예제 #1
page_is_visible(zathura_document_t *document, unsigned int page_number)
  g_return_val_if_fail(document != NULL, false);

  /* position at the center of the viewport */
  double pos_x = zathura_document_get_position_x(document);
  double pos_y = zathura_document_get_position_y(document);

  /* get the center of page page_number */
  double page_x, page_y;
  page_number_to_position(document, page_number, 0.5, 0.5, &page_x, &page_y);

  unsigned int cell_width, cell_height;
  zathura_document_get_cell_size(document, &cell_height, &cell_width);

  unsigned int doc_width, doc_height;
  zathura_document_get_document_size(document, &doc_height, &doc_width);

  unsigned int view_width, view_height;
  zathura_document_get_viewport_size(document, &view_height, &view_width);

  return ( fabs(pos_x - page_x) < 0.5 * (double)(view_width + cell_width) / (double)doc_width &&
           fabs(pos_y - page_y) < 0.5 * (double)(view_height + cell_height) / (double)doc_height);
예제 #2
sc_search(girara_session_t* session, girara_argument_t* argument,
          girara_event_t* UNUSED(event), unsigned int UNUSED(t))
  g_return_val_if_fail(session != NULL, false);
  g_return_val_if_fail(session->global.data != NULL, false);
  zathura_t* zathura = session->global.data;
  g_return_val_if_fail(argument != NULL, false);
  g_return_val_if_fail(zathura->document != NULL, false);

  const unsigned int num_pages = zathura_document_get_number_of_pages(zathura->document);
  const unsigned int cur_page  = zathura_document_get_current_page_number(zathura->document);
  GtkWidget *cur_page_widget = zathura_page_get_widget(zathura, zathura_document_get_page(zathura->document, cur_page));
  bool nohlsearch, first_time_after_abort;
  gboolean draw;

  nohlsearch = first_time_after_abort = false;
  draw = FALSE;
  girara_setting_get(session, "nohlsearch", &nohlsearch);

  if (nohlsearch == false) {
    g_object_get(G_OBJECT(cur_page_widget), "draw-search-results", &draw, NULL);

    if (draw == false) {
      first_time_after_abort = true;

    document_draw_search_results(zathura, true);

  int diff = argument->n == FORWARD ? 1 : -1;
  if (zathura->global.search_direction == BACKWARD)
    diff = -diff;

  zathura_page_t* target_page = NULL;
  int target_idx = 0;

  for (unsigned int page_id = 0; page_id < num_pages; ++page_id) {
    int tmp = cur_page + diff * page_id;
    zathura_page_t* page = zathura_document_get_page(zathura->document, (tmp + num_pages) % num_pages);
    if (page == NULL) {

    GtkWidget* page_widget = zathura_page_get_widget(zathura, page);

    int num_search_results = 0, current = -1;
    g_object_get(G_OBJECT(page_widget), "search-current", &current, "search-length", &num_search_results, NULL);
    if (num_search_results == 0 || current == -1) {

    if (first_time_after_abort == true || (tmp + num_pages) % num_pages != cur_page) {
      target_page = page;
      target_idx = diff == 1 ? 0 : num_search_results - 1;

    if (diff == 1 && current < num_search_results - 1) {
      /* the next result is on the same page */
      target_page = page;
      target_idx = current + 1;
    } else if (diff == -1 && current > 0) {
      target_page = page;
      target_idx = current - 1;
    } else {
      /* the next result is on a different page */
      g_object_set(G_OBJECT(page_widget), "search-current", -1, NULL);

      for (int npage_id = 1; page_id < num_pages; ++npage_id) {
        int ntmp = cur_page + diff * (page_id + npage_id);
        zathura_page_t* npage = zathura_document_get_page(zathura->document, (ntmp + 2*num_pages) % num_pages);
        GtkWidget* npage_page_widget = zathura_page_get_widget(zathura, npage);
        g_object_get(G_OBJECT(npage_page_widget), "search-length", &num_search_results, NULL);
        if (num_search_results != 0) {
          target_page = npage;
          target_idx = diff == 1 ? 0 : num_search_results - 1;


  if (target_page != NULL) {
    girara_list_t* results = NULL;
    GtkWidget* page_widget = zathura_page_get_widget(zathura, target_page);
    GObject* obj_page_widget = G_OBJECT(page_widget);
    g_object_set(obj_page_widget, "search-current", target_idx, NULL);
    g_object_get(obj_page_widget, "search-results", &results, NULL);

    /* Need to adjust rectangle to page scale and orientation */
    zathura_rectangle_t* rect = girara_list_nth(results, target_idx);
    zathura_rectangle_t rectangle = recalc_rectangle(target_page, *rect);

    bool search_hadjust = true;
    girara_setting_get(session, "search-hadjust", &search_hadjust);

    /* compute the position of the center of the page */
    double pos_x = 0;
    double pos_y = 0;
    page_number_to_position(zathura->document, zathura_page_get_index(target_page),
                            0.5, 0.5, &pos_x, &pos_y);

    /* correction to center the current result                          */
    /* NOTE: rectangle is in viewport units, already scaled and rotated */
    unsigned int cell_height = 0;
    unsigned int cell_width = 0;
    zathura_document_get_cell_size(zathura->document, &cell_height, &cell_width);

    unsigned int doc_height = 0;
    unsigned int doc_width = 0;
    zathura_document_get_document_size(zathura->document, &doc_height, &doc_width);

    /* compute the center of the rectangle, which will be aligned to the center
       of the viewport */
    double center_x = (rectangle.x1 + rectangle.x2) / 2;
    double center_y = (rectangle.y1 + rectangle.y2) / 2;

    pos_y += (center_y - (double)cell_height/2) / (double)doc_height;
    if (search_hadjust == true) {
      pos_x += (center_x - (double)cell_width/2) / (double)doc_width;

    /* move to position */
    position_set(zathura, pos_x, pos_y);

  return false;
예제 #3
sc_scroll(girara_session_t* session, girara_argument_t* argument,
          girara_event_t* event, unsigned int t)
  g_return_val_if_fail(session != NULL, false);
  g_return_val_if_fail(session->global.data != NULL, false);
  zathura_t* zathura = session->global.data;
  g_return_val_if_fail(argument != NULL, false);
  if (zathura->document == NULL) {
    return false;

  /* if TOP or BOTTOM, go there and we are done */
  if (argument->n == TOP) {
    position_set(zathura, -1, 0);
    return false;
  } else if (argument->n == BOTTOM) {
    position_set(zathura, -1, 1.0);
    return false;

  /* Retrieve current page and position */
  const unsigned int page_id = zathura_document_get_current_page_number(zathura->document);
  double pos_x = zathura_document_get_position_x(zathura->document);
  double pos_y = zathura_document_get_position_y(zathura->document);

  /* If PAGE_TOP or PAGE_BOTTOM, go there and we are done */
  if (argument->n == PAGE_TOP) {
    double dontcare = 0.5;
    page_number_to_position(zathura->document, page_id, dontcare, 0.0, &dontcare, &pos_y);
    position_set(zathura, pos_x, pos_y);
    return false;
  } else if (argument->n == PAGE_BOTTOM) {
    double dontcare = 0.5;
    page_number_to_position(zathura->document, page_id, dontcare, 1.0, &dontcare, &pos_y);
    position_set(zathura, pos_x, pos_y);
    return false;

  if (t == 0) {
    t = 1;

  unsigned int view_width  = 0;
  unsigned int view_height = 0;
  zathura_document_get_viewport_size(zathura->document, &view_height, &view_width);

  unsigned int doc_width  = 0;
  unsigned int doc_height = 0;
  zathura_document_get_document_size(zathura->document, &doc_height, &doc_width);

  float scroll_step = 40;
  girara_setting_get(session, "scroll-step", &scroll_step);
  float scroll_hstep = -1;
  girara_setting_get(session, "scroll-hstep", &scroll_hstep);
  if (scroll_hstep < 0) {
    scroll_hstep = scroll_step;
  float scroll_full_overlap = 0.0;
  girara_setting_get(session, "scroll-full-overlap", &scroll_full_overlap);
  bool scroll_page_aware = false;
  girara_setting_get(session, "scroll-page-aware", &scroll_page_aware);

  bool scroll_wrap = false;
  girara_setting_get(session, "scroll-wrap", &scroll_wrap);

  /* compute the direction of scrolling */
  double direction = 1.0;
  if ((argument->n == LEFT) || (argument->n == FULL_LEFT) || (argument->n == HALF_LEFT) ||
      (argument->n == UP) || (argument->n == FULL_UP) || (argument->n == HALF_UP)) {
    direction = -1.0;

  const double vstep = (double)view_height / (double)doc_height;
  const double hstep = (double)view_width / (double)doc_width;

  /* compute new position */
  switch (argument->n) {
    case FULL_UP:
    case FULL_DOWN:
      pos_y += direction * (1.0 - scroll_full_overlap) * vstep;

    case FULL_LEFT:
    case FULL_RIGHT:
      pos_x += direction * (1.0 - scroll_full_overlap) * hstep;

    case HALF_UP:
    case HALF_DOWN:
      pos_y += direction * 0.5 * vstep;

    case HALF_LEFT:
    case HALF_RIGHT:
      pos_x += direction * 0.5 * hstep;

    case UP:
    case DOWN:
      pos_y += direction * t * scroll_step / (double)doc_height;

    case LEFT:
    case RIGHT:
      pos_x += direction * t * scroll_hstep / (double)doc_width;

      pos_x += event->x * t * scroll_hstep / (double)doc_width;
      pos_y += event->y * t * scroll_step / (double)doc_height;

  /* handle boundaries */
  const double end_x = 0.5 * (double)view_width / (double)doc_width;
  const double end_y = 0.5 * (double)view_height / (double)doc_height;

  const double new_x = scroll_wrap ? 1.0 - end_x : end_x;
  const double new_y = scroll_wrap ? 1.0 - end_y : end_y;

  if (pos_x < end_x) {
    pos_x = new_x;
  } else if (pos_x > 1.0 - end_x) {
    pos_x = 1 - new_x;

  if (pos_y < end_y) {
    pos_y = new_y;
  } else if (pos_y > 1.0 - end_y) {
    pos_y = 1 - new_y;

  /* snap to the border if we change page */
  const unsigned int new_page_id = position_to_page_number(zathura->document, pos_x, pos_y);
  if (scroll_page_aware == true && page_id != new_page_id) {
    double dummy = 0.0;
    switch(argument->n) {
      case FULL_LEFT:
      case HALF_LEFT:
        page_number_to_position(zathura->document, new_page_id, 1.0, 0.0, &pos_x, &dummy);

      case FULL_RIGHT:
      case HALF_RIGHT:
        page_number_to_position(zathura->document, new_page_id, 0.0, 0.0, &pos_x, &dummy);

      case FULL_UP:
      case HALF_UP:
        page_number_to_position(zathura->document, new_page_id, 0.0, 1.0, &dummy, &pos_y);

      case FULL_DOWN:
      case HALF_DOWN:
        page_number_to_position(zathura->document, new_page_id, 0.0, 0.0, &dummy, &pos_y);

  position_set(zathura, pos_x, pos_y);
  return false;
예제 #4
파일: synctex.c 프로젝트: Louisvh/zathura
synctex_highlight_rects(zathura_t* zathura, unsigned int page,
                        girara_list_t** rectangles)
  const unsigned int number_of_pages = zathura_document_get_number_of_pages(zathura->document);

  for (unsigned int p = 0; p != number_of_pages; ++p) {
    GObject* widget = G_OBJECT(zathura->pages[p]);

    g_object_set(widget, "draw-links", FALSE, "search-results", rectangles[p],
    if (p == page) {
      g_object_set(widget, "search-current", 0, NULL);

  document_draw_search_results(zathura, true);

  girara_list_t* rect_list = rectangles[page];
  if (rect_list == NULL || girara_list_size(rect_list) == 0) {
    girara_debug("No rectangles for the given page. Jumping to page %u.", page);
    page_set(zathura, page);

  bool search_hadjust = true;
  girara_setting_get(zathura->ui.session, "search-hadjust", &search_hadjust);

  /* compute the position of the center of the page */
  double pos_x = 0;
  double pos_y = 0;
  page_number_to_position(zathura->document, page, 0.5, 0.5, &pos_x, &pos_y);

  /* correction to center the current result                          */
  /* NOTE: rectangle is in viewport units, already scaled and rotated */
  unsigned int cell_height = 0;
  unsigned int cell_width = 0;
  zathura_document_get_cell_size(zathura->document, &cell_height, &cell_width);

  unsigned int doc_height = 0;
  unsigned int doc_width = 0;
  zathura_document_get_document_size(zathura->document, &doc_height, &doc_width);

  /* Need to adjust rectangle to page scale and orientation */
  zathura_page_t* doc_page = zathura_document_get_page(zathura->document, page);
  zathura_rectangle_t* rect = girara_list_nth(rect_list, 0);
  if (rect == NULL) {
    girara_debug("List of rectangles is broken. Jumping to page %u.", page);
    page_set(zathura, page);

  zathura_rectangle_t rectangle = recalc_rectangle(doc_page, *rect);

  /* compute the center of the rectangle, which will be aligned to the center
     of the viewport */
  double center_x = (rectangle.x1 + rectangle.x2) / 2;
  double center_y = (rectangle.y1 + rectangle.y2) / 2;

  pos_y += (center_y - (double)cell_height/2) / (double)doc_height;
  if (search_hadjust == true) {
    pos_x += (center_x - (double)cell_width/2) / (double)doc_width;

  /* move to position */
  girara_debug("Jumping to page %u position (%f, %f).", page, pos_x, pos_y);
  position_set(zathura, pos_x, pos_y);