예제 #1
void OpenGL3GeometryBuffer::appendGeometry(const Vertex* const vbuff,
    uint vertex_count)

    // update size of current batch
    d_batches.back().vertexCount += vertex_count;

    // buffer these vertices
    GLVertex vd;
    const Vertex* vs = vbuff;
    for (uint i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i, ++vs)
        // copy vertex info the buffer, converting from CEGUI::Vertex to
        // something directly usable by OpenGL as needed.
        vd.tex[0]      = vs->tex_coords.d_x;
        vd.tex[1]      = vs->tex_coords.d_y;
        vd.colour[0]   = vs->colour_val.getRed();
        vd.colour[1]   = vs->colour_val.getGreen();
        vd.colour[2]   = vs->colour_val.getBlue();
        vd.colour[3]   = vs->colour_val.getAlpha();
        vd.position[0] = vs->position.d_x;
        vd.position[1] = vs->position.d_y;
        vd.position[2] = vs->position.d_z;

void Direct3D9GeometryBuffer::appendGeometry(const Vertex* const vbuff,
                                             uint vertex_count)

    // update size of current batch
    d_batches.back().second += vertex_count;

    // buffer these vertices
    D3DVertex vd;
    const Vertex* vs = vbuff;
    for (uint i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i, ++vs)
        // copy vertex info the buffer, converting from CEGUI::Vertex to
        // something directly usable by D3D as needed.
        vd.x       = vs->position.d_x - 0.5f;
        vd.y       = vs->position.d_y - 0.5f;
        vd.z       = vs->position.d_z;
        vd.diffuse = vs->colour_val.getARGB();
        vd.tu      = vs->tex_coords.d_x;
        vd.tv      = vs->tex_coords.d_y;