info %lu\n", iosb.Information ); ok( !apc_count, "apc was called\n" ); WriteFile( write, buffer, 1, &written, NULL ); /* iosb updated here by async i/o */ Sleep(1); /* FIXME: needed for wine to run the i/o apc */ ok( U(iosb).Status == 0, "wrong status %x\n", U(iosb).Status ); ok( iosb.Information == 1, "wrong info %lu\n", iosb.Information ); ok( is_signaled( read ), "read handle is signaled\n" ); ok( !apc_count, "apc was called\n" ); apc_count = 0; SleepEx( 1, FALSE ); /* non-alertable sleep */ ok( !apc_count, "apc was called\n" ); SleepEx( 1, TRUE ); /* alertable sleep */ ok( apc_count == 1, "apc not called\n" ); /* now read with data ready */ apc_count = 0; U(iosb).Status = 0xdeadbabe; iosb.Information = 0xdeadbeef; ResetEvent( event ); WriteFile( write, buffer, 1, &written, NULL ); status = pNtReadFile( read, event, apc, &apc_count, &iosb, buffer, 1, NULL, NULL ); ok( status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "wrong status %x\n", status ); ok( U(iosb).Status == 0, "wrong status %x\n", U(iosb).Status ); ok( iosb.Information == 1, "wrong info %lu\n", iosb.Information ); ok( is_signaled( event ), "event is not signaled\n" ); ok( !apc_count, "apc was called\n" ); SleepEx( 1, FALSE ); /* non-alertable sleep */ ok( !apc_count, "apc was called\n" ); SleepEx( 1, TRUE ); /* alertable sleep */ ok( apc_count == 1, "apc not called\n" ); /* try read with no data */ apc_count = 0; U(iosb).Status = 0xdeadbabe; iosb.Information = 0xdeadbeef; ok( is_signaled( event ), "event is not signaled\n" ); /* check that read resets the event */ status = pNtReadFile( read, event, apc, &apc_count, &iosb, buffer, 2, NULL, NULL ); ok( status == STATUS_PENDING, "wrong status %x\n", status ); ok( !is_signaled( event ), "event is signaled\n" ); ok( U(iosb).Status == 0xdeadbabe, "wrong status %x\n", U(iosb).Status ); ok( iosb.Information == 0xdeadbeef, "wrong info %lu\n", iosb.Information ); ok( !apc_count, "apc was called\n" ); WriteFile( write, buffer, 1, &written, NULL ); /* partial read is good enough */ Sleep(1); /* FIXME: needed for wine to run the i/o apc */ ok( is_signaled( event ), "event is signaled\n" ); ok( U(iosb).Status == 0, "wrong status %x\n", U(iosb).Status ); ok( iosb.Information == 1, "wrong info %lu\n", iosb.Information ); ok( !apc_count, "apc was called\n" ); SleepEx( 1, TRUE ); /* alertable sleep */ ok( apc_count == 1, "apc was not called\n" ); /* read from disconnected pipe */ apc_count = 0; U(iosb).Status = 0xdeadbabe; iosb.Information = 0xdeadbeef; CloseHandle( write ); status = pNtReadFile( read, event, apc, &apc_count, &iosb, buffer, 1, NULL, NULL ); ok( status == STATUS_PIPE_BROKEN, "wrong status %x\n", status ); ok( U(iosb).Status == 0xdeadbabe, "wrong status %x\n", U(iosb).Status ); ok( iosb.Information == 0xdeadbeef, "wrong info %lu\n", iosb.Information ); ok( !is_signaled( event ), "event is signaled\n" ); ok( !apc_count, "apc was called\n" ); SleepEx( 1, TRUE ); /* alertable sleep */ ok( !apc_count, "apc was called\n" ); CloseHandle( read ); /* read from closed handle */ apc_count = 0; U(iosb).Status = 0xdeadbabe; iosb.Information = 0xdeadbeef; SetEvent( event ); status = pNtReadFile( read, event, apc, &apc_count, &iosb, buffer, 1, NULL, NULL ); ok( status == STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE, "wrong status %x\n", status ); ok( U(iosb).Status == 0xdeadbabe, "wrong status %x\n", U(iosb).Status ); ok( iosb.Information == 0xdeadbeef, "wrong info %lu\n", iosb.Information ); ok( is_signaled( event ), "event is signaled\n" ); /* not reset on invalid handle */ ok( !apc_count, "apc was called\n" ); SleepEx( 1, TRUE ); /* alertable sleep */ ok( !apc_count, "apc was called\n" ); /* disconnect while async read is in progress */ if (!create_pipe( &read, &write, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 4096 )) return; apc_count = 0; U(iosb).Status = 0xdeadbabe; iosb.Information = 0xdeadbeef; status = pNtReadFile( read, event, apc, &apc_count, &iosb, buffer, 2, NULL, NULL ); ok( status == STATUS_PENDING, "wrong status %x\n", status ); ok( !is_signaled( event ), "event is signaled\n" ); ok( U(iosb).Status == 0xdeadbabe, "wrong status %x\n", U(iosb).Status ); ok( iosb.Information == 0xdeadbeef, "wrong info %lu\n", iosb.Information ); ok( !apc_count, "apc was called\n" ); CloseHandle( write ); Sleep(1); /* FIXME: needed for wine to run the i/o apc */ ok( U(iosb).Status == STATUS_PIPE_BROKEN, "wrong status %x\n", U(iosb).Status ); ok( iosb.Information == 0, "wrong info %lu\n", iosb.Information ); ok( is_signaled( event ), "event is signaled\n" ); ok( !apc_count, "apc was called\n" ); SleepEx( 1, TRUE ); /* alertable sleep */ ok( apc_count == 1, "apc was not called\n" ); CloseHandle( read ); /* now try a real file */ if (!(handle = create_temp_file( FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED ))) return; apc_count = 0; U(iosb).Status = 0xdeadbabe; iosb.Information = 0xdeadbeef; offset.QuadPart = 0; ResetEvent( event ); pNtWriteFile( handle, event, apc, &apc_count, &iosb, text, strlen(text), &offset, NULL ); ok( status == STATUS_PENDING, "wrong status %x\n", status ); ok( U(iosb).Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "wrong status %x\n", U(iosb).Status ); ok( iosb.Information == strlen(text), "wrong info %lu\n", iosb.Information ); ok( is_signaled( event ), "event is signaled\n" ); ok( !apc_count, "apc was called\n" ); SleepEx( 1, TRUE ); /* alertable sleep */ ok( apc_count == 1, "apc was not called\n" ); apc_count = 0; U(iosb).Status = 0xdeadbabe; iosb.Information = 0xdeadbeef; offset.QuadPart = 0; ResetEvent( event ); status = pNtReadFile( handle, event, apc, &apc_count, &iosb, buffer, strlen(text) + 10, &offset, NULL ); ok( status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "wrong status %x\n", status ); ok( U(iosb).Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "wrong status %x\n", U(iosb).Status ); ok( iosb.Information == strlen(text), "wrong info %lu\n", iosb.Information ); ok( is_signaled( event ), "event is signaled\n" ); ok( !apc_count, "apc was called\n" ); SleepEx( 1, TRUE ); /* alertable sleep */ ok( apc_count == 1, "apc was not called\n" ); /* read beyond eof */ apc_count = 0; U(iosb).Status = 0xdeadbabe; iosb.Information = 0xdeadbeef; offset.QuadPart = strlen(text) + 2; status = pNtReadFile( handle, event, apc, &apc_count, &iosb, buffer, 2, &offset, NULL ); ok( status == STATUS_END_OF_FILE, "wrong status %x\n", status ); ok( U(iosb).Status == 0xdeadbabe, "wrong status %x\n", U(iosb).Status ); ok( iosb.Information == 0xdeadbeef, "wrong info %lu\n", iosb.Information ); ok( !is_signaled( event ), "event is signaled\n" ); ok( !apc_count, "apc was called\n" ); SleepEx( 1, TRUE ); /* alertable sleep */ ok( !apc_count, "apc was called\n" ); CloseHandle( handle ); /* now a non-overlapped file */ if (!(handle = create_temp_file(0))) return; apc_count = 0; U(iosb).Status = 0xdeadbabe; iosb.Information = 0xdeadbeef; offset.QuadPart = 0; pNtWriteFile( handle, event, apc, &apc_count, &iosb, text, strlen(text), &offset, NULL ); ok( status == STATUS_END_OF_FILE, "wrong status %x\n", status ); ok( U(iosb).Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "wrong status %x\n", U(iosb).Status ); ok( iosb.Information == strlen(text), "wrong info %lu\n", iosb.Information ); ok( is_signaled( event ), "event is signaled\n" ); ok( !apc_count, "apc was called\n" ); SleepEx( 1, TRUE ); /* alertable sleep */ ok( apc_count == 1, "apc was not called\n" ); apc_count = 0; U(iosb).Status = 0xdeadbabe; iosb.Information = 0xdeadbeef; offset.QuadPart = 0; ResetEvent( event ); status = pNtReadFile( handle, event, apc, &apc_count, &iosb, buffer, strlen(text) + 10, &offset, NULL ); ok( status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "wrong status %x\n", status ); ok( U(iosb).Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "wrong status %x\n", U(iosb).Status ); ok( iosb.Information == strlen(text), "wrong info %lu\n", iosb.Information ); ok( is_signaled( event ), "event is signaled\n" ); ok( !apc_count, "apc was called\n" ); SleepEx( 1, TRUE ); /* alertable sleep */ todo_wine ok( !apc_count, "apc was called\n" ); /* read beyond eof */ apc_count = 0; U(iosb).Status = 0xdeadbabe; iosb.Information = 0xdeadbeef; offset.QuadPart = strlen(text) + 2; ResetEvent( event ); status = pNtReadFile( handle, event, apc, &apc_count, &iosb, buffer, 2, &offset, NULL ); ok( status == STATUS_END_OF_FILE, "wrong status %x\n", status ); todo_wine ok( U(iosb).Status == STATUS_END_OF_FILE, "w