ModelPtr MultiPointCloud::model( )

    // Count all points that need to be exported
    pc_attr_it it;
    size_t c = 0;
    for(it = m_clouds.begin(); it != m_clouds.end(); it++)
        PointCloud* pc = it->second->cloud;
            vector<uColorVertex>::iterator p_it;
            for(p_it = pc->m_points.begin(); p_it != pc->m_points.end(); p_it++)

    // Create a new model and save points
    PointBufferPtr pcBuffer( new PointBuffer);
    floatArr pointBuffer(new float[3 * c]);
    ucharArr colorBuffer(new unsigned char[3 * c]);
    c = 0;

    for(it = m_clouds.begin(); it != m_clouds.end(); it++)
        PointCloud* pc = it->second->cloud;
            vector<uColorVertex>::iterator p_it;
            for(p_it = pc->m_points.begin(); p_it != pc->m_points.end(); p_it++)
                size_t bufferPos = 3 * c;

                uColorVertex v = *p_it;
                pointBuffer[bufferPos    ] = v.x;
                pointBuffer[bufferPos + 1] = v.y;
                pointBuffer[bufferPos + 2] = v.z;

                colorBuffer[bufferPos    ] = v.r;
                colorBuffer[bufferPos + 1] = v.g;
                colorBuffer[bufferPos + 2] = v.b;



    pcBuffer->setPointArray(pointBuffer, c);
    pcBuffer->setPointColorArray(colorBuffer, c);

    ModelPtr modelPtr(new Model);
    modelPtr->m_pointCloud = pcBuffer;

    return modelPtr;

예제 #2
ModelPtr DatIO::read(string filename, int n, int reduction)
	ModelPtr model( new Model);
	PointBufferPtr pointBuffer(new PointBuffer);

	// Allocate point buffer and read data from file
	int c = 0;
	ifstream in(filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary);

	int numPoints = 0;*)&numPoints, sizeof(int));

	// Determine modulo value suitable for desired reduction
	int mod_filter = 1;
	if(reduction != 0 && numPoints > reduction)
		mod_filter = (int)(numPoints / reduction);
		cout << timestamp << "Reduction mode. Reading every " << mod_filter << "th point." << endl;
		numPoints = reduction;
		reduction = numPoints; // needed for progress estimation

	float* pointArray = new float[3 * numPoints];
	unsigned char* colorArray = new unsigned char[3 * numPoints];

	float* buffer = new float[n-1];
	int    reflect;

	string msg = timestamp.getElapsedTime() + "Loading points";
	ProgressBar progress(numPoints, msg);
	int d = 0;
		memset(buffer, 0, (n - 1) * sizeof(float));*)buffer, (n - 1) * sizeof(float));*)&reflect, sizeof(int));

		if(c % mod_filter == 0 && d < numPoints)
			// Copy point data to point array
			int pos = 3 * d;
			pointArray[pos] 	= buffer[0];
			pointArray[pos + 1] = buffer[1];
			pointArray[pos + 2] = buffer[2];

			if(n > 3)
				colorArray[pos] 	= (unsigned char)reflect;
				colorArray[pos + 1] = (unsigned char)reflect;
				colorArray[pos + 2] = (unsigned char)reflect;
				colorArray[pos] 	= (unsigned char)0;
				colorArray[pos + 1] = (unsigned char)0;
				colorArray[pos + 2] = (unsigned char)0;
	delete[] buffer;

	// Truncate arrays to actual size
	pointArray = (float*)realloc(pointArray, 3 * d * sizeof(float));
	colorArray = (unsigned char*)realloc(colorArray, 3 * d * sizeof(unsigned char));

	cout << timestamp << "Creating point buffer with " << d << "points." << endl;

	// Setup model pointer
	floatArr parr(pointArray);
	ucharArr carr(colorArray);
	pointBuffer->setPointArray(parr, d);
	pointBuffer->setPointColorArray(carr, d);

	model->m_pointCloud = pointBuffer;
	return model;
