예제 #1
void jsusfx_compile(t_jsusfx *x, t_symbol *notused, long argc, t_atom *argv) {
	// new file
	if ( argc >= 1 && atom_gettype(argv) == A_SYM ) {
		t_fourcc filetype = 'TEXT', outtype;
		short path;
		char filename[MAX_PATH_CHARS];
		strcpy(filename, atom_getsym(argv)->s_name);
		if (locatefile_extended(filename, &path, &outtype, &filetype, 1)) {
			error("jsusfx~: script %s not found", filename);
		if ( x->m_editor ) {
			object_method(x->m_editor, gensym("w_close"));
			x->m_editor = NULL;
		strncpy(x->scriptname, filename, MAX_PATH_CHARS);
        x->path = path;
    char fullpath[1024];
    path_toabsolutesystempath(x->path, x->scriptname, fullpath);
    std::ifstream is(fullpath);
	if ( ! is.is_open() ) {
		error("jsusfx~: error opening file %s", fullpath);
	if ( x->fx->compile(is) == true ) {
		x->fx->prepare(sys_getsr(), sys_getmaxblksize());
예제 #2
void breakgen_writefile(t_breakgen *x, t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)
    t_atom *ap;
    long num_frames;
    // t_max_err buferror;
    float frame;
    int i;
    FILE *break_out;
    float amp = 1.0;
    short		path;
    char		ps[MAX_FILENAME_CHARS] = "";
    char        finalpath[MAX_PATH_CHARS];
    ap = argv;
    // if (atom_gettype(ap) == A_SYM) {
    //     if (atom_getsym(ap) != gensym("")) {
    //        *ps = atom_getsym(ap);
    //     }
    // }
    // strcpy(ps, "");
    if (saveas_dialog(ps,&path,NULL)) {
    path_toabsolutesystempath(path, ps, finalpath);
    if (atom_gettype(ap) == A_LONG) {
        if ((break_out = fopen(finalpath, "w"))) {
            post("file opened");
            num_frames = atom_getlong(ap);
            post("%i", argc);
            if (argc > 1) {
                if ( (atom_gettype(ap) == A_FLOAT) && (atom_getfloat(ap) < 1.0) ) {
                    amp = atom_getfloat(ap);
            for (i = 0; i < num_frames; i++) {
                frame = ((output_val(x) - 1) * amp) + 1;
                fprintf(break_out, "%f", frame);
                if (i + 1 != num_frames) {
                    fprintf(break_out, "\n");
            post("file closed");
        } else {
            post("couldn't create file");
    } else {
        post("wrong atom type");
예제 #3
void testdb_setup(t_testdb *d)
	if (!d->d_db) {
		short			path = packages_getpackagepath("testpackage");
		char			fullpath[MAX_PATH_CHARS];
		short			apppath = path_getapppath();
		char			appfullpath[MAX_PATH_CHARS];
		unsigned long	appfullpathlen;
		int				i;
		char			dbfilename[MAX_PATH_CHARS];
		t_db_result		*dbresult = NULL;
		path_topathname(apppath, "", appfullpath);
		appfullpathlen = strlen(appfullpath);
		for (i=0; i<appfullpathlen; i++) {
			if (appfullpath[i] == ':' || appfullpath[i] == '/')
				appfullpath[i] ='-';
		strncpy_zero(dbfilename, appfullpath, MAX_PATH_CHARS);
		strncat_zero(dbfilename, "--maxtestresults.db3", MAX_PATH_CHARS);
		path_topathname(path, "", fullpath);
		strncat_zero(fullpath, "/", MAX_PATH_CHARS);
		strncat_zero(fullpath, dbfilename, MAX_PATH_CHARS);
		db_open(gensym("unittestdb"), fullpath, &d->d_db);
		// cache the fullpath so it can be requested from the outside world
			short apath;
			char afilename[MAX_FILENAME_CHARS];
			path_frompathname(fullpath, &apath, afilename);
			path_toabsolutesystempath(apath, afilename, g_dbpath);

		db_query(d->d_db, &dbresult, "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='tests'");
		if (!db_result_numrecords(dbresult)) {
			db_query_table_new(d->d_db, "tests");
			db_query_table_addcolumn(d->d_db, "tests", "test_name",		"VARCHAR(512)", 0);
			db_query_table_addcolumn(d->d_db, "tests", "test_start",	"DATETIME", 0);
			db_query_table_addcolumn(d->d_db, "tests", "test_finish",	"DATETIME", 0);

			db_query_table_new(d->d_db, "assertions");
			db_query_table_addcolumn(d->d_db, "assertions", "test_id_ext",		"INTEGER", 0);
			db_query_table_addcolumn(d->d_db, "assertions", "assertion_name",	"VARCHAR(512)", 0);
			db_query_table_addcolumn(d->d_db, "assertions", "assertion_value",	"VARCHAR(512)", 0);
			db_query_table_addcolumn(d->d_db, "assertions", "assertion_data",	"VARCHAR(512)", 0);
			db_query_table_addcolumn(d->d_db, "assertions", "assertion_start",	"DATETIME", 0);
			db_query_table_addcolumn(d->d_db, "assertions", "assertion_finish",	"DATETIME", 0);
			db_query_table_addcolumn(d->d_db, "assertions", "assertion_tags",	"VARCHAR(512)", 0);

			db_query_table_new(d->d_db, "logs");
			db_query_table_addcolumn(d->d_db, "logs", "test_id_ext",	"INTEGER", 0);
			db_query_table_addcolumn(d->d_db, "logs", "text",			"VARCHAR(512)", 0);
			db_query_table_addcolumn(d->d_db, "logs", "timestamp",		"DATETIME", 0);
예제 #4
void *jsusfx_new(t_symbol *notused, long argc, t_atom *argv) {
	if ( argc < 1 || atom_gettype(argv) != A_SYM ) {
		error("jsusfx~: missing script name");
		return NULL;
	t_jsusfx *x = reinterpret_cast<t_jsusfx *>(object_alloc(jsusfx_class));
	t_symbol *s = atom_getsym(argv);
    t_fourcc filetype = 'TEXT', outtype;
    short path;
    char filename[MAX_PATH_CHARS];
    strcpy(filename, s->s_name);
    if (locatefile_extended(filename, &path, &outtype, &filetype, 1)) {
        t_object *mypatcher;
        object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), &mypatcher);
        t_symbol *checkExists = object_attr_getsym(mypatcher, gensym("filepath"));
        if ( checkExists->s_name[0] == 0 ) {
            error("jsusfx~: patch needs to be saved in order to create new jsusfx script file");
            return NULL;
        path = path_getdefault();
        t_fourcc type = 'TEXT';
        t_filehandle ref;

        if ( path_createsysfile(filename, path, type, &ref) ) {
            error("jsusfx~: unable to create file");
            return NULL;

        char initText[] = "@sample\nspl0=1\nspl1=-1\n";
        t_handle h = sysmem_newhandle(0);
        if ( sysfile_writetextfile(ref, h, TEXT_LB_NATIVE) ) {
            error("jsusfx~: unable to write file");
            return NULL;
    strcpy(x->scriptname, filename);
    x->path = path;
    char fullpath[MAX_PATH_CHARS];
    path_toabsolutesystempath(path, filename, fullpath);
    std::ifstream is(fullpath);
	if ( ! is.is_open() ) {
		error("jsusfx~: error opening file %s", fullpath);
		return NULL;
    x->bypass = false;
    dsp_setup((t_pxobject *)x, 2);
    x->outlet1 = outlet_new((t_object *)x, NULL);
	outlet_new((t_object *)x, "signal");
    outlet_new((t_object *)x, "signal");
	x->m_editor = NULL;
    JsusFxMax *fx = new JsusFxMax();
    x->fx = fx;

    /*if ( argc >= 2 && atom_gettype(argv+1) == A_LONG ) {
		x->fx->normalizeSliders = atom_getlong(argv+1);
	} else {
        x->fx->normalizeSliders = 1;
    post("normalizer sl %x", x->fx->normalizeSliders);*/
	return (x);