예제 #1
static gboolean fm_list_view_draw(GtkWidget* view_, cairo_t* cr, FMListView* view)
    g_return_val_if_fail(FM_IS_LIST_VIEW(view), FALSE);

    GOFDirectoryAsync *dir = fm_directory_view_get_current_directory (FM_DIRECTORY_VIEW (view));

    if (gof_directory_async_is_empty (dir))
        PangoLayout* layout = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout(GTK_WIDGET(view), NULL);
        gchar *str = g_strconcat("<span size='x-large'>", _("This folder is empty."), "</span>", NULL);
        pango_layout_set_markup (layout, str, -1);

        PangoRectangle extents;
        /* Get hayout height and width */
        pango_layout_get_extents(layout, NULL, &extents);
        gdouble width = pango_units_to_double(extents.width);
        gdouble height = pango_units_to_double(extents.height);
        gtk_render_layout(gtk_widget_get_style_context(GTK_WIDGET(view)), cr,
                (double)gtk_widget_get_allocated_width(GTK_WIDGET(view))/2 - width/2,
                (double)gtk_widget_get_allocated_height(GTK_WIDGET(view))/2 - height/2,

    return FALSE;
예제 #2
static void
icon_shape_renderer (cairo_t        *cr,
                     PangoAttrShape *attr,
                     gboolean        do_path,
                     gpointer        user_data)
        IconShapeData *data = user_data;
        gdouble x, y;

        cairo_get_current_point (cr, &x, &y);
        if (GPOINTER_TO_UINT (attr->data) == data->placeholder) {
                gdouble ascent;
                gdouble height;
                GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
                GtkIconInfo *info;

                ascent = pango_units_to_double (attr->ink_rect.y);
                height = pango_units_to_double (attr->ink_rect.height);
                info = gtk_icon_theme_lookup_by_gicon (gtk_icon_theme_get_default (),
                                                       GTK_ICON_LOOKUP_FORCE_SIZE | GTK_ICON_LOOKUP_USE_BUILTIN);
                pixbuf = gtk_icon_info_load_icon (info, NULL);
                g_object_unref (info);

                cairo_set_operator (cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER);
                cairo_reset_clip (cr);
                gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (cr, pixbuf, x, y + ascent);
                cairo_paint (cr);
                g_object_unref (pixbuf);
예제 #3
static void _CalcAbsSizes(RefPtr<Pango::Layout> lay, double& wdh, double& hgt)
    int t_wdh, t_hgt;
    lay->get_size(t_wdh, t_hgt);

    wdh = pango_units_to_double(t_wdh);
    hgt = pango_units_to_double(t_hgt);
예제 #4
static void
e_contact_print_letter_heading (EContactPrintContext *ctxt,
                                gchar *letter)
	PangoLayout *layout;
	PangoFontDescription *desc;
	PangoFontMetrics *metrics;
	gint width, height;
	cairo_t *cr;

	desc = ctxt->letter_heading_font;

	layout = gtk_print_context_create_pango_layout (ctxt->context);

	/* Make the rectangle thrice the average character width.
	 * XXX Works well for English, what about other locales? */
	metrics = pango_context_get_metrics (
		pango_layout_get_context (layout),
		desc, pango_language_get_default ());
	width = pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_char_width (metrics) * 3;
	pango_font_metrics_unref (metrics);

	pango_layout_set_alignment (layout, PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER);
	pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, desc);
	pango_layout_set_text (layout, letter, -1);
	pango_layout_set_width (layout, width);
	pango_layout_get_size (layout, NULL, &height);

	if (ctxt->page_nr == -1 || ctxt->pages != ctxt->page_nr) {
		/* only calculating number of pages
		 * or on page we do not want to print */
		ctxt->y += pango_units_to_double (height);


	/* Draw white text centered in a black rectangle. */
	cr = gtk_print_context_get_cairo_context (ctxt->context);

	cairo_save (cr);
	cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, .0, .0, .0);
	cairo_rectangle (
		cr, ctxt->x, ctxt->y,
		pango_units_to_double (width),
		pango_units_to_double (height));
	cairo_fill (cr);
	cairo_restore (cr);

	cairo_save (cr);
	cairo_move_to (cr, ctxt->x, ctxt->y);
	cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1., 1., 1.);
	pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, layout);
	cairo_restore (cr);

	ctxt->y += pango_units_to_double (height);
예제 #5
 * pango_matrix_transform_rectangle:
 * @matrix: a #PangoMatrix, or %NULL
 * @rect: (inout) (allow-none): in/out bounding box in Pango units, or %NULL
 * First transforms @rect using @matrix, then calculates the bounding box
 * of the transformed rectangle.  The rectangle should be in Pango units.
 * This function is useful for example when you want to draw a rotated
 * @PangoLayout to an image buffer, and want to know how large the image
 * should be and how much you should shift the layout when rendering.
 * If you have a rectangle in device units (pixels), use
 * pango_matrix_transform_pixel_rectangle().
 * If you have the rectangle in Pango units and want to convert to
 * transformed pixel bounding box, it is more accurate to transform it first
 * (using this function) and pass the result to pango_extents_to_pixels(),
 * first argument, for an inclusive rounded rectangle.
 * However, there are valid reasons that you may want to convert
 * to pixels first and then transform, for example when the transformed
 * coordinates may overflow in Pango units (large matrix translation for
 * example).
 * Since: 1.16
pango_matrix_transform_rectangle (const PangoMatrix *matrix,
				  PangoRectangle    *rect)
  int i;
  double quad_x[4], quad_y[4];
  double dx1, dy1;
  double dx2, dy2;
  double min_x, max_x;
  double min_y, max_y;

  if (!rect || !matrix)

  quad_x[0] = pango_units_to_double (rect->x);
  quad_y[0] = pango_units_to_double (rect->y);
  pango_matrix_transform_point (matrix, &quad_x[0], &quad_y[0]);

  dx1 = pango_units_to_double (rect->width);
  dy1 = 0;
  pango_matrix_transform_distance (matrix, &dx1, &dy1);
  quad_x[1] = quad_x[0] + dx1;
  quad_y[1] = quad_y[0] + dy1;

  dx2 = 0;
  dy2 = pango_units_to_double (rect->height);
  pango_matrix_transform_distance (matrix, &dx2, &dy2);
  quad_x[2] = quad_x[0] + dx2;
  quad_y[2] = quad_y[0] + dy2;

  quad_x[3] = quad_x[0] + dx1 + dx2;
  quad_y[3] = quad_y[0] + dy1 + dy2;

  min_x = max_x = quad_x[0];
  min_y = max_y = quad_y[0];

  for (i=1; i < 4; i++) {
      if (quad_x[i] < min_x)
	  min_x = quad_x[i];
      else if (quad_x[i] > max_x)
	  max_x = quad_x[i];

      if (quad_y[i] < min_y)
	  min_y = quad_y[i];
      else if (quad_y[i] > max_y)
	  max_y = quad_y[i];

  rect->x      = pango_units_from_double (min_x);
  rect->y      = pango_units_from_double (min_y);
  rect->width  = pango_units_from_double (max_x) - rect->x;
  rect->height = pango_units_from_double (max_y) - rect->y;
예제 #6
TextAsset::computeSizeOfText(cairo_t* cairoContext,
                             const std::string textString,
                             int bounds,
                             PangoFontDescription* font,
                             Rect* tight,
                             float* lineHeightOut)
    PangoLayout* layout = pango_cairo_create_layout(cairoContext);

    // Kerning
    PangoAttrList* attr_list = pango_attr_list_new();
    PangoAttribute* spacing_attr = pango_attr_letter_spacing_new(pango_units_from_double(_kern));
    pango_attr_list_insert(attr_list, spacing_attr);
    pango_layout_set_attributes(layout, attr_list);

    pango_cairo_context_set_resolution(pango_layout_get_context(layout), DISPLAY_RESOLUTION);
    pango_layout_set_text(layout, textString.c_str(), (int)textString.length());
    pango_layout_set_alignment(layout, _alignment);
    pango_layout_set_wrap(layout, PANGO_WRAP_WORD_CHAR);

    const Size maxTextureSize(bounds, 1024);
    pango_layout_set_width(layout, pango_units_from_double(maxTextureSize.width));
    pango_layout_set_height(layout, pango_units_from_double(maxTextureSize.height));
    pango_layout_set_font_description(layout, font);
    applyLeading(cairoContext, layout, font);

    PangoRectangle estimateSize;
    PangoRectangle ink;
    pango_layout_get_pixel_extents(layout, &ink, &estimateSize);

    // If the text is right or center aligned the offsets will contain all the
    // leading space.  We ignore that for the size because drawText will draw
    // in the larger box.  The tight box below will get the offsets so we know
    // where to draw so the text lands in the same tight box.
    Size res(estimateSize.width, estimateSize.height);

    if (tight != NULL) {
        float lineHeight;
        float xHeight = charHeight(cairoContext, font, 'x', &lineHeight);
        if (lineHeightOut != NULL) {
            *lineHeightOut = lineHeight;
        const float capHeight = charHeight(cairoContext, font, 'Y');
        const float ascender = pango_units_to_double(pango_layout_get_baseline(layout));
        const float topSpace = ascender - capHeight;
        const float bottomSpace = MAX(lineHeight - ascender - (capHeight - xHeight), 0);
        if (res.height > topSpace + bottomSpace) {
            *tight = Rect(estimateSize.x,
                          estimateSize.y + topSpace,
                          res.height - topSpace - bottomSpace);
        } else {
            *tight = Rect(0, 0, res.width, res.height);

    return res;
예제 #7
double FontSize(const Pango::FontDescription& dsc)
    int sz = dsc.get_size();

    if( dsc.get_size_is_absolute() )
        return sz * (72./GetDpi());
        return pango_units_to_double(sz);
예제 #8
 int PrintNotesNoteAddin::compute_footer_height(const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::PrintContext> & context)
   Glib::RefPtr<Pango::Layout> layout = create_layout_for_timestamp(context);
   Pango::Rectangle ink_rect;
   Pango::Rectangle logical_rect;
   layout->get_extents(ink_rect, logical_rect);
   return pango_units_to_double(ink_rect.get_height()) 
     + cm_to_pixel(0.5, context->get_dpi_y());
예제 #9
static GObject * ddb_equalizer_constructor (GType type, guint n_construct_properties, GObjectConstructParam * construct_properties) {
	GObject * obj;
	GObjectClass * parent_class;
	DdbEqualizer * self;
	parent_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (ddb_equalizer_parent_class);
	obj = parent_class->constructor (type, n_construct_properties, construct_properties);
	self = DDB_EQUALIZER (obj);
		self->priv->margin_bottom = (gint) (((pango_units_to_double (pango_font_description_get_size (gtk_widget_get_style ((GtkWidget*) self)->font_desc)) * gdk_screen_get_resolution (gdk_screen_get_default ())) / 72) + 4);
		self->priv->margin_left = self->priv->margin_bottom * 4;
	return obj;
예제 #10
파일: slib-editor.c 프로젝트: acli/xiphos
static void
_draw_footer(GtkHTML * html, GtkPrintOperation * operation,
	     GtkPrintContext * context,
	     gint page_nr, PangoRectangle * rec, EDITOR * e)
	PangoFontDescription *desc;
	PangoLayout *layout;
	gdouble x, y;
	gint n_pages;
	gchar *text;
	cairo_t *cr;

	g_object_get(operation, "n-pages", &n_pages, NULL);
	text = g_strdup_printf(_("Page %d of %d"), page_nr + 1, n_pages);

	desc = pango_font_description_from_string("Sans Regular 10");
	layout = gtk_print_context_create_pango_layout(context);
	pango_layout_set_alignment(layout, PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER);
	pango_layout_set_font_description(layout, desc);
	pango_layout_set_text(layout, text, -1);
	pango_layout_set_width(layout, rec->width);

	x = pango_units_to_double(rec->x);
	y = pango_units_to_double(rec->y);

	cr = gtk_print_context_get_cairo_context(context);

	cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, .0, .0, .0);
	cairo_move_to(cr, x, y);
	pango_cairo_show_layout(cr, layout);


예제 #11
static gdouble
e_contact_text_height (GtkPrintContext *context,
                       PangoFontDescription *desc,
                       const gchar *text)
	PangoLayout *layout;
	gint width, height;

	layout = gtk_print_context_create_pango_layout (context);

	pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, desc);
	pango_layout_set_text (layout, text, -1);

	pango_layout_get_size (layout, &width, &height);

	g_object_unref (layout);

	return pango_units_to_double (height);
예제 #12
static gdouble
get_font_width (GtkPrintContext *context,
                PangoFontDescription *desc,
                const gchar *text)
	PangoLayout *layout;
	gint width, height;

	g_return_val_if_fail (desc, .0);
	g_return_val_if_fail (text, .0);

	layout = gtk_print_context_create_pango_layout (context);

	pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, desc);
	pango_layout_set_text (layout, text, -1);
	pango_layout_set_width (layout, -1);
	pango_layout_set_indent (layout, 0);

	pango_layout_get_size (layout, &width, &height);

	g_object_unref (layout);

	return pango_units_to_double (width);
예제 #13
main (int    argc,
      char **argv)
  PangoFontMap *fontmap;
  PangoFontFamily **families;
  int n_families;
  int i, j, k;

#if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 35, 3)
  g_set_prgname ("pango-list");

  /* Use PangoCairo to get default fontmap so it works on every platform. */
  fontmap = pango_cairo_font_map_get_default ();

  pango_font_map_list_families (fontmap, &families, &n_families);
  for (i = 0; i < n_families; i++)
      PangoFontFace **faces;
      int n_faces;

      const char *family_name = pango_font_family_get_name (families[i]);
      g_print ("%s\n", family_name);

      pango_font_family_list_faces (families[i], &faces, &n_faces);
      for (j = 0; j < n_faces; j++)
	  const char *face_name = pango_font_face_get_face_name (faces[j]);
	  gboolean is_synth = pango_font_face_is_synthesized (faces[j]);
	  const char *synth_str = is_synth ? "*" : "";
	  g_print ("	%s%s\n", synth_str, face_name);

	  if (0)
	    int *sizes;
	    int n_sizes;
	    pango_font_face_list_sizes (faces[j], &sizes, &n_sizes);
	    if (n_sizes)
		g_print ("		{");
		for (k = 0; k < n_sizes; k++)
		    if (k)
		      g_print (", ");
		    g_print ("%g", pango_units_to_double (sizes[k]));
		g_print ("}\n");
	    g_free (sizes);

	  if (1)
	    PangoFontDescription *desc = pango_font_face_describe (faces[j]);
	    char *desc_str = pango_font_description_to_string (desc);

	    g_print ("		\"%s\"\n", desc_str);

	    g_free (desc_str);
	    pango_font_description_free (desc);

      g_free (faces);
  g_free (families);
  g_object_unref (fontmap);

  return 0;
예제 #14
void ttext::recalculate(const bool force) const
	if(calculation_dirty_ || force) {

		calculation_dirty_ = false;
		surface_dirty_ = true;

		tfont font(get_font_families(font_class_), font_size_, font_style_);
		pango_layout_set_font_description(layout_, font.get());

		if(font_style_ & ttext::STYLE_UNDERLINE) {
			PangoAttrList *attribute_list = pango_attr_list_new();
					, pango_attr_underline_new(PANGO_UNDERLINE_SINGLE));

			pango_layout_set_attributes (layout_, attribute_list);

		int maximum_width = 0;
		if(characters_per_line_ != 0) {
			PangoFont* f = pango_font_map_load_font(
					, context_
					, font.get());

			PangoFontMetrics* m = pango_font_get_metrics(f, nullptr);

			int w = pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_char_width(m);
			w *= characters_per_line_;

			maximum_width = ceil(pango_units_to_double(w));
		} else {
			maximum_width = maximum_width_;

		if(maximum_width_ != -1) {
			maximum_width = std::min(maximum_width, maximum_width_);

		 * See set_maximum_width for some more background info as well.
		 * In order to fix the problem first set a width which seems to render
		 * correctly then lower it to fit. For the campaigns the 4 does "the
		 * right thing" for the terrain labels it should use the value 0 to set
		 * the ellipse properly. Need to see whether this is a bug in pango or
		 * a bug in my understanding of the pango api.
		int hack = 4;
		do {
			pango_layout_set_width(layout_, maximum_width == -1
					? -1
					: (maximum_width + hack) * PANGO_SCALE);
			pango_layout_get_pixel_extents(layout_, nullptr, &rect_);

			DBG_GUI_L << "ttext::" << __func__
					<< " text '" << gui2::debug_truncate(text_)
					<< "' maximum_width " << maximum_width
					<< " hack " << hack
					<< " width " << rect_.x + rect_.width
					<< ".\n";

		} while(maximum_width != -1
				&& hack >= 0 && rect_.x + rect_.width > maximum_width);

		DBG_GUI_L << "ttext::" << __func__
				<< " text '" << gui2::debug_truncate(text_)
				<< "' font_size " << font_size_
				<< " markedup_text " << markedup_text_
				<< " font_style " << std::hex << font_style_ << std::dec
				<< " maximum_width " << maximum_width
				<< " maximum_height " << maximum_height_
				<< " result " <<  rect_
				<< ".\n";
		if(maximum_width != -1 && rect_.x + rect_.width > maximum_width) {
			DBG_GUI_L << "ttext::" << __func__
					<< " text '" << gui2::debug_truncate(text_)
					<< " ' width " << rect_.x + rect_.width
					<< " greater as the wanted maximum of " << maximum_width
					<< ".\n";
예제 #15
  void PrintNotesNoteAddin::on_draw_page(const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::PrintContext>& context, guint page_nr)
    Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> cr = context->get_cairo_context();
    cr->move_to (m_margin_left, m_margin_top);

    PageBreak start;
    if (page_nr != 0) {
      start = m_page_breaks [page_nr - 1];

    PageBreak end(-1, -1);
    if (m_page_breaks.size() > page_nr) {
      end = m_page_breaks [page_nr];

    Gtk::TextIter position;
    Gtk::TextIter end_iter;
    get_buffer()->get_bounds (position, end_iter);

    // Fast-forward to the starting line
    while (position.get_line() < start.get_paragraph()) {
      position.forward_line ();

    bool done = position.compare (end_iter) >= 0;
    while (!done) {
      Gtk::TextIter line_end = position;
      if (!line_end.ends_line ()) {
        line_end.forward_to_line_end ();

      int paragraph_number = position.get_line();
      int indentation;

        Glib::RefPtr<Pango::Layout> layout =
          create_layout_for_paragraph (context,position, line_end, indentation);

        for(int line_number = 0;
            line_number < layout->get_line_count() && !done;
            line_number++) {
          // Skip the lines up to the starting line in the
          // first paragraph on this page
          if ((paragraph_number == start.get_paragraph()) &&
              (line_number < start.get_line())) {
          // Break as soon as we hit the end line
          if ((paragraph_number == end.get_paragraph()) &&
              (line_number == end.get_line())) {
            done = true;

          Glib::RefPtr<Pango::LayoutLine> line = layout->get_line(line_number);
          Pango::Rectangle ink_rect;
          Pango::Rectangle logical_rect;
          line->get_extents (ink_rect, logical_rect);

          double curX, curY;
          cr->get_current_point(curX, curY);
          cr->move_to (m_margin_left + indentation, curY);
          int line_height = pango_units_to_double(logical_rect.get_height());

          double x, y;
          x = m_margin_left + indentation;
          cr->get_current_point(curX, curY);
          y = curY + line_height;
          pango_cairo_show_layout_line(cr->cobj(), line->gobj());
          cr->move_to(x, y);

      position.forward_line ();
      done = done || (position.compare (end_iter) >= 0);

    // Print the footer
    int total_height = context->get_height();
    int total_width = context->get_width();
    int footer_height = 0;

    double footer_anchor_x, footer_anchor_y;

      Glib::RefPtr<Pango::Layout> pages_footer 
        = create_layout_for_pagenumbers (context, page_nr + 1, 
                                         m_page_breaks.size() + 1);

      Pango::Rectangle ink_footer_rect;
      Pango::Rectangle logical_footer_rect;
      pages_footer->get_extents(ink_footer_rect, logical_footer_rect);
      footer_anchor_x = cm_to_pixel(0.5, context->get_dpi_x());
      footer_anchor_y = total_height - m_margin_bottom;
      footer_height = pango_units_to_double(logical_footer_rect.get_height());
      cr->move_to(total_width - pango_units_to_double(logical_footer_rect.get_width()) - cm_to_pixel(0.5, context->get_dpi_x()), footer_anchor_y);


    cr->move_to(footer_anchor_x, footer_anchor_y);

    cr->move_to(cm_to_pixel(0.5, context->get_dpi_x()), 
                total_height - m_margin_bottom - footer_height);
    cr->line_to(total_width - cm_to_pixel(0.5, context->get_dpi_x()),
                total_height - m_margin_bottom - footer_height);
예제 #16
파일: view_private.c 프로젝트: firejox/mils
#include "view_private.h"
#include "image.h"
#include "common.h"
#include <glob.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

inline void pango_rect_to_view_rect (const PangoRectangle * restrict p_rect,
        view_rectangle_t * restrict v_rect) {
    v_rect->x = pango_units_to_double(p_rect->x);
    v_rect->y = pango_units_to_double(p_rect->y);
    v_rect->width = pango_units_to_double(p_rect->width);
    v_rect->height = pango_units_to_double(p_rect->height);

static void setup_background (cairo_t *cr, view_t *v,
        options_t *opts, const char *fn) {

    cairo_surface_t *background_im;
    int back_im_w, back_im_h;
    double w_scale, h_scale;
    const option_data_t *data;
    option_type_t type;
    cairo_save (cr);
    data = get_option_data (opts, "background_color", &type);
    cairo_set_source_rgb (cr,
            data->color.r, data->color.g, data->color.b);
    cairo_fill (cr);
예제 #17
static gdouble
get_font_height (PangoFontDescription *desc)
	return pango_units_to_double (
		pango_font_description_get_size (desc));
예제 #18
static gboolean ddb_equalizer_real_expose_event (GtkWidget* base, GdkEventExpose* event) {
	DdbEqualizer * self;
	gboolean result = FALSE;
	GdkColor _tmp0_ = {0};
	GdkColor fore_bright_color;
	GdkColor c1;
	GdkColor _tmp1_ = {0};
	GdkColor c2;
	GdkColor fore_dark_color;
	gint width;
	gint height;
	GdkDrawable* d;
	GdkGCValues _tmp2_ = {0};
	GdkGCValues _tmp3_;
	GdkGC* gc;
	double step;
	gint i = 0;
	double vstep;
	PangoLayout* l;
	PangoContext* ctx;
	PangoFontDescription* fd;
	gint fontsize;
	gboolean _tmp7_ = FALSE;
	char* tmp;
	double val;
	const char* _tmp9_;
	char* _tmp10_;
	const char* _tmp11_;
	char* _tmp12_;
	GdkRectangle _tmp13_ = {0};
	GdkRectangle _tmp14_;
	gint count;
	GdkRectangle _tmp16_ = {0};
	GdkRectangle _tmp17_;
	gint bar_w;
	GdkRectangle _tmp22_ = {0};
	GdkRectangle _tmp23_;
	self = (DdbEqualizer*) base;
	fore_bright_color = (gtkui_get_bar_foreground_color (&_tmp0_), _tmp0_);
	c1 = fore_bright_color;
	c2 = (gtkui_get_bar_background_color (&_tmp1_), _tmp1_);
	fore_dark_color = c2;
	fore_dark_color.red = fore_dark_color.red + ((guint16) ((gint16) ((c1.red - c2.red) * 0.5)));
	fore_dark_color.green = fore_dark_color.green + ((guint16) ((gint16) ((c1.green - c2.green) * 0.5)));
	fore_dark_color.blue = fore_dark_color.blue + ((guint16) ((gint16) ((c1.blue - c2.blue) * 0.5)));
	width = ((GtkWidget*) self)->allocation.width;
	height = ((GtkWidget*) self)->allocation.height;
	d = _g_object_ref0 ((GdkDrawable*) gtk_widget_get_window ((GtkWidget*) self));
	gc = _g_object_ref0 (GDK_DRAWABLE_GET_CLASS (d)->create_gc (d, (_tmp3_ = (memset (&_tmp2_, 0, sizeof (GdkGCValues)), _tmp2_), &_tmp3_), 0));
	gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color (gc, &c2);
	gdk_draw_rectangle (d, gc, TRUE, 0, 0, width, height);
	gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color (gc, &fore_dark_color);
	step = ((double) (width - self->priv->margin_left)) / ((double) (DDB_EQUALIZER_bands + 1));
		gboolean _tmp4_;
		i = 0;
		_tmp4_ = TRUE;
		while (TRUE) {
			if (!_tmp4_) {
			_tmp4_ = FALSE;
			if (!(i < DDB_EQUALIZER_bands)) {
			gdk_draw_line (d, gc, ((gint) ((i + 1) * step)) + self->priv->margin_left, 0, ((gint) ((i + 1) * step)) + self->priv->margin_left, height - self->priv->margin_bottom);
	vstep = (double) (height - self->priv->margin_bottom);
		double di;
		di = (double) 0;
			gboolean _tmp5_;
			_tmp5_ = TRUE;
			while (TRUE) {
				if (!_tmp5_) {
					di = di + 0.25;
				_tmp5_ = FALSE;
				if (!(di < 2)) {
				gdk_draw_line (d, gc, self->priv->margin_left, (gint) ((di - self->priv->preamp) * vstep), width, (gint) ((di - self->priv->preamp) * vstep));
	gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color (gc, &fore_bright_color);
	l = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout ((GtkWidget*) self, NULL);
	ctx = _g_object_ref0 (pango_layout_get_context (l));
	fd = pango_font_description_copy (gtk_widget_get_style ((GtkWidget*) self)->font_desc);
	pango_font_description_set_size (fd, (gint) (pango_font_description_get_size (gtk_widget_get_style ((GtkWidget*) self)->font_desc) * 0.7));
	pango_context_set_font_description (ctx, fd);
		gboolean _tmp6_;
		i = 0;
		_tmp6_ = TRUE;
		while (TRUE) {
			PangoRectangle ink = {0};
			PangoRectangle log = {0};
			gint offs;
			if (!_tmp6_) {
			_tmp6_ = FALSE;
			if (!(i < DDB_EQUALIZER_bands)) {
			pango_layout_set_text (l, freqs[i], (gint) g_utf8_strlen (freqs[i], -1));
			pango_layout_get_pixel_extents (l, &ink, &log);
			offs = 2;
			if ((i % 2) != 0) {
				offs = offs + 2;
			gdk_draw_layout (d, gc, (((gint) ((i + 1) * step)) + self->priv->margin_left) - (ink.width / 2), (height - self->priv->margin_bottom) + offs, l);
	pango_font_description_set_size (fd, (gint) pango_font_description_get_size (gtk_widget_get_style ((GtkWidget*) self)->font_desc));
	pango_context_set_font_description (ctx, fd);
	pango_layout_set_width (l, self->priv->margin_left - 1);
	pango_layout_set_alignment (l, PANGO_ALIGN_RIGHT);
	fontsize = (gint) ((pango_units_to_double (pango_font_description_get_size (fd)) * gdk_screen_get_resolution (gdk_screen_get_default ())) / 72);
	if (self->priv->mouse_y >= 0) {
		_tmp7_ = self->priv->mouse_y < (height - self->priv->margin_bottom);
	} else {
		_tmp7_ = FALSE;
	if (_tmp7_) {
		double db;
		const char* _tmp8_;
		char* tmp;
		db = ddb_equalizer_scale (self, ((double) (self->priv->mouse_y - 1)) / ((double) ((height - self->priv->margin_bottom) - 2)));
		_tmp8_ = NULL;
		if (db > 0) {
			_tmp8_ = "+";
		} else {
			_tmp8_ = "";
		tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%s%.1fdB", _tmp8_, db);
		pango_layout_set_text (l, tmp, (gint) g_utf8_strlen (tmp, -1));
		gdk_draw_layout (d, gc, self->priv->margin_left - 1, self->priv->mouse_y - 3, l);
		_g_free0 (tmp);
	tmp = NULL;
	val = ddb_equalizer_scale (self, (double) 1);
	_tmp9_ = NULL;
	if (val > 0) {
		_tmp9_ = "+";
	} else {
		_tmp9_ = "";
	tmp = (_tmp10_ = g_strdup_printf ("%s%.1fdB", _tmp9_, val), _g_free0 (tmp), _tmp10_);
	pango_layout_set_text (l, tmp, (gint) g_utf8_strlen (tmp, -1));
	gdk_draw_layout (d, gc, self->priv->margin_left - 1, (height - self->priv->margin_bottom) - fontsize, l);
	val = ddb_equalizer_scale (self, (double) 0);
	_tmp11_ = NULL;
	if (val > 0) {
		_tmp11_ = "+";
	} else {
		_tmp11_ = "";
	tmp = (_tmp12_ = g_strdup_printf ("%s%.1fdB", _tmp11_, val), _g_free0 (tmp), _tmp12_);
	pango_layout_set_text (l, tmp, (gint) g_utf8_strlen (tmp, -1));
	gdk_draw_layout (d, gc, self->priv->margin_left - 1, 1, l);
	pango_layout_set_text (l, "+0dB", 4);
	gdk_draw_layout (d, gc, self->priv->margin_left - 1, ((gint) ((1 - self->priv->preamp) * (height - self->priv->margin_bottom))) - (fontsize / 2), l);
	pango_layout_set_text (l, "preamp", 6);
	pango_layout_set_alignment (l, PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT);
	gdk_draw_layout (d, gc, 1, (height - self->priv->margin_bottom) + 2, l);
	gdk_draw_rectangle (d, gc, FALSE, self->priv->margin_left, 0, (width - self->priv->margin_left) - 1, (height - self->priv->margin_bottom) - 1);
	gdk_gc_set_line_attributes (gc, 2, GDK_LINE_SOLID, GDK_CAP_NOT_LAST, GDK_JOIN_MITER);
	gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle (gc, (_tmp14_ = (_tmp13_.x = 0, _tmp13_.y = (gint) (self->priv->preamp * (height - self->priv->margin_bottom)), _tmp13_.width = 11, _tmp13_.height = height, _tmp13_), &_tmp14_));
	gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color (gc, &fore_bright_color);
	count = ((gint) ((height - self->priv->margin_bottom) / 6)) + 1;
		gint j;
		j = 0;
			gboolean _tmp15_;
			_tmp15_ = TRUE;
			while (TRUE) {
				if (!_tmp15_) {
				_tmp15_ = FALSE;
				if (!(j < count)) {
				gdk_draw_rectangle (d, gc, TRUE, 1, ((height - self->priv->margin_bottom) - (j * 6)) - 6, 11, 4);
	gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle (gc, (_tmp17_ = (_tmp16_.x = self->priv->margin_left + 1, _tmp16_.y = 1, _tmp16_.width = (width - self->priv->margin_left) - 2, _tmp16_.height = (height - self->priv->margin_bottom) - 2, _tmp16_), &_tmp17_));
	gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color (gc, &fore_bright_color);
	bar_w = 11;
	if (step < bar_w) {
		bar_w = ((gint) step) - 1;
		gboolean _tmp18_;
		i = 0;
		_tmp18_ = TRUE;
		while (TRUE) {
			GdkRectangle _tmp19_ = {0};
			GdkRectangle _tmp20_;
			if (!_tmp18_) {
			_tmp18_ = FALSE;
			if (!(i < DDB_EQUALIZER_bands)) {
			gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle (gc, (_tmp20_ = (_tmp19_.x = (((gint) ((i + 1) * step)) + self->priv->margin_left) - (bar_w / 2), _tmp19_.y = (gint) (self->priv->values[i] * (height - self->priv->margin_bottom)), _tmp19_.width = 11, _tmp19_.height = height, _tmp19_), &_tmp20_));
			count = ((gint) (((height - self->priv->margin_bottom) * (1 - self->priv->values[i])) / 6)) + 1;
				gint j;
				j = 0;
					gboolean _tmp21_;
					_tmp21_ = TRUE;
					while (TRUE) {
						if (!_tmp21_) {
						_tmp21_ = FALSE;
						if (!(j < count)) {
						gdk_draw_rectangle (d, gc, TRUE, (((gint) ((i + 1) * step)) + self->priv->margin_left) - (bar_w / 2), ((height - self->priv->margin_bottom) - (j * 6)) - 6, bar_w, 4);
	gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle (gc, (_tmp23_ = (_tmp22_.x = 0, _tmp22_.y = 0, _tmp22_.width = width, _tmp22_.height = height, _tmp22_), &_tmp23_));
	gdk_gc_set_line_attributes (gc, 1, GDK_LINE_ON_OFF_DASH, GDK_CAP_NOT_LAST, GDK_JOIN_MITER);
	gdk_draw_line (d, gc, self->priv->margin_left + 1, self->priv->mouse_y, width, self->priv->mouse_y);
	result = FALSE;
	_g_free0 (tmp);
	_pango_font_description_free0 (fd);
	_g_object_unref0 (ctx);
	_g_object_unref0 (l);
	_g_object_unref0 (gc);
	_g_object_unref0 (d);
	return result;