예제 #1
// Signed distance between a point and a polygon
double FFPoint::signedDistanceToPolygon(
		size_t& nvert, double* vertx, double* verty, bool expanding){
	/* signed distance between a point and a polygon.  */
	double d = distanceToSegment(vertx[0], verty[0], vertx[nvert-1], verty[nvert-1]);
	double di;
	for ( size_t i = 0; i < nvert-1; i++ ){
		di = distanceToSegment(vertx[i], verty[i], vertx[i+1], verty[i+1]);
		if ( di < d ) d = di;
	if ( pointInPolygon(nvert, vertx, verty) xor expanding ) return -d;
	return d;
예제 #2
파일: draw2D.c 프로젝트: JDongian/EE319k
void drawFilledPolygon(point* verticies, int numberOfVerticies, unsigned char shade) {
	int x, y;
	box myBox;
	if(getSetting() == 0) { return; }
	myBox = getBox(verticies, numberOfVerticies);
	for(y = myBox.topL.y; y <= myBox.botR.y; y++){
		for(x = myBox.topL.x; x <= myBox.botR.x; x++){
			if(pointInPolygon(verticies, numberOfVerticies, makePoint(x, y))) {
				drawPoint(makePoint(x, y), shade);
	drawPolygon(verticies, numberOfVerticies, 0xF);
예제 #3
bool CollisionSystem::collision_circle_polygon(const std::shared_ptr<AbstractComponent> pos1component,
						    const std::shared_ptr<AbstractComponent> col1component,
						    const std::shared_ptr<AbstractComponent> pos2component,
						    const std::shared_ptr<AbstractComponent> col2component) {
	//Position Attributes for the first entity
	//the position
	auto pos1 = std::vector<float>(2);
	pos1[0] = (pos1component->getAttribute_float(ATTRIBUTE_POSITION_X));
	pos1[1] = (pos1component->getAttribute_float(ATTRIBUTE_POSITION_Y));
	//the offset position
	auto offset1 = std::vector<float>(2);
	offset1[0] = (pos1component->getAttribute_float(ATTRIBUTE_OFFSET_X));
	offset1[1] = (pos1component->getAttribute_float(ATTRIBUTE_OFFSET_Y));
	//the offset collision
	offset1[0] += col1component->getAttribute_float(ATTRIBUTE_OFFSET_X);
	offset1[1] += col1component->getAttribute_float(ATTRIBUTE_OFFSET_Y);
	//the rotation (not relevant in the first implementation)
	auto rot1 = pos1component->getAttribute_float(ATTRIBUTE_ROTATION);
	//the origin
	auto origin1 = std::vector<float>(2);
	origin1[0] = (col1component->getAttribute_float(ATTRIBUTE_ORIGIN_X));
	origin1[1] = (col1component->getAttribute_float(ATTRIBUTE_ORIGIN_Y));
	//get the rectangle bounds
	auto radius1 = col1component->getAttribute_float(ATTRIBUTE_RADIUS);

	//Position Attributes for the second entity
	//the position
	auto pos2 = std::vector<float>(2);
	pos2[0] = (pos2component->getAttribute_float(ATTRIBUTE_POSITION_X));
	pos2[1] = (pos2component->getAttribute_float(ATTRIBUTE_POSITION_Y));
	//the offset position
	auto offset2 = std::vector<float>(2);
	offset2[0] = (pos2component->getAttribute_float(ATTRIBUTE_OFFSET_X));
	offset2[1] = (pos2component->getAttribute_float(ATTRIBUTE_OFFSET_Y));
	//the offset collision
	offset2[0] += col2component->getAttribute_float(ATTRIBUTE_OFFSET_X);
	offset2[1] += col2component->getAttribute_float(ATTRIBUTE_OFFSET_Y);
	//the rotation (not relevent in the first implementation)
	auto rot2 = pos2component->getAttribute_float(ATTRIBUTE_ROTATION);
	//the origin
	auto origin2 = std::vector<float>(2);
	origin2[0] = (col2component->getAttribute_float(ATTRIBUTE_ORIGIN_X));
	origin2[1] = (col2component->getAttribute_float(ATTRIBUTE_ORIGIN_Y));

	//grab the polygon points
	auto polygonPointsTemp = col2component->getAttribute_floatArray(ATTRIBUTE_POLYGON_POINTS);

	//represents the center of our circle
	pos1[0] += offset1[0] - origin1[0] + radius1;
	pos1[1] += offset1[1] - origin1[1] + radius1;

	//we need to copy the points and include the changes in the origin and offset
	// of our polygon
	auto correctedPolygon = componentFloatArrayType(*polygonPointsTemp);
	int numPoints = correctedPolygon.size() / 2;
	assert(correctedPolygon.size() % 2 == 0 && "Odd number of values in float array, should be even"); 

	//represents the corrected positioning of our polygon
	pos2[0] += offset2[0] - origin2[0];
	pos2[1] += offset2[1] - origin2[1];

	//perform point corrections based on the offset and the origin
	for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
		correctedPolygon[i*2] += pos2[0];

		correctedPolygon[i*2+1] += pos2[1];

	//form points for our circle to represent the extents of
	// our circle
	auto circlePolygon = componentFloatArrayType(SYNTH_CIRCLE_POINT_NUM*2);
	//our radius step
	float angleStep = 2 * PI / SYNTH_CIRCLE_POINT_NUM;
	for (int i = 0; i < SYNTH_CIRCLE_POINT_NUM; i++) {
		circlePolygon[i*2] = radius1 * cosf(angleStep*i) + pos1[0];
		circlePolygon[i*2+1] = radius1 * sinf(angleStep*i) + pos1[1];

	//we have a rectangular polygon and a polygon
	// the first test performed checks to see whether the vertices of our
	// rectangle lie within the bounds of our polygon
	// the polygon is assumed to be a convex polygon, and no
	// checks at this time will be performed to make this assumption
	// TODO check if the polygon is convex

	//to perform the vertice check, we perform a binary search within the convex shape
	// O(logn) complexity, the implementation is in AE_Utilities
	//NOTE: we perform the check on the 4 points
	int circleNumPoints = SYNTH_CIRCLE_POINT_NUM;
	for (int i = 0; i < circleNumPoints; i++) {
			circlePolygon[i*2], circlePolygon[i*2+1],
			correctedPolygon)) {
			return true;
		} //END if(pointInPolygon(...
	}//END for (int i = 0; i < rectNumPoints; i++) {
	//next, the edge check is performed between the two polygons
	if (checkPolygonLineIntersections(correctedPolygon, circlePolygon)) {
		return true;
	return false;
예제 #4
void PolygonNode::getElementsByPos(const glm::vec2& pos, vector<NodePtr>& pElements)
    if (reactsToMouseEvents() && pointInPolygon(pos, m_Pts)) {
예제 #5
int main(int argc, char * argv [])
	int n_records, i, j;
	char * tc_path = argv[1];
	char * fl_dir  = argv[2];
	char fl_path [256];
	printf("%s\n", tc_path);
	printf("%s\n", fl_dir);
	HSHP_polygon = SHPOpen(tc_path, "rb");
		puts("Couldn't open tc_path");
		return 0;
	SHPGetInfo(HSHP_polygon, &n_records, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	printf("n_records: %d\n", n_records);
	SHPObject* shapes [n_records];
	for(i = 0; i < n_records; i++){
		shapes[i] = SHPReadObject(HSHP_polygon, i);
			puts("Failed reading shape object.");
			return 0;
	struct dirent *entry;
	DIR *dp;
	dp = opendir(fl_dir);
	if (dp == NULL) {
		perror("opendir: Path does not exist or could not be read.");
		return 0;
	while ((entry = readdir(dp)))
		sprintf(fl_path, "%s/%s", fl_dir, entry->d_name);
		char end [8];
		strncpy(end, fl_path + strlen(fl_path) - 3, 3);
		printf("END -- %s\n", end);
		if( strcmp(end, "shp") != 0)
		HSHP_fl = SHPOpen(fl_path, "rb");
			puts("Couldn't open fl_path");
		SHPObject * fline = SHPReadObject(HSHP_fl, 0);
			puts("Error reading flight line.");
			return 0;
		for(i = 0; i < n_records; i++){
			SHPObject * shape = shapes[i];
			for(j = 0; j < shape->nVertices; j++){
				if(pointInPolygon(fline, shape->padfX[j], shape->padfY[j])){
					printf("\t%d\n", i);
	return 0;
예제 #6
    void executeCb(const frontier_exploration::ExploreTaskGoalConstPtr &goal)

        success_ = false;
        moving_ = false;


        //create costmap services
        ros::ServiceClient updateBoundaryPolygon = private_nh_.serviceClient<frontier_exploration::UpdateBoundaryPolygon>("explore_costmap/explore_boundary/update_boundary_polygon");
        ros::ServiceClient getNextFrontier = private_nh_.serviceClient<frontier_exploration::GetNextFrontier>("explore_costmap/explore_boundary/get_next_frontier");

        //wait for move_base and costmap services
        if(!move_client_.waitForServer() || !updateBoundaryPolygon.waitForExistence() || !getNextFrontier.waitForExistence()){

        //set region boundary on costmap
        if(ros::ok() && as_.isActive()){
            frontier_exploration::UpdateBoundaryPolygon srv;
            srv.request.explore_boundary = goal->explore_boundary;
                ROS_INFO("Region boundary set");
                ROS_ERROR("Failed to set region boundary");

        //loop until all frontiers are explored
        ros::Rate rate(frequency_);
        while(ros::ok() && as_.isActive()){

            frontier_exploration::GetNextFrontier srv;

            //placeholder for next goal to be sent to move base
            geometry_msgs::PoseStamped goal_pose;

            //get current robot pose in frame of exploration boundary
            tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> robot_pose;

            //provide current robot pose to the frontier search service request

            //evaluate if robot is within exploration boundary using robot_pose in boundary frame
            geometry_msgs::PoseStamped eval_pose = srv.request.start_pose;
            if(eval_pose.header.frame_id != goal->explore_boundary.header.frame_id){
                tf_listener_.transformPose(goal->explore_boundary.header.frame_id, srv.request.start_pose, eval_pose);

            //check if robot is not within exploration boundary and needs to return to center of search area
            if(goal->explore_boundary.polygon.points.size() > 0 && !pointInPolygon(eval_pose.pose.position,goal->explore_boundary.polygon)){
                //check if robot has explored at least one frontier, and promote debug message to warning
                    ROS_WARN("Robot left exploration boundary, returning to center");
                    ROS_DEBUG("Robot not initially in exploration boundary, traveling to center");
                //get current robot position in frame of exploration center
                geometry_msgs::PointStamped eval_point;
                eval_point.header = eval_pose.header;
                eval_point.point = eval_pose.pose.position;
                if(eval_point.header.frame_id != goal->explore_center.header.frame_id){
                    geometry_msgs::PointStamped temp = eval_point;
                    tf_listener_.transformPoint(goal->explore_center.header.frame_id, temp, eval_point);

                //set goal pose to exploration center
                goal_pose.header = goal->explore_center.header;
                goal_pose.pose.position = goal->explore_center.point;
                goal_pose.pose.orientation = tf::createQuaternionMsgFromYaw( yawOfVector(eval_point.point, goal->explore_center.point) );

            }else if(getNextFrontier.call(srv)){ //if in boundary, try to find next frontier to search

                ROS_DEBUG("Found frontier to explore");
                success_ = true;
                goal_pose = feedback_.next_frontier = srv.response.next_frontier;
                retry_ = 5;

            }else{ //if no frontier found, check if search is successful
                ROS_DEBUG("Couldn't find a frontier");

                //search is succesful
                if(retry_ == 0 && success_){
                    ROS_WARN("Finished exploring room");
                    boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(move_client_lock_);

                }else if(retry_ == 0 || !ros::ok()){ //search is not successful

                    ROS_ERROR("Failed exploration");

                //try to find frontier again, without moving robot
            //if above conditional does not escape this loop step, search has a valid goal_pose

            //check if new goal is close to old goal, hence no need to resend
            if(!moving_ || !pointsNearby(move_client_goal_.target_pose.pose.position,goal_pose.pose.position,goal_aliasing_*0.5)){
                ROS_DEBUG("New exploration goal");
                move_client_goal_.target_pose = goal_pose;
                boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(move_client_lock_);
                    move_client_.sendGoal(move_client_goal_, boost::bind(&FrontierExplorationServer::doneMovingCb, this, _1, _2),0,boost::bind(&FrontierExplorationServer::feedbackMovingCb, this, _1));
                    moving_ = true;

            //check if continuous goal updating is enabled
            if(frequency_ > 0){
                //sleep for specified frequency and then continue searching
                //wait for movement to finish before continuing
                while(ros::ok() && as_.isActive() && moving_){

        //goal should never be active at this point

예제 #7
bool Polygon<T>::pointInPolygon(const Coord<T>& c) const {
	return pointInPolygon(c.lat, c.lon);
예제 #8
bool Polygon<T>::operator&(const Coord<T>& c) {
	return pointInPolygon(c);
예제 #9
 * - classifyies points in/outside crown
 * - filters based on z values
 * - writes points to file
int extractPoints(int shapeIndex, FILE * fpOut)
	printf("\tCrown Index  : %d\n", (shapeIndex));
	printf("\tN_POINTS     : %d \n", N_POINTS);
	int point, pointsInCrown, nAbove2m;
	float * zValues, zThreshold;
	double xValue, yValue, zValue;
	SHPObject * pShpObj;
	pointsInCrown = 0;
	pShpObj = SHPReadObject(H_SHP, shapeIndex);
	 * For each point determine if it lies within the current tree crown.
	for(point = 0; point < N_POINTS; point++)
		xValue = CHM[0][point];
		yValue = CHM[1][point];
		zValue = CHM[2][point];
		if(pointInPolygon(pShpObj, xValue, yValue))
			if(pointsInCrown == ARRAY_SIZE)
				if((Z_VALUES = resize(Z_VALUES, &ARRAY_SIZE)) == NULL)
					return 0;
			Z_VALUES[pointsInCrown++] = zValue;
	printf("\tPoints in Crown: %d\n", pointsInCrown);
	if(pointsInCrown == 0){
		return 0;
	qsort(Z_VALUES, pointsInCrown, sizeof(float), floatCompare);
	//zValues -> all points > 2 meters
	zValues = pointsAbove2m(&nAbove2m, pointsInCrown);
	zThreshold = 
		computeTreeCrownHeight(zValues, nAbove2m, 0.5);
	if(zThreshold < 0)
		return 0;
	printf("\tHeight threshold: %f\n", zThreshold);
	if(!writeToFile(fpOut, POINT_CLASSIFICATION, CHM, &N_POINTS, zThreshold))
			return 0;

	return pointsInCrown;