예제 #1
void ResizeImagePeriodicMirror(const cv::Mat& src_img,
    const int h_off, const int w_off, cv::Mat* dst_img) {
  const int h_src = src_img.rows;
  const int w_src = src_img.cols;
  const int h_dst = dst_img->rows;
  const int w_dst = dst_img->cols;
  const int num_channels = src_img.channels();
  CHECK_EQ(num_channels, dst_img->channels()) <<
    "number of channels of source and destimation images have to be equal";
  CHECK_NE(dst_img, &src_img) << "doesn't support in place calculation";
  for (int h = 0; h < h_dst; ++h) {
    uchar* ptr_dst = dst_img->ptr<uchar>(h);
    const uchar* ptr_src = src_img.ptr<uchar>(
        (floor_div(h-h_off, h_src))%2 == 0 ? positive_mod(h-h_off, h_src) :
        h_src-1-positive_mod(h-h_off, h_src));
    int index_dst = 0;
    for (int w = 0; w < w_dst; ++w) {
      int index_src = positive_mod(w-w_off, w_src);
      index_src = (floor_div(w-w_off, w_src))%2 == 0 ?
          index_src : w_src-1-index_src;
      index_src *= num_channels;
      for (int c = 0; c < num_channels; ++c) {
        ptr_dst[index_dst++] = ptr_src[index_src++];
예제 #2
 // method 5: very similar to method 4
 // Swap nums[n - 2*k,...,n - k - 1] with nums[n - k,...,n - 1].
 void rotate(vector<int> &nums, int k){
     int n = nums.size();
     for(; k = k % n; n -= k){
     	// nums[n - 2*k,...,n - k - 1] are in their correct positions now.
         // Need to rotate the elements of nums[0,...,n - k - 1] to the right 
         // by k % n steps
         for(int i = 0; i < k; ++i){
             int left = positive_mod(n - 2*k + i, n);
             int right = positive_mod(n - k + i, n);
             swap(nums[left], nums[right]);
예제 #3
// day_of_week -
//	Returns the day of week.
//	Taken from PHP source code.
static int  day_of_week ( int  year, int  month, int  day, int  iso )
	int	c1, y1, m1, dow ;

	c1	=  century_value ( year / 100 ) ;
	y1	=  positive_mod ( year, 100 ) ;
	m1	=  IS_LEAP ( year ) ?  leap_year_table [ month ] : nonleap_year_table [ month ] ;

	dow	=  positive_mod ( ( c1 + y1 + m1 + ( y1 / 4 ) + day ), 7) ;

	if  ( iso )
		if  ( ! dow )
			dow	=  7 ;

	return ( dow ) ;
예제 #4
void ResizeImagePeriodic(const cv::Mat& src_img,
    const int h_off, const int w_off, cv::Mat* dst_img) {
  const int h_src = src_img.rows;
  const int w_src = src_img.cols;
  const int h_dst = dst_img->rows;
  const int w_dst = dst_img->cols;
  const int num_channels = src_img.channels();
  CHECK_EQ(num_channels, dst_img->channels()) <<
    "number of channels of source and destimation images have to be equal";
  CHECK_NE(dst_img, &src_img) << "doesn't support in place calculation";
  const int cvwidth_src = w_src * num_channels;
  for (int h = 0; h < h_dst; ++h) {
    uchar* ptr_dst = dst_img->ptr<uchar>(h);
    const uchar* ptr_src = src_img.ptr<uchar>(positive_mod(h-h_off, h_src));
    int index_dst = 0;
    int index_src = positive_mod(-num_channels*w_off, cvwidth_src);
    for (int w = 0; w < w_dst; ++w) {
      for (int c = 0; c < num_channels; ++c) {
        ptr_dst[index_dst++] = ptr_src[positive_mod(index_src++, cvwidth_src)];
예제 #5
static int  century_value ( century )
	return ( 6 - ( positive_mod ( century, 4 ) * 2 ) ) ;
예제 #6
void* SSRVideoStreamWriter::NewFrame(unsigned int* flags) {

    // increment the frame counter
    GLInjectHeader *header = GetGLInjectHeader();

    // get capture parameters
    *flags = header->capture_flags;
        return NULL;

    // check the timestamp and maybe limit the fps
    unsigned int target_fps = header->capture_target_fps;
    int64_t timestamp = hrt_time_micro();
    if(target_fps > 0) {
        int64_t interval = 1000000 / target_fps;
        if(*flags & GLINJECT_FLAG_LIMIT_FPS) {
            if(timestamp < m_next_frame_time) {
                usleep(m_next_frame_time - timestamp);
                timestamp = hrt_time_micro();
        } else {
            if(timestamp < m_next_frame_time - interval)
                return NULL;
        m_next_frame_time = std::max(m_next_frame_time + interval, timestamp);

    // make sure that at least one frame is available
    unsigned int read_pos = header->ring_buffer_read_pos;
    unsigned int write_pos = header->ring_buffer_write_pos;
    unsigned int frames_used = positive_mod((int) write_pos - (int) read_pos, GLINJECT_RING_BUFFER_SIZE * 2);
    if(frames_used >= GLINJECT_RING_BUFFER_SIZE)
        return NULL;

    // write frame info
    GLInjectFrameInfo *frameinfo = GetGLInjectFrameInfo(write_pos % GLINJECT_RING_BUFFER_SIZE);
    frameinfo->timestamp = timestamp;
    frameinfo->width = m_width;
    frameinfo->height = m_height;
    frameinfo->stride = m_stride;

    // prepare the frame file
    FrameData &fd = m_frame_data[write_pos % GLINJECT_RING_BUFFER_SIZE];
    size_t required_size = (size_t) abs(m_stride) * (size_t) m_height;
    if(required_size > fd.m_mmap_size_frame) {

        // calculate new size
        required_size = (required_size + required_size / 4 + m_page_size - 1) / m_page_size * m_page_size;

        // unmap frame file
        if(fd.m_mmap_ptr_frame != MAP_FAILED) {
            munmap(fd.m_mmap_ptr_frame, fd.m_mmap_size_frame);
            fd.m_mmap_ptr_frame = MAP_FAILED;
            fd.m_mmap_size_frame = 0;

        // resize frame file
        if(ftruncate(fd.m_fd_frame, required_size) == -1) {
            GLINJECT_PRINT("Error: Can't resize video frame file!");
            throw SSRStreamException();

        // map frame file
        fd.m_mmap_ptr_frame = mmap(NULL, required_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd.m_fd_frame, 0);
        if(fd.m_mmap_ptr_frame == MAP_FAILED) {
            GLINJECT_PRINT("Error: Can't memory-map video frame file!");
            throw SSRStreamException();
        fd.m_mmap_size_frame = required_size;


    return fd.m_mmap_ptr_frame;