예제 #1
int main_find_pattern(int    argc,
	char **argv)
	char        *filein, *fileout, *patternfile;
	l_int32      w, h, i, n;
	BOX         *box, *boxe;
	BOXA        *boxa1, *boxa2;
	PIX         *pixs, *pixp, *pixpe;
	PIX         *pixd, *pixt1, *pixt2, *pixhmt;
	SEL         *sel_2h, *sel;
	static char  mainName[] = "findpattern1";

	filein = "feyn.tif";
	patternfile = "char.tif";
	fileout = "result.findpattern1";

	if ((pixs = pixRead(filein)) == NULL)
		printf("pixs not made\n");
	if ((pixp = pixRead(patternfile)) == NULL)
		printf("pixp not made\n");
	w = pixGetWidth(pixp);
	h = pixGetHeight(pixp);

	/* generate the hit-miss Sel with runs */
	sel = pixGenerateSelWithRuns(pixp, NumHorLines, NumVertLines, 0,
		MinRunlength, 7, 7, 0, 0, &pixpe);

	/* display the Sel two ways */
	selWriteStream(stderr, sel);
	pixt1 = pixDisplayHitMissSel(pixpe, sel, 9, HitColor, MissColor);
	pixDisplay(pixt1, 200, 200);
	pixWrite("junkpixt", pixt1, IFF_PNG);

	/* use the Sel to find all instances in the page */
	pixhmt = pixHMT(NULL, pixs, sel);
	fprintf(stderr, "Time to find patterns = %7.3f\n", stopTimer());

	/* small erosion to remove noise; typically not necessary if
	* there are enough elements in the Sel */
	sel_2h = selCreateBrick(1, 2, 0, 0, SEL_HIT);
	pixt2 = pixErode(NULL, pixhmt, sel_2h);

	/* display the result visually by placing the Sel at each
	* location found */
	pixd = pixDilate(NULL, pixt2, sel);
	pixWrite(fileout, pixd, IFF_TIFF_G4);

	/* display outut with an outline around each located pattern */
	boxa1 = pixConnCompBB(pixt2, 8);
	n = boxaGetCount(boxa1);
	boxa2 = boxaCreate(n);
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		box = boxaGetBox(boxa1, i, L_COPY);
		boxe = boxCreate(box->x - w / 2, box->y - h / 2, w + 4, h + 4);
		boxaAddBox(boxa2, boxe, L_INSERT);
		pixRenderBox(pixs, boxe, 4, L_FLIP_PIXELS);
	pixWrite("junkoutline", pixs, IFF_TIFF_G4);
	//boxaWriteStream(stderr, boxa2); //TODO ???


	return 0;
예제 #2
main(int    argc,
     char **argv)
char         dilateseq[BUF_SIZE], erodeseq[BUF_SIZE];
char         openseq[BUF_SIZE], closeseq[BUF_SIZE];
char         wtophatseq[BUF_SIZE], btophatseq[BUF_SIZE];
char        *filein;
l_int32      w, h, d;
PIX         *pixs, *pixt, *pixt2, *pixt3, *pixt3a, *pixt4;
PIX         *pixg, *pixd, *pixd1, *pixd2, *pixd3;
PIXACC      *pacc;
PIXCMAP     *cmap;
static char  mainName[] = "graymorph1_reg";

    if (argc != 2)
	exit(ERROR_INT(" Syntax:  graymorph1_reg filein", mainName, 1));

    filein = argv[1];
    if ((pixs = pixRead(filein)) == NULL)
	exit(ERROR_INT("pixs not made", mainName, 1));
    pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
    if (d != 8)
	exit(ERROR_INT("pixs not 8 bpp", mainName, 1));

    /* -------- Test gray morph, including interpreter ------------ */
    pixd = pixDilateGray(pixs, WSIZE, HSIZE);
    sprintf(dilateseq, "D%d.%d", WSIZE, HSIZE);
    pixg = pixGrayMorphSequence(pixs, dilateseq, HORIZ_SEP, 0);
    pixCompare(pixd, pixg, "results are the same", "results are different" );

    pixd = pixErodeGray(pixs, WSIZE, HSIZE);
    sprintf(erodeseq, "E%d.%d", WSIZE, HSIZE);
    pixg = pixGrayMorphSequence(pixs, erodeseq, HORIZ_SEP, 100);
    pixCompare(pixd, pixg, "results are the same", "results are different" );

    pixd = pixOpenGray(pixs, WSIZE, HSIZE);
    sprintf(openseq, "O%d.%d", WSIZE, HSIZE);
    pixg = pixGrayMorphSequence(pixs, openseq, HORIZ_SEP, 200);
    pixCompare(pixd, pixg, "results are the same", "results are different" );

    pixd = pixCloseGray(pixs, WSIZE, HSIZE);
    sprintf(closeseq, "C%d.%d", WSIZE, HSIZE);
    pixg = pixGrayMorphSequence(pixs, closeseq, HORIZ_SEP, 300);
    pixCompare(pixd, pixg, "results are the same", "results are different" );

    pixd = pixTophat(pixs, WSIZE, HSIZE, L_TOPHAT_WHITE);
    sprintf(wtophatseq, "Tw%d.%d", WSIZE, HSIZE);
    pixg = pixGrayMorphSequence(pixs, wtophatseq, HORIZ_SEP, 400);
    pixCompare(pixd, pixg, "results are the same", "results are different" );

    pixd = pixTophat(pixs, WSIZE, HSIZE, L_TOPHAT_BLACK);
    sprintf(btophatseq, "Tb%d.%d", WSIZE, HSIZE);
    pixg = pixGrayMorphSequence(pixs, btophatseq, HORIZ_SEP, 500);
    pixCompare(pixd, pixg, "results are the same", "results are different" );

    /* ------------- Test erode/dilate duality -------------- */
    pixd = pixDilateGray(pixs, WSIZE, HSIZE);
    pixInvert(pixs, pixs);
    pixd2 = pixErodeGray(pixs, WSIZE, HSIZE);
    pixInvert(pixd2, pixd2);
    pixCompare(pixd, pixd2, "results are the same", "results are different" );

    /* ------------- Test open/close duality -------------- */
    pixd = pixOpenGray(pixs, WSIZE, HSIZE);
    pixInvert(pixs, pixs);
    pixd2 = pixCloseGray(pixs, WSIZE, HSIZE);
    pixInvert(pixd2, pixd2);
    pixCompare(pixd, pixd2, "results are the same", "results are different" );

    /* ------------- Test tophat duality -------------- */
    pixd = pixTophat(pixs, WSIZE, HSIZE, L_TOPHAT_WHITE);
    pixInvert(pixs, pixs);
    pixd2 = pixTophat(pixs, WSIZE, HSIZE, L_TOPHAT_BLACK);
    pixCompare(pixd, pixd2, "Correct: images are duals",
	       "Error: images are not duals" );
    pixInvert(pixs, pixs);

    pixd = pixGrayMorphSequence(pixs, "Tw9.5", HORIZ_SEP, 100);
    pixInvert(pixs, pixs);
    pixd2 = pixGrayMorphSequence(pixs, "Tb9.5", HORIZ_SEP, 300);
    pixCompare(pixd, pixd2, "Correct: images are duals",
	       "Error: images are not duals" );

    /* ------------- Test opening/closing for large sels -------------- */
    pixd = pixGrayMorphSequence(pixs,
	    "C9.9 + C19.19 + C29.29 + C39.39 + C49.49", HORIZ_SEP, 100);
    pixd = pixGrayMorphSequence(pixs,
	    "O9.9 + O19.19 + O29.29 + O39.39 + O49.49", HORIZ_SEP, 400);

    /* ---------- Closing plus white tophat result ------------ *
     *            Parameters: wsize, hsize = 9, 29             *
     * ---------------------------------------------------------*/
    pixd = pixCloseGray(pixs, 9, 9);
    pixd1 = pixTophat(pixd, 9, 9, L_TOPHAT_WHITE);
    pixd2 = pixGrayMorphSequence(pixs, "C9.9 + TW9.9", HORIZ_SEP, 0);
    pixCompare(pixd1, pixd2, "correct: same", "wrong: different");
    pixd3 = pixMaxDynamicRange(pixd1, L_LINEAR_SCALE);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd3, 1);
    pixd = pixCloseGray(pixs, 29, 29);
    pixd1 = pixTophat(pixd, 29, 29, L_TOPHAT_WHITE);
    pixd2 = pixGrayMorphSequence(pixs, "C29.29 + Tw29.29", HORIZ_SEP, 0);
    pixCompare(pixd1, pixd2, "correct: same", "wrong: different");
    pixd3 = pixMaxDynamicRange(pixd1, L_LINEAR_SCALE);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd3, 1);

    /* --------- hdome with parameter height = 100 ------------*/
    pixd = pixHDome(pixs, 100, 4);
    pixd2 = pixMaxDynamicRange(pixd, L_LINEAR_SCALE);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd2, 1);

    /* ----- Contrast enhancement with morph parameters 9, 9 -------*/
    pixd1 = pixInitAccumulate(w, h, 0x8000);
    pixAccumulate(pixd1, pixs, L_ARITH_ADD);
    pixMultConstAccumulate(pixd1, 3., 0x8000); 
    pixd2 = pixOpenGray(pixs, 9, 9);
    pixAccumulate(pixd1, pixd2, L_ARITH_SUBTRACT);
    pixd2 = pixCloseGray(pixs, 9, 9);
    pixAccumulate(pixd1, pixd2, L_ARITH_SUBTRACT);
    pixd = pixFinalAccumulate(pixd1, 0x8000, 8);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd, 1);

        /* Do the same thing with the Pixacc */
    pacc = pixaccCreate(w, h, 1);
    pixaccAdd(pacc, pixs);
    pixaccMultConst(pacc, 3.);
    pixd1 = pixOpenGray(pixs, 9, 9);
    pixaccSubtract(pacc, pixd1);
    pixd1 = pixCloseGray(pixs, 9, 9);
    pixaccSubtract(pacc, pixd1);
    pixd2 = pixaccFinal(pacc, 8);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd2, 1);

    pixCompare(pixd, pixd2, "Correct: same", "Wrong: different");

    /* ----  Tophat result on feynman stamp, to extract diagrams ----- */
    pixs = pixRead("feynman-stamp.jpg");

        /* Make output image to hold five intermediate images */
    w = pixGetWidth(pixs);
    h = pixGetHeight(pixs);
    pixd = pixCreate(5 * w + 18, h + 6, 32);  /* composite output image */
    pixSetAllArbitrary(pixd, 0x0000ff00);  /* set to blue */

        /* Paste in the input image */
    pixt = pixRemoveColormap(pixs, REMOVE_CMAP_TO_FULL_COLOR);
    pixRasterop(pixd, 3, 3, w, h, PIX_SRC, pixt, 0, 0);  /* 1st one */
/*    pixWrite("/tmp/junkgray.jpg", pixt, IFF_JFIF_JPEG); */

        /* Paste in the grayscale version */
    cmap = pixGetColormap(pixs);
    if (cmap)
	pixt = pixRemoveColormap(pixs, REMOVE_CMAP_TO_GRAYSCALE);
        pixt = pixConvertRGBToGray(pixs, 0.33, 0.34, 0.33);
    pixt2 = pixConvertTo32(pixt);  /* 8 --> 32 bpp */
    pixRasterop(pixd, w + 6, 3, w, h, PIX_SRC, pixt2, 0, 0);  /* 2nd one */

         /* Paste in a log dynamic range scaled version of the white tophat */
    pixt2 = pixTophat(pixt, 3, 3, L_TOPHAT_WHITE);
    pixt3a = pixMaxDynamicRange(pixt2, L_LOG_SCALE);
    pixt3 = pixConvertTo32(pixt3a);
    pixRasterop(pixd, 2 * w + 9, 3, w, h, PIX_SRC, pixt3, 0, 0);  /* 3rd */
/*    pixWrite("/tmp/junktophat.jpg", pixt2, IFF_JFIF_JPEG); */

        /* Stretch the range and threshold to binary; paste it in */
    pixt3a = pixGammaTRC(NULL, pixt2, 1.0, 0, 80);
    pixt3 = pixThresholdToBinary(pixt3a, 70);
    pixt4 = pixConvertTo32(pixt3);
    pixRasterop(pixd, 3 * w + 12, 3, w, h, PIX_SRC, pixt4, 0, 0);  /* 4th */
/*    pixWrite("/tmp/junkbin.png", pixt3, IFF_PNG); */

        /* Invert; this is the final result */
    pixInvert(pixt3, pixt3);
    pixt4 = pixConvertTo32(pixt3);
    pixRasterop(pixd, 4 * w + 15, 3, w, h, PIX_SRC, pixt4, 0, 0);  /* 5th */
    pixWrite("/tmp/junkbininvert.png", pixt3, IFF_PNG);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd, 1);
/*    pixWrite("/tmp/junkall.jpg", pixd, IFF_JFIF_JPEG); */

    return 0;
 * \brief   pixConnCompPixa()
 * \param[in]    pixs 1 bpp
 * \param[out]   ppixa pixa of each c.c.
 * \param[in]    connectivity 4 or 8
 * \return  boxa, or NULL on error
 * <pre>
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This finds bounding boxes of 4- or 8-connected components
 *          in a binary image, and saves images of each c.c
 *          in a pixa array.
 *      (2) It sets up 2 temporary pix, and for each c.c. that is
 *          located in raster order, it erases the c.c. from one pix,
 *          then uses the b.b. to extract the c.c. from the two pix using
 *          an XOR, and finally erases the c.c. from the second pix.
 *      (3) A clone of the returned boxa (where all boxes in the array
 *          are clones) is inserted into the pixa.
 *      (4) If the input is valid, this always returns a boxa and a pixa.
 *          If pixs is empty, the boxa and pixa will be empty.
 * </pre>
pixConnCompPixa(PIX     *pixs,
                PIXA   **ppixa,
                l_int32  connectivity)
l_int32   h, iszero;
l_int32   x, y, xstart, ystart;
PIX      *pixt1, *pixt2, *pixt3, *pixt4;
PIXA     *pixa;
BOX      *box;
BOXA     *boxa;
L_STACK  *stack, *auxstack;


    if (!ppixa)
        return (BOXA *)ERROR_PTR("&pixa not defined", procName, NULL);
    *ppixa = NULL;
    if (!pixs || pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1)
        return (BOXA *)ERROR_PTR("pixs undefined or not 1 bpp", procName, NULL);
    if (connectivity != 4 && connectivity != 8)
        return (BOXA *)ERROR_PTR("connectivity not 4 or 8", procName, NULL);

    pixa = pixaCreate(0);
    *ppixa = pixa;
    pixZero(pixs, &iszero);
    if (iszero)
        return boxaCreate(1);  /* return empty boxa */

    if ((pixt1 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs)) == NULL)
        return (BOXA *)ERROR_PTR("pixt1 not made", procName, NULL);
    if ((pixt2 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs)) == NULL)
        return (BOXA *)ERROR_PTR("pixt2 not made", procName, NULL);

    h = pixGetHeight(pixs);
    if ((stack = lstackCreate(h)) == NULL)
        return (BOXA *)ERROR_PTR("stack not made", procName, NULL);
    if ((auxstack = lstackCreate(0)) == NULL)
        return (BOXA *)ERROR_PTR("auxstack not made", procName, NULL);
    stack->auxstack = auxstack;
    if ((boxa = boxaCreate(0)) == NULL)
        return (BOXA *)ERROR_PTR("boxa not made", procName, NULL);

    xstart = 0;
    ystart = 0;
    while (1)
        if (!nextOnPixelInRaster(pixt1, xstart, ystart, &x, &y))

        if ((box = pixSeedfillBB(pixt1, stack, x, y, connectivity)) == NULL)
            return (BOXA *)ERROR_PTR("box not made", procName, NULL);
        boxaAddBox(boxa, box, L_INSERT);

            /* Save the c.c. and remove from pixt2 as well */
        pixt3 = pixClipRectangle(pixt1, box, NULL);
        pixt4 = pixClipRectangle(pixt2, box, NULL);
        pixXor(pixt3, pixt3, pixt4);
        pixRasterop(pixt2, box->x, box->y, box->w, box->h, PIX_SRC ^ PIX_DST,
                    pixt3, 0, 0);
        pixaAddPix(pixa, pixt3, L_INSERT);

        xstart = x;
        ystart = y;

#if  DEBUG
    pixCountPixels(pixt1, &iszero, NULL);
    fprintf(stderr, "Number of remaining pixels = %d\n", iszero);
    pixWrite("junkremain", pixt1, IFF_PNG);
#endif  /* DEBUG */

        /* Remove old boxa of pixa and replace with a clone copy */
    pixa->boxa = boxaCopy(boxa, L_CLONE);

        /* Cleanup, freeing the fillsegs on each stack */
    lstackDestroy(&stack, TRUE);

    return boxa;
예제 #4
파일: selgen.c 프로젝트: 0xkasun/Dummy_Tes
 *  pixGenerateSelBoundary()
 *      Input:  pix (1 bpp, typically small, to be used as a pattern)
 *              hitdist (min distance from fg boundary pixel)
 *              missdist (min distance from bg boundary pixel)
 *              hitskip (number of boundary pixels skipped between hits)
 *              missskip (number of boundary pixels skipped between misses)
 *              topflag (flag for extra pixels of bg added above)
 *              botflag (flag for extra pixels of bg added below)
 *              leftflag (flag for extra pixels of bg added to left)
 *              rightflag (flag for extra pixels of bg added to right)
 *              &pixe (<optional return> input pix expanded by extra pixels)
 *      Return: sel (hit-miss for input pattern), or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *    (1) All fg elements selected are exactly hitdist pixels away from
 *        the nearest fg boundary pixel, and ditto for bg elements.
 *        Valid inputs of hitdist and missdist are 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4.
 *        For example, a hitdist of 0 puts the hits at the fg boundary.
 *        Usually, the distances should be > 0 avoid the effect of
 *        noise at the boundary.
 *    (2) Set hitskip < 0 if no hits are to be used.  Ditto for missskip.
 *        If both hitskip and missskip are < 0, the sel would be empty,
 *        and NULL is returned.
 *    (3) The 4 flags determine whether the sel is increased on that side
 *        to allow bg misses to be placed all along that boundary.
 *        The increase in sel size on that side is the minimum necessary
 *        to allow the misses to be placed at mindist.  For text characters,
 *        the topflag and botflag are typically set to 1, and the leftflag
 *        and rightflag to 0.
 *    (4) The input pix, as extended by the extra pixels on selected sides,
 *        can optionally be returned.  For debugging, call
 *        pixDisplayHitMissSel() to visualize the hit-miss sel superimposed
 *        on the generating bitmap.
 *    (5) This is probably the best of the three sel generators, in the
 *        sense that you have the most flexibility with the smallest number
 *        of hits and misses.
pixGenerateSelBoundary(PIX     *pixs,
                       l_int32  hitdist,
                       l_int32  missdist,
                       l_int32  hitskip,
                       l_int32  missskip,
                       l_int32  topflag,
                       l_int32  botflag,
                       l_int32  leftflag,
                       l_int32  rightflag,
                       PIX      **ppixe)
l_int32  ws, hs, w, h, x, y, ix, iy, i, npt;
PIX     *pixt1, *pixt2, *pixt3, *pixfg, *pixbg;
SEL     *selh, *selm, *sel_3, *sel;
PTA     *ptah, *ptam;


    if (ppixe) *ppixe = NULL;
    if (!pixs)
        return (SEL *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
    if (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1)
        return (SEL *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 1 bpp", procName, NULL);
    if (hitdist < 0 || hitdist > 4 || missdist < 0 || missdist > 4)
        return (SEL *)ERROR_PTR("dist not in {0 .. 4}", procName, NULL);
    if (hitskip < 0 && missskip < 0)
        return (SEL *)ERROR_PTR("no hits or misses", procName, NULL);

        /* Locate the foreground */
    pixClipToForeground(pixs, &pixt1, NULL);
    if (!pixt1)
        return (SEL *)ERROR_PTR("pixt1 not made", procName, NULL);
    ws = pixGetWidth(pixt1);
    hs = pixGetHeight(pixt1);
    w = ws;
    h = hs;

        /* Crop out a region including the foreground, and add pixels
         * on sides depending on the side flags */
    if (topflag || botflag || leftflag || rightflag) {
        x = y = 0;
        if (topflag) {
            h += missdist + 1;
            y = missdist + 1;
        if (botflag)
            h += missdist + 1;
        if (leftflag) {
            w += missdist + 1;
            x = missdist + 1;
        if (rightflag)
            w += missdist + 1;
        pixt2 = pixCreate(w, h, 1);
        pixRasterop(pixt2, x, y, ws, hs, PIX_SRC, pixt1, 0, 0);
    else {
        pixt2 = pixClone(pixt1);
    if (ppixe)
        *ppixe = pixClone(pixt2);

        /* Identify fg and bg pixels that are exactly hitdist and
         * missdist (rsp) away from the boundary pixels in their set.
         * Then get a subsampled set of these points. */
    sel_3 = selCreateBrick(3, 3, 1, 1, SEL_HIT);
    if (hitskip >= 0) {
        selh = selCreateBrick(2 * hitdist + 1, 2 * hitdist + 1,
                              hitdist, hitdist, SEL_HIT);
        pixt3 = pixErode(NULL, pixt2, selh);
        pixfg = pixErode(NULL, pixt3, sel_3);
        pixXor(pixfg, pixfg, pixt3);
        ptah = pixSubsampleBoundaryPixels(pixfg, hitskip);
    if (missskip >= 0) {
        selm = selCreateBrick(2 * missdist + 1, 2 * missdist + 1,
                              missdist, missdist, SEL_HIT);
        pixt3 = pixDilate(NULL, pixt2, selm);
        pixbg = pixDilate(NULL, pixt3, sel_3);
        pixXor(pixbg, pixbg, pixt3);
        ptam = pixSubsampleBoundaryPixels(pixbg, missskip);

        /* Generate the hit-miss sel from these point */
    sel = selCreateBrick(h, w, h / 2, w / 2, SEL_DONT_CARE);
    if (hitskip >= 0) {
        npt = ptaGetCount(ptah);
        for (i = 0; i < npt; i++) {
            ptaGetIPt(ptah, i, &ix, &iy);
            selSetElement(sel, iy, ix, SEL_HIT);
    if (missskip >= 0) {
        npt = ptaGetCount(ptam);
        for (i = 0; i < npt; i++) {
            ptaGetIPt(ptam, i, &ix, &iy);
            selSetElement(sel, iy, ix, SEL_MISS);

    return sel;
예제 #5
// Adds sub-pixel resolution EdgeOffsets for the outline if the supplied
// pix is 8-bit. Does nothing otherwise.
// Operation: Consider the following near-horizontal line:
// _________
//          |________
//                   |________
// At *every* position along this line, the gradient direction will be close
// to vertical. Extrapoaltion/interpolation of the position of the threshold
// that was used to binarize the image gives a more precise vertical position
// for each horizontal step, and the conflict in step direction and gradient
// direction can be used to ignore the vertical steps.
void C_OUTLINE::ComputeEdgeOffsets(int threshold, Pix* pix) {
  if (pixGetDepth(pix) != 8) return;
  const l_uint32* data = pixGetData(pix);
  int wpl = pixGetWpl(pix);
  int width = pixGetWidth(pix);
  int height = pixGetHeight(pix);
  bool negative = flag(COUT_INVERSE);
  delete [] offsets;
  offsets = new EdgeOffset[stepcount];
  ICOORD pos = start;
  ICOORD prev_gradient;
  ComputeGradient(data, wpl, pos.x(), height - pos.y(), width, height,
  for (int s = 0; s < stepcount; ++s) {
    ICOORD step_vec = step(s);
    TPOINT pt1(pos);
    pos += step_vec;
    TPOINT pt2(pos);
    ICOORD next_gradient;
    ComputeGradient(data, wpl, pos.x(), height - pos.y(), width, height,
    // Use the sum of the prev and next as the working gradient.
    ICOORD gradient = prev_gradient + next_gradient;
    // best_diff will be manipulated to be always positive.
    int best_diff = 0;
    // offset will be the extrapolation of the location of the greyscale
    // threshold from the edge with the largest difference, relative to the
    // location of the binary edge.
    int offset = 0;
    if (pt1.y == pt2.y && abs(gradient.y()) * 2 >= abs(gradient.x())) {
      // Horizontal step. diff_sign == 1 indicates black above.
      int diff_sign = (pt1.x > pt2.x) == negative ? 1 : -1;
      int x = MIN(pt1.x, pt2.x);
      int y = height - pt1.y;
      int best_sum = 0;
      int best_y = y;
      EvaluateVerticalDiff(data, wpl, diff_sign, x, y, height,
                           &best_diff, &best_sum, &best_y);
      // Find the strongest edge.
      int test_y = y;
      do {
      } while (EvaluateVerticalDiff(data, wpl, diff_sign, x, test_y, height,
                                    &best_diff, &best_sum, &best_y));
      test_y = y;
      do {
      } while (EvaluateVerticalDiff(data, wpl, diff_sign, x, test_y, height,
                                    &best_diff, &best_sum, &best_y));
      offset = diff_sign * (best_sum / 2 - threshold) +
          (y - best_y) * best_diff;
    } else if (pt1.x == pt2.x && abs(gradient.x()) * 2 >= abs(gradient.y())) {
      // Vertical step. diff_sign == 1 indicates black on the left.
      int diff_sign = (pt1.y > pt2.y) == negative ? 1 : -1;
      int x = pt1.x;
      int y = height - MAX(pt1.y, pt2.y);
      const l_uint32* line = pixGetData(pix) + y * wpl;
      int best_sum = 0;
      int best_x = x;
      EvaluateHorizontalDiff(line, diff_sign, x, width,
                             &best_diff, &best_sum, &best_x);
      // Find the strongest edge.
      int test_x = x;
      do {
      } while (EvaluateHorizontalDiff(line, diff_sign, test_x, width,
                                      &best_diff, &best_sum, &best_x));
      test_x = x;
      do {
      } while (EvaluateHorizontalDiff(line, diff_sign, test_x, width,
                                      &best_diff, &best_sum, &best_x));
      offset = diff_sign * (threshold - best_sum / 2) +
          (best_x - x) * best_diff;
    offsets[s].offset_numerator =
        static_cast<inT8>(ClipToRange(offset, -MAX_INT8, MAX_INT8));
    offsets[s].pixel_diff = static_cast<uinT8>(ClipToRange(best_diff, 0 ,
    if (negative) gradient = -gradient;
    // Compute gradient angle quantized to 256 directions, rotated by 64 (pi/2)
    // to convert from gradient direction to edge direction.
    offsets[s].direction =
        Modulo(FCOORD::binary_angle_plus_pi(gradient.angle()) + 64, 256);
    prev_gradient = next_gradient;
예제 #6
int main(int    argc,
         char **argv)
l_int32   i, j, sindex, wb, hb, ws, hs, delx, dely, x, y, y0;
PIX      *pixs, *pixb, *pix1, *pix2;
PIXA     *pixa;
PIXCMAP  *cmap;

    pixa = pixaCreate(0);

    pixs = pixRead("rabi.png");  /* blendee */
    pixb = pixRead("weasel4.11c.png");   /* blender */

        /* Fade the blender */
    pixcmapShiftIntensity(pixGetColormap(pixb), FADE_FRACTION);

        /* Downscale the input */
    wb = pixGetWidth(pixb);
    hb = pixGetHeight(pixb);
    pix1 = pixScaleToGray4(pixs);

        /* Threshold to 5 levels, 4 bpp */
    ws = pixGetWidth(pix1);
    hs = pixGetHeight(pix1);
    pix2 = pixThresholdTo4bpp(pix1, 5, 1);
    pixaAddPix(pixa, pix2, L_COPY);
    pixaAddPix(pixa, pixb, L_COPY);
    cmap = pixGetColormap(pix2);
    pixcmapWriteStream(stderr, cmap);

        /* Overwrite the white pixels (at sindex in pix2) */
    pixcmapGetIndex(cmap, 255, 255, 255, &sindex);

        /* Blend the weasel 20 times */
    delx = ws / NX;
    dely = hs / NY;
    for (i = 0; i < NY; i++) {
        y = 20 + i * dely;
        if (y >= hs + hb)
        for (j = 0; j < NX; j++) {
            x = 30 + j * delx;
            y0 = y;
            if (j & 1) {
                y0 = y + dely / 2;
                if (y0 >= hs + hb)
            if (x >= ws + wb)
            pixBlendCmap(pix2, pixb, x, y0, sindex);

    pixaAddPix(pixa, pix2, L_COPY);
    cmap = pixGetColormap(pix2);
    pixcmapWriteStream(stderr, cmap);
    fprintf(stderr, "Writing to: /tmp/lept/blend/blendcmap.pdf\n");
    pixaConvertToPdf(pixa, 0, 1.0, L_FLATE_ENCODE, 0, "cmap-blendtest",

    return 0;
예제 #7
파일: selgen.c 프로젝트: 0xkasun/Dummy_Tes
 *  pixGenerateSelWithRuns()
 *      Input:  pix (1 bpp, typically small, to be used as a pattern)
 *              nhlines (number of hor lines along which elements are found)
 *              nvlines (number of vert lines along which elements are found)
 *              distance (min distance from boundary pixel; use 0 for default)
 *              minlength (min runlength to set hit or miss; use 0 for default)
 *              toppix (number of extra pixels of bg added above)
 *              botpix (number of extra pixels of bg added below)
 *              leftpix (number of extra pixels of bg added to left)
 *              rightpix (number of extra pixels of bg added to right)
 *              &pixe (<optional return> input pix expanded by extra pixels)
 *      Return: sel (hit-miss for input pattern), or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *    (1) The horizontal and vertical lines along which elements are
 *        selected are roughly equally spaced.  The actual locations of
 *        the hits and misses are the centers of respective run-lengths.
 *    (2) No elements are selected that are less than 'distance' pixels away
 *        from a boundary pixel of the same color.  This makes the
 *        match much more robust to edge noise.  Valid inputs of
 *        'distance' are 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4.  If distance is either 0 or
 *        greater than 4, we reset it to the default value.
 *    (3) The 4 numbers for adding rectangles of pixels outside the fg
 *        can be use if the pattern is expected to be surrounded by bg
 *        (white) pixels.  On the other hand, if the pattern may be near
 *        other fg (black) components on some sides, use 0 for those sides.
 *    (4) The pixels added to a side allow you to have miss elements there.
 *        There is a constraint between distance, minlength, and
 *        the added pixels for this to work.  We illustrate using the
 *        default values.  If you add 5 pixels to the top, and use a
 *        distance of 1, then you end up with a vertical run of at least
 *        4 bg pixels along the top edge of the image.  If you use a
 *        minimum runlength of 3, each vertical line will always find
 *        a miss near the center of its run.  However, if you use a
 *        minimum runlength of 5, you will not get a miss on every vertical
 *        line.  As another example, if you have 7 added pixels and a
 *        distance of 2, you can use a runlength up to 5 to guarantee
 *        that the miss element is recorded.  We give a warning if the
 *        contraint does not guarantee a miss element outside the
 *        image proper.
 *    (5) The input pix, as extended by the extra pixels on selected sides,
 *        can optionally be returned.  For debugging, call
 *        pixDisplayHitMissSel() to visualize the hit-miss sel superimposed
 *        on the generating bitmap.
pixGenerateSelWithRuns(PIX     *pixs,
                       l_int32  nhlines,
                       l_int32  nvlines,
                       l_int32  distance,
                       l_int32  minlength,
                       l_int32  toppix,
                       l_int32  botpix,
                       l_int32  leftpix,
                       l_int32  rightpix,
                       PIX    **ppixe)
l_int32    ws, hs, w, h, x, y, xval, yval, i, j, nh, nm;
l_float32  delh, delw;
NUMA      *nah, *nam;
PIX       *pixt1, *pixt2, *pixfg, *pixbg;
PTA       *ptah, *ptam;
SEL       *seld, *sel;


    if (ppixe) *ppixe = NULL;
    if (!pixs)
        return (SEL *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
    if (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1)
        return (SEL *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 1 bpp", procName, NULL);
    if (nhlines < 1 && nvlines < 1)
        return (SEL *)ERROR_PTR("nvlines and nhlines both < 1", procName, NULL);

    if (distance <= 0)
    if (minlength <= 0)
        minlength = DEFAULT_MIN_RUNLENGTH;
    if (distance > MAX_DISTANCE_TO_BOUNDARY) {
        L_WARNING("distance too large; setting to max value", procName);
        distance = MAX_DISTANCE_TO_BOUNDARY;

        /* Locate the foreground */
    pixClipToForeground(pixs, &pixt1, NULL);
    if (!pixt1)
        return (SEL *)ERROR_PTR("pixt1 not made", procName, NULL);
    ws = pixGetWidth(pixt1);
    hs = pixGetHeight(pixt1);
    w = ws;
    h = hs;

        /* Crop out a region including the foreground, and add pixels
         * on sides depending on the side flags */
    if (toppix || botpix || leftpix || rightpix) {
        x = y = 0;
        if (toppix) {
            h += toppix;
            y = toppix;
            if (toppix < distance + minlength)
                L_WARNING("no miss elements in added top pixels", procName);
        if (botpix) {
            h += botpix;
            if (botpix < distance + minlength)
                L_WARNING("no miss elements in added bot pixels", procName);
        if (leftpix) {
            w += leftpix;
            x = leftpix;
            if (leftpix < distance + minlength)
                L_WARNING("no miss elements in added left pixels", procName);
        if (rightpix) {
            w += rightpix;
            if (rightpix < distance + minlength)
                L_WARNING("no miss elements in added right pixels", procName);
        pixt2 = pixCreate(w, h, 1);
        pixRasterop(pixt2, x, y, ws, hs, PIX_SRC, pixt1, 0, 0);
        pixt2 = pixClone(pixt1);
    if (ppixe)
        *ppixe = pixClone(pixt2);

        /* Identify fg and bg pixels that are at least 'distance' pixels
         * away from the boundary pixels in their set */
    seld = selCreateBrick(2 * distance + 1, 2 * distance + 1,
                          distance, distance, SEL_HIT);
    pixfg = pixErode(NULL, pixt2, seld);
    pixbg = pixDilate(NULL, pixt2, seld);
    pixInvert(pixbg, pixbg);

        /* Accumulate hit and miss points */
    ptah = ptaCreate(0);
    ptam = ptaCreate(0);
    if (nhlines >= 1) {
        delh = (l_float32)h / (l_float32)(nhlines + 1);
        for (i = 0, y = 0; i < nhlines; i++) {
            y += (l_int32)(delh + 0.5);
            nah = pixGetRunCentersOnLine(pixfg, -1, y, minlength);
            nam = pixGetRunCentersOnLine(pixbg, -1, y, minlength);
            nh = numaGetCount(nah);
            nm = numaGetCount(nam);
            for (j = 0; j < nh; j++) {
                numaGetIValue(nah, j, &xval);
                ptaAddPt(ptah, xval, y);
            for (j = 0; j < nm; j++) {
                numaGetIValue(nam, j, &xval);
                ptaAddPt(ptam, xval, y);
    if (nvlines >= 1) {
        delw = (l_float32)w / (l_float32)(nvlines + 1);
        for (i = 0, x = 0; i < nvlines; i++) {
            x += (l_int32)(delw + 0.5);
            nah = pixGetRunCentersOnLine(pixfg, x, -1, minlength);
            nam = pixGetRunCentersOnLine(pixbg, x, -1, minlength);
            nh = numaGetCount(nah);
            nm = numaGetCount(nam);
            for (j = 0; j < nh; j++) {
                numaGetIValue(nah, j, &yval);
                ptaAddPt(ptah, x, yval);
            for (j = 0; j < nm; j++) {
                numaGetIValue(nam, j, &yval);
                ptaAddPt(ptam, x, yval);

        /* Make the Sel with those points */
    sel = selCreateBrick(h, w, h / 2, w / 2, SEL_DONT_CARE);
    nh = ptaGetCount(ptah);
    for (i = 0; i < nh; i++) {
        ptaGetIPt(ptah, i, &x, &y);
        selSetElement(sel, y, x, SEL_HIT);
    nm = ptaGetCount(ptam);
    for (i = 0; i < nm; i++) {
        ptaGetIPt(ptam, i, &x, &y);
        selSetElement(sel, y, x, SEL_MISS);

    return sel;
예제 #8
 * Segment the page according to the current value of tessedit_pageseg_mode.
 * pix_binary_ is used as the source image and should not be NULL.
 * On return the blocks list owns all the constructed page layout.
int Tesseract::SegmentPage(const STRING* input_file, BLOCK_LIST* blocks,
                           Tesseract* osd_tess, OSResults* osr) {
  ASSERT_HOST(pix_binary_ != NULL);
  int width = pixGetWidth(pix_binary_);
  int height = pixGetHeight(pix_binary_);
  // Get page segmentation mode.
  PageSegMode pageseg_mode = static_cast<PageSegMode>(
  // If a UNLV zone file can be found, use that instead of segmentation.
  if (!PSM_COL_FIND_ENABLED(pageseg_mode) &&
      input_file != NULL && input_file->length() > 0) {
    STRING name = *input_file;
    const char* lastdot = strrchr(name.string(), '.');
    if (lastdot != NULL)
      name[lastdot - name.string()] = '\0';
    read_unlv_file(name, width, height, blocks);
  if (blocks->empty()) {
    // No UNLV file present. Work according to the PageSegMode.
    // First make a single block covering the whole image.
    BLOCK_IT block_it(blocks);
    BLOCK* block = new BLOCK("", TRUE, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height);
  } else {
    // UNLV file present. Use PSM_SINGLE_BLOCK.
    pageseg_mode = PSM_SINGLE_BLOCK;
  // The diacritic_blobs holds noise blobs that may be diacritics. They
  // are separated out on areas of the image that seem noisy and short-circuit
  // the layout process, going straight from the initial partition creation
  // right through to after word segmentation, where they are added to the
  // rej_cblobs list of the most appropriate word. From there classification
  // will determine whether they are used.
  BLOBNBOX_LIST diacritic_blobs;
  int auto_page_seg_ret_val = 0;
  TO_BLOCK_LIST to_blocks;
  if (PSM_OSD_ENABLED(pageseg_mode) || PSM_BLOCK_FIND_ENABLED(pageseg_mode) ||
      PSM_SPARSE(pageseg_mode)) {
    auto_page_seg_ret_val = AutoPageSeg(
        pageseg_mode, blocks, &to_blocks,
        enable_noise_removal ? &diacritic_blobs : NULL, osd_tess, osr);
    if (pageseg_mode == PSM_OSD_ONLY)
      return auto_page_seg_ret_val;
    // To create blobs from the image region bounds uncomment this line:
    //  to_blocks.clear();  // Uncomment to go back to the old mode.
  } else {
    deskew_ = FCOORD(1.0f, 0.0f);
    reskew_ = FCOORD(1.0f, 0.0f);
    if (pageseg_mode == PSM_CIRCLE_WORD) {
      Pix* pixcleaned = RemoveEnclosingCircle(pix_binary_);
      if (pixcleaned != NULL) {
        pix_binary_ = pixcleaned;

  if (auto_page_seg_ret_val < 0) {
    return -1;

  if (blocks->empty()) {
    if (textord_debug_tabfind)
      tprintf("Empty page\n");
    return 0;  // AutoPageSeg found an empty page.
  bool splitting =
      pageseg_devanagari_split_strategy != ShiroRekhaSplitter::NO_SPLIT;
  bool cjk_mode = textord_use_cjk_fp_model;

  textord_.TextordPage(pageseg_mode, reskew_, width, height, pix_binary_,
                       pix_thresholds_, pix_grey_, splitting || cjk_mode,
                       &diacritic_blobs, blocks, &to_blocks);
  return auto_page_seg_ret_val;
예제 #9
 * SetBlobStrokeWidth
 * Set the horizontal and vertical stroke widths in the blob.
void SetBlobStrokeWidth(Pix* pix, BLOBNBOX* blob) {
  // Cut the blob rectangle into a Pix.
  int pix_height = pixGetHeight(pix);
  const TBOX& box = blob->bounding_box();
  int width = box.width();
  int height = box.height();
  Box* blob_pix_box = boxCreate(box.left(), pix_height - box.top(),
                                width, height);
  Pix* pix_blob = pixClipRectangle(pix, blob_pix_box, nullptr);
  Pix* dist_pix = pixDistanceFunction(pix_blob, 4, 8, L_BOUNDARY_BG);
  // Compute the stroke widths.
  uint32_t* data = pixGetData(dist_pix);
  int wpl = pixGetWpl(dist_pix);
  // Horizontal width of stroke.
  STATS h_stats(0, width + 1);
  for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
    uint32_t* pixels = data + y*wpl;
    int prev_pixel = 0;
    int pixel = GET_DATA_BYTE(pixels, 0);
    for (int x = 1; x < width; ++x) {
      int next_pixel = GET_DATA_BYTE(pixels, x);
      // We are looking for a pixel that is equal to its vertical neighbours,
      // yet greater than its left neighbour.
      if (prev_pixel < pixel &&
          (y == 0 || pixel == GET_DATA_BYTE(pixels - wpl, x - 1)) &&
          (y == height - 1 || pixel == GET_DATA_BYTE(pixels + wpl, x - 1))) {
        if (pixel > next_pixel) {
          // Single local max, so an odd width.
          h_stats.add(pixel * 2 - 1, 1);
        } else if (pixel == next_pixel && x + 1 < width &&
                 pixel > GET_DATA_BYTE(pixels, x + 1)) {
          // Double local max, so an even width.
          h_stats.add(pixel * 2, 1);
      prev_pixel = pixel;
      pixel = next_pixel;
  // Vertical width of stroke.
  STATS v_stats(0, height + 1);
  for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
    int prev_pixel = 0;
    int pixel = GET_DATA_BYTE(data, x);
    for (int y = 1; y < height; ++y) {
      uint32_t* pixels = data + y*wpl;
      int next_pixel = GET_DATA_BYTE(pixels, x);
      // We are looking for a pixel that is equal to its horizontal neighbours,
      // yet greater than its upper neighbour.
      if (prev_pixel < pixel &&
          (x == 0 || pixel == GET_DATA_BYTE(pixels - wpl, x - 1)) &&
          (x == width - 1 || pixel == GET_DATA_BYTE(pixels - wpl, x + 1))) {
        if (pixel > next_pixel) {
          // Single local max, so an odd width.
          v_stats.add(pixel * 2 - 1, 1);
        } else if (pixel == next_pixel && y + 1 < height &&
                 pixel > GET_DATA_BYTE(pixels + wpl, x)) {
          // Double local max, so an even width.
          v_stats.add(pixel * 2, 1);
      prev_pixel = pixel;
      pixel = next_pixel;
  // Store the horizontal and vertical width in the blob, keeping both
  // widths if there is enough information, otherwse only the one with
  // the most samples.
  // If there are insufficient samples, store zero, rather than using
  // 2*area/perimeter, as the numbers that gives do not match the numbers
  // from the distance method.
  if (h_stats.get_total() >= (width + height) / 4) {
    if (v_stats.get_total() >= (width + height) / 4)
  } else {
    if (v_stats.get_total() >= (width + height) / 4 ||
        v_stats.get_total() > h_stats.get_total()) {
    } else {
      blob->set_horz_stroke_width(h_stats.get_total() > 2 ? h_stats.ile(0.5f)
                                                          : 0.0f);
 *  pixaGenerateFont()
 *      Input:  pix (of 95 characters in 3 rows)
 *              fontsize (4, 6, 8, ... , 20, in pts at 300 ppi)
 *              &bl1 (<return> baseline of row 1)
 *              &bl2 (<return> baseline of row 2)
 *              &bl3 (<return> baseline of row 3)
 *      Return: pixa of font bitmaps for 95 characters, or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This does all the work.  See pixaGenerateFontFromFile()
 *          for an overview.
 *      (2) The pix is for one of the 9 fonts.  @fontsize is only
 *          used here for debugging.
pixaGenerateFont(PIX      *pixs,
                 l_int32   fontsize,
                 l_int32  *pbl0,
                 l_int32  *pbl1,
                 l_int32  *pbl2)
l_int32   i, j, nrows, nrowchars, nchars, h, yval;
l_int32   width, height;
l_int32   baseline[3];
l_int32  *tab = NULL;
BOX      *box, *box1, *box2;
BOXA     *boxar, *boxac, *boxacs;
PIX      *pix1, *pix2, *pixr, *pixrc, *pixc;
PIXA     *pixa;
l_int32   n, w, inrow, top;
l_int32  *ia;
NUMA     *na;


    if (!pbl0 || !pbl1 || !pbl2)
        return (PIXA *)ERROR_PTR("&bl not all defined", procName, NULL);
    *pbl0 = *pbl1 = *pbl2 = 0;
    if (!pixs)
        return (PIXA *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);

        /* Locate the 3 rows of characters */
    w = pixGetWidth(pixs);
    na = pixCountPixelsByRow(pixs, NULL);
    boxar = boxaCreate(0);
    n = numaGetCount(na);
    ia = numaGetIArray(na);
    inrow = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (!inrow && ia[i] > 0) {
            inrow = 1;
            top = i;
        } else if (inrow && ia[i] == 0) {
            inrow = 0;
            box = boxCreate(0, top, w, i - top);
            boxaAddBox(boxar, box, L_INSERT);
    nrows = boxaGetCount(boxar);
    L_INFO("For fontsize %s, have %d rows\n", procName, fontsize, nrows);
#endif  /* DEBUG_FONT_GEN */
    if (nrows != 3) {
        L_INFO("nrows = %d; skipping fontsize %d\n", procName, nrows, fontsize);
        return (PIXA *)ERROR_PTR("3 rows not generated", procName, NULL);

        /* Grab the character images and baseline data */
#endif  /* DEBUG_BASELINE */
    tab = makePixelSumTab8();
    pixa = pixaCreate(95);
    for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
        box = boxaGetBox(boxar, i, L_CLONE);
        pixr = pixClipRectangle(pixs, box, NULL);  /* row of chars */
        pixGetTextBaseline(pixr, tab, &yval);
        baseline[i] = yval;

        L_INFO("Baseline info: row %d, yval = %d, h = %d\n", procName,
               i, yval, pixGetHeight(pixr));
        pix1 = pixCopy(NULL, pixr);
        pixRenderLine(pix1, 0, yval, pixGetWidth(pix1), yval, 1,
        if (i == 0 )
            pixWrite("/tmp/baseline/row0.png", pix1, IFF_PNG);
        else if (i == 1)
            pixWrite("/tmp/baseline/row1.png", pix1, IFF_PNG);
            pixWrite("/tmp/baseline/row2.png", pix1, IFF_PNG);
#endif  /* DEBUG_BASELINE */

        pixrc = pixCloseSafeBrick(NULL, pixr, 1, 35);
        boxac = pixConnComp(pixrc, NULL, 8);
        boxacs = boxaSort(boxac, L_SORT_BY_X, L_SORT_INCREASING, NULL);
        if (i == 0) {  /* consolidate the two components of '"' */
            box1 = boxaGetBox(boxacs, 1, L_CLONE);
            box2 = boxaGetBox(boxacs, 2, L_CLONE);
            box1->w = box2->x + box2->w - box1->x;  /* increase width */
            boxaRemoveBox(boxacs, 2);
        h = pixGetHeight(pixr);
        nrowchars = boxaGetCount(boxacs);
        for (j = 0; j < nrowchars; j++) {
            box = boxaGetBox(boxacs, j, L_COPY);
            if (box->w <= 2 && box->h == 1) {  /* skip 1x1, 2x1 components */
            box->y = 0;
            box->h = h - 1;
            pixc = pixClipRectangle(pixr, box, NULL);
            if (i == 0 && j == 0)  /* add a pix for the space; change later */
                pixaAddPix(pixa, pixc, L_COPY);
            if (i == 2 && j == 0)  /* add a pix for the '\'; change later */
                pixaAddPix(pixa, pixc, L_COPY);
            pixaAddPix(pixa, pixc, L_INSERT);

    nchars = pixaGetCount(pixa);
    if (nchars != 95)
        return (PIXA *)ERROR_PTR("95 chars not generated", procName, NULL);

    *pbl0 = baseline[0];
    *pbl1 = baseline[1];
    *pbl2 = baseline[2];

        /* Fix the space character up; it should have no ON pixels,
         * and be about twice as wide as the '!' character.    */
    pix1 = pixaGetPix(pixa, 0, L_CLONE);
    width = 2 * pixGetWidth(pix1);
    height = pixGetHeight(pix1);
    pix1 = pixCreate(width, height, 1);
    pixaReplacePix(pixa, 0, pix1, NULL);

        /* Fix up the '\' character; use a LR flip of the '/' char */
    pix1 = pixaGetPix(pixa, 15, L_CLONE);
    pix2 = pixFlipLR(NULL, pix1);
    pixaReplacePix(pixa, 60, pix2, NULL);

    pix1 = pixaDisplayTiled(pixa, 1500, 0, 10);
    pixDisplay(pix1, 100 * i, 200);
#endif  /* DEBUG_CHARS */

    return pixa;
 *  bmfMakeAsciiTables
 *      Input:  bmf
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This makes three tables, each of size 128, as follows:
 *          - fonttab is a table containing the index of the Pix
 *            that corresponds to each input ascii character;
 *            it maps (ascii-index) --> Pixa index
 *          - baselinetab is a table containing the baseline offset
 *            for the Pix that corresponds to each input ascii character;
 *            it maps (ascii-index) --> baseline offset
 *          - widthtab is a table containing the character width in
 *            pixels for the Pix that corresponds to that character;
 *            it maps (ascii-index) --> bitmap width
 *     (2) This also computes
 *          - lineheight (sum of maximum character extensions above and
 *                        below the baseline)
 *          - kernwidth (spacing between characters within a word)
 *          - spacewidth (space between words)
 *          - vertlinesep (extra vertical spacing between textlines)
 *     (3) The baselines apply as follows:
 *          baseline1   (ascii 32 - 57), ascii 92
 *          baseline2   (ascii 58 - 91)
 *          baseline3   (ascii 93 - 126)
 *     (4) The only array in bmf that is not ascii-based is the
 *         array of bitmaps in the pixa, which starts at ascii 32.
static l_int32
bmfMakeAsciiTables(L_BMF  *bmf)
l_int32   i, maxh, height, charwidth, xwidth, kernwidth;
l_int32  *fonttab, *baselinetab, *widthtab;
PIX      *pix;


    if (!bmf)
        return ERROR_INT("bmf not defined", procName, 1);

        /* First get the fonttab; we use this later for the char widths */
    if ((fonttab = (l_int32 *)CALLOC(128, sizeof(l_int32))) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("fonttab not made", procName, 1);
    bmf->fonttab = fonttab;
    for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)
        fonttab[i] = UNDEF;
    for (i = 32; i < 127; i++)
        fonttab[i] = i - 32;

    if ((baselinetab = (l_int32 *)CALLOC(128, sizeof(l_int32))) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("baselinetab not made", procName, 1);
    bmf->baselinetab = baselinetab;
    for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)
        baselinetab[i] = UNDEF;
    for (i = 32; i <= 57; i++)
        baselinetab[i] = bmf->baseline1;
    for (i = 58; i <= 91; i++)
        baselinetab[i] = bmf->baseline2;
    baselinetab[92] = bmf->baseline1;  /* the '\' char */
    for (i = 93; i < 127; i++)
        baselinetab[i] = bmf->baseline3;

        /* Generate array of character widths; req's fonttab to exist */
    if ((widthtab = (l_int32 *)CALLOC(128, sizeof(l_int32))) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("widthtab not made", procName, 1);
    bmf->widthtab = widthtab;
    for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)
        widthtab[i] = UNDEF;
    for (i = 32; i < 127; i++) {
        bmfGetWidth(bmf, i, &charwidth);
        widthtab[i] = charwidth;

        /* Get the line height of text characters, from the highest
         * ascender to the lowest descender; req's fonttab to exist. */
    pix =  bmfGetPix(bmf, 32);
    maxh =  pixGetHeight(pix);
    pix =  bmfGetPix(bmf, 58);
    height =  pixGetHeight(pix);
    maxh = L_MAX(maxh, height);
    pix =  bmfGetPix(bmf, 93);
    height =  pixGetHeight(pix);
    maxh = L_MAX(maxh, height);
    bmf->lineheight = maxh;

        /* Get the kern width (distance between characters).
         * We let it be the same for all characters in a given
         * font size, and scale it linearly with the size;
         * req's fonttab to be built first. */
    bmfGetWidth(bmf, 120, &xwidth);
    kernwidth = (l_int32)(0.08 * (l_float32)xwidth + 0.5);
    bmf->kernwidth = L_MAX(1, kernwidth);

        /* Save the space width (between words) */
    bmfGetWidth(bmf, 32, &charwidth);
    bmf->spacewidth = charwidth;

        /* Save the extra vertical space between lines */
    bmf->vertlinesep = (l_int32)(VERT_FRACT_SEP * bmf->lineheight + 0.5);

    return 0;
예제 #12
 *  pixGetLocalSkewAngles()
 *      Input:  pixs
 *              nslices  (the number of horizontal overlapping slices; must
 *                  be larger than 1 and not exceed 20; use 0 for default)
 *              redsweep (sweep reduction factor: 1, 2, 4 or 8;
 *                        use 0 for default value)
 *              redsearch (search reduction factor: 1, 2, 4 or 8, and
 *                         not larger than redsweep; use 0 for default value)
 *              sweeprange (half the full range, assumed about 0; in degrees;
 *                          use 0.0 for default value)
 *              sweepdelta (angle increment of sweep; in degrees;
 *                          use 0.0 for default value)
 *              minbsdelta (min binary search increment angle; in degrees;
 *                          use 0.0 for default value)
 *              &a (<optional return> slope of skew as fctn of y)
 *              &b (<optional return> intercept at y=0 of skew as fctn of y)
 *      Return: naskew, or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) The local skew is measured in a set of overlapping strips.
 *          We then do a least square linear fit parameters to get
 *          the slope and intercept parameters a and b in
 *              skew-angle = a * y + b  (degrees)
 *          for the local skew as a function of raster line y.
 *          This is then used to make naskew, which can be interpreted
 *          as the computed skew angle (in degrees) at the left edge
 *          of each raster line.
 *      (2) naskew can then be used to find the baselines of text, because
 *          each text line has a baseline that should intersect
 *          the left edge of the image with the angle given by this
 *          array, evaluated at the raster line of intersection.
pixGetLocalSkewAngles(PIX        *pixs,
                      l_int32     nslices,
                      l_int32     redsweep,
                      l_int32     redsearch,
                      l_float32   sweeprange,
                      l_float32   sweepdelta,
                      l_float32   minbsdelta,
                      l_float32  *pa,
                      l_float32  *pb)
l_int32    w, h, hs, i, ystart, yend, ovlap, npts;
l_float32  angle, conf, ycenter, a, b;
BOX       *box;
NUMA      *naskew;
PIX       *pix;
PTA       *pta;


    if (!pixs)
        return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
    if (nslices < 2 || nslices > 20)
        nslices = DEFAULT_SLICES;
    if (redsweep < 1 || redsweep > 8)
        redsweep = DEFAULT_SWEEP_REDUCTION;
    if (redsearch < 1 || redsearch > redsweep)
        redsearch = DEFAULT_BS_REDUCTION;
    if (sweeprange == 0.0)
        sweeprange = DEFAULT_SWEEP_RANGE;
    if (sweepdelta == 0.0)
        sweepdelta = DEFAULT_SWEEP_DELTA;
    if (minbsdelta == 0.0)
        minbsdelta = DEFAULT_MINBS_DELTA;

    h = pixGetHeight(pixs);
    w = pixGetWidth(pixs);
    hs = h / nslices;
    ovlap = (l_int32)(OVERLAP_FRACTION * hs);
    pta = ptaCreate(nslices);
    for (i = 0; i < nslices; i++) {
        ystart = L_MAX(0, hs * i - ovlap);
        yend = L_MIN(h - 1, hs * (i + 1) + ovlap);
        ycenter = (ystart + yend) / 2;
        box = boxCreate(0, ystart, w, yend - ystart + 1);
        pix = pixClipRectangle(pixs, box, NULL);
        pixFindSkewSweepAndSearch(pix, &angle, &conf, redsweep, redsearch,
                                  sweeprange, sweepdelta, minbsdelta);
        if (conf > MIN_ALLOWED_CONFIDENCE)
            ptaAddPt(pta, ycenter, angle);
/*    ptaWriteStream(stderr, pta, 0); */

        /* Do linear least squares fit */
    if ((npts = ptaGetCount(pta)) < 2) {
        return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("can't fit skew", procName, NULL);
    ptaGetLinearLSF(pta, &a, &b, NULL);
    if (pa) *pa = a;
    if (pb) *pb = b;

        /* Make skew angle array as function of raster line */
    naskew = numaCreate(h);
    for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
        angle = a * i + b;
        numaAddNumber(naskew, angle);

{ NUMA   *nax, *nay;
  GPLOT  *gplot;
    ptaGetArrays(pta, &nax, &nay);
    gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/baseline/kew", GPLOT_PNG,
                        "skew as fctn of y", "y (in raster lines from top)",
                        "angle (in degrees)");
    gplotAddPlot(gplot, NULL, naskew, GPLOT_POINTS, "linear lsf");
    gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nay, GPLOT_POINTS, "actual data pts");
#endif  /* DEBUG_PLOT */

    return naskew;
예제 #13
 *  pixGetLocalSkewTransform()
 *      Input:  pixs
 *              nslices  (the number of horizontal overlapping slices; must
 *                  be larger than 1 and not exceed 20; use 0 for default)
 *              redsweep (sweep reduction factor: 1, 2, 4 or 8;
 *                        use 0 for default value)
 *              redsearch (search reduction factor: 1, 2, 4 or 8, and
 *                         not larger than redsweep; use 0 for default value)
 *              sweeprange (half the full range, assumed about 0; in degrees;
 *                          use 0.0 for default value)
 *              sweepdelta (angle increment of sweep; in degrees;
 *                          use 0.0 for default value)
 *              minbsdelta (min binary search increment angle; in degrees;
 *                          use 0.0 for default value)
 *              &ptas  (<return> 4 points in the source)
 *              &ptad  (<return> the corresponding 4 pts in the dest)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This generates two pairs of points in the src, each pair
 *          corresponding to a pair of points that would lie along
 *          the same raster line in a transformed (dewarped) image.
 *      (2) The sets of 4 src and 4 dest points returned by this function
 *          can then be used, in a projective or bilinear transform,
 *          to remove keystoning in the src.
pixGetLocalSkewTransform(PIX       *pixs,
                         l_int32    nslices,
                         l_int32    redsweep,
                         l_int32    redsearch,
                         l_float32  sweeprange,
                         l_float32  sweepdelta,
                         l_float32  minbsdelta,
                         PTA      **pptas,
                         PTA      **pptad)
l_int32    w, h, i;
l_float32  deg2rad, angr, angd, dely;
NUMA      *naskew;
PTA       *ptas, *ptad;


    if (!pptas || !pptad)
        return ERROR_INT("&ptas and &ptad not defined", procName, 1);
    *pptas = *pptad = NULL;
    if (!pixs)
        return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined", procName, 1);
    if (nslices < 2 || nslices > 20)
        nslices = DEFAULT_SLICES;
    if (redsweep < 1 || redsweep > 8)
        redsweep = DEFAULT_SWEEP_REDUCTION;
    if (redsearch < 1 || redsearch > redsweep)
        redsearch = DEFAULT_BS_REDUCTION;
    if (sweeprange == 0.0)
        sweeprange = DEFAULT_SWEEP_RANGE;
    if (sweepdelta == 0.0)
        sweepdelta = DEFAULT_SWEEP_DELTA;
    if (minbsdelta == 0.0)
        minbsdelta = DEFAULT_MINBS_DELTA;

    naskew = pixGetLocalSkewAngles(pixs, nslices, redsweep, redsearch,
                                   sweeprange, sweepdelta, minbsdelta,
                                   NULL, NULL);
    if (!naskew)
        return ERROR_INT("naskew not made", procName, 1);

    deg2rad = 3.14159265 / 180.;
    w = pixGetWidth(pixs);
    h = pixGetHeight(pixs);
    ptas = ptaCreate(4);
    ptad = ptaCreate(4);
    *pptas = ptas;
    *pptad = ptad;

        /* Find i for skew line that intersects LHS at i and RHS at h / 20 */
    for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
        numaGetFValue(naskew, i, &angd);
        angr = angd * deg2rad;
        dely = w * tan(angr);
        if (i - dely > 0.05 * h)
    ptaAddPt(ptas, 0, i);
    ptaAddPt(ptas, w - 1, i - dely);
    ptaAddPt(ptad, 0, i);
    ptaAddPt(ptad, w - 1, i);

        /* Find i for skew line that intersects LHS at i and RHS at 19h / 20 */
    for (i = h - 1; i > 0; i--) {
        numaGetFValue(naskew, i, &angd);
        angr = angd * deg2rad;
        dely = w * tan(angr);
        if (i - dely < 0.95 * h)
    ptaAddPt(ptas, 0, i);
    ptaAddPt(ptas, w - 1, i - dely);
    ptaAddPt(ptad, 0, i);
    ptaAddPt(ptad, w - 1, i);

    return 0;
예제 #14
 *  pixFindBaselines()
 *      Input:  pixs (1 bpp)
 *              &pta (<optional return> pairs of pts corresponding to
 *                    approx. ends of each text line)
 *              debug (usually 0; set to 1 for debugging output)
 *      Return: na (of baseline y values), or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) Input binary image must have text lines already aligned
 *          horizontally.  This can be done by either rotating the
 *          image with pixDeskew(), or, if a projective transform
 *          is required, by doing pixDeskewLocal() first.
 *      (2) Input null for &pta if you don't want this returned.
 *          The pta will come in pairs of points (left and right end
 *          of each baseline).
 *      (3) Caution: this will not work properly on text with multiple
 *          columns, where the lines are not aligned between columns.
 *          If there are multiple columns, they should be extracted
 *          separately before finding the baselines.
 *      (4) This function constructs different types of output
 *          for baselines; namely, a set of raster line values and
 *          a set of end points of each baseline.
 *      (5) This function was designed to handle short and long text lines
 *          without using dangerous thresholds on the peak heights.  It does
 *          this by combining the differential signal with a morphological
 *          analysis of the locations of the text lines.  One can also
 *          combine this data to normalize the peak heights, by weighting
 *          the differential signal in the region of each baseline
 *          by the inverse of the width of the text line found there.
 *      (6) There are various debug sections that can be turned on
 *          with the debug flag.
pixFindBaselines(PIX     *pixs,
                 PTA    **ppta,
                 l_int32  debug)
l_int32    h, i, j, nbox, val1, val2, ndiff, bx, by, bw, bh;
l_int32    imaxloc, peakthresh, zerothresh, inpeak;
l_int32    mintosearch, max, maxloc, nloc, locval;
l_int32   *array;
l_float32  maxval;
BOXA      *boxa1, *boxa2, *boxa3;
GPLOT     *gplot;
NUMA      *nasum, *nadiff, *naloc, *naval;
PIX       *pixt1, *pixt2;
PTA       *pta;


    if (!pixs)
        return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
    pta = NULL;
    if (ppta) {
        pta = ptaCreate(0);
        *ppta = pta;


        /* Close up the text characters, removing noise */
    pixt1 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, "c25.1 + e3.1", 0);

        /* Save the difference of adjacent row sums.
         * The high positive-going peaks are the baselines */
    if ((nasum = pixCountPixelsByRow(pixt1, NULL)) == NULL)
        return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("nasum not made", procName, NULL);
    h = pixGetHeight(pixs);
    nadiff = numaCreate(h);
    numaGetIValue(nasum, 0, &val2);
    for (i = 0; i < h - 1; i++) {
        val1 = val2;
        numaGetIValue(nasum, i + 1, &val2);
        numaAddNumber(nadiff, val1 - val2);

    if (debug)  /* show the difference signal */
        gplotSimple1(nadiff, GPLOT_PNG, "/tmp/lept/baseline/diff", "Diff Sig");

        /* Use the zeroes of the profile to locate each baseline. */
    array = numaGetIArray(nadiff);
    ndiff = numaGetCount(nadiff);
    numaGetMax(nadiff, &maxval, &imaxloc);
        /* Use this to begin locating a new peak: */
    peakthresh = (l_int32)maxval / PEAK_THRESHOLD_RATIO;
        /* Use this to begin a region between peaks: */
    zerothresh = (l_int32)maxval / ZERO_THRESHOLD_RATIO;
    naloc = numaCreate(0);
    naval = numaCreate(0);
    inpeak = FALSE;
    for (i = 0; i < ndiff; i++) {
        if (inpeak == FALSE) {
            if (array[i] > peakthresh) {  /* transition to in-peak */
                inpeak = TRUE;
                mintosearch = i + MIN_DIST_IN_PEAK; /* accept no zeros
                                               * between i and mintosearch */
                max = array[i];
                maxloc = i;
        } else {  /* inpeak == TRUE; look for max */
            if (array[i] > max) {
                max = array[i];
                maxloc = i;
                mintosearch = i + MIN_DIST_IN_PEAK;
            } else if (i > mintosearch && array[i] <= zerothresh) {  /* leave */
                inpeak = FALSE;
                numaAddNumber(naval, max);
                numaAddNumber(naloc, maxloc);

        /* If array[ndiff-1] is max, eg. no descenders, baseline at bottom */
    if (inpeak) {
        numaAddNumber(naval, max);
        numaAddNumber(naloc, maxloc);

    if (debug) {  /* show the raster locations for the peaks */
        gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/lept/baseline/loc", GPLOT_PNG, "Peak locs",
                            "rasterline", "height");
        gplotAddPlot(gplot, naloc, naval, GPLOT_POINTS, "locs");

        /* Generate an approximate profile of text line width.
         * First, filter the boxes of text, where there may be
         * more than one box for a given textline. */
    pixt2 = pixMorphSequence(pixt1, "r11 + c25.1 + o7.1 +c1.3", 0);
    boxa1 = pixConnComp(pixt2, NULL, 4);
    boxa2 = boxaTransform(boxa1, 0, 0, 4., 4.);
    boxa3 = boxaSort(boxa2, L_SORT_BY_Y, L_SORT_INCREASING, NULL);

        /* Then find the baseline segments */
    if (pta) {
      nloc = numaGetCount(naloc);
      nbox = boxaGetCount(boxa3);
      for (i = 0; i < nbox; i++) {
          boxaGetBoxGeometry(boxa3, i, &bx, &by, &bw, &bh);
          for (j = 0; j < nloc; j++) {
              numaGetIValue(naloc, j, &locval);
              if (L_ABS(locval - (by + bh)) > 25)
              ptaAddPt(pta, bx, locval);
              ptaAddPt(pta, bx + bw, locval);

    if (debug) {  /* display baselines */
        PIX     *pixd;
        l_int32  npts, x1, y1, x2, y2;
        if (pta) {
            pixd = pixConvertTo32(pixs);
            npts = ptaGetCount(pta);
            for (i = 0; i < npts; i += 2) {
                ptaGetIPt(pta, i, &x1, &y1);
                ptaGetIPt(pta, i + 1, &x2, &y2);
                pixRenderLineArb(pixd, x1, y1, x2, y2, 1, 255, 0, 0);
            pixDisplay(pixd, 200, 200);
            pixWrite("/tmp/lept/baseline/baselines.png", pixd, IFF_PNG);

    return naloc;
예제 #15
main(int    argc,
     char **argv)
char        *filein, *fileout;
l_int32      w, h;
l_float32    scale;
FILE        *fp;
PIX         *pix, *pixs, *pixd;
PIXCMAP     *cmap;
static char  mainName[] = "dithertest";

    if (argc != 3)
	exit(ERROR_INT(" Syntax:  dithertest filein fileout", mainName, 1));

    filein = argv[1];
    fileout = argv[2];

    if ((pix = pixRead(filein)) == NULL)
	exit(ERROR_INT("pix not made", mainName, 1));
    if (pixGetDepth(pix) != 8)
	exit(ERROR_INT("pix not 8 bpp", mainName, 1));
    pixs = pixGammaTRC(NULL, pix, GAMMA, 0, 255);

    pixd = pixDitherToBinary(pixs);
    fprintf(stderr, " time for binarized dither = %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd, 1);

         /* Dither to 2 bpp, with colormap */
    pixd = pixDitherTo2bpp(pixs, 1);
    fprintf(stderr, " time for dither = %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd, 1);
    cmap = pixGetColormap(pixd);
    pixcmapWriteStream(stderr, cmap);

         /* Dither to 2 bpp, without colormap */
    pixd = pixDitherTo2bpp(pixs, 0);
    fprintf(stderr, " time for dither = %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd, 1);

         /* Dither to 2 bpp, without colormap; output in PostScript */
    pixd = pixDitherTo2bpp(pixs, 0);
    w = pixGetWidth(pixs);
    h = pixGetHeight(pixs);
    scale = L_MIN(FACTOR * 2550 / w, FACTOR * 3300 / h);
    fp = lept_fopen(fileout, "wb+");
    pixWriteStreamPS(fp, pixd, NULL, 300, scale);

        /* Dither 2x upscale to 1 bpp */
    pixd = pixScaleGray2xLIDither(pixs);
    fprintf(stderr, " time for scale/dither = %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd, 1);

        /* Dither 4x upscale to 1 bpp */
    pixd = pixScaleGray4xLIDither(pixs);
    fprintf(stderr, " time for scale/dither = %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd, 1);


    return 0;
예제 #16
파일: cctest1.c 프로젝트: 11110101/tess-two
int main(int    argc,
         char **argv)
char        *filein;
l_int32      i, n, count;
BOX         *box;
BOXA        *boxa;
PIX         *pixs, *pixd;
PIXA        *pixa;
PIXCMAP     *cmap;
static char  mainName[] = "cctest1";

    if (argc != 2)
        return ERROR_INT(" Syntax:  cctest1 filein", mainName, 1);

    filein = argv[1];

    if ((pixs = pixRead(filein)) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("pixs not made", mainName, 1);
    if (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1)
        exit(ERROR_INT("pixs not 1 bpp", mainName, 1));

        /* Test speed of pixCountConnComp() */
    for (i = 0; i < NTIMES; i++)
        pixCountConnComp(pixs, 4, &count);
    fprintf(stderr, "Time to compute 4-cc: %6.3f sec\n", stopTimer()/NTIMES);
    fprintf(stderr, "Number of 4-cc: %d\n", count);
    for (i = 0; i < NTIMES; i++)
        pixCountConnComp(pixs, 8, &count);
    fprintf(stderr, "Time to compute 8-cc: %6.3f sec\n", stopTimer()/NTIMES);
    fprintf(stderr, "Number of 8-cc: %d\n", count);

        /* Test speed of pixConnComp(), with only boxa output  */
    for (i = 0; i < NTIMES; i++) {
        boxa = pixConnComp(pixs, NULL, 4);
    fprintf(stderr, "Time to compute 4-cc: %6.3f sec\n", stopTimer()/NTIMES);
    for (i = 0; i < NTIMES; i++) {
        boxa = pixConnComp(pixs, NULL, 8);
    fprintf(stderr, "Time to compute 8-cc: %6.3f sec\n", stopTimer()/NTIMES);

        /* Draw outline of each c.c. box */
    boxa = pixConnComp(pixs, NULL, 4);
    n = boxaGetCount(boxa);
    fprintf(stderr, "Num 4-cc boxes: %d\n", n);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        box = boxaGetBox(boxa, i, L_CLONE);
        pixRenderBox(pixs, box, 3, L_FLIP_PIXELS);
        boxDestroy(&box);   /* remember, clones need to be destroyed */
    pixDisplayWrite(pixs, 1);

        /* Display each component as a random color in cmapped 8 bpp.
         * Background is color 0; it is set to white. */
    boxa = pixConnComp(pixs, &pixa, 4);
    pixd = pixaDisplayRandomCmap(pixa, pixGetWidth(pixs), pixGetHeight(pixs));
    cmap = pixGetColormap(pixd);
    pixcmapResetColor(cmap, 0, 255, 255, 255);  /* reset background to white */
    pixDisplay(pixd, 100, 100);
    pixDisplayWrite(pixd, 1);

    return 0;
예제 #17
bool TessPDFRenderer::AddImageHandler(TessBaseAPI * api) {
    size_t n;
    char buf[kBasicBufSize];
    Pix *pix = api->GetInputImage();
    char *filename = (char *) api->GetInputName();
    int ppi = api->GetSourceYResolution();
    if (!pix || ppi <= 0)
        return false;
    double width = pixGetWidth(pix) * 72.0 / ppi;
    double height = pixGetHeight(pix) * 72.0 / ppi;

    // PAGE
    n = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
                 "%ld 0 obj\n"
                 "  /Type /Page\n"
                 "  /Parent %ld 0 R\n"
                 "  /MediaBox [0 0 %.2f %.2f]\n"
                 "  /Contents %ld 0 R\n"
                 "  /Resources\n"
                 "  <<\n"
                 "    /XObject << /Im1 %ld 0 R >>\n"
                 "    /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageI /ImageC ]\n"
                 "    /Font << /f-0-0 %ld 0 R >>\n"
                 "  >>\n"
                 2L,            // Pages object
                 obj_ + 1,      // Contents object
                 obj_ + 2,      // Image object
                 3L);           // Type0 Font
    if (n >= sizeof(buf)) return false;

    char *pdftext = GetPDFTextObjects(api, width, height);
    long pdftext_len = strlen(pdftext);
    unsigned char *pdftext_casted = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(pdftext);
    size_t len;
    unsigned char *comp_pdftext =
        zlibCompress(pdftext_casted, pdftext_len, &len);
    long comp_pdftext_len = len;
    n = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
                 "%ld 0 obj\n"
                 "  /Length %ld /Filter /FlateDecode\n"
                 "stream\n", obj_, comp_pdftext_len);
    if (n >= sizeof(buf)) {
        delete[] pdftext;
        return false;
    long objsize = strlen(buf);
    AppendData(reinterpret_cast<char *>(comp_pdftext), comp_pdftext_len);
    objsize += comp_pdftext_len;
    delete[] pdftext;
    const char *b2 =
    objsize += strlen(b2);

    char *pdf_object;
    if (!imageToPDFObj(pix, filename, obj_, &pdf_object, &objsize)) {
        return false;
    AppendData(pdf_object, objsize);
    delete[] pdf_object;
    return true;
예제 #18
int main(int argc,
         char **argv) {
    l_int32 i, w, h, d, rotflag;
    PIX *pixs, *pixt, *pixd;
    l_float32 angle, deg2rad, pops, ang;
    char *filein, *fileout;
    static char mainName[] = "rotatetest1";

    if (argc != 4)
        return ERROR_INT(" Syntax:  rotatetest1 filein angle fileout",
                         mainName, 1);

    filein = argv[1];
    angle = atof(argv[2]);
    fileout = argv[3];
    deg2rad = 3.1415926535 / 180.;

    if ((pixs = pixRead(filein)) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("pix not made", mainName, 1);
    if (pixGetDepth(pixs) == 1) {
        pixt = pixScaleToGray3(pixs);
        pixs = pixAddBorderGeneral(pixt, 1, 0, 1, 0, 255);

    pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
    fprintf(stderr, "w = %d, h = %d\n", w, h);

#if 0
    /* repertory of rotation operations to choose from */
pixd = pixRotateAM(pixs, deg2rad * angle, L_BRING_IN_WHITE);
pixd = pixRotateAMColor(pixs, deg2rad * angle, 0xffffff00);
pixd = pixRotateAMColorFast(pixs, deg2rad * angle, 255);
pixd = pixRotateAMCorner(pixs, deg2rad * angle, L_BRING_IN_WHITE);
pixd = pixRotateShear(pixs, w /2, h / 2, deg2rad * angle,
pixd = pixRotate3Shear(pixs, w /2, h / 2, deg2rad * angle,
pixRotateShearIP(pixs, w / 2, h / 2, deg2rad * angle); pixd = pixs;

#if 0
    /* timing of shear rotation */
for (i = 0; i < NITERS; i++) {
    pixd = pixRotateShear(pixs, (i * w) / NITERS,
                          (i * h) / NITERS, deg2rad * angle,
    pixDisplay(pixd, 100 + 20 * i, 100 + 20 * i);

#if 0
    /* timing of in-place shear rotation */
for (i = 0; i < NITERS; i++) {
    pixRotateShearIP(pixs, w/2, h/2, deg2rad * angle, L_BRING_IN_WHITE);
/*        pixRotateShearCenterIP(pixs, deg2rad * angle, L_BRING_IN_WHITE); */
    pixDisplay(pixs, 100 + 20 * i, 100 + 20 * i);
pixd = pixs;
if (pixGetDepth(pixd) == 1)
    pixWrite(fileout, pixd, IFF_PNG);
    pixWrite(fileout, pixd, IFF_JFIF_JPEG);

#if 0
    /* timing of various rotation operations (choose) */
w = pixGetWidth(pixs);
h = pixGetHeight(pixs);
for (i = 0; i < NTIMES; i++) {
    pixd = pixRotateShearCenter(pixs, deg2rad * angle, L_BRING_IN_WHITE);
pops = (l_float32)(w * h * NTIMES / 1000000.) / stopTimer();
fprintf(stderr, "vers. 1, mpops: %f\n", pops);
w = pixGetWidth(pixs);
h = pixGetHeight(pixs);
for (i = 0; i < NTIMES; i++) {
    pixRotateShearIP(pixs, w/2, h/2, deg2rad * angle, L_BRING_IN_WHITE);
pops = (l_float32)(w * h * NTIMES / 1000000.) / stopTimer();
fprintf(stderr, "shear, mpops: %f\n", pops);
pixWrite(fileout, pixs, IFF_PNG);
for (i = 0; i < NTIMES; i++) {
    pixRotateShearIP(pixs, w/2, h/2, -deg2rad * angle, L_BRING_IN_WHITE);
pixWrite("/usr/tmp/junkout", pixs, IFF_PNG);

#if 0
    /* area-mapping rotation operations */
pixd = pixRotateAM(pixs, deg2rad * angle, L_BRING_IN_WHITE);
/*    pixd = pixRotateAMColorFast(pixs, deg2rad * angle, 255); */
if (pixGetDepth(pixd) == 1)
    pixWrite(fileout, pixd, IFF_PNG);
    pixWrite(fileout, pixd, IFF_JFIF_JPEG);

#if 0
    /* compare the standard area-map color rotation with
     * the fast area-map color rotation, on a pixel basis */
PIX    *pix1, *pix2;
NUMA   *nar, *nag, *nab, *naseq;
GPLOT  *gplot;

pix1 = pixRotateAMColor(pixs, 0.12, 0xffffff00);
fprintf(stderr, " standard color rotate: %7.2f sec\n", stopTimer());
pixWrite("junkcolor1", pix1, IFF_JFIF_JPEG);
pix2 = pixRotateAMColorFast(pixs, 0.12, 0xffffff00);
fprintf(stderr, " fast color rotate: %7.2f sec\n", stopTimer());
pixWrite("junkcolor2", pix2, IFF_JFIF_JPEG);
pixd = pixAbsDifference(pix1, pix2);
pixGetColorHistogram(pixd, 1, &nar, &nag, &nab);
naseq = numaMakeSequence(0., 1., 256);
gplot = gplotCreate("junk_absdiff", GPLOT_X11, "Number vs diff",
                    "diff", "number");
gplotAddPlot(gplot, naseq, nar, GPLOT_POINTS, "red");
gplotAddPlot(gplot, naseq, nag, GPLOT_POINTS, "green");
gplotAddPlot(gplot, naseq, nab, GPLOT_POINTS, "blue");

    /* Do a succession of 180 7-degree rotations in a cw
     * direction, and unwind the result with another set in
     * a ccw direction.  Although there is a considerable amount
     * of distortion after successive rotations, after all
     * 360 rotations, the resulting image is restored to
     * its original pristine condition! */
#if 1
    rotflag = L_ROTATE_AREA_MAP;
/*    rotflag = L_ROTATE_SHEAR;     */
/*    rotflag = L_ROTATE_SAMPLING;   */
    ang = 7.0 * deg2rad;
    pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, NULL);
    pixd = pixRotate(pixs, ang, rotflag, L_BRING_IN_WHITE, w, h);
    pixWrite("junkrot7", pixd, IFF_PNG);
    for (i = 1; i < 180; i++) {
        pixs = pixd;
        pixd = pixRotate(pixs, ang, rotflag, L_BRING_IN_WHITE, w, h);
        if ((i % 30) == 0) pixDisplay(pixd, 600, 0);

    pixWrite("junkspin", pixd, IFF_PNG);
    pixDisplay(pixd, 0, 0);

    for (i = 0; i < 180; i++) {
        pixs = pixd;
        pixd = pixRotate(pixs, -ang, rotflag, L_BRING_IN_WHITE, w, h);
        if (i && (i % 30) == 0) pixDisplay(pixd, 600, 500);

    pixWrite("junkunspin", pixd, IFF_PNG);
    pixDisplay(pixd, 0, 500);

    return 0;
 *  pixSetSelectMaskedCmap()
 *      Input:  pixs (2, 4 or 8 bpp, with colormap)
 *              pixm (<optional> 1 bpp mask; no-op if NULL)
 *              x, y (UL corner of mask relative to pixs)
 *              sindex (colormap index of pixels in pixs to be changed)
 *              rval, gval, bval (new color to substitute)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
 *  Note:
 *      (1) This is an in-place operation.
 *      (2) This paints through the fg of pixm and replaces all pixels
 *          in pixs that have a particular value (sindex) with the new color.
 *      (3) If pixm == NULL, a warning is given.
 *      (4) sindex must be in the existing colormap; otherwise an
 *          error is returned.
 *      (5) If the new color exists in the colormap, it is used;
 *          otherwise, it is added to the colormap.  If the colormap
 *          is full, an error is returned.
pixSetSelectMaskedCmap(PIX     *pixs,
                       PIX     *pixm,
                       l_int32  x,
                       l_int32  y,
                       l_int32  sindex,
                       l_int32  rval,
                       l_int32  gval,
                       l_int32  bval)
l_int32    i, j, w, h, d, n, wm, hm, wpls, wplm, val;
l_int32    index;  /* of new color to be set */
l_uint32  *lines, *linem, *datas, *datam;
PIXCMAP   *cmap;


    if (!pixs)
        return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined", procName, 1);
    if ((cmap = pixGetColormap(pixs)) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("no colormap", procName, 1);
    if (!pixm) {
        L_WARNING("no mask; nothing to do\n", procName);
        return 0;

    d = pixGetDepth(pixs);
    if (d != 2 && d != 4 && d != 8)
        return ERROR_INT("depth not in {2, 4, 8}", procName, 1);

        /* add new color if necessary; get index of this color in cmap */
    n = pixcmapGetCount(cmap);
    if (sindex >= n)
        return ERROR_INT("sindex too large; no cmap entry", procName, 1);
    if (pixcmapGetIndex(cmap, rval, gval, bval, &index)) { /* not found */
        if (pixcmapAddColor(cmap, rval, gval, bval))
            return ERROR_INT("error adding cmap entry", procName, 1);
            index = n;  /* we've added one color */

        /* replace pixel value sindex by index when fg pixel in pixmc
         * overlays it */
    w = pixGetWidth(pixs);
    h = pixGetHeight(pixs);
    datas = pixGetData(pixs);
    wpls = pixGetWpl(pixs);
    wm = pixGetWidth(pixm);
    hm = pixGetHeight(pixm);
    datam = pixGetData(pixm);
    wplm = pixGetWpl(pixm);
    for (i = 0; i < hm; i++) {
        if (i + y < 0 || i + y >= h) continue;
        lines = datas + (y + i) * wpls;
        linem = datam + i * wplm;
        for (j = 0; j < wm; j++) {
            if (j + x < 0  || j + x >= w) continue;
            if (GET_DATA_BIT(linem, j)) {
                switch (d) {
                case 1:
                    val = GET_DATA_BIT(lines, x + j);
                    if (val == sindex) {
                        if (index == 0)
                            CLEAR_DATA_BIT(lines, x + j);
                            SET_DATA_BIT(lines, x + j);
                case 2:
                    val = GET_DATA_DIBIT(lines, x + j);
                    if (val == sindex)
                        SET_DATA_DIBIT(lines, x + j, index);
                case 4:
                    val = GET_DATA_QBIT(lines, x + j);
                    if (val == sindex)
                        SET_DATA_QBIT(lines, x + j, index);
                case 8:
                    val = GET_DATA_BYTE(lines, x + j);
                    if (val == sindex)
                        SET_DATA_BYTE(lines, x + j, index);
                    return ERROR_INT("depth not in {1,2,4,8}", procName, 1);

    return 0;
예제 #20
 *  pixaaDisplayByPixa()
 *      Input:  pixaa
 *              xspace between pix in pixa
 *              yspace between pixa
 *              max width of output pix
 *      Return: pix, or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) Displays each pixa on a line (or set of lines),
 *          in order from top to bottom.  Within each pixa,
 *          the pix are displayed in order from left to right.
 *      (2) The size of each pix in each pixa is assumed to be
 *          approximately equal to the size of the first pix in
 *          the pixa.  If this assumption is not correct, this
 *          function will not work properly.
 *      (3) This ignores the boxa of the pixaa.
pixaaDisplayByPixa(PIXAA   *pixaa,
                   l_int32  xspace,
                   l_int32  yspace,
                   l_int32  maxw)
l_int32  i, j, npixa, npix;
l_int32  width, height, depth, nlines, lwidth;
l_int32  x, y, w, h, w0, h0;
PIX     *pixt, *pixd;
PIXA    *pixa;


    if (!pixaa)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixaa not defined", procName, NULL);
    if ((npixa = pixaaGetCount(pixaa)) == 0)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("no components", procName, NULL);

        /* Get size of output pix.  The width is the minimum of the
         * maxw and the largest pixa line width.  The height is whatever
         * it needs to be to accommodate all pixa. */
    height = 2 * yspace;
    width = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < npixa; i++) {
        pixa = pixaaGetPixa(pixaa, i, L_CLONE);
        npix = pixaGetCount(pixa);
        pixt = pixaGetPix(pixa, 0, L_CLONE);
        if (i == 0)
            depth = pixGetDepth(pixt);
        w = pixGetWidth(pixt);
        lwidth = npix * (w + xspace);
        nlines = (lwidth + maxw - 1) / maxw;
        if (nlines > 1)
            width = maxw;
            width = L_MAX(lwidth, width);
        height += nlines * (pixGetHeight(pixt) + yspace);

    if ((pixd = pixCreate(width, height, depth)) == NULL)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixd not made", procName, NULL);

        /* Now layout the pix by pixa */
    y = yspace;
    for (i = 0; i < npixa; i++) {
        x = 0;
        pixa = pixaaGetPixa(pixaa, i, L_CLONE);
        npix = pixaGetCount(pixa);
        for (j = 0; j < npix; j++) {
            pixt = pixaGetPix(pixa, j, L_CLONE);
            if (j == 0) {
                w0 = pixGetWidth(pixt);
                h0 = pixGetHeight(pixt);
            w = pixGetWidth(pixt);
            if (width == maxw && x + w >= maxw) {
                x = 0;
                y += h0 + yspace;
            h = pixGetHeight(pixt);
            pixRasterop(pixd, x, y, w, h, PIX_PAINT, pixt, 0, 0);
            x += w0 + xspace;
        y += h0 + yspace;

    return pixd;
예제 #21
파일: selgen.c 프로젝트: 0xkasun/Dummy_Tes
 *  pixGenerateSelRandom()
 *      Input:  pix (1 bpp, typically small, to be used as a pattern)
 *              hitfract (fraction of allowable fg pixels that are hits)
 *              missfract (fraction of allowable bg pixels that are misses)
 *              distance (min distance from boundary pixel; use 0 for default)
 *              toppix (number of extra pixels of bg added above)
 *              botpix (number of extra pixels of bg added below)
 *              leftpix (number of extra pixels of bg added to left)
 *              rightpix (number of extra pixels of bg added to right)
 *              &pixe (<optional return> input pix expanded by extra pixels)
 *      Return: sel (hit-miss for input pattern), or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *    (1) Either of hitfract and missfract can be zero.  If both are zero,
 *        the sel would be empty, and NULL is returned.
 *    (2) No elements are selected that are less than 'distance' pixels away
 *        from a boundary pixel of the same color.  This makes the
 *        match much more robust to edge noise.  Valid inputs of
 *        'distance' are 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4.  If distance is either 0 or
 *        greater than 4, we reset it to the default value.
 *    (3) The 4 numbers for adding rectangles of pixels outside the fg
 *        can be use if the pattern is expected to be surrounded by bg
 *        (white) pixels.  On the other hand, if the pattern may be near
 *        other fg (black) components on some sides, use 0 for those sides.
 *    (4) The input pix, as extended by the extra pixels on selected sides,
 *        can optionally be returned.  For debugging, call
 *        pixDisplayHitMissSel() to visualize the hit-miss sel superimposed
 *        on the generating bitmap.
pixGenerateSelRandom(PIX       *pixs,
                     l_float32  hitfract,
                     l_float32  missfract,
                     l_int32    distance,
                     l_int32    toppix,
                     l_int32    botpix,
                     l_int32    leftpix,
                     l_int32    rightpix,
                     PIX      **ppixe)
l_int32    ws, hs, w, h, x, y, i, j, thresh;
l_uint32   val;
PIX       *pixt1, *pixt2, *pixfg, *pixbg;
SEL       *seld, *sel;


    if (ppixe) *ppixe = NULL;
    if (!pixs)
        return (SEL *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
    if (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1)
        return (SEL *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 1 bpp", procName, NULL);
    if (hitfract <= 0.0 && missfract <= 0.0)
        return (SEL *)ERROR_PTR("no hits or misses", procName, NULL);
    if (hitfract > 1.0 || missfract > 1.0)
        return (SEL *)ERROR_PTR("fraction can't be > 1.0", procName, NULL);

    if (distance <= 0)
    if (distance > MAX_DISTANCE_TO_BOUNDARY) {
        L_WARNING("distance too large; setting to max value", procName);
        distance = MAX_DISTANCE_TO_BOUNDARY;

        /* Locate the foreground */
    pixClipToForeground(pixs, &pixt1, NULL);
    if (!pixt1)
        return (SEL *)ERROR_PTR("pixt1 not made", procName, NULL);
    ws = pixGetWidth(pixt1);
    hs = pixGetHeight(pixt1);
    w = ws;
    h = hs;

        /* Crop out a region including the foreground, and add pixels
         * on sides depending on the side flags */
    if (toppix || botpix || leftpix || rightpix) {
        x = y = 0;
        if (toppix) {
            h += toppix;
            y = toppix;
        if (botpix)
            h += botpix;
        if (leftpix) {
            w += leftpix;
            x = leftpix;
        if (rightpix)
            w += rightpix;
        pixt2 = pixCreate(w, h, 1);
        pixRasterop(pixt2, x, y, ws, hs, PIX_SRC, pixt1, 0, 0);
        pixt2 = pixClone(pixt1);
    if (ppixe)
        *ppixe = pixClone(pixt2);

        /* Identify fg and bg pixels that are at least 'distance' pixels
         * away from the boundary pixels in their set */
    seld = selCreateBrick(2 * distance + 1, 2 * distance + 1,
                          distance, distance, SEL_HIT);
    pixfg = pixErode(NULL, pixt2, seld);
    pixbg = pixDilate(NULL, pixt2, seld);
    pixInvert(pixbg, pixbg);

        /* Generate the sel from a random selection of these points */
    sel = selCreateBrick(h, w, h / 2, w / 2, SEL_DONT_CARE);
    if (hitfract > 0.0) {
        thresh = (l_int32)(hitfract * (l_float64)RAND_MAX);
        for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
            for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
                pixGetPixel(pixfg, j, i, &val);
                if (val) {
                    if (rand() < thresh)
                        selSetElement(sel, i, j, SEL_HIT);
    if (missfract > 0.0) {
        thresh = (l_int32)(missfract * (l_float64)RAND_MAX);
        for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
            for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
                pixGetPixel(pixbg, j, i, &val);
                if (val) {
                    if (rand() < thresh)
                        selSetElement(sel, i, j, SEL_MISS);

    return sel;
예제 #22
 *  pixaDisplayTiled()
 *      Input:  pixa
 *              maxwidth (of output image)
 *              background (0 for white, 1 for black)
 *              spacing
 *      Return: pix of tiled images, or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This saves a pixa to a single image file of width not to
 *          exceed maxwidth, with background color either white or black,
 *          and with each subimage spaced on a regular lattice.
 *      (2) The lattice size is determined from the largest width and height,
 *          separately, of all pix in the pixa.
 *      (3) All pix in the pixa must be of equal depth.
 *      (4) If any pix has a colormap, all pix are rendered in rgb.
 *      (5) Careful: because no components are omitted, this is
 *          dangerous if there are thousands of small components and
 *          one or more very large one, because the size of the
 *          resulting pix can be huge!
pixaDisplayTiled(PIXA    *pixa,
                 l_int32  maxwidth,
                 l_int32  background,
                 l_int32  spacing)
l_int32  w, h, wmax, hmax, wd, hd, d, hascmap;
l_int32  i, j, n, ni, ncols, nrows;
l_int32  ystart, xstart, wt, ht;
PIX     *pix, *pixt, *pixd;
PIXA    *pixat;


    if (!pixa)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixa not defined", procName, NULL);

        /* If any pix have colormaps, generate rgb */
    if ((n = pixaGetCount(pixa)) == 0)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("no components", procName, NULL);
    pixaAnyColormaps(pixa, &hascmap);
    if (hascmap) {
        pixat = pixaCreate(n);
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            pixt = pixaGetPix(pixa, i, L_CLONE);
            pix = pixConvertTo32(pixt);
            pixaAddPix(pixat, pix, L_INSERT);
        pixat = pixaCopy(pixa, L_CLONE);

        /* Find the largest width and height of the subimages */
    wmax = hmax = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        pix = pixaGetPix(pixat, i, L_CLONE);
        pixGetDimensions(pix, &w, &h, NULL);
        if (i == 0)
            d = pixGetDepth(pix);
        else if (d != pixGetDepth(pix)) {
            return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("depths not equal", procName, NULL);
        if (w > wmax)
            wmax = w;
        if (h > hmax)
            hmax = h;

        /* Get the number of rows and columns and the output image size */
    spacing = L_MAX(spacing, 0);
    ncols = (l_int32)((l_float32)(maxwidth - spacing) /
                      (l_float32)(wmax + spacing));
    nrows = (n + ncols - 1) / ncols;
    wd = wmax * ncols + spacing * (ncols + 1);
    hd = hmax * nrows + spacing * (nrows + 1);
    if ((pixd = pixCreate(wd, hd, d)) == NULL) {
	return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixd not made", procName, NULL);

#if 0
    fprintf(stderr, " nrows = %d, ncols = %d, wmax = %d, hmax = %d\n",
            nrows, ncols, wmax, hmax);
    fprintf(stderr, " space = %d, wd = %d, hd = %d, n = %d\n",
            space, wd, hd, n);

        /* Reset the background color if necessary */
    if ((background == 1 && d == 1) || (background == 0 && d != 1))

        /* Blit the images to the dest */
    for (i = 0, ni = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
        ystart = spacing + i * (hmax + spacing);
        for (j = 0; j < ncols && ni < n; j++, ni++) {
            xstart = spacing + j * (wmax + spacing);
            pix = pixaGetPix(pixat, ni, L_CLONE);
            wt = pixGetWidth(pix);
            ht = pixGetHeight(pix);
            pixRasterop(pixd, xstart, ystart, wt, ht, PIX_SRC, pix, 0, 0);

    return pixd;
예제 #23
파일: selgen.c 프로젝트: 0xkasun/Dummy_Tes
 *  pixGetRunsOnLine()
 *      Input:  pixs (1 bpp)
 *              x1, y1, x2, y2
 *      Return: numa, or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) Action: this function uses the bresenham algorithm to compute
 *          the pixels along the specified line.  It returns a Numa of the
 *          runlengths of the fg (black) and bg (white) runs, always
 *          starting with a white run.
 *      (2) If the first pixel on the line is black, the length of the
 *          first returned run (which is white) is 0.
pixGetRunsOnLine(PIX     *pixs,
                 l_int32  x1,
                 l_int32  y1,
                 l_int32  x2,
                 l_int32  y2)
l_int32   w, h, x, y, npts;
l_int32   i, runlen, preval;
l_uint32  val;
NUMA     *numa;
PTA      *pta;


    if (!pixs)
        return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
    if (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1)
        return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 1 bpp", procName, NULL);

    w = pixGetWidth(pixs);
    h = pixGetHeight(pixs);
    if (x1 < 0 || x1 >= w)
        return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("x1 not valid", procName, NULL);
    if (x2 < 0 || x2 >= w)
        return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("x2 not valid", procName, NULL);
    if (y1 < 0 || y1 >= h)
        return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("y1 not valid", procName, NULL);
    if (y2 < 0 || y2 >= h)
        return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("y2 not valid", procName, NULL);

    if ((pta = generatePtaLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)) == NULL)
        return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("pta not made", procName, NULL);
    if ((npts = ptaGetCount(pta)) == 0)
        return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("pta has no pts", procName, NULL);

    if ((numa = numaCreate(0)) == NULL)
        return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("numa not made", procName, NULL);

    for (i = 0; i < npts; i++) {
        ptaGetIPt(pta, i, &x, &y);
        pixGetPixel(pixs, x, y, &val);
        if (i == 0) {
            if (val == 1) {  /* black pixel; append white run of size 0 */
                numaAddNumber(numa, 0);
            preval = val;
            runlen = 1;
        if (val == preval) {  /* extend current run */
            preval = val;
        else {  /* end previous run */
            numaAddNumber(numa, runlen);
            preval = val;
            runlen = 1;
    numaAddNumber(numa, runlen);  /* append last run */

    return numa;
// Returns a list of regions (boxes) which should be cleared in the original
// image so as to perform shiro-rekha splitting. Pix is assumed to carry one
// (or less) word only. Xheight measure could be the global estimate, the row
// estimate, or unspecified. If unspecified, over splitting may occur, since a
// conservative estimate of stroke width along with an associated multiplier
// is used in its place. It is advisable to have a specified xheight when
// splitting for classification/training.
// A vertical projection histogram of all the on-pixels in the input pix is
// computed. The maxima of this histogram is regarded as an approximate location
// of the shiro-rekha. By descending on the maxima's peak on both sides,
// stroke width of shiro-rekha is estimated.
// A horizontal projection histogram is computed for a sub-image of the input
// image, which extends from just below the shiro-rekha down to a certain
// leeway. The leeway depends on the input xheight, if provided, else a
// conservative multiplier on approximate stroke width is used (which may lead
// to over-splitting).
void ShiroRekhaSplitter::SplitWordShiroRekha(SplitStrategy split_strategy,
                                             Pix* pix,
                                             int xheight,
                                             int word_left,
                                             int word_top,
                                             Boxa* regions_to_clear) {
  if (split_strategy == NO_SPLIT) {
  int width = pixGetWidth(pix);
  int height = pixGetHeight(pix);
  // Statistically determine the yextents of the shiro-rekha.
  int shirorekha_top, shirorekha_bottom, shirorekha_ylevel;
  GetShiroRekhaYExtents(pix, &shirorekha_top, &shirorekha_bottom,
  // Since the shiro rekha is also a stroke, its width is equal to the stroke
  // width.
  int stroke_width = shirorekha_bottom - shirorekha_top + 1;

  // Some safeguards to protect CCs we do not want to be split.
  // These are particularly useful when the word wasn't eliminated earlier
  // because xheight information was unavailable.
  if (shirorekha_ylevel > height / 2) {
    // Shirorekha shouldn't be in the bottom half of the word.
    if (devanagari_split_debuglevel > 0) {
      tprintf("Skipping splitting CC at (%d, %d): shirorekha in lower half..\n",
              word_left, word_top);
  if (stroke_width > height / 3) {
    // Even the boldest of fonts shouldn't do this.
    if (devanagari_split_debuglevel > 0) {
      tprintf("Skipping splitting CC at (%d, %d): stroke width too huge..\n",
              word_left, word_top);

  // Clear the ascender and descender regions of the word.
  // Obtain a vertical projection histogram for the resulting image.
  Box* box_to_clear = boxCreate(0, shirorekha_top - stroke_width / 3,
                                width, 5 * stroke_width / 3);
  Pix* word_in_xheight = pixCopy(NULL, pix);
  pixClearInRect(word_in_xheight, box_to_clear);
  // Also clear any pixels which are below shirorekha_bottom + some leeway.
  // The leeway is set to xheight if the information is available, else it is a
  // multiplier applied to the stroke width.
  int leeway_to_keep = stroke_width * 3;
  if (xheight != kUnspecifiedXheight) {
    // This is because the xheight-region typically includes the shiro-rekha
    // inside it, i.e., the top of the xheight range corresponds to the top of
    // shiro-rekha.
    leeway_to_keep = xheight - stroke_width;
  box_to_clear->y = shirorekha_bottom + leeway_to_keep;
  box_to_clear->h = height - box_to_clear->y;
  pixClearInRect(word_in_xheight, box_to_clear);

  PixelHistogram vert_hist;

  // If the number of black pixel in any column of the image is less than a
  // fraction of the stroke width, treat it as noise / a stray mark. Perform
  // these changes inside the vert_hist data itself, as that is used later on as
  // a bit vector for the final split decision at every column.
  for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
    if (vert_hist.hist()[i] <= stroke_width / 4)
      vert_hist.hist()[i] = 0;
      vert_hist.hist()[i] = 1;
  // In order to split the line at any point, we make sure that the width of the
  // gap is atleast half the stroke width.
  int i = 0;
  int cur_component_width = 0;
  while (i < width) {
    if (!vert_hist.hist()[i]) {
      int j = 0;
      while (i + j < width && !vert_hist.hist()[i+j])
      if (j >= stroke_width / 2 && cur_component_width >= stroke_width / 2) {
        // Perform a shiro-rekha split. The intervening region lies from i to
        // i+j-1.
        // A minimal single-pixel split makes the estimation of intra- and
        // inter-word spacing easier during page layout analysis,
        // whereas a maximal split may be needed for OCR, depending on
        // how the engine was trained.
        bool minimal_split = (split_strategy == MINIMAL_SPLIT);
        int split_width = minimal_split ? 1 : j;
        int split_left = minimal_split ? i + (j / 2) - (split_width / 2) : i;
        if (!minimal_split || (i != 0 && i + j != width)) {
          Box* box_to_clear =
              boxCreate(word_left + split_left,
                        word_top + shirorekha_top - stroke_width / 3,
                        5 * stroke_width / 3);
          if (box_to_clear) {
            boxaAddBox(regions_to_clear, box_to_clear, L_CLONE);
            // Mark this in the debug image if needed.
            if (devanagari_split_debugimage) {
              pixRenderBoxArb(debug_image_, box_to_clear, 1, 128, 255, 128);
            cur_component_width = 0;
      i += j;
    } else {
main(int    argc,
     char **argv)
char           *filein, *fileout;
l_int32         wsize, hsize, w, h;
PIX            *pixs, *pixd;
static char     mainName[] = "graymorphtest";

    if (argc != 5)
	exit(ERROR_INT(" Syntax:  graymorphtest wsize, hsizefilein fileout",
                       mainName, 1));

    filein = argv[1];
    wsize = atoi(argv[2]);
    hsize = atoi(argv[3]);
    fileout = argv[4];

    if ((pixs = pixRead(filein)) == NULL)
	exit(ERROR_INT("pix not made", mainName, 1));

    w = pixGetWidth(pixs);
    h = pixGetHeight(pixs);

    /* ---------- Choose an operation ----------  */
#if 1
    pixd = pixDilateGray(pixs, wsize, hsize);
    pixWrite(fileout, pixd, IFF_JFIF_JPEG);
#elif 0
    pixd = pixErodeGray(pixs, wsize, hsize);
    pixWrite(fileout, pixd, IFF_JFIF_JPEG);
#elif 0
    pixd = pixOpenGray(pixs, wsize, hsize);
    pixWrite(fileout, pixd, IFF_JFIF_JPEG);
#elif 0
    pixd = pixCloseGray(pixs, wsize, hsize);
    pixWrite(fileout, pixd, IFF_JFIF_JPEG);
#elif 0
    pixd = pixTophat(pixs, wsize, hsize, TOPHAT_WHITE);
    pixWrite(fileout, pixd, IFF_JFIF_JPEG);
#elif 0
    pixd = pixTophat(pixs, wsize, hsize, TOPHAT_BLACK);
    pixWrite(fileout, pixd, IFF_JFIF_JPEG);

    /* ---------- Speed ----------  */
#if 0 
    pixd = pixCloseGray(pixs, wsize, hsize);
    fprintf(stderr, " Speed is %6.2f MPix/sec\n",
          (l_float32)(4 * w * h) / (1000000. * stopTimer()));
    pixWrite(fileout, pixd, IFF_PNG);

// Returns a new box object for the corresponding TBOX, based on the original
// image's coordinate system.
Box* ShiroRekhaSplitter::GetBoxForTBOX(const TBOX& tbox) const {
  return boxCreate(tbox.left(), pixGetHeight(orig_pix_) - tbox.top() - 1,
                   tbox.width(), tbox.height());
예제 #27
 *  pixWriteStreamPng()
 *      Input:  stream
 *              pix
 *              gamma (use 0.0 if gamma is not defined)
 *      Return: 0 if OK; 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) If called from pixWriteStream(), the stream is positioned
 *          at the beginning of the file.
 *      (2) To do sequential writes of png format images to a stream,
 *          use pixWriteStreamPng() directly.
 *      (3) gamma is an optional png chunk.  If no gamma value is to be
 *          placed into the file, use gamma = 0.0.  Otherwise, if
 *          gamma > 0.0, its value is written into the header.
 *      (4) The use of gamma in png is highly problematic.  For an illuminating
 *          discussion, see:  http://hsivonen.iki.fi/png-gamma/
 *      (5) What is the effect/meaning of gamma in the png file?  This
 *          gamma, which we can call the 'source' gamma, is the
 *          inverse of the gamma that was used in enhance.c to brighten
 *          or darken images.  The 'source' gamma is supposed to indicate
 *          the intensity mapping that was done at the time the
 *          image was captured.  Display programs typically apply a
 *          'display' gamma of 2.2 to the output, which is intended
 *          to linearize the intensity based on the response of
 *          thermionic tubes (CRTs).  Flat panel LCDs have typically
 *          been designed to give a similar response as CRTs (call it
 *          "backward compatibility").  The 'display' gamma is
 *          in some sense the inverse of the 'source' gamma.
 *          jpeg encoders attached to scanners and cameras will lighten
 *          the pixels, applying a gamma corresponding to approximately
 *          a square-root relation of output vs input:
 *                output = input^(gamma)
 *          where gamma is often set near 0.4545  (1/gamma is 2.2).
 *          This is stored in the image file.  Then if the display
 *          program reads the gamma, it will apply a display gamma,
 *          typically about 2.2; the product is 1.0, and the
 *          display program produces a linear output.  This works because
 *          the dark colors were appropriately boosted by the scanner,
 *          as described by the 'source' gamma, so they should not
 *          be further boosted by the display program.
 *      (6) As an example, with xv and display, if no gamma is stored,
 *          the program acts as if gamma were 0.4545, multiplies this by 2.2,
 *          and does a linear rendering.  Taking this as a baseline
 *          brightness, if the stored gamma is:
 *              > 0.4545, the image is rendered lighter than baseline
 *              < 0.4545, the image is rendered darker than baseline
 *          In contrast, gqview seems to ignore the gamma chunk in png.
 *      (7) The only valid pixel depths in leptonica are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16
 *          and 32.  However, it is possible, and in some cases desirable,
 *          to write out a png file using an rgb pix that has 24 bpp.
 *          For example, the open source xpdf SplashBitmap class generates
 *          24 bpp rgb images.  Consequently, we anble writing 24 bpp pix.
 *          To generate such a pix, you can make a 24 bpp pix without data
 *          and assign the data array to the pix; e.g.,
 *              pix = pixCreateHeader(w, h, 24);
 *              pixSetData(pix, rgbdata);
 *          See pixConvert32To24() for an example, where we get rgbdata
 *          from the 32 bpp pix.  Caution: do not call pixSetPadBits(),
 *          because the alignment is wrong and you may erase part of the
 *          last pixel on each line.
pixWriteStreamPng(FILE      *fp,
                  PIX       *pix,
                  l_float32  gamma)
char         commentstring[] = "Comment";
l_int32      i, j, k;
l_int32      wpl, d, cmflag;
l_int32      ncolors;
l_int32     *rmap, *gmap, *bmap;
l_uint32    *data, *ppixel;
png_byte     bit_depth, color_type;
png_uint_32  w, h;
png_uint_32  xres, yres;
png_bytep   *row_pointers;
png_bytep    rowbuffer;
png_structp  png_ptr;
png_infop    info_ptr;
png_colorp   palette;
PIX         *pixt;
PIXCMAP     *cmap;
char        *text;


    if (!fp)
        return ERROR_INT("stream not open", procName, 1);
    if (!pix)
        return ERROR_INT("pix not defined", procName, 1);

        /* Allocate the 2 data structures */
    if ((png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING,
                   (png_voidp)NULL, NULL, NULL)) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("png_ptr not made", procName, 1);

    if ((info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr)) == NULL) {
        png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, (png_infopp)NULL);
        return ERROR_INT("info_ptr not made", procName, 1);

        /* Set up png setjmp error handling */
    if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) {
        png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
        return ERROR_INT("internal png error", procName, 1);

    png_init_io(png_ptr, fp);

        /* With best zlib compression (9), get between 1 and 10% improvement
         * over default (5), but the compression is 3 to 10 times slower.
         * Our default compression is the zlib default (5). */
    png_set_compression_level(png_ptr, var_ZLIB_COMPRESSION);

    w = pixGetWidth(pix);
    h = pixGetHeight(pix);
    d = pixGetDepth(pix);
    if ((cmap = pixGetColormap(pix)))
        cmflag = 1;
        cmflag = 0;

        /* Set the color type and bit depth. */
    if (d == 32 && var_PNG_WRITE_ALPHA == 1) {
        bit_depth = 8;
        color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGBA;   /* 6 */
        cmflag = 0;  /* ignore if it exists */
    else if (d == 24 || d == 32) {
        bit_depth = 8;
        color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB;   /* 2 */
        cmflag = 0;  /* ignore if it exists */
    else {
        bit_depth = d;
        color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY;  /* 0 */
    if (cmflag)
        color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE;  /* 3 */

#if  DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "cmflag = %d, bit_depth = %d, color_type = %d\n",
            cmflag, bit_depth, color_type);
#endif  /* DEBUG */

    png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, w, h, bit_depth, color_type,

        /* Store resolution in ppm, if known */
    xres = (png_uint_32)(39.37 * (l_float32)pixGetXRes(pix) + 0.5);
    yres = (png_uint_32)(39.37 * (l_float32)pixGetYRes(pix) + 0.5);
    if ((xres == 0) || (yres == 0))
        png_set_pHYs(png_ptr, info_ptr, 0, 0, PNG_RESOLUTION_UNKNOWN);
        png_set_pHYs(png_ptr, info_ptr, xres, yres, PNG_RESOLUTION_METER);

    if (cmflag) {
        pixcmapToArrays(cmap, &rmap, &gmap, &bmap);
        ncolors = pixcmapGetCount(cmap);

            /* Make and save the palette */
        if ((palette = (png_colorp)(CALLOC(ncolors, sizeof(png_color))))
                == NULL)
            return ERROR_INT("palette not made", procName, 1);

        for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) {
            palette[i].red = (png_byte)rmap[i];
            palette[i].green = (png_byte)gmap[i];
            palette[i].blue = (png_byte)bmap[i];

        png_set_PLTE(png_ptr, info_ptr, palette, (int)ncolors);

        /* 0.4545 is treated as the default by some image
         * display programs (not gqview).  A value > 0.4545 will
         * lighten an image as displayed by xv, display, etc. */
    if (gamma > 0.0)
        png_set_gAMA(png_ptr, info_ptr, (l_float64)gamma);

    if ((text = pixGetText(pix))) {
        png_text text_chunk;
        text_chunk.compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;
        text_chunk.key = commentstring;
        text_chunk.text = text;
        text_chunk.text_length = strlen(text);
        text_chunk.itxt_length = 0;
        text_chunk.lang = NULL;
        text_chunk.lang_key = NULL;
        png_set_text(png_ptr, info_ptr, &text_chunk, 1);

        /* Write header and palette info */
    png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);

    if ((d != 32) && (d != 24)) {  /* not rgb color */
            /* Generate a temporary pix with bytes swapped.
             * For a binary image, there are two conditions in
             * which you must first invert the data for writing png:
             *    (a) no colormap
             *    (b) colormap with BLACK set to 0
             * png writes binary with BLACK = 0, unless contradicted
             * by a colormap.  If the colormap has BLACK = "1"
             * (typ. about 255), do not invert the data.  If there
             * is no colormap, you must invert the data to store
             * in default BLACK = 0 state.  */
        if (d == 1 &&
            (!cmap || (cmap && ((l_uint8 *)(cmap->array))[0] == 0x0))) {
            pixt = pixInvert(NULL, pix);
            pixt = pixEndianByteSwapNew(pix);
        if (!pixt) {
            png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
            return ERROR_INT("pixt not made", procName, 1);

            /* Make and assign array of image row pointers */
        if ((row_pointers = (png_bytep *)CALLOC(h, sizeof(png_bytep))) == NULL)
            return ERROR_INT("row-pointers not made", procName, 1);
        wpl = pixGetWpl(pixt);
        data = pixGetData(pixt);
        for (i = 0; i < h; i++)
            row_pointers[i] = (png_bytep)(data + i * wpl);
        png_set_rows(png_ptr, info_ptr, row_pointers);

            /* Transfer the data */
        png_write_image(png_ptr, row_pointers);
        png_write_end(png_ptr, info_ptr);

        if (cmflag)
        png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
        return 0;

        /* For rgb, compose and write a row at a time */
    data = pixGetData(pix);
    wpl = pixGetWpl(pix);
    if (d == 24) {  /* See note 7 above: special case of 24 bpp rgb */
        for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
            ppixel = data + i * wpl;
            png_write_rows(png_ptr, (png_bytepp)&ppixel, 1);
    else {  /* 32 bpp rgb and rgba */
        if ((rowbuffer = (png_bytep)CALLOC(w, 4)) == NULL)
            return ERROR_INT("rowbuffer not made", procName, 1);
        for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
            ppixel = data + i * wpl;
            for (j = k = 0; j < w; j++) {
                rowbuffer[k++] = GET_DATA_BYTE(ppixel, COLOR_RED);
                rowbuffer[k++] = GET_DATA_BYTE(ppixel, COLOR_GREEN);
                rowbuffer[k++] = GET_DATA_BYTE(ppixel, COLOR_BLUE);
                if (var_PNG_WRITE_ALPHA == 1)
                    rowbuffer[k++] = GET_DATA_BYTE(ppixel, L_ALPHA_CHANNEL);

            png_write_rows(png_ptr, &rowbuffer, 1);

    png_write_end(png_ptr, info_ptr);

    if (cmflag)
    png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
    return 0;

예제 #28
bool MakeIndividualGlyphs(Pix* pix,
                          const std::vector<BoxChar*>& vbox,
                          const int input_tiff_page) {
  // If checks fail, return false without exiting text2image
  if (!pix) {
    tprintf("ERROR: MakeIndividualGlyphs(): Input Pix* is nullptr\n");
    return false;
  } else if (FLAGS_glyph_resized_size <= 0) {
    tprintf("ERROR: --glyph_resized_size must be positive\n");
    return false;
  } else if (FLAGS_glyph_num_border_pixels_to_pad < 0) {
    tprintf("ERROR: --glyph_num_border_pixels_to_pad must be 0 or positive\n");
    return false;

  const int n_boxes = vbox.size();
  int n_boxes_saved = 0;
  int current_tiff_page = 0;
  int y_previous = 0;
  static int glyph_count = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < n_boxes; i++) {
    // Get one bounding box
    Box* b = vbox[i]->mutable_box();
    if (!b) continue;
    const int x = b->x;
    const int y = b->y;
    const int w = b->w;
    const int h = b->h;
    // Check present tiff page (for multipage tiff)
    if (y < y_previous-pixGetHeight(pix)/10) {
      tprintf("ERROR: Wrap-around encountered, at i=%d\n", i);
    if (current_tiff_page < input_tiff_page) continue;
    else if (current_tiff_page > input_tiff_page) break;
    // Check box validity
    if (x < 0 || y < 0 ||
        (x+w-1) >= pixGetWidth(pix) ||
        (y+h-1) >= pixGetHeight(pix)) {
      tprintf("ERROR: MakeIndividualGlyphs(): Index out of range, at i=%d"
              " (x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d\n)", i, x, y, w, h);
    } else if (w < FLAGS_glyph_num_border_pixels_to_pad &&
               h < FLAGS_glyph_num_border_pixels_to_pad) {
      tprintf("ERROR: Input image too small to be a character, at i=%d\n", i);
    // Crop the boxed character
    Pix* pix_glyph = pixClipRectangle(pix, b, nullptr);
    if (!pix_glyph) {
      tprintf("ERROR: MakeIndividualGlyphs(): Failed to clip, at i=%d\n", i);
    // Resize to square
    Pix* pix_glyph_sq = pixScaleToSize(pix_glyph,
    if (!pix_glyph_sq) {
      tprintf("ERROR: MakeIndividualGlyphs(): Failed to resize, at i=%d\n", i);
    // Zero-pad
    Pix* pix_glyph_sq_pad = pixAddBorder(pix_glyph_sq,
    if (!pix_glyph_sq_pad) {
      tprintf("ERROR: MakeIndividualGlyphs(): Failed to zero-pad, at i=%d\n",
    // Write out
    Pix* pix_glyph_sq_pad_8 = pixConvertTo8(pix_glyph_sq_pad, false);
    char filename[1024];
    snprintf(filename, 1024, "%s_%d.jpg", FLAGS_outputbase.c_str(),
    if (pixWriteJpeg(filename, pix_glyph_sq_pad_8, 100, 0)) {
      tprintf("ERROR: MakeIndividualGlyphs(): Failed to write JPEG to %s,"
              " at i=%d\n", filename, i);

    y_previous = y;
  if (n_boxes_saved == 0) {
    return false;
  } else {
    tprintf("Total number of characters saved = %d\n", n_boxes_saved);
    return true;
 * \brief   pixConnCompBB()
 * \param[in]    pixs 1 bpp
 * \param[in]    connectivity 4 or 8
 * \return  boxa, or NULL on error
 * <pre>
 * Notes:
 *     (1) Finds bounding boxes of 4- or 8-connected components
 *         in a binary image.
 *     (2) This works on a copy of the input pix.  The c.c. are located
 *         in raster order and erased one at a time.  In the process,
 *         the b.b. is computed and saved.
 * </pre>
pixConnCompBB(PIX     *pixs,
              l_int32  connectivity)
l_int32   h, iszero;
l_int32   x, y, xstart, ystart;
PIX      *pixt;
BOX      *box;
BOXA     *boxa;
L_STACK  *stack, *auxstack;


    if (!pixs || pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1)
        return (BOXA *)ERROR_PTR("pixs undefined or not 1 bpp", procName, NULL);
    if (connectivity != 4 && connectivity != 8)
        return (BOXA *)ERROR_PTR("connectivity not 4 or 8", procName, NULL);

    pixZero(pixs, &iszero);
    if (iszero)
        return boxaCreate(1);  /* return empty boxa */

    if ((pixt = pixCopy(NULL, pixs)) == NULL)
        return (BOXA *)ERROR_PTR("pixt not made", procName, NULL);

    h = pixGetHeight(pixs);
    if ((stack = lstackCreate(h)) == NULL)
        return (BOXA *)ERROR_PTR("stack not made", procName, NULL);
    if ((auxstack = lstackCreate(0)) == NULL)
        return (BOXA *)ERROR_PTR("auxstack not made", procName, NULL);
    stack->auxstack = auxstack;
    if ((boxa = boxaCreate(0)) == NULL)
        return (BOXA *)ERROR_PTR("boxa not made", procName, NULL);

    xstart = 0;
    ystart = 0;
    while (1)
        if (!nextOnPixelInRaster(pixt, xstart, ystart, &x, &y))

        if ((box = pixSeedfillBB(pixt, stack, x, y, connectivity)) == NULL)
            return (BOXA *)ERROR_PTR("box not made", procName, NULL);
        boxaAddBox(boxa, box, L_INSERT);

        xstart = x;
        ystart = y;

#if  DEBUG
    pixCountPixels(pixt, &iszero, NULL);
    fprintf(stderr, "Number of remaining pixels = %d\n", iszero);
    pixWrite("junkremain", pixt1, IFF_PNG);
#endif  /* DEBUG */

        /* Cleanup, freeing the fillsegs on each stack */
    lstackDestroy(&stack, TRUE);

    return boxa;
예제 #30
main(int    argc,
     char **argv)
char        *filein, *fileout;
char         buffer[512];
const char  *psfile = "/tmp/junk_split_image.ps";
l_int32      nx, ny, i, w, h, d, ws, hs, n, res, ignore;
l_float32    scale;
PIX         *pixs, *pixt, *pixr;
PIXA        *pixa;
static char  mainName[] = "splitimage2pdf";

    if (argc != 5)
        return ERROR_INT(" Syntax:  splitimage2pdf filein nx ny fileout",
                         mainName, 1);

    filein = argv[1];
    nx = atoi(argv[2]);
    ny = atoi(argv[3]);
    fileout = argv[4];

    lept_rm(NULL, "junk_split_image.ps");

    if ((pixs = pixRead(filein)) == NULL)
        exit(ERROR_INT("pixs not made", mainName, 1));
    d = pixGetDepth(pixs);
    if (d == 1 )
        lept_rm(NULL, "junk_split_image.tif");
    else if (d == 8 || d == 32)
        lept_rm(NULL, "junk_split_image.jpg");
        return ERROR_INT("d not in {1,8,32} bpp", mainName, 1);

    ws = pixGetWidth(pixs);
    hs = pixGetHeight(pixs);
    if (ny * ws > nx * hs)
        pixr = pixRotate90(pixs, 1);
        pixr = pixClone(pixs);

    pixa = pixaSplitPix(pixr, nx, ny, 0, 0);
    n = pixaGetCount(pixa);
    res = 300;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        pixt = pixaGetPix(pixa, i, L_CLONE);
        w = pixGetWidth(pixt);
        h = pixGetHeight(pixt);
        scale = L_MIN(FILL_FACTOR * 2550 / w, FILL_FACTOR * 3300 / h);
        if (d == 1) {
            pixWrite("/tmp/junk_split_image.tif", pixt, IFF_TIFF_G4);
            if (i == 0)
                convertG4ToPS("/tmp/junk_split_image.tif", psfile,
                              "w", 0, 0, 300, scale, 1, FALSE, TRUE);
                convertG4ToPS("/tmp/junk_split_image.tif", psfile,
                              "a", 0, 0, 300, scale, 1, FALSE, TRUE);
        else {
            pixWrite("/tmp/junk_split_image.jpg", pixt, IFF_JFIF_JPEG);
            if (i == 0)
                convertJpegToPS("/tmp/junk_split_image.jpg", psfile,
                                "w", 0, 0, 300, scale, 1, TRUE);
                convertJpegToPS("/tmp/junk_split_image.jpg", psfile,
                                "a", 0, 0, 300, scale, 1, TRUE);

    sprintf(buffer, "ps2pdf %s %s", psfile, fileout);
    ignore = system(buffer);

    return 0;