예제 #1
BigInt BigInt::karatsubaMult(const BigInt& a, const BigInt& b)
	int minSize = std::min(a.size(), b.size());
	if (minSize < 30) {
		return a * b;

	BigInt x0, x1, y0, y1;
	BigInt z0, z1, z2;
	int mid = minSize / 2;

	x1.digits.resize(a.digits.size() - mid);

	y1.digits.resize(b.digits.size() - mid);

	copy(a.digits.begin(), a.digits.begin() + mid, x0.digits.begin());
	copy(a.digits.begin() + mid, a.digits.end(), x1.digits.begin());

	copy(b.digits.begin(), b.digits.begin() + mid, y0.digits.begin());
	copy(b.digits.begin() + mid, b.digits.end(), y1.digits.begin());

	z0 = karatsubaMult(x0, y0);
	z1 = karatsubaMult(x1, y1);
	z2 = (karatsubaMult(x0 + x1, y0 + y1) - z1) - z0;

	padZeros(z2, mid);
	padZeros(z1, 2*mid);

	return z0 + z1 + z2;
예제 #2
string mareklib::dateTimeString() {
	return padZeros(ofGetDay())
	+ "." + padZeros(ofGetMonth()) + "." + padZeros(ofGetYear()) + " "
	+ padZeros(ofGetHours()) +"-"+padZeros(ofGetMinutes()) +"-"+
int pictorial_structures_revisited_partapp_main(int argc, char *argv[])
	/* parse command line options */
	po::options_description cmd_options_desc("command line options:");
	po::variables_map cmd_vars_map;

		(local::szOption_Help, "help message")
		(local::szOption_ExpOpt, po::value<string>(), "experiment parameters")   
		(local::szOption_TrainClass, "train part detector")
		(local::szOption_TrainBootstrap, "train part detector, adding hard negative samples")
		(local::szOption_Pidx, po::value<int>(), "0-based index of the part")

		(local::szOption_BootstrapPrep, "create bootstrapping dataset (crops of objects with some background)")
		(local::szOption_BootstrapDetect, "run previously trained classifer on bootstrapping images")
		(local::szOption_BootstrapShowRects, "show top negatives on bootstrapping images")

		(local::szOption_First, po::value<int>(), "index of first image")
		(local::szOption_NumImgs, po::value<int>(), "number of images to process")

		(local::szOption_PartDetect, "run part detector on the test set")

		(local::szOption_FindObj, "find_obj")
		(local::szOption_pc_learn, "estimate prior on part configurations with maximum likelihood")
		(local::szOption_SaveRes, "save object recognition results in al/idl formats")

		(local::szOption_EvalSegments, "evaluate part localization according to Ferrari's criteria")

		(local::szOption_Distribute, "split processing into multiple chunks, keep track of the chunks which must be processed")
		(local::szOption_NCPU, po::value<int>(), "number of chunks")
		(local::szOption_BatchNumber, po::value<int>(), "current chunk")
		(local::szOption_VisParts, "visualize ground-truth part positions")

	/* BEGIN: handle 'distribute' option */

	const QString qsArgsFile = ".curexp";
	const QString qsCurBatchFile = ".curexp_batchnum";
	const int MAX_ARGC = 255;
	const int MAX_ARG_LENGTH = 1024;
	cout << "argc: " << argc << endl;
	cout << "argv[0]: " << argv[0] << endl;
	assert(argc <= MAX_ARGC);

	int loaded_argc = 0;
	char loaded_argv[MAX_ARGC][MAX_ARG_LENGTH];
	char *loaded_argv_ptr[MAX_ARGC];
	for (int idx = 0; idx < MAX_ARGC; ++idx) {
		loaded_argv_ptr[idx] = loaded_argv[idx];

	/* try to load parameters from experiment file if none are specified on the command line */
	if (argc <= 1 && filesys::check_file(qsArgsFile)) {
		// load .curexp, fill argc and argv
		cout << "reading arguments from " << qsArgsFile.toStdString() << endl;
		QFile qfile( qsArgsFile );

		assert(qfile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text));
		QTextStream stream( &qfile );
		QString line;

		while(!(line = stream.readLine()).isNull()) {
			if (!line.isEmpty()) {
				cout << line.toStdString() << endl;
				assert(line.length() < MAX_ARG_LENGTH);

				int cur_idx = loaded_argc;
				strcpy(loaded_argv[cur_idx], line.toStdString().c_str());


	/* process command option */

	try {

		if (loaded_argc > 0) {
			cout << "reading parameters from " << qsArgsFile.toStdString() << endl;
			po::store(po::parse_command_line(loaded_argc, loaded_argv_ptr, cmd_options_desc), cmd_vars_map);

			ifstream ifs;
			po::store(po::parse_config_file(ifs, cmd_options_desc), cmd_vars_map);

			assert(cmd_vars_map.count("batch_num") > 0);
			int batch_num = cmd_vars_map["batch_num"].as<int>();
			cout << "batch_num: " << batch_num << endl;

			cout << "updating " << qsCurBatchFile.toStdString() << endl;
			QFile qfile2(qsCurBatchFile);
			assert(qfile2.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate | QIODevice::Text));
			QTextStream stream2( &qfile2 );
			stream2 << "batch_num = " << batch_num << endl;
		else {
			cout << "reading command line parameters" << endl;
			po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, cmd_options_desc), cmd_vars_map);

	catch (exception &e) {
		cerr << "error: " << e.what() << endl;
		return 1;

	/* "distribute" option means store parameters and initialize batch counter */
	if (argc > 1 && cmd_vars_map.count("distribute") > 0) {
		assert(cmd_vars_map.count("ncpu") > 0);

		cout << "saving command line parameters in " << qsArgsFile.toStdString() << endl;
		QFile qfile( qsArgsFile );
		assert(qfile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate | QIODevice::Text));
		QTextStream stream( &qfile );

		for (int idx = 0; idx < argc; ++idx) 
			stream << argv[idx] << endl;

		/* how to initialize program option explicitly ??? */
		cout << "intializing batch counter: " << qsCurBatchFile.toStdString() << endl;
			QFile qfile2(qsCurBatchFile);
			assert(qfile2.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate | QIODevice::Text));
				QTextStream stream2( &qfile2 );
				stream2 << "batch_num = 0" << endl;

		ifstream ifs;
		po::store(po::parse_config_file(ifs, cmd_options_desc), cmd_vars_map);

			QFile qfile2(qsCurBatchFile);
			assert(qfile2.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate | QIODevice::Text));
				QTextStream stream2( &qfile2 );
				stream2 << "batch_num = 1" << endl;

	/* END: handle 'distribute' option */

	/* process options which do not require initialized partapp */
	if (cmd_vars_map.count(local::szOption_Help)) {
		cout << cmd_options_desc << endl << endl;
		return 1;

	/* initialize partapp from parameter file */
	if (cmd_vars_map.count(local::szOption_ExpOpt) == 0) {
		cout << cmd_options_desc << endl << endl;
		cout << "'expopt' parameter missing" << endl;
		return 1;

	PartApp part_app;
	QString qsExpParam = cmd_vars_map[local::szOption_ExpOpt].as<string>().c_str();
	cout << "initializing from " << qsExpParam.toStdString() << endl;

	if (cmd_vars_map.count(local::szOption_TrainClass)) {
		bool bBootstrap = cmd_vars_map.count(local::szOption_TrainBootstrap); // default is false

		if (cmd_vars_map.count(local::szOption_Pidx)) {

			int pidx = cmd_vars_map[local::szOption_Pidx].as<int>();
			assert(pidx < part_app.m_part_conf.part_size());

			cout << "training classifier for part " << pidx << endl;
			part_detect::abc_train_class(part_app, pidx, bBootstrap);
		else {
			for (int pidx = 0; pidx < part_app.m_part_conf.part_size(); ++pidx) {
				if (part_app.m_part_conf.part(pidx).is_detect()) {
					cout << "training classifier for part " << pidx << endl;
					part_detect::abc_train_class(part_app, pidx, bBootstrap);

	}// train class
	else if (cmd_vars_map.count(local::szOption_BootstrapPrep)) {
		part_detect::prepare_bootstrap_dataset(part_app, part_app.m_train_annolist, 0, part_app.m_train_annolist.size() - 1);
	else if (cmd_vars_map.count(local::szOption_BootstrapDetect)) {
		int firstidx, lastidx;
		local::init_firstidx_lastidx(part_app.m_train_annolist, cmd_vars_map, firstidx, lastidx);

		part_detect::bootstrap_partdetect(part_app, firstidx, lastidx);
	else if (cmd_vars_map.count(local::szOption_BootstrapShowRects)) {
		assert(cmd_vars_map.count("pidx") && "part index missing");
		int pidx = cmd_vars_map["pidx"].as<int>();

		int firstidx, lastidx;
		local::init_firstidx_lastidx(part_app.m_train_annolist, cmd_vars_map, firstidx, lastidx);

		int num_rects = 50;
		double min_score = 0.1;
		vector<PartBBox> v_rects;
		vector<double> v_rects_scale;

		bool bIgnorePartRects = true;
		bool bDrawRects = true;

		/* create debug directory to save bootstrap images */
		if (!filesys::check_dir("./debug")) {
			cout << "creating ./debug" << endl;

		part_detect::bootstrap_get_rects(part_app, firstidx, pidx, num_rects, min_score, 
			v_rects, v_rects_scale,
			bIgnorePartRects, bDrawRects);

	else if (cmd_vars_map.count(local::szOption_pc_learn)) {
		object_detect::learn_conf_param(part_app, part_app.m_train_annolist);
	else if (cmd_vars_map.count(local::szOption_SaveRes)) {
		int scoreProbMapType = object_detect::SPMT_NONE;

		object_detect::saveRecoResults(part_app, scoreProbMapType);
	else if (cmd_vars_map.count(local::szOption_EvalSegments)) {
		int firstidx, lastidx;
		local::init_firstidx_lastidx(part_app.m_test_annolist, cmd_vars_map, firstidx, lastidx);
		cout << "processing images: " << firstidx << " to " << lastidx << endl;

		eval_segments(part_app, firstidx, lastidx);

	else if (cmd_vars_map.count(local::szOption_VisParts)) {

		int firstidx, lastidx;
		local::init_firstidx_lastidx(part_app.m_train_annolist, cmd_vars_map, firstidx, lastidx);

		for (int imgidx = firstidx; imgidx <= lastidx; ++imgidx) {
			QImage img = visualize_parts(part_app.m_part_conf, part_app.m_window_param, part_app.m_train_annolist[imgidx]);

			QString qsPartConfPath;
			QString qsPartConfName;
			QString qsPartConfExt;
			filesys::split_filename_ext(part_app.m_exp_param.part_conf().c_str(), qsPartConfPath, qsPartConfName, qsPartConfExt);

			QString qsDebugDir = (part_app.m_exp_param.log_dir() + "/" + 
				part_app.m_exp_param.log_subdir() + "/debug").c_str();

			if (!filesys::check_dir(qsDebugDir))

			QString qsFilename = qsDebugDir + "/parts-" + qsPartConfName + "-imgidx" + 
				padZeros(QString::number(imgidx), 4) + ".png";
			cout << "saving " << qsFilename.toStdString() << endl;


	else {
		bool bShowHelpMessage = true;

		if (cmd_vars_map.count(local::szOption_PartDetect)) {

			int firstidx, lastidx;
			local::init_firstidx_lastidx(part_app.m_test_annolist, cmd_vars_map, firstidx, lastidx);

			bool bSaveImageScoreGrid = part_app.m_exp_param.save_image_scoregrid();
			cout << "bSaveImageScoreGrid: " << bSaveImageScoreGrid << endl;

			part_detect::partdetect(part_app, firstidx, lastidx, false, bSaveImageScoreGrid);
			if (part_app.m_exp_param.flip_orientation())
				part_detect::partdetect(part_app, firstidx, lastidx, true, bSaveImageScoreGrid);

			bShowHelpMessage = false;

		if (cmd_vars_map.count(local::szOption_FindObj)) {
			int firstidx, lastidx;
			local::init_firstidx_lastidx(part_app.m_test_annolist, cmd_vars_map, firstidx, lastidx);

			int scoreProbMapType = object_detect::SPMT_NONE;
			object_detect::findObjectDataset(part_app, firstidx, lastidx, scoreProbMapType);

			bShowHelpMessage = false;

		if (bShowHelpMessage) {
			cout << cmd_options_desc << endl;
			return 1;
	return 0;
예제 #4
BigInt& BigInt::operator *=(const BigInt& r)
	if (!r.size()) {
		return *this;
	int carry_sign = this->sign * r.sign;
	this->sign = POSITIVE;
	BigInt rr = r.abs(); 
	int num = 0, carry = 0;
	std::deque<int> largeDeq, smallDeq;

	if (this->size() > r.size()) {
		largeDeq = this->digits;
		smallDeq = r.digits;
	else {
		largeDeq = r.digits;
		smallDeq = this->digits;

	// Multiply without carrying
	BigInt* bArray = new BigInt[smallDeq.size()];
	for (unsigned int i=0; i < smallDeq.size(); ++i) {
		for(unsigned int j=0; j < largeDeq.size(); ++j) {
			bArray[i].digits[j] = largeDeq[j] * smallDeq[i];

	*this = bArray[0];
	digits.resize(smallDeq.size() + largeDeq.size());

	// Add without carrying
	for (unsigned int i=1; i < smallDeq.size(); ++i) {
		padZeros(bArray[i], i);
		for (unsigned int j=0; j < bArray[i].size(); ++j) {
			this->digits[j] += bArray[i].digits[j];

	// Perform carrying
	for (unsigned int i=0; i < digits.size(); ++i) {
		num = digits[i] + carry;
		carry = num / base;
		num %= base;
		digits[i] = num;
	while (carry) {
		carry /= base;


	if ( this->size() > 1 )
		this->sign = carry_sign;
	delete [] bArray;
	return *this;
예제 #5
int xprintf(const char *fmt, ...)
  const char *p;
  va_list argp;
  int i;
  unsigned int x;
  char *s;
  char fmtbuf[256];
  int count = 0;
  int width = -1;

  va_start(argp, fmt);

  for(p = fmt; *p != '\0'; p++)
    if(!(width >= 0))
	if(*p != '%')

      case 'c':
	i = va_arg(argp, int);

      case 'd':
	i = va_arg(argp, int);

	if(i == 0 && width == 0) // Per spec, if converting 0 with precision 0 -> no characters
	    width = -1;

	s = itoa(i, fmtbuf, 10);
	width -= strlen(s);

	if(s[0] == '-') // If i is negative then we need to print the '-' first
	    if(width > 0)
		count += padZeros(width);
		fputs(++s, stdout);
		count += strlen(s) - 1;
		width = -1;

	count += padZeros(width);
	fputs(s, stdout);
	count += strlen(s);
	width = -1;

      case 'u':
	x = va_arg(argp, unsigned int);

	if(x == 0 && width == 0) // Per spec, if converting 0 with precision 0 -> no characters
	    width = -1;

	s = utoa(x, fmtbuf);
	width -= strlen(s);
	count += padZeros(width);
	fputs(s, stdout);
	count += strlen(s);
	width = -1;

      case 's':
	s = va_arg(argp, char *);
	fputs(s, stdout);
	count += strlen(s);

      case 'x':
	i = va_arg(argp, int);

	if(i == 0 && width == 0) // Per spec, if converting 0 with precision 0 -> no characters
	    width = -1;

	s = itoa(i, fmtbuf, 16);
	width -= strlen(s);
	count =+ padZeros(width);
	fputs(s, stdout);
	count += strlen(s);
	width = -1;

      case 'n':
	s = itoa(count, fmtbuf, 10);
	fputs(s, stdout);
	count += strlen(s);

      case '0':
	width = atoi(p);
	if(width != 0)
	  p += (int) floor(log10(width));

      case '%':


  return count;