예제 #1
void trapfuncm::pit(monster *z, int x, int y)
    // tiny animals aren't hurt by falling into pits
    if (z->type->size == MS_TINY)

    if (g->u_see(x, y)) {
        g->add_msg(_("The %s falls in a pit!"), z->name().c_str());

    if (z->hurt(pit_effectiveness(x, y) * rng(10, 20))) {
        g->kill_mon(g->mon_at(x, y));
    } else {
        z->moves = -1000;
예제 #2
void trapfunc::pit(game *g, int x, int y)
    g->add_msg(_("You fall in a pit!"));
    if (g->u.has_trait("WINGS_BIRD")) {
        g->add_msg(_("You flap your wings and flutter down gracefully."));
    } else {
        float eff = pit_effectiveness(g, x, y);
        int dodge = g->u.dodge(g);
        int damage = eff * rng(10, 20) - rng(dodge, dodge * 5);
        if (damage > 0) {
            g->add_msg(_("You hurt yourself!"));
            g->u.hurtall(rng(int(damage / 2), damage));
            g->u.hit(g, bp_legs, 0, damage, 0);
            g->u.hit(g, bp_legs, 1, damage, 0);
        } else {
            g->add_msg(_("You land nimbly."));
    g->u.add_disease("in_pit", -1);
예제 #3
void trapfunc::pit_spikes(int x, int y)
    g->add_msg(_("You fall in a pit!"));
    g->u.add_memorial_log(pgettext("memorial_male", "Fell into a spiked pit."),
                          pgettext("memorial_female", "Fell into a spiked pit."));
    int dodge = g->u.get_dodge();
    int damage = pit_effectiveness(x, y) * rng(20, 50);
    if (g->u.has_trait("WINGS_BIRD")) {
        g->add_msg(_("You flap your wings and flutter down gracefully."));
    } else if (0 == damage || rng(5, 30) < dodge) {
        g->add_msg(_("You avoid the spikes within."));
    } else {
        body_part hit = num_bp;
        switch (rng(1, 10)) {
            case  1:
            case  2: hit = bp_legs; break;
            case  3:
            case  4: hit = bp_arms; break;
            case  5:
            case  6:
            case  7:
            case  8:
            case  9:
            case 10: hit = bp_torso; break;
        int side = random_side(hit);
        g->add_msg(_("The spikes impale your %s!"), body_part_name(hit, side).c_str());
        g->u.hit(NULL, hit, side, 0, damage);
        if (one_in(4)) {
            g->add_msg(_("The spears break!"));
            g->m.ter_set(x, y, t_pit);
            g->m.add_trap(x, y, tr_pit);
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // 4 spears to a pit
                if (one_in(3)) {
                    g->m.spawn_item(x, y, "spear_wood");
    g->u.add_disease("in_pit", 1, true);
예제 #4
void trapfunc::pit(int x, int y)
    g->add_msg(_("You fall in a pit!"));
    g->u.add_memorial_log(pgettext("memorial_male", "Fell in a pit."),
                          pgettext("memorial_female", "Fell in a pit."));
    if (g->u.has_trait("WINGS_BIRD")) {
        g->add_msg(_("You flap your wings and flutter down gracefully."));
    } else {
        float eff = pit_effectiveness(x, y);
        int dodge = g->u.get_dodge();
        int damage = eff * rng(10, 20) - rng(dodge, dodge * 5);
        if (damage > 0) {
            g->add_msg(_("You hurt yourself!"));
            g->u.hurtall(rng(int(damage / 2), damage));
            g->u.hit(NULL, bp_legs, 0, damage, 0);
            g->u.hit(NULL, bp_legs, 1, damage, 0);
        } else {
            g->add_msg(_("You land nimbly."));
    g->u.add_disease("in_pit", 1, true);
예제 #5
void trapfunc::pit( Creature *c, const tripoint &p )
    // tiny animals aren't hurt by falling into pits
    if( c != nullptr && c->get_size() == MS_TINY ) {
    if( c != nullptr ) {
        const float eff = pit_effectiveness( p );
        c->add_msg_player_or_npc( m_bad, _( "You fall in a pit!" ), _( "<npcname> falls in a pit!" ) );
        c->add_memorial_log( pgettext( "memorial_male", "Fell in a pit." ),
                             pgettext( "memorial_female", "Fell in a pit." ) );
        c->add_effect( "in_pit", 1, num_bp, true );
        monster *z = dynamic_cast<monster *>( c );
        player *n = dynamic_cast<player *>( c );
        if( n != nullptr ) {
            if( ( n->has_trait( "WINGS_BIRD" ) ) || ( ( one_in( 2 ) ) &&
                    ( n->has_trait( "WINGS_BUTTERFLY" ) ) ) ) {
                n->add_msg_if_player( _( "You flap your wings and flutter down gracefully." ) );
            } else {
                int dodge = n->get_dodge();
                int damage = eff * rng( 10, 20 ) - rng( dodge, dodge * 5 );
                if( damage > 0 ) {
                    n->add_msg_if_player( m_bad, _( "You hurt yourself!" ) );
                    n->hurtall( rng( int( damage / 2 ), damage ), n ); // like the message says \-:
                    n->deal_damage( nullptr, bp_leg_l, damage_instance( DT_BASH, damage ) );
                    n->deal_damage( nullptr, bp_leg_r, damage_instance( DT_BASH, damage ) );
                } else {
                    n->add_msg_if_player( _( "You land nimbly." ) );
        } else if( z != nullptr ) {
            z->apply_damage( nullptr, bp_torso, eff * rng( 10, 20 ) );
예제 #6
void trapfunc::pit_glass( Creature *c, const tripoint &p )
    // tiny animals aren't hurt by falling into glass pits
    if( c != nullptr && c->get_size() == MS_TINY ) {
    if( c != nullptr ) {
        c->add_msg_player_or_npc( m_bad, _( "You fall in a pit filled with glass shards!" ),
                                  _( "<npcname> falls in pit filled with glass shards!" ) );
        c->add_memorial_log( pgettext( "memorial_male", "Fell into a pit filled with glass shards." ),
                             pgettext( "memorial_female", "Fell into a pit filled with glass shards." ) );
        c->add_effect( "in_pit", 1, num_bp, true );
        monster *z = dynamic_cast<monster *>( c );
        player *n = dynamic_cast<player *>( c );
        if( n != nullptr ) {
            int dodge = n->get_dodge();
            int damage = pit_effectiveness( p ) * rng( 15, 35 );
            if( ( n->has_trait( "WINGS_BIRD" ) ) || ( ( one_in( 2 ) ) &&
                    ( n->has_trait( "WINGS_BUTTERFLY" ) ) ) ) {
                n->add_msg_if_player( _( "You flap your wings and flutter down gracefully." ) );
            } else if( 0 == damage || rng( 5, 30 ) < dodge ) {
                n->add_msg_if_player( _( "You avoid the glass shards within." ) );
            } else {
                body_part hit = num_bp;
                switch( rng( 1, 10 ) ) {
                    case  1:
                        hit = bp_leg_l;
                    case  2:
                        hit = bp_leg_r;
                    case  3:
                        hit = bp_arm_l;
                    case  4:
                        hit = bp_arm_r;
                    case  5:
                        hit = bp_foot_l;
                    case  6:
                        hit = bp_foot_r;
                    case  7:
                    case  8:
                    case  9:
                    case 10:
                        hit = bp_torso;
                n->add_msg_if_player( m_bad, _( "The glass shards slash your %s!" ),
                                      body_part_name_accusative( hit ).c_str() );
                n->deal_damage( nullptr, hit, damage_instance( DT_CUT, damage ) );
                if( ( n->has_trait( "INFRESIST" ) ) && ( one_in( 256 ) ) ) {
                    n->add_effect( "tetanus", 1, num_bp, true );
                } else if( ( !n->has_trait( "INFIMMUNE" ) || !n->has_trait( "INFRESIST" ) ) && ( one_in( 35 ) ) ) {
                    n->add_effect( "tetanus", 1, num_bp, true );
        } else if( z != nullptr ) {
            z->apply_damage( nullptr, bp_torso, rng( 20, 50 ) );
    if( one_in( 5 ) ) {
        if( g->u.sees( p ) ) {
            add_msg( _( "The shards shatter!" ) );
        g->m.ter_set( p, t_pit );
        for( int i = 0; i < 20; i++ ) { // 20 shards in a pit.
            if( one_in( 3 ) ) {
                g->m.spawn_item( p, "glass_shard" );