static void xskin_jobs( int pipe_in ) { XEvent e; int x,y; int window_x,window_y; int fspe=0; int pr=-1; int z; int p; int master_volume=0; char file_name[1024], tmp[1024]; int last_puttext_time; int last_window_x=-1, last_window_y=-1; int max_files; int i; fd_set fds; static struct timeval tv; Window t_w; unsigned int t_width, t_height, t_border, t_depth; xskin_pipe_write( "READY" ); shmid = shmget( IPC_PRIVATE, sizeof(char)*SPE_W, IPC_CREAT|0600 ); if ( shmid<0 ) xskin_pipe_write( "ERROR" ); else { sprintf( local_buf, "%d", shmid ); xskin_pipe_write( local_buf ); speana_buf = (unsigned char *)shmat( shmid, 0, 0 ); } xskin_pipe_read( local_buf, sizeof(local_buf) ); max_files = atoi( local_buf ); for ( i=0 ; i<max_files ; i++ ) { xskin_pipe_read( local_buf, sizeof(local_buf) ); } z=1; last_puttext_time=0; last_current_time=0; XGetGeometry( xskin_d, xskin_w, &t_w, &window_x, &window_y, &t_width, &t_height, &t_border, &t_depth ); while( z ) { XFlush( xskin_d ); FD_ZERO( &fds ); FD_SET( pipe_in, &fds ); tv.tv_sec=0; tv.tv_usec=20000L; /* 20 msec */ i=select( pipe_in+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv ); if ( i!=0 ) { xskin_pipe_read( local_buf, sizeof(local_buf) ); switch (local_buf[0]) { case 'A': /* total time */ total_time=atoi( local_buf+2 ); last_current_time=0; last_puttext_time=0; break; case 'T': /* current time */ { int min,sec; sscanf( local_buf+2, "%02d:%02d", &min, &sec ); i=min*60+sec; if ( fremain==1 ) { sec =total_time-i; min =sec/60; sec-=min*60; } if ( i != last_current_time ) { ts_putnum( MIN_H_X, MIN_H_Y, min/10 ); ts_putnum( MIN_L_X, MIN_L_Y, min%10 ); ts_putnum( SEC_H_X, SEC_H_Y, sec/10 ); ts_putnum( SEC_L_X, SEC_L_Y, sec%10 ); p=100*i/total_time; play_val=ts_pos( OFF, -p ); last_current_time=i; if ( last_current_time - last_puttext_time == 3 ) { /* 3 sec */ sprintf( tmp, "%s [%02d:%02d]", file_name, total_time/60, total_time%60 ); ts_puttext( MESSAGE_X, MESSAGE_Y, tmp ); } } } break; case 'L': /* lylics/message */ ts_puttext( MESSAGE_X, MESSAGE_Y, local_buf+2 ); last_puttext_time=last_current_time; break; case 'F': /* filename */ strncpy( file_name, local_buf+2, 1023 ); file_name[1023]=0; break; case 'O': /* off the play button */ fplay=0; ts_play(OFF); ts_spectrum(fspe, NULL); /* erase spectrums */ break; case 'V': /* master volume */ master_volume=atoi( local_buf+2 ); p=100*((master_volume<200)?master_volume:200)/200; /* max:200% */ vol_val=ts_volume( OFF, -p ); break; case 'Q': /* quit */ z=1; break; case 'W': /* wave form */ ts_spectrum(fspe, speana_buf); break; default: break; } } if ( XPending( xskin_d )==0 ) continue; XNextEvent( xskin_d, &e ); switch ( e.type ) { /* case KeyPress: z=0; break; */ case Expose: repaint(); break; case EnterNotify: { Cursor cs; ts_titlebar(ON); cs = XCreateFontCursor( xskin_d, XC_top_left_arrow ); XDefineCursor( xskin_d, xskin_w, cs ); } break; case LeaveNotify: ts_titlebar(OFF); XUndefineCursor( xskin_d, xskin_w ); break; case MotionNotify: while( XCheckMaskEvent( xskin_d, Button1MotionMask, &e ) ) { XNextEvent( xskin_d, &e ); } x = e.xbutton.x; y = e.xbutton.y; switch( pr ) { /* case TS_POS: play_val=ts_pos( ON, x );break; */ case TS_VOLUME: vol_val=ts_volume( ON, x ); i=master_volume; master_volume=200*vol_val/100; sprintf( local_buf, "V %d", master_volume-i ); xskin_pipe_write( local_buf ); sprintf( tmp, " volume: %d%%", vol_val ); ts_puttext( MESSAGE_X, MESSAGE_Y, tmp ); last_puttext_time=last_current_time; break; /* case TS_PAN: pan_val=ts_pan( ON, x );break; */ default: if ( x != last_window_x || y != last_window_y ) { window_x += x-last_window_x; window_y += y-last_window_y; XMoveWindow( xskin_d, xskin_w, window_x, window_y ); } break; } break; case ButtonPress: x = e.xbutton.x; y = e.xbutton.y; last_window_x=x; last_window_y=y; if ( ISIN( x, y,EXITBUTTON_DX,EXITBUTTON_DY, EXITBUTTON_W,EXITBUTTON_H ) ) { ts_exitbutton(ON);pr=TS_EXITBUTTON; } else if ( ISIN( x, y, PREV_DX, PREV_DY, PREV_W, PREV_H ) ) { ts_prev(ON);pr=TS_PREV; } else if ( ISIN( x, y, PLAY_DX, PLAY_DY, PLAY_W, PLAY_H ) ) { ts_play(ON);pr=TS_PLAY; } else if ( ISIN( x, y, PAUSE_DX, PAUSE_DY, PAUSE_W, PAUSE_H ) ) { ts_pause(ON);pr=TS_PAUSE; } else if ( ISIN( x, y, STOP_DX, STOP_DY, STOP_W, STOP_H ) ) { ts_stop(ON);pr=TS_STOP; } else if ( ISIN( x, y, NEXT_DX, NEXT_DY, NEXT_W, NEXT_H ) ) { ts_next(ON);pr=TS_NEXT; } else if ( ISIN( x, y, EJECT_DX, EJECT_DY, EJECT_W, EJECT_H ) ) { ts_eject(ON);pr=TS_EJECT; } else if ( ISIN( x, y,164, 89, 47, 15 ) ) { /* shuffle */ if ( fshuf==0 ) { ts_shuf(OFFON);pr=TS_SHUFON; } else { ts_shuf(ONOFF);pr=TS_SHUFOFF; } } else if ( ISIN( x, y,210, 89, 28, 15 ) ) { /* repeat */ if ( frep==0 ) { ts_rep(OFFON);pr=TS_REPON; } else { ts_rep(ONOFF);pr=TS_REPOFF; } } else if ( ISIN( x, y,219, 58, 23, 12 ) ) { /* equalizer */ if ( fequ==0 ) { ts_equ(OFFON);pr=TS_EQUON; } else { ts_equ(ONOFF);pr=TS_EQUOFF; } } else if ( ISIN( x, y,242, 58, 23, 12 ) ) { /* playlist */ if ( fpll==0 ) { ts_plist(OFFON);pr=TS_PLISTON; } else { ts_plist(ONOFF);pr=TS_PLISTOFF; } } else if ( ISIN( x, y, MENUBUTTON_DX, MENUBUTTON_DY, MENUBUTTON_W, MENUBUTTON_H ) ) { ts_menubutton(ON);pr=TS_MENUBUTTON; } else if ( ISIN( x, y, ICONBUTTON_DX, ICONBUTTON_DY, ICONBUTTON_W, ICONBUTTON_H ) ) { ts_iconbutton(ON);pr=TS_ICONBUTTON; } else if ( ISIN( x, y, MINIBUTTON_DX, MINIBUTTON_DY, MINIBUTTON_W, MINIBUTTON_H ) ) { ts_minibutton(ON);pr=TS_MINIBUTTON; /* } else if ( ISIN( x, y,POS_MIN_DX+(POS_MAX_DX-POS_MIN_DX)*play_val/100, POS_DY, POS_W, POS_H ) ) { ts_pos( ON, -play_val );pr=TS_POS; */ } else if ( ISIN( x, y,VOL_MIN_DX+(VOL_MAX_DX-VOL_MIN_DX)*vol_val/100, VOL_DY, VOL_W, VOL_H ) ) { ts_volume( ON, -vol_val );pr=TS_VOLUME; sprintf( tmp, " volume: %d%%", vol_val ); ts_puttext( MESSAGE_X, MESSAGE_Y, tmp ); last_puttext_time=last_current_time; /* } else if ( ISIN( x, y,PAN_MIN_DX+(PAN_MAX_DX-PAN_MIN_DX)*pan_val/100, PAN_DY, PAN_W, PAN_H ) ) { ts_pan( ON, -pan_val );pr=TS_PAN; */ } else if ( ISIN( x, y, MIN_H_X, MIN_H_Y, SEC_L_X+NUM_W-MIN_H_X, NUM_H ) ) { int min,sec; fremain=(fremain==0)?1:0; sec=(fremain==0)?last_current_time:total_time-last_current_time; min =sec/60; sec-=min*60; ts_putnum( MIN_H_X, MIN_H_Y, min/10 ); ts_putnum( MIN_L_X, MIN_L_Y, min%10 ); ts_putnum( SEC_H_X, SEC_H_Y, sec/10 ); ts_putnum( SEC_L_X, SEC_L_Y, sec%10 ); } else if ( ISIN( x, y, SPE_SX, SPE_SY, SPE_W, SPE_H ) ) { pr=TS_SPECTRUM; } else { XRaiseWindow( xskin_d, xskin_w ); } break; case ButtonRelease: last_window_x = -1; last_window_y = -1; switch( pr ) { case TS_EXITBUTTON: ts_exitbutton(OFF); xskin_pipe_write("Q"); z=0;break; case TS_PREV: ts_prev(OFF); ts_spectrum( fspe, NULL ); xskin_pipe_write("B"); break; case TS_PLAY: xskin_pipe_write("P"); fplay=1; pauseOff(); ts_play(OFF);ts_pause(OFF); ts_pstate( PSTATE_PLAY ); break; case TS_PAUSE: ts_pause(OFF); if ( fplay ==1 ) { if ( fpause==0 ) { ts_pstate( PSTATE_PAUSE ); ts_spectrum( fspe, NULL ); pauseOn(); } else { ts_pstate( PSTATE_PLAY ); pauseOff(); } } break; case TS_STOP: pauseOff(); fplay=0; ts_pause(OFF);ts_play(OFF);ts_stop(OFF); ts_pstate( PSTATE_STOP ); ts_spectrum( fspe, NULL ); xskin_pipe_write("S"); break; case TS_NEXT: ts_next(OFF); ts_spectrum( fspe, NULL ); xskin_pipe_write("N"); break; case TS_EJECT: ts_eject(OFF);break; case TS_SHUFON: ts_shuf(ON);fshuf=1; fplay=1; pauseOff(); ts_pstate( PSTATE_PLAY ); xskin_pipe_write("D 1"); break; case TS_SHUFOFF: ts_shuf(OFF);fshuf=0; fplay=0; pauseOff(); ts_pstate( PSTATE_STOP ); ts_spectrum( fspe, NULL ); xskin_pipe_write("D 2"); break; case TS_REPON: ts_rep(ON);frep=1; xskin_pipe_write("R 1"); break; case TS_REPOFF: ts_rep(OFF);frep=0; xskin_pipe_write("R 0"); break; case TS_EQUON: ts_equ(ON);fequ=1;break; case TS_EQUOFF: ts_equ(OFF);fequ=0;break; case TS_PLISTON: ts_plist(ON);fpll=1;break; case TS_PLISTOFF: ts_plist(OFF);fpll=0;break; case TS_MENUBUTTON: ts_menubutton(OFF);break; case TS_ICONBUTTON: ts_iconbutton(OFF);break; case TS_MINIBUTTON: ts_minibutton(OFF);break; /* case TS_POS: ts_pos( OFF, -play_val );break; */ case TS_VOLUME: ts_volume( OFF, -vol_val );break; /* case TS_PAN: ts_pan( OFF, -pan_val );break; */ case TS_SPECTRUM: #ifdef SUPPORT_SOUNDSPEC fspe = (fspe+1)%3; if ( fspe==1 ) xskin_pipe_write("W"); /* on */ else if ( fspe==0 ) { xskin_pipe_write("W"); /* off */ ts_spectrum(0,speana_buf); } #endif /* SUPPORT_SOUNDSPEC */ break; default: break; } pr=-1; break; default: break; } } return; }
void SeaScene::setupMap(int ghosts, int rocks, int octopuses, int octopusSpeed) { //empty the map clear(); setItemPointersNull(); createMenuItems(); createAboutBoxItems(); createSelectLevelsetFromListItems(); createVictoryItems(); createLevelCompletedItems(); //empty the list of moving items movingItems_.clear(); //empty the list of free slots freeTiles_.clear(); //fill the list of free slots int numberOfXTiles = width() / 40; int numberOfYTiles = height() /40; // qDebug() << numberOfXTiles << " slots in x direction"; // qDebug() << numberOfYTiles << " slots in y rirection"; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfXTiles; i++ ) { for (int j = 0; j < numberOfYTiles; j++) { freeTiles_.append(QPointF(i*40,j*40)); } } //spread the rocks for (int i = 0; i < rocks; i++) { QPointF * pPosition = findRandomFreeSlot(); //If there was no room no point to continue if (pPosition == NULL) break; QPixmap rockPixmap (":/pix/kari.png"); QGraphicsPixmapItem * pRock = addPixmap(rockPixmap); pRock->setData(0,"rock"); pRock->setPos(*pPosition); delete pPosition; } //spread the ghosts ghostsLeft_ = ghosts; spreadGhosts(ghosts); //spread the octopuses QList <Octopus*> octopusList; for (int i=0; i < octopuses; i++) { QPointF * pPosition = findRandomFreeSlot(); //If there was no room no point to continue if (pPosition == NULL) break; QPixmap octopusPixmap (":/pix/tursas.png"); Octopus * pOctopus = new Octopus(octopusPixmap,octopusSpeed); pOctopus->setData(0,"octopus"); pOctopus->setPos(*pPosition); addItem(pOctopus); pOctopus->startMoving(); movingItems_.append(pOctopus); connect(this,SIGNAL(pauseOn()),pOctopus,SLOT(stopMoving())); connect(this,SIGNAL(pauseOff()),pOctopus,SLOT(startMoving())); octopusList.append(pOctopus); delete pPosition; } //place the ship QPointF * pPosition = findRandomFreeSlot(); if (pPosition == NULL) { // Game cannot begin without a free position for ship, so give an error message and return QMessageBox::critical(NULL,"Error! Too many objects on screen","No free space to place the ship. The game cannot start. Please choose another level."); return; } QList<QPixmap> shipImages; shipImages.append(QPixmap(":/pix/laiva.png")); shipImages.append(QPixmap(":/pix/laiva_1aave.png")); shipImages.append(QPixmap(":/pix/laiva_2aave.png")); shipImages.append(QPixmap(":/pix/laiva_3aave.png")); shipImages.append(QPixmap(":/pix/laiva_4aave.png")); shipImages.append(QPixmap(":/pix/laiva_5aave.png")); shipImages.append(QPixmap(":/pix/laiva_6aave.png")); shipImages.append(QPixmap(":/pix/laiva_7aave.png")); shipImages.append(QPixmap(":/pix/laiva_8aave.png")); shipImages.append(QPixmap(":/pix/laiva_9aave.png")); shipImages.append(QPixmap(":/pix/laiva_10aave.png")); Ship * pShip = new Ship (shipImages); pShip->setData(0,"ship"); pShip->setPos(*pPosition); addItem(pShip); connect(pShip,SIGNAL(pickingGhost(QGraphicsItem*)),this, SLOT(removeGhost(QGraphicsItem*)) ); connect(pShip,SIGNAL(droppingGhosts(int)),this,SLOT(ghostsDropped(int))); connect(this,SIGNAL(vibrationActivated(bool)),pShip,SLOT(setVibrationActivate(bool))); pShip->startMoving(); movingItems_.append(pShip); connect(this,SIGNAL(pauseOn()),pShip,SLOT(stopMoving())); connect(this,SIGNAL(pauseOff()),pShip,SLOT(startMoving())); foreach (Octopus* pOctopus, octopusList) { connect(pOctopus,SIGNAL(droppingGhosts()),pShip,SLOT(dropAllGhosts())); }