main() { int npoles,nfft,i; float f3db,zero=0.0,fpass,apass,fstop,astop; /* printf("Enter npoles f3db:\n"); scanf("%d %f",&npoles,&f3db); */ printf("Enter fpass apass fstop astop:\n"); scanf("%f %f %f %f",&fpass,&apass,&fstop,&astop); bfdesign(fpass,apass,fstop,astop,&npoles,&f3db); printf("npoles = %d f3db = %f\n",npoles,f3db); /* impulse response */ scopy(N,&zero,0,p,1); p[0] = 1.0; bflowpass(npoles,f3db,N,p,q); pp1d(stdout,"impulse response",N,0,q); /* amplitude spectrum */ nfft = npfa(N); for (i=0; i<N; i++) z[i] = cmplx(q[i],0.0); for (i=N; i<nfft; i++) z[i] = cmplx(0.0,0.0); pfacc(1,nfft,z); for (i=0; i<nfft; i++) zamp[i] = fcabs(z[i]); pp1d(stdout,"amplitude spectrum",nfft/2+1,0,zamp); }
bool BTri::isAbove3DNow(v2sf v0XY, v2sf v0Z1) const { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ v2sf planeXY = ((v2sf *) &edgePlanes[i])[0]; v2sf planeZD = ((v2sf *) &edgePlanes[i])[1]; v2sf dotXY = pfmul(planeXY, v0XY); v2sf dotZD = pfmul(planeZD, v0Z1); v2sf dot = pfacc(dotXY, dotZD); dot = pfacc(dot, dot); int d = _m_to_int(dot); if (d < 0) return false; } return true; }
void cc1_fft(complex *cdata, int n, int sign) { int j; double *real, *imag; if (NINT(pow(2.0, (double)NINT(log((double)n)/log(2.0)))) != n) { if (npfa(n) == n) pfacc(sign, n, cdata); else ccdft(cdata,n,sign); } else { real = (double *)malloc(n*sizeof(double)); if (real == NULL) fprintf(stderr,"cc1_fft: memory allocation error\n"); imag = (double *)malloc(n*sizeof(double)); if (imag == NULL) fprintf(stderr,"cc1_fft: memory allocation error\n"); for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { real[j] = (double)cdata[j].r; imag[j] = (double)cdata[j].i; } if (sign < 0) fft(n, real, imag); else ifft(n, real, imag); for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { cdata[j].r = (REAL)real[j]; cdata[j].i = (REAL)imag[j]; } free(real); free(imag); } return; }
bool BSP::isInOpenSpace3DNow(const vec3 &pos) const { if (top != NULL){ SSENode *node = sseTop; femms(); v2sf posXY, posZ1; posXY = *(v2sf *) &pos.x; posZ1.m64_f32[0] = pos.z; posZ1.m64_f32[1] = 1.0f; while (true){ v2sf planeXY = ((v2sf *) &node->tri.plane)[0]; v2sf planeZD = ((v2sf *) &node->tri.plane)[1]; v2sf dotXY = pfmul(planeXY, posXY); v2sf dotZD = pfmul(planeZD, posZ1); v2sf dot = pfacc(dotXY, dotZD); dot = pfacc(dot, dot); int d = _m_to_int(dot); if (d > 0){ if (node->front){ node = node->front; } else { femms(); return true; } } else { if (node->back){ node = node->back; } else { femms(); return false; } } } } return false; }
void pfarc (int isign, int n, float rz[], complex cz[]) { int i,ir,ii,jr,ji,no2; float *z,tempr,tempi,sumr,sumi,difr,difi; double wr,wi,wpr,wpi,wtemp,theta; /* copy input to output while scaling */ z = (float*)cz; for (i=0; i<n; i++) z[i] = 0.5*rz[i]; /* do complex to complex transform */ pfacc(isign,n/2,cz); /* fix dc and nyquist */ z[n] = 2.0*(z[0]-z[1]); z[0] = 2.0*(z[0]+z[1]); z[n+1] = 0.0; z[1] = 0.0; /* initialize cosine-sine recurrence */ theta = 2.0*PI/(double)n; if (isign<0) theta = -theta; wtemp = sin(0.5*theta); wpr = -2.0*wtemp*wtemp; wpi = sin(theta); wr = 1.0+wpr; wi = wpi; /* twiddle */ no2 = n/2; for (ir=2,ii=3,jr=n-2,ji=n-1; ir<=no2; ir+=2,ii+=2,jr-=2,ji-=2) { sumr = z[ir]+z[jr]; sumi = z[ii]+z[ji]; difr = z[ir]-z[jr]; difi = z[ii]-z[ji]; tempr = wi*difr+wr*sumi; tempi = wi*sumi-wr*difr; z[ir] = sumr+tempr; z[ii] = difi+tempi; z[jr] = sumr-tempr; z[ji] = tempi-difi; wtemp = wr; wr += wr*wpr-wi*wpi; wi += wi*wpr+wtemp*wpi; } }
/* _dot_vect - compute the dot product of two vectors * a - input vector 1 * b - input vector 2 * return - the dot product */ float _dot_vect (float *a, float *b) { float r; __asm { femms mov eax,a mov edx,b movq mm0,[eax] movd mm1,[eax+8] pfmul (mm0,edx) pfacc (mm0,mm0) pfmulm (mm1,edx,0x8) pfadd (mm0,mm1) movd r,mm0 femms } return r; }
main() { int n=NMIN,nfft,i,it; float cpucc; for (i=0; i<NMAX; i++) z[i] = cmplx(0.0,0.0); for (n=NMIN; n<=NMAX; n+=NSTEP) { nfft = npfa(n); cpucc = cpusec(); for (it=0; it<NT; it++) pfacc(1,nfft,z); cpucc = cpusec()-cpucc; cpucc /= NT; printf("n = %d nfft = %d sec = %f\n",n,nfft,cpucc); } }
/* _mag_vect - find the magnitude of a vector * a - input vector * return - the magnitude of 'a' */ float _mag_vect (float *a) { float r; __asm { femms mov eax,a movq mm0,[eax] movd mm1,[eax+8] pfmul (mm0,mm0) pfmul (mm1,mm1) pfacc (mm0,mm0) pfadd (mm0,mm1) pfrsqrt (mm1,mm0) movq mm2,mm1 pfmul (mm1,mm1) pfrsqit1 (mm1,mm0) pfrcpit2 (mm1,mm2) pfmul (mm0,mm1) movd r,mm0 femms } return r; }
void dipfilt(float k,float dpx, float dt, int np, int nw, int nt, float **div,complex *p,complex *q) /********************************************************************* Jacubowicz filter to apply dip-dependent divergence correction ********************************************************************** Input: k wavenumber dpx dip sampling interval dt time sampling interval np number of reflection slopes nt number of time samples nw number of frequency samples div amplitude table p array[nt] containing input p(t,k) Output: q array[nt] containing divergence corrected output q(t,k) *********************************************************************/ { int ip,iw,it,iwl,iwh; float dw,wny,pscl,fftscl,pmin,ph,pm,pl; complex *kq,*qq; /* allocate workspace */ kq = ealloc1complex(nw); qq = ealloc1complex(nw); dw = 2.0*PI/(nw*dt); wny = PI/dt; pscl = 0.5; fftscl = 1.0/nw; pmin = k/wny; /* initialize qq */ for (iw=0; iw<nw; iw++){ qq[iw].r = 0.0; qq[iw].i = 0.0; } for (ip=np-1; ip>=0; ip--){ ph=dpx*(ip+1); pm=dpx*ip; pl=dpx*(ip-1); /*if (ip==np-1) ph=pm;*/ /* define frequency range */ iwl = k/ph/dw + 1; iwh = k/pl/dw; if (pl<1.01*pmin) iwh = (nw%2 ? (nw-1)/2 : nw/2-1); if (pm<1.01*pmin) iwh = (nw%2 ? nw/2 : nw/2-1); /* sum over frequency */ if (iwh>=iwl){ for (it=0; it<nt; it++){ kq[it].r = p[it].r*div[ip][it]; kq[it].i = p[it].i*div[ip][it]; } for (it=nt; it<nw; it++){ kq[it].r = 0.0; kq[it].i = 0.0; } pfacc(1,nw,kq); /* dip filter positive frequencies */ for (iw=iwl; iw<=iwh; iw++){ qq[iw].r += kq[iw].r*pscl; qq[iw].i += kq[iw].i*pscl; } /* dip filter negative frequencies */ iwl=nw-iwl; iwh=nw-iwh; for (iw=iwh; iw<=iwl; iw++){ qq[iw].r += kq[iw].r*pscl; qq[iw].i += kq[iw].i*pscl; } } if (pm<1.01*pmin) break; } /* Fourier transform w to t */ pfacc(-1,nw,qq); for (it=0; it<nt; it++){ q[it].r = qq[it].r*fftscl; q[it].i = qq[it].i*fftscl; } /* free workspace */ free1complex(kq); free1complex(qq); }
void gazdagvt (float k, int nt, float dt, float ft, int ntau, float dtau, float ftau, float *vt, complex *p, complex *q, float qual, float gainceil) /***************************************************************************** Gazdag's phase-shift zero-offset migration for one wavenumber adapted to v(tau) velocity profile ****************************************************************************** Input: k wavenumber nt number of time samples dt time sampling interval ft first time sample ntau number of migrated time samples dtau migrated time sampling interval ftau first migrated time sample vt velocity v[tau] p array[nt] containing data to be migrated Output: q array[ntau] containing migrated data ******************************************************************************/ { int ntfft,nw,it,itau,iw; float dw,fw,tmax,w,tau,phase,coss, *cumgain, gain, alpha; complex cshift,*pp; /* determine frequency sampling */ ntfft = npfa(nt); nw = ntfft; dw = 2.0*PI/(ntfft*dt); fw = -PI/dt; /* determine maximum time */ tmax = ft+(nt-1)*dt; /* allocate workspace */ pp = alloc1complex(nw); cumgain = alloc1float(nw); for (iw=0; iw<nw; iw++) cumgain[iw] = 1.0; /* pad with zeros and Fourier transform t to w, with w centered */ for (it=0; it<nt; it++) pp[it] = (it%2 ? cneg(p[it]) : p[it]); for (it=nt; it<ntfft; it++) pp[it] = cmplx(0.0,0.0); pfacc(1,ntfft,pp); /* account for non-zero ft and non-zero ftau */ for (itau=0 ; itau < ftau ; itau++){ for (iw=0,w=fw; iw<nw; iw++,w+=dw) { if (w==0.0) w = 1e-10/dt; coss = 1.0-pow(0.5 * vt[itau] * k/w,2.0); if (coss>=pow(ftau/tmax,2.0)) { phase = w*(ft-ftau*sqrt(coss)); cshift = cmplx(cos(phase),sin(phase)); pp[iw] = cmul(pp[iw],cshift); } else { pp[iw] = cmplx(0.0,0.0); } } } /* loop over migrated times tau */ for (itau=0,tau=ftau; itau<ntau; itau++,tau+=dtau) { /* initialize migrated sample */ q[itau] = cmplx(0.0,0.0); /* loop over frequencies w */ for (iw=0,w=fw; iw<nw; iw++,w+=dw) { /* accumulate image (summed over frequency) */ q[itau] = cadd(q[itau],pp[iw]); /* compute cosine squared of propagation angle */ if (w==0.0) w = 1e-10/dt; coss = 1.0-pow(0.5 * vt[itau] * k/w,2.0); /* if wave could have been recorded in time */ if (coss>=pow(tau/tmax,2.0)) { /* extrapolate down one migrated time step */ phase = -w*dtau*sqrt(coss); cshift = cmplx(cos(phase),sin(phase)); /* apply gain until gain ceiling is reached */ if (cumgain[iw] < gainceil) { alpha = w/(2.0*vt[itau]*qual); gain = exp(fabs(0.5*vt[itau]*dtau*alpha)); pp[iw] = cmul(pp[iw],crmul(cshift,gain)); cumgain[iw] *= gain; } else { pp[iw] = cmplx(0.0,0.0); } /* else, if wave couldn't have been recorded in time */ } else { /* zero the wave */ pp[iw] = cmplx(0.0,0.0); } } /* scale accumulated image just as we would for an FFT */ q[itau] = crmul(q[itau],1.0/nw); } /* free workspace */ free1complex(pp); free1float(cumgain); }
bool BNode::intersects3DNow(const vec4 &v0, const vec4 &v1, const vec4 &dir) const { v2sf planeXY = ((v2sf *) &tri.plane)[0]; v2sf planeZD = ((v2sf *) &tri.plane)[1]; v2sf v0XY = ((v2sf *) &v0)[0]; v2sf v0Z1 = ((v2sf *) &v0)[1]; v2sf dotXY = pfmul(planeXY, v0XY); v2sf dotZD = pfmul(planeZD, v0Z1); v2sf dotD = pfacc(dotXY, dotZD); dotD = pfacc(dotD, dotD); int d = _m_to_int(dotD); if (d > 0){ if (front != NULL && front->intersects3DNow(v0, v1, dir)) return true; v2sf dotXY = pfmul(planeXY, ((v2sf *) &v1)[0]); v2sf dotZD = pfmul(planeZD, ((v2sf *) &v1)[1]); v2sf dot = pfacc(dotXY, dotZD); dot = pfacc(dot, dot); int d = _m_to_int(dot); if (d < 0){ v2sf dirXY = ((v2sf *) &dir)[0]; v2sf dirZ0 = ((v2sf *) &dir)[1]; v2sf dotXY = pfmul(planeXY, dirXY); v2sf dotZ0 = pfmul(planeZD, dirZ0); v2sf dot = pfacc(dotXY, dotZ0); dot = pfacc(dot, dot); dot = pfrcp(dot); dot = pfmul(dot, dotD); dirXY = pfmul(dirXY, dot); dirZ0 = pfmul(dirZ0, dot); v0XY = pfsub(v0XY, dirXY); v0Z1 = pfsub(v0Z1, dirZ0); if (tri.isAbove3DNow(v0XY, v0Z1)){ return true; } if (back != NULL && back->intersects3DNow(v0, v1, dir)) return true; } } else { if (back != NULL && back->intersects3DNow(v0, v1, dir)) return true; v2sf dotXY = pfmul(planeXY, ((v2sf *) &v1)[0]); v2sf dotZD = pfmul(planeZD, ((v2sf *) &v1)[1]); v2sf dot = pfacc(dotXY, dotZD); dot = pfacc(dot, dot); int d = _m_to_int(dot); if (d > 0){ v2sf dirXY = ((v2sf *) &dir)[0]; v2sf dirZ0 = ((v2sf *) &dir)[1]; v2sf dotXY = pfmul(planeXY, dirXY); v2sf dotZ0 = pfmul(planeZD, dirZ0); v2sf dot = pfacc(dotXY, dotZ0); dot = pfacc(dot, dot); dot = pfrcp(dot); dot = pfmul(dot, dotD); dirXY = pfmul(dirXY, dot); dirZ0 = pfmul(dirZ0, dot); v0XY = pfsub(v0XY, dirXY); v0Z1 = pfsub(v0Z1, dirZ0); if (tri.isAbove3DNow(v0XY, v0Z1)){ return true; } if (front != NULL && front->intersects3DNow(v0, v1, dir)) return true; } } return false; }
void do_minphdec(float *tr,int nt, float *filter,int fnl,int fnr,float prw) { float *rtr; float *rtx; complex *f; complex *w; complex a; int iamp; float amp; float ampm=-1.0e+20; float amps; float *am; float *ph; float mean=0.0; float sum=0.0; int nfftc; int nf; int i,j; /* counter */ float snfftc; /* Set up pfa fft */ nfftc = npfao(nt,LOOKFAC*nt); if (nfftc >= SU_NFLTS || nfftc >= PFA_MAX) err("Padded nt=%d--too big", nfftc); nf = nfftc/2 + 1; snfftc=1.0/nfftc; rtr = ealloc1float(nfftc); rtx = ealloc1float(nf); f = ealloc1complex(nfftc); w = ealloc1complex(nfftc); am = ealloc1float(nf); ph = ealloc1float(nf); /* clean the arrays */ memset( (void *) w, (int) '\0', nfftc*sizeof(complex)); memset( (void *) rtr, (int) '\0', nfftc*FSIZE); /* Cross correlation */ xcor(nt,0,tr,nt,0,tr,nf,0,rtr); /* FFT */ pfarc(1, nfftc,rtr,w); /* stabilize */ for(i=0;i<nf;i++) { am[i] += am[i]*prw; } /* Normalize */ for(i=0;i<nf;i++) { a=w[i]; am[i]= sqrt(a.r*a.r+a.i*a.i); sum += am[i]; if(am[i]!=0) ph[i] = atan2(a.i,a.r); else ph[i]=0; } sum *= 1.0/nf; sum = 1.0/sum; sscal(nf,sum,am,1); /* Smooth the apmlitude spectra */ if(fnl!=0) conv (fnl+fnr+1,-fnl,filter,nf,0,am,nf,0,am); fprintf(stderr," %f\n",sum); for(i=0;i<nf;i++) { w[i].r = am[i]*cos(ph[i]); w[i].i = am[i]*sin(ph[i]); } for(i=nf,j=nf-1;i<nfftc;i++,j--) { w[i].r = am[j]*cos(ph[j]); w[i].i = am[j]*sin(ph[j]); } /* log spectra */ for (i = 0; i < nfftc; ++i) w[i] = crmul(clog(cmul(w[i],conjg(w[i]))),0.5); /* Hilbert transform */ pfacc(-1,nfftc,w); for (i=0; i<nfftc; ++i) { w[i].r *=snfftc; w[i].i *=snfftc; } for(i=1;i<nfftc/2;i++) w[i] = cadd(w[i],w[i]); for(i=nfftc/2;i<nfftc;i++) w[i] = cmplx(0,0); pfacc(1,nfftc,w); /* end of Hilbert transform */ /* exponentiate */ for(i=0;i<nfftc;i++) w[i] = cexp(w[i]); /* inverse filter */ for(i=0;i<nfftc;i++) f[i] = cdiv(cmplx(1.0,0),w[i]); /* Load trace into tr (zero-padded) */ memset( (void *) w, (int) '\0',nfftc*sizeof(complex)); for(i=0;i<nt;i++) w[i].r = tr[i]; /* Trace to frequency domain */ pfacc(1,nfftc,w); /* apply filter */ for(i=0;i<nfftc;i++) w[i] = cmul(w[i],f[i]); /* Time domain */ pfacr(-1, nfftc,w,rtr); for(i=0;i<nt;i++) rtr[i] *=snfftc; memcpy( (void *) tr, (const void *) rtr, nt*FSIZE); free1float(rtr); free1float(am); free1float(ph); free1complex(f); free1complex(w); }
void roughint(int *zp, int minx, int maxx, float dz, float *interface, float ampl, float beta, float seed) { int j, i, ndeltx, optn; long idum; float *fract; float dk, mean, std; complex *fracc, *fracc2; ndeltx = maxx - minx + 1; optn = npfar(npfa(ndeltx)); fract = (float *)malloc(optn*sizeof(float)); fracc = (complex *)malloc((optn/2+1)*sizeof(complex)); fracc2 = (complex *)malloc(optn*sizeof(complex)); /* srandom(seed); fact = 1.0/(float)pow(2.0, 31.0); for (j = 0; j < optn; j++) fract[j] = (float)random()*fact; */ idum = (long) seed; srand48(idum); for (j = 0; j < optn; j++) fract[j] = (float)drand48(); pfarc(-1, optn, fract, fracc); dk = 1.0/(float)optn; for (j = 1; j < optn/2+1; j++) { fracc2[j].r = fracc[j].r*pow(j*dk, -beta/2.0); fracc2[j].i = fracc[j].i*pow(j*dk, -beta/2.0); } for (j = optn/2+2; j < optn; j++) { fracc2[j].r = fracc[optn-j].r; fracc2[j].i = -1.0*fracc[optn-j].i; } fracc2[0].r = 0.0; fracc2[0].i = 0.0; pfacc(1, optn, fracc2); for (j = 0; j < optn; j++) fract[j] = fracc2[j].r; statics(fract, optn, &mean, &std); for (j = 0; j < optn; j++) fract[j] -= mean; dk = ampl/(2*std); for (j = 0; j < optn; j++) fract[j] *= dk; j = 0; for (i = minx; i < maxx; i++) { interface[i] += fract[j]; zp[i] = NINT(interface[i]/dz); j++; if (SGN(zp[i]) < 0) zp[i] = 0; } free(fract); free(fracc); free(fracc2); return; }
/**************** end self doc ********************************/ static void cvstack(VND *vnda, VND *vnd, int icmp, int noff, float *off, float *mute, int lmute, int nv, float *p2, float dt, float dtout); static void vget( float a, float b, float e, float d, float theta, float *vel); VND *ptabledmo(int nv, float *v, float etamin, float deta, int neta, float d, float vsvp, int np, float dp, float dp2, char *file); VND *ptablemig(int nv, float *v, float etamin, float deta, int neta, float d, float vsvp, int np, char *file); static void taper (int lxtaper, int lbtaper, int nx, int ix, int nt, float *trace); segy tr; /* input and output SEGY data */ FILE *fpl; /* file pointer for print listing */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { VND *vnd=NULL; /* big file holding data, all cmps, all etas, all velocities */ VND *vnda=NULL; /* holds one input cmp gather */ VND *vndb=NULL; /* holds (w,v) for one k component */ VND *vndvnmo=NULL; /* holds (vnmo,p) table for ti dmo */ VND *vndvphase=NULL; /* holds (vphase,p) table for ti Stolt migration */ long N[2]; /* holds number of values in each dimension for VND opens */ long key[2]; /* holds key in each dimension for VND i/o */ char **dir=NULL; /* could hold list of directories where to put VND temp files */ char *file; /* root name for temporary files */ char *printfile; /* name of file for printout */ complex *crt; complex *ctemp; complex czero; float *rt; char *ccrt; char *fname; float etamin; /* minimum eta scan to compute */ float etamax; /* maximum eta scan to compute */ float deta; /* increment in eta to compute for eta scan */ float dx; /* cmp spatial sampling interval */ float dk; /* wavenumber increment */ float dv; /* velocity increment */ float vmin; /* minimum output velocity */ float vmax; /* maximum output velocity */ float dt; /* input sample rate in seconds */ float dtout; /* output sample rate in seconds */ float *mute; /* array of mute times for this cmp */ float *off; /* array of offsets for this cmp */ float *v; /* array of output velocities */ float *p2stack; /* array of stacking 1/(v*v) */ float *rindex; /* array of interpolation indices */ float dp2=0.0; /* increment in slowness squared for input cvstacks */ float scale; /* used for trace scale factor */ float p; /* horizontal slowness */ float p2; /* p*p */ float v2; /* velocity squared */ float ak; /* horizontal wavenumber */ float dw; /* angular frequency increment */ float *w; /* array holding w values for Fowler */ float factor; /* scale factor */ float d; /* Thomsen's delta */ float vsvp; /* vs/vp ratio */ float dp; /* increment of slowness values in vndvnmo table */ float rp; /* real valued index in p */ float wgt; /* weight for linear interpolation */ float fmax; /* maximum frequency to use for antialias mute */ float salias; /* fraction of frequencies to be within sloth antialias limit */ float dpm; /* slowness increment in TI migration table */ float fw; /* first w in Stolt data table */ float vminstack;/* only used if reading precomputed cvstacks, minimum stacking vel */ int neta; /* number of eta scans to compute */ int ichoose; /* defines type of processing to do */ int ncmps; /* number of input and output cmps */ int nv; /* number of output velocity panels to generate */ int nvstack; /* number of cvstack panels to generate */ int ntpad; /* number of time samples to padd to avoid wraparound */ int nxpad; /* number of traces to padd to avoid wraparound */ int lmute; /* number of samples to taper mute */ int lbtaper; /* length of bottom time taper in ms */ int lstaper; /* length of side taper in traces */ int mxfold; /* maximum allowed number of input offsets/cmp */ int icmp; /* cmp index */ int ntfft; /* length of temporal fft for Fowler */ int ntffts; /* length of temporal fft for Stolt */ int nxfft; /* length of spatial fft */ int ntfftny; /* count of freq to nyquist */ int nxfftny; /* count of wavenumbers to nyquist */ int nmax; /* used to compute max number of samples for array allocation */ int oldcmp; /* current cdp header value */ int noff; /* number of offsets */ int k; /* wavenumber index */ int iwmin; /* minimum freq index */ int TI; /* 0 for isotropic, 1 for transversely isotropic */ long it; /* time index */ long iw; /* index for angular frequency */ long nt; /* number of input time samples */ long ntout; /* number of output time samples */ long iv; /* velocity index */ long ip; /* slowness index */ long ieta; int nonhyp; /* flag equals 1 if do mute to avoid non-hyperbolic events */ int getcvstacks;/* flag equals 1 if input cvstacks precomputed */ int ngroup; /* number of traces per vel anal group */ int ndir; /* number of user specified directories for temp files */ /******************************************************************************/ /* input parameters, allocate buffers, and define reusable constants */ /******************************************************************************/ initargs(argc, argv); requestdoc(1); /* get first trace and extract critical info from header */ if(!gettr(&tr)) err("Can't get first trace \n"); nt=tr.ns; dt=0.000001*tr.dt; oldcmp=tr.cdp; if (!getparstring("printfile",&printfile)) printfile=NULL; if (printfile==NULL) { fpl=stderr; }else{ fpl=fopen(printfile,"w"); } if (!getparfloat("salias",&salias)) salias=0.8; if(salias>1.0) salias=1.0; if (!getparfloat("dtout",&dtout)) dtout=1.5*dt; ntout=1+nt*dt/dtout; if (!getparint("getcvstacks",&getcvstacks)) getcvstacks=0; if(getcvstacks) { dtout=dt; ntout=nt; } fmax=salias*0.5/dtout; fprintf(fpl,"sutifowler: ntin=%ld dtin=%f\n",nt,dt); fprintf(fpl,"sutifowler: ntout=%ld dtout=%f\n",ntout,dtout); if (!getparstring("file",&file)) file="sutifowler"; if (!getparfloat("dx",&dx)) dx=25.; if (!getparfloat("vmin",&vmin)) vmin=1500.; if (!getparfloat("vmax",&vmax)) vmax=8000.; if (!getparfloat("vminstack",&vminstack)) vminstack=vmin; if (!getparfloat("d",&d)) d=0.0; if (!getparfloat("etamin",&etamin)) etamin=0.0; if (!getparfloat("etamax",&etamax)) etamax=0.5; if (!getparfloat("vsvp",&vsvp)) vsvp=0.5; if (!getparint("neta", &neta)) neta = 1; if (fabs(etamax-etamin)<1.0e-7) neta = 1; if (neta < 1) neta = 1; if (!getparint("choose", &ichoose)) ichoose = 1; if (!getparint("ncdps", &ncmps)) err("sutifowler: must enter ncdps"); if (!getparint("nv", &nv)) nv = 75; if (!getparint("nvstack", &nvstack)) nvstack = 180; if (!getparint("ntpad", &ntpad)) ntpad = 0.1*ntout; if (!getparint("nxpad", &nxpad)) nxpad = 0; if (!getparint("lmute", &lmute)) lmute = 24; lmute=1 + 0.001*lmute/dtout; if (!getparint("lbtaper", &lbtaper)) lbtaper = 0; if (!getparint("lstaper", &lstaper)) lstaper = 0; if (!getparint("mxfold", &mxfold)) mxfold = 120; if (!getparint("nonhyp",&nonhyp)) nonhyp=1.; if (!getparint("ngroup", &ngroup)) ngroup = 20; ndir = countparname("p"); if(ndir==0) { ndir=-1; }else{ dir = (char **)VNDemalloc(ndir*sizeof(char *),"dir"); for(k=0;k<ndir;k++) { it=getnparstring(k+1,"p",&dir[k]); } } lbtaper=lbtaper/(1000.*dt); TI=0; if(fabs(d)>0. || fabs(etamin)>0 || neta>1 ) TI=1; if(TI) fprintf(fpl,"sutifowler: operation in TI mode\n"); deta = 0.; if(neta>1) deta=(etamax-etamin)/(neta-1); dp=1./(vmin*(NP-5)); if(TI) dp=dp*sqrt(1.+2.*fabs(etamin)); if(ichoose>2) nvstack=nv; if(ichoose==1 || ichoose==2 || ichoose==3) { ntfft=ntout+ntpad; }else{ ntfft=1; } if(ichoose==1 || ichoose==3) { ntffts=2*ntout/0.6; }else{ ntffts=1; } ntfft=npfao(ntfft,2*ntfft); ntffts=npfao(ntffts,2*ntffts); dw=2.*PI/(ntfft*dtout); nxfft=npfar(ncmps+nxpad); dk=2.*PI/(nxfft*dx); fprintf(fpl,"sutifowler: ntfft=%d ntffts=%d nxfft=%d\n",ntfft,ntffts,nxfft); czero.r=czero.i=0.; scale=1.; if(ichoose<5) scale=1./(nxfft); if(ichoose==1 || ichoose==2 ) scale*=1./ntfft; if(ichoose==1 || ichoose==3 ) scale*=1./ntffts; nxfftny = nxfft/2 + 1; ntfftny = ntfft/2 + 1; nmax = nxfftny; if(ntfft > nmax) nmax=ntfft; if((NP/2+1)>nmax) nmax=(NP/2+1); if(nvstack>nmax) nmax=nvstack; if(nv*neta>nmax) nmax=nv*neta; ctemp = (complex *)VNDemalloc(nmax*sizeof(complex),"allocating ctemp"); rindex=(float *)VNDemalloc(nmax*sizeof(float),"allocating rindex"); if(ntffts > nmax) nmax=ntffts; crt = (complex *)VNDemalloc(nmax*sizeof(complex),"allocating crt"); rt = (float *)crt; ccrt = (char *)crt; fprintf(fpl,"sutifowler: nv=%d nvstack=%d\n",nv,nvstack); v=(float *)VNDemalloc(nv*sizeof(float),"allocating v"); p2stack=(float *)VNDemalloc(nvstack*sizeof(float),"allocating p2stack"); mute=(float *)VNDemalloc(mxfold*sizeof(float),"allocating mute"); off=(float *)VNDemalloc(mxfold*sizeof(float),"allocating off"); fprintf(fpl,"sutifowler: allocating and filling w array\n"); w=(float *)VNDemalloc(ntfft*sizeof(float),"allocating w"); for(iw=0;iw<ntfft;iw++) { if(iw<ntfftny){ w[iw]=iw*dw; }else{ w[iw]=(iw-ntfft)*dw; } if(iw==0) w[0]=0.1*dw; /* fudge for dc component */ } /******************************************************************************/ fprintf(fpl,"sutifowler: building function for stacking velocity analysis\n"); /******************************************************************************/ dv=(vmax-vmin)/MAX((nv-1),1); for(iv=0;iv<nv;iv++) v[iv]=vmin+iv*dv; if(ichoose>=3){ for(iv=0;iv<nvstack;iv++) { p2stack[iv]=1./(v[iv]*v[iv]); fprintf(fpl," stacking velocity %ld %f\n",iv,v[iv]); } }else{ if(nvstack<6) err("sutifowler: nvstack must be 6 or more"); dp2 = 1./(vminstack*vminstack*(nvstack-5)); for(iv=0;iv<nvstack;iv++) { p2stack[iv]=iv*dp2; if(iv>0) { factor=1./sqrt(p2stack[iv]); fprintf(fpl," stacking velocity %ld %f\n",iv,factor); }else{ fprintf(fpl," stacking velocity %ld infinity\n",iv); } } } /******************************************************************************/ fprintf(fpl,"sutifowler: Opening and zeroing large block matrix disk file\n"); fprintf(fpl," This can take a while, but all is fruitless if the \n"); fprintf(fpl," necessary disk space is not there...\n"); /******************************************************************************/ N[0]=nxfft+2; N[1]=ntout*MAX(nv*neta,nvstack); fname=VNDtempname(file); vnd = VNDop(2,0,2,N,1,sizeof(float),fname,ndir,dir,1); VNDfree(fname,"main: freeing fname 1"); fprintf(fpl,"sutifowler: large file RAM mem buf = %ld bytes\n", vnd->NumBytesMemBuf); fprintf(fpl,"sutifowler: large file disk area = %ld bytes\n", vnd->NumBytesPerBlock*vnd->NumBlocksPerPanel*vnd->NumPanels); if(getcvstacks) { /******************************************************************************/ fprintf(fpl,"sutifowler: reading input cvstacks\n"); /******************************************************************************/ for(icmp=0;icmp<ncmps;icmp++) { key[0]=icmp; key[1]=0; for(iv=0;iv<nvstack;iv++) { VNDrw('w',0,vnd,1,key,0, (char *),iv*ntout,1,ntout, 1,"writing cvstacks to disk"); if( !gettr(&tr) ) { if(icmp==ncmps-1 && iv==nvstack-1 ) { /* all ok, read all the input data */ }else{ err("sutifowler: error reading input cvstacks"); } } } } goto xffts; } /******************************************************************************/ fprintf(fpl, "sutifowler: beginning constant velocity stacks of the input cmp gathers\n"); /******************************************************************************/ fname=VNDtempname(file); vnda = V2Dop(2,1000000,sizeof(float),fname,nt,mxfold); VNDfree(fname,"main: freeing fname 2"); fprintf(fpl,"sutifowler: cmp gather RAM mem buf = %ld bytes\n", vnda->NumBytesMemBuf); icmp=0; noff=0; do { if(tr.cdp!=oldcmp) { cvstack(vnda,vnd,icmp,noff,off,mute,lmute, nvstack,p2stack,dt,dtout); icmp++; if(icmp==ncmps) { fprintf(fpl,"sutifowler: more input cdps than ncdps parameter\n"); fprintf(fpl," Will only process ncdps gathers.\n"); goto done_with_input; } oldcmp=tr.cdp; noff=0; } if(lbtaper>0 || lstaper>0) taper (lstaper,lbtaper,ncmps,icmp,nt,; factor=scale; for(it=0;it<nt;it++)[it]*=factor; V2Dw0(vnda,noff,(char *),1); off[noff]=tr.offset; if(ichoose==1 || ichoose==2) { mute[noff]=fmax*off[noff]*off[noff]*dp2; }else{ mute[noff]=0.; } if(nonhyp) mute[noff]=MAX(mute[noff],2*off[noff]/vmin); noff++; if(noff>mxfold) err("tifowler: input cdp has more traces than mxfold"); } while ( gettr(&tr) ); cvstack(vnda,vnd,icmp,noff,off,mute,lmute, nvstack,p2stack,dt,dtout); icmp++; done_with_input: ncmps=icmp; fprintf(fpl,"sutifowler: read and stacked %d cmp gathers\n",ncmps); VNDcl(vnda,1); xffts: VNDflush(vnd); if(ichoose<5){ /******************************************************************************/ fprintf(fpl,"sutifowler: doing forward x -> k spatial fft's\n"); /******************************************************************************/ for(it=0;it<(ntout*nvstack);it++) { V2Dr0(vnd,it,ccrt,21); for(k=ncmps;k<nxfft+2;k++) rt[k]=0.; pfarc(1,nxfft,rt,crt); V2Dw0(vnd,it,ccrt,22); } VNDr2c(vnd); } if(ichoose<=3) { fprintf(fpl,"sutifowler: looping over k\n"); if(TI && (ichoose==1 || ichoose==2)) { /* build ti vnmo(p) table */ vndvnmo=ptabledmo(nv,v,etamin,deta,neta,d,vsvp,NP,dp,dp2,file); fprintf(fpl,"sutifowler: dmo index(p) RAM mem buf = %ld bytes\n", vndvnmo->NumBytesMemBuf); } if(TI && (ichoose==1 || ichoose==3)){ /* build ti vphase(p) table */ vndvphase=ptablemig(nv,v,etamin,deta,neta,d,vsvp,NP,file); fprintf(fpl,"sutifowler: migration scaler(p) RAM mem buf = %ld bytes\n", vndvphase->NumBytesMemBuf); } if(ichoose==1 || ichoose==2){ iv=MAX(nv*neta,nvstack); fname=VNDtempname(file); vndb = V2Dop(2,750000,sizeof(complex), fname,(long)ntfft,iv); fprintf(fpl,"sutifowler: (w,v) RAM mem buf = %ld bytes\n", vndb->NumBytesMemBuf); VNDfree(fname,"main: freeing fname 3"); } /******************************************************************************/ for(k=0;k<nxfftny;k++){ /* loop over spatial wavenumbers */ /******************************************************************************/ if(k==(20*(k/20))) { fprintf(fpl,"sutifowler: k index = %d out of %d\n", k,nxfftny); } ak=k*dk; key[0]=k; key[1]=0; /******************************************************************************/ if(ichoose==1 || ichoose==2) { /* do Fowler DMO */ /******************************************************************************/ for(iv=0;iv<nvstack;iv++) { /* loop over input velocities */ VNDrw('r',0,vnd,1,key,0,ccrt,iv*ntout,1,ntout, 31,"Fowler DMO t -> w fft read"); for(it=ntout;it<ntfft;it++) crt[it]=czero; pfacc(-1,ntfft,crt); V2Dw0(vndb,iv,ccrt,32); } for(iw=0;iw<ntfft;iw++) { p=0.5*ak/fabs(w[iw]); if(TI) { /* anisotropic TI*/ ip=p/dp; if(ip<NP) { V2Dr0(vndvnmo,ip,(char *)rindex,40); }else{ for(iv=0;iv<(nv*neta);iv++) rindex[iv]=-1.; } }else{ /* isotropic */ p2=p*p; for(iv=0;iv<nv;iv++){ v2=v[iv]*v[iv]; rindex[iv]=(1-v2*p2)/(v2*dp2); } } V2Dr1(vndb,iw,ccrt,41); for(iv=0;iv<nvstack;iv++) ctemp[iv]=crt[iv]; ints8c(nvstack,1.0,0.0,ctemp,czero,czero,nv*neta,rindex,crt); V2Dw1(vndb,iw,ccrt,42); } for(iv=0;iv<(nv*neta);iv++) { /* loop over output vel */ V2Dr0(vndb,iv,ccrt,51); pfacc(1,ntfft,crt); VNDrw('w',0,vnd,1,key,0,ccrt,iv*ntout,1,ntout, 52,"Fowler DMO w -> t fft write"); } } /******************************************************************************/ if( ichoose==3 && neta>1 ) { /* fix up disk order if only doing TI migrations */ /******************************************************************************/ for(iv=0;iv<nv;iv++) { VNDrw('r',0,vnd,1,key,0,ccrt,iv*ntout,1,ntout, 57,"option 3 fixup for multiple eta read"); for(ieta=1;ieta<neta;ieta++) { VNDrw('w',0,vnd,1,key,0,ccrt, iv*ntout+ieta*nv*ntout,1,ntout, 58,"option 3 fixup for multiple eta write"); } } } /******************************************************************************/ if( (ichoose==1 || ichoose==3 ) ) { /* do Stolt migration */ /******************************************************************************/ for(iv=0;iv<(nv*neta);iv++) { if(TI) { /* anisotropic TI */ V2Dr0(vndvphase,iv,ccrt,50); dpm=rt[0]; dw=2.*PI/(ntfft*dtout); iwmin=0.5*ak/( (NP-3)*dpm*dw); for(iw=iwmin+1;iw<ntfftny;iw++) { p=0.5*ak/fabs(w[iw]); rp=1.0+p/dpm; ip=rp; wgt=rp-ip; factor=wgt*rt[ip+1]+(1.-wgt)*rt[ip]; rindex[iw]=w[iw]*factor; rindex[ntfft-iw]=w[ntfft-iw]*factor; } fw=-2.*PI/dtout; rindex[0]=fw; for(iw=1;iw<iwmin+1;iw++) { rindex[iw]=fw; rindex[ntfft-iw]=fw; } }else{ /* isotropic */ scale=0.5*v[iv]*ak; for(iw=0;iw<ntfft;iw++) { if(fabs(w[iw])>scale) { factor=scale/w[iw]; factor=sqrt(1+factor*factor); rindex[iw]=w[iw]*factor; }else{ rindex[iw]=-2.*PI/dtout; } } } VNDrw('r',0,vnd,1,key,0,ccrt,iv*ntout,1,ntout, 61,"Stolt t -> w fft read"); for(it=1;it<ntout;it+=2){ crt[it].r=-crt[it].r; crt[it].i=-crt[it].i; } for(it=ntout;it<ntffts;it++) crt[it]=czero; pfacc(1,ntffts,crt); dw=2.*PI/(ntffts*dtout); fw=-PI/dtout; ints8c(ntffts,dw,fw,crt,czero,czero, ntfft,rindex,ctemp); /* obliquity factor code */ for(iw=0;iw<ntfft;iw++){ factor=fabs(w[iw]/rindex[iw]); crt[iw].r=factor*ctemp[iw].r; crt[iw].i=factor*ctemp[iw].i; } pfacc(-1,ntfft,crt); VNDrw('w',0,vnd,1,key,0,ccrt,iv*ntout,1,ntout, 62,"Stolt w->t fft write"); } } } fprintf(fpl,"sutifowler: completed loop over wavenumbers\n"); if(ichoose==1 || ichoose==2) VNDcl(vndb,1); if(TI && (ichoose==1 || ichoose==2)) VNDcl(vndvnmo,1); if(TI && (ichoose==1 || ichoose==3)) VNDcl(vndvphase,1); } if(ichoose<5) { /******************************************************************************/ fprintf(fpl,"sutifowler: doing inverse spatial fft's k->x\n"); /******************************************************************************/ for(it=0;it<(ntout*nv*neta);it++) { V2Dr0(vnd,it,ccrt,71); pfacr(-1,nxfft,crt,rt); V2Dw0(vnd,it,ccrt,72); } VNDc2r(vnd); } /*****************************************************************/ fprintf(fpl,"sutifowler: outputting results\n"); /******************************************************************/ it=0; for(icmp=0;icmp<ncmps;icmp++) { key[0]=icmp; key[1]=0; for(ieta=0;ieta<neta;ieta++) { for(iv=0;iv<nv;iv++) { VNDrw('r',0,vnd,1,key,0,(char *), iv*ntout+ieta*nv*ntout,1,ntout,82, "outputting all velocities for each cmp"); tr.ns=ntout; tr.dt=1000000*dtout; tr.cdp=icmp; tr.tracf=iv; tr.offset=v[iv]; tr.cdpt=iv;*dx; tr.gx=icmp*dx; it++; tr.tracl=it; tr.tracr=it; tr.fldr=icmp/ngroup; tr.ep=10+tr.fldr*ngroup; tr.igc=ieta; tr.igi=100*(etamin+ieta*deta); tr.d1=dtout; tr.f1=0.; tr.d2=1.; tr.f2=0.; puttr(&tr); } } } /* close files and return */ VNDcl(vnd,1); VNDfree(crt,"main: freeing crt"); VNDfree(ctemp,"main: freeing ctemp"); VNDfree(v,"main: freeing v"); VNDfree(p2stack,"main: freeing p2stack"); VNDfree(mute,"main: freeing mute"); VNDfree(off,"main: freeing off"); VNDfree(rindex,"main: freeing rindex"); VNDfree(w,"main: freeing w"); if(VNDtotalmem()!=0) { fprintf(stderr,"total VND memory at end = %ld\n", VNDtotalmem()); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
static void dmooff (float offset, float fmax, int nx, float dx, int nt, float dt, float ft, float *vrms, float **ptx, float gamma, float *boh, float *zoh, int ntable, float s1, float s2, float sign) /***************************************************************************** perform dmo in f-k domain for one offset ****************************************************************************** Input: offset source receiver offset fmax maximum frequency s1 DMO stretch factor s2 DMO stretch factor sign sign of shift nx number of midpoints dx midpoint sampling interval nt number of time samples dt time sampling interval ft first time vrms array[nt] of rms velocities ptx array[nx][nt] for p(t,x), zero-padded for fft (see notes) Output: ptx array[nx][nt] for dmo-corrected p(t,x) ****************************************************************************** Notes: To avoid having to allocate a separate work space that is larger than the array ptx[nx][nt], ptx must be zero-padded to enable Fourier transform from x to k via prime factor FFT. nxpad (nx after zero-padding) can be estimated by nxpad = 2+npfar(nx+(int)(0.5*ABS(offset/dx))); where npfar() is a function that returns a valid length for real-to-complex prime factor FFT. ptx[nx] to ptx[nxfft-1] must point to zeros. ****************************************************************************** Author: Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines, 08/08/91 *****************************************************************************/ { int nxfft,itmin,nu,nufft,nw,nk,ix,iu,iw,ik,it,iwn, iwmin,iwmax,nupad,ikmax,*itn,lnt; float dw,dk,tcon,wwscl,wwscl2,scale,scales,kmax,lt, amp,phase,fr,fi,pwr,pwi,cphase,sphase,os1,os2, wmin,wmax,fftscl,du,fu,w,k,*uoft,*tofu,g1,h,vmin,hk,t,*bboh=NULL; complex czero=cmplx(0.0,0.0),**ptk,*pu,*pw; /* number of cdps after padding for fft */ nxfft = npfar(nx+(int)(0.5*ABS(offset/dx))); /* get minimum time of first non-zero sample */ for (ix=0,itmin=nt; ix<nx; ++ix) { for (it=0; it<itmin && ptx[ix][it]==0.0; ++it); itmin = it; } /* if all zeros, simply return */ if (itmin>=nt) return; /* make stretch and compress functions t(u) and u(t) */ maketu(offset,itmin,fmax,nt,dt,ft,vrms,&uoft,&nu,&du,&fu,&tofu,&tcon); /* constants depending on gamma, offset, vrms[0], and nt */ g1 = 2.0*sqrt(gamma)/(1.0+gamma); h = offset/2.0; lnt = nt-1; lt = (nt-1)*dt; vmin = 0.5*MIN((1.0+1.0/gamma)*vrms[0],(1.0+gamma)*vrms[0]); /* if gamma != 1, get bboh[] and itn[] for this offset */ if(gamma!=1.0) getbbohitn (offset,itmin,nt,dt,vrms,ntable,boh,zoh, \ gamma,&bboh,&itn); /* inverse of dmo stretch/squeeze factors */ os1 = 1.0/s1; os2 = 1.0/s2; /* maximum DMO shift (in samples) for any wavenumber k */ nupad = 1.5*((s1+s2)/2.0)*tcon/du; /* frequency sampling */ nufft = npfa(nu+nupad); nw = nufft; dw = 2.0*PI/(nufft*du); /* allocate workspace */ pu = pw = ealloc1complex(nufft); /* wavenumber sampling and maximum wavenumber to apply dmo */ nk = nxfft/2+1; dk = 2.0*PI/ABS(nxfft*dx); kmax = PI/ABS(dx); ikmax = NINT(kmax/dk); /* pointers to complex p(t,k) */ ptk = (complex**)ealloc1(nk,sizeof(complex*)); for (ik=0; ik<nk; ++ik) ptk[ik] = (complex*)ptx[0]+ik*nt; /* fft scale factor */ fftscl = (float)nk/(float)(ikmax+1)/(nufft*nxfft); /* Fourier transform p(t,x) to p(t,k) */ pfa2rc(-1,2,nt,nxfft,ptx[0],ptk[0]); /* loop over wavenumbers less than maximum */ for (ik=0,k=0.0; ik<=ikmax; ++ik,k+=dk) { /* apply time vriant linear phase shift */ hk=sign*h*k; for (it=lnt,t=lt; it>=itmin; --it,t-=dt) { /* calculate phase-shift=boh*h*k, h=offset/2 */ if(gamma != 1.0) phase = bboh[it]*hk; else phase = 0.0; /* phase shift p(t,k) */ cphase=cos(phase); sphase=sin(phase); fr = ptk[ik][it].r; fi = ptk[ik][it].i; ptk[ik][it].r = fr*cphase + fi*sphase; ptk[ik][it].i = -fr*sphase + fi*cphase; } /* stretch p(t;k) to p(u) */ ints8c(nt,dt,ft,ptk[ik],czero,czero,nu,tofu,pu); /* pad with zeros and Fourier transform p(u) to p(w) */ for (iu=nu; iu<nufft; ++iu) pu[iu].r = pu[iu].i = 0.0; pfacc(1,nufft,pu); /* minimum and maximum frequencies to process */ wmin = ABS(0.5*vmin*k); wmax = ABS(PI/du); iwmin = MAX(1,MIN((nw-1)/2,NINT(wmin/dw))); iwmax = MAX(0,MIN((nw-1)/2,NINT(wmax/dw))); /* constant independent of w */ wwscl = os1*pow(g1*hk/tcon,2.0); wwscl2 = wwscl*os2/os1; /* zero dc (should be zero anyway) */ pw[0].r = pw[0].i = 0.0; /* zero frequencies below minimum */ for (iw=1,iwn=nw-iw; iw<iwmin; ++iw,--iwn) pw[iw].r = pw[iw].i = pw[iwn].r = pw[iwn].i = 0.0; /* do dmo between minimum and maximum frequencies */ for (iw=iwmin,iwn=nw-iwmin,w=iwmin*dw; iw<=iwmax; ++iw,--iwn,w+=dw) { /* positive w */ scales = 1.0+wwscl/(w*w); scale = sqrt(scales); phase = s1*w*tcon*(scale-1.0); amp = fftscl*(1.0-s1+s1/scale); fr = amp*cos(phase); fi = amp*sin(phase); pwr = pw[iw].r; pwi = pw[iw].i; pw[iw].r = pwr*fr-pwi*fi; pw[iw].i = pwr*fi+pwi*fr; /* negative w */ scales = 1.0+wwscl2/(w*w); scale = sqrt(scales); phase = s2*w*tcon*(scale-1.0); amp = fftscl*(1.0-s2+s2/scale); fr = amp*cos(phase); fi = amp*sin(phase); pwr = pw[iwn].r; pwi = pw[iwn].i; pw[iwn].r = pwr*fr+pwi*fi; pw[iwn].i = pwi*fr-pwr*fi; } /* zero frequencies above maximum to Nyquist (if present) */ for (iw=iwmax+1,iwn=nw-iw; iw<=nw/2; ++iw,--iwn) pw[iw].r = pw[iw].i = pw[iwn].r = pw[iwn].i = 0.0; /* Fourier transform p(w) to p(u) */ pfacc(-1,nufft,pu); /* compress p(u) to p(t;k) */ ints8c(nu,du,fu,pu,czero,czero,nt,uoft,ptk[ik]); } /* zero wavenumber between maximum and Nyquist */ for (; ik<nk; ++ik) for (it=0; it<nt; ++it) ptk[ik][it].r = ptk[ik][it].i = 0.0; /* Fourier transform p(t,k) to p(t,x) */ pfa2cr(1,2,nt,nxfft,ptk[0],ptx[0]); /* free workspace */ free1float(tofu); free1float(uoft); free1complex(pu); free1(ptk); }
static void dmooff (float offset, float fmax, float sdmo, int nx, float dx, int nt, float dt, float ft, float *vrms, float **ptx) /***************************************************************************** perform dmo in f-k domain for one offset ****************************************************************************** Input: offset source receiver offset fmax maximum frequency sdmo DMO stretch factor nx number of midpoints dx midpoint sampling interval nt number of time samples dt time sampling interval ft first time vrms array[nt] of rms velocities ptx array[nx][nt] for p(t,x), zero-padded for fft (see notes) Output: ptx array[nx][nt] for dmo-corrected p(t,x) ****************************************************************************** Notes: To avoid having to allocate a separate work space that is larger than the array ptx[nx][nt], ptx must be zero-padded to enable Fourier transform from x to k via prime factor FFT. nxpad (nx after zero-padding) can be estimated by nxpad = 2+npfar(nx+(int)(0.5*ABS(offset/dx))); where npfar() is a function that returns a valid length for real-to-complex prime factor FFT. ptx[nx] to ptx[nxfft-1] must point to zeros. ****************************************************************************** Author: Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines, 08/08/91 *****************************************************************************/ { int nxfft,itmin,nu,nufft,nw,nk,ix,iu,iw,ik,it,iwn, iwmin,iwmax,nupad,ikmax; float dw,dk,tcon,wwscl,scale,scales,kmax, amp,phase,fr,fi,pwr,pwi, wmin,wmax,fftscl,du,fu,w,k,osdmo,*uoft,*tofu; complex czero=cmplx(0.0,0.0),**ptk,*pu,*pw; /* number of cdps after padding for fft */ nxfft = npfar(nx+(int)(0.5*ABS(offset/dx))); /* get minimum time of first non-zero sample */ for (ix=0,itmin=nt; ix<nx; ++ix) { for (it=0; it<itmin && ptx[ix][it]==0.0; ++it); itmin = it; } /* if all zeros, simply return */ if (itmin>=nt) return; /* make stretch and compress functions t(u) and u(t) */ maketu(offset,itmin,fmax,nt,dt,ft,vrms,&uoft,&nu,&du,&fu,&tofu,&tcon); /* adjust DMO stretch factor for nominal error in log stretch; */ /* solve sdmo*(sqrt(1-a/sdmo)-1) = 0.5*log(1-a), where a=0.5 */ sdmo *= .62; /* inverse of dmo stretch factor */ osdmo = 1.0/sdmo; /* maximum DMO shift (in samples) for any wavenumber k */ nupad = 1.5*sdmo*tcon/du; /* frequency sampling */ nufft = npfa(nu+nupad); nw = nufft; dw = 2.0*PI/(nufft*du); /* allocate workspace */ pu = pw = ealloc1complex(nufft); /* wavenumber sampling and maximum wavenumber to apply dmo */ nk = nxfft/2+1; dk = 2.0*PI/ABS(nxfft*dx); kmax = PI/ABS(dx); ikmax = NINT(kmax/dk); /* pointers to complex p(t,k) */ ptk = (complex**)ealloc1(nk,sizeof(complex*)); for (ik=0; ik<nk; ++ik) ptk[ik] = (complex*)ptx[0]+ik*nt; /* fft scale factor */ fftscl = (float)nk/(float)(ikmax+1)/(nufft*nxfft); /* Fourier transform p(t,x) to p(t,k) */ pfa2rc(-1,2,nt,nxfft,ptx[0],ptk[0]); /* loop over wavenumbers less than maximum */ for (ik=0,k=0.0; ik<=ikmax; ++ik,k+=dk) { /* stretch p(t;k) to p(u) */ ints8c(nt,dt,ft,ptk[ik],czero,czero,nu,tofu,pu); /* pad with zeros and Fourier transform p(u) to p(w) */ for (iu=nu; iu<nufft; ++iu) pu[iu].r = pu[iu].i = 0.0; pfacc(1,nufft,pu); /* minimum and maximum frequencies to process */ wmin = ABS(0.5*vrms[0]*k); wmax = ABS(PI/du); iwmin = MAX(1,MIN((nw-1)/2,NINT(wmin/dw))); iwmax = MAX(0,MIN((nw-1)/2,NINT(wmax/dw))); /* constant independent of w */ wwscl = osdmo*pow(k*0.5*offset/tcon,2.0); /* zero dc (should be zero anyway) */ pw[0].r = pw[0].i = 0.0; /* zero frequencies below minimum */ for (iw=1,iwn=nw-iw; iw<iwmin; ++iw,--iwn) pw[iw].r = pw[iw].i = pw[iwn].r = pw[iwn].i = 0.0; /* do dmo between minimum and maximum frequencies */ for (iw=iwmin,iwn=nw-iwmin,w=iwmin*dw; iw<=iwmax; ++iw,--iwn,w+=dw) { scales = 1.0+wwscl/(w*w); scale = sqrt(scales); phase = sdmo*w*tcon*(scale-1.0); amp = fftscl*(1.0-sdmo+sdmo/scale); fr = amp*cos(phase); fi = amp*sin(phase); pwr = pw[iw].r; pwi = pw[iw].i; pw[iw].r = pwr*fr-pwi*fi; pw[iw].i = pwr*fi+pwi*fr; pwr = pw[iwn].r; pwi = pw[iwn].i; pw[iwn].r = pwr*fr+pwi*fi; pw[iwn].i = pwi*fr-pwr*fi; } /* zero frequencies above maximum to Nyquist (if present) */ for (iw=iwmax+1,iwn=nw-iw; iw<=nw/2; ++iw,--iwn) pw[iw].r = pw[iw].i = pw[iwn].r = pw[iwn].i = 0.0; /* Fourier transform p(w) to p(u) */ pfacc(-1,nufft,pu); /* compress p(u) to p(t;k) */ ints8c(nu,du,fu,pu,czero,czero,nt,uoft,ptk[ik]); } /* zero wavenumber between maximum and Nyquist */ for (; ik<nk; ++ik) for (it=0; it<nt; ++it) ptk[ik][it].r = ptk[ik][it].i = 0.0; /* Fourier transform p(t,k) to p(t,x) */ pfa2cr(1,2,nt,nxfft,ptk[0],ptx[0]); /* free workspace */ free1float(tofu); free1float(uoft); free1complex(pu); free1(ptk); }