예제 #1
get_results (FILE * fp,
             const char *query_string,
             const char *misc_field,
             const int all_emails,
             int *searched, query_result * results, int *rc)
  vc_component *v = NULL;
  char *s_result = NULL;
  char *email = NULL;
  char *name = NULL;
  char *misc = NULL;
  vc_component *fn = NULL;
  query_result * r = NULL;

  r = results;
  *rc = 0;
  *searched = 0;
  for (v = parse_vcard_file (fp); NULL != v; v = parse_vcard_file (fp))
      fn = vc_get_next_by_name (v, VC_FORMATTED_NAME);
      name = vc_get_value (fn);
      misc = get_misc_value (v, misc_field);
      if (all_emails)
          for (fn = vc_get_next_by_name (v, VC_EMAIL);
               NULL != fn;
               fn = vc_get_next_by_name(fn, VC_EMAIL))
              email = vc_get_value (fn);
              r = add_result(query_string, name, misc, email, r, rc);
          email = vc_get_preferred_email (v);
          r = add_result(query_string, name, misc, email, r, rc);

      free (misc);
      vc_delete_deep (v);
      v = NULL;
예제 #2
파일: edit.c 프로젝트: coachshea/rolo
static void
update_datafile (const char *datafile, long pos,
                 const char *new_entry_filename)
  FILE *tfp = NULL;
  FILE *dfp = NULL;
  FILE *efp = NULL;
  char tmp_datafile[PATH_MAX];
  int ch = 0;
  long i = 0;
  int rc = 0;

  strcpy (tmp_datafile, datafile);
  strcat (tmp_datafile, ".tmp");
  dfp = fopen (datafile, "r");
  tfp = fopen (tmp_datafile, "w");

  /* copy the datafile into the temp file but only upto where to change */
  i = 0;
  ch = getc (dfp);
  while (ch != EOF && i < pos)
      putc (ch, tfp);
      ch = getc (dfp);

  efp = fopen (new_entry_filename, "r");

  /* copy the new entry into the temp file */
  putc ('\n', tfp);
  ch = getc (efp);
  while (ch != EOF)
      putc (ch, tfp);
      ch = getc (efp);

  fclose (efp);                 /* entry file no longer needed */

  /* move to just after the changed entry position */
  fseek (dfp, pos, SEEK_SET);
  parse_vcard_file (dfp);

  /* copy the rest of the datafile over to the temp file */
  ch = getc (dfp);
  while (ch != EOF)
      putc (ch, tfp);
      ch = getc (dfp);

  fclose (dfp);                 /* datafile no longer needed */
  fclose (tfp);                 /* temp file no longer needed */

  /* replace the datafile with the temp datafile */
  rename (tmp_datafile, datafile);

  if (-1 == rc)
      fprintf (stderr, "error with rename...\n");
      perror ("rolo");
예제 #3
파일: edit.c 프로젝트: coachshea/rolo
edit_entry (const char *datafile, long pos)
  FILE *fp = NULL;
  char filename[PATH_MAX];
  pid_t process_id = 0;
  int status = 0;
  struct stat sb;
  time_t modified_time = 0;
  vc_component *v = NULL;
  int ret_val = -1;

  /* retrieve the entry for editing */
  fp = fopen (datafile, "r");
  fseek (fp, pos, SEEK_SET);
  v = parse_vcard_file (fp);
  fclose (fp);
  fp = NULL;

  /* open a temp file for editing */
  tmpnam (filename);
  fp = fopen (filename, "w");

  /* dump the entry into the temp file for editing */
  fprintf_vcard (fp, v);
  fclose (fp);
  fp = NULL;

  /* record when the file has been modified */
  stat (filename, &sb);
  modified_time = sb.st_mtime;

  endwin ();

  process_id = fork ();
  if (process_id < 0)
      /* could not fork... check errno */
  else if (0 == process_id)
      /* child is running */

      /* replace process image with the editor */
      execlp (editor, editor_basename, filename, NULL);
      _exit (2);                /* execlp failed */
      /* parent is running */
      waitpid (process_id, &status, 0);

  /* check if the temp file has been modified */
  stat (filename, &sb);
  if (modified_time != sb.st_mtime)
      /* need to change the datafile */
      update_datafile (datafile, pos, filename);
      ret_val = EDIT_SUCCESSFUL;
      ret_val = EDIT_ABORTED;

  remove (filename);

  /* put everything back to normal */
  refresh ();
  initscr ();
  keypad (stdscr, TRUE);        /* enable keypad for use of arrow keys */
  nonl ();                      /* tell curses not to do NL->CR/NL on output */
  cbreak ();                    /* take input chars immediately */
  noecho ();
  return ret_val;
예제 #4
파일: main.c 프로젝트: coachshea/rolo
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  vc_component *v = NULL;
  fpos_t *fpos = NULL;
  long pos = 0;
  FILE *fp = NULL;
  ITEM *it = NULL;
  int entry_number = 0;

  bool done = FALSE;
  int win_state = WINDOW_INDEX;
  int command = 0;

  set_defaults ();
  process_command_line_args (argc, argv);
   * process_environment_variables(); 
   * process_configuration_file(); 

  signal (SIGINT, finish);      /* catch interrupt for exiting */
  signal (SIGWINCH, resize);    /* catch interrupt for resizing */
  initscr ();

  keypad (stdscr, TRUE);        /* enable keypad for use of arrow keys */
  nonl ();                      /* tell curses not to do NL->CR/NL on output */
  cbreak ();                    /* take input chars immediately */
  noecho ();

  init_index (data_path);
  set_index_help_fcn (show_index_help);
  init_view ();
  set_view_help_fcn (show_view_help);
  init_edit ();
  set_edit_help_fcn (show_edit_help);
  init_help ();

  while (!done)
      switch (win_state)
        case WINDOW_INDEX:

         display the index

          display_index ();
          command = process_index_commands ();

          switch (command)
            case INDEX_COMMAND_VIEW:
              win_state = WINDOW_VIEW;
            case INDEX_COMMAND_RAW_VIEW:
              win_state = WINDOW_RAW_VIEW;
            case INDEX_COMMAND_EDIT:
              win_state = WINDOW_EDIT;
            case INDEX_COMMAND_ADD:
              win_state = WINDOW_ADD;
            case INDEX_COMMAND_DELETE:
              win_state = WINDOW_DELETE;
            case INDEX_COMMAND_QUIT:
              done = TRUE;


        case WINDOW_RAW_VIEW:

         view the currently selected item with the pager

          it = get_current_item ();

          /* only display if there is an item that is selected */
          if (NULL == it)
              v = NULL;
              fpos = (fpos_t *) item_userptr (it);

              fp = fopen (data_path, "r");
              fsetpos (fp, fpos);
              v = parse_vcard_file (fp);
              fclose (fp);

          if (v != NULL)
              raw_view (v);
              vc_delete_deep (v);
              v = NULL;

          win_state = WINDOW_INDEX;


        case WINDOW_VIEW:

         view the currently selected item

          it = get_current_item ();

          /* only display if there is an item that is selected */
          if (NULL == it)
              v = NULL;
              fpos = (fpos_t *) item_userptr (it);

              fp = fopen (data_path, "r");
              fsetpos (fp, fpos);
              v = parse_vcard_file (fp);
              fclose (fp);

          if (v != NULL)
              entry_number = get_entry_number (it);
              view_vcard (entry_number, v);
              command = process_view_commands ();

              switch (command)
                case VIEW_COMMAND_EDIT:
                  win_state = WINDOW_EDIT;
                case VIEW_COMMAND_INDEX:
                  win_state = WINDOW_INDEX;
                case VIEW_COMMAND_PREVIOUS:
                  select_previous_item ();
                  win_state = WINDOW_VIEW;
                case VIEW_COMMAND_NEXT:
                  select_next_item ();
                  win_state = WINDOW_VIEW;
              win_state = WINDOW_INDEX;

          vc_delete_deep (v);
          v = NULL;


        case WINDOW_EDIT:

         edit a vcard

          it = get_current_item ();

          /* only display if there is an item that is selected */
          if (NULL != it)
              fpos = (fpos_t *) item_userptr (it);

              fp = fopen (data_path, "r");
              fsetpos (fp, fpos);
              pos = ftell (fp);
              fclose (fp);
              fp = NULL;

              if (EDIT_SUCCESSFUL == edit_entry (data_path, pos))
                  refresh_index ();

          win_state = WINDOW_INDEX;

        case WINDOW_ADD:
          if (ADD_SUCCESSFUL == add_entry (data_path))
              refresh_index ();

          win_state = WINDOW_INDEX;
        case WINDOW_DELETE:

          it = get_current_item ();

          /* only delete if there is an item that is selected */
          if (NULL != it)
              fpos = (fpos_t *) item_userptr (it);

              fp = fopen (data_path, "r");
              fsetpos (fp, fpos);
              pos = ftell (fp);
              fclose (fp);
              fp = NULL;

              if (DELETE_SUCCESSFUL == delete_entry (data_path, pos))
                  refresh_index ();

          win_state = WINDOW_INDEX;

  finish (0);
  exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
  return (0);