예제 #1
tr_bandwidthAllocate (tr_bandwidth  * b,
                      tr_direction    dir,
                      unsigned int    period_msec)
  int i, peerCount;
  tr_ptrArray tmp = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;
  tr_ptrArray low = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;
  tr_ptrArray high = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;
  tr_ptrArray normal = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;
  struct tr_peerIo ** peers;

  /* allocateBandwidth () is a helper function with two purposes:
   * 1. allocate bandwidth to b and its subtree
   * 2. accumulate an array of all the peerIos from b and its subtree. */
  allocateBandwidth (b, TR_PRI_LOW, dir, period_msec, &tmp);
  peers = (struct tr_peerIo**) tr_ptrArrayBase (&tmp);
  peerCount = tr_ptrArraySize (&tmp);

  for (i=0; i<peerCount; ++i)
      tr_peerIo * io = peers[i];
      tr_peerIoRef (io);

      tr_peerIoFlushOutgoingProtocolMsgs (io);

      switch (io->priority)
          case TR_PRI_HIGH:   tr_ptrArrayAppend (&high,   io); /* fall through */
          case TR_PRI_NORMAL: tr_ptrArrayAppend (&normal, io); /* fall through */
          default:            tr_ptrArrayAppend (&low,    io);

  /* First phase of IO. Tries to distribute bandwidth fairly to keep faster
   * peers from starving the others. Loop through the peers, giving each a
   * small chunk of bandwidth. Keep looping until we run out of bandwidth
   * and/or peers that can use it */
  phaseOne (&high, dir);
  phaseOne (&normal, dir);
  phaseOne (&low, dir);

  /* Second phase of IO. To help us scale in high bandwidth situations,
   * enable on-demand IO for peers with bandwidth left to burn.
   * This on-demand IO is enabled until (1) the peer runs out of bandwidth,
   * or (2) the next tr_bandwidthAllocate () call, when we start over again. */
  for (i=0; i<peerCount; ++i)
    tr_peerIoSetEnabled (peers[i], dir, tr_peerIoHasBandwidthLeft (peers[i], dir));

  for (i=0; i<peerCount; ++i)
    tr_peerIoUnref (peers[i]);

  /* cleanup */
  tr_ptrArrayDestruct (&normal, NULL);
  tr_ptrArrayDestruct (&high, NULL);
  tr_ptrArrayDestruct (&low, NULL);
  tr_ptrArrayDestruct (&tmp, NULL);
예제 #2
 * decide phase execution
void BallTaking::update(BallTakingOutput& output)
  output.isLeavingPossible = false;
  output.isTakable = takable.isFilled() && takable.getAverage() == 1;

  if(theMotionSelection.ratios[MotionRequest::takeBall] > 0)
    if(phaseLeavingPossible && phase == 5)
      output.isLeavingPossible = true;
      //todo odometry offset

      side = 0;
      phase = 0;
      phaseStart = 0;
      phaseLeavingPossible = false;

    else if(phaseLeavingPossible)
      phaseStart = theFrameInfo.time;
      phaseLeavingPossible = false;
         if(phase == 0) phaseZero(output);
    else if(phase == 1) phaseOne(output);
    else if(phase == 2) phaseTwo(output);
    else if(phase == 3) phaseThree(output);
    else if(phase == 4) phaseFour(output);
    else if(phase == 5) phaseFive(output);

    int hardness = 90;
    output.jointHardness.hardness[JointData::LHipRoll] = hardness;
    output.jointHardness.hardness[JointData::LHipPitch] = hardness;
    output.jointHardness.hardness[JointData::LKneePitch] = hardness;
    output.jointHardness.hardness[JointData::LAnklePitch] = hardness;
    output.jointHardness.hardness[JointData::LAnkleRoll] = hardness;
    output.jointHardness.hardness[JointData::RHipRoll] = hardness;
    output.jointHardness.hardness[JointData::RHipPitch] = hardness;
    output.jointHardness.hardness[JointData::RKneePitch] = hardness;
    output.jointHardness.hardness[JointData::RAnklePitch] = hardness;
    output.jointHardness.hardness[JointData::RAnkleRoll] = hardness;
    output.angles[JointData::LShoulderPitch] = JointData::ignore;
    output.angles[JointData::LShoulderRoll] = JointData::ignore;
    output.angles[JointData::RShoulderPitch] = JointData::ignore;
    output.angles[JointData::RShoulderRoll] = JointData::ignore;
    output.angles[JointData::LElbowRoll] = JointData::ignore;
    output.angles[JointData::LElbowYaw] = JointData::ignore;
    output.angles[JointData::RElbowRoll] = JointData::ignore;
    output.angles[JointData::RElbowYaw] = JointData::ignore;
    output.angles[JointData::HeadPitch] = JointData::ignore;
    output.angles[JointData::HeadYaw] = JointData::ignore;
예제 #3
void BigMoney::update(float deltaTime, Player* player)
	m_collisionBox = { Vector2f(m_position.x - 175 + 100, m_position.y - 175), 250, 250 };

	switch (m_phaseNumber)
		case 1:
		} break;
		case 2:
			phaseTwo(deltaTime, player);
		} break;
		case 3:
		} break;

	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PROJECTILE_AMOUNT; i++)
		if (m_Projectiles[i].isActive()) m_Projectiles[i].update(deltaTime);

	//Check for collision with the projectiles for bosses and the player
	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PROJECTILE_AMOUNT; i++)
		if (m_Projectiles[i].isActive())
			if (Collision(m_Projectiles[i].getCollisionBox(), player->getCollisionBox()) &&
				m_collisionTimer.getTicks() > 2000)
				if (player->getPlayerHealth() > 0) player->hit();
	//Special collision case for implosion attack
	for (int i = 500; i < 700; i++)
		if (m_Projectiles[i].isActive() && m_phaseNumber != 2)
			if (Collision(m_Projectiles[i].getCollisionBox(), m_collisionBox))
				GLfloat scale = m_Projectiles[i].getXScale() - 3 * deltaTime;
				m_Projectiles[i].setScale(scale, scale);
				if (scale <= 0.05f)
					m_Projectiles[i].setScale(1.f, 1.f);
	//Player hits boss
	for (int i = 0; i < player->getWeapon()->getBulletAmount(); i++)
		if (player->getWeapon()->getProjectiles()[i].isActive())
			if (Collision(m_collisionBox, player->getWeapon()->getProjectiles()[i].getCollisionBox()))
				if (m_bossCollisionTimer.getTicks() > 1500)
					switch (m_phaseNumber)
					case 1:
						m_health -= 3.75;
					} break;
					case 2:
						m_health -= 3;
					} break;
					case 3:
						m_health -= 5;
					} break;
				player->getWeapon()->getProjectiles()[i].reload(Vector2f(0, 0), Vector2f(0, 0), 0, 0);

	m_healthBarParticleEmitter->setLifeDuration(3.f / (100 / m_health));
	m_healthBarParticleEmitter->setLifeVariance(1.f / (100 / m_health));
	m_healthBarParticleEmitter->update(deltaTime, Vector2f(randFloat(2.f, 4.f), randFloat(0.05f / (m_health / 100), -0.05f / (m_health / 100))));

	if (m_phaseNumber == 3 && m_health == 0)