예제 #1
FrequencyToNoteNode::FrequencyToNoteNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode ), mLastNote( -10000 ), mLastFreq( -10000 )
	FUGID( PIN_INPUT_RANGE,			"4268393a-5c9e-4988-b1f1-6f0bca96bb59" );
	FUGID( PIN_INPUT_FREQUENCY,		"aefac5f4-db11-4445-bceb-611c89bc56a9" );
	FUGID( PIN_OUTPUT_NOTE,			"82d09108-d75d-4d89-bd2c-951454c1e1a8" );
	FUGID( PIN_OUTPUT_BEND,			"e07829e2-84ad-41a0-8ff7-b6eeb170098a" );

	mPinInputFrequency = pinInput( "Frequency (Hz)", PIN_INPUT_FREQUENCY );

	mPinInputRange = pinInput( "Range (Cents)", PIN_INPUT_RANGE );

	mValOutputNote = pinOutput<fugio::VariantInterface *>( "MIDI Note", mPinOutputNote, PID_INTEGER, PIN_OUTPUT_NOTE );

	mValOutputBend = pinOutput<fugio::VariantInterface *>( "MIDI Pitch Bend", mPinOutputBend, PID_INTEGER, PIN_OUTPUT_BEND );

	mPinInputFrequency->setValue( 440.0 );
	mValOutputBend->setVariant( 8192 );
	mPinInputRange->setValue( 100 );

	mPinInputRange->setDescription( "The range of pitch bend in cents (100 cents = 1 semitone)" );

	mPinOutputNote->setDescription( "The MIDI note value (0-127)" );

	mPinOutputBend->setDescription( "The MIDI pitch bend value (0-16383)" );
예제 #2
파일: uart_common.c 프로젝트: stxent/halm
void uartConfigPins(struct UartBase *interface,
    const struct UartBaseConfig *config)
  /* Direction configuration is not needed for alternate function pins */

  if (config->rx)
    /* Configure UART RX pin */
    const struct PinEntry * const pinEntry = pinFind(uartPins,
        config->rx, interface->channel);

    const struct Pin pin = pinInit(config->rx);

    pinSetFunction(pin, pinEntry->value);

  if (config->tx)
    /* Configure UART TX pin */
    const struct PinEntry * const pinEntry = pinFind(uartPins,
        config->tx, interface->channel);

    const struct Pin pin = pinInit(config->tx);

    pinSetFunction(pin, pinEntry->value);
예제 #3
OutputRangeNode::OutputRangeNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode ), mPinCnt( 0 ), mPinIdx( -1 )
	mPinInput  = pinInput( "Input" );

	mPinNumber = pinInput( "Number" );
예제 #4
파일: smoothnode.cpp 프로젝트: bigfug/Fugio
SmoothNode::SmoothNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode ), mLastTime( std::numeric_limits<qint64>::max() )
	mPinInput = pinInput( "Number" );

	mPinIncSpeed = pinInput( "Inc. Speed" );
	mPinDecSpeed = pinInput( "Dec. Speed" );

	mPinIncSpeed->setValue( 1.0 );
	mPinDecSpeed->setValue( 1.0 );

	mValOutput = pinOutput<fugio::VariantInterface *>( "Number", mPinOutput, PID_FLOAT );

	mPinInput->setAutoRename( true );

	mNode->pairPins( mPinInput, mPinOutput );

	mPinInput->setDescription( tr( "The input Number that we will aim towards" ) );

	mPinIncSpeed->setDescription( tr( "If input Number is higher than our current output Number, this is how much we will add per second" ) );

	mPinDecSpeed->setDescription( tr( "If input Number is lower than our current output Number, this is how much we will subtract per second" ) );

	mPinOutput->setDescription( tr( "The output Number" ) );
예제 #5
JoinSizeNode::JoinSizeNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode )
	mPinWidth  = pinInput( tr( "Width" ) );
	mPinHeight = pinInput( tr( "Height" ) );

	mSize = pinOutput<fugio::VariantInterface *>( tr( "Size" ), mPinSize, PID_SIZE );
예제 #6
JoinVector4Node::JoinVector4Node( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode )
	mPinX = pinInput( "X" );
	mPinY = pinInput( "Y" );
	mPinZ = pinInput( "Z" );
	mPinW = pinInput( "W" );

	mVector4 = pinOutput<fugio::VariantInterface *>( "Vector4", mPinVector4, PID_VECTOR4 );
예제 #7
XorNode::XorNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode )
	static const QUuid	PII_NUMBER1( "{c13a41c6-544b-46bb-a9f2-19dd156d236c}" );
	static const QUuid	PII_NUMBER2( "{608ac771-490b-4ae6-9c81-12b9af526d09}" );

	pinInput( "Boolean", PII_NUMBER1 );
	pinInput( "Boolean", PII_NUMBER2 );

	mValOutput = pinOutput<fugio::VariantInterface *>( "Boolean", mPinOutput, PID_BOOL );
예제 #8
RateControlNode::RateControlNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode ), mHaveInput( false ), mHaveTrigger( false ), mTimeInput( 0 ), mTimeTrigger( 0 )
	FUGID( PIN_INPUT_INPUT, "9e154e12-bcd8-4ead-95b1-5a59833bcf4e" );
	FUGID( PIN_OUTPUT_OUTPUT, "261cc653-d7fa-4c34-a08b-3603e8ae71d5" );

	mPinInput   = pinInput( "Input", PIN_INPUT_INPUT );
	mPinTrigger = pinInput( "Trigger", PID_FUGIO_NODE_TRIGGER );

	mPinOutput = pinOutput( "Output", PIN_OUTPUT_OUTPUT );
예제 #9
파일: nornode.cpp 프로젝트: bigfug/Fugio
NorNode::NorNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode )
	FUGID( PII_NUMBER1, "c13a41c6-544b-46bb-a9f2-19dd156d236c" );
	FUGID( PII_NUMBER2, "608ac771-490b-4ae6-9c81-12b9af526d09" );
	FUGID( PIN_OUTPUT_BOOL, "9e154e12-bcd8-4ead-95b1-5a59833bcf4e" );

	pinInput( "Boolean", PII_NUMBER1 );
	pinInput( "Boolean", PII_NUMBER2 );

	mValOutput = pinOutput<fugio::VariantInterface *>( "Boolean", mPinOutput, PID_BOOL, PIN_OUTPUT_BOOL );
예제 #10
AndBitsNode::AndBitsNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode )
	FUGID( PIN_INPUT_BITS1, "9e154e12-bcd8-4ead-95b1-5a59833bcf4e" );
	FUGID( PIN_INPUT_BITS2, "1b5e9ce8-acb9-478d-b84b-9288ab3c42f5" );
	FUGID( PIN_OUTPUT_BITS, "261cc653-d7fa-4c34-a08b-3603e8ae71d5" );

	mPinInputBits1 = pinInput( "Bits", PIN_INPUT_BITS1 );
	mPinInputBits2 = pinInput( "Bits", PIN_INPUT_BITS2 );

	mValOutputBits = pinOutput<fugio::VariantInterface *>( "Bits", mPinOutputBits, PID_BITARRAY, PIN_OUTPUT_BITS );
예제 #11
JoinPointNode::JoinPointNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode )
	FUGID( PIN_INPUT_X, "9e154e12-bcd8-4ead-95b1-5a59833bcf4e" );
	FUGID( PIN_INPUT_Y, "1b5e9ce8-acb9-478d-b84b-9288ab3c42f5" );
	FUGID( PIN_OUTPUT_POINT, "261cc653-d7fa-4c34-a08b-3603e8ae71d5" );

	mPinInputX = pinInput( "X", PIN_INPUT_X );
	mPinInputY = pinInput( "Y", PIN_INPUT_Y );

	mValOutputPoint = pinOutput<fugio::VariantInterface *>( tr( "Point" ), mPinOutputPoint, PID_POINT, PIN_OUTPUT_POINT );
예제 #12
PlayheadControlNode::PlayheadControlNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode ), mLastTime( 0 )
	FUGID( PIN_INPUT_PLAY,		"4aedb550-ad09-4099-ae8d-c8d87f72b7a7" );
	FUGID( PIN_INPUT_STOP,		"28a9899a-7a8e-446a-bcc2-110c0e8f5eca" );
	FUGID( PIN_INPUT_REWIND,	"9e31a9e7-4c8a-4fac-96aa-36f9b0ebe2d0" );

	mPinInputPlay   = pinInput( "Play", PIN_INPUT_PLAY );

	mPinInputStop   = pinInput( "Stop", PIN_INPUT_STOP );

	mPinInputRewind = pinInput( "Rewind", PIN_INPUT_REWIND );
예제 #13
파일: ffglnode.cpp 프로젝트: bigfug/Fugio
FFGLNode::FFGLNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode ), mInstanceId( 0 )
	FUGID( PIN_INPUT_RENDER, "1b5e9ce8-acb9-478d-b84b-9288ab3c42f5" );
	FUGID( PIN_OUTPUT_RENDER, "261cc653-d7fa-4c34-a08b-3603e8ae71d5" );

	QUuid		InputUuid( "{6618BE23-94BD-4706-817A-6AB4736924D9}" );
	QUuid		ParamUuid( "{973ADEB3-F633-4AFA-B67E-1153DB0069BB}" );

	pinInput( "Trigger", PID_FUGIO_NODE_TRIGGER );

	mPinInputRender = pinInput( "Render", PIN_INPUT_RENDER );

	mValOutputRender = pinOutput<fugio::NodeRenderInterface *>( "Render", mPinOutputRender, PID_RENDER, PIN_OUTPUT_RENDER );

	if( ( mLibrary = FreeframePlugin::findPluginInfo( mNode->controlUuid() ) ) )
		if( mLibrary->initialise() )
			if( mLibrary->maxInputFrames() > 1 )
				for( int i = 0 ; i < mLibrary->maxInputFrames() ; i++ )
					mInputs.append( pinInput( QString( "Texture %1" ).arg( i ), InputUuid ) );

					InputUuid = QUuid::fromRfc4122( QCryptographicHash::hash( InputUuid.toRfc4122(), QCryptographicHash::Md5 ) );
			else if( mLibrary->maxInputFrames() > 0 )
				mInputs.append( pinInput( "Texture", InputUuid ) );


			for( const FreeframeLibrary::ParamEntry &PrmEnt : mLibrary->params() )
				QSharedPointer<fugio::PinInterface>		PrmPin = pinInput( PrmEnt.mName, ParamUuid );

				PrmPin->setValue( PrmEnt.mDefault );

				mParams << PrmPin;

				ParamUuid = QUuid::fromRfc4122( QCryptographicHash::hash( ParamUuid.toRfc4122(), QCryptographicHash::Md5 ) );

				PrmPin->setUpdatable( false );
예제 #14
LastUpdatedInputNode::LastUpdatedInputNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode )
	mPinInput = pinInput( "Input 1" );

	mPinOutput = pinOutput( "Output", next_uuid() );
예제 #15
FontMetricsNode::FontMetricsNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode )
	FUGID( PIN_INPUT_FONT, "9e154e12-bcd8-4ead-95b1-5a59833bcf4e" );
	FUGID( PIN_INPUT_TEXT, "1b5e9ce8-acb9-478d-b84b-9288ab3c42f5" );
	FUGID( PIN_OUTPUT_BOUNDS, "261cc653-d7fa-4c34-a08b-3603e8ae71d5" );

	mPinInputFont = pinInput( "Font", PIN_INPUT_FONT );

	mPinInputText = pinInput( "String", PIN_INPUT_TEXT );

	mValOutputBounds = pinOutput<fugio::VariantInterface *>( "Bounds", mPinOutputBounds, PID_RECT, PIN_OUTPUT_BOUNDS );

	mPinInputFont->setValue( QFont() );
	mPinInputText->setValue( QString() );
예제 #16
PreviewNode::PreviewNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode ) :
	NodeControlBase( pNode ), mDockWidget( 0 ), mDockArea( Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea ), mOutput( Q_NULLPTR )
	FUGID( PIN_INPUT_STATE, "9e154e12-bcd8-4ead-95b1-5a59833bcf4e" );
	FUGID( PIN_INPUT_RENDER, "1b5e9ce8-acb9-478d-b84b-9288ab3c42f5" );
	FUGID( PIN_OUTPUT_SIZE, "5c8f8f4e-58ce-4e47-9e1e-4168d17e1863" );

	mPinInputState  = pinInput( "State", PIN_INPUT_STATE );
	mPinInputRender = pinInput( "Render", PIN_INPUT_RENDER );

	mValOutputSize = pinOutput<fugio::VariantInterface *>( "Size", mPinOutputSize, PID_SIZE, PIN_OUTPUT_SIZE );

	mPinInputState->setDescription( tr( "The OpenGL rendering state to apply" ) );

	mPinInputRender->setDescription( tr( "The input 3D Geometry to render" ) );
예제 #17
SinDegreeNode::SinDegreeNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode )
	mPinInput = pinInput( "Degrees" );

	mValOutput = pinOutput<fugio::VariantInterface *>( "Sin", mPinOutput, PID_FLOAT );
예제 #18
TCPSendRawNode::TCPSendRawNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode ), mWriteTime( 0 )
	mPinHost = pinInput( "Host" );
	mPinPort = pinInput( "Port" );
	mPinData = pinInput( "Data" );

	mPinHost->registerPinInputType( PID_STRING );
	mPinPort->registerPinInputType( PID_INTEGER );
	mPinData->registerPinInputType( PID_BYTEARRAY );

	mPinHost->setValue( "localhost" );
	mPinPort->setValue( 7878 );

	mStream.setDevice( &mSocket );
예제 #19
파일: chopnode.cpp 프로젝트: bigfug/Fugio
ChopNode::ChopNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode )
	FUGID( PIN_INPUT_INDEX, "c6b773cb-791e-431e-a265-7ec3cdd6cc46" );
	FUGID( PIN_INPUT_VALUE, "9e154e12-bcd8-4ead-95b1-5a59833bcf4e" );
	FUGID( PIN_OUTPUT_VALUE, "1b5e9ce8-acb9-478d-b84b-9288ab3c42f5" );

	mPinInputIndex = pinInput( tr( "Count" ), PIN_INPUT_INDEX );

	mPinInput = pinInput( tr( "String" ), PIN_INPUT_VALUE );

	mValOutput = pinOutput<fugio::VariantInterface *>( "String", mPinOutput, PID_STRING, PIN_OUTPUT_VALUE );

	mPinInput->setAutoRename( true );

	mNode->pairPins( mPinInput, mPinOutput );
예제 #20
파일: addnode.cpp 프로젝트: bigfug/Fugio
AddNode::AddNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode )
	FUGID( PIN_INPUT_IMAGE1, "9e154e12-bcd8-4ead-95b1-5a59833bcf4e" );
	FUGID( PIN_INPUT_IMAGE2, "ce8d578e-c5a4-422f-b3c4-a1bdf40facdb" );
	FUGID( PIN_OUTPUT_IMAGE, "1b5e9ce8-acb9-478d-b84b-9288ab3c42f5" );

	mPinInputImage1 = pinInput( "Image1", PIN_INPUT_IMAGE1 );

	mPinInputImage1->registerPinInputType( PID_IMAGE );

	mPinInputImage2 = pinInput( "Image2", PIN_INPUT_IMAGE2 );

	mPinInputImage2->registerPinInputType( PID_IMAGE );

	mValOutputImage = pinOutput<fugio::VariantInterface *>( "Image", mPinOutputImage, PID_IMAGE, PIN_OUTPUT_IMAGE );
예제 #21
MagnitudeNode::MagnitudeNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode ), mMagnitude( 0 ), mSamplePosition( 0 ), mProducerInstance( nullptr )
	mPinAudio = pinInput( "Audio" );

	mPinSampleCount = pinInput( "Samples" );

	mPinSampleCount->setValue( 48000/25 );

	mValOutput = pinOutput<fugio::VariantInterface *>( "Magnitude", mPinOutput, PID_FLOAT );

	mPinAudio->setDescription( tr( "The source audio signal" ) );

	mPinSampleCount->setDescription( tr( "The number of samples to count in each calculation" ) );

	mPinOutput->setDescription( tr( "The largest magnitude of the audio signal" ) );
예제 #22
ImageNode::ImageNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode )
	mPinSize = pinInput( "Size" );

	mPinSize->registerPinInputType( PID_SIZE );

	mImage = pinOutput<fugio::ImageInterface *>( "Image", mPinImage, PID_IMAGE );
예제 #23
LocalTimeNode::LocalTimeNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode )
	FUGID( PIN_OUTPUT_TIME, "9e154e12-bcd8-4ead-95b1-5a59833bcf4e" );

	mPinInputTrigger = pinInput( tr( "Trigger" ), PID_FUGIO_NODE_TRIGGER );

	mValOutputTime = pinOutput<fugio::VariantInterface*>( tr( "DateTime" ), mPinOutputTime, PID_DATETIME, PIN_OUTPUT_TIME );
예제 #24
GrabScreenNode::GrabScreenNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode )
	mPinTrigger = pinInput( "Trigger" );

	mValOutput = pinOutput<fugio::ImageInterface *>( "Image", mPinOutput, PID_IMAGE );

	mPinOutput->setDescription( tr( "The screenshot image" ) );
예제 #25
IntegerNode::IntegerNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode )
	pinInput( "Trigger", PID_FUGIO_NODE_TRIGGER );

	mValue = pinOutput<fugio::VariantInterface *>( "Number", mPinValue, PID_INTEGER );

	mPinValue->setDescription( tr( "The output Number" ) );
예제 #26
파일: addnode.cpp 프로젝트: bigfug/Fugio
AddNode::AddNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode )
	FUGID( PIN_NUMBER1, "c13a41c6-544b-46bb-a9f2-19dd156d236c" );
	FUGID( PIN_NUMBER2, "608ac771-490b-4ae6-9c81-12b9af526d09" );
	FUGID( PIN_OUTPUT_NUMBER, "9e154e12-bcd8-4ead-95b1-5a59833bcf4e" );

	mPinInput = pinInput( "Input", PIN_NUMBER1 );

	QSharedPointer<fugio::PinInterface>	P2 = pinInput( "Input", PIN_NUMBER2 );

	mValOutputArray = pinOutput<fugio::VariantInterface *>( "Output", mPinOutput, PID_VARIANT, PIN_OUTPUT_NUMBER );

	mPinInput->setDescription( tr( "The first number to add together" ) );

	P2->setDescription( tr( "The second number to add together" ) );

	mPinOutput->setDescription( tr( "The sum of the input pins added together" ) );
예제 #27
PacketDecodeNode::PacketDecodeNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode )
	FUGID( PIN_INPUT_PACKETS, "9e154e12-bcd8-4ead-95b1-5a59833bcf4e" );
	FUGID( PIN_OUTPUT_DATA,	"1b5e9ce8-acb9-478d-b84b-9288ab3c42f5" );

	mPinInputPackets = pinInput( "Packets", PIN_INPUT_PACKETS );

	mValOutputData = pinOutput<fugio::VariantInterface *>( "Data", mPinOutputData, PID_BYTEARRAY, PIN_OUTPUT_DATA );
예제 #28
ListSizeNode::ListSizeNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode )
	FUGID( ID_LIST,	"80889F86-A9BA-4E9A-9798-E27D1BFA0B7F" );
	FUGID( ID_SIZE,	"4D5C91B1-D0FB-4DA2-875E-54CE85B0ECF2" );

	mPinInputList = pinInput( "List", ID_LIST );

	mOutputSize = pinOutput<fugio::VariantInterface *>( "Size", mPinOutputSize, PID_INTEGER, ID_SIZE );
예제 #29
SerialDecoderNode::SerialDecoderNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode )
	FUGID( PIN_INPUT_BITS,	"7AC449C1-0CC8-4DEA-A404-BB439BDD976E" );
	FUGID( PIN_OUTPUT_DATA,	"7A49997F-F720-4EBA-81D3-347F00C55CB9" );

	mPinInputBits = pinInput( "Bits", PIN_INPUT_BITS );

	mValOutputData = pinOutput<fugio::VariantInterface *>( "Data", mPinOutputData, PID_BYTEARRAY, PIN_OUTPUT_DATA );
예제 #30
SplitPointNode::SplitPointNode( QSharedPointer<fugio::NodeInterface> pNode )
	: NodeControlBase( pNode )
	mPinInput = pinInput( tr( "Point" ) );

	mPinInput->registerPinInputType( PID_POINT );

	mX  = pinOutput<fugio::VariantInterface *>( tr( "X" ), mPinX, PID_FLOAT );

	mY = pinOutput<fugio::VariantInterface *>( tr( "Y" ), mPinY, PID_FLOAT );