int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  if (argc != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "pm_minimal a b ann annd\n"
                                   "Given input images a, b outputs nearest neighbor field 'ann' mapping a => b coords, and the squared L2 distance 'annd'\n"
                                   "These are stored as RGB 24-bit images, with a 24-bit int at every pixel. For the NNF we store (by<<12)|bx.\n"); exit(1); }
  printf("Loading input images\n");
  BITMAP *a = load_bitmap(argv[0]);
  BITMAP *b = load_bitmap(argv[1]);
  BITMAP *ann = NULL, *annd = NULL;
  printf("Running PatchMatch\n");
  patchmatch(a, b, ann, annd);
  printf("Saving output images\n");
  save_bitmap(ann, argv[2]);
  save_bitmap(annd, argv[3]);
  return 0;
int main(int argc,char *argv[])

    float beta;
    int* tab;
    int xmin;
    int xmax;
    int ymax;
    int ymin;

    // Loading image
    char* imagePath = argv[1];

    cimg_library::CImg<unsigned char> image(imagePath);
    // Patch size
    int w;
    cout << "Please enter size of Patch (must be odd and positive): ";
    cin >> w;
    bool odd = (w-(w/2)*2!=0);
    bool positive = (w>=0);
    // Minimum offset size
    int tau;
    cout << "Please enter minimum offset value (must be positive): ";
    cin >>tau;
    positive = (tau>=0);
    // Random search parameter
    float alpha;
    cout << "Please enter alpha (random search parameter) value (must be between 0 and 1): ";
    cin >> alpha;
    positive = (alpha>=0);
    bool inferior_one = (alpha<1);
    // Number of vectors to keep
    int nb;
    cout << "Please enter the number of offsets to keep: ";
    cin >> nb;
    positive = (nb>=0);

    // Loading offset field

    int** offsetField = patchmatch(image,w,tau,alpha);
    int** tabVect = occurrenceOffsets(offsetField,image,w,nb);

    // Zone to complete
    tab = getXYImage(image);
    xmin = tab[0];
    ymin = tab[1];

if (tab[0]==-1){return 0;}

    tab = getXYImage(image);
    xmax = tab[0];
    ymax = tab[1];

if (tab[0]==-1){return 0;}

    cout << "Please enter Beta value: ";
    cin >> beta;

    int width = image.width();
    int height = image.height();
    cimg_library::CImg<unsigned char> newImage(width,height,1,3);
    newImage = graphcut(image,tabVect,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,w,beta,nb);

return 0;
예제 #3
파일: fill.c 프로젝트: j0sh/thesis
static IplImage* fill(IplImage *a, IplImage *target, IplImage *mask)

    int i, ax, ay, w = a->width, h = a->height;
    int aew = w - PATCH_W, aeh = h - PATCH_W;
    int tw = target->width, th = target->height;

    CvSize size = cvGetSize(a);
    IplImage *ann = cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_32S, 1);
    IplImage *annd = cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_32S, 1);
    IplImage *d = cvCreateImage(size, a->depth, a->nChannels);
    IplImage *acc = cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_32F, a->nChannels+1);
    IplImage *imask = cvCreateImage(size, mask->depth, mask->nChannels);
    int32_t *data = (int32_t*)ann->imageData;
    int32_t *ddata = (int32_t*)annd->imageData;
    int stride = ann->widthStep/sizeof(int32_t);
    memset(acc->imageData, 0, acc->imageSize);
    IplImage *mask8u = cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
    IplImage *imask8u = cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
    cvConvertScale(mask, imask, -1, 1);
    cvConvertScale(mask, mask8u, 256, 0);
    cvConvertScale(mask8u, imask8u, -2, 256);

    printf("recursing %dx%d\n", w, h);
    if (w > 32 && h > 32 && tw > 32 && th > 32) {
        CvSize ssmall = {w/2, h/2}, tsmall = {tw/2, th/2};
        IplImage *ssrc, *stgt, *smsk, *newtgt;

        ssrc = cvCreateImage(ssmall, a->depth, a->nChannels);
        stgt = cvCreateImage(tsmall, target->depth, target->nChannels);
        smsk = cvCreateImage(ssmall, mask->depth, mask->nChannels);

        cvResize(a, ssrc, CV_INTER_LINEAR);
        cvResize(target, stgt, CV_INTER_LINEAR);
        cvResize(mask, smsk, CV_INTER_LINEAR);
        newtgt = fill(ssrc, stgt, smsk);
        cvResize(newtgt, target, CV_INTER_LINEAR);


    for (i= 0; i< PM_ITERS; i++) { 
        // completeness term
        patchmatch(a, target, ann, annd, imask);
        xy2img(ann, target, d);
        cvShowImage("completeness", d);
        for (ay = 0; ay < aeh; ay++) {
            for (ax = 0; ax < aew; ax++) {
                int xy = ay * stride + ax;
                int v = *(data + xy);
                int xbest = XY_TO_X(v), ybest = XY_TO_Y(v);
                int dbest = *(ddata + xy);
                accum(target, acc, xbest, ybest, ax, ay, dbest, imask);

        // coherence term
        patchmatch(target, a, ann, annd, mask);
        xy2img(ann, a, d);
        cvShowImage("coherence", d);
        for (ay = 0; ay < aeh; ay++) {
            for (ax = 0; ax < aew; ax++) {
                int xy = ay * stride + ax;
                int v = *(data + xy);
                int xbest = XY_TO_X(v), ybest = XY_TO_Y(v);
                int dbest = *(ddata + xy);
                accum(a, acc, xbest, ybest, ax, ay, dbest, mask);

        normalize(target, acc, mask);
        cvCopy(a, target, imask8u);

    printf("finished %dx%d\n", w, h);
    return target;