예제 #1
int output_pgsql_t::pending_way(osmid_t id, int exists) {
    taglist_t tags_int;
    nodelist_t nodes_int;

    // Try to fetch the way from the DB
    if (m_mid->ways_get(id, tags_int, nodes_int)) {
        /* If the flag says this object may exist already, delete it first */
        if (exists) {
            // TODO: this now only has an effect when called from the iterate_ways
            // call-back, so we need some alternative way to trigger this within
            // osmdata_t.
            const idlist_t rel_ids = m_mid->relations_using_way(id);
            for (auto &mid: rel_ids) {

        taglist_t outtags;
        int polygon;
        int roads;
        if (!m_tagtransform->filter_way_tags(tags_int, &polygon, &roads,
                                             *m_export_list.get(), outtags)) {
            return pgsql_out_way(id, outtags, nodes_int, polygon, roads);

    return 0;
예제 #2
int output_pgsql_t::pending_way(osmid_t id, int exists) {
    // Try to fetch the way from the DB
    if (m_mid->ways_get(id, buffer)) {
        /* If the flag says this object may exist already, delete it first */
        if (exists) {
            // TODO: this now only has an effect when called from the iterate_ways
            // call-back, so we need some alternative way to trigger this within
            // osmdata_t.
            const idlist_t rel_ids = m_mid->relations_using_way(id);
            for (auto &mid: rel_ids) {

        taglist_t outtags;
        int polygon;
        int roads;
        auto &way = buffer.get<osmium::Way>(0);
        if (!m_tagtransform->filter_tags(way, &polygon, &roads, outtags)) {
            auto nnodes = m_mid->nodes_get_list(&(way.nodes()));
            if (nnodes > 1) {
                pgsql_out_way(way, &outtags, polygon, roads);
                return 1;

    return 0;
예제 #3
int output_pgsql_t::way_delete(osmid_t osm_id)
    if( !m_options.slim )
        fprintf( stderr, "Cannot apply diffs unless in slim mode\n" );
    return 0;
COPY planet_osm (osm_id, name, place, landuse, leisure, "natural", man_made, waterway, highway, railway, amenity, tourism, learning, bu
ilding, bridge, layer, way) FROM stdin;
198497  Bedford Road    \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      residential     \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N    \N       0102000020E610000004000000452BF702B342D5BF1C60E63BF8DF49406B9C4D470037D5BF5471E316F3DF4940DFA815A6EF35D5BF9AE95E27F5DF4940B41EB
212696  Oswald Road     \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      minor   \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N    0102000020E610000004000000467D923B6C22D5BFA359D93EE4DF4940B3976DA7AD11D5BF84BBB376DBDF4940997FF44D9A06D5BF4223D8B8FEDF49404D158C4AEA04D
int output_pgsql_t::pgsql_out_way(osmid_t id, const taglist_t &tags, const nodelist_t &nodes, int exists)
    int polygon = 0, roads = 0;
    double split_at;

    /* If the flag says this object may exist already, delete it first */
    if (exists) {
        // TODO: this now only has an effect when called from the iterate_ways
        // call-back, so we need some alternative way to trigger this within
        // osmdata_t.
        const idlist_t rel_ids = m_mid->relations_using_way(id);
        for (idlist_t::const_iterator itr = rel_ids.begin();
             itr != rel_ids.end(); ++itr) {

    taglist_t outtags;
    if (m_tagtransform->filter_way_tags(tags, &polygon, &roads, *m_export_list.get(),
        return 0;
    /* Split long ways after around 1 degree or 100km */
    if (m_options.projection->get_proj_id() == PROJ_LATLONG)
        split_at = 1;
        split_at = 100 * 1000;

    tag *areatag = 0;
    geometry_builder::maybe_wkts_t wkts = builder.get_wkt_split(nodes, polygon, split_at);
    for(geometry_builder::wkt_itr wkt = wkts->begin(); wkt != wkts->end(); ++wkt) {
        /* FIXME: there should be a better way to detect polygons */
        if (boost::starts_with(wkt->geom, "POLYGON") || boost::starts_with(wkt->geom, "MULTIPOLYGON")) {
            expire->from_nodes_poly(nodes, id);
            if ((wkt->area > 0.0) && m_enable_way_area) {
                char tmp[32];
                snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%g", wkt->area);
                if (!areatag) {
                    outtags.push_dedupe(tag("way_area", tmp));
                    areatag = outtags.find("way_area");
                } else
                    areatag->value = tmp;
            m_tables[t_poly]->write_wkt(id, outtags, wkt->geom.c_str());
        } else {
            m_tables[t_line]->write_wkt(id, outtags, wkt->geom.c_str());
            if (roads)
                m_tables[t_roads]->write_wkt(id, outtags, wkt->geom.c_str());

    return 0;
예제 #5
int output_pgsql_t::pgsql_out_relation(osmid_t id, const taglist_t &rel_tags,
                                       const multinodelist_t &xnodes, const multitaglist_t & xtags,
                                       const idlist_t &xid, const rolelist_t &xrole,
                                       bool pending)
    if (xnodes.empty())
        return 0;

    int roads = 0;
    int make_polygon = 0;
    int make_boundary = 0;
    double split_at;

    std::vector<int> members_superseeded(xnodes.size(), 0);
    taglist_t outtags;

    //if its a route relation make_boundary and make_polygon will be false otherwise one or the other will be true
    if (m_tagtransform->filter_rel_member_tags(rel_tags, xtags, xrole,
            &(members_superseeded[0]), &make_boundary, &make_polygon, &roads,
            *m_export_list.get(), outtags)) {
        return 0;

    /* Split long linear ways after around 1 degree or 100km (polygons not effected) */
    if (m_options.projection->get_proj_id() == PROJ_LATLONG)
        split_at = 1;
        split_at = 100 * 1000;

    //this will either make lines or polygons (unless the lines arent a ring or are less than 3 pts) depending on the tag transform above
    //TODO: pick one or the other based on which we expect to care about
    auto wkbs  = builder.build_both(xnodes, make_polygon, m_options.enable_multi, split_at, id);

    if (wkbs.empty()) {
        return 0;

    tag_t *areatag = 0;
    char tmp[32];
    for (const auto& wkb: wkbs) {
        expire->from_wkb(wkb.geom.c_str(), -id);
        /* FIXME: there should be a better way to detect polygons */
        if (wkb.is_polygon()) {
            if ((wkb.area > 0.0) && m_enable_way_area) {
                snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%g", wkb.area);
                if (!areatag) {
                    outtags.push_dedupe(tag_t("way_area", tmp));
                    areatag = outtags.find("way_area");
            m_tables[t_poly]->write_row(-id, outtags, wkb.geom);
        } else {
            m_tables[t_line]->write_row(-id, outtags, wkb.geom);
            if (roads)
                m_tables[t_roads]->write_row(-id, outtags, wkb.geom);

    /* Tagtransform will have marked those member ways of the relation that
     * have fully been dealt with as part of the multi-polygon entry.
     * Set them in the database as done and delete their entry to not
     * have duplicates */
    //dont do this when working with pending relations as its not needed
    if (make_polygon) {
        for (size_t i=0; i < xid.size(); i++) {
            if (members_superseeded[i]) {

    // If the tag transform said the polygon looked like a boundary we want to make that as well
    // If we are making a boundary then also try adding any relations which form complete rings
    // The linear variants will have already been processed above
    if (make_boundary) {
        wkbs = builder.build_polygons(xnodes, m_options.enable_multi, id);
        for (const auto& wkb: wkbs) {
            expire->from_wkb(wkb.geom.c_str(), -id);
            if ((wkb.area > 0.0) && m_enable_way_area) {
                snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%g", wkb.area);
                if (!areatag) {
                    outtags.push_dedupe(tag_t("way_area", tmp));
                    areatag = outtags.find("way_area");
            m_tables[t_poly]->write_row(-id, outtags, wkb.geom);

    return 0;
예제 #6
int output_pgsql_t::pgsql_out_relation(osmid_t id, struct keyval *rel_tags, int member_count, const struct osmNode * const *xnodes, struct keyval *xtags, const int *xcount, const osmid_t *xid, const char * const *xrole, bool pending)
    if (member_count == 0)
        return 0;

    int roads = 0;
    int make_polygon = 0;
    int make_boundary = 0;
    int * members_superseeded;
    double split_at;

    members_superseeded = (int *)calloc(sizeof(int), member_count);

    //if its a route relation make_boundary and make_polygon will be false otherwise one or the other will be true
    if (m_tagtransform->filter_rel_member_tags(rel_tags, member_count, xtags, xrole, members_superseeded, &make_boundary, &make_polygon, &roads, m_export_list.get())) {
        return 0;

    /* Split long linear ways after around 1 degree or 100km (polygons not effected) */
    if (m_options.projection->get_proj_id() == PROJ_LATLONG)
        split_at = 1;
        split_at = 100 * 1000;

    //this will either make lines or polygons (unless the lines arent a ring or are less than 3 pts) depending on the tag transform above
    //TODO: pick one or the other based on which we expect to care about
    geometry_builder::maybe_wkts_t wkts  = builder.build_both(xnodes, xcount, make_polygon, m_options.enable_multi, split_at, id);

    if (!wkts->size()) {
        return 0;

    for(geometry_builder::wkt_itr wkt = wkts->begin(); wkt != wkts->end(); ++wkt)
        expire->from_wkt(wkt->geom.c_str(), -id);
        /* FIXME: there should be a better way to detect polygons */
        if (boost::starts_with(wkt->geom, "POLYGON") || boost::starts_with(wkt->geom, "MULTIPOLYGON")) {
            if ((wkt->area > 0.0) && m_enable_way_area) {
                char tmp[32];
                snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%g", wkt->area);
                rel_tags->addItem("way_area", tmp, false);
            m_tables[t_poly]->write_wkt(-id, rel_tags, wkt->geom.c_str());
        } else {
            m_tables[t_line]->write_wkt(-id, rel_tags, wkt->geom.c_str());
            if (roads)
                m_tables[t_roads]->write_wkt(-id, rel_tags, wkt->geom.c_str());

    /* Tagtransform will have marked those member ways of the relation that
     * have fully been dealt with as part of the multi-polygon entry.
     * Set them in the database as done and delete their entry to not
     * have duplicates */
    //dont do this when working with pending relations as its not needed
    if (make_polygon) {
        for (int i=0; xcount[i]; i++) {
            if (members_superseeded[i]) {


    // If the tag transform said the polygon looked like a boundary we want to make that as well
    // If we are making a boundary then also try adding any relations which form complete rings
    // The linear variants will have already been processed above
    if (make_boundary) {
        wkts = builder.build_polygons(xnodes, xcount, m_options.enable_multi, id);
        for(geometry_builder::wkt_itr wkt = wkts->begin(); wkt != wkts->end(); ++wkt)
            expire->from_wkt(wkt->geom.c_str(), -id);
            if ((wkt->area > 0.0) && m_enable_way_area) {
                char tmp[32];
                snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%g", wkt->area);
                rel_tags->addItem("way_area", tmp, false);
            m_tables[t_poly]->write_wkt(-id, rel_tags, wkt->geom.c_str());

    return 0;