예제 #1
unsigned char cache_find_writable ( char *originpath, char *r_writepath, unsigned int len ) {
  static char *searchpaths = NULL;
  static unsigned int minfree = 0;
  char searchpath [ PATH_MAX ] = "";
  char cmdbuf [ PATH_MAX ];
  FILE *f;
  unsigned int freespace = 0;

  // figure out the mountpoint for the file, and stick that in at front of searchpath
  // so that it will get picked first, if possible.
  char mountpath [ PATH_MAX ];
  if ( pnd_determine_mountpoint ( originpath, mountpath, PATH_MAX ) ) {
    sprintf ( searchpath, "%s:", mountpath );
    //pnd_log ( pndn_debug, "Preferred cache target for %s: %s\n", originpath, mountpath );

  // try to find a device, in order of searchpath, with enough space for this cache-out

  // populate the searchpath
  if ( ! searchpaths ) {
    searchpaths = pnd_conf_get_as_char ( g_conf, "previewpic.cache_searchpath" );
    minfree = pnd_conf_get_as_int_d ( g_conf, "previewpic.cache_minfree", 500 );

  if ( ! searchpaths ) {
    return ( 0 ); // fail!

  strncat ( searchpath, searchpaths, PATH_MAX );


    // since I didn't figure out which /sys/block I can pull remaining space from, I'll use df for now :/
    sprintf ( cmdbuf, "/bin/df %s", buffer );

    f = popen ( cmdbuf, "r" );

    if ( f ) {
      while ( fgets ( cmdbuf, PATH_MAX, f ) ) {
	// just eat it up
	// /dev/sdc2              7471392    725260   6366600  11% /media/IMAGE
	if ( sscanf ( cmdbuf, "%*s %*u %*u %u %*u %*s\n", &freespace ) == 1 ) {
	  strncpy ( r_writepath, buffer, len );
	  if ( freespace > minfree ) {
	    pclose ( f );
	    return ( 1 );
	  } // enough free?
	} // df
      } // while
      pclose ( f );


  return ( 0 );
예제 #2
// This very recently was inline code; just slight refactor to functionize it so that it can be
// reused in a couple of places. Simple code with simple design quickly became too large for
// its simple design; should revisit a lot of these little things..
void process_discoveries ( pnd_box_handle applist, char *emitdesktoppath, char *emiticonpath ) {
  pnd_disco_t *d = pnd_box_get_head ( applist );

  while ( d ) {

    pnd_log ( pndn_rem, "Found app: %s\n", pnd_box_get_key ( d ) );

    // check if icon already exists (from a previous extraction say); if so, we needn't
    // do it again
    char existingpath [ FILENAME_MAX ];
    sprintf ( existingpath, "%s/%s.png", emiticonpath, d -> unique_id /*, d -> subapp_number */ );

    struct stat dirs;
    if ( stat ( existingpath, &dirs ) == 0 ) {
      // icon seems to exist, so just crib the location into the .desktop

      pnd_log ( pndn_rem, "  Found icon already existed, so reusing it! %s\n", existingpath );

      if ( d -> icon ) {
	free ( d -> icon );
      d -> icon = strdup ( existingpath );

    } else {
      // icon seems unreadable or does not exist; lets try to create it..

      pnd_log ( pndn_debug, "  Icon not already present, so trying to write it! %s\n", existingpath );

      // handle same-path icon override for davec :)
      char ovrfile [ PATH_MAX ];
      char *fixpxml;
      sprintf ( ovrfile, "%s/%s", d -> object_path, d -> object_filename );
      fixpxml = strcasestr ( ovrfile, PND_PACKAGE_FILEEXT );
      if ( fixpxml ) {
	strcpy ( fixpxml, ".png" );
	fixpxml = NULL;
	struct stat statbuf;
	if ( stat ( ovrfile, &statbuf ) == 0 ) {
	  d -> icon = strdup ( ovrfile );
	  fixpxml = ovrfile; // !NULL will be the trigger to skip emittinf desktop from .pnd
	} // stat
      } // ovr?

      // attempt to create icon files; if successful, alter the disco struct to contain new
      // path, otherwise leave it alone (since it could be a generic icon reference..)
      if ( fixpxml == NULL ) {
	// don't have an same-path override icon, so go fetch something from pnd file

	if ( pnd_emit_icon ( emiticonpath, d ) ) {
	  // success; fix up icon path to new one..
	  if ( d -> icon ) {
	    free ( d -> icon );
	  d -> icon = strdup ( existingpath );
	} else {
	  pnd_log ( pndn_debug, "  WARN: Couldn't write out icon %s\n", existingpath );

      } // got ovr icon already?

    } // icon already exists?

    // create the .desktop file
    if ( pnd_emit_dotdesktop ( emitdesktoppath, pndrun, d ) ) {
      // add a watch onto the newly created .desktop?
#if 0
      char buffer [ FILENAME_MAX ];
      sprintf ( buffer, "%s/%s", emitdesktoppath, d -> unique_id );
      pnd_notify_watch_path ( nh, buffer, PND_NOTIFY_RECURSE );
    } else {
      pnd_log ( pndn_rem, "ERROR: Error creating .desktop file for app: %s\n", pnd_box_get_key ( d ) );

    // info .desktop
    if ( g_info_p && info_dotdesktoppath ) {
      if ( ! pnd_emit_dotinfo ( info_dotdesktoppath, pndrun, d ) ) {
	pnd_log ( pndn_rem, "ERROR: Error creating info .desktop file for app: %s\n", pnd_box_get_key ( d ) );

    // does this object request any mkdir's?
    if ( d -> mkdir_sp ) {

      // it would appear it does! but we have to carefully validate these suckers
      pnd_log ( pndn_rem, "  App %s requests mkdir: %s\n", d -> object_path, d -> mkdir_sp );

      // for each mkdir requested path, do it...
      char *searchpath = d -> mkdir_sp;

	/* "buffer" now holds each chunk of the searchpath, expanded */

	// WARN: This whole concept could be flawed; what if they represent '..' in some other obscure way (unicode?)
	// and we end up allowing mkdir's all over the place? The risk really is limited -- once the pnd is here,
	// if the user _runs it_, it can go nuts, so creating a few dirs isn't all that dangerous...
	//   HMRF :/
	// Perhaps I should have a config setting for pndnotifyd to suppress this whole mkdir behaviour?

	// if not containing ".." we allow it
	if ( strstr ( buffer, ".." )  == NULL ) {

	  // determine mountpoint for the file
	  // - we could deduce this from the path (somewhat risky if we assume leading /media/mmcblk1p1 type notation .. could
	  //   be other distributions entirely
	  // - better to scan through mount-list and figure it out.. *sucks*
	  char mountpoint [ PATH_MAX ];
	  if ( pnd_determine_mountpoint ( d -> object_path, mountpoint, PATH_MAX - strlen ( buffer ) - 1 ) == 1 ) {

	    strcat ( mountpoint, "/" );
	    strcat ( mountpoint, buffer );

	    struct stat t;
	    if ( stat ( mountpoint, &t ) == 0 ) {
	      pnd_log ( pndn_rem, "    Skipping existing mkdir: %s\n", mountpoint );
	    } else {
	      pnd_log ( pndn_rem, "    Attempting create of non-existant path: %s\n", mountpoint );
	      mkdir ( mountpoint, 0777 );

	  } // if figured out the mountpoint

	} // if valid path


    } // mkdir request

    // next!
    d = pnd_box_get_next ( d );

  } // while applist