int bbspwd_main(void) { if (!loginok) return BBS_ELGNREQ; parse_post_data(); xml_header("bbs"); printf("<bbspwd "); print_session(); char *pw1 = getparm("pw1"); if (*pw1 == '\0') { printf(" i='i'></bbspwd>"); return 0; } printf(">", stdout); char *pw2 = getparm("pw2"); char *pw3 = getparm("pw3"); switch (set_password(pw1, pw2, pw3)) { case BBS_EWPSWD: printf("ÃÜÂë´íÎó"); break; case BBS_EINVAL: printf("ÐÂÃÜÂ벻ƥÅä »ò ÐÂÃÜÂëÌ«¶Ì"); break; default: break; } printf("</bbspwd>"); return 0; }
static int edit_user_file(const char *file, const char *desc, const char *submit) { if (!loginok) return BBS_ELGNREQ; char buf[HOMELEN]; sethomefile(buf, currentuser.userid, file); parse_post_data(); char *text = getparm("text"); if (*text != '\0') { int fd = open(buf, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644); if (fd < 0) return BBS_EINTNL; fb_flock(fd, LOCK_EX); safer_write(fd, text, strlen(text)); fb_flock(fd, LOCK_UN); close(fd); xml_header("bbs"); printf("<bbseufile "); print_session(); printf(" desc='%s'></bbseufile>", desc); } else { xml_header("bbs"); printf("<bbseufile "); print_session(); printf(" desc='%s' submit='%s'>", desc, submit); xml_printfile(buf, stdout); printf("</bbseufile>"); } return 0; }
int bbsinfo_main(void) { if (!loginok) return BBS_ELGNREQ; parse_post_data(); char *type = getparm("type"); xml_header("bbs"); if (*type != '\0') { printf("<bbsinfo "); print_session(); printf(">%s</bbsinfo>", check_info()); } else { printf("<bbsinfo post='%d' login='******' stay='%d' " "since='%s' host='%s' year='%d' month='%d' " "day='%d' gender='%c' ", currentuser.numposts, currentuser.numlogins, currentuser.stay / 60, getdatestring(currentuser.firstlogin, DATE_XML), currentuser.lasthost, currentuser.birthyear, currentuser.birthmonth, currentuser.birthday, currentuser.gender); print_session(); printf(" last='%s'><nick>", getdatestring(currentuser.lastlogin, DATE_XML)); xml_fputs(currentuser.username, stdout); printf("</nick></bbsinfo>"); } return 0; }
int main(void) { int len; char *lenstr,poststr[512]; char *player_id, *server_id; int can_share = 1; init_db((char *)"", 3306, (char *)"pay", (char *)"root", (char *)"123456"); printf("Content-Type:text/html\n\n"); lenstr=getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH"); if(lenstr == NULL) { printf("<DIV STYLE=\"COLOR:RED\">Errorarameters should be entered!</DIV>\n"); return (0); } len=atoi(lenstr) + 1; if (len >= 512) return (0); fgets(poststr,len,stdin); parse_post_data(poststr, len); server_id = get_value((char *)"server_id"); player_id = get_value((char *)"player_id"); if (!server_id || !player_id) return (0); MYSQL_RES *res = NULL; MYSQL_ROW row; char sql[256]; sprintf(sql, "select last_share_time, share_times, pay_times from share where server_id = %s and player_id = %s", server_id, player_id); res = query(sql, 1, NULL); if (!res) { send_no_record(); goto done; } row = fetch_row(res); if (!row) { send_no_record(); goto done; } if (!check_can_share(row)) { can_share = 0; } printf("[%d, %s, %s]", can_share, row[1], row[2]); done: if (res) free_query(res); fflush(stdout); close_db(); return 0; }
int web_buy_prop(void) { int item = strtol(web_get_param("item"), NULL, 10); if (item <= 0) return BBS_EINVAL; parse_post_data(); switch (item) { case PROP_TITLE_30DAYS: case PROP_TITLE_90DAYS: case PROP_TITLE_180DAYS: case PROP_TITLE_1YEAR: return buy_title(item, web_get_param("title")); default: return BBS_EINVAL; } }
int main(void) { int len; char *lenstr,poststr[512]; int open_id; char *key; init_db((char *)"", 3306, (char *)"sanguo", (char *)"root", (char *)"123456"); printf("Content-Type:text/html\n\n"); // printf("<HTML>\n"); // printf("<HEAD>\n<TITLE >ost Method</TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n"); // printf("<BODY>\n"); lenstr=getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH"); if(lenstr == NULL) { printf("<DIV STYLE=\"COLOR:RED\">Errorarameters should be entered!</DIV>\n"); return (0); } len=atoi(lenstr) + 1; if (len >= 512) return (0); fgets(poststr,len,stdin); parse_post_data(poststr, len); key = get_value((char *)"key"); open_id = atoi(get_value((char *)"open_id")); if (!key || open_id == 0) { printf("{\"result\":1,\n"); goto done; } if (check_key_valid(open_id, key) == 0) printf("{\"result\":0,\n"); else printf("{\"result\":1,\n"); // printf("</BODY>\n"); // printf("</HTML>\n"); done: fflush(stdout); close_db(); return 0; }
int bbssnd_main(void) { if (!loginok) return BBS_ELGNREQ; if (parse_post_data() < 0) return BBS_EINVAL; int bid = strtol(getparm("bid"), NULL, 10); struct boardheader *bp = getbcache2(bid); if (bp == NULL || !haspostperm(¤tuser, bp)) return BBS_ENOBRD; if (bp->flag & BOARD_DIR_FLAG) return BBS_EINVAL; bool isedit = (*(getparm("e")) == '1'); unsigned int fid; struct fileheader fh; char *f = getparm("f"); bool reply = !(*f == '\0'); if (reply) { fid = strtoul(f, NULL, 10); if (!bbscon_search(bp, fid, 0, &fh)) return BBS_ENOFILE; if (!isedit && fh.accessed[0] & FILE_NOREPLY) return BBS_EPST; if (isedit && !chkBM(bp, ¤tuser) && strcmp(fh.owner, currentuser.userid)) return BBS_EACCES; } char title[sizeof(fh.title)]; if (!isedit) { strlcpy(title, getparm("title"), sizeof(title)); printable_filter(title); if (*title == '\0') return BBS_EINVAL; } // TODO: ... #ifdef SPARC if(abs(time(0) - *(int*)(u_info->from+34))<6) { //modified from 36 to 34 for sparc solaris by roly 02.02.28 *(int*)(u_info->from+34)=time(0); //modified from 36 to 34 for sparc solaris by roly 02.02.28 return BBS_EPFREQ; } *(int*)(u_info->from+34)=time(0);//modified from 36 to 34 for sparc solaris by roly 02.02.28 #else if(abs(time(0) - *(int*)(u_info->from+36))<6) { //modified from 36 to 34 for sparc solaris by roly 02.02.28 *(int*)(u_info->from+36)=time(0); //modified from 36 to 34 for sparc solaris by roly 02.02.28 return BBS_EPFREQ; } *(int*)(u_info->from+36)=time(0);//modified from 36 to 34 for sparc solaris by roly 02.02.28 #endif if (isedit) { char file[HOMELEN]; setbfile(file, bp->filename, fh.filename); if (edit_article(file, getparm("text"), mask_host(fromhost)) < 0) return BBS_EINTNL; } else { post_request_t pr = { .autopost = false, .crosspost = false, .userid = NULL, .nick = NULL, .user = ¤tuser, .bp = bp, .title = title, .content = getparm("text"), .sig = strtol(getparm("sig"), NULL, 0), .ip = mask_host(fromhost), .o_fp = reply ? &fh : NULL, .noreply = false, .mmark = false }; if (do_post_article(&pr) < 0) return BBS_EINTNL; } if (!isedit && !junkboard(bp)) { currentuser.numposts++; save_user_data(¤tuser); } char buf[sizeof(fh.title) + sizeof(bp->filename)]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%sed '%s' on %s", isedit ? "edit" : "post", title, bp->filename); report(buf, currentuser.userid); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "doc?board=%s", bp->filename); http_header(); refreshto(1, buf); printf("</head>\n<body>发表成功,1秒钟后自动转到<a href='%s'>版面</a>\n" "</body>\n</html>\n", buf); return 0; }
int main(void) { int len; char *lenstr,poststr[512]; int open_id; time_t tm; int status; char *name; time(&tm); init_db((char *)"", 3306, (char *)"sanguo", (char *)"root", (char *)"123456"); printf("Content-Type:text/html\n\n"); // printf("<HTML>\n"); // printf("<HEAD>\n<TITLE >ost Method</TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n"); // printf("<BODY>\n"); lenstr=getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH"); if(lenstr == NULL) { printf("<DIV STYLE=\"COLOR:RED\">Errorarameters should be entered!</DIV>\n"); return (0); } len=atoi(lenstr) + 1; if (len >= 512) return (0); fgets(poststr,len,stdin); parse_post_data(poststr, len); name = get_value((char *)"username"); if (!name) { printf("{\"result\":1,\n"); printf("\"openid\":\"\",\n"); printf("\"key\":\"\",\n"); printf("\"timestamp\":\"\",\n"); printf("\"username\":\"\",\n"); printf("\"password\":\"\",\n"); printf("\"guest\":\"\",\n"); printf("\"msg\":\"\"}\n"); goto done; } time(&tm); open_id = query_open_id_and_status(name, &status); if (open_id > 0) printf("{\"result\":0,\n"); else printf("{\"result\":1,\n"); printf("\"openid\":\"%d\",\n", open_id); // printf("\"key\":\"e130773fc8b6be8b60119ca2d02b9af3\",\n"); tm += open_id; printf("\"key\":\"%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c\",\n", key_char[tm & 0xf], key_char[(tm >> 4) & 0xf], key_char[(tm >> 8) & 0xf], key_char[(tm >> 12) & 0xf], key_char[(tm >> 16) & 0xf], key_char[(tm >> 20) & 0xf], key_char[(tm >> 24) & 0xf], key_char[(tm >> 28) & 0xf]); printf("\"timestamp\":\"1356616013\",\n"); printf("\"username\":\"%s\",\n", name); printf("\"password\":\"123456\",\n"); printf("\"guest\":\"%d\",\n", status); printf("\"msg\":\"\"}\n"); // printf("</BODY>\n"); // printf("</HTML>\n"); done: fflush(stdout); close_db(); return 0; }
int bbslogin_main(void) { char fname[STRLEN]; char buf[256], id[IDLEN + 1], pw[PASSLEN]; struct userec user; if (parse_post_data() < 0) return BBS_EINVAL; strlcpy(id, getparm("id"), sizeof(id)); if (*id == '\0') return login_screen(); strlcpy(pw, getparm("pw"), sizeof(pw)); if (loginok && !strcasecmp(id, currentuser.userid)) { const char *ref = get_login_referer(); printf("Location: %s\n\n", ref); return 0; } if (getuserec(id, &user) == 0) return BBS_ENOUSR; user.numlogins++; if (strcasecmp(id, "guest")) { int total; time_t stay, recent, now, t; if (!checkpasswd(user.passwd, pw)) { sprintf(buf, "%-12.12s %s @%s\n", user.userid, getdatestring(time(NULL), DATE_ZH), fromhost); sethomefile(fname, user.userid, "logins.bad"); file_append(fname, buf); file_append("logins.bad", buf); return BBS_EWPSWD; } total = check_multi(&user); if (!HAS_PERM2(PERM_SYSOPS, &user) && total >= 2) return BBS_ELGNQE; if (!HAS_PERM2(PERM_LOGIN, &user)) return BBS_EACCES; now = time(NULL); // Do not count frequent logins. if (now - user.lastlogin < 20 * 60 && user.numlogins >= 100) user.numlogins--; if (total > 1) { recent = user.lastlogout; if (user.lastlogin > recent) recent = user.lastlogin; stay = now - recent; if (stay < 0) stay = 0; } else { stay = 0; } t = user.lastlogin; user.lastlogin = now; user.stay += stay; #ifdef CHECK_FREQUENTLOGIN if (!HAS_PERM(PERM_SYSOPS) && abs(t - time(NULL)) < 10) { report("Too Frequent", user.userid); return BBS_ELFREQ; } #endif strlcpy(user.lasthost, fromhost, sizeof(user.lasthost)); save_user_data(&user); currentuser = user; } log_usies("ENTER", fromhost, &user); if (!loginok && strcasecmp(id, "guest")) wwwlogin(&user, getparm("ref")); return 0; }
/*************************************************************************** * Function Name: cfe_web_bg_process * Description : This function processes an HTTP request on a socket. * Returns : None. ***************************************************************************/ static void cfe_web_bg_process(PSOCKET_INFO si) { char post_subst[] = {UPLOAD_FATAL, '\0'}; char *post_substs[] = {post_subst}; int close_tcp = 0; switch( si->state ) { case HTTP_READ_FIRST_HDR: if( read_first_hdr( si->s, si->web_first_buf, sizeof(si->web_first_buf), &si->web_buf_idx, &close_tcp ) == 0 ) { /* Not all of the first header has been read yet. Try again later.*/ break; } /* The first header has been read. */ si->state = HTTP_READ_REMAINING_HDRS; /* fall thru */ case HTTP_READ_REMAINING_HDRS: if( read_remaining_hdrs( si->s, si->web_buf, sizeof(si->web_buf), &si->web_buf_idx, &close_tcp, &si->post_content_length ) ) { if( g_processing_cmd == 0 ) { char *method = NULL; char *path = NULL; char *ptr = (char *) si->web_first_buf; method = gettoken(&ptr); if( method ) path = gettoken(&ptr); /* Process the HTTP request. Only GET and POST are supported. */ if( method && path ) { if( !strcmpi( method, "get" ) ) { send_page( si->s, path, 1, NULL, 0 ); close_tcp = 1; } else { if( !strcmpi( method, "post" ) ) { if( g_post_data_in_progress == 0 ) { g_post_data_in_progress = 1; si->state = HTTP_READ_POST_DATA; } else { send_error( si->s, 501, "Upload Busy", (char*) 0, "An image is already being uploaded." ); close_tcp = 1; } } else { send_error( si->s, 501, "Not Implemented", (char*) 0, "That method is not implemented." ); close_tcp = 1; } } } else { send_error( si->s, 400, "Bad Request", (char *) 0, "Can't parse request." ); close_tcp = 1; } } else { /* A download and flash image command is being executed from * the serial port console. */ send_error( si->s, 400, "Bad Request", (char *) 0, "Console command is in progress." ); close_tcp = 1; } } if( si->state != HTTP_READ_POST_DATA ) break; case HTTP_READ_POST_DATA: /* Read the post data, which contains an image to flash, into low * memory. */ if( (post_subst[0] = read_post_data( si->s, POST_DATA_START, si->post_content_length, &g_post_data_idx )) == UPLOAD_OK ) { /* Verify that the post data is a valid image to flash. */ post_subst[0] = parse_post_data( si->s, POST_DATA_START, g_post_data_idx, (unsigned char **) &g_image_start, &g_image_len, &g_image_format ); } switch( post_subst[0] ) { case UPLOAD_PENDING: break; case UPLOAD_TCP_ERROR: close_tcp = 1; g_post_data_in_progress = 0; g_post_data_idx = 0; break; case UPLOAD_OK: /* Notify foreground to abort the console input so it can * write the image to flash memory. */ g_console_abort = 1; send_page(si->s, "/uploadinfo.html", 0, post_substs, 1); close_tcp = 1; g_post_data_idx = 0; break; default: /* The image was downloaded OK but there was a problem with it * so it could not be written to flash memory. */ send_page(si->s, "/uploadinfo.html", 0, post_substs, 1); close_tcp = 1; g_post_data_in_progress = 0; g_post_data_idx = 0; break; } break; } /* Close the socket if the HTTP transaction is done. */ if( close_tcp ) { POLL(); tcp_close(si->s); si->s = SOCKET_CLOSED; si->state = HTTP_READ_FIRST_HDR; si->web_buf_idx = 0; si->post_content_length = 0; } } /* cfe_web_poll */
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int len; char *lenstr,poststr[512]; int server_id; int player_id; char *content; const int page_size = 20; //每页20条 int total_page; //页数 int cur_page; //请求的页数 int total_count; //总共的记录数 int start_pos = 0; server_id = atoi(basename(argv[0])); /* len = 0; for (;;) { if (len != 0) break; else sleep(1); } */ init_db((char *)"", 3306, (char *)"sanguo", (char *)"root", (char *)"123456"); printf("Content-Type:text/html\n\n"); lenstr=getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH"); if(lenstr == NULL) { printf("<DIV STYLE=\"COLOR:RED\">Errorarameters should be entered!</DIV>\n"); return (0); } len=atoi(lenstr) + 1; if (len >= 512) return (0); fgets(poststr,len,stdin); parse_post_data(poststr, len); player_id = atoi(get_value((char *)"userid")); cur_page = atoi(get_value((char *)"page")) - 1; if (cur_page < 0) cur_page = 0; start_pos = cur_page * page_size; // server_id = 15; // player_id = 36; char sql[512]; MYSQL_RES *res = NULL; MYSQL_ROW row; sprintf(sql, "select * from question where server_id = %d and player_id = %d", server_id, player_id); res = stored_query(sql); total_count = mysql_num_rows(res); total_page = total_count / page_size + 1; printf("[{\"tp\":%d,\"pn\":%d}", total_page, cur_page + 1); mysql_data_seek(res, start_pos); for (int i = start_pos; i < total_count; ++i) { row = fetch_row(res); printf(",{\"qc\":\"%s\",\"rc\":\"%s\",\"qs\":%s,\"qt\":\"%s\",\"rt\":\"%s\",\"rn\":\"%s\",\"qtp\":%s}", row[2], row[6] ? row[6] : "", row[5], row[3], row[7] ? row[7] : "", row[8] ? row[8] : "", row[4]); if (!row) break; } printf("]"); free_query(res); done: fflush(stdout); close_db(); return 0; }
int main(void) { int len; char *lenstr,poststr[512]; char *player_id, *server_id, *token; setenv("http_proxy", "", 1); setenv("https_proxy", "", 1); init_db((char *)"", 3306, (char *)"pay", (char *)"root", (char *)"123456"); printf("Content-Type:text/html\n\n"); /* lenstr=getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH"); if(lenstr == NULL) { printf("<DIV STYLE=\"COLOR:RED\">Errorarameters should be entered!</DIV>\n"); return (0); } len=atoi(lenstr) + 1; if (len >= 512) return (0); fgets(poststr,len,stdin); parse_post_data(poststr, len); len = 10; for (; len == 10;) sleep(2); */ lenstr = getenv("QUERY_STRING"); if(lenstr == NULL) { printf("<DIV STYLE=\"COLOR:RED\">Errorarameters should be entered!</DIV>\n"); return (0); } len = strlen(lenstr) + 1; parse_post_data(lenstr, len); server_id = get_value((char *)"server_id"); player_id = get_value((char *)"player_id"); token = get_value((char *)"token"); if (!server_id || !player_id || !token) return (0); // server_id = "15"; // player_id = "15"; // token = "AAACEdEose0cBAKedvUNeBVZAlpbsjUo4r2LHmR3K56gGFbJ4Gwp6PWVEp5wte4X4IdLK5YHziYabuXHCZCoXhzqmSZCKrsiZCLgOb1yjddnI2MyiZBmFK"; g_data.server_id = server_id; g_data.player_id = player_id; g_data.times = 0; MYSQL_RES *res = NULL; MYSQL_ROW row; char sql[256]; sprintf(sql, "select last_share_time, share_times from share where server_id = \"%s\" and player_id = \"%s\"", server_id, player_id); res = query(sql, 1, NULL); if (!res) { send_facebook_share(token, share_msg[0], &g_data); goto done; } row = fetch_row(res); if (!row) { send_facebook_share(token, share_msg[0], &g_data); goto done; } if (!check_can_share(row)) { send_fail(); goto done; } g_data.times = atoi(row[1]); free_query(res); res = NULL; send_facebook_share(token, share_msg[g_data.times], &g_data); // ret = atoi(row[0]); done: if (res) free_query(res); fflush(stdout); close_db(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int len; char *lenstr,poststr[512]; int server_id; int player_id; int type; char *content; server_id = atoi(basename(argv[0])); /* len = 0; for (;;) { if (len != 0) break; else sleep(1); } */ init_db((char *)"", 3306, (char *)"sanguo", (char *)"root", (char *)"123456"); printf("Content-Type:text/html\n\n"); // printf("<HTML>\n"); // printf("<HEAD>\n<TITLE >ost Method</TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n"); // printf("<BODY>\n"); lenstr=getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH"); if(lenstr == NULL) { printf("<DIV STYLE=\"COLOR:RED\">Errorarameters should be entered!</DIV>\n"); return (0); } len=atoi(lenstr) + 1; if (len >= 512) return (0); fgets(poststr,len,stdin); parse_post_data(poststr, len); // server_id = atoi(get_value((char *)"serverid")); player_id = atoi(get_value((char *)"userid")); type = atoi(get_value((char *)"type")); content = get_value((char *)"question"); char sql[512]; char *p = sql; uint64_t effect = 0; len = sprintf(sql, "insert into question set question_state = 0, player_id = %d, server_id = %d, question_type = %d, question_time = now(), question_content = ", player_id, server_id, type); p = sql + len; *p++ = '\''; p += escape_string(p, content, strlen(content)); *p++ = '\''; *p++ = '\0'; query(sql, 1, &effect); if (effect != 1) { printf("{\"msg\":[1,\"fail\"]}"); goto done; } printf("0"); // printf("</BODY>\n"); // printf("</HTML>\n"); done: fflush(stdout); close_db(); return 0; }
request::request(const int id, const std::string& r) { m_error = 0; m_error_text = ""; m_method = ""; m_path = ""; m_host = ""; m_identifier = ""; m_if_modified_since = 0; m_port = 80; m_request_lines = sammy::utils::split_string(r, '\n'); if(m_request_lines.size() == 0) { m_error = 1; m_error_text = "Request data empty."; return; } parse_header(); for(unsigned int i = 1; i < m_request_lines.size(); ++i) { // Find the line type of the request, to route it to the correct parse function const auto& current_line =; const auto colon_pos = current_line.find(": "); if(colon_pos == std::string::npos) { continue; } const std::string line_type = current_line.substr(0, colon_pos); const std::string line_data = current_line.substr(colon_pos + 2); if(line_type == "Host") { parse_host(line_data); continue; } if(line_type == "Cookie") { parse_cookies(line_data); continue; } if(line_type == "Referer") { parse_referer(line_data); continue; } if(line_type == "If-Modified-Since") { parse_if_modified_since(line_data); continue; } } parse_post_data(); if(m_method.size() == 0 || m_path.size() == 0 || m_host.size() == 0) { m_error = 1; m_error_text = "Method, path or host empty."; return; } m_identifier = sammy::utils::sha256(std::to_string(id)); }
// TODO: Handle user-defined directories. static int read_submit(void) { if (!loginok) return BBS_ELGNREQ; if (parse_post_data() < 0) return BBS_EINVAL; // Read parameters. bool boards[MAXBOARD] = {0}; int num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < param_num; i++) { if (!strcasecmp(param_val[i], "on")) { int bid = strtol(param_name[i], NULL, 10); if (bid > 0 && bid <= MAXBOARD && hasreadperm(¤tuser, bcache + bid - 1)) { boards[bid - 1] = true; ++num; } } } if (num > GOOD_BRC_NUM) return BBS_EBRDQE; if (num <= 0) return BBS_EINVAL; // Read '.goodbrd'. char file[HOMELEN]; sethomefile(file, currentuser.userid, ".goodbrd"); mmap_t m; m.oflag = O_RDWR; if (mmap_open(file, &m) < 0) return BBS_ENOFILE; // TODO: empty? if (mmap_truncate(&m, num * sizeof(struct goodbrdheader)) < 0) { return BBS_EINTNL; } struct goodbrdheader *iter, *end; end = (struct goodbrdheader *)m.ptr + num; // Remove deselected boards. struct goodbrdheader *dst = m.ptr; int id = 0; for (iter = m.ptr; iter != end; ++iter) { if (boards[iter->pos] == true) { boards[iter->pos] = false; id++; if (iter != dst) { iter->id = id; iter->pid = 0; *dst = *iter; } ++dst; } } // Write out newly selected boards. for (int i = 0; i < MAXBOARD; ++i) { if (boards[i] == true) { id++; if (id > GOOD_BRC_NUM) break; dst->id = num; dst->pid = 0; dst->pos = i; dst->flag = bcache[i].flag; strlcpy(dst->filename, bcache[i].filename, sizeof(dst->filename)); strlcpy(dst->title, bcache[i].title, sizeof(dst->title)); ++dst; } } mmap_close(&m); xml_header("bbs"); printf("<bbsmybrd "); print_session(); printf(" limit='%d' selected='%d'></bbsmybrd>", GOOD_BRC_NUM, num); return 0; }
int main(void) { int len; char *lenstr,poststr[512]; char *player_id, *server_id, *pay_id; int n_pay_id; int n_pay_times; int can_share = 1; uint64_t effect = 0; MYSQL_RES *res = NULL; MYSQL_ROW row; char sql[256]; /* len = 10; for (;;) { if (len != 10) break; sleep(2); } */ init_db((char *)"", 3306, (char *)"pay", (char *)"root", (char *)"123456"); printf("Content-Type:text/html\n\n"); lenstr=getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH"); if(lenstr == NULL) { printf("<DIV STYLE=\"COLOR:RED\">Errorarameters should be entered!</DIV>\n"); return (0); } len=atoi(lenstr) + 1; if (len >= 512) return (0); fgets(poststr,len,stdin); parse_post_data(poststr, len); server_id = get_value((char *)"server_id"); player_id = get_value((char *)"player_id"); pay_id = get_value((char *)"pay_id"); if (!server_id || !player_id || !pay_id) return (0); sprintf(sql, "select share_times, pay_times from share where server_id = %s and player_id = %s", server_id, player_id); res = query(sql, 1, NULL); if (!res) { send_fail(); goto done; } row = fetch_row(res); if (!row) { send_fail(); goto done; } n_pay_id = atoi(pay_id); if (!check_can_get_share_pay(row, n_pay_id)) { send_fail(); goto done; } n_pay_times = atoi(row[1]); n_pay_times |= (1 << n_pay_id); free_query(res); res = NULL; sprintf(sql, "update `share` set `pay_times` = %d where `server_id` = %s and `player_id` = %s", n_pay_times, server_id, player_id); query(sql, 1, &effect); if (effect != 1) { send_fail(); goto done; } send_success(n_pay_id); send_charge_gold_req(atoi(player_id), get_gold[n_pay_id], 0, (char *)"share reward", (char *)"", (char *)"3008"); done: if (res) free_query(res); fflush(stdout); close_db(); return 0; }