예제 #1
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
    int degrees,PosRelX,PosRelY;
    float radians,Dlaser,ODM_ang, ang;
    int width = 500, height = 500; //Coloque o tamanho do mapa aqui (em pixel)
    int centroX = (width / 2);
    int centroY = (height / 2);
    playerc_client_t *client;
    playerc_laser_t *laser;
    playerc_position2d_t *position2d;
    CvPoint pt,pt1,pt2;
    CvScalar cinzaE,preto,cinzaC;
    char window_name[] = "Mapa";

    IplImage* image = cvCreateImage( cvSize(width,height), 8, 3 );
    cvNamedWindow(window_name, 1 );
    preto = CV_RGB(0, 0, 0);        //Para indicar obstaculos
    cinzaE = CV_RGB(92, 92, 92);    //Para indicar o desconhecido
    cinzaC = CV_RGB(150, 150, 150); //Para indicar espacos livres
printf ("debug: 11 - INICIO\n");
    client = playerc_client_create(NULL, "localhost", 6665);
printf ("debug: 12\n");
    if (playerc_client_connect(client) != 0)
    return -1;
printf ("debug: 13\n");
    laser = playerc_laser_create(client, 0);
printf ("debug: 21\n");
    if (playerc_laser_subscribe(laser, PLAYERC_OPEN_MODE))
    return -1;
printf ("debug: 22\n");

    position2d = playerc_position2d_create(client, 0);
    if (playerc_position2d_subscribe(position2d, PLAYERC_OPEN_MODE) != 0) {
        printf ("err1\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", playerc_error_str());
        return -1;
printf ("debug: 23\n");
    if (playerc_client_datamode (client, PLAYERC_DATAMODE_PULL) != 0) {
        printf ("err2\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", playerc_error_str());
        return -1;
printf ("debug: 24\n");
    if (playerc_client_set_replace_rule (client, -1, -1, PLAYER_MSGTYPE_DATA, -1, 1) != 0) {
        printf ("err3\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", playerc_error_str());
        return -1;

    playerc_position2d_enable(position2d, 1);  // Liga os motores
printf ("debug: 25\n");    
    playerc_position2d_set_odom(position2d, 0, 0, 0);  // Zera o odômetro

    cvSet(image, cinzaE,0); //Preencha a imagem com fundo cinza escuro
    pt.x = centroX;  // Zera a coordenada X
    pt.y = centroY;  // Zera a coordenada Y

    if( 0 != playerc_position2d_set_cmd_vel(position2d, 0, 0, DTOR(40.0), 1))
        return -1;
    while(1) {
printf ("debug: 26\n");
printf ("debug: 27\n");
printf ("debug: 28\n");        
printf ("debug: 29\n");
        for (degrees = 2; degrees <= 360; degrees+=2) {
printf ("debug: 30\n");              
            Dlaser = laser->scan[degrees][0];
printf ("debug: 31\n");              
            if (Dlaser < 8) {
                radians = graus2rad (degrees/2);      //Converte o angulo do laser em graus para radianos
printf ("debug: 32\n");                              
                ODM_ang = position2d->pa;             //Obtem o angulo relativo do robo
                ang = ((1.5*PI)+radians+ODM_ang);     //Converte o angulo relativo em global
printf ("debug: 33\n");
                PosRelX = arredonda(position2d->px);  //Posicao X relativa do robo
                PosRelY = arredonda(position2d->py);  //Posicao Y relativa do robo
printf ("debug: 34\n");
                pt1.y = (centroY-PosRelY);            //Coordenada y global do robo
                pt1.x = (centroX+PosRelX);            //Coordenada x global do robo

                //converte coordenadas polares para retangulares (global)
printf ("debug: 35\n");
                pt.y = (int)(pt1.y-(sin(ang)*Dlaser*10));
                pt.x = (int)(pt1.x+(cos(ang)*Dlaser*10));

printf ("debug: 36\n");
                //Desenha a area livre
                cvLine(image, pt1,pt,cinzaC, 1,4,0);

printf ("debug: 37\n");
                //Marca o objeto no mapa
                cvLine(image, pt,pt,preto, 1,4,0);
printf ("debug: 38\n");
                //Mostra o resultado do mapeamento na tela
                //cvShowImage(window_name, image );
printf ("debug: 39\n");
printf ("debug: 40\n");

    //Desconecta o player
printf ("debug: 41\n");
printf ("debug: 42\n");
printf ("debug: 43\n");
printf ("debug: 44\n");
printf ("debug: 45\n");

    //Destroi a janela OpenCV
printf ("debug: 46\n");
printf ("debug: 47\n");
    return 0;
예제 #2
player_init(int argc, char *argv[])
  int csize, usize, i;

  if(get_options(argc, argv) < 0)

  // Create a g_client object and connect to the server; the server must
  // be running on "localhost" at port 6665
  g_client = playerc_client_create(NULL, g_hostname, g_port);
  playerc_client_set_transport(g_client, g_transport);
  if (0 != playerc_client_connect(g_client))
    fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", playerc_error_str());

/*  if (0 != playerc_client_datafreq(g_client, 20))
    fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", playerc_error_str());
    return -1;

  // Create a camera proxy (device id "camera:index") and susbscribe
  g_camera = playerc_camera_create(g_client, g_camera_index);
  if (0 != playerc_camera_subscribe(g_camera, PLAYER_OPEN_MODE))
    fprintf(stderr, "camera error: %s\n", playerc_error_str());
    fprintf(stderr, "playercam will attempt to continue without a camera\n");
    g_camera = NULL;

  // Create a blobfinder proxy (device id "blobfinder:index") and susbscribe
  g_blobfinder = playerc_blobfinder_create(g_client, g_blobfinder_index);
  if (0 != playerc_blobfinder_subscribe(g_blobfinder, PLAYER_OPEN_MODE))
    fprintf(stderr, "blobfinder error: %s\n", playerc_error_str());
    fprintf(stderr, "playercam will attempt to continue without a blobfinder\n");
    g_blobfinder = NULL;

  if ((NULL == g_camera) && (NULL == g_blobfinder))
    fprintf(stderr, "we need either a camera or blobfinder! aborting\n");

  // Get up to 10 images until we have a valid frame (g_wdith > 0)
  for (i=0, g_width=0; i < 10 && g_width==0 && NULL != playerc_client_read(g_client); ++i)
    if (NULL != g_camera)
      // Decompress the image
      csize = g_camera->image_count;
      usize = g_camera->image_count;

      g_print("camera: [w %d h %d d %d] [%d/%d bytes]\n",
              g_camera->width, g_camera->height, g_camera->bpp, csize, usize);

      g_width  = g_camera->width;
      g_height = g_camera->height;
      if (allocated_size != usize)
    	  g_img = realloc(g_img, usize);
        allocated_size = usize;
    else // try the blobfinder
      g_print("blobfinder: [w %d h %d]\n",
              g_blobfinder->width, g_blobfinder->height);

      g_width  = g_blobfinder->width;
      g_height = g_blobfinder->height;
      usize = g_width * g_height * 3;
      if (allocated_size != usize)
        g_img = realloc(g_img, usize);
        allocated_size = usize;
      // set the image data to 0 since we don't have a camera
      memset(g_img, 128, usize);

  g_window_width  = g_width;
  g_window_height = g_height;



  return 0;
예제 #3
static gint playerout_open(AFormat fmt, gint rate, gint nch)
	gint pos;

	written = 0;
	afmt = fmt;
	sampleRate = rate;
	numChannels = nch;
	startTime = 0.0f;
	pausedTime = 0.0f;

	if (xmms_check_realtime_priority())
				  "You cannot use the Player Output plugin\n"
				    "when you're running in realtime mode.",
				  "Ok", FALSE, NULL, NULL);
		return 0;

	/* do player server connection here */
	// Create a client object and connect to the server; the server must
	// be running on "localhost" at port 6665
	client = playerc_client_create(NULL, server_address, server_port);
	if (playerc_client_connect(client) != 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", playerc_error_str());
		client = NULL;
		return 0;

	// Create a audio proxy susbscribe
	audio_proxy = playerc_audio_create(client, server_index);
	if (playerc_audio_subscribe(audio_proxy, PLAYERC_OPEN_MODE) != 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", playerc_error_str());
		return 0;

	// Set to PULL data mode
	if (playerc_client_datamode (client, PLAYERC_DATAMODE_PULL) != 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", playerc_error_str());
		return 0;
	if (playerc_client_set_replace_rule (client, -1, -1, PLAYER_MSGTYPE_DATA, -1, 1) != 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", playerc_error_str());
		return 0;

	bytesPerSecond = rate * nch;
	if (fmt == FMT_S16_LE || fmt == FMT_S16_BE || fmt == FMT_S16_NE ||
		   fmt == FMT_U16_LE || fmt == FMT_U16_BE || fmt == FMT_U16_NE)
		bytesPerSecond *= 2;

	// Allocate a buffer
	bufferLength = (int) (((float) bufferTime / 1000.0f) * bytesPerSecond);
	if (buffer != NULL)
		free (buffer);
	buffer = malloc (bufferLength);
	bufferPos = 0;

	return 1;
예제 #4
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
  playerc_client_t *client;
  playerc_opaque_t *ringLEDs;
  playerc_opaque_t *frontLED;
  playerc_opaque_t *bodyLED;

  client = playerc_client_create(NULL, "localhost", 6665);
  if(playerc_client_connect(client) != 0)
    fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", playerc_error_str());
    return -1;
  ringLEDs = playerc_opaque_create(client, 0);
  if(playerc_opaque_subscribe(ringLEDs, PLAYERC_OPEN_MODE) != 0)
    fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", playerc_error_str());
    return -1;
  frontLED = playerc_opaque_create(client, 1);
  if(playerc_opaque_subscribe(frontLED, PLAYERC_OPEN_MODE) != 0)
    fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", playerc_error_str());
    return -1;
  bodyLED = playerc_opaque_create(client, 2);
  if(playerc_opaque_subscribe(bodyLED, PLAYERC_OPEN_MODE) != 0)
    fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", playerc_error_str());
    return -1;

  if(playerc_client_datamode(client, PLAYERC_DATAMODE_PULL) != 0)
    fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", playerc_error_str());
    return -1;
  if(playerc_client_set_replace_rule(client, -1, -1,
                                     PLAYER_MSGTYPE_DATA, -1, 1) != 0)
    fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", playerc_error_str());
    return -1;

  /* Turn on the ring LEDs 2 and 6, and the front and body LEDs. */
  player_opaque_data_t ringData, frontData, bodyData;
  ringData.data_count = 8;
  int led;
  for(led = 0; led < 8; led++)
    ringData.data[led] = 0;
  ringData.data[2] = 1;
  ringData.data[6] = 1;

  frontData.data_count = 1;
  frontData.data[0] = 1;

  bodyData.data_count = 1;
  bodyData.data[0] = 1;

  playerc_opaque_cmd(ringLEDs, &ringData);
  playerc_opaque_cmd(frontLED, &frontData);
  playerc_opaque_cmd(bodyLED, &bodyData);

  /* Without this sleep there will not be enough time for process all above  *
   * messages. If the camera interface is not in provides section of Player  *
   * configuration file, the time for e-puck initialization will be smaller, *
   * and consequently this sleep time will can be smaller.                   */

  /* Shutdown and tidy up */

  return 0;
예제 #5
// Main
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  playerc_client_t *client;
  rtk_app_t *app;
  mainwnd_t *mainwnd;
  opt_t *opt;
  const char *host;
  int port;
  int i;
  int count;
  double rate;
  char section[256];
  int device_count;
  device_t devices[PLAYER_MAX_DEVICES];
  device_t *device;
  struct timeval tv, tc = {0, 0};
  struct timespec st = {0, (1.0/GUI_UPDATE_RATE) * 1e9};

  printf("PlayerViewer %s\n", PLAYER_VERSION);

  // Initialise rtk lib (after we have read the program options we
  // want).
  rtk_init(&argc, &argv);

  // Register signal handlers
  signal(SIGINT, sig_quit);
  signal(SIGQUIT, sig_quit);

  // Load program options
  opt = opt_init(argc, argv, NULL);
  if (!opt)
    return -1;

  // Pick out some important program options
  host = opt_get_string(opt, "", "host", NULL);
  if (!host)
    host = opt_get_string(opt, "", "h", "localhost");

  port = opt_get_int(opt, "", "port", -1);
  if (port < 0)
    port = opt_get_int(opt, "", "p", 6665);

  rate = opt_get_double(opt, "", "rate", 5.0);
  if(rate < 0.0)
    rate = 0.0;

  // Connect to the server
  printf("Connecting to [%s:%d]\n", host, port);
  client = playerc_client_create(NULL, host, port);
  if (playerc_client_connect(client) != 0)
    PRINT_ERR1("%s", playerc_error_str());
    return -1;

  if(rate == 0.0)
    printf("Setting delivery mode to PLAYER_DATAMODE_PUSH\n");
    // Change the server's data delivery mode.
    if (playerc_client_set_replace_rule(client, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0) != 0)
      PRINT_ERR1("%s", playerc_error_str());
      return -1;

    // Change the server's data delivery mode.
    if (playerc_client_datamode(client, PLAYERC_DATAMODE_PUSH) != 0)
      PRINT_ERR1("%s", playerc_error_str());
      return -1;

  // Get the available devices.
  if (playerc_client_get_devlist(client) != 0)
    PRINT_ERR1("%s", playerc_error_str());
    return -1;

  // Create gui
  app = rtk_app_create();

  // Create a window for most of the sensor data
  mainwnd = mainwnd_create(app, host, port);
  if (!mainwnd)
    return -1;

  // Create a list of available devices, with their gui proxies.
  device_count = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < client->devinfo_count; i++)
    device = devices + device_count;

    device->addr = client->devinfos[i].addr;
    device->drivername = strdup(client->devinfos[i].drivername);

    // See if the device should be subscribed immediately.
    snprintf(section, sizeof(section), "%s:%d",
             interf_to_str(device->addr.interf), device->addr.index);
    device->subscribe = opt_get_int(opt, section, "", 0);
    device->subscribe = opt_get_int(opt, section, "subscribe", device->subscribe);
    if (device->addr.index == 0)
      snprintf(section, sizeof(section), "%s",
      device->subscribe = opt_get_int(opt, section, "", device->subscribe);
      device->subscribe = opt_get_int(opt, section, "subscribe", device->subscribe);

    // Allow for --position instead of --position2d
    if(device->addr.interf == PLAYER_POSITION2D_CODE)
      snprintf(section, sizeof(section), "%s:%d",
               PLAYER_POSITION2D_STRING, device->addr.index);
      device->subscribe = opt_get_int(opt, section, "", device->subscribe);
      device->subscribe = opt_get_int(opt, section, "subscribe", device->subscribe);
      if (device->addr.index == 0)
        snprintf(section, sizeof(section), "%s", PLAYER_POSITION2D_STRING);
        device->subscribe = opt_get_int(opt, section, "", device->subscribe);
        device->subscribe = opt_get_int(opt, section, "subscribe", device->subscribe);

    // Create the GUI proxy for this device.
    create_proxy(device, opt, mainwnd, client);


  // Print the list of available devices.
  printf("Available devices: %s:%d\n", host, port);
  for (i = 0; i < device_count; i++)
    device = devices + i;
    snprintf(section, sizeof(section), "%s:%d",
             interf_to_str(device->addr.interf), device->addr.index);
    printf("%-16s %-40s", section, device->drivername);
    if (device->proxy)
      if (device->subscribe)

  // Print out a list of unused options.

  // Start the gui; dont run in a separate thread and dont let it do
  // its own updates.

  // start out timer if in pull mode
  if(rate > 0.0)
    gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);

  while (!quit)
    // Let gui process messages

    if(rate == 0.0)  // if we're in push mode
      // see if there's data
      count = playerc_client_peek(client, 50);
      if (count < 0)
        PRINT_ERR1("%s", playerc_error_str());
      if (count > 0)
        /*proxy = */playerc_client_read_nonblock(client);
    else // we're in pull mode
      // we only want to request new data at the target rate
      gettimeofday(&tc, NULL);
      if(((tc.tv_sec - tv.tv_sec) + (tc.tv_usec - tv.tv_usec)/1e6) > 1.0/rate)
        tv = tc;
        // this requests a round of data from the server to be read
        // sleep for the minimum time we can, so we don't use up too much
        // processor
        nanosleep(&st, NULL);

    // Update the devices
    for (i = 0; i < device_count; i++)
      device = devices + i;
        (*(device->fnupdate)) (device->proxy);
    // Update the main window
    if (mainwnd_update(mainwnd) != 0)

  // Stop the gui

  // Destroy devices
  for (i = 0; i < device_count; i++)
    device = devices + i;
    if (device->proxy)
      (*(device->fndestroy)) (device->proxy);

  // Disconnect from server
  if (playerc_client_disconnect(client) != 0)
    PRINT_ERR1("%s", playerc_error_str());
    return -1;

  // For some reason, either of the following calls makes the program
  // segfault on exit.  I haven't figured out why, so I'm commenting them out.  - BPG

  // Destroy the windows

  // Destroy the gui


  return 0;
예제 #6
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
    int degrees,PosRelX,PosRelY;
    float radians,Dlaser,ODM_ang, ang;
    int width = 500, height = 500; //Create the size of the map here (in pixel)
    int centroX = (width / 2);
    int centroY = (height / 2);
    playerc_client_t *client;
    playerc_laser_t *laser;
    playerc_position2d_t *position2d;
    CvPoint pt,pt1,pt2;
    CvScalar cinzaE,preto,cinzaC;
    char window_name[] = "Map";

    IplImage* image = cvCreateImage( cvSize(width,height), 8, 3 );
    cvNamedWindow(window_name, 1 );
    preto = CV_RGB(0, 0, 0);        //for indicating obstacles
    cinzaE = CV_RGB(92, 92, 92);    //To indicate the stranger
    cinzaC = CV_RGB(150, 150, 150); //To indicate free spaces

    client = playerc_client_create(NULL, "localhost", 6665);
    if (playerc_client_connect(client) != 0)
    return -1;

    laser = playerc_laser_create(client, 0);
    if (playerc_laser_subscribe(laser, PLAYERC_OPEN_MODE))
    return -1;

    position2d = playerc_position2d_create(client, 0);
    if (playerc_position2d_subscribe(position2d, PLAYERC_OPEN_MODE) != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", playerc_error_str());
        return -1;

    if (playerc_client_datamode (client, PLAYERC_DATAMODE_PULL) != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", playerc_error_str());
        return -1;

    if (playerc_client_set_replace_rule (client, -1, -1, PLAYER_MSGTYPE_DATA, -1, 1) != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", playerc_error_str());
        return -1;

    playerc_position2d_enable(position2d, 1);  // initialise motors
    playerc_position2d_set_odom(position2d, 0, 0, 0);  // Set odometer to zero

    cvSet(image, cinzaE,0); //set the image colour to dark
    pt.x = centroX;  // Zero coordinate for x
    pt.y = centroY;  // Zero coordinate for y

    while(1) {

        for (degrees = 2; degrees <= 360; degrees+=2) {
            Dlaser = laser->scan[degrees][0];
            if (Dlaser < 8) {
                radians = graus2rad (degrees/2);      //Convert the angle of the laser to radians
                ODM_ang = position2d->pa;             //Obtain the angle relative to the robot
                ang = ((1.5*PI)+radians+ODM_ang);     //Converte the angle relative to the world
                PosRelX = arredonda(position2d->px);  //Position x relative to robot
                PosRelY = arredonda(position2d->py);  //Position y relative to robot
                pt1.y = (centroY-PosRelY);            //Co-ordinated global y of the robot
                pt1.x = (centroX+PosRelX);            //Co-ordinated global x of the robot

 //t converts polar coordinates for rectangular (global)
                pt.y = (int)(pt1.y-(sin(ang)*Dlaser*10));
                pt.x = (int)(pt1.x+(cos(ang)*Dlaser*10));

                //The free area draws cvline
                cvLine(image, pt1,pt,cinzaC, 1,4,0);

                //marks the object in the map
                cvLine(image, pt,pt,preto, 1,4,0);

                //Shows the result of the map to the screen
                cvShowImage(window_name, image );

    //Disconnect player

    //Destroy the OpenCV window cvReleaseImage
    return 0;