예제 #1
 * Gether the message information about SST from the current message
 * being processed.
 * @param msg The current message to parse.
 * @param minfo The SST information found in the message.
 * @return 0 on success, -1 on a parsing error.
static int parse_msg_for_sst_info(struct sip_msg *msg, sst_msg_info_t *minfo)
	int rtn = 0;
	struct session_expires se = {0,0};

	if (!msg || !minfo) {
		return (-1);
	 * parse the supported infor
	minfo->supported = 0; /*Clear it */
	minfo->se = 0;
	minfo->refresher = sst_refresher_unspecified;
	minfo->min_se = 0;

	 * The parse_supported() will return 0 if found and parsed OK, -1
	 * if not found or an error parsing the one it did find! So assume
	 * it is not found if unsuccessfull.
	if ((rtn = parse_supported(msg)) == 0) {
		if ((((struct option_tag_body*)msg->supported->parsed)->option_tags_all
						& F_OPTION_TAG_TIMER)) {
			minfo->supported = 1;
	 * Parse the Min-SE: header next.
	minfo->min_se = 0;
	if ((rtn = parse_min_se(msg, &minfo->min_se)) != parse_sst_success) {
		minfo->min_se = 0; /* Make sure it statys clean */
	minfo->se = 0;
	if ((rtn = parse_session_expires(msg, &se)) == parse_sst_success) {
		minfo->se = se.interval;
		minfo->refresher = se.refresher;
예제 #2
 * The sstCheckMin() script command handler. Return 1 (true) if the
 * MIN-SE: of the message is too small compared to the sst_min_se
 * value. This will allow the script to reply to this INVITE with a
 * "422 Session Timer Too Small" response. if sst_min_se was never set
 * the recommended value of 1800 seconds will be used.
 * If the flag (str1) is set to 1, the 422 reply will be sent with the
 * sst MIN_SE value in the header. If the flag is not set or is NULL,
 * no reply is sent.

 * @param msg  - The sip message from the script (INVITE only)
 * @param flag - Reply mode Flag. 0/NULL do not send reply, 1 send 422
 *               reply if Session-Expires is to small with the MIN-SE
 *               header in the reply
 * @param str2 - Not used.
 * @return 1 if the MIN-SE is too small, -1 if it is OK, or It could
 *         not be checked.
 * NOTE: returning 0 == drop message, 1 == true, -1 == false in the
 *       script.
int sst_check_min(struct sip_msg *msg, char *flag, char *str2)
	enum parse_sst_result result;
	struct session_expires se = {0,0};
	unsigned minse = 0;

	 * Only look in INVITES. We can't reply with a 422 to a 2xx reply
	 * now can we. This check can ONLY be done on the INVITE/UPDATE.
	if (msg->first_line.type == SIP_REQUEST &&
			msg->first_line.u.request.method_value == METHOD_INVITE) {
		 * First see if there is an Session-Expires: header.  If there
		 * is, also look for a MIN-SE: header. If there is, use the
		 * minimum value of the two to compare with srt1. All MUST not
		 * be less then 90 and 1800 is recomended. See RCF section 4.
		if ((result = parse_session_expires(msg, &se)) != parse_sst_success) {
			if (result != parse_sst_header_not_found) {
				LM_ERR("failed to parse Session-Expires headers.\n");
				return 0; /* Error drop the message */
			/* Session-Expires not supported/stated */
			LM_DBG("No Session-Expires header found. retuning false (-1)\n");
			 * NOTE: 0 == drop message, 1 == true, -1 == false
			return -1;

		 * We have a Session_expire header. Now look for the MIN-SE.
		if ((result = parse_min_se(msg, &minse)) != parse_sst_success) {
			if (result != parse_sst_header_not_found) {
				 * This is an error. The header was found but could
				 * not parse it.
				LM_ERR("failed to parse MIN-SE header.\n");
				return -1;
			 * If not stated, use the value from the session-expires
			 * header
			LM_DBG("No MIN-SE header found.\n");
			minse = 90 /*this is the recommended value*/ /*se.interval*/;

		LM_DBG("Session-Expires: %d; MIN-SE: %d\n",	se.interval, minse);

		 * Now compare our MIN-SE with the messages and see if it is
		 * too small. We will take the smaller of the messages
		 * Session-expires and min-se if stated.
		if (sst_min_se > MIN(minse, se.interval)) {
			 * Too small. See if we need to send the 422 and are able
			 * to send it.
			if (flag) {
				char minse_hdr[3+1+2+1+1+11+CRLF_LEN+2+1];
				int hdr_len = 3+1+2+1+1+11+CRLF_LEN+2;
				memset(minse_hdr, 0, hdr_len+1);
				hdr_len = snprintf(minse_hdr, hdr_len,
					"%s%d%s", "MIN-SE: ", sst_min_se,CRLF);
				LM_DBG("Sending 422: %.*s\n", hdr_len, minse_hdr);
				if (send_response(msg, 422, &sst_422_rpl, minse_hdr, hdr_len)){
					LM_ERR("Error sending 422 reply.\n");
			LM_DBG("Done returning true (1)\n");
			return 1; /* return true */
	LM_DBG("Done returning false (-1)\n");
	 * All is good.
	return -1; /* return false */