예제 #1
파일: test-util.c 프로젝트: dm0-/systemd
static void test_physical_memory_scale(void) {
        uint64_t p;

        log_info("/* %s */", __func__);

        p = physical_memory();

        assert_se(physical_memory_scale(0, 100) == 0);
        assert_se(physical_memory_scale(100, 100) == p);

        log_info("Memory original: %" PRIu64, physical_memory());
        log_info("Memory scaled by 50%%: %" PRIu64, physical_memory_scale(50, 100));
        log_info("Memory divided by 2: %" PRIu64, physical_memory() / 2);
        log_info("Page size: %zu", page_size());

        /* There might be an uneven number of pages, hence permit these calculations to be half a page off... */
        assert_se(page_size()/2 + physical_memory_scale(50, 100) - p/2 <= page_size());
        assert_se(physical_memory_scale(200, 100) == p*2);

        assert_se(physical_memory_scale(0, 1) == 0);
        assert_se(physical_memory_scale(1, 1) == p);
        assert_se(physical_memory_scale(2, 1) == p*2);

        assert_se(physical_memory_scale(0, 2) == 0);

        assert_se(page_size()/2 + physical_memory_scale(1, 2) - p/2 <= page_size());
        assert_se(physical_memory_scale(2, 2) == p);
        assert_se(physical_memory_scale(4, 2) == p*2);

        assert_se(physical_memory_scale(0, UINT32_MAX) == 0);
        assert_se(physical_memory_scale(UINT32_MAX, UINT32_MAX) == p);

        /* overflow */
        assert_se(physical_memory_scale(UINT64_MAX/4, UINT64_MAX) == UINT64_MAX);
예제 #2
파일: CpuDlg.cpp 프로젝트: RWTH-ACS/GIMPS
void CCpuDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
	DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_HOURS, m_hours);
	DDV_MinMaxUInt(pDX, m_hours, 1, 24);
	DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_START_TIME, m_start_time);
	DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_END_TIME, m_end_time);
	DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_DAY_MEMORY, m_day_memory);
	DDV_MinMaxUInt(pDX, m_day_memory, 8, (UINT) (0.9 * physical_memory ()));
	DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_NIGHT_MEMORY, m_night_memory);
	DDV_MinMaxUInt(pDX, m_night_memory, 8, (UINT) (0.9 * physical_memory ()));
	DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_CPU_INFO, m_cpu_info);

	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_DAY_MEMORY_TEXT, c_day_memory_text);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_DAY_MEMORY, c_day_memory);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_NIGHT_MEMORY_TEXT, c_night_memory_text);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_NIGHT_MEMORY, c_night_memory);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_START_TIME_TEXT, c_start_time_text);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_START_TIME, c_start_time);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_END_TIME_TEXT, c_end_time_text);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_END_TIME, c_end_time);
	c_day_memory_text.EnableWindow (m_memory_editable);
	c_day_memory.EnableWindow (m_memory_editable);
	c_night_memory_text.EnableWindow (m_memory_editable);
	c_night_memory.EnableWindow (m_memory_editable);
	c_start_time_text.EnableWindow (m_memory_editable);
	c_start_time.EnableWindow (m_memory_editable);
	c_end_time_text.EnableWindow (m_memory_editable);
	c_end_time.EnableWindow (m_memory_editable);
예제 #3
static void manager_reset_config(Manager *m) {
        m->n_autovts = 6;
        m->reserve_vt = 6;
        m->remove_ipc = true;
        m->inhibit_delay_max = 5 * USEC_PER_SEC;
        m->handle_power_key = HANDLE_POWEROFF;
        m->handle_suspend_key = HANDLE_SUSPEND;
        m->handle_hibernate_key = HANDLE_HIBERNATE;
        m->handle_lid_switch = HANDLE_SUSPEND;
        m->handle_lid_switch_docked = HANDLE_IGNORE;
        m->power_key_ignore_inhibited = false;
        m->suspend_key_ignore_inhibited = false;
        m->hibernate_key_ignore_inhibited = false;
        m->lid_switch_ignore_inhibited = true;

        m->holdoff_timeout_usec = 30 * USEC_PER_SEC;

        m->idle_action_usec = 30 * USEC_PER_MINUTE;
        m->idle_action = HANDLE_IGNORE;

        m->runtime_dir_size = PAGE_ALIGN((size_t) (physical_memory() / 10)); /* 10% */
        m->user_tasks_max = 12288;
        m->sessions_max = 8192;
        m->inhibitors_max = 8192;

        m->kill_user_processes = KILL_USER_PROCESSES;

        m->kill_only_users = strv_free(m->kill_only_users);
        m->kill_exclude_users = strv_free(m->kill_exclude_users);
예제 #4
static void test_physical_memory(void) {
        uint64_t p;
        char buf[FORMAT_BYTES_MAX];

        p = physical_memory();
        assert_se(p > 0);
        assert_se(p < UINT64_MAX);
        assert_se(p % page_size() == 0);

        log_info("Memory: %s (%" PRIu64 ")", format_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf), p), p);
예제 #5
파일: ergo.c 프로젝트: Gustfh/jdk8u-dev-jdk
ServerClassMachineImpl(void) {
  jboolean            result            = JNI_FALSE;
  /* How big is a server class machine? */
  const unsigned long server_processors = 2UL;
  const uint64_t      server_memory     = 2UL * GB;
  const uint64_t      actual_memory     = physical_memory();

  /* Is this a server class machine? */
  if (actual_memory >= server_memory) {
    const unsigned long actual_processors = physical_processors();
    if (actual_processors >= server_processors) {
      result = JNI_TRUE;
  JLI_TraceLauncher("unix_" LIBARCHNAME "_ServerClassMachine: %s\n",
           (result == JNI_TRUE ? "JNI_TRUE" : "JNI_FALSE"));
  return result;
예제 #6
파일: logind.c 프로젝트: abbradar/systemd
static Manager *manager_new(void) {
        Manager *m;
        int r;

        m = new0(Manager, 1);
        if (!m)
                return NULL;

        m->console_active_fd = -1;
        m->reserve_vt_fd = -1;

        m->n_autovts = 6;
        m->reserve_vt = 6;
        m->remove_ipc = true;
        m->inhibit_delay_max = 5 * USEC_PER_SEC;
        m->handle_power_key = HANDLE_POWEROFF;
        m->handle_suspend_key = HANDLE_SUSPEND;
        m->handle_hibernate_key = HANDLE_HIBERNATE;
        m->handle_lid_switch = HANDLE_SUSPEND;
        m->handle_lid_switch_docked = HANDLE_IGNORE;
        m->lid_switch_ignore_inhibited = true;
        m->holdoff_timeout_usec = 30 * USEC_PER_SEC;

        m->idle_action_usec = 30 * USEC_PER_MINUTE;
        m->idle_action = HANDLE_IGNORE;
        m->idle_action_not_before_usec = now(CLOCK_MONOTONIC);

        m->runtime_dir_size = PAGE_ALIGN((size_t) (physical_memory() / 10)); /* 10% */

        m->devices = hashmap_new(&string_hash_ops);
        m->seats = hashmap_new(&string_hash_ops);
        m->sessions = hashmap_new(&string_hash_ops);
        m->users = hashmap_new(NULL);
        m->inhibitors = hashmap_new(&string_hash_ops);
        m->buttons = hashmap_new(&string_hash_ops);

        m->user_units = hashmap_new(&string_hash_ops);
        m->session_units = hashmap_new(&string_hash_ops);

        if (!m->devices || !m->seats || !m->sessions || !m->users || !m->inhibitors || !m->buttons || !m->user_units || !m->session_units)
                goto fail;

        m->kill_exclude_users = strv_new("root", NULL);
        if (!m->kill_exclude_users)
                goto fail;

        m->udev = udev_new();
        if (!m->udev)
                goto fail;

        r = sd_event_default(&m->event);
        if (r < 0)
                goto fail;

        sd_event_set_watchdog(m->event, true);

        return m;

        return NULL;
예제 #7
파일: menu.c 프로젝트: rudimeier/mprime
void torture (void)
	unsigned long m_thread, m_type, m_minfft, m_maxfft;
	unsigned long m_memory, m_timefft;
	unsigned long mem, blendmemory;

	mem = physical_memory ();
	if (mem >= 2000) {
		blendmemory = GetSuggestedMemory (1600);
	} else if (mem >= 500) {
		blendmemory = GetSuggestedMemory (mem - 256);
	} else if (mem >= 200) {
		blendmemory = GetSuggestedMemory (mem / 2);
	} else {
		blendmemory = 8;
	m_timefft = 3;

		askNum ("Number of torture test threads to run", &m_thread,

	outputLongLine ("Choose a type of torture test to run.\n  1 = Small FFTs (maximum heat and FPU stress, data fits in L2 cache, RAM not tested much).\n  2 = In-place large FFTs (maximum power consumption, some RAM tested).\n  3 = Blend (tests some of everything, lots of RAM tested).\n  11,12,13 = Allows you to fine tune the above three selections.\nBlend is the default.  NOTE: if you fail the blend test, but can pass the small FFT test then your problem is likely bad memory or a bad memory controller.\n");
	m_type = 3;
	askNum ("Type of torture test to run", &m_type, 1, 13);

	if (m_type == 1 || m_type == 11) {
		m_minfft = 8;
		m_maxfft = 64;
		m_memory = 0;
	else if (m_type == 2 || m_type == 12) {
		m_minfft = 128;
		m_maxfft = 1024;
		m_memory = 0;
	} else {
		m_minfft = 8;
		m_maxfft = 4096;
		m_memory = blendmemory;

	if (m_type >= 11) {
		askNum ("Min FFT size (in K)", &m_minfft, (CPU_FLAGS & CPU_AVX) ? 0 : 7,
		askNum ("Max FFT size (in K)", &m_maxfft, (CPU_FLAGS & CPU_AVX) ? 1 : 7,
		if (blendmemory > 8)
			askNum ("Memory to use (in MB, 0 = in-place FFTs)", &m_memory, 0, mem);
		askNum ("Time to run each FFT size (in minutes)", &m_timefft, 1, 60);

	if (askOkCancel ()) {
		IniWriteInt (INI_FILE, "MinTortureFFT", m_minfft);
		IniWriteInt (INI_FILE, "MaxTortureFFT", m_maxfft);
		mem = m_memory / m_thread;
		IniWriteInt (INI_FILE, "TortureMem", mem);
		IniWriteInt (INI_FILE, "TortureTime", m_timefft);
		LaunchTortureTest (m_thread, TRUE);
예제 #8
파일: menu.c 프로젝트: rudimeier/mprime
void options_cpu (void)
	unsigned int day_memory, night_memory, day_start_time, day_end_time;
	unsigned long m_hours, m_day_memory, m_night_memory, max_mem;
	int	m_memory_editable;
	char m_start_time[13];
	char m_end_time[13];
	char buf[512];

	m_memory_editable =
		read_memory_settings (&day_memory, &night_memory,
				      &day_start_time, &day_end_time);
	m_hours = CPU_HOURS;
	m_day_memory = day_memory;
	m_night_memory = night_memory;
	minutesToStr (day_start_time, m_start_time);
	minutesToStr (day_end_time, m_end_time);

	askNum ("Hours per day this program will run", &m_hours, 1, 24);

	printf ("\nPlease see the readme.txt file for important\n");
	printf ("information on the P-1/ECM stage 2 memory settings.\n\n");

	if (m_memory_editable) {
		max_mem = physical_memory () - 8;
		if (max_mem < 8) max_mem = 8;
		askNum ("Daytime P-1/ECM stage 2 memory in MB", &m_day_memory, 8, max_mem);
		askNum ("Nighttime P-1/ECM stage 2 memory in MB", &m_night_memory, 8, max_mem);
		if (m_day_memory != m_night_memory) {
			askStr ("Daytime begins at", (char *) &m_start_time, 12);
			askStr ("Daytime ends at", (char *) &m_end_time, 12);

	getCpuDescription (buf, 0);
	printf ("\nCPU Information:\n%s\n", buf);

	if (askOkCancel ()) {
		unsigned int new_day_start_time, new_day_end_time;

		if (CPU_HOURS != m_hours) {
			CPU_HOURS = m_hours;
			IniWriteInt (LOCALINI_FILE, "CPUHours", CPU_HOURS);
			IniWriteInt (LOCALINI_FILE, "RollingAverage", 1000);
			IniWriteInt (LOCALINI_FILE, "RollingStartTime", 0);
			delete_timed_event (TE_COMM_SERVER);
			UpdateEndDates ();
		new_day_start_time = strToMinutes ((char *) &m_start_time);
		new_day_end_time = strToMinutes ((char *) &m_end_time);
		if (m_memory_editable &&
		    (day_memory != m_day_memory ||
		     night_memory != m_night_memory ||
		     day_start_time != new_day_start_time ||
		     day_end_time != new_day_end_time)) {
			write_memory_settings (m_day_memory, m_night_memory,
					       new_day_start_time, new_day_end_time);
			mem_settings_have_changed ();

// Now that Primenet almost always hands out LL assignments that are P-1'ed,
// there is little reason to prompt user into allowing us to use more memory.
//		if (!IniGetInt (INI_FILE, "AskedAboutMemory", 0)) {
//			IniWriteInt (INI_FILE, "AskedAboutMemory", 1);
//			if (m_day_memory == 8 && m_night_memory == 8) {
//				outputLongLine (MSG_MEMORY);
//				if (askYesNo ('Y')) goto again;
//			}
//		}
	} else