예제 #1
 * Function: ij_to_radec
 * Returns the world coordinates corresponding to the 
 * point ij in an image which as a WCS wcs.
 * Parameter:
 * @param wcs, a pointer to a WorldCoor WCS structure
 * @param ij, a point inthe image
 * Return:
 * @return a pointer to a d_point structure containing the world
 *  coordinates at point ij in degrees.
sky_coord *
ij_to_radec (struct WorldCoor * wcs, d_point ij)
  sky_coord *pos;

  pos = malloc (sizeof (d_point));
  pix2wcs (wcs, ij.x, ij.y, &pos->ra, &pos->dec);
  return pos;
예제 #2
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  int i;
  Fun fun;
  struct WorldCoor *wcs;  /* WCS info */
  double x,y,ra,dec,xr,yr;

  if(argc == 1){
    fprintf(stderr, "usage: twcs iname\n");

  /* open Funtools file */
  /* Funopen makes initial WCS library call: wcs = wcsinit(header_string) */
  if( !(fun = FunOpen(argv[1], "r ", NULL)) ){
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR can't open file: %s\n", argv[1]);

  /* get wcs structure */
  if( !wcs || !iswcs(wcs) ){
    fprintf(stderr,"No WCS data");

  /* read input, convert pixels to wcs and back */
    fprintf(stdout,"\nInput x y: ");
    if(scanf("%lf %lf", &x, &y) != EOF){
      if(x <= -999)
      /* convert image pixels to sky coords */
      pix2wcs(wcs, x, y, &ra, &dec);
      fprintf(stdout,"Convert from pixels to ra,dec using pix2wcs()\n");
      fprintf(stdout, "x=%.10g y=%.10g -> ra=%.10g dec=%.10g\n",
	      x, y, ra, dec);
      /* convert sky coords to image pixels */
      fprintf(stdout,"Convert from ra,dec -> pixels using wcs2pix()\n");
      wcs2pix(wcs, ra, dec, &xr, &yr, &i);
      fprintf(stdout, "ra=%.10g dec=%.10g -> x=%.10g y=%.10g offscale=%d\n",
	      ra, dec, xr, yr, i);

  /* clean up */
  /* FunClose makes final WCS library call: wcsfree(wcs) */
예제 #3
// calculates and returns the input pixel coordinates of the outut             
// coordinates xOut / yOut                                                     
PixelCoord PixToPix::CalcInPixels(double xOut, double yOut)

  double xPos, yPos;   // sky coordinates
  double xIn, yIn;
  int offscl = 0;

  pix2wcs(m_outWcs, xOut, yOut, &xPos, &yPos);

  gal2fk5(&xPos, &yPos); 

  wcs2pix(m_inWcs, xPos, yPos, &xIn, &yIn, &offscl);

  return PixelCoord(xIn, yIn, true);
예제 #4
double* EpoImage::pix2sky(QPointF pos)
	if (!wcs)
		return world;
	// Get unbinned pixel
	float xf, yf;
	// Transform QGraphicsScene pixels to FITS pixels
        xf = pos.x() + 0.5;
        yf = naxisn[1] - pos.y() + 0.5;

	pix2wcs(wcs, xf, yf, &world[0], &world[1]);
	// Perhaps the transformationStatus needs to be checked ...
	return world;
예제 #5
// calculates and returns the output pixel coordinates of the input            
// coordinates xIn / yIn                                                       
// PixelCoord.m_valid is set to false if the coordinates outside of the        
// of the output area                                                          
PixelCoord PixToPix::CalcOutPixels(double xIn, double yIn)
   double xPos, yPos;  // sky coordinates
   double xOut, yOut;  

   bool valid = true;
   int offscl = 0;

   /* Pixels in fits images don't start at 0, but 1.  C images start at 0...*/

   pix2wcs(m_inWcs, xIn, yIn, &xPos, &yPos);

   /* Now, xPos and yPos are in equatorial (ie, RA, DEC).
      This is because this is what our input is in, ie, if you have something not
      integral this won't work */

   /* Convert to Glactic */

   // test if we are inside the current sky area
   if (yPos < m_lowB || yPos > m_highB)
      valid = false;

   if (m_lowL < m_highL)
      // normal case
      if (xPos < m_lowL || xPos > m_highL)
         valid = false;
      // we crossed the 0/360 line
      if (xPos < m_lowL && xPos > m_highL)
         valid = false;

   if (valid)
      wcs2pix(m_outWcs, xPos, yPos, &xOut, &yOut, &offscl);
      if (offscl) valid = false;

   return PixelCoord(xOut, yOut, valid);
예제 #6
double* PPWcsImage::pix2sky(QPointF pos)
	if (!wcs)
		return world;
	// Get unbinned pixel
	float xf, yf;
	xf = M*(pos.x()-1)+2-0.5;
	yf = (M*(pos.y()-1))-0.5;

	pix2wcs(wcs, xf, yf, &world[0], &world[1]);
	// Check if coordinates are galatic
	if (wcs->syswcs != WCS_J2000)
		wcscon(wcs->syswcs, WCS_J2000, wcs->equinox, wcs->eqout, &world[0], &world[1], wcs->epoch);
	// Perhaps the transformationStatus needs to be checked ...
	return world;
예제 #7
int readTemplate(char *filename)
   int      i;

   FILE    *fp;

   char     line[MAXSTR];

   char    *header[2];

   int      sys;
   double   epoch;

   double   x, y;
   double   ix, iy;
   double   xpos, ypos;

   int      offscl;

   header[0] = malloc(32768);
   header[1] = (char *)NULL;

   /* Open the template file, read and parse all the lines */

   fp = fopen(filename, "r");

   if(fp == (FILE *)NULL)
      printError("Template file not found");

      if(fgets(line, MAXSTR, fp) == (char *)NULL)

      if(line[strlen(line)-1] == '\n')
         line[strlen(line)-1]  = '\0';

      if(debug >= 2)
	 printf("Template line: [%s]\n", line);

      for(i=strlen(line); i<80; ++i)
	 line[i] = ' ';
      line[80] = '\0';

      strcat(header[0], line);


   if(debug >= 2)
      printf("\nheader ----------------------------------------\n");
      printf("%s\n", header[0]);

   /* Initialize the WCS transform library */

   output.wcs = wcsinit(header[0]);

   if(output.wcs == (struct WorldCoor *)NULL)
      printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Output wcsinit() failed.\"]\n");

   /* Kludge to get around bug in WCS library:   */
   /* 360 degrees sometimes added to pixel coord */

   ix = 0.5;
   iy = 0.5;

   offscl = 0;

   pix2wcs(output.wcs, ix, iy, &xpos, &ypos);
   wcs2pix(output.wcs, xpos, ypos, &x, &y, &offscl);

   xcorrection = x-ix;
   ycorrection = y-iy;

   /*  Set up the coordinate transform  */

   if(output.wcs->syswcs == WCS_J2000)
      sys   = EQUJ;
      epoch = 2000.;

      if(output.wcs->equinox == 1950.)
	 epoch = 1950;
   else if(output.wcs->syswcs == WCS_B1950)
      sys   = EQUB;
      epoch = 1950.;

      if(output.wcs->equinox == 2000.)
	 epoch = 2000;
   else if(output.wcs->syswcs == WCS_GALACTIC)
      sys   = GAL;
      epoch = 2000.;
   else if(output.wcs->syswcs == WCS_ECLIPTIC)
      sys   = ECLJ;
      epoch = 2000.;

      if(output.wcs->equinox == 1950.)
	 sys   = ECLB;
	 epoch = 1950.;
      sys   = EQUJ;
      epoch = 2000.;

   output.sys   = sys;
   output.epoch = epoch;


   return 0;
예제 #8
struct mExamineReturn * mExamine(char *infile, int areaMode, int hdu, int plane3, int plane4, 
                                 double ra, double dec, double radius, int locinpix, int radinpix, int debug)
   int    i, j, offscl, nullcnt;
   int    status, clockwise, nfound;
   int    npix, nnull, first;
   int    ixpix, iypix;
   int    maxi, maxj;

   char  *header;
   char   tmpstr[32768];

   char   proj[32];
   int    csys;
   char   csys_str[64];

   char   ctype1[256];
   char   ctype2[256];

   double equinox;

   long   naxis;
   long   naxes[10];

   double naxis1;
   double naxis2;

   double crval1;
   double crval2;

   double crpix1;
   double crpix2;

   double cdelt1;
   double cdelt2;

   double crota2;

   double lon, lat;
   double lonc, latc;
   double rac, decc;
   double racp, deccp;
   double ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2, ra3, dec3, ra4, dec4;
   double xpix, ypix, rpix, rap;

   double x, y, z;
   double xp, yp, zp;

   double rot, beta, dtr;
   double r;

   double sumflux, sumflux2, sumn, mean, background, oldbackground, rms, dot;
   double sigmaref, sigmamax, sigmamin;
   double val, valx, valy, valra, valdec;
   double min, minx, miny, minra, mindec;
   double max, maxx, maxy, maxra, maxdec;
   double x0, y0, z0;

   double  fluxMin, fluxMax, fluxRef, sigma;

   struct WorldCoor *wcs;

   fitsfile *fptr;
   int       ibegin, iend, jbegin, jend;
   long      fpixel[4], nelements;

   double   *data = (double *)NULL;

   struct apPhoto *ap = (struct apPhoto *)NULL;

   int nflux, maxflux;

   struct mExamineReturn *returnStruct;

   returnStruct = (struct mExamineReturn *)malloc(sizeof(struct mExamineReturn));

   memset((void *)returnStruct, 0, sizeof(returnStruct));

   returnStruct->status = 1;

   strcpy(returnStruct->msg, "");

   nflux   = 0;
   maxflux = MAXFLUX;

   /* Make a NaN value to use setting blank pixels */

      double d;
     char   c[8];

   double nan;

   for(i=0; i<8; ++i)
      value.c[i] = (char)255;

   nan = value.d;

   dtr = atan(1.)/45.;

   /* Process basic command-line arguments */

      printf("DEBUG> areaMode = %d \n", areaMode);
      printf("DEBUG> infile   = %s \n", infile);
      printf("DEBUG> ra       = %-g\n", ra);
      printf("DEBUG> dec      = %-g\n", dec);
      printf("DEBUG> radius   = %-g\n", radius);

   rpix = 0.;

   if(areaMode == APPHOT)
      ap = (struct apPhoto *)malloc(maxflux * sizeof(struct apPhoto));

   /* Open the FITS file and initialize the WCS transform */

   status = 0;
   if(fits_open_file(&fptr, infile, READONLY, &status))
      if(ap) free(ap);
      sprintf(returnStruct->msg, "Cannot open FITS file %s", infile);
      return returnStruct;

   if(hdu > 0)
      status = 0;
      if(fits_movabs_hdu(fptr, hdu+1, NULL, &status))
         if(ap) free(ap);
         sprintf(returnStruct->msg, "Can't find HDU %d", hdu);
         return returnStruct;

   status = 0;
   if(fits_get_image_wcs_keys(fptr, &header, &status))
      if(ap) free(ap);
      sprintf(returnStruct->msg, "Cannot find WCS keys in FITS file %s", infile);
      return returnStruct;

   status = 0;
   if(fits_read_key_lng(fptr, "NAXIS", &naxis, (char *)NULL, &status))
      if(ap) free(ap);
      sprintf(returnStruct->msg, "Cannot find NAXIS keyword in FITS file %s", infile);
      return returnStruct;

   status = 0;
   if(fits_read_keys_lng(fptr, "NAXIS", 1, naxis, naxes, &nfound, &status))
      if(ap) free(ap);
      sprintf(returnStruct->msg, "Cannot find NAXIS1,2 keywords in FITS file %s", infile);
      return returnStruct;

   wcs = wcsinit(header);

   if(wcs == (struct WorldCoor *)NULL)
      if(ap) free(ap);
      sprintf(returnStruct->msg, "WCS initialization failed.");
      return returnStruct;

   /* A bunch of the parameters we want are in the WCS structure */

   clockwise = 0;

   strcpy(ctype1, wcs->ctype[0]);
   strcpy(ctype2, wcs->ctype[1]);

   naxis1 = wcs->nxpix;
   naxis2 = wcs->nypix;

   crval1 = wcs->xref;
   crval2 = wcs->yref;

   crpix1 = wcs->xrefpix;
   crpix2 = wcs->yrefpix;

   cdelt1 = wcs->xinc;
   cdelt2 = wcs->yinc;

   crota2 = wcs->rot;

   if((cdelt1 < 0 && cdelt2 < 0)
   || (cdelt1 > 0 && cdelt2 > 0)) clockwise = 1;

   strcpy(proj, "");

   if(strlen(ctype1) > 5)
   strcpy (proj, ctype1+5);  

   /* We get the Equinox from the WCS.  If not    */
   /* there we take the command-line value. We    */
   /* then infer Julian/Besselian as best we can. */

   equinox = wcs->equinox;

   csys = EQUJ;
   strcpy(csys_str, "EQUJ");

   if(strncmp(ctype1, "RA--", 4) == 0)
      csys = EQUJ;

      strcpy(csys_str, "EQUJ");

      if(equinox < 1975.)
         csys = EQUB;

         strcpy(csys_str, "EQUB");

   if(strncmp(ctype1, "LON-", 4) == 0)
      csys = GAL;
      strcpy(csys_str, "GAL");

   if(strncmp(ctype1, "GLON", 4) == 0)
      csys = GAL;
      strcpy(csys_str, "GAL");

   if(strncmp(ctype1, "ELON", 4) == 0)
      csys = ECLJ;

      strcpy(csys_str, "ECLJ");

      if(equinox < 1975.)
         csys = ECLB;

         strcpy(csys_str, "ECLB");

      printf("DEBUG> proj      = [%s]\n", proj);
      printf("DEBUG> csys      = %d\n",   csys);
      printf("DEBUG> clockwise = %d\n",   clockwise);
      printf("DEBUG> ctype1    = [%s]\n", ctype1);
      printf("DEBUG> ctype2    = [%s]\n", ctype2);
      printf("DEBUG> equinox   = %-g\n",  equinox);


   /* To get corners and rotation in EQUJ we need the     */
   /* locations of the center pixel and the one above it. */

   pix2wcs(wcs, wcs->nxpix/2.+0.5, wcs->nypix/2.+0.5, &lonc, &latc);
   convertCoordinates (csys, equinox, lonc, latc, 
                       EQUJ, 2000., &rac, &decc, 0.);

   pix2wcs(wcs, wcs->nxpix/2.+0.5, wcs->nypix/2.+1.5, &lonc, &latc);
   convertCoordinates (csys, equinox, lonc, latc, 
                       EQUJ, 2000., &racp, &deccp, 0.);

   /* Use spherical trig to get the Equatorial rotation angle */

   x = cos(decc*dtr) * cos(rac*dtr);
   y = cos(decc*dtr) * sin(rac*dtr);
   z = sin(decc*dtr);

   xp = cos(deccp*dtr) * cos(racp*dtr);
   yp = cos(deccp*dtr) * sin(racp*dtr);
   zp = sin(deccp*dtr);

   beta = acos(x*xp + y*yp + z*zp) / dtr;

   rot = asin(cos(deccp*dtr) * sin((rac-racp)*dtr)/sin(beta*dtr)) / dtr;

   /* And for the four corners we want them uniformly clockwise */

      pix2wcs(wcs, -0.5, -0.5, &lon, &lat);
      convertCoordinates (csys, equinox, lon, lat, 
                          EQUJ, 2000., &ra1, &dec1, 0.);

      pix2wcs(wcs, wcs->nxpix+0.5, -0.5, &lon, &lat);
      convertCoordinates (csys, equinox, lon, lat, 
                          EQUJ, 2000., &ra2, &dec2, 0.);

      pix2wcs(wcs, wcs->nxpix+0.5, wcs->nypix+0.5, &lon, &lat);
      convertCoordinates (csys, equinox, lon, lat, 
                          EQUJ, 2000., &ra3, &dec3, 0.);

      pix2wcs(wcs, -0.5, wcs->nypix+0.5, &lon, &lat);
      convertCoordinates (csys, equinox, lon, lat, 
                          EQUJ, 2000., &ra4, &dec4, 0.);
      pix2wcs(wcs, -0.5, -0.5, &lon, &lat);
      convertCoordinates (csys, equinox, lon, lat, 
                          EQUJ, 2000., &ra2, &dec2, 0.);

      pix2wcs(wcs, wcs->nxpix+0.5, -0.5, &lon, &lat);
      convertCoordinates (csys, equinox, lon, lat, 
                          EQUJ, 2000., &ra1, &dec1, 0.);

      pix2wcs(wcs, wcs->nxpix+0.5, wcs->nypix+0.5, &lon, &lat);
      convertCoordinates (csys, equinox, lon, lat, 
                          EQUJ, 2000., &ra4, &dec4, 0.);

      pix2wcs(wcs, -0.5, wcs->nypix+0.5, &lon, &lat);
      convertCoordinates (csys, equinox, lon, lat, 
                          EQUJ, 2000., &ra3, &dec3, 0.);

   // Treat the default region (ALL) as a circle 
   // containing the whole image

   if(areaMode == ALL)
      locinpix = 1;
      radinpix = 1;

      ra  = wcs->nxpix / 2.;
      dec = wcs->nypix / 2.;

      radius = sqrt(wcs->nxpix*wcs->nxpix + wcs->nypix*wcs->nypix)/2.;

   /* Get region statistics */

   ixpix = 1;
   iypix = 1;

      rpix   = radius;
      radius = rpix * fabs(cdelt2);
      rpix = radius / fabs(cdelt2);

      xpix = ra;
      ypix = dec;

      pix2wcs(wcs, xpix, ypix, &lon, &lat);

         if(ap) free(ap);
         sprintf(returnStruct->msg, "Location off the image.");
         return returnStruct;

      convertCoordinates (csys, equinox, lon, lat,
            EQUJ, 2000., &ra, &dec, 0);
      convertCoordinates (EQUJ, 2000., ra, dec,  
            csys, equinox, &lon, &lat, 0.);

      wcs2pix(wcs, lon, lat, &xpix, &ypix, &offscl);

         if(ap) free(ap);
         sprintf(returnStruct->msg, "Location off the image.");
         return returnStruct;

   x0 = cos(ra*dtr) * cos(dec*dtr);
   y0 = sin(ra*dtr) * cos(dec*dtr);
   z0 = sin(dec*dtr);

   ixpix = (int)(xpix+0.5);
   iypix = (int)(ypix+0.5);

      printf("DEBUG> Region statististics for %-g pixels around (%-g,%-g) [%d,%d] [Equatorial (%-g, %-g)\n",
            rpix, xpix, ypix, ixpix, iypix, ra, dec);

   // Then read the data

   jbegin = iypix - rpix - 1;
   jend   = iypix + rpix + 1;

   ibegin = ixpix - rpix - 1;
   iend   = ixpix + rpix + 1;

   if(ibegin < 1         ) ibegin = 1;
   if(iend   > wcs->nxpix) iend   = wcs->nxpix;

   nelements = iend - ibegin + 1;

   if(jbegin < 1         ) jbegin = 1;
   if(jend   > wcs->nypix) jend   = wcs->nxpix;

   fpixel[0] = ibegin;
   fpixel[1] = jbegin;
   fpixel[2] = 1;
   fpixel[3] = 1;
   fpixel[2] = plane3;
   fpixel[3] = plane4;

   data = (double *)malloc(nelements * sizeof(double));

   status = 0;

   sumflux  = 0.;
   sumflux2 = 0.;
   npix     = 0;
   nnull    = 0;

   val      = 0.;
   valx     = 0.;
   valy     = 0.;
   valra    = 0.;
   valdec   = 0.;

   max      = 0.;
   maxx     = 0.;
   maxy     = 0.;
   maxra    = 0.;
   maxdec   = 0.;

   min      = 0.;
   minx     = 0.;
   miny     = 0.;
   minra    = 0.;
   mindec   = 0.;

   first = 1;

   if(radius > 0.)
         printf("\nDEBUG> Location: (%.6f %.6f) -> (%d,%d)\n\n", xpix, ypix, ixpix, iypix);
         printf("DEBUG> Radius: %.6f\n\n", rpix);

         printf("DEBUG> i: %d to %d\n", ibegin, iend);
         printf("DEBUG> j: %d to %d\n", jbegin, jend);

      for (j=jbegin; j<=jend; ++j)
         status = 0;
         if(fits_read_pix(fptr, TDOUBLE, fpixel, nelements, &nan,
                  (void *)data, &nullcnt, &status))


         for(i=0; i<nelements; ++i)
                  printf("%10s ", "NULL");


            sumflux  += data[i];
            sumflux2 += data[i]*data[i];

            x  = ibegin + i;
            y  = j;

            pix2wcs(wcs, x, y, &lon, &lat);

            convertCoordinates(csys, equinox, lon, lat, EQUJ, 2000., &ra, &dec, 0.);

            xp = cos(ra*dtr) * cos(dec*dtr);
            yp = sin(ra*dtr) * cos(dec*dtr);
            zp = sin(dec*dtr);

            dot = xp*x0 + yp*y0 + zp*z0;

            if(dot > 1.)
               dot = 1.;

            r = acos(dot)/dtr / fabs(cdelt2);

               if(r <= rpix)
                  printf("%10.3f ", data[i]);
                  printf("%10s ", ".");

            if(r > rpix)

            if(x == ixpix && y == iypix)
               val = data[i];

               valx = x;
               valy = y;

               first = 0;

               min = data[i];

               minx = x;
               miny = y;

               max = data[i];

               maxx = x;
               maxy = y;

               maxi = i+ibegin;
               maxj = j;

            if(data[i] > max)
               max = data[i];

               maxx = x;
               maxy = y;

               maxi = i+ibegin;
               maxj = j;

            if(data[i] < min)
               min = data[i];

               minx = x;
               miny = y;

         pix2wcs(wcs, valx, valy, &lon, &lat);
         convertCoordinates(csys, equinox, lon, lat, EQUJ, 2000., &valra, &valdec, 0.);

         pix2wcs(wcs, minx, miny, &lon, &lat);
         convertCoordinates(csys, equinox, lon, lat, EQUJ, 2000., &minra, &mindec, 0.);

         pix2wcs(wcs, maxx, maxy, &lon, &lat);
         convertCoordinates(csys, equinox, lon, lat, EQUJ, 2000., &maxra, &maxdec, 0.);



      mean     = 0.;
      rms      = 0.;
      sigmaref = 0.;
      sigmamin = 0.;
      sigmamax = 0.;

      if(npix > 0)
         mean = sumflux / npix;
         rms  = sqrt(sumflux2/npix - mean*mean);

         sigmaref = (val - mean) / rms; 
         sigmamin = (min - mean) / rms; 
         sigmamax = (max - mean) / rms; 

   /* Finally, print out parameters */

   strcpy(montage_json,  "{");
   strcpy(montage_msgstr,  "");

   if(areaMode == ALL || areaMode == REGION)
      sprintf(tmpstr, "\"proj\":\"%s\",",   proj);                   strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"csys\":\"%s\",",   csys_str);              strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"equinox\":%.1f,",  equinox);               strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"naxis\":%ld,",     naxis);                 strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"naxis1\":%d,",     (int)naxis1);           strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"naxis2\":%d,",     (int)naxis2);           strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);

      if(naxis > 2)
         sprintf(tmpstr, " \"naxis3\":%ld,", naxes[2]);              strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);

      if(naxis > 3)
         sprintf(tmpstr, " \"naxis4\":%ld,", naxes[3]);              strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);

      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"crval1\":%.7f,",   crval1);                strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"crval2\":%.7f,",   crval2);                strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"crpix1\":%-g,",    crpix1);                strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"crpix2\":%-g,",    crpix2);                strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"cdelt1\":%.7f,",   cdelt1);                strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"cdelt2\":%.7f,",   cdelt2);                strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"crota2\":%.4f,",   crota2);                strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"lonc\":%.7f,",     lonc);                  strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"latc\":%.7f,",     latc);                  strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"ximgsize\":%.6f,", fabs(naxis1*cdelt1));   strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"yimgsize\":%.6f,", fabs(naxis1*cdelt2));   strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"rotequ\":%.4f,",   rot);                   strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"rac\":%.7f,",      rac);                   strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"decc\":%.7f,",     decc);                  strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"ra1\":%.7f,",      ra1);                   strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"dec1\":%.7f,",     dec1);                  strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"ra2\":%.7f,",      ra2);                   strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"dec2\":%.7f,",     dec2);                  strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"ra3\":%.7f,",      ra3);                   strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"dec3\":%.7f,",     dec3);                  strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"ra4\":%.7f,",      ra4);                   strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"dec4\":%.7f,",     dec4);                  strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"radius\":%.7f,",   radius);                strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"radpix\":%.2f,",   rpix);                  strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"npixel\":%d,",     npix);                  strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"nnull\":%d,",      nnull);                 strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"aveflux\":%-g,",   mean);                  strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"rmsflux\":%-g,",   rms);                   strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"fluxref\":%-g,",   val);                   strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"sigmaref\":%-g,",  sigmaref);              strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"xref\":%.0f,",     valx);                  strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"yref\":%.0f,",     valy);                  strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"raref\":%.7f,",    valra);                 strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"decref\":%.7f,",   valdec);                strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"fluxmin\":%-g,",   min);                   strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"sigmamin\":%-g,",  sigmamin);              strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"xmin\":%.0f,",     minx);                  strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"ymin\":%.0f,",     miny);                  strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"ramin\":%.7f,",    minra);                 strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"decmin\":%.7f,",   mindec);                strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"fluxmax\":%-g,",   max);                   strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"sigmamax\":%-g,",  sigmamax);              strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"xmax\":%.0f,",     maxx);                  strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"ymax\":%.0f,",     maxy);                  strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"ramax\":%.7f,",    maxra);                 strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"decmax\":%.7f",    maxdec);                strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);

      sprintf(tmpstr, "proj=\"%s\",",   proj);                   strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " csys=\"%s\",",   csys_str);              strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " equinox=%.1f,",  equinox);               strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " naxis=%ld,",     naxis);                 strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " naxis1=%d,",     (int)naxis1);           strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " naxis2=%d,",     (int)naxis2);           strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);

      if(naxis > 2)
         sprintf(tmpstr, " naxis3=%ld,", naxes[2]);              strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);

      if(naxis > 3)
         sprintf(tmpstr, " naxis4=%ld,", naxes[3]);              strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);

      sprintf(tmpstr, " crval1=%.7f,",   crval1);                strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " crval2=%.7f,",   crval2);                strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " crpix1=%-g,",    crpix1);                strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " crpix2=%-g,",    crpix2);                strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " cdelt1=%.7f,",   cdelt1);                strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " cdelt2=%.7f,",   cdelt2);                strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " crota2=%.4f,",   crota2);                strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " lonc=%.7f,",     lonc);                  strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " latc=%.7f,",     latc);                  strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " ximgsize=%.6f,", fabs(naxis1*cdelt1));   strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " yimgsize=%.6f,", fabs(naxis1*cdelt2));   strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " rotequ=%.4f,",   rot);                   strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " rac=%.7f,",      rac);                   strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " decc=%.7f,",     decc);                  strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " ra1=%.7f,",      ra1);                   strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " dec1=%.7f,",     dec1);                  strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " ra2=%.7f,",      ra2);                   strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " dec2=%.7f,",     dec2);                  strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " ra3=%.7f,",      ra3);                   strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " dec3=%.7f,",     dec3);                  strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " ra4=%.7f,",      ra4);                   strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " dec4=%.7f,",     dec4);                  strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " radius=%.7f,",   radius);                strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " radpix=%.2f,",   rpix);                  strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " npixel=%d,",     npix);                  strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " nnull=%d,",      nnull);                 strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " aveflux=%-g,",   mean);                  strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " rmsflux=%-g,",   rms);                   strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " fluxref=%-g,",   val);                   strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " sigmaref=%-g,",  sigmaref);              strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " xref=%.0f,",     valx);                  strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " yref=%.0f,",     valy);                  strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " raref=%.7f,",    valra);                 strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " decref=%.7f,",   valdec);                strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " fluxmin=%-g,",   min);                   strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " sigmamin=%-g,",  sigmamin);              strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " xmin=%.0f,",     minx);                  strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " ymin=%.0f,",     miny);                  strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " ramin=%.7f,",    minra);                 strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " decmin=%.7f,",   mindec);                strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " fluxmax=%-g,",   max);                   strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " sigmamax=%-g,",  sigmamax);              strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " xmax=%.0f,",     maxx);                  strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " ymax=%.0f,",     maxy);                  strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " ramax=%.7f,",    maxra);                 strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " decmax=%.7f",    maxdec);                strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
   else if(areaMode == APPHOT)
      // For aperture photometry mode we process the flux vs. radius data
      // to get the integrated source flux. 

      rap = radius;

      jbegin = maxj - rap - 1;
      jend   = maxj + rap + 1;

      ibegin = maxi - rap - 1;
      iend   = maxi + rap + 1;

      nelements = iend - ibegin + 1;

      fpixel[0] = ibegin;
      fpixel[1] = jbegin;
      fpixel[2] = 1;
      fpixel[3] = 1;

      for (j=jbegin; j<=jend; ++j)
         status = 0;
         if(fits_read_pix(fptr, TDOUBLE, fpixel, nelements, &nan,
                          (void *)data, &nullcnt, &status))
            if(ap) free(ap);
            sprintf(returnStruct->msg, "Error reading FITS data.");
            return returnStruct;

         for(i=0; i<nelements; ++i)

            r = sqrt(((double)i+ibegin-maxi)*((double)i+ibegin-maxi) + ((double)j-maxj)*((double)j-maxj));

            if(r > rap)

            ap[nflux].rad  = r;
            ap[nflux].flux = data[i];
            ap[nflux].fit  = 0.;

            if(nflux >= maxflux)
               maxflux += MAXFLUX;

               ap = (struct apPhoto *)realloc(ap, maxflux * sizeof(struct apPhoto));


      // Sort the data by radius

      qsort(ap, (size_t)nflux, sizeof(struct apPhoto), mExamine_radCompare);

      // Find the peak flux and the minimum flux.

      // The max is constrained to be in the first quarter of the
      // data, just to be careful.

      fluxMax = -1.e99;
      fluxMin =  1.e99;

      for(i=0; i<nflux; ++i)
         if(i < nflux/4 && ap[i].flux > fluxMax)
            fluxMax = ap[i].flux;

         if(ap[i].flux < fluxMin)
            fluxMin = ap[i].flux;

      // Fit the minimum a little more carefully, iterating
      // and excluding points more than 3 sigma above the 
      // minimum.

      background = fluxMin;
      sigma      = fluxMax - fluxMin;

      for(j=0; j<1000; ++j)
         oldbackground = background;

         sumn     = 0.;
         sumflux  = 0.;
         sumflux2 = 0.;

         for(i=0; i<nflux; ++i)
            if(fabs(ap[i].flux - background) > 3.*sigma)

            sumn     += 1.;
            sumflux  += ap[i].flux;
            sumflux2 += ap[i].flux * ap[i].flux;

         background = sumflux / sumn;
         sigma      = sqrt(sumflux2/sumn - background*background);

         if(fabs((background - oldbackground) / oldbackground) < 1.e-3)

      fluxRef = (fluxMax-fluxMin) / exp(1.);

      for(i=0; i<nflux; ++i)
         if(ap[i].flux < fluxRef)
            sigma = ap[i].rad;

      for(i=0; i<nflux; ++i)
         ap[i].fit = (fluxMax-background) * exp(-(ap[i].rad * ap[i].rad) / (sigma * sigma)) + background;

         if(i == 0)
            ap[i].sum = ap[i].flux - background;
            ap[i].sum = ap[i-1].sum + (ap[i].flux - background);

         printf("|    rad    |    flux    |     fit     |     sum     |\n");

         for(i=0; i<nflux; ++i)
            printf("%12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f  \n", ap[i].rad, ap[i].flux, ap[i].fit, ap[i].sum);

      sprintf(tmpstr, "\"proj\":\"%s\",",    proj);                 strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"csys\":\"%s\",",    csys_str);            strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"equinox\":%.1f,",   equinox);             strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"naxis\":%ld,",      naxis);               strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"naxis1\":%d,",      (int)naxis1);         strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"naxis2\":%d,",      (int)naxis2);         strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);

      if(naxis > 2)
         sprintf(tmpstr, " \"naxis3\":%ld,",   naxes[2]);           strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);

      if(naxis > 3)
         sprintf(tmpstr, " \"naxis4\":%ld,",   naxes[3]);           strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);

      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"crval1\":%.7f,",    crval1);              strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"crval2\":%.7f,",    crval2);              strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"crpix1\":%-g,",     crpix1);              strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"crpix2\":%-g,",     crpix2);              strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"cdelt1\":%.7f,",    cdelt1);              strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"cdelt2\":%.7f,",    cdelt2);              strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"crota2\":%.4f,",    crota2);              strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"lonc\":%.7f,",      lonc);                strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"latc\":%.7f,",      latc);                strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"ximgsize\":%.6f,",  fabs(naxis1*cdelt1)); strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"yimgsize\":%.6f,",  fabs(naxis1*cdelt2)); strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"rotequ\":%.4f,",    rot);                 strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"rac\":%.7f,",       rac);                 strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"decc\":%.7f,",      decc);                strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"ra1\":%.7f,",       ra1);                 strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"dec1\":%.7f,",      dec1);                strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"ra2\":%.7f,",       ra2);                 strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"dec2\":%.7f,",      dec2);                strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"ra3\":%.7f,",       ra3);                 strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"dec3\":%.7f,",      dec3);                strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"ra4\":%.7f,",       ra4);                 strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"dec4\":%.7f,",      dec4);                strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " \"totalflux\":%.7e",  ap[nflux/2].sum);     strcat(montage_json, tmpstr);

      sprintf(tmpstr, "proj=\"%s\",",    proj);                 strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " csys=\"%s\",",    csys_str);            strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " equinox=%.1f,",   equinox);             strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " naxis=%ld,",      naxis);               strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " naxis1=%d,",      (int)naxis1);         strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " naxis2=%d,",      (int)naxis2);         strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);

      if(naxis > 2)
         sprintf(tmpstr, " naxis3=%ld,",   naxes[2]);           strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);

      if(naxis > 3)
         sprintf(tmpstr, " naxis4=%ld,",   naxes[3]);           strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);

      sprintf(tmpstr, " crval1=%.7f,",    crval1);              strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " crval2=%.7f,",    crval2);              strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " crpix1=%-g,",     crpix1);              strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " crpix2=%-g,",     crpix2);              strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " cdelt1=%.7f,",    cdelt1);              strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " cdelt2=%.7f,",    cdelt2);              strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " crota2=%.4f,",    crota2);              strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " lonc=%.7f,",      lonc);                strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " latc=%.7f,",      latc);                strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " ximgsize=%.6f,",  fabs(naxis1*cdelt1)); strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " yimgsize=%.6f,",  fabs(naxis1*cdelt2)); strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " rotequ=%.4f,",    rot);                 strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " rac=%.7f,",       rac);                 strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " decc=%.7f,",      decc);                strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " ra1=%.7f,",       ra1);                 strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " dec1=%.7f,",      dec1);                strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " ra2=%.7f,",       ra2);                 strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " dec2=%.7f,",      dec2);                strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " ra3=%.7f,",       ra3);                 strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " dec3=%.7f,",      dec3);                strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " ra4=%.7f,",       ra4);                 strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " dec4=%.7f,",      dec4);                strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);
      sprintf(tmpstr, " totalflux=%.7e",  ap[nflux/2].sum);     strcat(montage_msgstr, tmpstr);

   strcat(montage_json, "}");

   if(ap) free(ap);

   returnStruct->status = 0;

   strcpy(returnStruct->msg,  montage_msgstr);
   strcpy(returnStruct->json, montage_json);
   strcpy(returnStruct->proj, proj);
   strcpy(returnStruct->csys, csys_str);

   returnStruct->equinox   = equinox;
   returnStruct->naxis     = naxis;
   returnStruct->naxis1    = naxis1;
   returnStruct->naxis2    = naxis2;
   returnStruct->naxis3    = naxes[2];
   returnStruct->naxis4    = naxes[3];
   returnStruct->crval1    = crval1;
   returnStruct->crval2    = crval2;
   returnStruct->crpix1    = crpix1;
   returnStruct->crpix2    = crpix2;
   returnStruct->cdelt1    = cdelt1;
   returnStruct->cdelt2    = cdelt2;
   returnStruct->crota2    = crota2;
   returnStruct->lonc      = lonc;
   returnStruct->latc      = latc;
   returnStruct->ximgsize  = fabs(naxis1*cdelt1);
   returnStruct->yimgsize  = fabs(naxis2*cdelt2);
   returnStruct->rotequ    = rot;
   returnStruct->rac       = rac;
   returnStruct->decc      = decc;
   returnStruct->ra1       = ra1;
   returnStruct->dec1      = dec1;
   returnStruct->ra2       = ra2;
   returnStruct->dec2      = dec2;
   returnStruct->ra3       = ra3;
   returnStruct->dec3      = dec3;
   returnStruct->ra4       = ra4;
   returnStruct->dec4      = dec4;
   returnStruct->radius    = radius;
   returnStruct->radpix    = rpix;
   returnStruct->npixel    = npix;
   returnStruct->nnull     = nnull;
   returnStruct->aveflux   = mean;
   returnStruct->rmsflux   = rms;
   returnStruct->fluxref   = val;
   returnStruct->sigmaref  = sigmaref;
   returnStruct->xref      = valx;
   returnStruct->yref      = valy;
   returnStruct->raref     = valra;
   returnStruct->decref    = valdec;
   returnStruct->fluxmin   = min;
   returnStruct->sigmamin  = sigmamin;
   returnStruct->xmin      = minx;
   returnStruct->ymin      = miny;
   returnStruct->ramin     = minra;
   returnStruct->decmin    = mindec;
   returnStruct->fluxmax   = max;
   returnStruct->sigmamax  = sigmamax;
   returnStruct->xmax      = maxx;
   returnStruct->ymax      = maxy;
   returnStruct->ramax     = maxra;
   returnStruct->decmax    = maxdec;

   if(areaMode == APPHOT)
      returnStruct->totalflux = ap[nflux/2].sum;
      returnStruct->totalflux = 0.;

   return returnStruct;
예제 #9
static int wcstools_pixelxy2radec(const struct WorldCoor* wcs,
								  double px, double py,
								  double* ra, double* dec) {
	pix2wcs(wcs, px, py, ra, dec);
	return 0;
예제 #10
/* convert image values to wcs values in a region (see fitshelper.c) */
char *reg2wcsstr(int n, char *regstr){
  Info info = getinfo(n);
  char tbuf[SZ_LINE];
  char rbuf1[SZ_LINE];
  char rbuf2[SZ_LINE];
  char *str = NULL;
  char *s=NULL, *t=NULL;;
  char *s1=NULL, *s2=NULL;
  char *targs=NULL, *targ=NULL;
  char *mywcssys=NULL;
  int alwaysdeg = 0;
  double dval1, dval2, dval3, dval4;
  double rval1, rval2, rval3, rval4;
  double sep;

  if( info->wcs ){
    mywcssys = wcssys(n, NULL);
    if( !strcmp(mywcssys, "galactic") ||
	!strcmp(mywcssys, "ecliptic") ||
	!strcmp(mywcssys, "linear") ){
      alwaysdeg = 1;
    str = info->str;
    *str = '\0';
    /* start with original input string */
    targs = (char *)strdup(regstr);
    for(targ=(char *)strtok(targs, ";"); targ != NULL; 
	targ=(char *)strtok(NULL,";")){
      s = targ;
      /* look for region type */
      t = strchr(s, ' ');
      if( t ){
	s1 = t + 1;
	*t = '\0';
      } else {
	s = NULL;
	s1 = "";
      /* these are the coords of the region */
      if( (dval1=strtod(s1, &s2)) && (dval2=strtod(s2, &s1)) ){
	/* convert image x,y to ra,dec */
	pix2wcs(info->wcs, dval1, dval2, &rval1, &rval2);
	if( s ){
	  snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE, "%s(", s);
	  strncat(str, tbuf, SZ_LINE-1);
	/* convert to proper units */
	  snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE, "%.6f, %.6f", rval1, rval2);
	  strncat(str, tbuf, SZ_LINE-1);
	  if( alwaysdeg ){
	    dec2str(rbuf1, SZ_LINE-1, rval1, NDEC);
	  } else {
	    ra2str(rbuf1, SZ_LINE-1, rval1, NDEC);
	  dec2str(rbuf2, SZ_LINE-1, rval2, NDEC);
	  snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE, "%s, %s", rbuf1, rbuf2);
	  strncat(str, tbuf, SZ_LINE-1);
	  snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE, "%.6f, %.6f", rval1, rval2);
	  strncat(str, tbuf, SZ_LINE-1);
	/* convert more positions */
	if( !strcmp(s, "polygon") ){
	  /* convert successive image values to RA, Dec */
	  while( (dval1=strtod(s1, &s2)) && (dval2=strtod(s2, &s1)) ){
	    /* convert image x,y to ra,dec */
	    pix2wcs(info->wcs, dval1, dval2, &rval1, &rval2);
	    /* convert to proper units */
	    case WCS_DEGREES:
	      snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE, ", %.6f, %.6f", rval1, rval2);
	      strncat(str, tbuf, SZ_LINE-1);
	      if( alwaysdeg ){
		dec2str(rbuf1, SZ_LINE-1, rval1, NDEC);
	      } else {
		ra2str(rbuf1, SZ_LINE-1, rval1, NDEC);
	      dec2str(rbuf2, SZ_LINE-1, rval2, NDEC);
	      snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE, ", %s, %s", rbuf1, rbuf2);
	      strncat(str, tbuf, SZ_LINE-1);
	      snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE, ", %.6f, %.6f", rval1, rval2);
	      strncat(str, tbuf, SZ_LINE-1);
	} else {
	  /* use successive x1,y1,x2,y2 to calculate separation (arcsecs) */
	  while( (dval1=strtod(s1, &s2)) && (dval2=strtod(s2, &s1)) &&
		 (dval3=strtod(s1, &s2)) && (dval4=strtod(s2, &s1)) ){
	    /* convert image x,y to ra,dec */
	    pix2wcs(info->wcs, dval1, dval2, &rval1, &rval2);
	    /* convert image x,y to ra,dec */
	    pix2wcs(info->wcs, dval3, dval4, &rval3, &rval4);
	    /* calculate and output separation between the two points */
	    sep = wcsdist(rval1, rval2, rval3, rval4)*3600.0;
	    if( sep <= 60 ){
	      snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE, ", %.2f\"", sep);
	      strncat(str, tbuf, SZ_LINE-1);
	    } else if( sep <= 3600 ){
	      snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE, ", %.6f'", sep/60.0);
	      strncat(str, tbuf, SZ_LINE-1);
	    } else {
	      snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE, ", %.6fd", sep/3600.0);
	      strncat(str, tbuf, SZ_LINE-1);
	/* output angle, as needed */
	if( !strcmp(s, "box") || !strcmp(s, "ellipse") ){
	  while( dval1 < 0 ) dval1 += (2.0 * PI);
	  snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE, ", %.3f", RAD2DEG(dval1));
	  strncat(str, tbuf, SZ_LINE-1);
	/* close region */
	if( s ){
	  snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE, ")");
	  strncat(str, tbuf, SZ_LINE-1);
	snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE, ";");
	strncat(str, tbuf, SZ_LINE-1);
  if( targs ) free(targs);
  return str;
예제 #11
int get_hhdr (char *fname, struct Hdr_rec *hdr_rec, char *msg)
   char      header[80000];
   char      str[132];
   FILE     *fptr;
   int       i, status, csys, nfailed, first_failed, clockwise;
   double    lon, lat, equinox;
   double    ra2000, dec2000;
   double    ra, dec;
   double    x1, y1, z1;
   double    x2, y2, z2;

   double    dtr = 1.745329252e-2;

   struct WorldCoor *wcs;

   struct stat buf;

   nfailed      = 0;
   first_failed = 0;
   status       = 0;

   fptr = fopen(fname, "r");
   if(fptr == (FILE *)NULL)
      sprintf (msg, "Cannot open header file %s", fname);

	 printf("[struct stat=\"INFO\", msg=\"Cannot open file\", file=\"%s\"]\n",
      return (1);

   stat(fname, &buf);

   hdr_rec->size = buf.st_size;

   hdr_rec->hdu = 1;

   strcpy(header, "");

      if(fgets(str, 80, fptr) == (char *)NULL)
      while(str[strlen(str)-1] == '\n'
         || str[strlen(str)-1] == '\r')
            str[strlen(str)-1] =  '\0';

      for(i=strlen(str); i<80; ++i)
	 str[i] = ' ';

      str[80] = '\0';

      strcat(header, str);

   wcs = wcsinit(header);

   if(wcs == (struct WorldCoor *)NULL) 
      if(hdr_rec->hdu == 1)
	 first_failed = 1;


	 printf("[struct stat=\"INFO\", msg=\"WCS lib init failure\", file=\"%s\", hdu=%d]\n",
	    fname, hdr_rec->hdu);


   if(checkWCS(wcs, 1) == 1)
	 printf("Bad WCS for file %s\n", fname);

      wcs = (struct WorldCoor *)NULL;

      if(hdr_rec->hdu == 1)
	 first_failed = 1;


	 printf("[struct stat=\"INFO\", msg=\"Bad WCS\", file=\"%s\", hdu=%d]\n",
	    fname, hdr_rec->hdu);



   hdr_rec->ns = (int) wcs->nxpix;
   hdr_rec->nl = (int) wcs->nypix;

   strcpy(hdr_rec->ctype1, wcs->ctype[0]);
   strcpy(hdr_rec->ctype2, wcs->ctype[1]);

   hdr_rec->crpix1  = wcs->xrefpix;
   hdr_rec->crpix2  = wcs->yrefpix;
   hdr_rec->equinox = wcs->equinox;
   hdr_rec->crval1  = wcs->xref;
   hdr_rec->crval2  = wcs->yref;
   hdr_rec->cdelt1  = wcs->xinc;
   hdr_rec->cdelt2  = wcs->yinc;
   hdr_rec->crota2  = wcs->rot;

   if(hdr_rec->cdelt1 > 0.
   && hdr_rec->cdelt2 > 0.
   && (hdr_rec->crota2 < -90. || hdr_rec->crota2 > 90.))
      hdr_rec->cdelt1 = -hdr_rec->cdelt1;
      hdr_rec->cdelt2 = -hdr_rec->cdelt2;

      hdr_rec->crota2 += 180.;

      while(hdr_rec->crota2 >= 360.)
	 hdr_rec->crota2 -= 360.;

      while(hdr_rec->crota2 <= -360.)
	 hdr_rec->crota2 += 360.;

   /* Convert center of image to sky coordinates */

   csys = EQUJ;

   if(strncmp(hdr_rec->ctype1, "RA",   2) == 0)
      csys = EQUJ;
   if(strncmp(hdr_rec->ctype1, "GLON", 4) == 0)
      csys = GAL;
   if(strncmp(hdr_rec->ctype1, "ELON", 4) == 0)
      csys = ECLJ;

   equinox = hdr_rec->equinox;

   pix2wcs (wcs, hdr_rec->ns/2., hdr_rec->nl/2., &lon, &lat);

   /* Convert lon, lat to EQU J2000 */

   convertCoordinates (csys, equinox, lon, lat,
		       EQUJ, 2000., &ra2000, &dec2000, 0.);

   hdr_rec->ra2000  = ra2000;
   hdr_rec->dec2000 = dec2000;

   clockwise = 0;

   if((hdr_rec->cdelt1 < 0 && hdr_rec->cdelt2 < 0)
   || (hdr_rec->cdelt1 > 0 && hdr_rec->cdelt2 > 0)) clockwise = 1;

      pix2wcs(wcs, -0.5, -0.5, &lon, &lat);
      convertCoordinates (csys, equinox, lon, lat,
			  EQUJ, 2000., &ra, &dec, 0.);

      hdr_rec->ra1 = ra;
      hdr_rec->dec1 = dec;

      pix2wcs(wcs, wcs->nxpix+0.5, -0.5, &lon, &lat);
      convertCoordinates (csys, equinox, lon, lat,
			  EQUJ, 2000., &ra, &dec, 0.);

      hdr_rec->ra2 = ra;
      hdr_rec->dec2 = dec;

      pix2wcs(wcs, wcs->nxpix+0.5, wcs->nypix+0.5, &lon, &lat);
      convertCoordinates (csys, equinox, lon, lat,
			  EQUJ, 2000., &ra, &dec, 0.);

      hdr_rec->ra3 = ra;
      hdr_rec->dec3 = dec;

      pix2wcs(wcs, -0.5, wcs->nypix+0.5, &lon, &lat);
      convertCoordinates (csys, equinox, lon, lat,
			  EQUJ, 2000., &ra, &dec, 0.);

      hdr_rec->ra4 = ra;
      hdr_rec->dec4 = dec;
      pix2wcs(wcs, -0.5, -0.5, &lon, &lat);
      convertCoordinates (csys, equinox, lon, lat,
			  EQUJ, 2000., &ra, &dec, 0.);

      hdr_rec->ra1 = ra;
      hdr_rec->dec1 = dec;

      pix2wcs(wcs, wcs->nxpix+0.5, -0.5, &lon, &lat);
      convertCoordinates (csys, equinox, lon, lat,
			  EQUJ, 2000., &ra, &dec, 0.);

      hdr_rec->ra2 = ra;
      hdr_rec->dec2 = dec;

      pix2wcs(wcs, wcs->nxpix+0.5, wcs->nypix+0.5, &lon, &lat);
      convertCoordinates (csys, equinox, lon, lat,
			  EQUJ, 2000., &ra, &dec, 0.);

      hdr_rec->ra3 = ra;
      hdr_rec->dec3 = dec;

      pix2wcs(wcs, -0.5, wcs->nypix+0.5, &lon, &lat);
      convertCoordinates (csys, equinox, lon, lat,
			  EQUJ, 2000., &ra, &dec, 0.);

      hdr_rec->ra4 = ra;
      hdr_rec->dec4 = dec;

   x1 = cos(hdr_rec->ra2000*dtr) * cos(hdr_rec->dec2000*dtr);
   y1 = sin(hdr_rec->ra2000*dtr) * cos(hdr_rec->dec2000*dtr);
   z1 = sin(hdr_rec->dec2000*dtr);

   x2 = cos(ra*dtr) * cos(dec*dtr);
   y2 = sin(ra*dtr) * cos(dec*dtr);
   z2 = sin(dec*dtr);

   hdr_rec->radius = acos(x1*x2 + y1*y2 + z1*z2) / dtr;

   hdr_rec->cntr = cntr;
   print_rec (hdr_rec);

   status = 0;

예제 #12
int main(int argc, char **argv)
   int    c;
   char   header[32768];
   char   temp  [MAXSTR];
   char   fmt   [MAXSTR];
   char   rfmt  [MAXSTR];
   char   pfmt  [MAXSTR];
   char   cfmt  [MAXSTR];
   char   ofile [MAXSTR];
   char   scale [MAXSTR];
   int    i, j;
   int    namelen, nimages, ntotal, stat;
   double xpos, ypos;
   double lon, lat;
   double oxpix, oypix;
   int    oxpixMin, oypixMin;
   int    oxpixMax, oypixMax;
   int    offscl, mode;
   int    ncols;
   FILE  *fraw;
   FILE  *fproj;
   FILE  *fcorr;

   /* Process the command-line parameters */

   debug   = 0;
   opterr  = 0;

   fstatus = stdout;

   while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "ds:")) != EOF) 
      switch (c) 
         case 'd':
            debug = 1;

         case 's':
            if((fstatus = fopen(optarg, "w+")) == (FILE *)NULL)
               printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Cannot open status file: %s\"]\n",

	    printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Usage: %s [-d][-s statusfile] images.tbl hdr.template raw.tbl projected.tbl corrected.tbl\"]\n", argv[0]);

   if (argc - optind < 5) 
      printf("[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Usage: %s [-d][-s statusfile] images.tbl hdr.template raw.tbl projected.tbl corrected.tbl\"]\n", argv[0]);

   strcpy(origimg_file,  argv[optind]);
   strcpy(template_file, argv[optind + 1]);
   strcpy(rawimg_file,   argv[optind + 2]);
   strcpy(projimg_file,  argv[optind + 3]);
   strcpy(corrimg_file,  argv[optind + 4]);

   checkHdr(template_file, 1, 0);

      printf("\norigimg_file   = [%s]\n", origimg_file);
      printf("template_file  = [%s]\n\n", template_file);
      printf("rawimg_file    = [%s]\n", rawimg_file);
      printf("projimg_file   = [%s]\n", projimg_file);
      printf("corrimg_file   = [%s]\n", corrimg_file);

   /* Process the output header template to get the */ 
   /* image size, coordinate system and projection  */ 


      printf("\noutput.sys       =  %d\n",  output.sys);
      printf("output.epoch     =  %-g\n", output.epoch);
      printf("output proj      =  %s\n",  output.wcs->ptype);


   /* Open the image header metadata table file */

   ncols = topen(origimg_file);

   if(ncols <= 0)
      fprintf(fstatus, "[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Invalid image metadata file: %s\"]\n",

   icntr    = tcol("cntr");
   ictype1  = tcol("ctype1");
   ictype2  = tcol("ctype2");
   iequinox = tcol("equinox");
   inl      = tcol("nl");
   ins      = tcol("ns");
   icrval1  = tcol("crval1");
   icrval2  = tcol("crval2");
   icrpix1  = tcol("crpix1");
   icrpix2  = tcol("crpix2");
   icdelt1  = tcol("cdelt1");
   icdelt2  = tcol("cdelt2");
   icrota2  = tcol("crota2");
   iepoch   = tcol("epoch");
   ifname   = tcol("fname");
   iscale   = tcol("scale");

   icd11    = tcol("cd1_1");
   icd12    = tcol("cd1_2");
   icd21    = tcol("cd2_1");
   icd22    = tcol("cd2_2");

   if(ins < 0)
      ins = tcol("naxis1");

   if(inl < 0)
      inl = tcol("naxis2");

   if(ifname < 0)
      ifname = tcol("file");

   if(icd11 >= 0 && icd12 >= 0  && icd21 >= 0  && icd12 >= 0)
      mode = CD;

   else if(icdelt1 >= 0 && icdelt2 >= 0  && icrota2 >= 0)
      mode = CDELT;

      fprintf(fstatus, "[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Not enough information to determine coverages (CDELTs or CD matrix)\"]\n");

   if(icntr   < 0
   || ictype1 < 0
   || ictype2 < 0
   || inl     < 0
   || ins     < 0
   || icrval1 < 0
   || icrval2 < 0
   || icrpix1 < 0
   || icrpix2 < 0
   || ifname  < 0)
      fprintf(fstatus, "[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Need columns: cntr ctype1 ctype2 nl ns crval1 crval2 crpix1 crpix2 cdelt1 cdelt2 crota2 fname (equinox optional)\"]\n");

   /* Scan the table to get the true 'file' column width */

   namelen = 0;

      stat = tread();

      if(stat < 0)

      strcpy(input.fname, fileName(tval(ifname)));

      if(strlen(input.fname) > namelen)
	 namelen = strlen(input.fname);


   /* Write headers to the output files */

   if((fraw = (FILE *)fopen(rawimg_file, "w+")) == (FILE *)NULL)
      fprintf(fstatus, "[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Invalid output metadata file: %s\"]\n",

   fprintf(fraw, "\\datatype=fitshdr\n");

   if(iscale >= 0)
      sprintf(fmt, "|%%5s|%%8s|%%8s|%%6s|%%6s|%%10s|%%10s|%%10s|%%10s|%%11s|%%11s|%%8s|%%7s|%%10s|%%%ds|\n", namelen+2);

      fprintf(fraw, fmt,

      fprintf(fraw, fmt,
      sprintf(fmt, "|%%5s|%%8s|%%8s|%%6s|%%6s|%%10s|%%10s|%%10s|%%10s|%%11s|%%11s|%%8s|%%7s|%%%ds|\n", namelen+2);

      fprintf(fraw, fmt,

      fprintf(fraw, fmt,

   if((fproj = (FILE *)fopen(projimg_file, "w+")) == (FILE *)NULL)
      fprintf(fstatus, "[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Invalid output metadata file: %s\"]\n",

   fprintf(fproj, "\\datatype=fitshdr\n");

   sprintf(fmt, "|%%5s|%%8s|%%8s|%%6s|%%6s|%%10s|%%10s|%%10s|%%10s|%%11s|%%11s|%%8s|%%7s|%%%ds|\n", namelen+2);

   fprintf(fproj, fmt,

   fprintf(fproj, fmt,

   if((fcorr = (FILE *)fopen(corrimg_file, "w+")) == (FILE *)NULL)
      fprintf(fstatus, "[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Invalid output metadata file: %s\"]\n",

   fprintf(fcorr, "\\datatype=fitshdr\n");

   fprintf(fcorr, fmt,

   fprintf(fcorr, fmt,

   /* Read the metadata and process each image WCS */

   namelen = 0;
   nimages = 0;
   ntotal  = 0;

   if(iscale >= 0)
      sprintf(rfmt, " %%5d %%8s %%8s %%6d %%6d %%10.6f %%10.6f %%10.2f %%10.2f %%11.8f %%11.8f %%8.5f %%7.0f %%10s %%%ds\n", namelen+2);
      sprintf(rfmt, " %%5d %%8s %%8s %%6d %%6d %%10.6f %%10.6f %%10.2f %%10.2f %%11.8f %%11.8f %%8.5f %%7.0f %%%ds\n", namelen+2);

   sprintf(pfmt, " %%5d %%8s %%8s %%6d %%6d %%10.6f %%10.6f %%10.2f %%10.2f %%11.8f %%11.8f %%8.5f %%7.0f p%%%ds\n", namelen+2);

   sprintf(cfmt, " %%5d %%8s %%8s %%6d %%6d %%10.6f %%10.6f %%10.2f %%10.2f %%11.8f %%11.8f %%8.5f %%7.0f c%%%ds\n", namelen+2);

      stat = tread();

      if(stat < 0)

      strcpy(input.ctype1, tval(ictype1));
      strcpy(input.ctype2, tval(ictype2));

      input.cntr      = atoi(tval(icntr));
      input.naxis1    = atoi(tval(ins));
      input.naxis2    = atoi(tval(inl));
      input.crpix1    = atof(tval(icrpix1));
      input.crpix2    = atof(tval(icrpix2));
      input.crval1    = atof(tval(icrval1));
      input.crval2    = atof(tval(icrval2));

      if(mode == CDELT)
	 input.cdelt1    = atof(tval(icdelt1));
	 input.cdelt2    = atof(tval(icdelt2));
	 input.crota2    = atof(tval(icrota2));
	 input.cd11      = atof(tval(icd11));
	 input.cd12      = atof(tval(icd12));
	 input.cd21      = atof(tval(icd21));
	 input.cd22      = atof(tval(icd22));

      input.epoch     = 2000;

      strcpy(header, "");
      sprintf(temp, "SIMPLE  = T"                    ); stradd(header, temp);
      sprintf(temp, "BITPIX  = -64"                  ); stradd(header, temp);
      sprintf(temp, "NAXIS   = 2"                    ); stradd(header, temp);
      sprintf(temp, "NAXIS1  = %d",     input.naxis1 ); stradd(header, temp);
      sprintf(temp, "NAXIS2  = %d",     input.naxis2 ); stradd(header, temp);
      sprintf(temp, "CTYPE1  = '%s'",   input.ctype1 ); stradd(header, temp);
      sprintf(temp, "CTYPE2  = '%s'",   input.ctype2 ); stradd(header, temp);
      sprintf(temp, "CRVAL1  = %11.6f", input.crval1 ); stradd(header, temp);
      sprintf(temp, "CRVAL2  = %11.6f", input.crval2 ); stradd(header, temp);
      sprintf(temp, "CRPIX1  = %11.6f", input.crpix1 ); stradd(header, temp);
      sprintf(temp, "CRPIX2  = %11.6f", input.crpix2 ); stradd(header, temp);

      if(mode == CDELT)
      sprintf(temp, "CDELT1  = %11.6f", input.cdelt1 ); stradd(header, temp);
      sprintf(temp, "CDELT2  = %11.6f", input.cdelt2 ); stradd(header, temp);
      sprintf(temp, "CROTA2  = %11.6f", input.crota2 ); stradd(header, temp);
      sprintf(temp, "CD1_1   = %11.6f", input.cd11   ); stradd(header, temp);
      sprintf(temp, "CD1_2   = %11.6f", input.cd12   ); stradd(header, temp);
      sprintf(temp, "CD2_1   = %11.6f", input.cd21   ); stradd(header, temp);
      sprintf(temp, "CD2_2   = %11.6f", input.cd22   ); stradd(header, temp);

      sprintf(temp, "EQUINOX = %d",     input.equinox); stradd(header, temp);
      sprintf(temp, "END"                            ); stradd(header, temp);
      if(iequinox >= 0)
	 input.equinox = atoi(tval(iequinox));

      strcpy(input.fname, fileName(tval(ifname)));

      if(iscale >= 0)
	 strcpy(scale, tval(iscale));

      if(strlen(input.fname) > namelen)
	 namelen = strlen(input.fname);

	 printf("Image header to wcsinit():\n%s\n", header);

      input.wcs = wcsinit(header);

      checkWCS(input.wcs, 0);
      if(input.wcs == (struct WorldCoor *)NULL)
	 fprintf(fstatus, "[struct stat=\"ERROR\", msg=\"Bad WCS for image %d\"]\n", 

      /* Check the boundaries of the input image against */
      /* the output region of interest                   */

      oxpixMin =  100000000;
      oxpixMax = -100000000;
      oypixMin =  100000000;
      oypixMax = -100000000;

      /* Check input left and right */

      for (j=0; j<input.naxis2+1; ++j)
	 pix2wcs(input.wcs, 0.5, j+0.5, &xpos, &ypos);

	 convertCoordinates(input.sys, input.epoch, xpos, ypos,
			    output.sys, output.epoch, &lon, &lat, 0.0);
	 wcs2pix(output.wcs, lon, lat, &oxpix, &oypix, &offscl);

	    if(oxpix < oxpixMin) oxpixMin = oxpix;
	    if(oxpix > oxpixMax) oxpixMax = oxpix;
	    if(oypix < oypixMin) oypixMin = oypix;
	    if(oypix > oypixMax) oypixMax = oypix;

	 pix2wcs(input.wcs, input.naxis1+0.5, j+0.5, &xpos, &ypos);

	 convertCoordinates(input.sys, input.epoch, xpos, ypos,
			    output.sys, output.epoch, &lon, &lat, 0.0);
	 wcs2pix(output.wcs, lon, lat, &oxpix, &oypix, &offscl);

	    if(oxpix < oxpixMin) oxpixMin = oxpix;
	    if(oxpix > oxpixMax) oxpixMax = oxpix;
	    if(oypix < oypixMin) oypixMin = oypix;
	    if(oypix > oypixMax) oypixMax = oypix;

      /* Check input top and bottom */

      for (i=0; i<input.naxis1+1; ++i)
	 pix2wcs(input.wcs, i+0.5, 0.5, &xpos, &ypos);

	 convertCoordinates(input.sys, input.epoch, xpos, ypos,
			    output.sys, output.epoch, &lon, &lat, 0.0);
	 wcs2pix(output.wcs, lon, lat, &oxpix, &oypix, &offscl);

	    if(oxpix < oxpixMin) oxpixMin = oxpix;
	    if(oxpix > oxpixMax) oxpixMax = oxpix;
	    if(oypix < oypixMin) oypixMin = oypix;
	    if(oypix > oypixMax) oypixMax = oypix;

	 pix2wcs(input.wcs, i+0.5, input.naxis2+0.5, &xpos, &ypos);

	 convertCoordinates(input.sys, input.epoch, xpos, ypos,
			    output.sys, output.epoch, &lon, &lat, 0.0);
	 wcs2pix(output.wcs, lon, lat, &oxpix, &oypix, &offscl);

	    if(oxpix < oxpixMin) oxpixMin = oxpix;
	    if(oxpix > oxpixMax) oxpixMax = oxpix;
	    if(oypix < oypixMin) oypixMin = oypix;
	    if(oypix > oypixMax) oypixMax = oypix;

      /* Check the boundaries of the region of interest  */
      /* against the input image                         */

      /* Check ouput left and right */

      for (j=0; j<output.wcs->nypix+1; ++j)
	 pix2wcs(output.wcs, 0.5, j+0.5, &xpos, &ypos);

	 convertCoordinates(output.sys, output.epoch, xpos, ypos,
			     input.sys,  input.epoch, &lon, &lat, 0.0);
	 wcs2pix(input.wcs, lon, lat, &oxpix, &oypix, &offscl);

	    if(0.5   < oxpixMin) oxpixMin = 0.5;
	    if(0.5   > oxpixMax) oxpixMax = 0.5;

	    if(j+0.5 < oypixMin) oypixMin = j+0.5;
	    if(j+0.5 > oypixMax) oypixMax = j+0.5;

	 pix2wcs(output.wcs, output.wcs->nxpix+0.5, j+0.5, &xpos, &ypos);

	 convertCoordinates(output.sys, output.epoch, xpos, ypos,
			     input.sys,  input.epoch, &lon, &lat, 0.0);
	 wcs2pix(input.wcs, lon, lat, &oxpix, &oypix, &offscl);

	    if(output.wcs->nxpix+0.5 < oxpixMin) oxpixMin = output.wcs->nxpix+0.5;
	    if(output.wcs->nxpix+0.5 > oxpixMax) oxpixMax = output.wcs->nxpix+0.5;

	    if(j+0.5 < oypixMin) oypixMin = j+0.5;
	    if(j+0.5 > oypixMax) oypixMax = j+0.5;

      /* Check input top and bottom */

      for (i=0; i<output.wcs->nxpix+1; ++i)
	 pix2wcs(output.wcs, i+0.5, 0.5, &xpos, &ypos);

	 convertCoordinates(output.sys, output.epoch, xpos, ypos,
			     input.sys,  input.epoch, &lon, &lat, 0.0);
	 wcs2pix(input.wcs, lon, lat, &oxpix, &oypix, &offscl);

	    if(i+0.5 < oxpixMin) oxpixMin = i+0.5;
	    if(i+0.5 > oxpixMax) oxpixMax = i+0.5;

	    if(0.5   < oypixMin) oypixMin = 0.5  ;
	    if(0.5   > oypixMax) oypixMax = 0.5  ;

	 pix2wcs(output.wcs, i+0.5, output.wcs->nypix+0.5, &xpos, &ypos);

	 convertCoordinates(output.sys, output.epoch, xpos, ypos,
			     input.sys,  input.epoch, &lon, &lat, 0.0);
	 wcs2pix(input.wcs, lon, lat, &oxpix, &oypix, &offscl);

	    if(i+0.5 < oxpixMin) oxpixMin = i+0.5;
	    if(i+0.5 > oxpixMax) oxpixMax = i+0.5;

	    if(output.wcs->nypix+0.5 < oypixMin) oypixMin = output.wcs->nypix+0.5;
	    if(output.wcs->nypix+0.5 > oypixMax) oypixMax = output.wcs->nypix+0.5;

      if(oxpixMax < oxpixMin) continue;
      if(oypixMax < oypixMin) continue;

      /* Remove any possible compression extension */

      strcpy(ofile, input.fname);

      if(strlen(ofile) > 3 && strcmp(ofile+strlen(ofile)-3, ".gz") == 0)
	 ofile[strlen(ofile)-3] = '\0';

      else if(strlen(ofile) > 2 && strcmp(ofile+strlen(ofile)-2, ".Z") == 0)
	 ofile[strlen(ofile)-2] = '\0';

      else if(strlen(ofile) > 2 && strcmp(ofile+strlen(ofile)-2, ".z") == 0)
	 ofile[strlen(ofile)-2] = '\0';

      else if(strlen(ofile) > 4 && strcmp(ofile+strlen(ofile)-4, ".zip") == 0)
	 ofile[strlen(ofile)-4] = '\0';

      else if(strlen(ofile) > 2 && strcmp(ofile+strlen(ofile)-2, "-z") == 0)
	 ofile[strlen(ofile)-2] = '\0';

      else if(strlen(ofile) > 3 && strcmp(ofile+strlen(ofile)-3, "-gz") == 0)
	 ofile[strlen(ofile)-3] = '\0';

      /* Make sure the extension is ".fits" */

      if(strlen(ofile) > 5 && strcmp(ofile+strlen(ofile)-5, ".fits") == 0)
	 ofile[strlen(ofile)-5] = '\0';

      else if(strlen(ofile) > 5 && strcmp(ofile+strlen(ofile)-5, ".FITS") == 0)
	 ofile[strlen(ofile)-5] = '\0';

      else if(strlen(ofile) > 4 && strcmp(ofile+strlen(ofile)-4, ".fit") == 0)
	 ofile[strlen(ofile)-4] = '\0';

      else if(strlen(ofile) > 4 && strcmp(ofile+strlen(ofile)-4, ".FIT") == 0)
	 ofile[strlen(ofile)-4] = '\0';

      else if(strlen(ofile) > 4 && strcmp(ofile+strlen(ofile)-4, ".fts") == 0)
	 ofile[strlen(ofile)-4] = '\0';

      else if(strlen(ofile) > 4 && strcmp(ofile+strlen(ofile)-4, ".FTS") == 0)
	 ofile[strlen(ofile)-4] = '\0';

      strcat(ofile, ".fits");

      if(iscale >= 0)
	 fprintf(fraw, rfmt,
	   oxpixMax - oxpixMin + 1,
	   oypixMax - oypixMin + 1,
	   output.wcs->crpix[0] - oxpixMin,
	   output.wcs->crpix[1] - oypixMin,
	 fprintf(fraw, rfmt,
	   oxpixMax - oxpixMin + 1,
	   oypixMax - oypixMin + 1,
	   output.wcs->crpix[0] - oxpixMin,
	   output.wcs->crpix[1] - oypixMin,

      fprintf(fproj, pfmt,
	oxpixMax - oxpixMin + 1,
	oypixMax - oypixMin + 1,
	output.wcs->crpix[0] - oxpixMin,
	output.wcs->crpix[1] - oypixMin,

      fprintf(fcorr, cfmt,
	oxpixMax - oxpixMin + 1,
	oypixMax - oypixMin + 1,
	output.wcs->crpix[0] - oxpixMin,
	output.wcs->crpix[1] - oypixMin,



   fprintf(fstatus, "[struct stat=\"OK\", count=\"%d\", total=\"%d\"]\n", 
      nimages, ntotal);
