예제 #1
* Function Name: internalFunction
Model &Dispatcher::internalFunction( const InternalMessage & ){

	passivate(); // we just passivate immediately

	return *this;
예제 #2
* Function Name: internalFunction
Model &LTSNetwork::internalFunction( const InternalMessage & msg){

	if(VERBOSE) cout<<"Internal Transition :"<<endl<<"time: "<<msg.time().asMsecs()<<endl;
		currenttimefloat = msg.time().asMsecs();//currenttimefloat + lastChange().asMsecs();

		//hack - test
		//if(VERBOSE) cout<<"currenttime now:"<<currenttimefloat<<endl;

	if (!EvQ.empty()){
		//|| !DisconnectionQueue.empty() || !ConnectionQueue.empty()) {
		// if any of the queues are not empty

		//advance my internal time

			//calculate time until next scheduled change :
			float remainingdelay = EvQ.top().time - currenttimefloat; //EvQ.top() is the next NetworkEvent to be output

			// hold until then
			holdIn(active, Time(remainingdelay/1000)); // time remaining until next scheduled change

	    } else {
	    	passivate(); // we just passivate immediately

	return *this;
예제 #3
* Function Name: internalFunction
Model &Gnutella::internalFunction( const InternalMessage & ){

	//set these back
	routing = false;
	hitting = false;
	passivate(); // we just passivate immediately

	return *this;
예제 #4
* Function Name: internalFunction
Model &Server::internalFunction( const InternalMessage & ){

	//Any responses to output ?
	if (!QueryhitQ.empty()) { // if we were or now are in the process of routing messages
		holdIn( active, Time(0,0,0,2)); // we wait 2ms to dequeue
		} else {
			passivate(); // we just passivate immediately
	return *this;
예제 #5
* Function Name: internalFunction
Model &LTSNetwork::internalFunction( const InternalMessage & ){

	if (!EvQ.empty() || !DisconnectionQueue.empty() || !ConnectionQueue.empty()) {
		// if any of the queues are not empty
	    	holdIn( active, Time(0,0,0,10)); // we wait 10ms to dequeue
	    	// that is, we only have a useless fixed timing between two messages getting through the network
	    } else {
	    	passivate(); // we just passivate immediately

	return *this;
예제 #6
* Function Name: internalFunction
Model &LTSNetwork::internalFunction( const InternalMessage & ){

	   if (!EvQ.empty()) { // if we were or now are in the process of routing messages
	    	holdIn( active, Time(0.01f)); // we wait 0.01s to dequeue
	    	// that is, we only have a useless fixed timing between two messages getting through the network
	    } else {
	    	passivate(); // we just passivate immediately

	return *this;
예제 #7
* Function Name: externalFunction
* Description: the Network gets input from outside
Model &LTSNetwork::externalFunction( const ExternalMessage &msg ){
		//advance my internal time
	if(VERBOSE) cout<<"External Transition :"<<endl<<"time: "<<msg.time().asMsecs()<<endl;
	currenttimefloat = msg.time().asMsecs();

	if (msg.port() == peer_online)
		thegraph->online(msg.value());   //adds a node to the graph with the given value
		if(VERBOSE) cout<<"node "<<msg.value()<<" inserted\n";

	else if (msg.port() == peer_offline){
		int inpeer = msg.value();

		//get all the connected nodes a disconnect them, plus let them know they've been disconnected
		set<int> connected = thegraph->getConnectedNodes(inpeer);
		set<int>::iterator sit;
		int count = 0;
		for ( sit=connected.begin() ; sit != connected.end(); sit++ ){
			thegraph->disconnect(inpeer, *sit); //disconnect them
			EvQ.push(makeDisConnectEvent(inpeer, *sit,currenttimefloat+count)); // enqueue messages to be output with just 1 millisecond delay
			//DisconnectionQueue.push(buildMessage(*sit, inpeer)); //enqueue a message saying peer "inpeer" disconnects from "*sit"


		if(VERBOSE) cout<<"node "<<msg.value()<<" removed\n";
		//holdIn( active, Time(0.00f));
	else if (msg.port() == peer_connect){
		int twonumbers, from, to;
		twonumbers = msg.value();
		from = getPeerId(twonumbers); //first and second field encoding of the peers
		to = getMessageId(twonumbers);
		if(VERBOSE) cout<<"connecting "<<from<<" to "<< to<<"\n";

			EvQ.push(makeConnectEvent(from, to,currenttimefloat+1)); // enqueue message to be output with just 1 millisecond delay
			//ConnectionQueue.push(buildMessage(to, from, 1)); // enqueue a connection message : adding the TTL makes it different from a disconnect message, further down the road

		//holdIn( active, Time(0.00f));
	else if (msg.port() == peer_disconnect){
		int twonumbers, from, to;
		twonumbers = msg.value();
		from = getPeerId(twonumbers); //first and second field encoding of the peers
		to = getMessageId(twonumbers);
		if(VERBOSE) cout<<"disconnecting "<<from<<" and "<< to<<"\n";

		if(thegraph->disconnect(from, to))
			EvQ.push(makeDisConnectEvent(from, to,currenttimefloat+1));//DisconnectionQueue.push(twonumbers); // enqueue the original message to be re-output as confirmation that connection took place

		//holdIn( active, Time(0.00f));
	else if (msg.port() == inroute){
		int inpeer, TTL, messageId;
		inpeer = getPeerId(msg.value());
		TTL= getTTL(msg.value());
		messageId = getMessageId(msg.value());

		if(VERBOSE) cout<<"about to route a message from"<<inpeer<<"\n";

		//get all the connected nodes and enqueue the "arrival of the message" event for all these new nodes
		//find the nodes connected to this one
		set<int> connected = thegraph->getConnectedNodes(inpeer);

		//if(VERBOSE) cout<<"loop for enqueuing nodes :"<<connected.size()<<" nodes to enqueue";
		set<int>::iterator sit;

		//if(VERBOSE) cout << "connected nodes contains:";
		for ( sit=connected.begin() ; sit != connected.end(); sit++ ){

			//generate a random network delay:
			float delay = static_cast<float>(distribution().get());
			if(VERBOSE) cout<<"enqueueing event for time = "<<currenttimefloat +delay*1000<<"\n";  //delay in milliseconds !
			EvQ.push(makeNetworkEvent(messageId, *sit, TTL, currenttimefloat + (delay*1000))); //enqueue a network event with the "*sit" peer (the other parts are not used for now)

			//holdIn( active, Time(0.01f));


	if (EvQ.empty()){ // this transition didn't enqueue anything
		if(VERBOSE) cout<<"LTS:Event queue is empty. Passivating."<<endl;
	} else {
	//calculate time until next scheduled change :

	float remainingdelay = EvQ.top().time - currenttimefloat; //EvQ.top() is the next NetworkEvent to be output

	if(VERBOSE) cout<<"next change at (ms):"<<EvQ.top().time<<"time until next change (s):"<<remainingdelay/1000<<endl;
	// hold until then
	holdIn(active, Time(remainingdelay/1000)); // time remaining until next scheduled change
	//then it will be time for an internal transition...

	/*/ TEST : no external transition unless we're passive
	if (this->state()==passive){
		holdIn( active, Time(0,0,0,120)); //wait 120ms before doing something

	return *this ;
예제 #8
Model &LTSNetwork::initFunction()
passivate(); // a first change just to make sure that we start the clock right.
return *this;
예제 #9
void acceptor::stop_reading() {
  CAF_LOG_TRACE(CAF_ARG2("fd", fd()));
예제 #10
* Function Name: internalFunction
Model &Logger::internalFunction( const InternalMessage & )

	return *this;