예제 #1
void EP1_SERVER_respond (const EP1_NET_packet* req, EP1_NET_packet* resp) {
  /* Guarda a linha de requisição do pacote req */
  request_line reqline;
  /* Possível arquivo html mandado em resposta */
  response_file response;
  /* Possível informações do POST */
  post_info postinfo;
  /* Lê a linha de requisição do pacote req */
  parse_reqline(req->data, &reqline);
  /* Verifica se é método GET ou POST */
  if (strcmp(reqline.method, "GET") == 0) {
    /* Caso especial / redireciona para /index.html */
    if (strcmp(reqline.uri, "/") == 0)
      strcat(reqline.uri, "index.html");
    /* Tenta carregar página HTML */
    get_file(reqline.uri, &response);
    /* 200 OK */
    if (response.file != NULL)
      handle_ok(&response, resp);
    /* 404 NOT FOUND */
      handle_notfound(reqline.uri, resp);
  } else if (strcmp(reqline.method, "POST") == 0) {
    /* Pega informações enviadas via POST*/
    get_postinfo(req->data, &postinfo);
    /* E monta a resposta */
    handle_post(&postinfo, resp);
  } else printf("[Método %s não suportado]\n", reqline.method);
예제 #2
파일: http.c 프로젝트: intelrsasw/intelRSD
void *http_process(void *args)
	int32		fd;
	struct	http_request *req;
	int8 *cp = NULL;
	int8 *line = NULL;
	int8 *method = NULL;
	int8 *url = NULL;
	int8 *protocol = NULL;
	struct timeval timo;
	int32 optval = 1;
	int32 rc, rc_r, rc_s;
	int32 r = 0;

	if (NULL == args)
		return NULL;

	req = (struct http_request *)args;
	fd = req->fd;

	req->buff = malloc(BUFFSIZ);
	req->buff_size = BUFFSIZ;
	if (NULL == req->buff) {
		HTTPD_ERR("get_request_line malloc %d fail\n", BUFFSIZ);
		return NULL;
	memset(req->buff, 0, BUFFSIZ);

	rc = setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, &optval, sizeof(optval));
	if (rc < 0)
		HTTPD_ERR("setsockopt error rc=%d errno=%d %s\n", rc, errno, strerror(errno));

	timo.tv_sec  = HTTPD_TIMO;
	timo.tv_usec = 0;

	rc_r = setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &timo, sizeof(timo));
	rc_s = setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, &timo, sizeof(timo));
	if (rc_r < 0 || rc_s < 0)
		HTTPD_ERR("setsockopt error fd=%d rc=%d rc_r=%d rc_s=%d errno=%d %s\n", fd, rc, rc_r, rc_s, errno, strerror(errno));

	/* GET / HTTP/1.1 */
	method = get_request_line(req);
	if (method == NULL)
		goto close_task;

	url = parse_reqline(fd, method);
	if (url == NULL)
		goto close_task;

	protocol = parse_reqline(fd, url);
	if (protocol == NULL)
		goto close_task;

	req->method = http_method(method);

	if (req->method == M_OPTIONS) {
		send_error(fd, 204, "No Content", NULL, "Method OPTIONS.");
		goto close_task;

	if (req->method == M_UNKNOWN) {
		send_error(fd, 400, "Bad Request", NULL, "Method Not Support.");
		goto close_task;

	decode_url(req, url);

	HTTPD_INFO("method[%s] protocol[%s] url[%s] path[%s] query[%s]!\n", method, protocol, url, req->path, req->query ? : "");

	while ((line = get_request_line(req)) != NULL) {
		if (line[0] == '\0')

		if (strncasecmp(line, "Upgrade:", 8) == 0) {
			cp = &line[8];
			cp += strspn(cp, " \t");

			if (strncasecmp(cp, "websocket", 9) == 0)
				req->is_websocket =  1;
		} else if (strncasecmp(line, "Connection:", 11) == 0) {
			cp = &line[11];
			cp += strspn(cp, " \t");

			/* Firefox: [Connection: keep-alive, Upgrade] */
			if (strcasestr(cp, "Upgrade") != NULL)
				req->is_connection_upgrade = 1;
		} else if (strncasecmp(line, "Sec-WebSocket-Key:", 18) == 0) {
			cp = &line[18];
			cp += strspn(cp, " \t");
			req->sec_websocket_key = cp;
		} else if (strncasecmp(line, "Origin:", 7) == 0) {
			cp = &line[7];
			cp += strspn(cp, " \t");
			req->origin = cp;
		} else if (strncasecmp(line, "Sec-WebSocket-Version:", 22) == 0) {
			cp = &line[22];
			cp += strspn(cp, " \t");
			req->sec_websocket_version = atoi(cp);
		} else if (strncasecmp(line, "Content-Length:", 15) == 0) {
			cp = &line[15];
			cp += strspn(cp, " \t");
			req->content_length = atol(cp);

			if ((BUFFSIZ < req->content_length + MAX_HEADER_LEN) &&
				(req->buff_size != req->content_length + MAX_HEADER_LEN) + 1) {
				memset(req->buff + BUFFSIZ, 0, req->buff_size - BUFFSIZ);
		} else if (strncasecmp(line, "Content-Type:", 13) == 0) {
			cp = &line[13];
			cp += strspn(cp, " \t");
			req->content_type = cp;
		} else if (strncasecmp(line, "Host:", 5) == 0) {
			cp = &line[5];
			cp += strspn(cp, " \t");
			req->host = cp;

	HTTPD_INFO("Left %d bytes HTTP data with Content-Length: %ld req->sz[%d] req->pos[%d]\n",
			req->sz - req->pos, req->content_length, req->sz, req->pos);

	if (line == NULL || req->path[0] != '/')
		send_error(fd, 400, "Bad Request", NULL, "Bad Request!");

	if ((0 != req->content_length) && (req->sz != req->hd_sz + req->content_length)) {
		while ((r = http_read(req->fd, req->buff + req->sz, req->buff_size - req->sz)) > 0) {
			req->sz += r;
			if (req->sz == req->hd_sz + req->content_length)

	if (req->is_websocket)
	else {
		uint32 i = 0;
		int8 *file = NULL;
		int8 *path = req->path;
		int8 *pTmp = path;
		int8 prefix[PREFIX_LEN] = {0};
		int8 new_link[MAX_URL + 8] = {0};

		rmm_cfg_get_rest_prefix(prefix, PREFIX_LEN);
		/*snprintf(new_link, (MAX_URL + 8), "%s%s", prefix, "/rack");*/
		snprintf_s_s(new_link, (MAX_URL + 8), "%s", prefix);

		/*TODO: move to correct place */

		/* remove redundant '/' */
		for (; *(path+i) != '\0'; i++) {
			if ((*(path+i) == '/') && (*(path+i+1) == '/'))
			*pTmp++ = *(path+i);
		*pTmp = '\0';
		if ((path[1] == '\0')
			|| (strncasecmp(path, new_link, strnlen_s(new_link, sizeof(new_link)-1)) == 0))
			file = NULL;
			file = path;

		if (file != NULL)
			send_file(req->fd, file);

	if (NULL != req->buff) {
		req->buff = NULL;
	HTTPD_INFO("\nrest_req_thread[%lld] exit, fd[%d], errno:%d %s\n", (uint64)(req->tid_rest_req), fd, errno, strerror(errno));
	return NULL;