static bool pkcs11_sign(void *pkcs11_cert, const void *src, size_t src_len, void *dst, size_t dst_len) { return CKR_OK == pkcs11h_certificate_signAny(pkcs11_cert, CKM_RSA_PKCS, src, src_len, dst, &dst_len); }
void sign_test (const pkcs11h_certificate_t cert) { static unsigned const char sha1_data[] = { 0x30, 0x21, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x05, 0x2b, 0x0e, 0x03, /* */ 0x02, 0x1a, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x14, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, /* dummy data */ 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14 }; CK_RV rv; unsigned char *blob; size_t blob_size; if ( (rv = pkcs11h_certificate_signAny ( cert, CKM_RSA_PKCS, sha1_data, sizeof (sha1_data), NULL, &blob_size )) != CKR_OK ) { fatal ("pkcs11h_certificate_sign(1) failed", rv); } blob = (unsigned char *)malloc (blob_size); if ( (rv = pkcs11h_certificate_signAny ( cert, CKM_RSA_PKCS, sha1_data, sizeof (sha1_data), blob, &blob_size )) != CKR_OK ) { fatal ("pkcs11h_certificate_sign(1) failed", rv); } free (blob); }
int pkcs11_sign( pkcs11_context *ctx, int mode, int hash_id, unsigned int hashlen, const unsigned char *hash, unsigned char *sig ) { size_t olen, asn_len; unsigned char *p = sig; if( NULL == ctx ) return POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_BAD_INPUT_DATA; if( RSA_PUBLIC == mode ) return POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_BAD_INPUT_DATA; olen = ctx->len; switch( hash_id ) { case SIG_RSA_RAW: asn_len = 0; memcpy( p, hash, hashlen ); break; case SIG_RSA_MD2: asn_len = OID_SIZE(ASN1_HASH_MDX); memcpy( p, ASN1_HASH_MDX, asn_len ); memcpy( p + asn_len, hash, hashlen ); p[13] = 2; break; case SIG_RSA_MD4: asn_len = OID_SIZE(ASN1_HASH_MDX); memcpy( p, ASN1_HASH_MDX, asn_len ); memcpy( p + asn_len, hash, hashlen ); p[13] = 4; break; case SIG_RSA_MD5: asn_len = OID_SIZE(ASN1_HASH_MDX); memcpy( p, ASN1_HASH_MDX, asn_len ); memcpy( p + asn_len, hash, hashlen ); p[13] = 5; break; case SIG_RSA_SHA1: asn_len = OID_SIZE(ASN1_HASH_SHA1); memcpy( p, ASN1_HASH_SHA1, asn_len ); memcpy( p + 15, hash, hashlen ); break; case SIG_RSA_SHA224: asn_len = OID_SIZE(ASN1_HASH_SHA2X); memcpy( p, ASN1_HASH_SHA2X, asn_len ); memcpy( p + asn_len, hash, hashlen ); p[1] += hashlen; p[14] = 4; p[18] += hashlen; break; case SIG_RSA_SHA256: asn_len = OID_SIZE(ASN1_HASH_SHA2X); memcpy( p, ASN1_HASH_SHA2X, asn_len ); memcpy( p + asn_len, hash, hashlen ); p[1] += hashlen; p[14] = 1; p[18] += hashlen; break; case SIG_RSA_SHA384: asn_len = OID_SIZE(ASN1_HASH_SHA2X); memcpy( p, ASN1_HASH_SHA2X, asn_len ); memcpy( p + asn_len, hash, hashlen ); p[1] += hashlen; p[14] = 2; p[18] += hashlen; break; case SIG_RSA_SHA512: asn_len = OID_SIZE(ASN1_HASH_SHA2X); memcpy( p, ASN1_HASH_SHA2X, asn_len ); memcpy( p + asn_len, hash, hashlen ); p[1] += hashlen; p[14] = 3; p[18] += hashlen; break; default: return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_BAD_INPUT_DATA ); } if( pkcs11h_certificate_signAny( ctx->pkcs11h_cert, CKM_RSA_PKCS, sig, asn_len + hashlen, sig, &olen ) != CKR_OK ) { return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_BAD_INPUT_DATA ); } return( 0 ); }
/** Sign data (set by SETDATA) with certificate id in line. */ gpg_error_t cmd_pksign (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) { static const unsigned char rmd160_prefix[] = /* ( */ { 0x30, 0x21, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x05, 0x2b, 0x24, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x14 }; static const unsigned char md5_prefix[] = /* (1.2.840.113549.2.5) */ { 0x30, 0x2c, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x08, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x02, 0x05, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x10 }; static const unsigned char sha1_prefix[] = /* ( */ { 0x30, 0x21, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x05, 0x2b, 0x0e, 0x03, 0x02, 0x1a, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x14 }; static const unsigned char sha224_prefix[] = /* (2.16.840. */ { 0x30, 0x2D, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x04, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x1C }; static const unsigned char sha256_prefix[] = /* (2.16.840. */ { 0x30, 0x31, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x20 }; static const unsigned char sha384_prefix[] = /* (2.16.840. */ { 0x30, 0x41, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x02, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x30 }; static const unsigned char sha512_prefix[] = /* (2.16.840. */ { 0x30, 0x51, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x40 }; gpg_err_code_t error = GPG_ERR_GENERAL; pkcs11h_certificate_id_t cert_id = NULL; pkcs11h_certificate_t cert = NULL; cmd_data_t *data = (cmd_data_t *)assuan_get_pointer (ctx); cmd_data_t *_data = data; int need_free__data = 0; int session_locked = 0; unsigned char *sig = NULL; size_t sig_len; char hash[100] = ""; enum { INJECT_NONE, INJECT_RMD160, INJECT_MD5, INJECT_SHA1, INJECT_SHA224, INJECT_SHA256, INJECT_SHA384, INJECT_SHA512 } inject = INJECT_NONE; if (data->data == NULL) { error = GPG_ERR_INV_DATA; goto cleanup; } while (*line != '\x0' && (isspace (*line) || *line == '-')) { if (*line == '-') { static const char *hashprm = "--hash="; char *p = line; while (*line != '\x0' && !isspace (*line)) { line++; } line++; if (!strncmp (p, hashprm, strlen (hashprm))) { p += strlen (hashprm); *(line-1) = '\0'; snprintf (hash, sizeof(hash), "%s", p); } } else { line++; } } if (*line == '\x0') { error = GPG_ERR_INV_DATA; goto cleanup; } /* * sender prefixed data with algorithm OID */ if (strcmp(hash, "")) { if (!strcmp(hash, "rmd160") && data->size == (0x14 + sizeof(rmd160_prefix)) && !memcmp (data->data, rmd160_prefix, sizeof (rmd160_prefix))) { inject = INJECT_NONE; } else if (!strcmp(hash, "rmd160") && data->size == 0x14) { inject = INJECT_RMD160; } else if (!strcmp(hash, "md5") && data->size == (0x10 + sizeof(md5_prefix)) && !memcmp (data->data, md5_prefix, sizeof (md5_prefix))) { inject = INJECT_NONE; } else if (!strcmp(hash, "md5") && data->size == 0x10) { inject = INJECT_MD5; } else if (!strcmp(hash, "sha1") && data->size == (0x14 + sizeof(sha1_prefix)) && !memcmp (data->data, sha1_prefix, sizeof (sha1_prefix))) { inject = INJECT_NONE; } else if (!strcmp(hash, "sha1") && data->size == 0x14) { inject = INJECT_SHA1; } else if (!strcmp(hash, "sha224") && data->size == (0x1c + sizeof(sha224_prefix)) && !memcmp (data->data, sha224_prefix, sizeof (sha224_prefix))) { inject = INJECT_NONE; } else if (!strcmp(hash, "sha224") && data->size == 0x1c) { inject = INJECT_SHA224; } else if (!strcmp(hash, "sha256") && data->size == (0x20 + sizeof(sha256_prefix)) && !memcmp (data->data, sha256_prefix, sizeof (sha256_prefix))) { inject = INJECT_NONE; } else if (!strcmp(hash, "sha256") && data->size == 0x20) { inject = INJECT_SHA256; } else if (!strcmp(hash, "sha384") && data->size == (0x30 + sizeof(sha384_prefix)) && !memcmp (data->data, sha384_prefix, sizeof (sha384_prefix))) { inject = INJECT_NONE; } else if (!strcmp(hash, "sha384") && data->size == 0x30) { inject = INJECT_SHA384; } else if (!strcmp(hash, "sha512") && data->size == (0x40 + sizeof(sha512_prefix)) && !memcmp (data->data, sha512_prefix, sizeof (sha512_prefix))) { inject = INJECT_NONE; } else if (!strcmp(hash, "sha512") && data->size == 0x40) { inject = INJECT_SHA512; } else { common_log (LOG_DEBUG, "unsupported hash algo (hash=%s,size=%d)", hash, data->size); error = GPG_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ALGORITHM; goto cleanup; } } else { if ( data->size == 0x10 + sizeof (md5_prefix) || data->size == 0x14 + sizeof (sha1_prefix) || data->size == 0x14 + sizeof (rmd160_prefix) ) { if ( memcmp (data->data, md5_prefix, sizeof (md5_prefix)) && memcmp (data->data, sha1_prefix, sizeof (sha1_prefix)) && memcmp (data->data, rmd160_prefix, sizeof (rmd160_prefix)) ) { error = GPG_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ALGORITHM; goto cleanup; } } else { /* * unknown hash algorithm; * gnupg's scdaemon forces to SHA1 */ inject = INJECT_SHA1; } } if (inject != INJECT_NONE) { const unsigned char *oid; size_t oid_size; switch (inject) { case INJECT_RMD160: oid = rmd160_prefix; oid_size = sizeof (rmd160_prefix); break; case INJECT_MD5: oid = md5_prefix; oid_size = sizeof (md5_prefix); break; case INJECT_SHA1: oid = sha1_prefix; oid_size = sizeof (sha1_prefix); break; case INJECT_SHA224: oid = sha224_prefix; oid_size = sizeof (sha224_prefix); break; case INJECT_SHA256: oid = sha256_prefix; oid_size = sizeof(sha256_prefix); break; case INJECT_SHA384: oid = sha384_prefix; oid_size = sizeof(sha384_prefix); break; case INJECT_SHA512: oid = sha512_prefix; oid_size = sizeof(sha512_prefix); break; default: error = GPG_ERR_INV_DATA; goto cleanup; } need_free__data = 1; if ((_data = (cmd_data_t *)malloc (sizeof (cmd_data_t))) == NULL) { error = GPG_ERR_ENOMEM; goto cleanup; } if ((_data->data = (unsigned char *)malloc (data->size + oid_size)) == NULL) { error = GPG_ERR_ENOMEM; goto cleanup; } _data->size = 0; memmove (_data->data+_data->size, oid, oid_size); _data->size += oid_size; memmove (_data->data+_data->size, data->data, data->size); _data->size += data->size; } if ( (error = _get_certificate_by_name ( ctx, line, OPENPGP_SIGN, &cert_id, NULL )) != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR ) { goto cleanup; } if ( (error = common_map_pkcs11_error ( pkcs11h_certificate_create ( cert_id, ctx, PKCS11H_PROMPT_MASK_ALLOW_ALL, PKCS11H_PIN_CACHE_INFINITE, &cert ) )) != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR ) { goto cleanup; } if ( (error = common_map_pkcs11_error ( pkcs11h_certificate_lockSession (cert) )) != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR ) { goto cleanup; } session_locked = 1; if ( (error = common_map_pkcs11_error ( pkcs11h_certificate_signAny ( cert, CKM_RSA_PKCS, _data->data, _data->size, NULL, &sig_len ) )) != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR ) { goto cleanup; } if ((sig = (unsigned char *)malloc (sig_len)) == NULL) { error = GPG_ERR_ENOMEM; goto cleanup; } if ( (error = common_map_pkcs11_error ( pkcs11h_certificate_signAny ( cert, CKM_RSA_PKCS, _data->data, _data->size, sig, &sig_len ) )) != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR || (error = assuan_send_data(ctx, sig, sig_len)) != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR ) { goto cleanup; } error = GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR; cleanup: if (session_locked) { pkcs11h_certificate_releaseSession (cert); session_locked = 0; } if (cert != NULL) { pkcs11h_certificate_freeCertificate (cert); cert = NULL; } if (cert_id != NULL) { pkcs11h_certificate_freeCertificateId (cert_id); cert_id = NULL; } if (sig != NULL) { free (sig); sig = NULL; } if (need_free__data) { free (_data->data); _data->data = NULL; free (_data); _data = NULL; } return gpg_error (error); }
static ECDSA_SIG * __pkcs11h_openssl_ecdsa_do_sign( IN const unsigned char *dgst, IN int dlen, IN const BIGNUM *inv, IN const BIGNUM *r, OUT EC_KEY *ec ) { pkcs11h_certificate_t certificate = __pkcs11h_openssl_ecdsa_get_pkcs11h_certificate (ec); unsigned char *sigbuf = NULL; size_t siglen; ECDSA_SIG *sig = NULL; ECDSA_SIG *ret = NULL; CK_RV rv = CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED; _PKCS11H_DEBUG ( PKCS11H_LOG_DEBUG2, "PKCS#11: __pkcs11h_openssl_ecdsa_do_sign - entered dgst=%p, dlen=%d, inv=%p, r=%p, ec=%p", (void *)dgst, dlen, (void *)inv, (void *)r, (void *)ec ); _PKCS11H_ASSERT (dgst!=NULL); _PKCS11H_ASSERT (inv==NULL); _PKCS11H_ASSERT (r==NULL); _PKCS11H_ASSERT (ec!=NULL); _PKCS11H_ASSERT (certificate!=NULL); if ( (rv = pkcs11h_certificate_signAny ( certificate, CKM_ECDSA, dgst, (size_t)dlen, NULL, &siglen )) != CKR_OK ) { _PKCS11H_LOG (PKCS11H_LOG_WARN, "PKCS#11: Cannot perform signature %ld:'%s'", rv, pkcs11h_getMessage (rv)); goto cleanup; } if ((rv = _pkcs11h_mem_malloc ((void *)&sigbuf, siglen)) != CKR_OK) { _PKCS11H_LOG (PKCS11H_LOG_WARN, "PKCS#11: Cannot cannot allocate signature buffer"); goto cleanup; } if ( (rv = pkcs11h_certificate_signAny ( certificate, CKM_ECDSA, dgst, (size_t)dlen, sigbuf, &siglen )) != CKR_OK ) { _PKCS11H_LOG (PKCS11H_LOG_WARN, "PKCS#11: Cannot perform signature %ld:'%s'", rv, pkcs11h_getMessage (rv)); goto cleanup; } if ((sig = ECDSA_SIG_new ()) == NULL) { _PKCS11H_LOG (PKCS11H_LOG_WARN, "PKCS#11: Cannot allocate ECDSA_SIG"); goto cleanup; } if (BN_bin2bn (&sigbuf[0], siglen/2, sig->r) == NULL) { _PKCS11H_LOG (PKCS11H_LOG_WARN, "PKCS#11: Cannot convert ecdsa r"); goto cleanup; } if (BN_bin2bn (&sigbuf[siglen/2], siglen/2, sig->s) == NULL) { _PKCS11H_LOG (PKCS11H_LOG_WARN, "PKCS#11: Cannot convert ecdsa s"); goto cleanup; } ret = sig; sig = NULL; cleanup: if (sigbuf != NULL) { _pkcs11h_mem_free ((void *)&sigbuf); } if (sig != NULL) { ECDSA_SIG_free (sig); sig = NULL; } _PKCS11H_DEBUG ( PKCS11H_LOG_DEBUG2, "PKCS#11: __pkcs11h_openssl_ecdsa_do_sign - return sig=%p", (void *)sig ); return ret; }
static DSA_SIG * __pkcs11h_openssl_dsa_do_sign( IN const unsigned char *dgst, IN int dlen, OUT DSA *dsa ) { pkcs11h_certificate_t certificate = __pkcs11h_openssl_dsa_get_pkcs11h_certificate (dsa); unsigned char *sigbuf = NULL; size_t siglen; DSA_SIG *sig = NULL; DSA_SIG *ret = NULL; BIGNUM *r = NULL; BIGNUM *s = NULL; CK_RV rv = CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED; _PKCS11H_DEBUG ( PKCS11H_LOG_DEBUG2, "PKCS#11: __pkcs11h_openssl_dsa_do_sign - entered dgst=%p, dlen=%d, dsa=%p", (void *)dgst, dlen, (void *)dsa ); _PKCS11H_ASSERT (dgst!=NULL); _PKCS11H_ASSERT (dsa!=NULL); _PKCS11H_ASSERT (certificate!=NULL); if ( (rv = pkcs11h_certificate_signAny ( certificate, CKM_DSA, dgst, (size_t)dlen, NULL, &siglen )) != CKR_OK ) { _PKCS11H_LOG (PKCS11H_LOG_WARN, "PKCS#11: Cannot perform signature %ld:'%s'", rv, pkcs11h_getMessage (rv)); goto cleanup; } if ((rv = _pkcs11h_mem_malloc ((void *)&sigbuf, siglen)) != CKR_OK) { _PKCS11H_LOG (PKCS11H_LOG_WARN, "PKCS#11: Cannot cannot allocate signature buffer"); goto cleanup; } if ( (rv = pkcs11h_certificate_signAny ( certificate, CKM_DSA, dgst, (size_t)dlen, sigbuf, &siglen )) != CKR_OK ) { _PKCS11H_LOG (PKCS11H_LOG_WARN, "PKCS#11: Cannot perform signature %ld:'%s'", rv, pkcs11h_getMessage (rv)); goto cleanup; } if ((sig = DSA_SIG_new ()) == NULL) { _PKCS11H_LOG (PKCS11H_LOG_WARN, "PKCS#11: Cannot allocate DSA_SIG"); goto cleanup; } if ((r = BN_bin2bn (&sigbuf[0], siglen/2, NULL)) == NULL) { _PKCS11H_LOG (PKCS11H_LOG_WARN, "PKCS#11: Cannot convert dsa r"); goto cleanup; } if ((s = BN_bin2bn (&sigbuf[siglen/2], siglen/2, NULL)) == NULL) { _PKCS11H_LOG (PKCS11H_LOG_WARN, "PKCS#11: Cannot convert dsa s"); goto cleanup; } DSA_SIG_set0 (sig, r, s); ret = sig; sig = NULL; r = NULL; s = NULL; cleanup: if (sigbuf != NULL) { _pkcs11h_mem_free ((void *)&sigbuf); } if (sig != NULL) { DSA_SIG_free (sig); sig = NULL; } if (r != NULL) { BN_clear_free (r); } if (s != NULL) { BN_clear_free (s); } _PKCS11H_DEBUG ( PKCS11H_LOG_DEBUG2, "PKCS#11: __pkcs11h_openssl_dsa_do_sign - return sig=%p", (void *)sig ); return ret; }
static int __pkcs11h_openssl_rsa_enc ( IN int flen, IN unsigned char *from, OUT unsigned char *to, IN OUT RSA *rsa, IN int padding ) { #else static int __pkcs11h_openssl_rsa_enc ( IN int flen, IN const unsigned char *from, OUT unsigned char *to, IN OUT RSA *rsa, IN int padding ) { #endif pkcs11h_certificate_t certificate = __pkcs11h_openssl_rsa_get_pkcs11h_certificate (rsa); PKCS11H_BOOL session_locked = FALSE; CK_RV rv = CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED; size_t tlen; _PKCS11H_ASSERT (from!=NULL); _PKCS11H_ASSERT (to!=NULL); _PKCS11H_ASSERT (rsa!=NULL); _PKCS11H_DEBUG ( PKCS11H_LOG_DEBUG2, "PKCS#11: __pkcs11h_openssl_rsa_enc entered - flen=%d, from=%p, to=%p, rsa=%p, padding=%d", flen, from, to, (void *)rsa, padding ); if (padding != RSA_PKCS1_PADDING) { rv = CKR_MECHANISM_INVALID; goto cleanup; } tlen = (size_t)RSA_size(rsa); if ((rv = pkcs11h_certificate_lockSession (certificate)) != CKR_OK) { goto cleanup; } session_locked = TRUE; _PKCS11H_DEBUG ( PKCS11H_LOG_DEBUG1, "PKCS#11: Performing signature" ); if ( (rv = pkcs11h_certificate_signAny ( certificate, CKM_RSA_PKCS, from, flen, to, &tlen )) != CKR_OK ) { _PKCS11H_LOG (PKCS11H_LOG_WARN, "PKCS#11: Cannot perform signature %ld:'%s'", rv, pkcs11h_getMessage (rv)); goto cleanup; } rv = CKR_OK; cleanup: if (session_locked) { pkcs11h_certificate_releaseSession (certificate); session_locked = FALSE; } _PKCS11H_DEBUG ( PKCS11H_LOG_DEBUG2, "PKCS#11: __pkcs11h_openssl_rsa_enc - return rv=%lu-'%s'", rv, pkcs11h_getMessage (rv) ); return rv == CKR_OK ? (int)tlen : -1; }
int pkcs11_sign( pkcs11_context *ctx, int mode, md_type_t md_alg, unsigned int hashlen, const unsigned char *hash, unsigned char *sig ) { size_t sig_len = 0, asn_len = 0, oid_size = 0; unsigned char *p = sig; const char *oid; if( NULL == ctx ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_BAD_INPUT_DATA ); if( RSA_PRIVATE != mode ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_BAD_INPUT_DATA ); if( md_alg != POLARSSL_MD_NONE ) { const md_info_t *md_info = md_info_from_type( md_alg ); if( md_info == NULL ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_BAD_INPUT_DATA ); if( oid_get_oid_by_md( md_alg, &oid, &oid_size ) != 0 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_BAD_INPUT_DATA ); hashlen = md_get_size( md_info ); asn_len = 10 + oid_size; } sig_len = ctx->len; if( hashlen > sig_len || asn_len > sig_len || hashlen + asn_len > sig_len ) { return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_BAD_INPUT_DATA ); } if( md_alg != POLARSSL_MD_NONE ) { /* * DigestInfo ::= SEQUENCE { * digestAlgorithm DigestAlgorithmIdentifier, * digest Digest } * * DigestAlgorithmIdentifier ::= AlgorithmIdentifier * * Digest ::= OCTET STRING */ *p++ = ASN1_SEQUENCE | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED; *p++ = (unsigned char) ( 0x08 + oid_size + hashlen ); *p++ = ASN1_SEQUENCE | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED; *p++ = (unsigned char) ( 0x04 + oid_size ); *p++ = ASN1_OID; *p++ = oid_size & 0xFF; memcpy( p, oid, oid_size ); p += oid_size; *p++ = ASN1_NULL; *p++ = 0x00; *p++ = ASN1_OCTET_STRING; *p++ = hashlen; } memcpy( p, hash, hashlen ); if( pkcs11h_certificate_signAny( ctx->pkcs11h_cert, CKM_RSA_PKCS, sig, asn_len + hashlen, sig, &sig_len ) != CKR_OK ) { return( POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_BAD_INPUT_DATA ); } return( 0 ); }