예제 #1
파일: token.c 프로젝트: lavabit/magma
 * @brief	Get a placer pointing to the text contained within a specified pair of opening and closing braces.
 * @param	str			a placer pointing to the string to be parsed.
 * @param	out			a pointer to a placer that will store the string between the braces on success.
 * @param	opening		the character to be the opening brace of the sequence.
 * @param	closing		the character to be the closing brace of the sequence.
 * @param	required	if true, fail if no data was found between the pair of braces.
 * @return	true if the brace sequence was complete, or false if either component could not be located.
bool_t pl_get_embraced (placer_t str, placer_t *out, unsigned char opening, unsigned char closing, bool_t required) {

	char *ptr = pl_char_get(str);

	if (pl_empty(str)) {
		return false;

	// Must have at least 2 characters for the opening and closing
	if (str.length < 2) {
		return false;
	} else if (*ptr != opening) {
		return false;


	for (int i = 1; i < str.length; i++, ptr++) {

		if (*ptr == closing) {

			if (required && i <= 1) {
				return false;

			out->data = pl_char_get(str) + 1;
			out->length = i - 1;
			return true;


	// We hit the end without finding a closing character...
	return false;
예제 #2
파일: token.c 프로젝트: lavabit/magma
 * @brief	Truncate a placer to start before any of the specified characters, and update the placer accordingly.
 * @param	place		a pointer to a placer that will be updated to be truncated before any of the specified characters.
 * @param	shrinkchars	a pointer to a buffer containing bytes that will be skipped when they are found at the end of the placer.
 * @param	nchars		the number of characters to be tested in the collection in shrinkchars.
 * @return	true if the shrink operation completed before the end of the placer was reached, or false otherwise.
bool_t pl_shrink_before_characters (placer_t *place, char *shrinkchars, size_t nchars) {

	char *ptr = pl_char_get(*place) + pl_length_get(*place) - 1;

	if (pl_empty(*place)) {
		return false;

	for (int i = 0; i < place->length; i++, ptr--) {

		for (int j = 0; j <= nchars; j++) {

				// We went through all the skip characters without finding something... so this is where we return.
				if (j == nchars) {
					place->length -= i;
					return true;

				if (*ptr == shrinkchars[j])



	return false;
예제 #3
파일: token.c 프로젝트: lavabit/magma
 * @brief	Skip to the first instance of any of the specified characters in the placer, and update the placer accordingly.
 * @param	place		a pointer to a placer that will be updated to skip to any of the specified characters.
 * @param	skiptochars	a pointer to a buffer containing bytes that will be skipped to when they are first found in the placer.
 * @param	nchars		the number of characters to be tested in the collection in skiptochars.
 * @return	true if the skip operation completed before the end of the placer was reached, or false otherwise.
bool_t pl_skip_to_characters (placer_t *place, char *skiptochars, size_t nchars) {

	char *ptr = pl_char_get(*place);

	if (pl_empty(*place)) {
		return false;

	for (int i = 0; i < place->length; i++, ptr++) {

		for (int j = 0; j < nchars; j++) {

			// We went through all the skip characters without finding something... so this is where we return.
			if (*ptr == skiptochars[j]) {
				place->data = (char *) place->data + i;
				place->length -= i;
				return true;



	return false;
예제 #4
파일: token.c 프로젝트: lavabit/magma
 * @brief	Retrieve a specified string-split token from a null-terminated string.
 * @param	block		a pointer to the block of memory to be tokenized.
 * @param	length		the maximum number of characters to be scanned from the input data.
 * @param	token		the token string that will be used to split the data.
 * @param	toklen		the length, in bytes, of the token string.
 * @param	fragment	the zero-indexed token number to be extracted from the data.
 * @param	value		a pointer to a placer that will receive the value of the extracted token on success, or pl_null() on failure.
 * @return	-1 on failure, 0 on success, or 1 if the token was extracted successfully, but was the last one in the string.
int str_tok_get_bl(char *block, size_t length, chr_t *token, size_t toklen, uint64_t fragment, placer_t *value) {

	placer_t haystack, needle;
	size_t hptr, skipped = 0;
	bool_t found;

	// We can't search NULL pointers or empty strings.
	if (!value || mm_empty(block, length) || mm_empty(token, toklen)) {
		*value = pl_null();
		return -1;

	haystack = pl_init(block, length);
	needle = pl_init(token, toklen);

	while (fragment) {

		if (!(found = st_search_cs(&haystack, &needle, &hptr))) {
			*value = pl_null();
			return -1;

		// Haystack becomes the entire block after the token.
		skipped += pl_length_get (needle) + hptr;
		haystack = pl_init(pl_char_get(haystack) + skipped, length-skipped);

	// If no more tokens are present, return everything we have left
	if (!st_search_cs(&haystack, &needle, &hptr)) {
		*value = haystack;
		return 1;

	*value = pl_init(pl_char_get(haystack), hptr);

	return 0;
예제 #5
파일: ecies.c 프로젝트: lavabit/magma
EC_KEY * deprecated_ecies_key_private(uint64_t format, placer_t data) {

	EC_KEY *key = NULL;
	BIGNUM *number = NULL;

	if (!(key = deprecated_ecies_key_alloc())) {
		log_info("Unable to allocate an empty key context.");
		return NULL;

	// Process a key in binary format.
	if (format & ECIES_PRIVATE_BINARY) {

		if (!(number = BN_bin2bn_d(pl_data_get(data), pl_length_get(data), NULL))) {
			log_info("An error occurred while parsing the binary elliptical curve point data used to represent the private key. {%s}", ssl_error_string(MEMORYBUF(256), 256));
			return NULL;

	// Process a key in hex.
	else if (format & ECIES_PRIVATE_HEX) {

		if (!(BN_hex2bn_d(&number, pl_char_get(data)))) {
			log_info("An error occurred while parsing the binary elliptical curve point data used to represent the private key. {%s}", ssl_error_string(MEMORYBUF(256), 256));
			return NULL;

	// Invalid format!
	else {
		log_info("The private key data is using an unrecognized format.");
		return NULL;

	// Assign the point to our empty key instance.
	if (EC_KEY_set_private_key_d(key, number) != 1) {
		log_info("The provided point data does not represent a valid public key. {%s}", ssl_error_string(MEMORYBUF(256), 256));
		return NULL;

	// The above function call duplicates the point so the local copy is no longer needed.

	return key;
예제 #6
파일: ecies.c 프로젝트: lavabit/magma
EC_KEY * deprecated_ecies_key_public(uint64_t format, placer_t data) {

	EC_KEY *key = NULL;
	EC_POINT *point = NULL;

	if (!(key = deprecated_ecies_key_alloc())) {
		log_info("Unable to allocate an empty key context.");
		return NULL;

	// Process a key in binary format.
	if (format & ECIES_PUBLIC_BINARY) {

		// Generate the empty point context we'll be assigning to below.
		if (!(point = EC_POINT_new_d(EC_KEY_get0_group_d(key)))) {
			log_info("An error occurred while allocate the elliptical curve point. {%s}", ssl_error_string(MEMORYBUF(256), 256));
			return NULL;
		else if (EC_POINT_oct2point_d(EC_KEY_get0_group_d(key), point, pl_data_get(data), pl_length_get(data), NULL) != 1) {
			log_info("An error occurred while parsing the binary elliptical curve point data used to represent the public key. {%s}",
					ssl_error_string(MEMORYBUF(256), 256));
			return NULL;

	// Process a key in hex.
	else if (format & ECIES_PUBLIC_HEX) {

		if (!(point = EC_POINT_hex2point_d(EC_KEY_get0_group_d(key), pl_char_get(data), NULL, NULL))) {
			log_info("An error occurred while parsing the binary elliptical curve point data used to represent the public key. {%s}",
					ssl_error_string(MEMORYBUF(256), 256));
			return NULL;

	// Invalid format!
	else {
		log_info("The public key data is using an unrecognized format.");
		return NULL;

	// Assign the point to our empty key instance.
	if (EC_KEY_set_public_key_d(key, point) != 1) {
		log_info("The provided point data does not represent a valid public key. {%s}", ssl_error_string(MEMORYBUF(256), 256));
		return NULL;

	// The above function call duplicates the point so the local copy is no longer needed.

	// Ensures the provided point is along the active elliptical curve and therefore represents a valid public key.
	if (EC_KEY_check_key_d(key) != 1) {
		log_info("The provided point data does not represent a valid public key. {%s}", ssl_error_string(MEMORYBUF(256), 256));
		return NULL;

	return key;
예제 #7
 * @brief	Get a placer pointing to the specified line ('\n' delimited) of another placer.
 * @param	string	a pointer to the placer to be scanned.
 * @param	number	the zero-based index of the line to be retrieved from the placer.
 * @return	a null placer on failure, or a placer pointing to the specified line on success.
placer_t line_pl_pl(placer_t string, uint64_t number) {
	return line_pl_bl(pl_char_get(string), pl_length_get(string), number);
예제 #8
 * @brief	Return a zero-length placer pointing to NULL data.
 * @return	a zero-length placer pointing to NULL data.
placer_t pl_null(void) {

	return (placer_t){ .opts = PLACER_T | JOINTED | STACK | FOREIGNDATA, .data = NULL, .length = 0 };

 * @brief	Return a placer wrapping a data buffer of given size.
 * @param	data	a pointer to the data to be wrapped.
 * @param	len		the length, in bytes, of the data.
 * @return	a placer pointing to the specified data.
placer_t pl_init(void *data, size_t len) {

	return (placer_t){ .opts = PLACER_T | JOINTED | STACK | FOREIGNDATA, .data = data, .length = len };

placer_t pl_clone(placer_t place) {
	return (pl_init(place.data, place.length));

placer_t pl_set(placer_t place, placer_t set) {

	return (placer_t){ .opts = place.opts, .data = set.data, .length = set.length };

 * @brief	Get a pointer to the data referenced by a placer.
 * @param	place	the input placer.
 * @return	NULL on failure or a pointer to the block of data associated with the specified placer on success.
void * pl_data_get(placer_t place) {

	return st_data_get((stringer_t *)&place);

 * @brief	Get a character pointer to the data referenced by a placer.
 * @param	place	the input placer.
 * @return	NULL on failure or a a character pointer to the block of data associated with the specified placer on success.
chr_t * pl_char_get(placer_t place) {

	return st_char_get((stringer_t *)&place);

 * @brief	Get the length, in bytes, of a placer as an integer.
 * @param	place	the input placer.
 * @return	the size, in bytes, of the specified placer.
int_t pl_length_int(placer_t place) {

	return st_length_int((stringer_t *)&place);

 * @brief	Get the length, in bytes, of a placer.
 * @param	place	the input placer.
 * @return	the size, in bytes, of the specified placer.
size_t pl_length_get(placer_t place) {

	return st_length_get((stringer_t *)&place);

 * @brief	Determine whether or not the specified placer is empty.
 * @param	place	the input placer.
 * @return	true if the placer is empty or zero-length, or false otherwise.
bool_t pl_empty(placer_t place) {

	return st_empty((stringer_t *)&place);

 * @brief	Determine if a placer begins with a specified character.
 * @param	place	the input placer.
 * @param	c		the character to be compared with the first byte of the placer's data.
 * @return	true if the placer begins with the given character or false otherwise.
bool_t pl_starts_with_char(placer_t place, chr_t c) {

	if (pl_empty(place)) {
		return false;

	if (*(pl_char_get(place)) == c) {
		return true;

	return false;

 * @brief	Advance the placer one character forward beyond an expected character.
 * @param	place	the input placer.
 * @param	more	if true, the placer must contain more data, and vice versa.
 * @return	true if more was true and the placer contains more data, or if more was false and the placer ended; false otherwise.
bool_t pl_inc(placer_t *place, bool_t more) {

	if (pl_empty(*place)) {
		return false;

	place->data = (chr_t *)place->data + 1;

	return (more == (place->length > 0));