int main (int argc, char** argv) { MPIW& mpihandler = MPIW::Instance(); bool silent = mpihandler.getRank() != 0; std::string paramFile = "config/torch-config.lua"; std::string setupFile = "config/torch-setup.lua"; // Parse parameters if (argc > 4) { showUsage(); return 0; } if (argc > 1) { for (int iarg = 1; iarg < argc; ++iarg) { std::string arg = argv[iarg]; std::string prefix1("--paramfile="); std::string prefix2("--setupfile="); std::string prefix3("-s"); if (!, prefix1.size(), prefix1)) paramFile = arg.substr(prefix1.size()).c_str(); else if (!, prefix2.size(), prefix2)) setupFile = arg.substr(prefix2.size()).c_str(); else if (!, prefix3.size(), prefix3)) silent = true; else { showUsage(); return 0; } } } std::unique_ptr<LogPolicyInterface> consoleLogPolicy = std::unique_ptr<ConsoleLogPolicy>(new ConsoleLogPolicy()); consoleLogPolicy->setLogLevel(silent ? SeverityType::ERROR : SeverityType::DEBUG); Logger::Instance().registerLogPolicy("console", std::move(consoleLogPolicy)); TorchParameters tpars; try { mpihandler.serial([&] () { tpars.outputDirectory = parseOutputDirectory(paramFile); }); if (mpihandler.getRank() == 0) { FileManagement::makeDirectoryPath(tpars.outputDirectory); FileManagement::deleteFileContents(tpars.outputDirectory); FileManagement::makeDirectoryPath(tpars.outputDirectory + "/log"); FileManagement::deleteFileContents(tpars.outputDirectory + "/log"); FileManagement::copyConfigFile(setupFile, tpars.outputDirectory); FileManagement::copyConfigFile(paramFile, tpars.outputDirectory); } mpihandler.barrier(); std::unique_ptr<LogPolicyInterface> fileLogPolicy = std::unique_ptr<FileLogPolicy>( new FileLogPolicy(tpars.outputDirectory + "/log/torch.log" + std::to_string(mpihandler.getRank())) ); fileLogPolicy->setLogLevel(SeverityType::NOTICE); Logger::Instance().registerLogPolicy("file", std::move(fileLogPolicy)); } catch (std::exception& e) { Logger::Instance().print<SeverityType::FATAL_ERROR>(e.what()); mpihandler.abort(); } try { mpihandler.serial([&] () { parseParameters( paramFile, tpars); tpars.setupFile = setupFile; }); Torch torch; torch.initialise(tpars);; } catch (std::exception& e) { Logger::Instance().print<SeverityType::FATAL_ERROR>(e.what()); std::cout << "See " << tpars.outputDirectory << "/log/torch.log* for more details." << std::endl; MPIW::Instance().abort(); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (parseParameters(argc, argv, USG_STRING, &verbose, outName, dataType, &lifting, &noRescale, &inPlace, &startHigh, &nC, &nR, waveName, inpName)) return (FAIL); /* transform types: 0: shuffled, non lift 1: inPlace, non lift 2: shuffled, lifting implementation 3: inPlace, lifting implementation */ //int transformType = 4*(dataType[0]=='f') + 2*(lifting>0) + (inPlace>0); long len = getFileSize(inpName); int nBytes = (dataType[0]=='f') ? sizeof(float) : sizeof(int); len /= nBytes; if (nC == 0) nC = len/nR; if (verbose) printf("%s - verb(d): %d out(s): %s type(s): %s startHigh(d): %d length(%ld) = %d x %d\t wave(s): %s inp(s): %s\n", argv[0], verbose, outName, dataType, startHigh, len, nC, nR, waveName, inpName); if (nC != 0) { if ( nC * nR > len ) perror("nC*nR too large, or file too small\n"); len = nC * nR; } int *intInput=NULL, *intOutput=NULL; float *floatInput=NULL, *floatOutput=NULL; if (verbose) printf("%s - verb(d): %d out(s): %s type(s): %s startHigh(d): %d length(%ld) = %d x %d\t wave(s): %s inp(s): %s\n", argv[0], verbose, outName, dataType, startHigh, len, nC, nR, waveName, inpName); if (stringNull(outName)) { stringCopy(outName, inpName); strcat(outName, ".fwd"); } if (stringNull(dataType)) stringCopy(dataType, "d"); waveFilterPtr wfp = wavGetWaveletName (waveName); waveLiftPtr wlp = wavGetLiftWaveName (waveName); assert(wfp); assert(wlp); if (verbose) printf("dwt1d %s: %s --> %s (type %c)\n", waveName, inpName, outName, dataType[0]); FILE* fpInp = fopen(inpName, "r"); assert (fpInp); FILE* fpOut = fopen(outName, "w"); assert (fpOut); if ( dataType[0] == 'd' ) { PREPARE_DATA(int); if (verbose) displayArrayNM_i( intOutput, nC, nR, stdout ); if ( lifting ) perror ("not implemented. try float\n"); //liftTransform_i(intInput, len, startHigh, inPlace, wlp); else perror ("not implemented. try lifting\n"); //wavTransform_i(intInput, intOutput, len, startHigh, wfp); if (verbose) displayArrayNM_i(intOutput, nC, nR, stdout ); fwrite(intOutput, nBytes, len, fpOut); } else { PREPARE_DATA(float); if (verbose) displayArrayNM_f( floatOutput, nC, nR, stdout ); if ( lifting ) { liftInvTransform2d_f(floatInput, nC, nR, startHigh, startHigh, inPlace, noRescale, wlp); if (verbose) displayArrayNM_f(floatInput, nC, nR, stdout ); fwrite(floatInput, nBytes, len, fpOut); } else { perror ("not implemented. try lifting\n"); //wavInvTransform_f(floatInput, floatOutput, len, startHigh, wfp); if (verbose) displayArrayNM_f(floatOutput, nC, nR, stdout ); fwrite(floatOutput, nBytes, len, fpOut); } } fclose(fpInp);fclose(fpOut); XYN_DPRINTF(DEBUG_PROCESS,"closed files\n"); XynFree(intInput); XynFree(floatInput); XynFree(intOutput); XynFree(floatOutput); XYN_DPRINTF(DEBUG_PROCESS,"memory freed\n"); return OK; }
bool Ping::parameterize (const char* string) { ParseState state; return parseParameters (string, "PING", 0, state); }
bool XMLEnvelopeParser::parseData(const std::string& storage, ACLEnvelope& envelope) { TiXmlDocument doc; LOG_INFO_S << "XMLEnvelopeParser: starting to parse: " << storage; std::string envelopeXML; std::string payloadData; // check whether we can split the document into envelope and content std::string envelopeEndMarker = "</envelope>"; size_t pos = storage.find(envelopeEndMarker); if(pos == std::string::npos) { LOG_WARN_S << "XMLEnvelopeParser: this is not an XML envelope. Could not find </envelope>"; return false; } else { envelopeXML = storage.substr(0, pos + envelopeEndMarker.size()); size_t payloadPosition = pos + envelopeEndMarker.size(); if(payloadPosition < storage.length()); { envelope.setPayload(storage.substr(payloadPosition)); } } // Load the string into XML doc const char* parseResult = doc.Parse(envelopeXML.c_str()); // A non-null parseResult usually indicates an error, but we seem to get that every time. if(parseResult != NULL) { // non-null means some error LOG_WARN_S << "Parsing envelope XML failed for (probably the payload): " << parseResult; } LOG_INFO_S << "XMLEnvelopeParser: basic XML parsing complete."; // The main node (envelope) const TiXmlElement* envelopeElem = doc.FirstChildElement(); if(envelopeElem == NULL) { LOG_WARN_S << "Parsing error: XML main node not found."; return false; } if(envelopeElem->ValueStr() != "envelope") { LOG_WARN_S << "Parsing error: XML main node not named 'fipa-message' but " << envelopeElem->ValueStr(); return false; } // Parse all child elements const TiXmlElement* pChild = envelopeElem->FirstChildElement(); if(pChild == NULL) { LOG_WARN_S << "Parsing error: XML first params node not found."; return false; } // We assume the params have raising indices, starting with one. int paramsIndex = 1; // The first params is the Base envelope try { envelope.setBaseEnvelope(parseParameters(pChild, paramsIndex++)); } catch(std::exception& e) { LOG_WARN_S << "Parsing error base envelope: " << e.what(); return false; } // All remaining params are extra envelopes for ( pChild = pChild->NextSiblingElement(); pChild != 0; pChild = pChild->NextSiblingElement()) { try { envelope.addExtraEnvelope(parseParameters(pChild, paramsIndex++)); } catch(std::exception& e) { LOG_WARN_S << "Parsing error extra envelope: " << e.what(); return false; } } return true; }
modelCoupled *parseCoupled() { bool ok; int inPorts, outPorts; modelCoupled *ret = new modelCoupled(); QList < modelChild * >childs; QList < modelPoint * >points; QList < modelLine * >lines; QList < modelPort * >lsPorts; QString strLine = getLine(); checkEqual(strLine, TOKOBRACE); strLine = getLine(); QString type = getValue(strLine, TOKTYPE); strLine = getLine(); QString name = getValue(strLine, TOKNAME); //printf("Parsing a coupled named:%s\n", QSTR(name)); strLine = getLine(); QString ports = getValue(strLine, TOKPORTS); QStringList slports = ports.split(TOKCOLON, QString::SkipEmptyParts); inPorts = slports.first().toInt(&ok); outPorts = slports.last().toInt(&ok); strLine = getLine(); QString desc = getValue(strLine, TOKDESCRIPTION); strLine = getLine(); checkEqual(strLine, TOKGRAPHIC); skipSection(); strLine = getLine(); checkEqual(strLine, TOKPARAMETERS); QList < modelParameter * >params = parseParameters(); strLine = getLine(); checkEqual(strLine, TOKSYSTEM); strLine = getLine(); checkEqual(strLine, TOKOBRACE); do { strLine = getLine(); if (strLine == TOKATOMIC) { modelChild *c = new modelChild(); c->childType = ATOMIC; c->atomic = parseAtomic(); c->atomic->father = ret; childs.append(c); } if (strLine == TOKCOUPLED) { modelChild *c = new modelChild(); c->childType = COUPLED; c->coupled = parseCoupled(); c->coupled->father = ret; childs.append(c); } if (strLine == TOKINPORT) { lsPorts.append(parseInport()); } if (strLine == TOKOUTPORT) { lsPorts.append(parseOutport()); } if (strLine == TOKPOINT) { points.append(parsePoint()); } if (strLine == TOKLINE) { lines.append(parseLine()); } if (strLine == TOKEXTRA) { ret->extra = parseExtra(); } } while (strLine != TOKCBRACE); strLine = getLine(); checkEqual(strLine, TOKCBRACE); ret->name = name; ret->type = type; ret->lsPorts = lsPorts; ret->params = params; ret->childs = childs; ret->points = points; ret->lines = lines; checkLinesWithPoints(ret); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (parseParameters(argc, argv, USG_STRING, &verbose, outName, &noRescale, &startHigh, &nC, &nR, waveName, inpName)) return (FAIL); /* transform types: 0: shuffled, non lift 1: inPlace, non lift 2: shuffled, lifting implementation 3: inPlace, lifting implementation */ //int transformType = 4*(dataType[0]=='f') + 2*(lifting>0) + (inPlace>0); long len = getFileSize(inpName); int nBytes = sizeof(float); len /= nBytes; if (nC == 0) nC = len/nR; if (verbose) printf("%s - verb(d): %d out(s): %s type(s): float startHigh(d): %d length(%ld) = %d x %d\t wave(s): %s inp(s): %s\n", argv[0], verbose, outName, startHigh, len, nC, nR, waveName, inpName); if (nC != 0) { if ( nC * nR > len ) perror("nC*nR too large, or file too small\n"); len = nC * nR; } float *floatInput=NULL, *floatOutput=NULL; if (verbose) printf("%s - verb(d): %d out(s): %s type(s): float startHigh(d): %d length(%ld) = %d x %d\t wave(s): %s inp(s): %s\n", argv[0], verbose, outName, startHigh, len, nC, nR, waveName, inpName); if (stringNull(outName)) { stringCopy(outName, inpName); } stringCopy(outNameLL, outName); stringCopy(outNameLH, outName); stringCopy(outNameHL, outName); stringCopy(outNameHH, outName); strcat(outNameLL, "_LL.fwd"); strcat(outNameLH, "_LH.fwd"); strcat(outNameHL, "_HL.fwd"); strcat(outNameHH, "_HH.fwd"); waveFilterPtr wfp = wavGetWaveletName (waveName); waveLiftPtr wlp = wavGetLiftWaveName (waveName); assert(wfp); assert(wlp); if (verbose) printf("dwt1d %s: %s --> %s (type float)\n", waveName, inpName, outName); FILE* fpInp = fopen(inpName, "r"); assert (fpInp); PREPARE_DATA(float); fclose(fpInp); if (verbose) displayArrayNM_f( floatOutput, nC, nR, stdout ); liftTransform2d_f(floatInput, nC, nR, startHigh, startHigh, false, noRescale, wlp); if (verbose) displayArrayNM_f(floatInput, nC, nR, stdout ); float *outLL=NULL, *outLH=NULL, *outHL=NULL, *outHH=NULL; long low_nC, low_nR, high_nC, high_nR; wavPack_lineBuffers_f ( floatInput, nC, nR, startHigh, startHigh, &outLL, &outHL, &outLH, &outHH, &low_nC, &low_nR, &high_nC, &high_nR); if (verbose) { printf("\n sizes: low nC nR high nC nR \n %ld %ld %ld %ld \n pointers: %p %p %p %p\n", low_nC, low_nR, high_nC, high_nR, outLL, outHL, outLH, outHH); printf("\n\n -------- LL band---------------\n"); displayArrayNM_f(outLL, low_nC, low_nR, stdout ); printf("\n\n -------- HL band---------------\n"); displayArrayNM_f(outHL, high_nC, low_nR, stdout ); printf("\n\n -------- LH band---------------\n"); displayArrayNM_f(outLH, low_nC, high_nR, stdout ); printf("\n\n -------- HH band---------------\n"); displayArrayNM_f(outHH, high_nC, high_nR, stdout ); } FILE* fpOut = fopen(outNameLL, "w"); assert (fpOut); fwrite(outLL, nBytes, low_nC*low_nR, fpOut); fclose(fpOut); fpOut = fopen(outNameHL, "w"); assert (fpOut); fwrite(outHL, nBytes, high_nC*low_nR, fpOut); fclose(fpOut); fpOut = fopen(outNameLH, "w"); assert (fpOut); fwrite(outLH, nBytes, low_nC*high_nR, fpOut); fclose(fpOut); fpOut = fopen(outNameHH, "w"); assert (fpOut); fwrite(outHH, nBytes, high_nC*high_nR, fpOut); fclose(fpOut); XYN_DPRINTF(DEBUG_PROCESS,"closed files\n"); XynFree(floatInput); XynFree(floatOutput); XynFree(outLL); XYN_DPRINTF(DEBUG_PROCESS,"memory freed\n"); return OK; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { parseParameters(argc, argv); if (pthread_mutex_init(&lock, NULL) != 0) { printf("ERROR: cannot initialize mutex! \n"); exit(1); } connectToDFServer(); connectToPeers(); unsigned long t1, t2; struct timespec clock; unsigned long sleep_time; char buffer[MSG_SIZE]; int num_received_bytes; int num_sent_bytes; /* Start by resetting the inputs and outputs to their default values */ pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); clear_ua_inputs(); clear_ua_outputs(); initializeCustomLogic(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); while (1) { clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &clock); t1 = clock.tv_sec * 1000000L; pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); /* Receive all input signals from DF server */ num_received_bytes = recv(DF_server_socket, buffer, MSG_SIZE, MSG_DONTWAIT); if (num_received_bytes > 0) ua_receive((buffer_el *) buffer, num_received_bytes, &ua_inputs, NULL); /* Call the User Application generated by SCADE */ executeOperator(); /* Clear inputs after each cycle update */ clear_ua_inputs(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); /* Send all output signals to DF server */ num_sent_bytes = ua_send((buffer_el *) buffer, &ua_outputs, NULL); send(DF_server_socket, buffer, num_sent_bytes, MSG_DONTWAIT); /* Send messages to each peer */ sendMessagesToPeers(); executeCustomLogic(); clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &clock); t2 = clock.tv_sec * 1000000L; sleep_time = 100000L; if (t2 - t1 > sleep_time) printf("Timing: cycle delayed by %d milliseconds! \n", (int) (((t2 - t1) - sleep_time)/1000L)); else usleep(sleep_time - (t2 - t1)); } pthread_join(thread_receiver, NULL); close(DF_server_socket); close(broadcast_socket); close(listening_socket); pthread_mutex_destroy(&lock); return 0; }
//Main program int main(void) { int receivedBytes;//, sentBytes; //unsigned char outBuff[BUFFER_MAX]; unsigned char inBuff[BUFFER_MAX]; //Reserve memory char* cmd = malloc((BUFFER_MAX+1) * sizeof(char)); char* par = malloc((BUFFER_MAX+1) * sizeof(char)); struct commandStructure command; //Threads variables pthread_t logThread; pthread_t emailThread; //pthread_t debugThread; pthread_t webcamThread; pthread_t emailPhotoThread; //Empty buffers init(); // Open serial file descriptor int fd = openSerial(); //Loop to scan while(1){ receivedBytes = read(fd,inBuff,BUFFER_MAX); if(receivedBytes > 0){ // Data found! if(DEBUG){ printf("\nPayload size: %d\n",receivedBytes); int i; for(i=0;i<receivedBytes;i++){ printf("%c",inBuff[i]); } printf("\n"); } getCmd(inBuff,cmd); getPar(inBuff,par); int pars = parseParameters(par); if(!validCommand(cmd)){ printf("Invalid Command: %s\n\n",cmd); continue; }else{ //printf("Command: %s\n",cmd); //int i = 0; //printf("Parameters found: %d\n",pars); //for(i=0;i<pars;i++) printf("Parameter %d - %s\n",i,PARAMETERS[i]); } if(compareText(cmd,"Debug")){ //thread is detached so resources can be recycled. command.cmd = cmd; command.par[0] = PARAMETERS[0]; time_t now = time(NULL); printf("%s - %s",PARAMETERS[0],ctime(&now)); /* //=======Call debugFunc in thread====== int rc; pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr,PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); if((rc = pthread_create(&debugThread,&attr,debugFunc,&command))){ fprintf(stderr,"Error: Could not create thread: %d\n",rc); } pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); */ } if(compareText(cmd,"Log")){ if(pars < 1){ printf("Error: No message sent\n"); continue; } command.cmd = cmd; command.par[0] = PARAMETERS[0]; //=======Call logFunc in thread====== int rc; pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr,PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); if((rc = pthread_create(&logThread,&attr,logFunc,&command))){ fprintf(stderr,"Error: Could not create thread: %d\n",rc); } pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); } if(compareText(cmd,"Email")){ if(pars < 3){ //Need at least the email address and a subject printf("Error: Need 3 parameters: address, subject and message\n"); continue; } command.cmd = cmd; command.par[0] = PARAMETERS[0]; command.par[1] = PARAMETERS[1]; command.par[2] = PARAMETERS[2]; //=======Call logFunc in thread====== int rc; pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr,PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); if((rc = pthread_create(&emailThread,&attr,emailFunc,&command))){ fprintf(stderr,"Error: Could not create thread: %d\n",rc); } pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); } if(compareText(cmd,"Webcam")){ command.cmd = cmd; command.par[0] = PARAMETERS[0]; //=======Call debugFunc in thread====== int rc; pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr,PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); if((rc = pthread_create(&webcamThread,&attr,webcamFunc,&command))){ fprintf(stderr,"Error: Could not create webcam thread: %d\n",rc); } pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); } if(compareText(cmd,"EmailPhoto")){ command.cmd = cmd; command.par[0] = PARAMETERS[0]; command.par[1] = PARAMETERS[1]; command.par[2] = PARAMETERS[2]; //=======Call debugFunc in thread====== int rc; pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr,PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); if((rc = pthread_create(&emailPhotoThread,&attr,emailPhotoFunc,&command))){ fprintf(stderr,"Error: Could not create emailPhoto thread: %d\n",rc); } pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); } }else if(receivedBytes == 0){ //No data yet! go back to loop continue; }else if(receivedBytes < 0){ //Error reading, exit. printf("Error reading from file!\n"); perror("Error: " ); close(fd); return -1; } usleep(UDOONEO_POLL_DELAY); // poll time approx 50mS (faster crashes the app) } //Free reserved memory free((void*)cmd); free((void*)par); //Close serial's file descriptor close(fd); }
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN ); int status; rodsEnv myEnv; rErrMsg_t errMsg; rcComm_t *conn; boost::program_options::variables_map argsMap; irods::error err; bool useSaveFile = false; execMyRuleInp_t execMyRuleInp; msParamArray_t *outParamArray = NULL; msParamArray_t msParamArray; int rulegen; int connFlag = 0; char saveFile[MAX_NAME_LEN]; char ruleFile[MAX_NAME_LEN]; char cmdLineInput[MAX_NAME_LEN]; err = parseProgramOptions( argc, argv, argsMap ); if ( !err.ok() ) { std::cerr << "Error in parsing command line arguments" << std::endl; exit( 1 ); } if ( argsMap.count( "help" ) ) { usage(/*std::cout*/); exit( 0 ); } /* init data structures */ memset( &execMyRuleInp, 0, sizeof( execMyRuleInp ) ); memset( &msParamArray, 0, sizeof( msParamArray ) ); execMyRuleInp.inpParamArray = &msParamArray; execMyRuleInp.condInput.len = 0; /* add key val for test mode */ if ( argsMap.count( "test" ) ) { addKeyVal( &execMyRuleInp.condInput, "looptest", "true" ); } /* add key val for specifying instance on which to run rule */ if ( argsMap.count( "rule-engine-plugin-instance" ) ) { addKeyVal( &execMyRuleInp.condInput, irods::CFG_INSTANCE_NAME_KW.c_str(), argsMap["rule-engine-plugin-instance"].as<std::string>().c_str() ); } /* Don't need to parse parameters if just listing available rule_engine_instances */ if ( argsMap.count( "available" ) ) { /* add key val for listing available rule engine instances */ addKeyVal( &execMyRuleInp.condInput, "available", "true" ); } else { /* read rules from the input file */ if ( argsMap.count( "file" ) ) { FILE *fptr; int len; int gotRule = 0; char buf[META_STR_LEN]; const char* fileName; try { fileName = argsMap["file"].as< std::string >().c_str(); } catch ( boost::bad_any_cast& e ) { std::cerr << "Bad filename provided to --file option\n"; std::cerr << "Use -h or --help for help\n"; exit( 10 ); } catch ( std::out_of_range& e ) { std::cerr << "No filename provided to --file option\n"; std::cerr << "Use -h or --help for help\n"; exit( 10 ); } // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // initialize pluggable api table irods::api_entry_table& api_tbl = irods::get_client_api_table(); irods::pack_entry_table& pk_tbl = irods::get_pack_table(); init_api_table( api_tbl, pk_tbl ); /* if the input file name starts with "i:", the get the file from iRODS server */ if ( !strncmp( fileName, "i:", 2 ) ) { status = getRodsEnv( &myEnv ); if ( status < 0 ) { rodsLogError( LOG_ERROR, status, "main: getRodsEnv error. " ); exit( 1 ); } conn = rcConnect( myEnv.rodsHost, myEnv.rodsPort, myEnv.rodsUserName, myEnv.rodsZone, 0, &errMsg ); if ( conn == NULL ) { exit( 2 ); } status = clientLogin( conn ); if ( status != 0 ) { rcDisconnect( conn ); exit( 7 ); } if ( status == 0 ) { char *myargv[3]; int myargc, myoptind; rodsPathInp_t rodsPathInp; rodsArguments_t myRodsArgs; connFlag = 1; myargv[0] = strdup( fileName + 2 ); myargv[1] = saveFile; myargc = 2; myoptind = 0; const char *fileType = strrchr( fileName, '.' ); if ( fileType == NULL ) { printf( "Unsupported input file type\n" ); exit( 10 ); } if ( strcmp( fileType, ".r" ) == 0 ) { rulegen = 1; } else if ( strcmp( fileType, ".ir" ) == 0 || strcmp( fileType, ".irb" ) == 0 ) { rulegen = 0; } else { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "Unsupported input file type %s\n", fileType ); exit( 10 ); } snprintf( saveFile, MAX_NAME_LEN, "/tmp/tmpiruleFile.%i.%i.%s", ( unsigned int ) time( 0 ), getpid(), rulegen ? "r" : "ir" ); status = parseCmdLinePath( myargc, myargv, myoptind, &myEnv, UNKNOWN_OBJ_T, UNKNOWN_FILE_T, 0, &rodsPathInp ); status = getUtil( &conn, &myEnv, &myRodsArgs, &rodsPathInp ); if ( status < 0 ) { rcDisconnect( conn ); exit( 3 ); } useSaveFile = true; connFlag = 1; } } if ( useSaveFile ) { rstrcpy( ruleFile, saveFile, MAX_NAME_LEN ); } else { rstrcpy( ruleFile, fileName, MAX_NAME_LEN ); } fptr = fopen( ruleFile, "r" ); /* test if the file can be opened */ if ( fptr == NULL ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "Cannot open input file %s. errno = %d\n", ruleFile, errno ); exit( 1 ); } /* test if the file extension is supported */ const char *fileType = strrchr( ruleFile, '.' ); if ( fileType == NULL ) { printf( "Unsupported input file type\n" ); exit( 10 ); } else if ( strcmp( fileType, ".r" ) == 0 ) { rulegen = 1; } else if ( strcmp( fileType, ".ir" ) == 0 || strcmp( fileType, ".irb" ) == 0 ) { rulegen = 0; } else { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "Unsupported input file type %s\n", fileType ); exit( 10 ); } /* add the @external directive in the rule if the input file is in the new rule engine syntax */ if ( rulegen ) { rstrcpy( execMyRuleInp.myRule, "@external\n", META_STR_LEN ); } while ( ( len = getLine( fptr, buf, META_STR_LEN ) ) > 0 ) { if ( argsMap.count( "list" ) ) { puts( buf ); } /* skip comments if the input file is in the old rule engine syntax */ if ( !rulegen && buf[0] == '#' ) { continue; } if ( rulegen ) { if ( startsWith( buf, "INPUT" ) || startsWith( buf, "input" ) ) { gotRule = 1; trimSpaces( trimPrefix( buf ) ); } else if ( startsWith( buf, "OUTPUT" ) || startsWith( buf, "output" ) ) { gotRule = 2; trimSpaces( trimPrefix( buf ) ); } } if ( gotRule == 0 ) { if ( !rulegen ) { /* the input is a rule */ snprintf( execMyRuleInp.myRule + strlen( execMyRuleInp.myRule ), META_STR_LEN - strlen( execMyRuleInp.myRule ), "%s\n", buf ); } else { snprintf( execMyRuleInp.myRule + strlen( execMyRuleInp.myRule ), META_STR_LEN - strlen( execMyRuleInp.myRule ), "%s\n", buf ); } } else if ( gotRule == 1 ) { if ( rulegen ) { if ( convertListToMultiString( buf, 1 ) != 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "Input parameter list format error for %s\n", ruleFile ); exit( 10 ); } } parseParameters( argsMap, rulegen, &execMyRuleInp, buf ); } else if ( gotRule == 2 ) { if ( rulegen ) { if ( convertListToMultiString( buf, 0 ) != 0 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "Output parameter list format error for %s\n", ruleFile ); exit( 10 ); } } if ( strcmp( buf, "null" ) != 0 ) { rstrcpy( execMyRuleInp.outParamDesc, buf, LONG_NAME_LEN ); } break; } else { break; } if ( !rulegen ) { gotRule++; } } if ( argsMap.count( "list" ) ) { puts( "-----------------------------------------------------------------" ); } if ( gotRule != 2 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "Incomplete rule input for %s", ruleFile ); // argsMap["file"].as<std::string>().c_str() ); exit( 2 ); } if ( connFlag == 1 ) { fclose( fptr ); unlink( saveFile ); } } else { /* command line input */ std::vector< std::string > parameters; try { parameters = argsMap["parameters"].as< std::vector< std::string> >(); } catch ( boost::bad_any_cast& e ) { std::cerr << "Bad parameter list provided\n"; std::cerr << "Use -h or --help for help\n"; exit( 10 ); } catch ( std::out_of_range& e ) { std::cerr << "No parameters list provided\n"; std::cerr << "Use -h or --help for help\n"; exit( 10 ); } rulegen = 1; if ( parameters.size() < 3 ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "incomplete input" ); fprintf(stderr, "Use -h for help.\n" ); exit( 3 ); } snprintf( execMyRuleInp.myRule, META_STR_LEN, "@external rule { %s }", ); rstrcpy( cmdLineInput,, MAX_NAME_LEN ); if (0 != parseParameters( argsMap, 1, &execMyRuleInp, cmdLineInput )) { rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "Invalid input parameter list specification"); fprintf( stderr, "Use -h for help.\n" ); exit(10); } if ( != "null") { rstrcpy( execMyRuleInp.outParamDesc,, LONG_NAME_LEN ); } } } if ( connFlag == 0 ) { status = getRodsEnv( &myEnv ); if ( status < 0 ) { rodsLogError( LOG_ERROR, status, "main: getRodsEnv error. " ); exit( 1 ); } conn = rcConnect( myEnv.rodsHost, myEnv.rodsPort, myEnv.rodsUserName, myEnv.rodsZone, 0, &errMsg ); if ( conn == NULL ) { rodsLogError( LOG_ERROR, errMsg.status, "rcConnect failure %s", errMsg.msg ); exit( 2 ); } status = clientLogin( conn ); if ( status != 0 ) { rcDisconnect( conn ); exit( 7 ); } } if ( argsMap.count( "verbose" ) ) { printf( "rcExecMyRule: %s\n", rulegen ? execMyRuleInp.myRule + 10 : execMyRuleInp.myRule ); printf( "outParamDesc: %s\n", execMyRuleInp.outParamDesc ); } status = rcExecMyRule( conn, &execMyRuleInp, &outParamArray ); if ( argsMap.count( "test" ) ) { printErrorStack( conn->rError ); } if ( status < 0 ) { msParam_t *mP; execCmdOut_t *execCmdOut; if ( !rulegen ) { rodsLogError( LOG_ERROR, status, "rcExecMyRule error. The rule engine is running under backward compatible mode. To run the rule(s) under normal mode, try renaming the file extension to \".r\". " ); } else { rodsLogError( LOG_ERROR, status, "rcExecMyRule error. " ); } printErrorStack( conn->rError ); if ( ( mP = getMsParamByType( outParamArray, ExecCmdOut_MS_T ) ) != NULL ) { execCmdOut = ( execCmdOut_t * ) mP->inOutStruct; if ( execCmdOut->stdoutBuf.buf != NULL ) { fprintf( stdout, "%s", ( char * ) execCmdOut->stdoutBuf.buf ); } if ( execCmdOut->stderrBuf.buf != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s", ( char * ) execCmdOut->stderrBuf.buf ); } } rcDisconnect( conn ); exit( 4 ); } if ( argsMap.count( "verbose" ) ) { printf( "ExecMyRule completed successfully. Output \n\n" ); printMsParamNew( outParamArray, 1 ); } else { printMsParamNew( outParamArray, 0 ); msParam_t *mP; execCmdOut_t *execCmdOut; if ( ( mP = getMsParamByType( outParamArray, ExecCmdOut_MS_T ) ) != NULL ) { execCmdOut = ( execCmdOut_t * ) mP->inOutStruct; if ( execCmdOut->stdoutBuf.buf != NULL ) { fprintf( stdout, "%s", ( char * ) execCmdOut->stdoutBuf.buf ); } if ( execCmdOut->stderrBuf.buf != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s", ( char * ) execCmdOut->stderrBuf.buf ); } } } if ( argsMap.count( "verbose" ) && conn->rError != NULL ) { int i, len; rErrMsg_t *errMsg; len = conn->rError->len; for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { errMsg = conn->rError->errMsg[i]; printf( "%s\n", errMsg->msg ); } } printErrorStack( conn->rError ); rcDisconnect( conn ); exit( 0 ); }
void parseCommandArguments( int argc, // in char *argv[], //in Parameters *params, //in/out char *paramFile, //out char *additionalParams, //out char *Error, // aux char *prefix //out ) { additionalParams[0]=0; if(argc<2) { puts("Usage: ./calculateFreeEnergy prefix [parameters.txt] [Additional parameters string]"); puts("For proper work of the program one shoud have the following files:"); puts("\t- ${prefix}gamma${site}.3d"); puts("\t- ${prefix}c${site}.3d"); puts("\t- ${prefix}clong${site}.3d"); puts("\t- ${prefix}X.grd"); puts("\t- ${prefix}Y.grd"); puts("\t- ${prefix}Z.grd"); puts("If no parameters file is given, the file ${prefix}_parameters.txt is used"); throw new Exception(NULL,"incorrect command line arguments"); return; } strcpy(prefix,argv[1]); if(argc>2) strcpy(paramFile,argv[2]); else sprintf(paramFile,"%sparameters.txt",prefix); if(argc>3) { strcpy(additionalParams,argv[3]); } Integer L=sizeOfFile(paramFile); FILE *f=fopen(paramFile,"r"); if(L==0 || f==NULL) { sprintf(Error,"Cannot read parameters form file %s",paramFile); throw new Exception(NULL,Error); } char *str = (char*)malloc(L+1); fread(str,1,L,f); fclose(f); StringParser spFile(str); ParseParameters parseParameters("Bohr", //const char *distanceUnits, "Hartree", //const char * energyUnits, params //Parameters *parameters ); parseParameters.parse(&spFile); free(str); StringParser spArg(additionalParams); parseParameters.parse(&spArg); }
void AGActivityGenHandler::myStartElement(int element, const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { try { switch (element) { case AGEN_TAG_GENERAL: parseGeneralCityInfo(attrs); break; case AGEN_TAG_STREET: parseStreets(attrs); break; case AGEN_TAG_WORKHOURS: parseWorkHours(); break; case AGEN_TAG_OPENING: parseOpeningHour(attrs); break; case AGEN_TAG_CLOSING: parseClosingHour(attrs); break; case AGEN_TAG_SCHOOLS: parseSchools(); break; case AGEN_TAG_SCHOOL: parseSchool(attrs); break; case AGEN_TAG_BUSSTATION: parseBusStation(attrs); break; case AGEN_TAG_BUSLINE: parseBusLine(attrs); break; case AGEN_TAG_STATIONS: parseStations(); break; case AGEN_TAG_REV_STATIONS: parseRevStations(); break; case AGEN_TAG_STATION: parseStation(attrs); break; case AGEN_TAG_FREQUENCY: parseFrequency(attrs); break; case AGEN_TAG_POPULATION: parsePopulation(); break; /*case AGEN_TAG_CHILD_ACOMP: parseChildrenAccompaniment(); break;*/ case AGEN_TAG_BRACKET: parseBracket(attrs); break; case AGEN_TAG_PARAM: parseParameters(attrs); break; case AGEN_TAG_ENTRANCE: parseCityGates(attrs); break; default: break; } } catch (const std::exception& e) { throw ProcessError(e.what()); } }
ConstitutiveModelParameters<EvalT, Traits>:: ConstitutiveModelParameters(Teuchos::ParameterList& p, const Teuchos::RCP<Albany::Layouts>& dl) : have_temperature_(false), dl_(dl) { // get number of integration points and spatial dimensions std::vector<PHX::DataLayout::size_type> dims; dl_->qp_vector->dimensions(dims); num_pts_ = dims[1]; num_dims_ = dims[2]; // get the Parameter Library Teuchos::RCP<ParamLib> paramLib = p.get<Teuchos::RCP<ParamLib> >("Parameter Library", Teuchos::null); // get the material parameter list Teuchos::ParameterList* mat_params = p.get<Teuchos::ParameterList*>("Material Parameters"); // Check for optional field: temperature if (p.isType<std::string>("Temperature Name")) { have_temperature_ = true; PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> tmp(p.get<std::string>("Temperature Name"), dl_->qp_scalar); temperature_ = tmp; this->addDependentField(temperature_); } // step through the possible parameters, registering as necessary // // elastic modulus std::string e_mod("Elastic Modulus"); if (mat_params->isSublist(e_mod)) { PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> tmp(e_mod, dl_->qp_scalar); elastic_mod_ = tmp; field_map_.insert(std::make_pair(e_mod, elastic_mod_)); parseParameters(e_mod, p, paramLib); } // Poisson's ratio std::string pr("Poissons Ratio"); if (mat_params->isSublist(pr)) { PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> tmp(pr, dl_->qp_scalar); poissons_ratio_ = tmp; field_map_.insert(std::make_pair(pr, poissons_ratio_)); parseParameters(pr, p, paramLib); } // bulk modulus std::string b_mod("Bulk Modulus"); if (mat_params->isSublist(b_mod)) { PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> tmp(b_mod, dl_->qp_scalar); bulk_mod_ = tmp; field_map_.insert(std::make_pair(b_mod, bulk_mod_)); parseParameters(b_mod, p, paramLib); } // shear modulus std::string s_mod("Shear Modulus"); if (mat_params->isSublist(s_mod)) { PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> tmp(s_mod, dl_->qp_scalar); shear_mod_ = tmp; field_map_.insert(std::make_pair(s_mod, shear_mod_)); parseParameters(s_mod, p, paramLib); } // yield strength std::string yield("Yield Strength"); if (mat_params->isSublist(yield)) { PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> tmp(yield, dl_->qp_scalar); yield_strength_ = tmp; field_map_.insert(std::make_pair(yield, yield_strength_)); parseParameters(yield, p, paramLib); } // hardening modulus std::string h_mod("Hardening Modulus"); if (mat_params->isSublist(h_mod)) { PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> tmp(h_mod, dl_->qp_scalar); hardening_mod_ = tmp; field_map_.insert(std::make_pair(h_mod, hardening_mod_)); parseParameters(h_mod, p, paramLib); } // recovery modulus std::string r_mod("Recovery Modulus"); if (mat_params->isSublist(r_mod)) { PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> tmp(r_mod, dl_->qp_scalar); recovery_mod_ = tmp; field_map_.insert(std::make_pair(r_mod, recovery_mod_)); parseParameters(r_mod, p, paramLib); } // concentration equilibrium parameter std::string c_eq("Concentration Equilibrium Parameter"); if (mat_params->isSublist(c_eq)) { PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> tmp(c_eq, dl_->qp_scalar); conc_eq_param_ = tmp; field_map_.insert(std::make_pair(c_eq, conc_eq_param_)); parseParameters(c_eq, p, paramLib); } // diffusion coefficient std::string d_coeff("Diffusion Coefficient"); if (mat_params->isSublist(d_coeff)) { PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> tmp(d_coeff, dl_->qp_scalar); diff_coeff_ = tmp; field_map_.insert(std::make_pair(d_coeff, diff_coeff_)); parseParameters(d_coeff, p, paramLib); } // thermal conductivity std::string th_cond("Thermal Conductivity"); if (mat_params->isSublist(th_cond)) { PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> tmp(th_cond, dl_->qp_scalar); thermal_cond_ = tmp; field_map_.insert(std::make_pair(th_cond, thermal_cond_)); parseParameters(th_cond, p, paramLib); } // flow rule coefficient std::string f_coeff("Flow Rule Coefficient"); if (mat_params->isSublist(f_coeff)) { PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> tmp(f_coeff, dl_->qp_scalar); flow_coeff_ = tmp; field_map_.insert(std::make_pair(f_coeff, flow_coeff_)); parseParameters(f_coeff, p, paramLib); } // flow rule exponent std::string f_exp("Flow Rule Exponent"); if (mat_params->isSublist(f_exp)) { PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> tmp(f_exp, dl_->qp_scalar); flow_exp_ = tmp; field_map_.insert(std::make_pair(f_exp, flow_exp_)); parseParameters(f_exp, p, paramLib); } // register evaluated fields typename std::map<std::string, PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> >::iterator it; for (it = field_map_.begin(); it != field_map_.end(); ++it) { this->addEvaluatedField(it->second); } this->setName( "Constitutive Model Parameters" + PHX::TypeString<EvalT>::value); }
bool GetDataSpace::parameterize (const char* string) { ParseState state; if (!parseParameters (string, "GD", 1, state)) {return false;} address = Utils::fromDecimal (state.parms[0]); return true; }
void ContentType::parse( const EString &s ) { EmailParser p( s ); p.whitespace(); while ( p.present( ":" ) ) p.whitespace(); bool mustGuess = false; if ( p.atEnd() ) { t = "text"; st = "plain"; } else { uint x = p.mark(); if ( p.nextChar() == '/' ) mustGuess = true; else t = p.mimeToken().lower(); if ( p.atEnd() ) { if ( s == "text" ) { t = "text"; // elm? mailtool? someone does this, anyway. st = "plain"; } // the remainder is from RFC 1049 else if ( s == "postscript" ) { t = "application"; st = "postscript"; } else if ( s == "postscript" ) { t = "application"; st = "postscript"; } else if ( s == "sgml" ) { t = "text"; st = "sgml"; } else if ( s == "tex" ) { t = "application"; st = "x-tex"; } else if ( s == "troff" ) { t = "application"; st = "x-troff"; } else if ( s == "dvi" ) { t = "application"; st = "x-dvi"; } else if ( s.startsWith( "x-" ) ) { st = "x-rfc1049-" + s; t = "application"; } else { // scribe and undefined types setError( "Invalid Content-Type: " + s.quoted() ); } } else { if ( p.nextChar() == '/' ) { p.step(); if ( !p.atEnd() || p.nextChar() != ';' ) st = p.mimeToken().lower(); if ( st.isEmpty() ) mustGuess = true; } else if ( p.nextChar() == '=' ) { // oh no. someone skipped the content-type and // supplied only some parameters. we'll assume it's // text/plain and parse the parameters. t = "text"; st = "plain"; p.restore( x ); mustGuess = true; } else { addParameter( "original-type", t + "/" + st ); t = "application"; st = "octet-stream"; mustGuess = true; } parseParameters( &p ); } } if ( mustGuess ) { EString fn = parameter( "name" ); if ( fn.isEmpty() ) fn = parameter( "filename" ); while ( fn.endsWith( "." ) ) fn.truncate( fn.length() - 1 ); fn = fn.lower(); if ( fn.endsWith( "jpg" ) || fn.endsWith( "jpeg" ) ) { t = "image"; st = "jpeg"; } else if ( fn.endsWith( "htm" ) || fn.endsWith( "html" ) ) { t = "text"; st = "html"; } else if ( fn.isEmpty() && st.isEmpty() && t == "text" ) { st = "plain"; } else if ( t == "text" ) { addParameter( "original-type", t + "/" + st ); st = "plain"; } else { addParameter( "original-type", t + "/" + st ); t = "application"; st = "octet-stream"; } } if ( t.isEmpty() || st.isEmpty() ) setError( "Both type and subtype must be nonempty: " + s.quoted() ); if ( valid() && t == "multipart" && st == "appledouble" && parameter( "boundary" ).isEmpty() ) { // some people send appledouble without the header. what can // we do? let's just call it application/octet-stream. whoever // wants to decode can try, or reply. t = "application"; st = "octet-steam"; } if ( valid() && !p.atEnd() && t == "multipart" && parameter( "boundary" ).isEmpty() && s.lower().containsWord( "boundary" ) ) { EmailParser csp( s.mid( s.lower().find( "boundary" ) ) ); csp.require( "boundary" ); csp.whitespace(); if ( csp.present( "=" ) ) csp.whitespace(); uint m = csp.mark(); EString b = csp.string(); if ( b.isEmpty() || !csp.ok() ) { csp.restore( m ); b = csp.input().mid( csp.pos() ).section( ";", 1 ).simplified(); if ( !b.isQuoted() ) b.replace( "\\", "" ); if ( b.isQuoted() ) b = b.unquoted(); else if ( b.isQuoted( '\'' ) ) b = b.unquoted( '\'' ); } if ( !b.isEmpty() ) addParameter( "boundary", b ); } if ( valid() && t == "multipart" && parameter( "boundary" ).isEmpty() ) setError( "Multipart entities must have a boundary parameter." ); if ( !parameter( "charset" ).isEmpty() ) { Codec * c = Codec::byName( parameter( "charset" ) ); if ( c ) { EString cs = c->name().lower(); if ( t == "text" && cs == "us-ascii" ) removeParameter( "charset" ); else if ( cs != parameter( "charset" ).lower() ) addParameter( "charset", cs ); } } if ( valid() && !p.atEnd() && t == "text" && parameter( "charset" ).isEmpty() && s.mid( p.pos() ).lower().containsWord( "charset" ) ) { EmailParser csp( s.mid( s.lower().find( "charset" ) ) ); csp.require( "charset" ); csp.whitespace(); if ( csp.present( "=" ) ) csp.whitespace(); Codec * c = Codec::byName( csp.dotAtom() ); if ( c ) addParameter( "charset", c->name().lower() ); } if ( !valid() ) setUnparsedValue( s ); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { string chrName = "", chrNameB = ""; CLineFields inputReferenceGenomeFile; CLineFields genotypesFile; if (parseParameters (argc, argv) == false) { cerr << "Version: 1.0-r7" << endl; cerr << "Contact: [email protected]" << endl << endl; cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] <<" -r haploid.fa -g genotypes -l length -o diploid.fa" << endl << endl; cerr << "Convert haploid reference genome to diploid reference genome according to the genotypes and sequencing read length" << endl << endl; cerr << "Example: " << argv[0] << " -r hg19.fa -g known.genotypes -l 36 -o diploid.fa" << endl; cerr << endl << "Parameters (mandatory): " << endl; cerr << " -r\t\thaploid reference genome file " << endl; cerr << " -g\t\tgenotypes file" << endl; cerr << " -l\t\tread length" << endl; cerr << " -o\t\toutput diploid reference genome file " << endl; cerr << endl << "Parameters (optional): " << endl; cerr << " -d\t\tmaximal deletion in a read and mapped to alternative alleles [default=0]" << endl; cerr << " -s\t\tsex of the individual [default=\"m\"]" << endl; exit(-1); } if (inputReferenceGenomeFile.openFile(inputReferenceGenomeFileName)==false) { cerr << "Can not open file: " << inputReferenceGenomeFileName << endl; exit (-1); } if (genotypesFile.openFile(genotypesFileName)==false) { cerr << "Can not open file: " << genotypesFileName << endl; exit (-1); } // step 1: read haploid reference genome file, double the total number of chromosomes. bool readin = false; inputReferenceGenomeFile.readline(); while (inputReferenceGenomeFile.endofFile()==false) { if (inputReferenceGenomeFile.line[0]=='>') { chrName = inputReferenceGenomeFile.line.substr(1); chrNameB = chrName+"b"; if (chrName != "chrY" || gender=='m') { chrMap[chrName] = ""; chrMap[chrNameB] = ""; chrNameList.push_back(chrName); chrNameList.push_back(chrNameB); readin = true; } else { readin = false; // skip chromosome Y for female individuals. } } else if (readin){ chrMap[chrName] += inputReferenceGenomeFile.line; chrMap[chrNameB] += inputReferenceGenomeFile.line; } inputReferenceGenomeFile.readline(); } inputReferenceGenomeFile.closeFile(); // step 2: use genotype file to modify the chromosomes. double the chromosome numbers. if (genotypesFile.isOpen()) { int refColumn = -1, altColumn=-1; genotypesFile.readline(); while(genotypesFile.endofFile()==false) { unsigned int pos = atoi(genotypesFile.field[2].c_str()); chrName = genotypesFile.field[1]; chrNameB = chrName+"b"; if (chrMap[chrName].length()<pos) { cerr << "Warning!!! genotype is out of range at: " << chrName << ": " << genotypesFile.field[2] << endl; } else { // decide which is ref and which is non-ref if (toupper(chrMap[chrName][pos-1]) == toupper(genotypesFile.field[4][0])) { refColumn = 4; altColumn = 3; } else { refColumn = 3; altColumn = 4; } // if genotype is alt/alt, then we still need to change reference allele. if (chrMap[chrName][pos-1] >='A' && chrMap[chrName][pos-1] <='Z') { chrMap[chrName][pos-1] = toupper(genotypesFile.field[refColumn][0]); chrMap[chrNameB][pos-1] = toupper(genotypesFile.field[altColumn][0]); } else { chrMap[chrName][pos-1] = tolower(genotypesFile.field[refColumn][0]); chrMap[chrNameB][pos-1] = tolower(genotypesFile.field[altColumn][0]); } } genotypesFile.readline(); } genotypesFile.closeFile(); } contextLength = 2*readLength - 1 + 2*maxDeletion;;; // step 3: create mini chromosomes and append them to the end of reference allele. for (int i=0; i<(int)chrNameList.size(); i++) { chrName = chrNameList[i]; if (chrName[chrName.length()-1] == 'b') extendFromDiploid(chrName); } // step 4: print out the reference allele, which has already been extended by mini chromosomes. for (int i=0; i<(int)chrNameList.size(); i++) { chrName = chrNameList[i]; if (chrName[chrName.length()-1] != 'b') printHaploid(chrName); } outputReferenceGenomeFile << endl; dipmapFile.close(); outputReferenceGenomeFile.close(); return 0; }
// ParticleAttribute, ParticleBehavior, ParticleShader name bool PSClass::parseClass(istringstream &token) { bool result=true; // class type if (!"Attribute")) classType=ATTRIBUTE; else if (!"Behavior")) classType=BEHAVIOR; else if (!"Shader")) classType=SHADER; else { cout << "Translation stopped because no such class type: " << nextToken <<endl; result=false; } baseClassName="Particle"+nextToken; // name token >> className; // open { token >> nextToken; if ("{")) result=false; // can be parameters or functions token >> nextToken; // parse rest while(true) { if (!"Parameters")) { result = result && parseParameters(token); if (!result) break; } else if (!"attachAttributes")) { result = result && parseAttachAttributes(token); if (!result) break; } else if (!"Behavior")) { result = result && parseBehavior(token); if (!result) break; } else if (!"Shader")) { result = result && parseShader(token); if (!result) break; } else if (!"}")) break; else { cout << "Translation stopped because cannot parse token: " << nextToken<< ". Expecting end of class." <<endl; break; } } // close } if ("}")) result=false; return result; }
MODULE* GPCB_FPL_CACHE::parseMODULE( LINE_READER* aLineReader ) throw( IO_ERROR, PARSE_ERROR ) { #define TEXT_DEFAULT_SIZE ( 40*IU_PER_MILS ) #define OLD_GPCB_UNIT_CONV IU_PER_MILS // Old version unit = 1 mil, so conv_unit is 10 or 0.1 #define NEW_GPCB_UNIT_CONV ( 0.01*IU_PER_MILS ) int paramCnt; double conv_unit = NEW_GPCB_UNIT_CONV; // GPCB unit = 0.01 mils and Pcbnew 0.1 wxPoint textPos; wxString msg; wxArrayString parameters; std::auto_ptr<MODULE> module( new MODULE( NULL ) ); if( aLineReader->ReadLine() == NULL ) THROW_IO_ERROR( "unexpected end of file" ); parameters.Clear(); parseParameters( parameters, aLineReader ); paramCnt = parameters.GetCount(); /* From the Geda PCB documentation, valid Element definitions: * Element [SFlags "Desc" "Name" "Value" MX MY TX TY TDir TScale TSFlags] * Element (NFlags "Desc" "Name" "Value" MX MY TX TY TDir TScale TNFlags) * Element (NFlags "Desc" "Name" "Value" TX TY TDir TScale TNFlags) * Element (NFlags "Desc" "Name" TX TY TDir TScale TNFlags) * Element ("Desc" "Name" TX TY TDir TScale TNFlags) */ if( parameters[0].CmpNoCase( wxT( "Element" ) ) != 0 ) { msg.Printf( _( "unknown token \"%s\"" ), GetChars( parameters[0] ) ); THROW_PARSE_ERROR( msg, aLineReader->GetSource(), (const char *)aLineReader, aLineReader->LineNumber(), 0 ); } if( paramCnt < 10 || paramCnt > 14 ) { msg.Printf( _( "Element token contains %d parameters." ), paramCnt ); THROW_PARSE_ERROR( msg, aLineReader->GetSource(), (const char *)aLineReader, aLineReader->LineNumber(), 0 ); } // Test symbol after "Element": if [ units = 0.01 mils, and if ( units = 1 mil if( parameters[1] == wxT( "(" ) ) conv_unit = OLD_GPCB_UNIT_CONV; if( paramCnt > 10 ) { module->SetDescription( parameters[3] ); module->SetReference( parameters[4] ); } else { module->SetDescription( parameters[2] ); module->SetReference( parameters[3] ); } // Read value if( paramCnt > 10 ) module->SetValue( parameters[5] ); // With gEDA/pcb, value is meaningful after instantiation, only, so it's // often empty in bare footprints. if( module->Value().GetText().IsEmpty() ) module->Value().SetText( wxT( "Val**" ) ); if( paramCnt == 14 ) { textPos = wxPoint( parseInt( parameters[8], conv_unit ), parseInt( parameters[9], conv_unit ) ); } else { textPos = wxPoint( parseInt( parameters[6], conv_unit ), parseInt( parameters[7], conv_unit ) ); } int orientation = parseInt( parameters[paramCnt-4], 1.0 ); module->Reference().SetOrientation( (orientation % 2) ? 900 : 0 ); // Calculate size: default height is 40 mils, width 30 mil. // real size is: default * ibuf[idx+3] / 100 (size in gpcb is given in percent of default size int thsize = parseInt( parameters[paramCnt-3], TEXT_DEFAULT_SIZE ) / 100; thsize = std::max( (int)( 5 * IU_PER_MILS ), thsize ); // Ensure a minimal size = 5 mils int twsize = thsize * 30 / 40; int thickness = thsize / 8; // gEDA/pcb aligns top/left, not pcbnew's default, center/center. // Compensate for this by shifting the insertion point instead of the // aligment, because alignment isn't changeable in the GUI. textPos.x = textPos.x + twsize * module->GetReference().Len() / 2; textPos.y += thsize / 2; // gEDA/pcb draws a bit too low/left, while pcbnew draws a bit too // high/right. Compensate for similar appearance. textPos.x -= thsize / 10; textPos.y += thsize / 2; module->Reference().SetTextPosition( textPos ); module->Reference().SetPos0( textPos ); module->Reference().SetSize( wxSize( twsize, thsize ) ); module->Reference().SetThickness( thickness ); // gEDA/pcb shows only one of value/reference/description at a time. Which // one is selectable by a global menu setting. pcbnew needs reference as // well as value visible, so place the value right below the reference. module->Value().SetOrientation( module->Reference().GetOrientation() ); module->Value().SetSize( module->Reference().GetSize() ); module->Value().SetThickness( module->Reference().GetThickness() ); textPos.y += thsize * 13 / 10; // 130% line height module->Value().SetTextPosition( textPos ); module->Value().SetPos0( textPos ); while( aLineReader->ReadLine() ) { parameters.Clear(); parseParameters( parameters, aLineReader ); if( parameters.IsEmpty() || parameters[0] == wxT( "(" ) ) continue; if( parameters[0] == wxT( ")" ) ) break; paramCnt = parameters.GetCount(); // Test units value for a string line param (more than 3 parameters : ident [ xx ] ) if( paramCnt > 3 ) { if( parameters[1] == wxT( "(" ) ) conv_unit = OLD_GPCB_UNIT_CONV; else conv_unit = NEW_GPCB_UNIT_CONV; } wxLogTrace( traceFootprintLibrary, wxT( "%s parameter count = %d." ), GetChars( parameters[0] ), paramCnt ); // Parse a line with format: ElementLine [X1 Y1 X2 Y2 Thickness] if( parameters[0].CmpNoCase( wxT( "ElementLine" ) ) == 0 ) { if( paramCnt != 8 ) { msg.Printf( wxT( "ElementLine token contains %d parameters." ), paramCnt ); THROW_PARSE_ERROR( msg, aLineReader->GetSource(), (const char *)aLineReader, aLineReader->LineNumber(), 0 ); } EDGE_MODULE* drawSeg = new EDGE_MODULE( module.get() ); drawSeg->SetLayer( F_SilkS ); drawSeg->SetShape( S_SEGMENT ); drawSeg->SetStart0( wxPoint( parseInt( parameters[2], conv_unit ), parseInt( parameters[3], conv_unit ) ) ); drawSeg->SetEnd0( wxPoint( parseInt( parameters[4], conv_unit ), parseInt( parameters[5], conv_unit ) ) ); drawSeg->SetWidth( parseInt( parameters[6], conv_unit ) ); drawSeg->SetDrawCoord(); module->GraphicalItems().PushBack( drawSeg ); continue; } // Parse an arc with format: ElementArc [X Y Width Height StartAngle DeltaAngle Thickness] if( parameters[0].CmpNoCase( wxT( "ElementArc" ) ) == 0 ) { if( paramCnt != 10 ) { msg.Printf( wxT( "ElementArc token contains %d parameters." ), paramCnt ); THROW_PARSE_ERROR( msg, aLineReader->GetSource(), (const char *)aLineReader, aLineReader->LineNumber(), 0 ); } // Pcbnew does know ellipse so we must have Width = Height EDGE_MODULE* drawSeg = new EDGE_MODULE( module.get() ); drawSeg->SetLayer( F_SilkS ); drawSeg->SetShape( S_ARC ); module->GraphicalItems().PushBack( drawSeg ); // for and arc: ibuf[3] = ibuf[4]. Pcbnew does not know ellipses int radius = ( parseInt( parameters[4], conv_unit ) + parseInt( parameters[5], conv_unit ) ) / 2; wxPoint centre( parseInt( parameters[2], conv_unit ), parseInt( parameters[3], conv_unit ) ); drawSeg->SetStart0( centre ); // Pcbnew start angles are inverted and 180 degrees from Geda PCB angles. double start_angle = parseInt( parameters[6], -10.0 ) + 1800.0; // Pcbnew delta angle direction is the opposite of Geda PCB delta angles. double sweep_angle = parseInt( parameters[7], -10.0 ); // Geda PCB does not support circles. if( sweep_angle == -3600.0 ) drawSeg->SetShape( S_CIRCLE ); // Angle value is clockwise in gpcb and Pcbnew. drawSeg->SetAngle( sweep_angle ); drawSeg->SetEnd0( wxPoint( radius, 0 ) ); // Calculate start point coordinate of arc wxPoint arcStart( drawSeg->GetEnd0() ); RotatePoint( &arcStart, -start_angle ); drawSeg->SetEnd0( centre + arcStart ); drawSeg->SetWidth( parseInt( parameters[8], conv_unit ) ); drawSeg->SetDrawCoord(); continue; } // Parse a Pad with no hole with format: // Pad [rX1 rY1 rX2 rY2 Thickness Clearance Mask "Name" "Number" SFlags] // Pad (rX1 rY1 rX2 rY2 Thickness Clearance Mask "Name" "Number" NFlags) // Pad (aX1 aY1 aX2 aY2 Thickness "Name" "Number" NFlags) // Pad (aX1 aY1 aX2 aY2 Thickness "Name" NFlags) if( parameters[0].CmpNoCase( wxT( "Pad" ) ) == 0 ) { if( paramCnt < 10 || paramCnt > 13 ) { msg.Printf( wxT( "Pad token contains %d parameters." ), paramCnt ); THROW_PARSE_ERROR( msg, aLineReader->GetSource(), (const char *)aLineReader, aLineReader->LineNumber(), 0 ); } D_PAD* pad = new D_PAD( module.get() ); static const LSET pad_front( 3, F_Cu, F_Mask, F_Paste ); static const LSET pad_back( 3, B_Cu, B_Mask, B_Paste ); pad->SetShape( PAD_SHAPE_RECT ); pad->SetAttribute( PAD_ATTRIB_SMD ); pad->SetLayerSet( pad_front ); if( testFlags( parameters[paramCnt-2], 0x0080, wxT( "onsolder" ) ) ) pad->SetLayerSet( pad_back ); // Set the pad name: // Pcbnew pad name is used for electrical connection calculations. // Accordingly it should be mapped to gEDA's pin/pad number, // which is used for the same purpose. // gEDA also features a pin/pad "name", which is an arbitrary string // and set to the pin name of the netlist on instantiation. Many gEDA // bare footprints use identical strings for name and number, so this // can be a bit confusing. pad->SetPadName( parameters[paramCnt-3] ); int x1 = parseInt( parameters[2], conv_unit ); int x2 = parseInt( parameters[4], conv_unit ); int y1 = parseInt( parameters[3], conv_unit ); int y2 = parseInt( parameters[5], conv_unit ); int width = parseInt( parameters[6], conv_unit ); wxPoint delta( x2 - x1, y2 - y1 ); double angle = atan2( (double)delta.y, (double)delta.x ); // Get the pad clearance and the solder mask clearance. if( paramCnt == 13 ) { int clearance = parseInt( parameters[7], conv_unit ); // One of gEDA's oddities is that clearance between pad and polygon // is given as the gap on both sides of the pad together, so for // KiCad it has to halfed. pad->SetLocalClearance( clearance / 2 ); // In GEDA, the mask value is the size of the hole in this // solder mask. In Pcbnew, it is a margin, therefore the distance // between the copper and the mask int maskMargin = parseInt( parameters[8], conv_unit ); maskMargin = ( maskMargin - width ) / 2; pad->SetLocalSolderMaskMargin( maskMargin ); } // Negate angle (due to Y reversed axis) and convert it to internal units angle = - RAD2DECIDEG( angle ); pad->SetOrientation( KiROUND( angle ) ); wxPoint padPos( (x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2 ); pad->SetSize( wxSize( KiROUND( EuclideanNorm( delta ) ) + width, width ) ); padPos += module->GetPosition(); pad->SetPos0( padPos ); pad->SetPosition( padPos ); if( !testFlags( parameters[paramCnt-2], 0x0100, wxT( "square" ) ) ) { if( pad->GetSize().x == pad->GetSize().y ) pad->SetShape( PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE ); else pad->SetShape( PAD_SHAPE_OVAL ); } module->Add( pad ); continue; } // Parse a Pin with through hole with format: // Pin [rX rY Thickness Clearance Mask Drill "Name" "Number" SFlags] // Pin (rX rY Thickness Clearance Mask Drill "Name" "Number" NFlags) // Pin (aX aY Thickness Drill "Name" "Number" NFlags) // Pin (aX aY Thickness Drill "Name" NFlags) // Pin (aX aY Thickness "Name" NFlags) if( parameters[0].CmpNoCase( wxT( "Pin" ) ) == 0 ) { if( paramCnt < 8 || paramCnt > 12 ) { msg.Printf( wxT( "Pin token contains %d parameters." ), paramCnt ); THROW_PARSE_ERROR( msg, aLineReader->GetSource(), (const char *)aLineReader, aLineReader->LineNumber(), 0 ); } D_PAD* pad = new D_PAD( module.get() ); pad->SetShape( PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE ); static const LSET pad_set = LSET::AllCuMask() | LSET( 3, F_SilkS, F_Mask, B_Mask ); pad->SetLayerSet( pad_set ); if( testFlags( parameters[paramCnt-2], 0x0100, wxT( "square" ) ) ) pad->SetShape( PAD_SHAPE_RECT ); // Set the pad name: // Pcbnew pad name is used for electrical connection calculations. // Accordingly it should be mapped to gEDA's pin/pad number, // which is used for the same purpose. pad->SetPadName( parameters[paramCnt-3] ); wxPoint padPos( parseInt( parameters[2], conv_unit ), parseInt( parameters[3], conv_unit ) ); int padSize = parseInt( parameters[4], conv_unit ); pad->SetSize( wxSize( padSize, padSize ) ); int drillSize = 0; // Get the pad clearance, solder mask clearance, and drill size. if( paramCnt == 12 ) { int clearance = parseInt( parameters[5], conv_unit ); // One of gEDA's oddities is that clearance between pad and polygon // is given as the gap on both sides of the pad together, so for // KiCad it has to halfed. pad->SetLocalClearance( clearance / 2 ); // In GEDA, the mask value is the size of the hole in this // solder mask. In Pcbnew, it is a margin, therefore the distance // between the copper and the mask int maskMargin = parseInt( parameters[6], conv_unit ); maskMargin = ( maskMargin - padSize ) / 2; pad->SetLocalSolderMaskMargin( maskMargin ); drillSize = parseInt( parameters[7], conv_unit ); } else { drillSize = parseInt( parameters[5], conv_unit ); } pad->SetDrillSize( wxSize( drillSize, drillSize ) ); padPos += module->GetPosition(); pad->SetPos0( padPos ); pad->SetPosition( padPos ); if( pad->GetShape() == PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE && pad->GetSize().x != pad->GetSize().y ) pad->SetShape( PAD_SHAPE_OVAL ); module->Add( pad ); continue; } } // Recalculate the bounding box module->CalculateBoundingBox(); return module.release(); }